[Swift-commit] r7982 - trunk/docs/userguide

hategan at ci.uchicago.edu hategan at ci.uchicago.edu
Thu Jul 10 19:45:04 CDT 2014

Author: hategan
Date: 2014-07-10 19:45:00 -0500 (Thu, 10 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 7982

added new configuration documentation

Added: trunk/docs/userguide/configuration.new
--- trunk/docs/userguide/configuration.new	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/userguide/configuration.new	2014-07-11 00:45:00 UTC (rev 7982)
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+Swift is mainly configured using a configuration file, typically called *swift.conf*.
+This file contains configuration properties and site descriptions. A simple 
+configuration file may look like this:
+# include default Swift configuration file
+include "${swift.home}/etc/swift.conf"
+site.mysite {
+	execution {
+		type: "coaster"
+		URL: "my.site.org"
+		jobManager: "ssh:local"
+	}
+	staging: "proxy"
+	app.ALL {executable: "*"}
+# select sites to run on
+sites: [mysite]
+# other settings
+lazy.errors: false
+Configuration Syntax
+The Swift configuration files are expressed in a modified version of JSON. The main
+additions to JSON are:
+- Quotes around string values, in particular keys, are optional, unless the strings
+contain special characters (single/double quotes, square and curly braces, white space,
++$+, +:+, +=+, +,+, +`+, +^+, +?+, +!+, + at +, +*+, +\+), or if they
+represent other values: +true+, +false+, +null+, and numbers.
+- +=+ and +:+ can be used interchangeably to separate keys from values
+- +=+ (or +:+) is optional before an open bracket
+- Commas are optional as separators if there is a new line
+- +${...}+ expansion can be used to substitute environment variable values or Java
+  system properties. If the value of an environment variable is needed, it must be
+  prefixed with +env.+. For example +${env.PATH}+. Except for include directives, the
+  +${...}+ must not be inside double quotes for the substitution to work. The same 
+  outcome can be achieved using implicit string concatenation: +"/home/"${env.USER}"/bin"+
+Comments can be introduced by starting a line with a hash symbol (+#+) or using
+a double slash (+//+):
+# This is a comment
+// This is also a comment
+keepSitesDir: true # This is a comment following a valid property
+Include Directives
+Include directives can be used to include the contents of a Swift configuration file
+from another Swift configuration file. This is done using the literal +include+ followed
+by a quoted string containing the path to the target file. The path may contain 
+references to environment variables or system properties using the substitution
+syntax explained above. For example:
+# an absolute path name
+include "/home/joedoe/swift-config/site1.conf"
+# include a file from the Swift distribution package
+include "${swift.home}/etc/sites/beagle.conf"
+# include a file using an environment variable
+include "${env.SWIFT_CONFIG_DIR}/glow.conf"
+Configuration File Structure
+The contents of a Swift configuration file can be divided into a number of relevant
+- site declarations
+- global application declarations
+- Swift configuration properties
+Site Delcarations
+Swift site declarations are specified using the +site.<name>+ property, where text
+inside angle brackets is to be interpreted as a generic label for user-specified
+content, whereas content between square brackets is optional:
+site.<name> {
+    execution {...}
+    [staging: "swift" | "local" | "service-local" | "shared-fs" 
+              | "proxy" | "wrapper"]
+    [filesystem {...}]
+    [<site options>]
+    [<application declarations>]
+A site name can be any string. If the string contains special characters, it must be 
+site."My-$pecial-$ite" {...}
+Execution Mechanism
+The +execution+ property tells Swift how applications should be executed on a site:
+    execution {
+        type: <string>
+        [URL: <string>]
+        [jobManager: <string>]
+        [<execution provider options>]
+    }
+The +type+ property is used to select one of the mechanisms for application execution
+that is known by Swift. A comprehensinve list of execution mechanisms can be found 
+in <<??, ??>>. A summary is shown below:
+.Swift Execution Mechanisms
+|Type                 |URL required|Uses jobManager|Default jobManager|Staging methods supported                        | 
+|+local+              | no         | no            | -                | swift, local, wrapper                           | 
+Runs applications locally using a simple fork()-based mechanism
+|+coaster+            | yes        | yes           | none             | swift, wrapper, service-local, shared-fs, proxy | 
+Submits applications through an automatically-deployed Swift Coasters service
+|+coaster-persistent+ | yes        | yes           | none             | swift, wrapper, service-local, shared-fs, proxy | 
+Uses a manually deployed Swift Coasters service
+|+GRAM5+              | yes        | yes           | "fork"           | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Uses the <<http://toolkit.globus.org/toolkit/docs/latest-stable/gram5/user/#gram5User,GRAM: User's Guide>> component of 
+the Globus Toolkit.
