Automatic Registration

Ti Leggett leggett at
Thu Jun 10 10:09:32 CDT 2004

Spurred by the mention that it's hard to find users and it'd be cool to
have an AG phone book, and also spurred by Ivan's slide about
registering, we should start thinking about an automatic node/user
registration process. I had started on something previous to 2.x but
that's been outdated with the 2.x way of thinking. I'm starting this
thread to gather requirements about what and who to register and how to
make this information available to users. It's probably good to not
discuss technologies just yet, but more high level ideas. I'm just going
to start listing things now.

-Register user's information (Name, Public Cert, Institution, etc)
-Register user's support information (Names, IPs, Phone Numbers, etc)
-Register user's institution information (Name, Location, Purpose, etc)
-Register number of institution's nodes and information that would help
new users find already existing nodes (Locations, Contacts)
-Allow users to search for other users and show whether they're online,
what venue
-Allow users to mark themselves or pieces of their information as
private so that people can't search for them or see their email, etc
-Register Venue Servers and Venues with their purpose
-Have a Venue Client interface and a web interface (the web interface
would be slimmed down so eliminate data mining, but would be a perfect
web service example)
-Tie in scheduling of venues for specific meetings
-Tie in venue security to allow locking down rooms/services/data easier
-Register services provided by institutions (unicast bridges, advanced
displays, transcoders, etc)

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