[Swift-commit] r3060 - in SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL: . scripts

noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 6 10:35:30 CDT 2009

Author: andric
Date: 2009-08-06 10:35:30 -0500 (Thu, 06 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 3060

R scripts for ccf group analysis

Added: SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccf_lh.R
--- SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccf_lh.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccf_lh.R	2009-08-06 15:35:30 UTC (rev 3060)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#---- Thursday; April 24, 2008
+#---- This vrsion cuts off Beta vals abs(val) > 8 and uses lag.max=4
+allinputs <- Sys.getenv("R_SWIFT_ARGS")
+outname <- noquote(strsplit(allinputs," ")[[1]][1])
+inputfile <- Sys.getenv("R_INPUT")
+dd <- read.table(inputfile)
+Query_out <- data.frame(dd)
+NumSubjects <- 24;
+NumTimepoints <- 9;
+NumCols <- 36
+# generate the vectors that apply to each group of vectors
+SubjectVec <- as.factor(rep(1:NumSubjects,NumCols))
+CondVect <- as.factor(rep(1:4, rep(NumTimepoints*NumSubjects, 4)))
+TimePointVec <- as.factor(rep(rep(1:9, rep(NumSubjects, 9)),4))
+# the subject categorization: 1=ta-percept 0=ka or ka-ta-percept, 9=to remove from this analysis
+# mja: WHAT  DO I DO WITH THIS ??????
+# for now, EVERYBODY'S IN! : 0 = stayin alive
+SubjectCategorization <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+SubjectCategorization_Vec <- as.factor(rep(SubjectCategorization, 36))
+OverallRows <- length(levels(as.factor(Query_out[,2])))
+ccf <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+speech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gesture <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gestspeech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+grasp <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+mat_row = 0
+#vox_levels <- as.factor(voxel)
+vox_levels <- as.factor(Query_out[,2])
+for (vox in levels(vox_levels)){
+    mat_row = mat_row + 1
+    # brougt in many voxels, now go one by one
+	vox_matrix <- Query_out[which(Query_out[,2] == vox),]
+    # take colums 3-38of the results and make vector
+    zz <- (stack(vox_matrix[,3:38]))
+    VoxValues_vec <- zz[,1]
+    Voxel_df <- data.frame(S=SubjectVec, Cond=CondVect, Time=TimePointVec, Beta=VoxValues_vec, SubjCat=SubjectCategorization_Vec)
+	attach(Voxel_df)
+	# grab those entries with extreme betavalues
+	cutoff_obs <- Voxel_df[(Voxel_df$Beta <= -8) | (Voxel_df$Beta >= 8),]
+	# if there are extreme values, clean them, otherwise, the final dataframe is the original one
+	if (length(unique(cutoff_obs$Beta)) > 0){
+	   # get breakdown of the extreme values by subject and condition. if we wanted just by subject could have used
+	   # cutoff_obs_breakdown <- aggregate(cutoff_obs$Beta, by=list(cutoff_obs$S), length)
+	   cutoff_obs_breakdown <- aggregate(cutoff_obs$Beta, by=list(cutoff_obs$S, cutoff_obs$Time), length)
+	   # now get just those conditions that had 1 or more extreme vals.
+	   # ss that contributed more than 1 vals to any condition gets kicked out from this voxel's analysis
+	   # this filter is very conservative. basically kicks out any ss that contributed extreme vals
+	   # clean_ss_df is basically Voxel_df with the problematic ss removed
+	   t1 <- subset(cutoff_obs_breakdown, cutoff_obs_breakdown$x >=1) 
+	   kicked_out_ss <-  as.factor(as.vector(unique(t1[,1])))
+	   num_kicked_out_ss <- (length(kicked_out_ss))
+	   cleaned_ss_df <- Voxel_df[!(Voxel_df$S %in% kicked_out_ss),]
+	   # skip scaling and outlier removal for now
+	   # remove remaining extreme values from df with filtered ss
+	   # cleaned_ss_noextreme_df <- cleaned_ss_df[(cleaned_ss_df$Beta >= -10) & (cleaned_ss_df$Beta <= 10),]
+	   # final_df <- cleaned_ss_noextreme_df[(cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta >= -4) & (cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta <= 4),]
+	   remaining_ss <- length(as.factor(as.vector(unique(cleaned_ss_df$S))))
+	   # print(remaining_ss)
+	   final_df <- cleaned_ss_df
+	   rm(cleaned_ss_df)
+	}
+	else{
+	   num_kicked_out_ss = 0
+	   final_df <- Voxel_df
+	}
+	# once we have final_df either after removal of extreme value or not we are ready for computations
+	detach(Voxel_df)
+	rm(Voxel_df)
+	attach(final_df)
+	# agList collapses across time so each SXSyllable is one value rather than 9.