+|+GT2+              4+|                                                                                                 | 
+An alias for 'GRAM5'
+|+SSH+                | yes        | no            | -                | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Runs applications using a Java implementation of the 'SSH' protocol
+|+SSH-CL+             | yes        | no            | -                | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Like 'SSH' except it uses the command-line 'ssh' tool.
+|+PBS+                | no         | no            | -                | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Submits applications to a PBS or Torque resource manager
+|+Condor+             | no         | no            | -                | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Submits applications using Condor
+|+SGE+                | no         | no            | -                | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Uses the Sun Grid Engine
+|+SLURM+              | no         | no            | -                | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Uses the SLURM local scheduler
+|+LSF+                | no         | no            | -                | swift, wrapper                                  | 
+Submits applications to Platform's Load Sharing Facility
+The execution provider +options+ are options that specify finer details on how
+on application should be executed. They depend on the chosen mechanism and are detailed in
+<<??, ??>>. This is where Coasters options, such as +nodeGranularity+ or +softImage+, would
+be specified. Example:
+execution {
+    type: "coaster"
+    jobManager: "local:local"
+    options {
+        maxJobs: 1
+        tasksPerNode: 2
+        workerLoggingLevel: TRACE
+    }
+A complete list of Swift Coasters options can be found in <<??,??>>
+The staging property instructs Swift how to handle application input and output files.
+The 'swift' and 'wrapper' staging methods are supported universally, but the 'swift' method
+requires the +filesystem+ property to be specified. If not specified, this option defaults to
+'swift'. Support for the other choices is dependent on the execution mechanism. This is 
+detailed in the <<table-execution-mechanisms,Execution Mechanisms Table>> above. A 
+description of each staging method is provided in the table below:
+.Swift Staging Methods
+[options="header",cols="3, 10"]
+| Staging Method  | Description           
+| +swift+         | This method instructs Swift to use a filesystem provider to direct all 
+                    necessary staging operations from the Swift client-side to the cluster
+                    head node. If this method is used, the +workDirectory+ must point to
+                    a head node path that is on a shared file system accessible by the 
+                    compute nodes.
+| +wrapper+       | File staging is done by the Swift application wrapper
+| +local+         | Used by non-remote type execution mechanisms. It implements simple file 
+                    staging by copying files.
+| +service-local+ | This method instructs the execution mechanism provider to stage input and
+                    output files from the remote site where the execution service is located.
+                    For example, if a Coaster Service is started on the login node of a 
+                    cluster, the Coaster Service will perform the staging from a file system 
+                    on the login node to the compute node and back.
+| +shared-fs+     | This method is used by Coasters to implement a simple staging mechanism in
+                    which files are accessed using a shared filesystem that is accessible by 
+                    compute nodes
+| +proxy+         | This method is also used by Coasters to stage files from/to the Swift 
+                    client side to compute nodes by proxying through the Coaster Service.
+File System
+The file system properties are used with +staging: "swift"+ to tell Swift how to access remote
+file systems. Valid types are described below:
+.Swift File System Providers
+[options="header",cols="3, 3, 10"]
+| Type      | URL required | Description
+| +local+   | no           | Copies files locally on the Swift client side
+| +GSIFTP+  | yes          | Accesses a remote file system using GridFTP
+| +GridFTP+ | yes          | An alias for +GSIFTP+
+| +SSH+     | yes          | Uses the SCP protocol
+Site Options
+Site options control various aspects of how Swift handles application execution on a site. 
+All options except +workDirectory+ are optional. They are listed in the following table:
+.Site Options
+[options="header",cols="1, 1, 1, 10"]
+| Option          | Valid values   | Default value   | 
+| +OS+            | many           |"INTEL32::LINUX" | 
+Can be used to tell Swift the type of the operating system
+running on the remote site. By default, Swift assumes a 
+UNIX/Linux type OS. There is some limited support for 
+running under Windows, in which case this property must be
+set to one of +"INTEL32::WINDOWS"+ or +"INTEL64::WINDOWS"+
+| +workDirectory+ | path           | -               | 
+Points to a directory in which Swift can maintain a set of 
+files relevant to the execution of an application on the
+site. By default, applications will be executed on the
+compute nodes in a sub-directory of +workDirectory+, which
+implies that +workDirectory+ must be accessible from the
+compute nodes.
