[petsc-dev] testset + test with only args

Scott Kruger kruger at txcorp.com
Wed Apr 22 10:34:00 CDT 2020

This is probably more detail than you want, but:

When you explicitly put in the suffix, you are telling the test harness 
to put each of those "subtests" into a separate script rather than a 
single script (multiple tests within a single script), so that's why
it works.

For the single script case, I have this line in config/gmakegentest.py:

       if key in usedVars: continue    # Do not duplicate setting vars

Since you have a duplicated var, it gets skipped.

I'm not sure where this line comes from (`git blame` is confusing me).

I'll set up an MR and run a pipeline job to see if it causes problems.


On 4/22/20 3:04 AM, Pierre Jolivet wrote:
> Hello,
> Given a testset, what are the mandatory fields in the subsequent tests to have something functioning?
> Here is a MWE showing that something is broken for a reason I’m not sure I understand if only the field args is provided.
> $ git diff --unified=0 src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex1.c
> diff --git a/src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex1.c b/src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex1.c
> index 3b3e776a6d..59113dfd1a 100644
> --- a/src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex1.c
> +++ b/src/ksp/ksp/tutorials/ex1.c
> @@ -187,0 +188,11 @@ int main(int argc,char **args)
> +   testset:
> +      suffix: 4
> +      nsize: 1
> +      args: -ksp_converged_reason -ksp_max_it 1000
> +      test:
> +         args:
> +      test:
> +         args: -ksp_type bcgs -pc_type {{hypre gamg}}
> +      test:
> +         args: -ksp_type gmres -pc_type {{lu ilu}}
> +
> $ make -f gmakefile test globsearch="ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4*"
> [..]
> # FAILED diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4+a diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4+b+pc_type-hypre diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4+b+pc_type-gamg diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4+c+pc_type-hypre diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4+c+pc_type-gamg
> [..]
> It should be diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4+c+pc_type-lu diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4+c+pc_type-ilu, shouldn’t it?
> The problem seems to go away if I explicitly put the suffixes myself, e.g., suffix: a, suffix: b, and suffix: c, cf. below, but I’d prefer to avoid having to do that.
> # FAILED diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4_a diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4_c+pc_type-lu diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4_c+pc_type-ilu diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4_b+pc_type-hypre diff-ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex1_4_b+pc_type-gamg
> Thanks,
> Pierre

Tech-X Corporation               kruger at txcorp.com
5621 Arapahoe Ave, Suite A       Phone: (720) 974-1841
Boulder, CO 80303                Fax:   (303) 448-7756

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