[AG-DEV] Package for install a Shared Application

Eddy Diaz edd-diaz at uniandes.edu.co
Tue Jun 19 11:22:22 CDT 2007

Hi everybody


I’m trying to install a shared application but I need to copy a directory in
the installation location.


My file .app



name = Shared VTK

mimetype = application/x-ag-shared-vtk

extension = sharedvtk

files = SharedVTK.py importerVTK.py wxDialogVTK.py wxVTKAGTKRenderWindow.py



Open = %(python)s SharedVTK.py  -a %(appUrl)s -v %(venueUrl)s -i



My file sharedVTK.agpk3 contains this files. 








data is a directory with several another files.



When I try to install the package this error appears


C:\tmp>agpm3.py --package=SharedVTK-v1.0.agpkg3

Error in package file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:



Are there any way to copy the directory data?




Eddy Johel Diaz Murcia edd-diaz at uniandes.edu.co 

Estudiante de Maestría en Ingeniería de Sistemas y computación

Asistente graduado del Grupo IMAGINE Universidad de los Andes 

Carrera 1 N° 18A-10 Bloque W, Bogotá, Colombia

Laboratorio de Informática Gráfica Teléfono: +57(1) 339 4949 Extensión 3462 


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