[petsc-users] matzeroentries usage

Hong Zhang hzhang at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Oct 30 17:50:59 CDT 2012

After reset matrix A, you must call
KSPSetOperators(ksp,...) again.

See petsc-dev/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex5.c on how to solve
modified matrices.


> I need to solve Ax=b in a iteratively, and the A is b is ajusted in each
> iteration. I am using matzeroentries to zeroout the values in A (A is in
> MPIBAIJ format). Somehow, I found this cause me some unexpected wrong
> solutions. I do not want to retain the non-zero structures in A when I try
> to zero it. Does anyone have a idea to do that. Or I need to destroy the A
> matrix each time I give new values to it (the non-zero structure is
> changing).
> Thanks,
> Nan
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