[Swift-devel] commits

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Apr 17 19:25:08 CDT 2015


I committed the following:

1. standard library stuff. There are some tests for it too. You can use
it by saying

import "stdlib.v2"; 

(the exact form of the string "stdlib.v2" is open to discussion).

2. Function/procedure overloading.

3. Structure/sparse array initializers. You can now say mystruct v = {a:
1, b: 3.4}, etc. For sparse arrays, you can say int[] a = {0: 1, 100: 2,
1000: 3} or int[string] b = {"a": 1, "b": 2, ...}.

4. The documentation formatting updates. Since I last mentioned this, I
made a small change that makes the header look more like the swift site
header (except smaller in size).


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