Hello all,<br><br>I have been working on putting together a process for recording Swift usage statistics. The new swift shell script (attached) will gather information such as the swift return code, length of swift script, hashed user id and script id. It will then use a utility called netcat to send the information via UDP packets to a remote listener (<a href="http://swift_listener.pl">swift_listener.pl</a> attached). The listener is currently running on <a href="http://bridled.ci.uchicago.edu">bridled.ci.uchicago.edu</a>. The listener is a perl script which will record that information, along with start time, stop time, hostname, and ip address. The listener stores this data in a MySQL database on <a href="http://db.ci.uchicago.edu">db.ci.uchicago.edu</a> called swiftusage. Cron will execute a script called check_listener.sh every 15 minutes to ensure the listener is still running. The data can then be used to detect patterns and usage trends over time.<br>
<br>Usage statistics can be disabled by setting ALLOW_USAGE_STATS to 0. What data is recorded, and how it is recorded, closely matches the Globus policy for usage statistics <a href="http://www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/4.2/4.2.1/admin/install/#gtadmin-config-usage-stats" target="_blank">( http://www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/4.2/4.2.1/admin/install/#gtadmin-config-usage-stats</a> ).<br>
<br>I would like to add this to svn in the next few days. Please let me know if you have any concerns about how this works or have any ideas for how it could be improved. Thanks!<br><br>Regards,<br>David<br>