[petsc-users] how to stop SNES linesearch (l^2 minimization) from choosing obviously suboptimal lambda?

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 13:57:02 CST 2017

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Andrew McRae <A.T.T.McRae at bath.ac.uk>

> I have a nonlinear problem in which the line search procedure is making
> 'obviously wrong' choices for lambda.  My nonlinear solver options (going
> via petsc4py) include {"snes_linesearch_type": "l2",
> "snes_linesearch_max_it": 3}.
> After monotonically decreasing the residual by about 4 orders of
> magnitude, I get the following...
>  15 SNES Function norm 9.211230243067e-06
>       Line search: lambdas = [1., 0.5, 0.], fnorms = [3.13039e-05,
> 3.14838e-05, 9.21123e-06]
>       Line search: lambdas = [1.25615, 1.12808, 1.], fnorms =
> [3.14183e-05, 3.13437e-05, 3.13039e-05]
>       Line search: lambdas = [0.91881, 1.08748, 1.25615], fnorms =
> [3.12969e-05, 3.13273e-05, 3.14183e-05]
>       Line search terminated: lambda = 0.918811, fnorms = 3.12969e-05
>  16 SNES Function norm 3.129688997145e-05
>       Line search: lambdas = [1., 0.5, 0.], fnorms = [3.09357e-05,
> 1.58135e-05, 3.12969e-05]
>       Line search: lambdas = [0.503912, 0.751956, 1.], fnorms =
> [1.59287e-05, 2.33645e-05, 3.09357e-05]
>       Line search: lambdas = [0.0186202, 0.261266, 0.503912], fnorms =
> [3.07204e-05, 9.11e-06, 1.59287e-05]
>       Line search terminated: lambda = 0.342426, fnorms = 1.12885e-05
>  17 SNES Function norm 1.128846081676e-05
>       Line search: lambdas = [1., 0.5, 0.], fnorms = [3.09448e-05,
> 5.94789e-06, 1.12885e-05]
>       Line search: lambdas = [0.295379, 0.64769, 1.], fnorms =
> [8.09996e-06, 4.46782e-06, 3.09448e-05]
>       Line search: lambdas = [0.48789, 0.391635, 0.295379], fnorms =
> [6.07286e-06, 7.07842e-06, 8.09996e-06]
>       Line search terminated: lambda = 0.997854, fnorms = 3.09222e-05
>  18 SNES Function norm 3.092215965860e-05
> So, in iteration 16, the lambda chosen is 0.91..., even though we see that
> lambda close to 0 would give a smaller residual.  In iteration 18, we see
> that some lambda around 0.65 gives a far smaller residual (approx 4e-6)
> than the 0.997... value that gets used (which gives approx 3e-5).  The
> nonlinear iterations then get caught in some kind of cycle until my
> snes_max_it is reached [full log attached].
> I guess this is an artifact of (if I understand correctly) trying to
> minimize some polynomial fitted to the evaluated values of lambda?  But
> it's frustrating that it leads to 'obviously wrong' results!

There might be better line searches for this problem. For example, 'bt'
should be more robust then 'l2', and 'cp'
tries really hard to find a minimum. The 'nleqerr' is Deufelhard's search
that should also be more robust. I would
try them out to see if its better.


> For background information, this comes from an FE discretisation of a
> Monge-Ampère equation (and also from several timesteps into a time-varying
> problem).  For various reasons (related to Monge-Ampère convexity
> requirements), I use a partial Jacobian that omits a term from the
> linearisation of the residual, and so the nonlinear convergence is not
> expected to be quadratic.
> Andrew

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