#This is the transformation catalog. # #It comes pre-configured with a number of simple transformations with #paths that are likely to work on a linux box. However, on some systems, #the paths to these executables will be different (for example, sometimes #some of these programs are found in /usr/bin rather than in /bin) # #NOTE WELL: fields in this file must be separated by tabs, not spaces; and #there must be no trailing whitespace at the end of each line. # # sitename transformation path INSTALLED platform profiles localhost echo /bin/echo INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost cat /bin/cat INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost ls /bin/ls INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost grep /bin/grep INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost sort /bin/sort INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost paste /bin/paste INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost cp /bin/cp INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost touch /bin/touch INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost wc /usr/bin/wc INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost getlanduse /home/eric/Documents/modis/modis/bin/getlanduse.sh INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost awk /usr/bin/awk INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null localhost java /usr/bin/java INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null