[petsc-users] Coupling HYPRE with PETSc for local grid refinement

Boyce Griffith griffith at cims.nyu.edu
Mon Oct 8 15:16:20 CDT 2012

On 10/8/12 3:04 PM, Mark F. Adams wrote:
> I did not follow this whole thread but, and this was probably already
> stated, PETSc does not have an interface to HYPRE's block structured
> solvers (I don't think).  Also, HYPRE does not really do AMR; they do
> multi-block solvers, which amounts to much larger blocks.  Its not clear
> to me how appropriate their current solvers are for AMR.  Do you know?

hypre provides a FAC preconditioner (or at least used to provide one --- 
I haven't checked recently) through the SStruct interface.  I could 
never quite figure out how the FAC preconditioner interface worked, 
though, and was never to get anything running with it.  YMMV.

-- Boyce

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