[AG-DEV] PHP soap client connection to a VenueServer

Michael Miller mimiller at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Tue Jun 10 09:36:11 CDT 2008

I figured it out.  I was using the example on this page:

Calling AG services using PHP5 SOAP

Perhaps hacking the Venue Server is distasteful to you. In that case, consider the possibility of an adapter that talks to the VenueServer on one side and presents suitable HTML representations on the other side. A simple example doing this with PHP follows.

$venueclient = new soapclient('https://vv3.mcs.anl.gov:8000/Venues/default');
print $venueclient->GetState(); 

the soapclient call parameter needs the '?WSDL' appended to the end:

Calling AG services using PHP5 SOAP

Perhaps hacking the Venue Server is distasteful to you. In that case, consider the possibility of an adapter that talks to the VenueServer on one side and presents suitable HTML representations on the other side. A simple example doing this with PHP follows.

$venueclient = new soapclient('https://vv3.mcs.anl.gov:8000/Venues/default?WSDL');
print $venueclient->GetState(); 

I found the solution by trying the VenueBrowser.php file and finding the following near the end of the file:

try {
    $venueclient = new soapclient($venue_uri . "?WSDL",array("exceptions" => 0));

Hope this helps


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