[petsc-users] Is PetscViewerBinary special?

Dave May dave.mayhem23 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 07:51:09 CST 2015

Thanks Matt.

Given the PETSc way of doing things, I believe the following should be
[1] attach an option prefix to a viewer
[2] skip the header on some binary viewers
[3] use mpiio for some binary viewers, but not all of them.

However, it doesn't appear to be completely simple to allow this behaviour.

For instance, replacing
    ierr =
    ierr =
won't work as an option prefix will never have been set.

If I was to add a PetscViewerSetFromOptions_Binary(), I would have to
ensure that PetscViewerSetFromOptions() was called before
PetscViewerFileSetName() was called as the latter this triggers a swap of
the functions used to open binary file, e.g. from
PetscViewerFileSetName_Binary() to PetscViewerFileSetName_MPIIO()

Would it be simpler and cleaner to have MPIIO be defined as an independent
implementation which was a sub-class of the binary class?

Then we could use command line flags to switch between implementations at
  -xxx_viewer_type binary
  -xxx_viewer_type mpiio
rather than having to use
  -xxx_viewer_type binary -viewer_binary_mpiio
which has obvious short comings like forcing all binary viewers,
independent of the prefix to use mpiio. It would also allow the PetscViewer
object to be used in a manner which follows the standard PETSc pattern of:
XXCreate(), XXSetOptionsPrefix(), XXSetType(), XXSetFromOptions().

Then we could do this
and it wouldn't matter which order SetName(), BinarySkipHeader() etc were

What do people think?


On 30 January 2015 at 13:56, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 2:06 AM, Dave May <dave.mayhem23 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've noticed the create function PetscViewerCreate_Binary() doesn't
>> appear to be using the options prefix attached to the PetscViewer.
>> Specifically, I see on line 1276 of
>>   petsc-3.5.2/src/sys/classes/viewer/impls/binary/binv.c
>> the following
>>   ierr =
>> PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL,"-viewer_binary_mpiio",&useMPIIO,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>> Is this an oversight or something intentional?
> This is an oversight.
>   Matt
>> Are PetscViewers in general behaving such that they cannot be configured
>> independently of each other if
>> PetscViewerSetOptionsPrefix() and PetscViewerSetFromOptions() are called?
>> Cheers
>>   Dave
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
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