sieve-dev Parallel Issue of Loading ISieve directly from files

Shi Jin jinzishuai at
Thu Sep 11 11:24:25 CDT 2008

Hi there,
Now that I am able to load the isieve directly from a dumped file, I am
testing it for parallel simulations.
It looked like it was going to work since all the mesh loading was perfect.
Then I have an error at a call to

Then I figured out that my this->_calculatedOverlap is set to be false,
meaning the overlap is not yet computed. I am wondering I can do to get
around this problem. With the unoptimized sieve, I was able to load the
parallel sieves from files and did not get this problem. Since the
calculation of overlap is done in an earlier run when the sieves are dumped
to files. So I assume the overlap is already calculated but I am not sure
whether it is implicitly in the sieve information I dump/load. If it is the
case, then I simply need to set the value of _calculatedOverlap to be true.
Otherwise, I might have to dump the overlap information and load them
separately. Please advice.

Thank you very much.

Shi Jin, Ph.D.
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