I was trying to do the t.swift tutorial again and I keep getting stuck on this error. What does it mean to not be able to find a valid host? How do I remedy this? And another question on the side what's the difference between <a href="mailto:swift-user@ci.uchicago.edu">swift-user@ci.uchicago.edu</a> and <a href="mailto:swift-user-owner@ci.uchicago.edu">swift-user-owner@ci.uchicago.edu</a>. For help we can send to both? or usually just swift-user?<br>
<br><b>THIS IS WHAT t.swift LOOKS LIKE:</b><br>===============================================================<br>[mchin@tp-login2 swift]$ cat t.swift<br>
type messagefile;<br>(messagefile t) greeting (string s) {<br> app{<br> echo s stdout = @filename(t);<br> }<br>}<br><br>(messagefile t) capitalise (messagefile f) {<br> app {<br> translate "[a-z]" "[A-Z]" stdin = @filename(f) stdout = @filename(t);<br>
}<br>}<br><br>messagefile outfile <"greeting.txt">;<br>messagefile cfile <"capitalised.txt">;<br><br>outfile = greeting("hello from Swift");<br>cfile = capitalise(outfile);<br>
===============================================================<br><br><b>THIS IS WHAT tc.data LOOKS LIKE:</b> <br>===============================================================<br>[mchin@tp-login2 swift]$ cat tc.data<br>
#This is the transformation catalog.<br>#<br>#It comes pre-configured with a number of simple transformations with<br>#paths that are likely to work on a linux box. However, on some systems,<br>#the paths to these executables will be different (for example, sometimes<br>
#some of these programs are found in /usr/bin rather than in /bin)<br>#<br>#NOTE WELL: fields in this file must be separated by tabs, not spaces; and<br>#there must be no trailing whitespace at the end of each line.<br>#<br>
# sitename transformation path INSTALLED platform profiles<br>localhost echo /bin/echo INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null<br>localhost cat /bin/cat INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null<br>
localhost ls /bin/ls INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null<br>localhost grep /bin/grep INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null<br>localhost sort /bin/sort INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null<br>
localhost paste /bin/paste INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null<br>localhost translate /usr/bin/tr INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null<br>===============================================================<br>
<br><b>THIS IS THE ERROR MESSAGE:</b><br>===============================================================<br>[mchin@tp-login2 swift]$ swift t.swift<br>Swift svn swift-r2950 cog-r2406<br>
<br>RunID: 20090615-1125-6z1ehvf8<br>Progress:<br>Progress: Initializing site shared directory:1<br>Execution failed:<br> Could not find any valid host for task "Task(type=UNKNOWN, identity=urn:cog-1245083114852)" with constraints {filenames=[Ljava.lang.String;@1f0a76e, trfqn=translate, filecache=org.griphyn.vdl.karajan.lib.cache.CacheMapAdapter@1f0a797, tr=translate}<br>
===============================================================<br><br>Thank you for your help,<br>Melinda Chin<br>