[Swift-commit] r3314 - in SwiftApps/adem-osg: . lib test

noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu
Mon May 3 14:56:38 CDT 2010

Author: aespinosa
Date: 2010-05-03 14:56:38 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010)
New Revision: 3314

Moved to standard package directories

Deleted: SwiftApps/adem-osg/adem-test.rb
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/adem-test.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:34 UTC (rev 3313)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/adem-test.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:38 UTC (rev 3314)
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#!/usb/bin/env ruby
-require 'test/unit'
-require 'adem'
-require 'yaml'
-module Adem
-  module TestSetup
-    def setup
-      @conf = {
-        :pacman_cache         => "http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/Cybershake",
-        :ress_server          => "osg-ress-1.fnal.gov",
-        :virtual_organization => "engage"
-      }
-      @site_list = File.open("sites").read
-      @ress = File.open("dummy_ress").read
-    end
-  end
-class OnlineTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  include Adem::TestSetup
-  def test_sites_live
-    conf = @conf
-    begin
-      sites(nil, conf, "non_existent_file")
-    rescue SiteError => e
-      assert_equal YAML.load(@site_list), e.output
-    end
-  end
-  def test_ress_query
-    conf = @conf
-    ress = ress_query(conf).split "\n\n"
-    assumption = true
-    class_ads = [
-      "GlueSiteUniqueID", "GlueCEInfoHostName", "GlueCEInfoJobManager",
-      "GlueCEInfoGatekeeperPort", "GlueSEAccessProtocolEndpoint",
-      "GlueSEAccessProtocolType", "GlueCEInfoApplicationDir", "GlueCEInfoDataDir"
-    ]
-    missing = []
-    ress.each do |entry|
-      class_ads.each do |ad|
-        assumption = assumption && entry.include?(ad)
-        missing << ad if not entry.include?(ad)
-      end
-    end
-    # False: there exist an entry without the expected classad.
-    # Must report to osg support then
-    assert assumption, "Missing attributes: \n\t#{missing.uniq.join(", ")}"
-  end
-  def test_app_avail
-    pacman_cache = @conf[:pacman_cache]
-    response = <<-eos
-    [ ] jbsim3d
-    eos
-    assert_equal(response, app_avail(pacman_cache))
-  end
-  def test_pacman_find_firefly
-    # Firefly
-    site = {
-      :compute_element => "ff-grid.unl.edu:2119/jobmanager-pbs",
-      :app_directory => "/panfs/panasas/CMS/app",
-      :storage_element => "gsiftp://ff-gridftp.unl.edu:2811"
-    }
-    assert_equal(
-      "/opt/pacman/pacman-3.28",
-      pacman_find(
-        "ff-grid.unl.edu/jobmanager-fork",
-        "/panfs/panasas/CMS/app/engage"
-      )
-    )
-  end
-  def test_pacman_install_firefly_jbsim3d
-    # Cleanup target first
-    `globus-job-run ff-grid.unl.edu -env PACMAN_LOCATION=/opt/pacman/pacman-3.28 -d /panfs/panasas/CMS/app/engage /opt/pacman/pacman-3.28/bin/pacman -remove jbsim3d`
-    expected = <<-eos
-  jbsim3d found in http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/Cybershake...
-  Installing jbsim3d...
-  Downloading jbsim3d_r794~RHEL5_amd64.tar.gz...
-  Untarring jbsim3d_r794~RHEL5_amd64.tar.gz...
-  jbsim3d has been installed.
-    eos
-    assert_equal(
-      expected,
-      pacman_install(
-        "http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/Cybershake:jbsim3d",
-        { :contact => "ff-grid.unl.edu/jobmanager-fork",
-          :pacman  => "/opt/pacman/pacman-3.28",
-          :path    => "/panfs/panasas/CMS/app/engage" }
-      )
-    )
-  end
-class OfflineTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  include Adem::TestSetup
-  def test_sites_exception
-    conf = @conf
-    conf[:ress_server] = nil
-    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
-    assert_raise SiteError do
-      sites(nil, conf, "non_existent_file")
-    end
-  end
-  def test_sites_from_file
-    conf = @conf
-    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
-    assert_equal(site_list, sites(nil, conf, "sites"))
-  end
-  def test_site_fork
-    assert_equal "ff-grid.unl.edu:2119/jobmanager-fork", site_fork("ff-grid.unl.edu:2119/jobmanager-pbs")
-  end
-  def test_ress_parse
-    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
-    assert_equal site_list, ress_parse(@ress.split("\n\n"))
-  end
-  def test_app
-    conf = @conf
-    assert_equal("app", app(nil, conf))
-  end
-  def test_config
-    assert_equal(@conf, config(nil, "config"))
-  end
-class RunTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
-  include Adem::TestSetup
-  def test_config
-    assert_equal(@conf, run_command(["config"], "config", nil))
-  end
-  def test_sites_from_file
-    conf = @conf
-    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
-    conf[:sites] = site_list
-    assert_equal(conf, run_command(["sites"], "config", "sites"))
-  end

