#Location of SWIFT. If empty, PATH is referenced export SWIFT= # Where to place/launch worker.pl on the remote machine for sites.xml export WORKER_LOCATION=/tmp/$USER/swift # How to launch workers: local, ssh, or cobalt export WORKER_MODE=ssh # Worker logging setting passed to worker.pl for sites.xml export WORKER_LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG export SSH_TUNNELING=yes # User name to use for all systems export WORKER_USERNAME=ubuntu # for Ubuntu VMs export WORKER_USERNAME=root # for CentOS VMs # Worker host names for ssh # export WORKER_HOSTS="crush thwomp stomp crank grind churn trounce thrash vanquish" #export WORKER_HOSTS="" # Directory to keep log files, relative to working directory when launching start-coaster-service export LOG_DIR=logs export WORKER_LOG_DIR=/tmp # Manually define ports. If not specified, ports will be automatically generated #export LOCAL_PORT=50100 #export SERVICE_PORT=50200 # Set shared filesystem to no since work will be done in local /sandbox directory export SHARED_FILESYSTEM=no # start-coaster-service tries to automatically detect IP address. # Specify here if auto detection is not working correctly export IPADDR= # Below are various settings to give information about how to create sites.xml export WORK=/tmp/$USER/swiftwork export JOBS_PER_NODE=1 export JOBSPERNODE=1 export JOBTHROTTLE=$( echo "scale=5; ($JOBS_PER_NODE * $( echo $WORKER_HOSTS | wc -w ))/100 - 0.00001"|bc ) # Swift applications #app cat=/bin/cat #app bash=/bin/bash #app echo=/bin/echo