[Swift-commit] r5338 - trunk/bin/grid

ketan at ci.uchicago.edu ketan at ci.uchicago.edu
Sat Dec 3 19:42:07 CST 2011

Author: ketan
Date: 2011-12-03 19:42:06 -0600 (Sat, 03 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 5338

added gwms workers run script

Deleted: trunk/bin/grid/gwms-swift-workers
--- trunk/bin/grid/gwms-swift-workers	2011-12-02 20:56:36 UTC (rev 5337)
+++ trunk/bin/grid/gwms-swift-workers	2011-12-04 01:42:06 UTC (rev 5338)
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env ruby
-$stdout.sync = true
-$:[$:.length] = File.dirname($0)
-require 'mk_catalog'
-require 'etc'
-class Site
-    attr_accessor :grid_resource, :gridftp, :data_dir, :app_dir, :name, :port
-    attr_reader :submit_file
-    def gen_submit(count = 1)
-        ov=$VERBOSE
-        $VERBOSE=nil
-        workerExecutable = `which worker.pl`
-        workerWrapper = `which run-worker.sh`
-        $VERBOSE=ov
-        workerContact = ARGV[2]
-        job = %Q[
-          universe = vanilla
-          stream_output = False
-          stream_error = False
-          transfer_executable = true
-          should_transfer_files = YES
-          WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
-          #periodic_remove = JobStatus == 5
-          notification = NEVER
-          executable = #{workerWrapper}
-          arguments = #{workerContact} <%= @name.gsub(/__.*/,"") %> /tmp
-          environment = WORKER_LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG
-          Input   = #{workerExecutable}
-          Error   = condor/$(Process).err
-          Output  = condor/$(Process).out
-          log     = condor.log
-          queue #{count}
-    ]
-        ERB.new(job.gsub(/^\s+/, ""), 0, "%<>", "@submit_file").result(binding)
-    end
-    def submit_job(count)
-        puts "submit_job: Submitting #{@name} #{count} jobs"
-        count = count.to_i
-        output = ""
-        submitfile = gen_submit(count)
-        IO.popen("condor_submit", "w+") do |submit|
-            submit.puts submitfile
-            submit.close_write
-            output = submit.read
-        end
-        output
-    end
-    def queued
-        ov=$VERBOSE
-        $VERBOSE=nil
-        jobs = `condor_q  #{$username} -const 'GridResource == \"#{@grid_resource}\" && JobStatus == 1' -format \"%s \" GlobalJobId`
-        $VERBOSE=ov
-        jobs.split(" ").size
-    end
-    def running
-        ov=$VERBOSE
-        $VERBOSE=nil
-        jobs = `condor_q #{$username} -const 'GridResource == \"#{@grid_resource}\" && JobStatus == 2' -format \"%s \" GlobalJobId`
-        $VERBOSE=ov
-        jobs.split(" ").size
-    end
-# For reference:
-JobStatus in job ClassAds
-0	Unexpanded	U
-1	Idle	I
-2	Running	R
-3	Removed	X
-4	Completed	C
-5	Held	H
-6	Submission_err	E
-if __FILE__ == $0
-    raise "No greenlist file" if !ARGV[0]
-    start_port = 61100 # FIXME
-    ctr        = 0
-    threads    = []
-    ARGV[1]    = "scec" if !ARGV[1]
-    greenlist  = IO.readlines(ARGV[0]).map { |line| line.chomp! }
-    $username = Etc.getlogin
-    puts "Username = #{$username}"
-    minSiteJobs = 2
-    paddedDemand = 0
-    swiftDemand = 0
-    totalCores = 0
-    totalRunning = 0
-    ress_parse(ARGV[1]) do |name, value|
-        next if not greenlist.index(name) and not greenlist.empty?
-        totalCores += (value.throttle * 100 + 2).to_i
-    end
-    puts "totalCores for green sites = #{totalCores}"
-    demandThread = Thread.new("monitor-demand") do |t|
-        puts "starting demand thread"
-        while true do
-            puts "in demand thread"
-            swiftDemand = IO.read("swiftDemand").to_i  # Replace this with sensor of Swift demand
-            # swiftDemand = 15
-            paddedDemand = (swiftDemand * 1.2).to_i
-            ov=$VERBOSE;$VERBOSE=nil
-            totalRunning = `condor_q #{$username} -const 'JobStatus == 2' -format \"%s \" GlobalJobId`.split(" ").size
-            $VERBOSE=ov
-            puts "*** demandThread: swiftDemand=#{swiftDemand} paddedDemand=#{paddedDemand} totalRunning=#{totalRunning}"
-            sleep 60
-        end
-    end
-    ress_parse(ARGV[1]) do |name, value|
-        next if not greenlist.index(name) and not greenlist.empty?
-        site               = Site.new
-        site.name          = name
-        site.grid_resource = "gt2 #{value.url}/jobmanager-#{value.jm}"
-        #site.grid_resource = "fork"
