Executing: uname -s stdout: Linux ============================================================================================= Configuring PETSc to compile on your system ============================================================================================= ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Starting configure run at Fri, 05 Apr 2024 16:02:42 +0200 Configure Options: --configModules=PETSc.Configure --optionsModule=config.compilerOptions PETSC_ARCH=petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpifort COPTFLAGS="-O2 -g" CXXOPTFLAGS="-O2 -g" FOPTFLAGS="-O2 -g" --with-debugging=0 --with-log=1 --download-fblaslapack --with-cuda=0 prefix=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Working directory: /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Machine platform: uname_result(system='Linux', node='sigma.nsc.liu.se', release='5.14.0-362.18.1.hfi1fix.nsc2.el9_3.x86_64', version='#1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Feb 5 18:02:00 CET 2024', machine='x86_64') Python version: 3.9.18 (main, Jan 4 2024, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-2)] ================================================================================ Environmental variables SHELL=/bin/bash SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1356822,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1356822 WINDOWID=39319276 SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/scratch/local COLORTERM=truecolor XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg HISTCONTROL=ignoredups XDG_MENU_PREFIX=xfce- PCSCTUN_SERVER= PULSE_RUNTIME_PATH=/var/opt/thinlinc/sessions/bramkamp/15/pulse PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib/pkgconfig HISTSIZE=1000 HOSTNAME=sigma.nsc.liu.se PCSCTUN_COOKIE=/var/opt/thinlinc/sessions/bramkamp/15/pcsctun-cookie 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NVHPC=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 MODULEPATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/supplemental-modules/buildenv-nvhpc/cu12.2-23.7:/software/sse2/sigma_el9/modules CC=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvc PSM2_CUDA=0 _LMFILES_=/software/sse2/sigma_el9/modules/hpc/.1.9.5.lua:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/supplemental-modules/buildenv-nvhpc/cu12.2-23.7/FFTW/.3.3.10.lua:/software/sse2/sigma_el9/modules/buildenv-nvhpc/cu12.2-23.7.lua NSC_MOTD_DONE=1 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1046/bus LMOD_CMD=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/lmod/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod OMPI_CXX=nvc++ MAIL=/var/spool/mail/bramkamp FFTW_ROOT=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1 CPATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/include:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/include/qd:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/include:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/include:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/include:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/include PULSE_SERVER=/var/opt/thinlinc/sessions/bramkamp/15/pulse/native OLDPWD=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc TLPREFIX=/opt/thinlinc BASH_FUNC_ml%%=() { eval "$($LMOD_DIR/ml_cmd "$@")" } BASH_FUNC_which%%=() { ( alias; eval ${which_declare} ) | /usr/bin/which --tty-only --read-alias --read-functions --show-tilde --show-dot $@ } BASH_FUNC_module%%=() { if [ -z "${LMOD_SH_DBG_ON+x}" ]; then case "$-" in *v*x*) __lmod_sh_dbg='vx' ;; *v*) __lmod_sh_dbg='v' ;; *x*) __lmod_sh_dbg='x' ;; esac; fi; if [ -n "${__lmod_sh_dbg:-}" ]; then set +$__lmod_sh_dbg; echo "Shell debugging temporarily silenced: export LMOD_SH_DBG_ON=1 for Lmod's output" 1>&2; fi; eval "$($LMOD_CMD shell "$@")" && eval "$(${LMOD_SETTARG_CMD:-:} -s sh)"; __lmod_my_status=$?; if [ -n "${__lmod_sh_dbg:-}" ]; then echo "Shell debugging restarted" 1>&2; set -$__lmod_sh_dbg; fi; unset __lmod_sh_dbg; return $__lmod_my_status } _=./configure Files in path provided by default path /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers: ld.gold ld real-ld /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin: fftwq-wisdom fftw-wisdom fftw-wisdom-to-conf fftwl-wisdom fftwf-wisdom /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin: qd-config /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin: mpirun orte-clean mpifort orterun mpiCC mpicc mpicxx ompi_info ompi-server aggregate_profile.pl mpif77 profile2mat.pl mpif90 ompi-clean mpiexec orted mpic++ ortecc orte-server opal_wrapper orte-info /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin: .nvcrc pgzip nv-nsight-cu-cli nsys-ui nvunzip nvc++ nvsize nvcpuid cuda-memcheck .nsysrc ncu-ui .cuda-memcheckrc pgsize pgcpuid .nvccrc .cuobjdumprc .nvprofrc tools pgprepro nvcc localrc-lock nvprof .cuda-gdbrc nvcudainit cuobjdump pgf90 nvfortran nsys pgaccelinfo nvprepro pgf77 makelocalrc pgc++ pgcudainit rcfiles pgfortran pgaccelerror cuda-gdb .nvc++rc pgcc nvzip .compute-sanitizerrc pgf95 localrc .ncurc nvaccelerror ncu nvaccelinfo localrc.bak nvdecode pgunzip .nvfortranrc compute-sanitizer nvextract nvc /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin: nvlink cuda-gdbserver crt nvdisasm cu++filt nvcc.profile ptxas nvcc cudafe++ nvprof cuobjdump nvprune computeprof __nvcc_device_query cuda-gdb bin2c cuda-uninstaller fatbinary nvvp /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin: module-name-helper.py~ publish-eb-buildenv-gcc.sh easybuild_update_dev_repos.sh hpc_motd.sh hpc_sysname.sh hpc_ldwrap.sh hpc_sysid.sh hpc-modules-extract-metadata.py hpc-modules-extract-metadata.py~ easybuild_install.sh publish-eb-buildenv-intel.sh publish-eb-app.sh hpc-module-name-helper.py sse_create_compat_module.py /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin: hpc_usereservation listreservations hpc_compat_el7.hpcinfo hpc_listreservations hpc_node_browser hpc_listaccounts mpprun hpc_network_isolated_browser hpc_compat_el7 /software/tools/bin: ompsalloc unofficial_grab_collectl_logs_for_job check_and_create_user_projects_dirs.OLD execstack listreservations nsc-cachewrap.2023-12-08 firefox cgstat nsc-mute-login check_and_create_user_projects_dirs unofficial_check_QOSUsageThreshold usereservation.sh squeue nsc-cachewrap.2024-01-13 nsc-cachewrap nsc-cachewrap.2024-01-12 check_comsol_license jobload projinfo projdir2project nscquota project2projdir ompsalloc.OLD-python2 7up_buildnode firefox.sandbox_off .NOTUSED tmpquota nsc-cachewrap.20231127 snicquota additac.sh 7up_dnf interactive.vgl /bin: envsubst catchsegv setfacl gencat gettext getconf gettext.sh getent msginit iconv msgmerge ld.so groff ldd msgunfmt locale msguniq localedef ngettext pldd recode-sr-latin sotruss xgettext sprof file tbl tzselect genl-ctrl-list zdump idiag-socket-details alias nf-ct-add bash nf-ct-events bashbug nf-ct-list bashbug-64 grops bg grotty cd nf-exp-add command gsoelim fc gtbl fg nf-exp-delete getopts nf-exp-list hash nf-log jobs nf-monitor read gtroff sh nf-queue type nl-addr-add ulimit nl-addr-delete umask nl-addr-list unalias nl-class-add wait nl-class-delete xmlcatalog nl-class-list xmllint nl-classid-lookup gpg-error nl-cls-add xmlwf nl-cls-delete p11-kit nl-cls-list find nl-fib-lookup xargs neqn sed nl-link-enslave chage nl-link-ifindex2name gpasswd nl-link-list lastlog nl-link-name2ifindex newgidmap nl-link-release newgrp nl-link-set newuidmap nroff sg nl-link-stats trust nl-list-caches egrep nl-list-sockets fgrep nl-monitor grep nl-neigh-add unxz post-grohtml xz nl-neigh-delete xzcat nl-neigh-list xzcmp nl-neightbl-list xzdec nl-pktloc-lookup xzdiff nl-qdisc-add xzegrep nl-qdisc-delete xzfgrep nl-qdisc-list xzgrep nl-route-add xzless nl-route-delete xzmore nl-route-get chacl nl-route-list getfacl msgattrib nl-rule-list msgcat nl-tctree-list msgcmp nl-util-addr msgcomm teamnl msgconv eqn pigz msgen geqn less msgexec gneqn msgfilter gnroff msgfmt gpic cpio msggrep pre-grohtml pic cmp od gzip preconv nohup zcat soelim.groff paste troff pathchk zsoelim soelim pinky unpigz nl gsettings dnsdomainname pr zcmp domainname printenv hostname glib-compile-schemas nisdomainname nproc znew ypdomainname printf lessecho ptx free lesskey pwd