[AG-DEV] Problems with Initialize function (SharedApp)

Christoph Willing c.willing at uq.edu.au
Thu Feb 25 17:06:45 CST 2010

On 26/02/2010, at 8:09 AM, Jesus Cea Oliva wrote:

> Hi again list.
> I'm introducing on Shared Applications development. I've configured  
> the enviroment for develop AG's applications, following this link:
> http://www.accessgrid.org/developer
> So, I can run Access Grid apps (python bin/VenueClient.py, etc) and  
> I can create my own "little" Acces Grid apps (GetClients.py,  
> GetStreams..).
> But, I'm having problems with Shared Application Tutorial calling,  
> on my Python's module, the function app.Initialize(). The module  
> stop in this line, and don't interpret next instructions. (The code  
> of my module is the BasicApp.py of SharedApp tutorial).
> Nevertheless, comment this instruction, the module works perfectly.  
> So, What's the problem? and, what's the Initialize function? Why  
> works the module commenting this line?

There may still be a problem with the development environment you've  
made for yourself. On a machine with _no_ special development  
environment set up (as described on the developer page) - it just has  
the regular AG 3.2beta software installed - I can run the BasicApp in  
part 1 of the DeveloperTutorials. The only change I had to make was to  
add the 2 lines:

import agversion

before the first AccessGrid import i.e. before the line "from  
AccessGrid.Venue import VenueIW"

Maybe you could try the same method and see if it works for you.

When you run it, you have to give it the URL of some venue - you can  
cut and paste a venue url from a VenueClient with which you've entered  
some venue. When you run the basic app with that same venue url as an  
argument, then you can see your BasicApp creating and joining and  
later leaving a shared application in that venue (in the "Applications  
Sessions" section of the VenueClient). The command to run would be  
something like:
	python BasicApp.py https://.......:8000/Venues/erkl3tf8dghwhekrlkdkjfosiduf
(depending on the venue you're entered with your VenueClient


Christoph Willing                       +61 7 3365 8316
QCIF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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