[petsc-dev] upcoming release and testing [v2]

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 5 07:58:13 CDT 2018


master builds have been clean for the past 2 days [except for some timeouts]


However next is still not clean [slightly better than previous build]


[i.e the following branches still need fixes]
>   origin/knepley/fix-dm-gmg
>   origin/knepley/fix-ex62-tests
>   origin/knepley/fix-fe-bd-integral
>   origin/knepley/fix-fe-vector-spaces
>   origin/knepley/fix-snes-ex69
>   origin/tisaac/feature-dmfield

I have the following branches in queue for master [via next-tmp - these builds will start soon]


If next-tmp is clean - I can spin the release tarball later today [after merging them to master]

Or if there are other branches [that are clean] - that should go into
release - let me know.  We'll either have to wait one more day [for
these branches to go through next/next-tmp - or I can schedule another
next-tmp build later today (with additional branches) - if they are
ready by 3:30pm CST]

If I do not hear back about additional branches, and next-tmp is clean
- will spin the release tarball later today.


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