Deleted: SwiftApps/adem-osg/adem.rb
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/adem.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:34 UTC (rev 3313)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/adem.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:38 UTC (rev 3314)
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# = ADEM: Application software DEployment and Management
-# Author::       Zhengxiong Hou (original sh prototype)
-# Author:: Allan Espinosa (rewrite to ruby)
-require 'yaml'
-require 'ftools'
-CONFIGURATION_FILE = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.adem/config"
-SITES_FILE         = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.adem/sites"
-APPS_FILE          = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.adem/apps"
-class SiteError < Exception
-  attr_reader :output
-  def initialize(output)
-    @output = output
-  end
-class ConfigError < RuntimeError
-def load_config(yaml_config)
-  conf = YAML.load yaml_config
-  conf.each do |key, val|
-    conf.delete(key)
-    conf[key.to_sym] = val
-  end
-  conf
-def sites(args, conf, sites_file)
-  begin
-    YAML.load File.open sites_file
-  rescue Errno::ENOENT
-    result = ress_parse ress_query(conf).split("\n\n")
-    raise SiteError.new(result)
-  end
-def ress_query(conf)
-  `condor_status -pool #{conf[:ress_server]} -const \
-    'stringListIMember(\"VO:#{conf[:virtual_organization]}\", \  
-    GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule)' -long`
-def ress_parse(ress)
-  class_ads = [
-    "GlueSiteUniqueID", "GlueCEInfoHostName", "GlueCEInfoJobManager",
-    "GlueCEInfoGatekeeperPort", "GlueSEAccessProtocolEndpoint",
-    "GlueSEAccessProtocolType", "GlueCEInfoApplicationDir", "GlueCEInfoDataDir"
-  ]
-  site = {}
-  ress.each do |entry|
-    tmp = {}
-    entry.each do |attr|
-      attr.chomp!
-      class_ads.each do |class_ad|
-        if attr.include? class_ad
-          tmp[class_ad] = attr.gsub!(/.*\=\ (.*)$/, '\1').gsub /"/, ''
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    next if tmp["GlueSiteUniqueID"] == nil
-    site_name = tmp["GlueSiteUniqueID"]
-    site[site_name] = {} if site[site_name] == nil
-    compute_element = "#{tmp['GlueCEInfoHostName']}:#{tmp['GlueCEInfoGatekeeperPort']}/jobmanager-#{tmp['GlueCEInfoJobManager']}"
-    if site[site_name]["compute_element"] == nil
-      site[site_name]["compute_element"] = compute_element
-    elsif site[site_name]["compute_element"] != compute_element
-      old = site[site_name]["compute_element"].to_a
-      old << compute_element
-      site[site_name]["compute_element"] = old.uniq
-    end
-    storage_element = "gsiftp://#{tmp['GlueCEInfoHostName']}:2811"
-    if site[site_name]["storage_element"] == nil
-      site[site_name]["storage_element"] = storage_element
-    elsif site[site_name]["storage_element"] != storage_element
-      old = site[site_name]["storage_element"].to_a
-      old << storage_element
-      site[site_name]["storage_element"] = old.flatten.uniq
-    end
-    site[site_name]["data_directory"] = tmp['GlueCEInfoDataDir']
-    site[site_name]["app_directory"] = tmp['GlueCEInfoApplicationDir']
-    # Disabled because some storage endpoints are broken
-    #storage_element = tmp['GlueSEAccessProtocolEndpoint'] if tmp['GlueSEAccessProtocolType'] == 'gsiftp'
-    #next if storage_element == nil
-    #if storage_element.include? ','
-      #storage_element = storage_element.split(',').grep /gsiftp/
-    #end
-    #if site[site_name]["storage_element"] == nil
-      #site[site_name]["storage_element"] = storage_element
-    #elsif site[site_name]["storage_element"] != storage_element
-      #old = site[site_name]["storage_element"].to_a
-      #old << storage_element
-      #site[site_name]["storage_element"] = old.flatten.uniq
-    #end
-  end
-  site
-def app(args, conf)
-  "app"
-def app_avail(pacman_cache)
-  `pacman -trust-all-caches -lc #{pacman_cache}`
-def app_deploy(app, conf)
-  conf[:sites].each do |site|
-    path = "#{site[:app_directory]}/#{conf[:virtual_organization]}"
-    contact = site_fork site[:compute_element]
-    site[:pacman] = pacman_find(contact, path) if not site[:pacman] 
-    target = {
-      :contact => contact,
-      :pacman => site[:pacman],
-      :path => path
-    }
-    package = "#{conf[:pacman_cache]}:#{app}"
-    pacman_install package, target 
-  end
-def site_fork(compute_element)
-  compute_element.gsub /jobmanager-.*$/, "jobmanager-fork"
-def pacman_find(contact, rootdir)
-  File.open("find_pacman.sh", "w") do |dump|
-    dump.puts "#!/bin/bash"
-    dump.puts "which pacman"
-  end
-  File.chmod 0755, "find_pacman.sh"
-  resp = `globus-job-run #{contact} -d #{rootdir} -stage find_pacman.sh`
-  File.delete "find_pacman.sh"
-  File.dirname(File.dirname(resp))
-def pacman_install(package, target)
-  File.open("pacman_install.sh", "w") do |dump|
-    dump.puts "#!/bin/bash"
-    dump.puts "source #{target[:pacman]}/setup.sh"
-    dump.puts "pacman -trust-all-caches -install #{package}"
-  end
-  File.chmod 0755, "pacman_install.sh"
-  `globus-job-run #{target[:contact]} /bin/mkdir -p #{target[:path]}`
-  resp = `globus-job-run #{target[:contact]} -d #{target[:path]} -stage pacman_install.sh`
-  File.delete "pacman_install.sh"
-  resp
-def config(args, config_file)
-  load_config File.open(config_file)
-def run_command(args, config_file, sites_file)
-  command = args.shift
-  output = nil
-  conf = load_config File.open(config_file)
-  return conf if command == "config"
-  begin
-    site_args = nil
-    site_args = args if command == "sites"
-    conf[:sites] = sites(site_args, conf, sites_file)
-  rescue SiteError => exception
-    conf[:sites] = exception.output
-    File.open(sites_file, "w") do |sites_file|
-      sites_file << output.to_yaml
-    end
-  end
-  return conf if command == "sites"
-  app(args, conf)
-if $0 == __FILE__

