[petsc-users] PETSc 3.12 with .f90 files

Balay, Satish balay at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Oct 29 10:53:40 CDT 2019

On Tue, 29 Oct 2019, Randall Mackie via petsc-users wrote:

> Dear PETSc users:
> In our code, we have one or two small .f90 files that are part of the software, and they have always compiled without any issues with previous versions of PETSc, using standard PETSc make files.
> However, starting with PETSc 3.12, they no longer compile.
> Was there some reasons for this change and any suggestion as to how to deal with this?
> Thanks, Randy

Hm - Looks like we did have something earlier - and there was some makefile reorg..

      self.addMakeRule('.f.o .f90.o .f95.o','',['${PETSC_MAKE_STOP_ON_ERROR}${FC} -c ${FC_FLAGS} ${FFLAGS} -o $@ $<'])

However - this should not be needed - as the default make targets should compile .f sources.

[We don't support using petsc from .f sources anyway - so the
non-petsc .f sources should compile without petsc targets]



balay at sb /home/balay/tmp
$ ls
bug.f  makefile
balay at sb /home/balay/tmp
$ cat makefile 
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules
#include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/test

bug: bug.o
balay at sb /home/balay/tmp
$ make bug.o
mpif90   -c -o bug.o bug.f
balay at sb /home/balay/tmp

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