[Nek5000-users] par file and moving mesh

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Thu Oct 19 07:51:59 CDT 2017

Hi all,

I am trying to switch from a rea file to a par file and I am having difficulties with the moving mesh capabilities. When visualizing the numerical solution, the mesh is not moving, whereas it was moving with a previous version of Nek5000.

I copied the par file from the my_cyl examples as a start point. The main different between my session and the mv_cyl session is the way the mesh motion is handled. I believe the mesh velocity is provided by the user through a function, whereas in my session the mesh velocity is solved for.

Below is the par file I am currently using:

# nek parameter file
#startFrom = restart.fld
stopAt = numSteps
endTime = 0
numSteps = 1000

dt = 1e-03
timeStepper = bdf #bdf #char #steady
tOrder = 3
variableDt = no
maxCFL = 2.0

writeControl = timeStep #runTime
writeInterval = 50

dealiasing = yes
userParam01 = 1.16
userParam02 = 1.8550800E-05

lowMachNumber = no
variableProperties = yes
dp0dt = no

motion = yes
meshVelocity = no

residualTol = 1e-10
residualProj = no
#preconditioner = amg

residualTol = 1e-12
residualProj = no

Any help will be appreciated.



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