I was testing out the swift-plot-log command however I was running into some troubles. I was using <a href="http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/guides/log-processing.php">http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/guides/log-processing.php</a> as my guide to run swift-plot-log on a random log I picked from the /disk/ci-gpfs/swift/swift-logs directory. <br>
<br>My swift-plot log is in /home/mchin/swift/bin<br><br>Inside the swift dir, I created a log-processing dir and a bin dir in side it and typed the commands as shown on the above url, Step 3.<br>======================================================================<br>
<b>[mchin@tp-login2 bin]$</b> cd ../log-processing/bin/<br><b>[mchin@tp-login2 bin]$ </b>export PATH=$(pwd):$PATH<br><b>[mchin@tp-login2 bin]$</b> swift-plot-log /path/to/mchin-20090609-1307-020920gc.log<br>Log file path is /path/to/mchin-20090609-1307-020920gc.log<br>
Log is in directory /path/to<br>Log basename is mchin-20090609-1307-020920gc<br>Now in directory /tmp/swift-plot-log-pnKiMSBLiTdy9503<br>rm -f start-times.data kickstart-times.data start-time.tmp end-time.tmp threads.list tasks.list log *.data *.shifted *.png *.event *.coloured-event *.total *.tmp *.transitions *.last karatasks-type-counts.txt index.html *.lastsummary execstages.plot total.plot colour.plot jobs-sites.html jobs.retrycount.summary kickstart.stats execution-counts.txt site-duration.txt jobs.retrycount sp.plot karatasks.coloured-sorted-event *.cedps *.stats t.inf *.seenstates tmp-* clusterstats trname-summary sites-list.data.nm info-md5sums pse2d-tmp.eip karajan.html falkon.html execute2.html info.html execute.html kickstart.html scheduler.html assorted.html<br>
make: *** No rule to make target `/path/to/mchin-20090609-1307-020920gc.log', needed by `karatasks.transitions'. Stop.<br><b>[mchin@tp-login2 bin]$</b><br>======================================================================<br>
<br>pwd: /home/mchin/swift/log-processing/bin<br><br>The directory I am in is empty at the moment, but I have tried it with the swift-plot-log as well as the log file (in the current directory at the same time) and the output is the same regardless. I tried reading what the swift-plot-log does using emacs, but got a little lost. What I gathered is something is wrong with karatasks, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong and how to fix this problem. Thank you ahead of time.<br>
<br>Sincerely,<br>Melinda Chin<br>