+| +scratch+       | path           | -               | 
+If specified, it instructs swift to run applications in 
+a directory different than +workDirectory+. Contrary to the
+requirement for +workDirectory+, +scratch+ can point to
+a file system local to compute nodes. This option is useful
+if applications do intensive I/O on temporary files created
+in their work directory, or if they access their input/output
+files in a non-linear fashion.
+| +keepSiteDir+   | +true, false+ | +false+          | 
+If set to +true+, site application directories (i.e. +workDirectory+)
+will not be cleaned up when Swift completes a run. This
+can be useful for debugging.
+| +statusMode+    | +"files", "provider"+ | +"files"+| 
+Controls whether application exit codes are handled by the
+execution mechanism or passed back to Swift by the Swift
+wrapper script through files. Traditionally, Globus GRAM 
+did not use to return application exit codes. This has 
+changed in Globus Toolkit 5.x. However, some local scheduler
+execution mechanisms, such as 'PBS', are still unable to
+return application exit codes. In such cases, it is necessary
+to pass the application exit codes back to Swift in files.
+This comes at a slight price in performance, since a file 
+needs to be created, written to, and transferred back to 
+Swift for each application invocation. It is however also
+the default, since it works in all cases.
+| +maxParallelTasks+ | integer     | 2               | 
+The maximum number of concurrent application invocations
+allowed on this site.
+| +initialParallelTasks+ | integer | 2               | 
+The limit on the number of concurrent application invocations 
+on this site when a Swift run is started. As invocations
+complete successfully, the number of concurrent invocations
+on the site is increased up to +maxParallelTasks+.
+Additional, less frequently used options, are as follows:
+.Obscure options that you are unlikely to need to worry about
+[options="header",cols="1, 1, 1, 10"]
+| Option          | Valid values   | Default value   | 
+| +wrapperParameterMode+ | +"args", "files"+ | +"args"+ | 
+If set to +"files"+, Swift will, as much as possible, pass
+application arguments through files. The applications will
+be invoked normally, with their arguments in the +**argv+ 
+parameter to the +main()+ function. This can be useful if the
+execution mechanism has limitations on the size of command
+line arguments that can be passed through. An example of 
+execution mechanism exhibiting this problem is Condor.
+| +wrapperInterpreter+   | path    | +"/bin/bash"+ or +"cscript.exe"+ on Windows | 
+Points to the interpreter used to run the Swift application
+invocation wrapper
+| +wrapperScript+        | string  | +"_swiftwrap"+ or +"_swiftwrap.vbs"+ on Windows | 
+Points to the Swift application invocation wrapper. The file
+must exist in the 'libexec' directory in the Swift distribution
+| +wrapperInterpreterOptions+ | list of strings | +[]+ on UNIX/Linux or +["//Nologo"]+ on Windows | 
+Command line options to be passed to the wrapper interpreter
+| +cleanupCommand+       | string  | +"/bin/rm"+ or +"cmd.exe"+ on Windows | 
+A command to use for the cleaning of site directories (unless
++keepSiteDir+ is set to +true+) at the end of a run.
+| +cleanupCommandOptions+ | list of strings | +["-rf"]+ or +["/C", "del", "/Q"]+ on Windows | 
+Arguments to pass to the cleanup command when cleaning up site
+work directories
+| +delayBase+     | number         | 2.0             | 
+Swift keeps a quality indicator for each site it runs applications
+on. This is a number that gets increased for every successful
+application invocation, and decreased for every failure. It then
+uses this number in deciding which sites to run applications on
+(when multiple sites are defined). If this number becomes very
+low (a sign of repeated failures on a site), Swift implements 
+an exponential back-off that prevents jobs from being sent to a 
+site that continously fails them. +delayBase+ is the base for 
+that exponential back-off:
+           +delay = delayBase ^ (-score * 100)+
+| +maxSubmitRate+ | positive number| -               | 
+Some combinations of site and execution mechanisms may become
+error prone if jobs are submitted too fast. This option can
+be used to limit the submission rate. If set to some number N,
+Swift will submit applications at a rate of at most N 
+per second.
+Application Declarations
+Applications can either be declared globally, outside of a site declaration,
+or specific to a site, inside a site declaration:
+app.(<appName>|ALL) {
+    # global application
+    ...
+site.<siteName> {
+    app.(<appName>|ALL) {
+        # site application
+        ...