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), mean)
+    agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(Time, Cond), mean) 
+    #agListMax <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), max)
+	#agListMean <- aggregate(agListMax[,3], by=list(agListMax[,2]), mean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean[,3], agListMax[,3])
+	#write.table(mydf, file=paste("firsttry",vox,".txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+    # get beta vals for each condition collapsed across time. subset gets a matrix, and [,3] selects the third column. try without [,3]
+    waver.vector <- c(0,8.96394,89.8344,75.8427,23.2527,4.09246,0.507025,0.0493012,0)
+    vox_speech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==1)[,3]
+    vox_gesture_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==2)[,3]
+    vox_gestspeech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==3)[,3]
+    vox_grasp_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==4)[,3]
+    #---- SPEECH
+    speech_ccf <- ccf(vox_speech_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(speech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        speech_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    speech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(speech_ccf$acf,speech_ccf$lag))
+    speech_cor <- speech_frame[which.max(speech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE
+    gesture_ccf <- ccf(vox_gesture_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gesture_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gesture_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    gesture_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gesture_ccf$acf,gesture_ccf$lag))
+    gesture_cor <- gesture_frame[which.max(gesture_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE & SPEECH
+    gestspeech_ccf <- ccf(vox_gestspeech_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gestspeech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gestspeech_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    gestspeech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gestspeech_ccf$acf,gestspeech_ccf$lag))
+    gestspeech_cor <- gestspeech_frame[which.max(gestspeech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GRASP
+    grasp_ccf <- ccf(vox_grasp_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(grasp_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        grasp_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    grasp_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(grasp_ccf$acf,grasp_ccf$lag))
+    grasp_cor <- grasp_frame[which.max(grasp_frame[,1]),]
+    vox_id <- as.integer(vox)
+    ccf[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id, speech_cor[[1]], speech_cor[[2]], gesture_cor[[1]], gesture_cor[[2]], gestspeech_cor[[1]], gestspeech_cor[[2]], grasp_cor[[1]], grasp_cor[[2]], num_kicked_out_ss)
+    speech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_speech_vec)
+    gesture[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gesture_vec)
+    gestspeech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gestspeech_vec)
+    grasp[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_grasp_vec)
+	detach(final_df)
+    rm(final_df, agListMean)
+write.table(round(ccf,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_ccf.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(speech,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_speech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(gesture,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_emblem.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(gestspeech,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_embspeech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(grasp,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_grasp.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

Added: SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccf_rh.R
--- SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccf_rh.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccf_rh.R	2009-08-06 15:35:30 UTC (rev 3060)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#---- Thursday; April 24, 2008
+#---- This vrsion cuts off Beta vals abs(val) > 8 and uses lag.max=4
+allinputs <- Sys.getenv("R_SWIFT_ARGS")
+outname <- noquote(strsplit(allinputs," ")[[1]][1])
+inputfile <- Sys.getenv("R_INPUT")
+dd <- read.table(inputfile)
+Query_out <- data.frame(dd)
+NumSubjects <- 24;
+NumTimepoints <- 9;
+NumCols <- 36
+# generate the vectors that apply to each group of vectors
+SubjectVec <- as.factor(rep(1:NumSubjects,NumCols))
+CondVect <- as.factor(rep(1:4, rep(NumTimepoints*NumSubjects, 4)))
+TimePointVec <- as.factor(rep(rep(1:9, rep(NumSubjects, 9)),4))
+# the subject categorization: 1=ta-percept 0=ka or ka-ta-percept, 9=to remove from this analysis
+# mja: WHAT  DO I DO WITH THIS ??????
