I'm just looking at app function semantics and had a few questions about how some things worked that weren't clear from the user manual. There were a few things I didn't quite get and wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.<br>
<br>Is there any difference between @x and @filename(x) in an app command line? E.g.<br><br><span style="font-family:courier new,monospace">app (binaryfile bf) myproc (int i, string s="foo") { <br> myapp i s @filename(bf); <br>
} </span><br><br>versus <br><span style="font-family:courier new,monospace"><br><span class="codeline"><span class="keyword">app</span><span> (binaryfile bf) myproc (</span><span class="keyword">int</span><span> i, </span><span class="keyword">string</span><span> s=</span><span class="string">"foo"</span><span>) { <br>
</span></span><span class="codeline"> myapp i s <span class="function">@</span><span>bf; <br></span></span><span class="codeline">} </span></span><br><br>Also, what is the intended behaviour if you omit the @ in front of the variable name? Is this valid? E.g.<br>
<br><span style="font-family:courier new,monospace"><span class="codeline"><span class="keyword">app</span><span> (binaryfile bf) myproc (</span><span class="keyword">int</span><span> i, </span><span class="keyword">string</span><span> s=</span><span class="string">"foo"</span><span>) { <br>
</span></span><span class="codeline"> myapp i s <span class="function"></span><span>bf; <br></span></span><span class="codeline">}</span></span><br><br><br>Cheers,<br>Tim<br>