Copied: SwiftApps/adem-osg/lib/adem.rb (from rev 3313, SwiftApps/adem-osg/adem.rb)
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/lib/adem.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/lib/adem.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:38 UTC (rev 3314)
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# = ADEM: Application software DEployment and Management
+# Author::       Zhengxiong Hou (original sh prototype)
+# Author:: Allan Espinosa (rewrite to ruby)
+require 'yaml'
+require 'ftools'
+CONFIGURATION_FILE = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.adem/config"
+SITES_FILE         = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.adem/sites"
+APPS_FILE          = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.adem/apps"
+class SiteError < Exception
+  attr_reader :output
+  def initialize(output)
+    @output = output
+  end
+class ConfigError < RuntimeError
+def load_config(yaml_config)
+  conf = YAML.load yaml_config
+  conf.each do |key, val|
+    conf.delete(key)
+    conf[key.to_sym] = val
+  end
+  conf
+def sites(args, conf, sites_file)
+  begin
+    YAML.load File.open sites_file
+  rescue Errno::ENOENT
+    result = ress_parse ress_query(conf).split("\n\n")
+    raise SiteError.new(result)
+  end
+def ress_query(conf)
+  `condor_status -pool #{conf[:ress_server]} -const \
+    'stringListIMember(\"VO:#{conf[:virtual_organization]}\", \  
+    GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule)' -long`
+def ress_parse(ress)
+  class_ads = [
+    "GlueSiteUniqueID", "GlueCEInfoHostName", "GlueCEInfoJobManager",
+    "GlueCEInfoGatekeeperPort", "GlueSEAccessProtocolEndpoint",
+    "GlueSEAccessProtocolType", "GlueCEInfoApplicationDir", "GlueCEInfoDataDir"
+  ]
+  site = {}
+  ress.each do |entry|
+    tmp = {}
+    entry.each do |attr|
+      attr.chomp!
+      class_ads.each do |class_ad|
+        if attr.include? class_ad
+          tmp[class_ad] = attr.gsub!(/.*\=\ (.*)$/, '\1').gsub /"/, ''
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    next if tmp["GlueSiteUniqueID"] == nil
+    site_name = tmp["GlueSiteUniqueID"]
+    site[site_name] = {} if site[site_name] == nil
+    compute_element = "#{tmp['GlueCEInfoHostName']}:#{tmp['GlueCEInfoGatekeeperPort']}/jobmanager-#{tmp['GlueCEInfoJobManager']}"
+    if site[site_name]["compute_element"] == nil
+      site[site_name]["compute_element"] = compute_element
+    elsif site[site_name]["compute_element"] != compute_element
+      old = site[site_name]["compute_element"].to_a
+      old << compute_element
+      site[site_name]["compute_element"] = old.uniq
+    end
+    storage_element = "gsiftp://#{tmp['GlueCEInfoHostName']}:2811"
+    if site[site_name]["storage_element"] == nil
+      site[site_name]["storage_element"] = storage_element
+    elsif site[site_name]["storage_element"] != storage_element
+      old = site[site_name]["storage_element"].to_a
+      old << storage_element
