[petsc-users] Error on process numbers greater than 2

Arun Kamath arun.kamath.m at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 05:25:20 CDT 2012

I am a new user and was running the example problems.

The given example in the package, ex2
(src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex2.c), works fine with two processors
(mpiexec -n 2 ex2) but fails to work with any number greater than 2. For
mpiexec -np 3 ex2, returns :

[1]PETSC ERROR: PetscTrFreeDefault() called from
PetscGatherMessageLengths() line 140 in src/sys/utils/mpimesg.c
[1]PETSC ERROR: Block [id=0(80)] at address 0x7f93799a1a20 is corrupted
(probably write past end of array)
[1]PETSC ERROR: Block allocated in PetscGatherMessageLengths() line 115 in
[1]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
[1]PETSC ERROR: Memory corruption!
[1]PETSC ERROR: Corrupted memory!
[1]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13 15:42:00
CDT 2012
[1]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
[1]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
[1]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
[1]PETSC ERROR: ex2 on a arch-darw named ball-9120.ivt.ntnu.no by bihs Thu
Aug 23 12:21:58 2012
[1]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
[1]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Tue Aug 21 15:07:34 2012
[1]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-mpi-dir=/usr/local/include/openmpi
--with-fc=0 --download-f2cblaslapack
[1]PETSC ERROR: PetscTrFreeDefault() line 299 in src/sys/memory/mtr.c
[1]PETSC ERROR: PetscGatherMessageLengths() line 140 in
[1]PETSC ERROR: VecScatterCreate_PtoS() line 1664 in
[1]PETSC ERROR: VecScatterCreate() line 1331 in src/vec/vec/utils/vscat.c
[1]PETSC ERROR: MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ() line 150 in
[1]PETSC ERROR: MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ() line 680 in
[1]PETSC ERROR: MatAssemblyEnd() line 4866 in src/mat/interface/matrix.c
[1]PETSC ERROR: main() line 107 in src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex2.c
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 1 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 1.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 15 Terminate: Somet process (or the
batch system) has told this process to end
[0]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or -on_error_attach_debugger
[0]PETSC ERROR: or see
http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#valgrind[0]PETSC ERROR:
or try http://valgrind.org on GNU/linux and Apple Mac OS X to find memory
corruption errors
[0]PETSC ERROR: likely location of problem given in stack below
[0]PETSC ERROR: ---------------------  Stack Frames
[0]PETSC ERROR: Note: The EXACT line numbers in the stack are not available,
[0]PETSC ERROR:       INSTEAD the line number of the start of the function
[0]PETSC ERROR:       is given.
[0]PETSC ERROR: [0] VecScatterCreate_PtoS line 1631
[0]PETSC ERROR: [0] VecScatterCreate line 844 src/vec/vec/utils/vscat.c
[0]PETSC ERROR: [0] MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ line 26
[0]PETSC ERROR: [0] MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ line 646
[0]PETSC ERROR: [0] MatAssemblyEnd line 4857 src/mat/interface/matrix.c
[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
[0]PETSC ERROR: Signal received!
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13 15:42:00
CDT 2012
[0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
[0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
[0]PETSC ERROR: ex2 on a arch-darw named ball-9120.ivt.ntnu.no by bihs Thu
Aug 23 12:21:58 2012
[0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Tue Aug 21 15:07:34 2012
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-mpi-dir=/usr/local/include/openmpi
--with-fc=0 --download-f2cblaslapack
[0]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 0 in unknown directory
unknown file
[2]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 15 Terminate: Somet process (or the
batch system) has told this process to end
[2]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or -on_error_attach_debugger
[2]PETSC ERROR: or see
http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#valgrind[2]PETSC ERROR:
or try http://valgrind.org on GNU/linux and Apple Mac OS X to find memory
corruption errors
[2]PETSC ERROR: likely location of problem given in stack below
[2]PETSC ERROR: ---------------------  Stack Frames
[2]PETSC ERROR: Note: The EXACT line numbers in the stack are not available,
[2]PETSC ERROR:       INSTEAD the line number of the start of the function
[2]PETSC ERROR:       is given.
[2]PETSC ERROR: [2] VecScatterCreate_PtoS line 1631
[2]PETSC ERROR: [2] VecScatterCreate line 844 src/vec/vec/utils/vscat.c
[2]PETSC ERROR: [2] MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ line 26
[2]PETSC ERROR: [2] MatAssemblyEnd_MPIAIJ line 646
[2]PETSC ERROR: [2] MatAssemblyEnd line 4857 src/mat/interface/matrix.c
[2]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
[2]PETSC ERROR: Signal received!
[2]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13 15:42:00
CDT 2012
[2]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
[2]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
[2]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
[2]PETSC ERROR: ex2 on a arch-darw named ball-9120.ivt.ntnu.no by bihs Thu
Aug 23 12:21:58 2012
[2]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
[2]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Tue Aug 21 15:07:34 2012
[2]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-mpi-dir=/usr/local/include/openmpi
--with-fc=0 --download-f2cblaslapack
[2]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 0 in unknown directory
unknown file

My machine has two 6 core Intel Xeon processors and have been running other
programs that use MPI to run 12 processes.
Could someone shed some light on why this is happening?

Arun Kamath
PhD Stipendiat
NTNU, Trondheim
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