Library audio

Robert Olson olson at
Wed Dec 17 16:09:59 CST 2003

did some tweaking in there today. Notes:

The wiring is as the labels in the config file library-spatialized.apd are 
set up. I saved my tuning in library-spatialized-tuned-1217.

Someone should go over the phoenix connectors and doublecheck all the wires 
are secure in them. I had a problem where mic 1 was sending noise; touching 
the phoenix connector in back brought it back on, so I think there's some 
looseness going on.

I changed the label on mic 3 (on the coffee table) to mic 4, as that's 
where it's actually attached.

I changed the global gating parameters to disable first mic priority and PA 
adaptive. Doing this appears to have cleared the fading audio problem.


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