+    }
+A special application name, +ALL+, can be used to declare options for all 
+applications. When Swift attempts to run an application named +X+, it will
+first look at site application declarations for +app.X+. If not found, it will
+check if a site application declaration exists for +app.ALL+. The search will
+continue with the global +app.X+ and then the global +all.ALL+ until a match
+is found. It is possible that a specific application will only be declared
+on a sub-set of all the sites and not globally. Swift will then only select
+a site where the application is declared and will not attempt to run the
+application on other sites.
+An application declaration takes the following form:
+app.<appName> {
+    executable: (<string>|"*")
+    [jobQueue: <string>]
+    [jobProject: <string>]
+    [maxWallTime: <time>]
+    [options: {...}]
+    <environment variables>
+The +executable+ is mandatory, and it points to the actual location of the
+executable that implements the application. The special string +"*"+ can
+be used to indicate that the executable has the same name as the application
+name. This is useful in conjunction with +app.ALL+ to essentially declare
+that a site can be used to execute any application from a Swift script. If the
+executable is not an absolute path, it will be searched using the +PATH+ 
+envirnoment variable on the remote site. 
+Environment variables can be defined as follows:
+    env.<name>: <value>
+For example:
+    env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "/home/joedoe/lib"
+The remaining options are:
+.Application Options
+[options="header",cols="3, 3, 10"]
+| Name         | Valid values  | 
+| +jobQueue+   | any           | 
+If the application is executed using a mechanism that submits to
+a queuing system, this option can be used to select a specific
+queue for the application
+| +jobProject+ | any           | 
+A queuing system project to associate the job with.
+| +maxWallTime+| +"mm"+ or +"hh:mm"+ or +"hh:mm:ss"+ | 
+The maximum amount of time that the application will take to execute
+on the site. Most application execution mechanisms will both require
+and enforce this value by terminating the application if it exceeds
+the specified time. The default value is 10 minutes.
+General Swift Options
+There are a number of configuration options that modify the way that
+the Swift run-time behaves. They are listed below:
+.General Swift Options
+[options="header",cols="3, 3, 3, 10"]
+| Name           | Valid values             | Default value |
+| +sites+        | array of strings (i.e. +["site1", "site2"]+) | none |
+Selects, out of the set of all declared sites, a sub-set of sites to
+run applications on. This option can also be supplied on the Swift command line,
+in which case it shoud be a single string with comma-separated items 
+(e.g. +swift -sites site1,site2 ...+)
+| +hostName+     | string                   | autodetected  |
+Can be used to specify a publicly reacheable DNS name or IP address for this 
+machine which is generally used for Globus or Coaster callbacks. Normally this should be 
+auto-detected, but if you do not have a public DNS name, you may want to set this.
+| +TCPPortRange+ | +"lowPort, highPort"+    | none          |
+A TCP port range can be specified to restrict the ports on which certain callback 
+services are started. This is likely needed if your submit host is behind a firewall, 
+in which case the firewall should be configured to allow incoming connections on 
+ports in this range.
+| +lazyErrors+   | +true, false+            | +false+       |
+Use a lazy mode to deal with errors. When set to 'true' Swift will proceed with the
+execution until no more data can be derived because of errors in dependent steps. If 
+set to 'false', an error will cause the execution to immediately stop
+| +executionRetries+ | non-negative integer | +0+           |
+The number of time an application invocation will be retries if it fails until Swift 
+finally gives up and declares it failed. The total number of attempts will be ++1 + 
+| +logProvenance+    | +true, false+        | +false+       |
+If set to +true+, Swift will record provenance information in the log file.
+| +alwaysTransferWrapperLog+ | +true, false+| +false+       |
+Controls when wrapper logs are transfered back to the submit host. If set to 
++false+, Swift will only transfer a wrapper log for a given job when that job fails.
+If set to +true+, Swift will transfer wrapper logs whether a job fails or not.
+| +fileGCEnabled+    | +true, false+        | +true+        |
+Controls the file garbage collector. If set to +false+, files mapped by 
+collectable mappers (such as the concurrent mapper) will not be deleted when their 
+Swift variables go out of scope.
+| +mappingCheckerEnabled+ | +true, false+   | +true+        |
+Controls the run-time duplicate mapping checker (which indetifies mapping 
+conflicts). When enabled, a record of all mapped data is kept, so this comes at the 
+expense of a slight memory leak. If set +false+, the mapping checker is disabled. 