+      site[site_name]["storage_element"] = old.flatten.uniq
+    end
+    site[site_name]["data_directory"] = tmp['GlueCEInfoDataDir']
+    site[site_name]["app_directory"] = tmp['GlueCEInfoApplicationDir']
+    # Disabled because some storage endpoints are broken
+    #storage_element = tmp['GlueSEAccessProtocolEndpoint'] if tmp['GlueSEAccessProtocolType'] == 'gsiftp'
+    #next if storage_element == nil
+    #if storage_element.include? ','
+      #storage_element = storage_element.split(',').grep /gsiftp/
+    #end
+    #if site[site_name]["storage_element"] == nil
+      #site[site_name]["storage_element"] = storage_element
+    #elsif site[site_name]["storage_element"] != storage_element
+      #old = site[site_name]["storage_element"].to_a
+      #old << storage_element
+      #site[site_name]["storage_element"] = old.flatten.uniq
+    #end
+  end
+  site
+def app(args, conf)
+  "app"
+def app_avail(pacman_cache)
+  `pacman -trust-all-caches -lc #{pacman_cache}`
+def app_deploy(app, conf)
+  conf[:sites].each do |site|
+    path = "#{site[:app_directory]}/#{conf[:virtual_organization]}"
+    contact = site_fork site[:compute_element]
+    site[:pacman] = pacman_find(contact, path) if not site[:pacman] 
+    target = {
+      :contact => contact,
+      :pacman => site[:pacman],
+      :path => path
+    }
+    package = "#{conf[:pacman_cache]}:#{app}"
+    pacman_install package, target 
+  end
+def site_fork(compute_element)
+  compute_element.gsub /jobmanager-.*$/, "jobmanager-fork"
+def pacman_find(contact, rootdir)
+  File.open("find_pacman.sh", "w") do |dump|
+    dump.puts "#!/bin/bash"
+    dump.puts "which pacman"
+  end
+  File.chmod 0755, "find_pacman.sh"
+  resp = `globus-job-run #{contact} -d #{rootdir} -stage find_pacman.sh`
+  File.delete "find_pacman.sh"
+  File.dirname(File.dirname(resp))
+def pacman_install(package, target)
+  File.open("pacman_install.sh", "w") do |dump|
+    dump.puts "#!/bin/bash"
+    dump.puts "source #{target[:pacman]}/setup.sh"
+    dump.puts "pacman -trust-all-caches -install #{package}"
+  end
+  File.chmod 0755, "pacman_install.sh"
+  `globus-job-run #{target[:contact]} /bin/mkdir -p #{target[:path]}`
+  resp = `globus-job-run #{target[:contact]} -d #{target[:path]} -stage pacman_install.sh`
+  File.delete "pacman_install.sh"
+  resp
+def config(args, config_file)
+  load_config File.open(config_file)
+def run_command(args, config_file, sites_file)
+  command = args.shift
+  output = nil
+  conf = load_config File.open(config_file)
+  return conf if command == "config"
+  begin
+    site_args = nil
+    site_args = args if command == "sites"
+    conf[:sites] = sites(site_args, conf, sites_file)
+  rescue SiteError => exception
+    conf[:sites] = exception.output
+    File.open(sites_file, "w") do |sites_file|
+      sites_file << output.to_yaml
+    end
+  end
+  return conf if command == "sites"
+  app(args, conf) if command == "app"
+if $0 == __FILE__

