cert mgt

Robert Olson olson at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 1 16:41:36 CST 2003

So this stuff is ready to check in. It has the following functionality:

	Detection of presence of proxy at startup	

	Creation of proxy if needed (*)

	Creation of a user identity cert direcotry, initialized with
	globus identity cert

	Browsing of certificates from menu items in venue client.

This code also requires the python OpenSSL binding to be installed, which 
is why I'm not committing it yet; I don't want to break everyone's code 
until it's available.

The sources are in AG CVS, module pyOpenSSL. On windows, it requires an 
OpenSSL build; I built against 0.9.6i (it won't compile against 0.9.7).

I built both OpenSSL and pyOpenSSL using VS6 as there are bizarre missing 
symbol problems wit VS.net. I built static libs so we don't have to worry 
about DLLs for now.

A binary release of the windows-compiled pyOpenSSL is in 

(*) using grid-proxy-init -pwstdin, which is insecure, and requires a 
grid-proxy-init to be compiled on windows.  I have a project for the latter 
in ~olson/AG/CertMgr/grid_proxy_init.exe that will drop into the 
zipfile-based winglbous build; I don't recall the status of the winglobus 
source build in ag cvs. That tarfile also has the executable in 
grid_proxy_init/Debug/grid_proxy_init.exe that would need to go in 

I plan to replace this mechanism with an invocation of grid-proxy-init that 
brings up its own passphrase dialog, which will greatly reduce the 
potentical security hole.

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