+| +tracingEnabled+        | +true, false+   | +false+       |
+Enables execution tracing. If set to +true+, operations within Swift such as 
+iterations, invocations, assignments, and declarations, as well as data dependencies 
+will be logged. This comes at a cost in performance. It is therefore disabled by 
+| +maxForeachThreads+     | positive integer| +16384+       |
+Limits the number of concurrent iterations that each 'foreach' statement
+can have at one time. This conserves memory for swift programs that
+have large numbers of iterations (which would otherwise all be executed
+in parallel).
+4+| *Ticker*
+| +tickerEnabled+         | +true, false+   | +true+        |
+Controls the output ticker, which regularly prints information about the counts
+of application states on the Swift's process standard output
+| +tickerPrefix+          | string          | +"Progress: "+|
+Specifies a string to prefix to each ticker line output
+| +tickerDateFormat+      | string          | +"E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ssZ"+|
+Specifies the date/time format to use for the time stamp of each ticker
+line. It must conform to Java's 
+4+| *CDM*
+| +CDMBroadcastMode+      | string          | +"file"+      |
+| +CDMLogFile+            | string          | +"cdm.log"+   |
+4+| *Replication*
+|+replicationEnabled+| +true, false+        | +false+       |
+If enabled, jobs that are queued longer than a certain amount of time will
+have a duplicate version re-submitted. This process will continue until a
+maximum pre-set number of such replicas is queued. When one of the replicas
+becomes active, all other replicas are canceled. This mechanism can potentially
+prevent a single overloaded site from completely blocking a run.
+|+replicationMinQueueTime+| seconds         | +60+          |
+When replication is enabled, this is the amount of time that a job needs to 
+be queued until a new replica is created.
+|+replicationLimit+       | +integer > 0+   | +3+           |
+The maximum number of replicas allowed for a given application instance.
+4+| *Wrapper Staging*
+|+wrapperStagingLocalServer+| string        | +"file://"+   |
+When file staging is set to +"wrapper"+, this indicates the default URL
+scheme that is prefixed to local files.
+4+| *Throttling*
+| +jobSubmitThrottle+     | +integer > 0+ or +"off"+ | +4+           |
+Limits the number of jobs that can concurrently be in the process of being 
+submitted, that is in the "Submitting" state. This is the state where the job
+information is being communicated to a remote service. Certain execution 
+mechanisms may become inefficient if too many jobs are being submitted 
+concurrently and there are no benefits to parallelizing	submission beyond a 
+certain point. Please not that this does not apply to the number of jobs that 
+can be active concurrently.
+| +hostJobSubmitThrottle+ | +integer > 0+ or +"off"+ | +2+           |
+Like +jobSubmitThrottle+, except it applies to each individual site.
+| +fileTransfersThrottle+ | +integer > 0+ or +"off"+ | +4+           |
+Limits the number of concurrent file transfers when file staging is set to 
++"swift"+. Arbitrarily increasing file transfer parallelism leads to little
+benefits as the throughput approaches the maximum avaiable network bandwidth.
+Instead it can lead to an increase in latencies which may increase the chances
+of triggering timeouts.
+| +fileOperationsThrottle+| +integer > 0+ or +"off"+ | +8+           |
+Limits the number of concurrent file operations that can be active at a given
+time when file staging is set to +"swift"+. File operations are defined to be all
+remote operations on a filesystem that exclude file transfers. Examples are: 
+listing the contents of a directory, creating a directory, removing a file, etc.
+4+| *Global versions of site options*
+| +staging+      | +"swift", "local", "service-local", "shared-fs", "proxy", "wrapper"+ | +"swift"+ |
+See <<table-staging-methods,Staging Methods>>.
+| +keepSiteDir+  | +true, false+            | +false+       | 
+See <<table-site-options,Site Options>>.
+| +statusMode+   | +"files", "provider"+    | +"files"+     |
+See <<table-site-options,Site Options>>.
+| +wrapperParameterMode+ | +"args", "files"+| +"args"+      | 
+See <<table-site-options-obscure,Other Site Options>>.
+Run directories
+When you run Swift, you will see a run directory get created. The run
+directory has the name of runNNN, where NNN starts at 000 and increments for
+every run.