+# for now, EVERYBODY'S IN! : 0 = stayin alive
+SubjectCategorization <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+SubjectCategorization_Vec <- as.factor(rep(SubjectCategorization, 36))
+OverallRows <- length(levels(as.factor(Query_out[,2])))
+ccf <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+speech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gesture <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gestspeech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+grasp <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+mat_row = 0
+#vox_levels <- as.factor(voxel)
+vox_levels <- as.factor(Query_out[,2])
+for (vox in levels(vox_levels)){
+    mat_row = mat_row + 1
+    # brougt in many voxels, now go one by one
+	vox_matrix <- Query_out[which(Query_out[,2] == vox),]
+    # take colums 3-38of the results and make vector
+    zz <- (stack(vox_matrix[,3:38]))
+    VoxValues_vec <- zz[,1]
+    Voxel_df <- data.frame(S=SubjectVec, Cond=CondVect, Time=TimePointVec, Beta=VoxValues_vec, SubjCat=SubjectCategorization_Vec)
+	attach(Voxel_df)
+	# grab those entries with extreme betavalues
+	cutoff_obs <- Voxel_df[(Voxel_df$Beta <= -8) | (Voxel_df$Beta >= 8),]
+	# if there are extreme values, clean them, otherwise, the final dataframe is the original one
+	if (length(unique(cutoff_obs$Beta)) > 0){
+	   # get breakdown of the extreme values by subject and condition. if we wanted just by subject could have used
+	   # cutoff_obs_breakdown <- aggregate(cutoff_obs$Beta, by=list(cutoff_obs$S), length)
+	   cutoff_obs_breakdown <- aggregate(cutoff_obs$Beta, by=list(cutoff_obs$S, cutoff_obs$Time), length)
+	   # now get just those conditions that had 1 or more extreme vals.
+	   # ss that contributed more than 1 vals to any condition gets kicked out from this voxel's analysis
+	   # this filter is very conservative. basically kicks out any ss that contributed extreme vals
+	   # clean_ss_df is basically Voxel_df with the problematic ss removed
+	   t1 <- subset(cutoff_obs_breakdown, cutoff_obs_breakdown$x >=1) 
+	   kicked_out_ss <-  as.factor(as.vector(unique(t1[,1])))
+	   num_kicked_out_ss <- (length(kicked_out_ss))
+	   cleaned_ss_df <- Voxel_df[!(Voxel_df$S %in% kicked_out_ss),]
+	   # skip scaling and outlier removal for now
+	   # remove remaining extreme values from df with filtered ss
+	   # cleaned_ss_noextreme_df <- cleaned_ss_df[(cleaned_ss_df$Beta >= -10) & (cleaned_ss_df$Beta <= 10),]
+	   # final_df <- cleaned_ss_noextreme_df[(cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta >= -4) & (cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta <= 4),]
+	   remaining_ss <- length(as.factor(as.vector(unique(cleaned_ss_df$S))))
+	   # print(remaining_ss)
+	   final_df <- cleaned_ss_df
+	   rm(cleaned_ss_df)
+	}
+	else{
+	   num_kicked_out_ss = 0
+	   final_df <- Voxel_df
+	}
+	# once we have final_df either after removal of extreme value or not we are ready for computations
+	detach(Voxel_df)
+	rm(Voxel_df)
+	attach(final_df)
+	# agList collapses across time so each SXSyllable is one value rather than 9.
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), mean)
+    agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(Time, Cond), mean) 
+    #agListMax <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), max)
+	#agListMean <- aggregate(agListMax[,3], by=list(agListMax[,2]), mean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean[,3], agListMax[,3])
+	#write.table(mydf, file=paste("firsttry",vox,".txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
+    # get beta vals for each condition collapsed across time. subset gets a matrix, and [,3] selects the third column. try without [,3]
+    waver.vector <- c(0,8.96394,89.8344,75.8427,23.2527,4.09246,0.507025,0.0493012,0)
+    vox_speech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==1)[,3]
+    vox_gesture_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==2)[,3]
+    vox_gestspeech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==3)[,3]
+    vox_grasp_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==4)[,3]
+    #---- SPEECH
+    speech_ccf <- ccf(vox_speech_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(speech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        speech_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    speech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(speech_ccf$acf,speech_ccf$lag))
+    speech_cor <- speech_frame[which.max(speech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE
+    gesture_ccf <- ccf(vox_gesture_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gesture_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gesture_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    gesture_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gesture_ccf$acf,gesture_ccf$lag))
