Node Setup Wizard

Susanne Lefvert lefvert at
Wed Jul 23 14:38:29 CDT 2003

I have started working on the node setup wizard and would like to 
give you an update so I can get comments and ideas if I missed something.

Before starting the wizard:
Start service managers on all node machines.
Run on video machine to find installed capture cards.

The wizard:

--- Video Capture

* Let user specify video capture machine name and which port is used by 
the service manager on that machine. (Verify that the service manager is 
running on that machine)

* Show what capture cards are installed on the video capture machine and 
let the user select which port each card should use.

--- Video Display

* Let user specify video diplay machine name and which port is used by the 
service manager on that machine. (Verify that the service manager is 
running on that machine)

--- Audio

* Let user specify audio machine name and which port is used by the 
service manager on that machine. (Verify that the service manager is 

* Save this configuration with an option to use it as default. If it is 
default, the venue client will use this configuration when it is run in 
personal node mode.


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