Stuff We'd like to see in AG2 Final

Ivan R. Judson judson at
Mon Mar 17 13:17:46 CST 2003

Here's a list of stuff that I'd like to see in AG2 final; please add to it
or propose the removal of items if you want. Before we remove let's discuss
about why things should be removed (likewise, let's discuss the addition of
items so we don't get busy adding the kitchen sink :-)

I'm not listing bug fixes, because I'm assuming we try to cut a final
release with all the known bugs fixed or in the fixing queue.  We also will
need to make a statement about feature requests. This list is getting big,
but I'm expecting we can do all of it. We just have to be careful in our
time mgmt.

Here's the start of the list:

- Latest Globus (2.2 or 2.2 w/GSI 2.0?)
- Latest pyGlobus
- WSDL/Schemas working

- Refactor textclient into client and ui, they're currently mixed together
- Application Integration
- Client Dock Working
- Follow/Lead Working

- Make tests, perhaps even using unittest tools

- Reorg the repository a bit to tidy up packaging
- Make packaging something anyone can do
- Get WinGlobus packaging integrated

- Documentation
  - User Documentation
  - Developer Documentation
  - Design Documents Final

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