[AG-TECH] Secure server down?

Karen D. Camarda kcamarda at tal.engr.ku.edu
Thu Sep 27 15:50:39 CDT 2001

We would like to see if we can log into a secure room im preparation for a
meeting tomorrow, but it seems that the server for the secure rooms is
down. Is that by design? Or should it be up?


Karen Camarda

Karen Camarda                       Phone: (785)864-2937
Post Doctoral Research Associate    FAX:   (785)864-4967
Chemical and Petroleum Eng. Dept.   Email: kcamarda at ku.edu
The University of Kansas            Web:   http://tal.engr.ukans.edu/~kcamarda/
1530 W. 15th St., Room 4006
Lawrence, KS 66045-7609

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