<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hi All,<br></div> I just had some preliminary success in getting Swift/T running on Blue Waters. Mike suggested I should email swift-devel to summarize what that entailed.<br><br>Essentially things are the same as on other Cray systems (Beagle, Raven, etc), except the PBS directives for job size are different. You need to use something of the form:<br>
<br>#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=32<br><br></div><div>The regular mpp* directives don't work (and strange things like jobs stuck in the queue seem to happen if you do specify them).<br></div><div><br></div>A complete submit script is pasted below for context.<br>
<br>Cheers,<br>Tim<br><div><br><br><br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>#PBS -N TURBINE<br>#PBS -q normal<br>#PBS -l walltime=00:15:00<br>#PBS -o /u/sciteam/tarmstro/turbine-output/2013/08/30/16/09/40/output.txt<br>
<br># Set the job size using appropriate directives for this system<br>#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=32<br><br># Pass all environment variables to the job<br>#PBS -V<br><br># Merge stdout/stderr<br>#PBS -j oe<br># Disable mail<br>#PBS -m n<br>
<br>SCRIPT=/mnt/a/u/sciteam/tarmstro/helloworld.tcl<br>ARGS=""<br>NODES=1<br>WALLTIME=00:15:00<br>TURBINE_OUTPUT=/u/sciteam/tarmstro/turbine-output/2013/08/30/16/09/40<br>TCLSH=/usr/bin/tclsh8.5<br><br>cd ${TURBINE_OUTPUT}<br>
OUTPUT_FILE=/u/sciteam/tarmstro/turbine-output/2013/08/30/16/09/40/output.txt<br>aprun -n 32 -N 32 -cc none -d 1 ${TCLSH} ${SCRIPT} ${ARGS} \<br> 2>&1 > "${OUTPUT_FILE}.${PBS_JOBID}.out"<br>