+    gesture_cor <- gesture_frame[which.max(gesture_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE & SPEECH
+    gestspeech_ccf <- ccf(vox_gestspeech_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gestspeech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gestspeech_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    gestspeech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gestspeech_ccf$acf,gestspeech_ccf$lag))
+    gestspeech_cor <- gestspeech_frame[which.max(gestspeech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GRASP
+    grasp_ccf <- ccf(vox_grasp_vec, waver.vector, lag.max = 4, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(grasp_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        grasp_ccf$acf[1:9] = 0
+    }
+    grasp_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(grasp_ccf$acf,grasp_ccf$lag))
+    grasp_cor <- grasp_frame[which.max(grasp_frame[,1]),]
+    vox_id <- as.integer(vox)
+    ccf[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id, speech_cor[[1]], speech_cor[[2]], gesture_cor[[1]], gesture_cor[[2]], gestspeech_cor[[1]], gestspeech_cor[[2]], grasp_cor[[1]], grasp_cor[[2]], num_kicked_out_ss)
+    speech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_speech_vec)
+    gesture[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gesture_vec)
+    gestspeech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gestspeech_vec)
+    grasp[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_grasp_vec)
+	detach(final_df)
+    rm(final_df, agListMean)
+write.table(round(ccf,5), file=paste(outname,"_rh_ccf.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(speech,5), file=paste(outname,"_rh_speech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(gesture,5), file=paste(outname,"_rh_emblem.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(gestspeech,5), file=paste(outname,"_rh_embspeech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+write.table(round(grasp,5), file=paste(outname,"_rh_grasp.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

Added: SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterp.R
--- SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterp.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterp.R	2009-08-06 15:35:30 UTC (rev 3060)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#---- May 31, 2009
+## using interpolation to get better precision on the lag
+#---- This vrsion cuts off Beta vals abs(val) > 8 and uses lag.max=4
+allinputs <- Sys.getenv("R_SWIFT_ARGS")
+outname <- noquote(strsplit(allinputs," ")[[1]][1])
+hemi <- noquote(strsplit(allinputs," ")[[1]][2])
+inputfile <- Sys.getenv("R_INPUT")
+dd <- read.table(inputfile)
+Query_out <- data.frame(dd)
+NumSubjects <- 24;
+NumTimepoints <- 9;
+NumCols <- 36
+# generate the vectors that apply to each group of vectors
+SubjectVec <- as.factor(rep(1:NumSubjects,NumCols))
+CondVect <- as.factor(rep(1:4, rep(NumTimepoints*NumSubjects, 4)))
+TimePointVec <- as.factor(rep(rep(1:9, rep(NumSubjects, 9)),4))
+# the subject categorization: 1=ta-percept 0=ka or ka-ta-percept, 9=to remove from this analysis
+SubjectCategorization <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+SubjectCategorization_Vec <- as.factor(rep(SubjectCategorization, 36))
+OverallRows <- length(levels(as.factor(Query_out[,2])))
+ccf <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+speech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gesture <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gestspeech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+grasp <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+mat_row = 0
+#vox_levels <- as.factor(voxel)
+vox_levels <- as.factor(Query_out[,2])
+for (vox in levels(vox_levels)){
+    mat_row = mat_row + 1
+    # brougt in many voxels, now go one by one
+    vox_matrix <- Query_out[which(Query_out[,2] == vox),]
+    # take colums 3-38of the results and make vector
+    zz <- (stack(vox_matrix[,3:38]))
+    VoxValues_vec <- zz[,1]
+    Voxel_df <- data.frame(S=SubjectVec, Cond=CondVect, Time=TimePointVec, Beta=VoxValues_vec, SubjCat=SubjectCategorization_Vec)
+    attach(Voxel_df)
+    # grab those entries with extreme betavalues
+    cutoff_obs <- Voxel_df[(Voxel_df$Beta <= -8) | (Voxel_df$Beta >= 8),]
+    # if there are extreme values, clean them, otherwise, the final dataframe is the original one
+    if (length(unique(cutoff_obs$Beta)) > 0){
+       # get breakdown of the extreme values by subject and condition. if we wanted just by subject could have used
+       cutoff_obs_breakdown <- aggregate(cutoff_obs$Beta, by=list(cutoff_obs$S, cutoff_obs$Time), length)
+       # now get just those conditions that had 1 or more extreme vals.