+The run directories can be useful for debugging. They contain:
+.Run directory contents
+|apps     |An apps generated from swift.properties
+|cf       |A configuration file generated from swift.properties
+|runNNN.log|The log file generated during the Swift run
+|scriptname-runNNN.d|Debug directory containing wrapper logs
+|scripts|Directory that contains scheduler scripts used for that run
+|sites.xml|A sites.xml generated from swift.properties
+|swift.out|The standard out and standard error generated by Swift

Copied: trunk/docs/userguide/configuration.old (from rev 7744, trunk/docs/userguide/configuration)
--- trunk/docs/userguide/configuration.old	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/docs/userguide/configuration.old	2014-07-11 00:45:00 UTC (rev 7982)
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+Swift uses a single configuration file called swift.properties. The swift.properties 
+file is responsible for:
+1. Defining how to interface with schedulers
+2. Defining app names and locations
+3. Defining various other swift settings and behavior
+Here is an example swift.properties file.
+# Define a site named sandyb
+site.sandyb {
+   tasksPerWorker=16
+   taskWalltime=00:05:00
+   jobManager=slurm
+   jobQueue=sandyb
+   maxJobs=1
+   workdir=/scratch/midway/$USER/work
+   filesystem=local
+# Define sandyb apps
+# Define other swift properties
+# Select which site to run on
+The details of this file will be explained more later. Let's first look 
+at an example of running Swift. Using the swift.properties the new Swift 
+command a user would run is:
+$ swift script.swift
+That is all that is needed. Everything Swift needs to know is defined in
+Location of swift.properties
+Swift searches for swift.properties files in multiple locations:
+1. The etc/swift.properties file included with the Swift distribution.
+2. $SWIFT_SITE_CONF/swift.properties - used for defining site templates.
+3. $HOME/.swift/swift.properties
+4. swift.properties in your current directory.
+5. Any property file you point to with the command line argument "-properties
+Settings get read in this order. Definitions in the later files will override
+any previous definitions. For example, if you have execution.retries=10 in
+$HOME/.swift/swift.properties, and execution.retries=0 in the swift.properties
+in your current directory, execution.retries will be set to 0.
+To verify what files are being read, and what values will be set, run:
+$ swift -listconfig
+Selecting a site
+There are two ways Swift knows where to run. The first is via
+swift.properties. The site command specified which site entries
+should be used for a particular run. 
+Sites can also be selected on the command line by using the -site option.
+$ swift -site westmere script.swift
+The -site command line argument will override any sites selected in
+Selecting multiple sites
+To use multiple sites, use a list of site names separated by commas. In
+The same format can be used on the command line:
+$ swift -site westmere,sandyb script.swift
+NOTE: You can also use "sites=" in swift.properties, and "-sites x,y,z" on the
+command line.
+Run directories
+When you run Swift, you will see a run directory get created. The run
+directory has the name of runNNN, where NNN starts at 000 and increments for
+every run.
+The run directories can be useful for debugging. They contain:
+.Run directory contents
+|apps     |An apps generated from swift.properties
+|cf       |A configuration file generated from swift.properties
+|runNNN.log|The log file generated during the Swift run
+|scriptname-runNNN.d|Debug directory containing wrapper logs
+|scripts|Directory that contains scheduler scripts used for that run
+|sites.xml|A sites.xml generated from swift.properties
+|swift.out|The standard out and standard error generated by Swift
+Using site templates
+Swift recognizes an environmnet variable called $SWIFT_SITE_CONF, which points to
+a directory containing a swift.properties file. This swift.properties can contain multiple 
+site definitions for the various queues available on the cluster you are using.
+Your local swift.properties then does not need to define the entire site. It 
+may contain only differences you need to make that are specific to your 
+application, like walltime.
+Backward compatability
+New users are encouraged to use the configuration mechanisms described in this documentation.
+However, if you are migrating from an older Swift release to 0.95, the older-style configurations
+using sites.xml and tc.data should still work. If you notice an instance where this is not true, 
+please send an email to swift-support at ci.uchicago.edu.
+The swift.properties file format
+Site definitions
+Site definitions in the swift.properties files begin with "site".
+The second word is the name of the site you are defining. In these examples we
+will define a site called westmere.
+The third word is the property.
+For example:
+Before the site properties are listed, it's important to understand the
+terminology used.
+A *task*, or *app task* is an instance of a program as defined in
+a Swift app() function.
+A *worker* is the program that launches app tasks. 
+A *job* is related to schedulers. It is the mechanism by which workers
+are launched.
+Below is the list of valid site properties with brief explanations of what 
+they do, and an example swift.properties entry.
+.swift.properties site properties
+Pass parameters directly through to the submit script generated for the condor
+scheduler. For example, the setting "site.osgconnect.condor.+projectname=Swift"
+will generate the line "+projectname = Swift".
+Defines how files should be accessed
+Specifies the granularity of a job, in nodes
+Specifies how jobs will be launched. The supported job managers are 
+"cobalt", "slurm", "condor", "pbs", "lsf", "local", and "sge". 
