[AG-TECH] Automated room booking.

Tom Coffin tcoffin at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Mon Feb 11 07:58:21 CST 2002

you may want to also coordinate your 
efforts with George Estes at NCSA.
They have a really nice scheduler started.

At 06:44 AM 2/11/2002 -0600, Lisa Childers wrote:
   >Its great that you're jumping in and having a go at this problem!
   >I'm very interested in seeing your work.  Please let us know when you have
   >something up and running.
   >On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, S.Booth wrote:
   >> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, S.Booth wrote:
   >> > 
   >> > The AG framework is potentially very useful for short ad-hoc
meetings but
   >> > the current booking mechanism is not really set up for this. 
   >> > It would help if any bookings for a venue showed up on the virtual
   >> > page, and even better add booking information to the doors in the
   >> > so people can see if a room is free before entering. This will help
   >> > the newbie problem (speaking as a newbie myself)
   >> > 
   >> I'm going to have a go at adding automated room booking to the virual
   >> venues server. All the hard stuff (authentication, DB access etc) is
   >> already in the server so it should not be too hard.
   >> I'm planning something very simple, a booking page that lets you
   >> view existing booking or select a room, start time and duration. And add
   >> a listing of todays bookings to the to room descriptions and the room
   >> entry. 
   >> If anyone else is working on something similar let me know.
   >> 				Stephen
   >> ======================================================================
   >> |epcc| Dr Stephen P Booth             Project Manager           |epcc|
   >> |epcc| s.booth at epcc.ed.ac.uk          Phone 0131 650 5746       |epcc|
   >> ======================================================================

Tom Coffin .......................... tcoffin at ncsa.uiuc.edu

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