FW: Audio Backup Strategy for Globus Workshop

Lisa Childers childers at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Apr 28 08:06:34 CDT 2000


Here are the gentner presets that we set up for the globus workshop.  It has
worked so well for us that it is clear that this should become part of the
standard node configuration.  Please install these presets in your gentner
software asap.  Cruises in your immediate future will include fire drills
that require everyone to switch from preset to preset.

I will add a gentner preset page to the AG tech www site as soon as I am


-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Childers [mailto:childers at mcs.anl.gov]
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 11:52 AM
To: globus-ag-planners
Cc: Terry Disz; lavoie at mcs.anl.gov; stevens at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Audio Backup Strategy for Globus Workshop


This is a summary of the audio backup strategy for the globus workshop.

	* all nodes will dial their gentners into the public-channel telecon during
system tests and remain connected for the duration of the workshop,
	* all nodes will start system tests as net-only (preset 3) except one node
which will serve as the net<->telco bridge (preset 1),
	* the dsl node is designated as the initial net<->telco bridge node for the
globus workshop,
	* if a net-only node experiences bad net audio during the event, the node
can easily move to telco-only (preset 2) independently of other nodes,
	* if the net<->telco bridge node experiences bad net audio, the bridge node
will move to telco-only, and another node with good net must become the
bridge node

Here are screen shots of the gentner matrix presets:

http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~childers/preset1.jpg is the net<->telco bridge
preset.  It directs telco out and room mics to pc audio in, telco out and pc
audio out to the room speakers, and room mics and pc audio out to the telco

http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~childers/preset2.jpg shows the telco-only
preset.  It directs telco output to room speakers, and room mics to telco
input.  Everyone should be able to switch to this preset quickly and without
pain :-).

http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~childers/preset3.jpg shows the net-only preset.
It directs room mics to pc audio in, and pc audio out to room speakers.
Everyone (except the dsl node) will begin system tests on this preset.

Miscellaneous comments:

Changing to a new gentner preset is as simple as hitting the preset tab in
the gentner control software.

You want your mics to be Gated rather than Non-Gated in the matrix presets.
When microphones are gated, they won't transmit until the gentner detects
non-ambient noise from the mic.  Non-Gated means the mics are always open.

Use the net!  When a node has been forced in telco-only mode, it should
return to net-only after the net problems have cleared up.

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