+Set the project name for the job scheduler
+Set the name of the scheduler queue to use.
+The maximum number amount of time allocated in a scheduler job, in hh:mm:ss
+Maximum number of scheduler jobs to submit
+The maximum number of nodes to request per scheduler job.
+Allows user to pass attributes through directly to scheduler submit script. Currently
+only implemented for sites that use PBS.
+Pass parameters directly through to the submit script generated for the slurm
+scheduler. For example, the setting "site.midway.slurm.mail-user=username" generates
+the line "#SBATCH --mail-user=username".
+Tasks will be run from this directory. In the absence of a taskDir definition, 
+Swift will run the task from workdir.
+The number of tasks that each worker can run simultaneously.
+The maximum number of active tasks across all workers.
+The maximum amount of time a task may run, in hh:mm:ss.
+|site    |
+Name of site or sites to run on. This is the same as running with
+swift -site <sitename>
+Sets the Swift user home. This must be a shared filesystem. This defaults
+to $HOME. For clusters where $HOME is not accessible to the worker nodes,
+you may override the value to point to a shared directory that you own.
+|workdir |
+The workdirectory element specifies where on the site files can be stored.
+This directory must be available on all worker nodes that will be used for 
+execution. A shared cluster filesystem is appropriate for this. Note that 
+you need to specify absolute pathname for this field.
+Grouping site properties
+The example swift.properties in this document listed the following site
+related properties:
+However, you can also simplify this by grouping site properties together with
+curly brackets.
+site.westmere {
+   provider=local:slurm
+   jobsPerNode=12
+   maxWalltime=00:05:00
+   queue=westmere
+   initialScore=10000
+   filesystem=local
+   workdir=/scratch/midway/$USER/work
+App definitions
+In 0.95, applications wildcards will be used by default. This means that 
+$PATH will be searched and pathnames to application do not have to be defined.
+In the case where you have multiple sites defined, and you want
+control over where things run, you will need to define the location of apps.
+In this scenario, you will can define apps in swift.properties with something
+like this:
+When an app is defined in swift.properties for any site you are running on,
+wildcards will be disabled, and all apps you want to use must be defined.
+General Swift properties
+Swift behavior can be configured through general Swift properties. Below is a list of properties:
+|Name|Valid Values|Default Value|Description
+|true, false
+|By default, Swift will generate a run directory that contains logs, scheduler submit scripts,
+|debug directories, and other files associated with a particular Swift run. Setting this value
+|to false disables the creation of run directories and causes all logs and directories to be
+|created in the current working directory.
+|Positive integer
+|The number of time a job will be retried if it fails (giving a
+ maximum of 1 + execution.retries attempts at execution)
+|Positive integer
+|Limits the number of concurrent iterations that each foreach
+ statement can have at one time. This conserves memory for swift
+ programs that have large numbers of iterations (which would
+ otherwise all be executed in parallel)
+|true, false
+|Swift can report application errors in two modes, depending on the
+ value of this property. If set to false, Swift will report the
+ first error encountered and immediately stop execution. If set to
+ true, Swift will attempt to run as much as possible from a
+ Swift script before stopping execution and reporting all
+ errors encountered. When developing Swift scripts, using the default value of
+ false can make the program easier to debug. However in production
+ runs, using true will allow more of a Swift script to be
+ run before Swift aborts execution.
+|Points to the Swift installation directory ($SWIFT_HOME). In general, this should 
+ not be set as Swift can find its own installation directory, and incorrectly setting it may impair the
+ correct functionality of Swift.
+|true, false
+|Swift can generate a Graphviz <http://www.graphviz.org/> file
+representing the structure of the Swift script it has run. If
+this property is set to true, Swift will save the provenance graph
+in a file named by concatenating the program name and the instance
+ID (e.g. helloworld-ht0adgi315l61.dot).
+If set to false, no provenance graph will be generated. If a file
+name is used, then the provenance graph will be saved in the
+specified file.
+The generated dot file can be rendered into a graphical form using
+Graphviz <http://www.graphviz.org/>, for example with a command-line
+such as:
+$ swift -pgraph graph1.dot q1.swift
+$ dot -ograph.png -Tpng graph1.dot
+|splines="compound", rankdir="TB"
+|This property specifies a Graphviz <http://www.graphviz.org>
+ specific set of parameters for the graph.
+|color="seagreen", style="filled"
+|Used to specify a set of Graphviz <http://www.graphviz.org> specific
+ properties for the nodes in the graph.