Added: SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/setup_test.rb
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/setup_test.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/setup_test.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:38 UTC (rev 3314)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usb/bin/env ruby
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'adem'
+require 'yaml'
+module Adem
+  module TestSetup
+    def setup
+      @conf = {
+        :pacman_cache         => "http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/Cybershake",
+        :ress_server          => "osg-ress-1.fnal.gov",
+        :virtual_organization => "engage"
+      }
+      @site_list = File.open("sites").read
+      @ress = File.open("dummy_ress").read
+    end
+  end

Added: SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_offline.rb
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_offline.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_offline.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:38 UTC (rev 3314)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require 'setup_test'
+class OfflineTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  include Adem::TestSetup
+  def test_sites_exception
+    conf = @conf
+    conf[:ress_server] = nil
+    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
+    assert_raise SiteError do
+      sites(nil, conf, "non_existent_file")
+    end
+  end
+  def test_sites_from_file
+    conf = @conf
+    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
+    assert_equal(site_list, sites(nil, conf, "sites"))
+  end
+  def test_site_fork
+    assert_equal "ff-grid.unl.edu:2119/jobmanager-fork", site_fork("ff-grid.unl.edu:2119/jobmanager-pbs")
+  end
+  def test_ress_parse
+    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
+    assert_equal site_list, ress_parse(@ress.split("\n\n"))
+  end
+  def test_app
+    conf = @conf
+    assert_equal("app", app(nil, conf))
+  end
+  def test_config
+    assert_equal(@conf, config(nil, "config"))
+  end

Added: SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_online.rb
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_online.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_online.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:38 UTC (rev 3314)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+require 'setup_test'
+class OnlineTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  include Adem::TestSetup
+  def test_sites_live
+    conf = @conf
+    begin
+      sites(nil, conf, "non_existent_file")
+    rescue SiteError => e
+      assert_equal YAML.load(@site_list), e.output
+    end
+  end
+  def test_ress_query
+    conf = @conf
+    ress = ress_query(conf).split "\n\n"
+    assumption = true
+    class_ads = [
+      "GlueSiteUniqueID", "GlueCEInfoHostName", "GlueCEInfoJobManager",
+      "GlueCEInfoGatekeeperPort", "GlueSEAccessProtocolEndpoint",
+      "GlueSEAccessProtocolType", "GlueCEInfoApplicationDir", "GlueCEInfoDataDir"
+    ]
+    missing = []
+    ress.each do |entry|
+      class_ads.each do |ad|
+        assumption = assumption && entry.include?(ad)
+        missing << ad if not entry.include?(ad)
+      end
+    end
+    # False: there exist an entry without the expected classad.
+    # Must report to osg support then
+    assert assumption, "Missing attributes: \n\t#{missing.uniq.join(", ")}"
+  end
+  def test_app_avail
+    pacman_cache = @conf[:pacman_cache]
+    response = <<-eos
+    [ ] jbsim3d
+    eos
+    assert_equal(response, app_avail(pacman_cache))
+  end
+  def test_pacman_find_firefly
+    # Firefly
+    site = {
+      :compute_element => "ff-grid.unl.edu:2119/jobmanager-pbs",
+      :app_directory => "/panfs/panasas/CMS/app",
+      :storage_element => "gsiftp://ff-gridftp.unl.edu:2811"
+    }
+    assert_equal(
+      "/opt/pacman/pacman-3.28",
+      pacman_find(
+        "ff-grid.unl.edu/jobmanager-fork",
+        "/panfs/panasas/CMS/app/engage"
+      )
+    )
+  end
+  def test_pacman_install_firefly_jbsim3d
+    # Cleanup target first
+    `globus-job-run ff-grid.unl.edu -env PACMAN_LOCATION=/opt/pacman/pacman-3.28 -d /panfs/panasas/CMS/app/engage /opt/pacman/pacman-3.28/bin/pacman -remove jbsim3d`
+    expected = <<-eos
+  jbsim3d found in http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/Cybershake...
+  Installing jbsim3d...
+  Downloading jbsim3d_r794~RHEL5_amd64.tar.gz...
+  Untarring jbsim3d_r794~RHEL5_amd64.tar.gz...
+  jbsim3d has been installed.
+    eos
+    assert_equal(
+      expected,
+      pacman_install(
+        "http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/Cybershake:jbsim3d",
+        { :contact => "ff-grid.unl.edu/jobmanager-fork",
+          :pacman  => "/opt/pacman/pacman-3.28",
+          :path    => "/panfs/panasas/CMS/app/engage" }
+      )
+    )
+  end

Added: SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_run.rb
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_run.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/test/test_run.rb	2010-05-03 19:56:38 UTC (rev 3314)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+require 'setup_test'
+class RunTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  include Adem::TestSetup
+  def test_config
+    assert_equal(@conf, run_command(["config"], "config", nil))
+  end
+  def test_sites_from_file
+    conf = @conf
+    site_list = YAML.load @site_list
+    conf[:sites] = site_list
+    assert_equal(conf, run_command(["sites"], "config", "sites"))
+  end

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