+       # ss that contributed more than 1 vals to any condition gets kicked out from this voxel's analysis
+       # this filter is very conservative. basically kicks out any ss that contributed extreme vals
+       # clean_ss_df is basically Voxel_df with the problematic ss removed
+       t1 <- subset(cutoff_obs_breakdown, cutoff_obs_breakdown$x >=1)
+       kicked_out_ss <-  as.factor(as.vector(unique(t1[,1])))
+       num_kicked_out_ss <- (length(kicked_out_ss))
+       cleaned_ss_df <- Voxel_df[!(Voxel_df$S %in% kicked_out_ss),]
+       # remove remaining extreme values from df with filtered ss
+       # cleaned_ss_noextreme_df <- cleaned_ss_df[(cleaned_ss_df$Beta >= -10) & (cleaned_ss_df$Beta <= 10),]
+       # final_df <- cleaned_ss_noextreme_df[(cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta >= -4) & (cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta <= 4),]
+       remaining_ss <- length(as.factor(as.vector(unique(cleaned_ss_df$S))))
+       # print(remaining_ss)
+       final_df <- cleaned_ss_df
+       rm(cleaned_ss_df)
+    }
+    else{
+       num_kicked_out_ss = 0
+       final_df <- Voxel_df
+    }
+    # once we have final_df either after removal of extreme value or not we are ready for computations
+    detach(Voxel_df)
+    rm(Voxel_df)
+    attach(final_df)
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), mean)
+    agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(Time, Cond), mean)
+    #agListMax <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), max)
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(agListMax[,3], by=list(agListMax[,2]), mean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean[,3], agListMax[,3])
+    # get beta vals for each condition collapsed across time. subset gets a matrix, and [,3] selects the third column. try without [,3]
+    waver.vector <- c(0,8.96394,89.8344,75.8427,23.2527,4.09246,0.507025,0.0493012,0)
+    vox_speech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==1)[,3]
+    vox_gesture_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==2)[,3]
+    vox_gestspeech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==3)[,3]
+    vox_grasp_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==4)[,3]
+    ##-- INTERPOLATION -------- ##
+    origX <- c(1:NumTimepoints)
+    ## 4 Hz resampling to get into 1/4 of a TR (1/2 second)
+    resample_length <- length(seq(1,NumTimepoints,1/4))
+    ## interpolate waver.vector and then each condition
+    asp_wvr <- aspline(origX,waver.vector,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_speech <- aspline(origX,vox_speech_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_gesture <- aspline(origX,vox_gesture_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_gestspeech <- aspline(origX,vox_gestspeech_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_grasp <- aspline(origX,vox_grasp_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    #---- SPEECH
+    speech_ccf <- ccf(asp_speech, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(speech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        speech_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    speech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(speech_ccf$acf,speech_ccf$lag))
+    speech_cor <- speech_frame[which.max(speech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE
+    gesture_ccf <- ccf(asp_gesture, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gesture_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gesture_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    gesture_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gesture_ccf$acf,gesture_ccf$lag))
+    gesture_cor <- gesture_frame[which.max(gesture_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE & SPEECH
+    gestspeech_ccf <- ccf(asp_gestspeech, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gestspeech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gestspeech_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    gestspeech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gestspeech_ccf$acf,gestspeech_ccf$lag))
+    gestspeech_cor <- gestspeech_frame[which.max(gestspeech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GRASP
+    grasp_ccf <- ccf(asp_grasp, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(grasp_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        grasp_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    grasp_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(grasp_ccf$acf,grasp_ccf$lag))
+    grasp_cor <- grasp_frame[which.max(grasp_frame[,1]),]
+    vox_id <- as.integer(vox)
+    ccf[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id, speech_cor[[1]], speech_cor[[2]], gesture_cor[[1]], gesture_cor[[2]], gestspeech_cor[[1]], gestspeech_cor[[2]], grasp_cor[[1]], grasp_cor[[2]], num_kicked_out_ss)
+    #speech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_speech_vec)
+    #gesture[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gesture_vec)
+    #gestspeech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gestspeech_vec)
+    #grasp[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_grasp_vec)
+    detach(final_df)
+    rm(final_df, agListMean)
+write.table(round(ccf,5), file=paste(hemi,"_",outname,"_ccf.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

Added: SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterpOLD.R
--- SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterpOLD.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterpOLD.R	2009-08-06 15:35:30 UTC (rev 3060)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#---- May 31, 2009
+## using interpolation to get better precision on the lag
+#---- This vrsion cuts off Beta vals abs(val) > 8 and uses lag.max=4
+allinputs <- Sys.getenv("R_SWIFT_ARGS")
+outname <- noquote(strsplit(allinputs," ")[[1]][1])
+inputfile <- Sys.getenv("R_INPUT")
+dd <- read.table(inputfile)
+Query_out <- data.frame(dd)
+NumSubjects <- 24;
+NumTimepoints <- 9;
+NumCols <- 36
+# generate the vectors that apply to each group of vectors
+SubjectVec <- as.factor(rep(1:NumSubjects,NumCols))
+CondVect <- as.factor(rep(1:4, rep(NumTimepoints*NumSubjects, 4)))
+TimePointVec <- as.factor(rep(rep(1:9, rep(NumSubjects, 9)),4))
+# the subject categorization: 1=ta-percept 0=ka or ka-ta-percept, 9=to remove from this analysis
+SubjectCategorization <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+SubjectCategorization_Vec <- as.factor(rep(SubjectCategorization, 36))
+OverallRows <- length(levels(as.factor(Query_out[,2])))
+ccf <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+speech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gesture <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gestspeech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+grasp <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+mat_row = 0
+#vox_levels <- as.factor(voxel)
+vox_levels <- as.factor(Query_out[,2])
+for (vox in levels(vox_levels)){
+    mat_row = mat_row + 1
+    # brougt in many voxels, now go one by one
+    vox_matrix <- Query_out[which(Query_out[,2] == vox),]
+    # take colums 3-38of the results and make vector
+    zz <- (stack(vox_matrix[,3:38]))
+    VoxValues_vec <- zz[,1]
+    Voxel_df <- data.frame(S=SubjectVec, Cond=CondVect, Time=TimePointVec, Beta=VoxValues_vec, SubjCat=SubjectCategorization_Vec)
+    attach(Voxel_df)
+    # grab those entries with extreme betavalues
+    cutoff_obs <- Voxel_df[(Voxel_df$Beta <= -8) | (Voxel_df$Beta >= 8),]
+    # if there are extreme values, clean them, otherwise, the final dataframe is the original one
+    if (length(unique(cutoff_obs$Beta)) > 0){
+       # get breakdown of the extreme values by subject and condition. if we wanted just by subject could have used
+       cutoff_obs_breakdown <- aggregate(cutoff_obs$Beta, by=list(cutoff_obs$S, cutoff_obs$Time), length)
+       # now get just those conditions that had 1 or more extreme vals.
+       # ss that contributed more than 1 vals to any condition gets kicked out from this voxel's analysis
+       # this filter is very conservative. basically kicks out any ss that contributed extreme vals
+       # clean_ss_df is basically Voxel_df with the problematic ss removed
+       t1 <- subset(cutoff_obs_breakdown, cutoff_obs_breakdown$x >=1)
+       kicked_out_ss <-  as.factor(as.vector(unique(t1[,1])))
+       num_kicked_out_ss <- (length(kicked_out_ss))
+       cleaned_ss_df <- Voxel_df[!(Voxel_df$S %in% kicked_out_ss),]
+       # remove remaining extreme values from df with filtered ss
+       # cleaned_ss_noextreme_df <- cleaned_ss_df[(cleaned_ss_df$Beta >= -10) & (cleaned_ss_df$Beta <= 10),]
+       # final_df <- cleaned_ss_noextreme_df[(cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta >= -4) & (cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta <= 4),]
+       remaining_ss <- length(as.factor(as.vector(unique(cleaned_ss_df$S))))
+       # print(remaining_ss)
+       final_df <- cleaned_ss_df
+       rm(cleaned_ss_df)
+    }
+    else{
+       num_kicked_out_ss = 0
+       final_df <- Voxel_df
+    }
+    # once we have final_df either after removal of extreme value or not we are ready for computations
+    detach(Voxel_df)
+    rm(Voxel_df)
+    attach(final_df)
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), mean)
+    agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(Time, Cond), mean)
+    #agListMax <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), max)
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(agListMax[,3], by=list(agListMax[,2]), mean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean[,3], agListMax[,3])
+    # get beta vals for each condition collapsed across time. subset gets a matrix, and [,3] selects the third column. try without [,3]
+    waver.vector <- c(0,8.96394,89.8344,75.8427,23.2527,4.09246,0.507025,0.0493012,0)
+    vox_speech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==1)[,3]
+    vox_gesture_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==2)[,3]
+    vox_gestspeech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==3)[,3]
+    vox_grasp_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==4)[,3]
+    ##-- INTERPOLATION -------- ##
+    origX <- c(1:NumTimepoints)
+    ## 4 Hz resampling to get into 1/4 of a TR (1/2 second)
+    resample_length <- length(seq(1,NumTimepoints,1/4))
+    ## interpolate waver.vector and then each condition
+    asp_wvr <- aspline(origX,waver.vector,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_speech <- aspline(origX,vox_speech_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_gesture <- aspline(origX,vox_gesture_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_gestspeech <- aspline(origX,vox_gestspeech_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_grasp <- aspline(origX,vox_grasp_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    #---- SPEECH
