Pyglobus change/bug fix

Ivan R. Judson judson at
Fri Apr 23 16:11:21 CDT 2004


In,, size=0, waitForBytes=1):

waitForBytes is not a flag, but a quantity (according to globus_io_read.c),
which makes it possible to have the GSIFile have the same semantics as any
standard file by simply adding:

if waitForBytes == 1:
    waitForBytes = size

As the first thing that is done in the method, it turns into:

    def read(self, size=0,waitForBytes=1):
        Read size bytes, returning a string.
        if waitForBytes == 1:
            waitForBytes = size
        if self.readok == 0:
            raise IOError, "File not open for reading"
        if size == 0:
            size = self.rbuf.get_size()
        if waitForBytes > size:
	    raise RuntimeError, "waitForBytes is larger than buffer_size" 
        elif self.rbuf.get_size() < size:
            self.rbuf = Buffer(size)
        nbytes =, size, waitForBytes)
        if nbytes < 1:
            return ""
        return self.rbuf.as_string(nbytes)

This makes life a lot easier, and correctly represents what the underlying
globus call means.

Can this be added to cvs?


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