+|true, false
+|This property controls whether the log file will contain provenance
+ information enabling this will increase the size of log files,
+ sometimes significantly.
+|true, false
+|Indicates whether the working directory on the remote site should be
+ left intact even when a run completes successfully. This can be used
+ to inspect the site working directory for debugging purposes.
+|files, provider
+|Controls how Swift will communicate the result code of running user
+ programs from workers to the submit side. In files mode, a file
+ indicating success or failure will be created on the site shared
+ filesystem. In provider mode, the execution provider job status
+ will be used. provider mode requires the underlying job execution system to
+ correctly return exit codes.
+|<start>,<end> where start and end are integers
+|A TCP port range can be specified to restrict the ports on which
+ GRAM callback services are started. This is likely needed if your
+ submit host is behind a firewall, in which case the firewall should
+ be configured to allow incoming connections on ports in the range.
+|<int>, off
+|Limits the total number of concurrent file operations that can
+ happen at any given time. File operations (like transfers) require
+ an exclusive connection to a site. These connections can be
+ expensive to establish. A large number of concurrent file operations
+ may cause Swift to attempt to establish many such expensive
+ connections to various sites. Limiting the number of concurrent file
+ operations causes Swift to use a small number of cached connections
+ and achieve better overall performance.
+|<int>, off
+|Limits the number of concurrent submissions for any of the sites
+ Swift will try to send jobs to. In other words it guarantees that no
+ more than the value of this throttle jobs sent to any site will be
+ concurrently in a state of being submitted.
+|<int>, off
+|The Swift scheduler has the ability to limit the number of
+concurrent jobs allowed on a site based on the performance history
+of that site. Each site is assigned a score (initially 1), which can
+increase or decrease based on whether the site yields successful or
+faulty job runs. The score for a site can take values in the (0.1,
+100) interval. The number of allowed jobs is calculated using the
+following formula:
+2 + score*throttle.score.job.factor
+This means a site will always be allowed at least two concurrent
+jobs and at most 2 + 100*throttle.score.job.factor. With a default
+of 4 this means at least 2 jobs and at most 402.
+This parameter can also be set per site using the jobThrottle
+profile key in a site catalog entry.
+|<int>, off
+|Limits the number of concurrent submissions for a run. This throttle
+ only limits the number of concurrent tasks (jobs) that are being
+ sent to sites, not the total number of concurrent jobs that can be
+ run. The submission stage in GRAM is one of the most CPU expensive
+ stages (due mostly to the mutual authentication and delegation).
+ Having too many concurrent submissions can overload either or both
+ the submit host CPU and the remote host/head node causing degraded
+ performance.
+|<int>, off
+|Limits the total number of concurrent file transfers that can happen
+ at any given time. File transfers consume bandwidth. Too many
+ concurrent transfers can cause the network to be overloaded
+ preventing various other signaling traffic from flowing properly.
+|true, false
+|When set to true, suppresses the output progress ticker that Swift
+ sends to the console every few seconds during a run
+|true, false
+|Determines if the Swift wrapper should do file staging.
+|absolute, relative
+|Determines if Swift remote wrappers will be executed by specifying
+ an absolute path, or a path relative to the job initial working
+ directory. In most cases, execution will be successful with either
+ option. However, some execution sites ignore the specified initial
+ working directory, and so absolute must be used. Conversely on
+ some sites, job directories appear in a different place on the
+ worker node file system than on the filesystem access node, with the
+ execution system handling translation of the job initial working
+ directory. In such cases, relative mode must be used.
+|Controls how Swift will supply parameters to the remote wrapper
+ script. args mode will pass parameters on the command line. Some
+ execution systems do not pass commandline parameters sufficiently
+ cleanly for Swift to operate correctly. files mode will pass
+ parameters through an additional input file. This
+ provides a cleaner communication channel for parameters, at the
+ expense of transferring an additional file for each job invocation.
+|true, false
+|This property controls when output from the Swift remote wrapper is
+ transfered back to the submit site. When set to false, wrapper
+ logs are only transfered for jobs that fail. If set to true,
+ wrapper logs are transfered after every job is completed or failed.
+Using shell variables
+Any value in swift.properties may contain environment variables. For example:
+Environment variables are expanded locally on the machine where you are running
+Swift will also define a variable called $RUNDIRECTORY that is the path to the 
+run directory Swift creates. In a case where you'd like your work directory
+to be in the runNNN directory, you may do something like this:

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