+    speech_ccf <- ccf(asp_speech, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(speech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        speech_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    speech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(speech_ccf$acf,speech_ccf$lag))
+    speech_cor <- speech_frame[which.max(speech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE
+    gesture_ccf <- ccf(asp_gesture, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gesture_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gesture_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    gesture_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gesture_ccf$acf,gesture_ccf$lag))
+    gesture_cor <- gesture_frame[which.max(gesture_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE & SPEECH
+    gestspeech_ccf <- ccf(asp_gestspeech, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gestspeech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gestspeech_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    gestspeech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gestspeech_ccf$acf,gestspeech_ccf$lag))
+    gestspeech_cor <- gestspeech_frame[which.max(gestspeech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GRASP
+    grasp_ccf <- ccf(asp_grasp, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(grasp_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        grasp_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    grasp_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(grasp_ccf$acf,grasp_ccf$lag))
+    grasp_cor <- grasp_frame[which.max(grasp_frame[,1]),]
+    vox_id <- as.integer(vox)
+    ccf[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id, speech_cor[[1]], speech_cor[[2]], gesture_cor[[1]], gesture_cor[[2]], gestspeech_cor[[1]], gestspeech_cor[[2]], grasp_cor[[1]], grasp_cor[[2]], num_kicked_out_ss)
+    #speech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_speech_vec)
+    #gesture[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gesture_vec)
+    #gestspeech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gestspeech_vec)
+    #grasp[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_grasp_vec)
+    detach(final_df)
+    rm(final_df, agListMean)
+write.table(round(ccf,5), file=paste(outname,"_ccf.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(speech,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_speech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(gesture,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_emblem.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(gestspeech,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_embspeech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(grasp,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_grasp.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

Added: SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterp_lh.R
--- SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterp_lh.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/ccf_emblem/ccf_emblemIDEAL/scripts/grid_ccfinterp_lh.R	2009-08-06 15:35:30 UTC (rev 3060)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#---- May 31, 2009
+## using interpolation to get better precision on the lag
+#---- This vrsion cuts off Beta vals abs(val) > 8 and uses lag.max=4
+allinputs <- Sys.getenv("R_SWIFT_ARGS")
+outname <- noquote(strsplit(allinputs," ")[[1]][1])
+inputfile <- Sys.getenv("R_INPUT")
+dd <- read.table(inputfile)
+Query_out <- data.frame(dd)
+NumSubjects <- 24;
+NumTimepoints <- 9;
+NumCols <- 36
+# generate the vectors that apply to each group of vectors
+SubjectVec <- as.factor(rep(1:NumSubjects,NumCols))
+CondVect <- as.factor(rep(1:4, rep(NumTimepoints*NumSubjects, 4)))
+TimePointVec <- as.factor(rep(rep(1:9, rep(NumSubjects, 9)),4))
+# the subject categorization: 1=ta-percept 0=ka or ka-ta-percept, 9=to remove from this analysis
+SubjectCategorization <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+SubjectCategorization_Vec <- as.factor(rep(SubjectCategorization, 36))
+OverallRows <- length(levels(as.factor(Query_out[,2])))
+ccf <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+speech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gesture <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+gestspeech <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+grasp <- matrix(nrow=OverallRows, ncol=10)
+mat_row = 0
+#vox_levels <- as.factor(voxel)
+vox_levels <- as.factor(Query_out[,2])
+for (vox in levels(vox_levels)){
+    mat_row = mat_row + 1
+    # brougt in many voxels, now go one by one
+    vox_matrix <- Query_out[which(Query_out[,2] == vox),]
+    # take colums 3-38of the results and make vector
+    zz <- (stack(vox_matrix[,3:38]))
+    VoxValues_vec <- zz[,1]
+    Voxel_df <- data.frame(S=SubjectVec, Cond=CondVect, Time=TimePointVec, Beta=VoxValues_vec, SubjCat=SubjectCategorization_Vec)
+    attach(Voxel_df)
+    # grab those entries with extreme betavalues
+    cutoff_obs <- Voxel_df[(Voxel_df$Beta <= -8) | (Voxel_df$Beta >= 8),]
+    # if there are extreme values, clean them, otherwise, the final dataframe is the original one
+    if (length(unique(cutoff_obs$Beta)) > 0){
+       # get breakdown of the extreme values by subject and condition. if we wanted just by subject could have used
+       cutoff_obs_breakdown <- aggregate(cutoff_obs$Beta, by=list(cutoff_obs$S, cutoff_obs$Time), length)
+       # now get just those conditions that had 1 or more extreme vals.
