[AG-DEV] Per Venue Bridge Port Range

Todd Zimmerman toddz at sfu.ca
Fri Oct 13 14:28:36 CDT 2006

On my AG2.4 bridge I've set up a config file with a series of venue specifications - each with a
specific range of ports (to basically statically assign ports for the unicast streams) like this:

# name : CVSC Room
type = Venue
portMin = 50512
portMax = 50515

# name : Meeting Room 2
type = Venue
portMin = 50556
portMax = 50559

# name : ACE Room
type = Venue
portMin = 50532
portMax = 50535


And I noticed that the bridge fails to launch more than two QuickBridge processes with this setup.

After investigating, I noticed that it fails due to the:

if len(self.allocatedPorts) >= numPorts:
                raise NoFreePortsError

check in the AllocatePortInRange function in the NetworkAddressAllocator.py file. Since it has
already allocated more ports than the small range specified for the next venue, it gives up thinking
all ports are used.

Can't think of a good way to get around this (without sending more info to the addressallocator so
that the allocator could accurately track ports assigned, etc.  I've currently just disabled this
check to allow it to properly continue (since I know the ports _should_ be available anyway ).

Is there a better way to statically assign ports?  This is very much a desired option for firewall
admins and was wondering if this had been pondered yet.  I assume this same problem will apply for
AG3 also (although I haven't even begun to figure out how to statically assign unicast ports on AG3

Any advice/thoughts?


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