Backup Server instructions

Ivan R. Judson judson at
Tue Aug 19 16:08:51 CDT 2003

Hi Mike,

As promised here's what you need to do to use the backup server stuff we've
put into 2.1.

Here are the steps required:

1. Build the first venue server the way you want
	- make all the venues and the connections on that server that are to
be replicated.
2. Shut down that server
3. Copy the .dat file for that venue server to the backup machines.
4. Decide on your backup strategy, ie, what host falls back to what host
	- e.g. host 1 -> host 2 -> host 3
5. Edit the configuration file (VenueServer.cfg) for each venue server and
put the option in to specify the backup server
	- on host 1, add backupServer = host2:port
 	- on host 2, add backupServer = host3:port

That should do it. If you have questions feel free to ask them.


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