Running petsc on infiniband

Matthew Knepley knepley at
Sat Nov 1 16:11:04 CDT 2008

Send the configure.log to petsc-maint at There is obviously
a mismatch between
the MPI libraries being linked and the mpirun being used.


On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 4:00 PM, Saswata Hier-Majumder <saswata at> wrote:
> Thanks. Using FFLAGS=-nochoicemod seemed to take care of most of the error
> messages in the configure.log file, but the original problem still persists.
> Satish Balay wrote:
>> On Sat, 1 Nov 2008, Saswata Hier-Majumder wrote:
>>> Satish,
>>> Thanks for the prompt response!
>>> After rerunning the installation script with the correct path, I found a
>>> bunch
>>> of error messages in the configure.log file which look like
>>> sh: /opt/vltmpi/OPENIB/mpi.icc.rsh/bin/mpif90 -o conftest conftest.o
>>> Executing: /opt/vltmpi/OPENIB/mpi.icc.rsh/bin/mpif90 -o conftest
>>> conftest.o
>>> sh:
>>> Possible ERROR while running linker:
>>> /opt/intel/fce/10.0.023/lib/
>>> warning: warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail
>>> I recognize the last part of the error message. I need to use the option
>>> -nochoicemod while compiling an mpi code with mpif90 to avoid this error.
>>> Is
>>> there any way for me to pass that option to the petsc installer? I tried
>>> --with-fc=mpif90 -nochoicemod
>>> in the install shell script, but that did not seem to work.
>> -with-fc="mpif90 -nochoicemod" should work. Alternatively you can use
>> FFLAGS=-nochoicemod
>> Satish
> --

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