REMINDER: AG Retreat 2005 - Call for Participation

Susanne Lefvert lefvert at
Wed Mar 16 08:42:38 CST 2005

Call for participation in the 5th Annual Access Grid Retreat
April 26-29, 2005


The 5th Annual Access Grid (AG) Retreat will be held April 26-29 at the
Westin San Francisco Airport in Millbrae, California, USA. This year's
meeting will be co-hosted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

The AG Retreat program provides an interactive forum for the Access Grid
community including developers, node operators and users.  The following
topics represent priority issues for the 5th Annual AG Retreat program:
        * Education/Training/Outreach to engage communities.
        * Technology presentations.
        * Security issues.
        * Examples of shared applications and services.
        * Communities/Regional Activity Reports (EuroAG, AGAP, AccessGrid
        * Existing community presentations on:
            - Technical requirements/improvements
            - How AG is used
            - Requirements from diverse communities
            - Increasing functionality and end-of-use
            - Node upgrades (transitioning)

The Access Grid Retreat is an ideal environment for the AG community to
share recent experiences and research findings, to present ideas for
future AG technical directions, and to train and educate AG newcomers
(both developers and users).  Two tracks of sessions allow participants to
focus on either AG technical issues or activities related to AG

In addition to presentation and panel discussions, Access Grid Retreat
attendees are invited to participate in the AG Application Contest. This
is a great opportunity to present your project and share your experiences
developing an application for the Access Grid.  The contest will be held
during the opening day of the AG Retreat when each contender is given a
time slot to demonstrate their innovation.  The grand prize, Microsoft
Xbox systems generously donated by Microsoft Research, will be awarded
based on technical merit and significance to the Access Grid community.
Please do not miss this fun chance to actively participate in the Fifth
Annual Access Grid Retreat!


Speakers are requested to submit extended abstracts of no more than 1000
words, not including figures or references.  Speakers should define their
interest in submitting a proposed panel discussion (including title and
proposed speakers), or an individual presentation (including title).
Abstracts should be written so as to be self-contained and to provide the
technical substance required for the program committee to evaluate the
presenter's contribution, and to provide sufficient detail for the program.

AG Application Contest proposals should contain a 1-3 page description
(including title) about the application and the contenders full contact
information including name, postal address, telephone, and email.
Submitters should be prepared to give a 20 minute presentation in
combination with a demonstration of the application.  A 2.3 server and two
one-machine nodes will be made available for demonstration purposes.
Additional equipment and software should be provided by the contender.
Please note that outside net connectivity will be limited.

Abstracts must be submitted by Friday, March 18, 2005.  Please submit to
ag2005 at

All speakers will be selected by Monday, March 28, 2005.  Confirmations
will be sent via email.

For more information, please contact the AG Retreat Organizing Committee
at <ag2005 at>.

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