[petsc-dev] Modify 3rd party lib

Stefano Zampini stefano.zampini at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 16:12:06 CDT 2020


You may want to include the attached patch in SUPERLU_DIST master.
This is to remove the prints that are not protected by the PRNTlevel macro

Il giorno mar 21 apr 2020 alle ore 14:12 Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> ha

> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 10:28 PM Xiaoye S. Li <xsli at lbl.gov> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> thanks for debugging this!  Indeed, I confirm -- that particular "free"
>> should be regular free instead of cudaHostfree(), because that data
>> structure is not allocated by cudaAllocHost().  I have been running this
>> cuda code on Summit, somehow the bug didn't show up.
> Odd, but it seems to work fine for me now. eg, I get a speedup of 6x on a
> ~50K equation 3D systems (Q3 elements with 2 dof per vertex).
>> I just updated the master branch with this fix.  Will be absorbed in a
>> future release.
>> As for PRNTlevel>=2, perhaps check your cmake build script.  It should be
>> set to 0 for production build.
> I don't see where that gets set. PRNTlevel does not seem to be in our
> repo. I see it in 'MAKE_INC/make.cuda_gpu:         -DDEBUGlevel=0
> -DPRNTlevel=1 -DPROFlevel=0', but I think it is set at >= 2. I have
> manually disabled the print statements (~ 5 places).
> Thanks,
> Mark
>> Sherry
>> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 6:32 PM Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>> Also, we have PRNTlevel>=2 in SuperLU_dist. This is causing a lot of
>>> output. It's not clear where that is set (it's a #define)
>>> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 9:28 PM Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>>> Sherry, I found the problem.
>>>> I added this print statement to dDestroy_LU
>>>>     nb = CEILING(nsupers, grid->npcol);
>>>>     for (i = 0; i < nb; ++i)
>>>> if ( Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[i] ) {
>>>> *  fprintf(stderr,"dDestroy_LU: GPU free Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[%d/%d] =
>>>> %p, CPU free Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr =
>>>> %p\n",i,nb,Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[i],Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[i]);*
>>>>  SUPERLU_FREE (Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr[i]);
>>>> #ifdef GPU_ACC
>>>>    checkCuda(cudaFreeHost(Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[i]));
>>>> #else
>>>>    SUPERLU_FREE (Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[i]);
>>>> #endif
>>>> }
>>>> And I see:
>>>>    1 SNES Function norm 1.245977692562e-04
>>>> *dDestroy_LU: GPU free Llu->Lnzval_bc_ptr[0/134] = 0x4ff9b000, CPU free
>>>> Llu->Lrowind_bc_ptr = 0x4ff9a000*ex112d: cudahook.cc:762: CUresult
>>>> host_free_callback(void*): Assertion `cacheNode != __null' failed.
>>>> THis looks like Lnzval_bc_ptr is on the CPU so I removed the GPU_ACC
>>>> stuff and it works now.
>>>> I see this in distribution. Perhaps this a serial run bug?
>>>> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 5:58 PM Xiaoye S. Li <xsli at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>>>> Mark,
>>>>> you should fork a branch of your own to do this.
>>>>> Sherry
>>>>> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 2:54 PM Stefano Zampini <
>>>>> stefano.zampini at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> First, commit your changes to the superlu_dist branch, then rerun
>>>>>> configure with
>>>>>> —download-superlu_dist-commit=HEAD
>>>>>> > On Apr 20, 2020, at 12:50 AM, Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I would like to modify SuperLU_dist but if I change the source and
>>>>>> configure it says no need to reconfigure, use --force. I use --force and it
>>>>>> seems to clobber my changes. Can I tell configure to use build but not
>>>>>> download SuperLU?

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