mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
Ad-dev | For the developers of automatic differentiation software |
adic | This list is for the ADIC system developers only. |
adic-users-list | This list is for the users of ADIC |
adifor | Mailing list for ADIFOR developers. |
adsm-reports | ADSM reports archive |
anno-clearinghouse | Contact list for the Annotation Clearinghouse. |
Announce | MCS General Announcements |
Argobots | This list is for Argobots |
Argonauts | The Argo Project Crew |
Atmospheric | Atmospheric Discussion Group at Argonne National Laboratory |
autodiff | AD Group |
Automated-io-bench | [no description available] |
bc | Social list for those that need it. |
bcfg-dev | This list to is discuss the development of bcfg. |
bgenroll | to accept new consortium enrolment |
biodb | List for maintainers of MCS/FL bio databases |
BOLT | This list is for BOLT |
cdigs-team | CDIGS project discussion list |
cgat-tech | Technical support for the CGAT project |
cgma-announce | Announcements for CGM-Argonne |
cgma-dev | Developer information for cgma |
chuckles | Jokes and other humorous things. |
Cloudcore | [no description available] |
Cobalt-dev | Discussion for the development of Cobalt |
codes-noloss-discuss | Codes and NoLoss Projects |
codes-ross-users | [no description available] |
Cookie-users | Cookie users |
Darshan-commits | [no description available] |
Darshan-users | Darshan I/O characterization tool discussion |
disc | Argonne Ultimate Club Mailing List |
Exaosr | Exascale OSR research |
ExM | Exascale Many-Task Computing project |
ExM-user | User discussion for Swift/T and other ExM software |
Fathom | Maillist for the Fathom team. |
Faxwatch | Incoming faxes for CELS |
fd-users | This list still needs to be configured. |
fl-core | Private Futures Laboratory mailing list |
fl-info | FL Info mailing list |
foam-users | A forum for users of FOAM to exchange information, etc. |
gpu-users | Discussion about programming and using GPU clusters |
i-wire-eng | I-Wire list. |
Imudi | IMUDI organizers |
Intel-mic-discuss | Intel MIC users discussion ML |
io-fwd-devel | Developers list for the Scalable I/O Forwarding |
Io-fwd-discuss | High-volume development discussion for the Scalable I/O Forwarding |
Jupiter-ops | Alerts from Jupiter monitoring infrastructure |
lans-council | Forum for discussion of issues of importance to LANS |
lans-postdocs | Mailing list for LANS postdocs and predocs |
linux-users | mailing list for Linux users in MCS |
mac-users | Information for MCS MacOS users |
mcs-supervisors | lists all of the MCS Supervisors |
mct-ann | Announcements regarding the Model Coupling Toolkit |
Meshkit-announce | MeshKit announcements |
Meshkit-dev | Developer info for MeshKit mesh generation toolkit |
moab-announce | Announcements for MOAB mesh database library |
moab-dev | Developer correspondence for MOAB |
Mochi-bootcamp-2019 | [no description available] |
mochi-devel | [no description available] |
parallel-netcdf | the parallel-netcdf library |
Parvis-ann | Announcements for the ParVis project. |
Parvis-users | For users of Parivs-related software. |
Performance | LANS Performance Group |
petsc-announce | Announcements of PETSc software |
petsc-dev | For users of the development version of PETSc |
Petsc-trilinos-discussion | PETSc Trilinos discussions |
petsc-users | PETSc users list |
postdocs | A list of e-mail addresses for MCS/CLS/LCF postdoctoral appointees. |
radix | The Radix Lab mailing list |
radix-core | list of permanent members of radix group |
SDS-CLA | Contributor License Agreement submissions for the SDS project. |
seed-tech | User/support group for SEED |
Seedtk-devel | Communication to and between SEEDtk Developers. |
Seedtk-users | User forum for SEEDtk |
seminars | Announcement list on upcoming seminars in MCS. |
sharp-dev | Simulation of High Accuracy Reactor Project |
sieve-dev | Discussion list for Sieve development |
srmpds | List for workshop on resource management |
Swift-commit | [no description available] |
Swift-devel | Development of the Swift parallel scripting language |
Swift-user | User community discussion list for the Swift parallel scripting language |
tao-news | Update TAO users on new features and releases. |
userbase-dev | developer discussion list for the next generation userbase |
wit3_development_team | WIT developers and users interaction |
zeptoos | ZeptoOS developers |
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