+       # ss that contributed more than 1 vals to any condition gets kicked out from this voxel's analysis
+       # this filter is very conservative. basically kicks out any ss that contributed extreme vals
+       # clean_ss_df is basically Voxel_df with the problematic ss removed
+       t1 <- subset(cutoff_obs_breakdown, cutoff_obs_breakdown$x >=1)
+       kicked_out_ss <-  as.factor(as.vector(unique(t1[,1])))
+       num_kicked_out_ss <- (length(kicked_out_ss))
+       cleaned_ss_df <- Voxel_df[!(Voxel_df$S %in% kicked_out_ss),]
+       # remove remaining extreme values from df with filtered ss
+       # cleaned_ss_noextreme_df <- cleaned_ss_df[(cleaned_ss_df$Beta >= -10) & (cleaned_ss_df$Beta <= 10),]
+       # final_df <- cleaned_ss_noextreme_df[(cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta >= -4) & (cleaned_ss_noextreme_df$ScaledBeta <= 4),]
+       remaining_ss <- length(as.factor(as.vector(unique(cleaned_ss_df$S))))
+       # print(remaining_ss)
+       final_df <- cleaned_ss_df
+       rm(cleaned_ss_df)
+    }
+    else{
+       num_kicked_out_ss = 0
+       final_df <- Voxel_df
+    }
+    # once we have final_df either after removal of extreme value or not we are ready for computations
+    detach(Voxel_df)
+    rm(Voxel_df)
+    attach(final_df)
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), mean)
+    agListMean <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(Time, Cond), mean)
+    #agListMax <- aggregate(Beta, by=list(S, Cond), max)
+    #agListMean <- aggregate(agListMax[,3], by=list(agListMax[,2]), mean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean)
+    #mydf <- data.frame(agListMean[,3], agListMax[,3])
+    # get beta vals for each condition collapsed across time. subset gets a matrix, and [,3] selects the third column. try without [,3]
+    waver.vector <- c(0,8.96394,89.8344,75.8427,23.2527,4.09246,0.507025,0.0493012,0)
+    vox_speech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==1)[,3]
+    vox_gesture_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==2)[,3]
+    vox_gestspeech_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==3)[,3]
+    vox_grasp_vec <- subset(agListMean, Group.2==4)[,3]
+    ##-- INTERPOLATION -------- ##
+    origX <- c(1:NumTimepoints)
+    ## 4 Hz resampling to get into 1/4 of a TR (1/2 second)
+    resample_length <- length(seq(1,NumTimepoints,1/4))
+    ## interpolate waver.vector and then each condition
+    asp_wvr <- aspline(origX,waver.vector,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_speech <- aspline(origX,vox_speech_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_gesture <- aspline(origX,vox_gesture_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_gestspeech <- aspline(origX,vox_gestspeech_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    asp_grasp <- aspline(origX,vox_grasp_vec,n=resample_length,method="improved")$y
+    #---- SPEECH
+    speech_ccf <- ccf(asp_speech, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(speech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        speech_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    speech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(speech_ccf$acf,speech_ccf$lag))
+    speech_cor <- speech_frame[which.max(speech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE
+    gesture_ccf <- ccf(asp_gesture, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gesture_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gesture_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    gesture_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gesture_ccf$acf,gesture_ccf$lag))
+    gesture_cor <- gesture_frame[which.max(gesture_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GESTURE & SPEECH
+    gestspeech_ccf <- ccf(asp_gestspeech, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(gestspeech_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        gestspeech_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    gestspeech_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(gestspeech_ccf$acf,gestspeech_ccf$lag))
+    gestspeech_cor <- gestspeech_frame[which.max(gestspeech_frame[,1]),]
+    #---- GRASP
+    grasp_ccf <- ccf(asp_grasp, asp_wvr, lag.max = 12, type = c("correlation"), na.action=na.pass, plot=FALSE)
+    if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(grasp_ccf$acf))) != 0){
+        grasp_ccf$acf[1:25] = 0
+    }
+    grasp_frame <- as.matrix(data.frame(grasp_ccf$acf,grasp_ccf$lag))
+    grasp_cor <- grasp_frame[which.max(grasp_frame[,1]),]
+    vox_id <- as.integer(vox)
+    ccf[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id, speech_cor[[1]], speech_cor[[2]], gesture_cor[[1]], gesture_cor[[2]], gestspeech_cor[[1]], gestspeech_cor[[2]], grasp_cor[[1]], grasp_cor[[2]], num_kicked_out_ss)
+    #speech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_speech_vec)
+    #gesture[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gesture_vec)
+    #gestspeech[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_gestspeech_vec)
+    #grasp[mat_row, ] <- c(vox_id,vox_grasp_vec)
+    detach(final_df)
+    rm(final_df, agListMean)
+write.table(round(ccf,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_ccf.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(speech,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_speech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(gesture,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_emblem.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(gestspeech,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_embspeech.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
+#write.table(round(grasp,5), file=paste(outname,"_lh_grasp.txt",sep=""), row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

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