-        site.gridftp       = "gsiftp://#{value.url}"
-        site.app_dir       = value.app_dir
-        site.data_dir      = value.data_dir
-        site.port          = start_port + ctr
-        # local per-site attributes:
-        cores = (value.throttle * 100 + 2).to_i
-        siteFraction = cores.to_f / totalCores.to_f
-        siteTargetRunning = [ (swiftDemand.to_f * siteFraction), minSiteJobs ].max
-        siteTargetQueued = [ (swiftDemand.to_f * siteFraction), minSiteJobs ].max
-        printf "site: %5d cores %2d%% %s\n", cores, siteFraction * 100, name
-        targetQueued = 3
-        site.gen_submit
-        threads << Thread.new(name) do |job|
-            trip=0
-            while true do
-                if ( (swiftDemand) > totalRunning ) then
-                    # demands > running: enforce N-queued algorithm
-                    queued = site.queued
-                    running = site.running
-                    printf "trip %d site %s running %d queued %d\n", trip, name,running,queued
-                    if (running+queued) == 0 then
-                        newJobs = [ (paddedDemand * siteFraction).to_i, minSiteJobs ].max
-                        printf "trip %d site %s empty - submitting %d (%d%% of demand %d)\n",
-                            trip, name, newJobs, siteFraction * 100, paddedDemand
-                        site.submit_job(newJobs)
-                    elsif queued == 0 then
-                        toRun = [ running * 1.2, [(paddedDemand * siteFraction).to_i, minSiteJobs ].max ].max
-                        printf "trip %d site %s queued %d target %d has drained queue - submitting %d\n",
-                            trip, name, queued, targetQueued, toRun
-                        site.submit_job(toRun)
-                    elsif queued < targetQueued
-                        printf "trip %d site %s queued %d below target %d - submitting %d\n",
-                            trip, name, queued, targetQueued, targetQueued-queued
-                        site.submit_job(targetQueued - queued)
-                    end
-                    trip += 1
-                    # puts "#{name}: #{total}"
-                end
-                sleep 60
-            end
-        end
-        ctr += 1
-    end
-threads.each { |job| job.join }
-puts "All threads completed."
-# TODO:
-# tag jobs for each run uniquely, and track them as a unique factory instance
-"Keep N Queued" Algorithm
-- monitor a running swift script to track its changing demand for cores
-- increase the # of running workers to meet the demand
-- let workers that are idle time out when supply is greater than demand
-- set a constant demand
-- determine #cores at each site
-initialPressure = 1.2  # increase demand 
-initialDemand = 50     # initial demand prior to first poll of Swift, to prime the worker pool ahead of Swift demand
-- set a constant target queued for each site based on ncores
-- set a target #running 
-  demand = initialDemand
-  for each site
-    site.need = (site.cores/totalcores) * demand
-  sleep delay
-  while swiftScriptIsRunning
-    get demand
-    get #running
-THREAD for each site
-  while swiftScriptIsRunning
-    get site.running
-    get set.queued  
-    need = demand - running
-    if need > 0
-      if running+queued = 0
-keep queued on each site:
- max( expectation, 50% of observation )
-     toalc=1000 
-     sitec = 200 20% d=100 ex=20 q=20
-     r=50 q=25

Added: trunk/bin/grid/run-gwms-workers
--- trunk/bin/grid/run-gwms-workers	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/bin/grid/run-gwms-workers	2011-12-04 01:42:06 UTC (rev 5338)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+workerExecutable=`which worker.pl`
+workerWrapper=`which run-worker.sh`
+cat > myjob.condor <<EOF
+universe = vanilla
+transfer_output = true
+transfer_error = true
+stream_output = False
+stream_error = False
+transfer_executable = true
+should_transfer_files = YES
+WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
+periodic_remove = JobStatus == 5
+PeriodicRelease = (NumGlobusSubmits < 5) && ((CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentStatus) > (60*60))
+notification = NEVER
+executable = $workerWrapper
+arguments = $workerContact scec /tmp
+Input   = $workerExecutable
+Error   = condor/job.err
+Output  = condor/job.out
+log     = condor.log
+queue 50
+condor_submit myjob.condor

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