pmap lesspipe.sh readlink killall realpath peekfd rm ps prtstat rmdir pslog runcon pstree seq pwdx pstree.x11 sha1sum diff sha224sum diff3 sha256sum sdiff sha384sum ndptool sha512sum whiptail shred which kmod awk shuf top gawk chrt [ sleep arch sort w b2sum split base32 stat cal base64 stdbuf basename stty col basenc dmesg cat sum i386 chcon sync last chgrp tac look chmod tail lsns chown tee mesg cksum test rev comm findmnt cp timeout csplit flock cut touch date hardlink dd ionice df ipcmk dir tr su dircolors true ul dirname ipcrm du truncate echo ipcs env tsort expand tty wall expr uname factor unexpand false kill fmt uniq ping fold unlink groups users head vdir chvt hostid logger id wc install who join whoami link more ln yes logname mount ls ca-legacy md5sum update-ca-trust mkdir gapplication mkfifo gdbus mknod gio mktemp mountpoint mv gio-querymodules-64 nice numfmt script nsenter scriptlive renice scriptreplay setsid setarch taskset setpriv umount setterm unshare uname26 gunzip utmpdump gzexe uuidgen zdiff uuidparse zegrep wdctl zfgrep whereis zforce write zgrep x86_64 zless busctl zmore systemd-tty-ask-password-agent update-mime-database hostnamectl xb-tool mcookie cyrusbdb2current journalctl chattr localectl fuse2fs loginctl lsattr systemctl pgrep systemd-analyze pidof systemd-ask-password pidwait systemd-cat pkill systemd-cgls skill systemd-cgtop slabtop systemd-creds snice systemd-delta tload systemd-detect-virt uptime systemd-dissect vmstat systemd-escape watch systemd-firstboot python systemd-id128 pydoc systemd-inhibit pydoc3 systemd-mount pydoc3.9 systemd-notify python3 systemd-path python3.9 systemd-run bond2team systemd-stdio-bridge team2bond systemd-sysext teamd systemd-sysusers teamdctl namei make-dummy-cert systemd-tmpfiles openssl prlimit renew-dummy-cert systemd-umount pwmake dbus-broker pwscore timedatectl chmem crontab choom dbus-broker-launch colcrt cronnext colrm run-parts column pkaction eject grub2-editenv fallocate grub2-mount fincore pkcheck getopt pkexec hexdump pkttyagent irqtop ssh-keygen isosize arping lastb clockdiff linux32 sha1hmac linux64 tracepath login sha224hmac lsblk sha256hmac lscpu sha384hmac lsipc sha512hmac lsirq dumpkeys lslocks deallocvt lslogins psfstriptable lsmem rename systemd-machine-id-setup systemd-socket-activate sg_stream_ctl grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 jcat-tool pkg-config pkla-admin-identities linux-boot-prober pkla-check-authorization fgconsole getkeycodes kbd_mode kbdinfo kbdrate loadkeys loadunimap mapscrn openvt psfaddtable psfgettable rpmverify psfxtable modulemd-validator resizecons secon setfont semodule_expand setkeycodes semodule_link setleds semodule_package setmetamode semodule_unpackage setvtrgb os-prober showconsolefont sestatus showkey grub2-file unicode_start grub2-menulst2cfg unicode_stop fips-finish-install vlock fips-mode-setup bootctl sg_test_rwbuf coredumpctl grub2-mkimage kernel-install grub2-mkrelpath systemd-cryptenroll grub2-script-check systemd-hwdb evmctl systemd-repart sg_vpd udevadm sg_wr_mode dracut sg_write_buffer lsinitrd sg_write_long nm-online sg_write_same nmcli sg_write_verify dirmngr curl pnmpad dirmngr-client pnmpaste g13 pnmpsnr gpg sg_write_x gpg-agent sg_xcopy gpg-card rpm pnmquant gpg-connect-agent rpm2archive gpg-wks-client rpm2cpio gpg-wks-server sg_zone gpg2 sginfo gpgconf rpmdb gpgparsemail sgm_dd gpgsplit sgp_dd gpgtar captoinfo gpgv clear gpgv2 infocmp watchgnupg infotocap gpgme-json rpmkeys debuginfod-find reset ld.gold crb addr2line pnmquantall ar pnmremap as lsscsi c++filt pnmrotate dwp pod2man elfedit pod2text gprof perldoc ld.bfd pnmscale nm pod2usage objcopy encguess objdump piconv ranlib perl readelf perl5.32.1 size pkgconf strings pnmnorm strip rpmquery update-crypto-policies scsi-rescan rvi setup-nsssysinit scsi_logging_level setup-nsssysinit.sh sg_emc_trespass udisksctl sg_format dbxtool sg_get_config dfu-tool sg_get_elem_status fwupdagent sg_get_lba_status fwupdate sg_ident fwupdmgr sg_inq fwupdtool sg_logs dnf-3 sg_stpg dnf sg_luns lchfn sg_map lchsh man sg_map26 apropos sg_sync sg_modes mokutil sg_opcodes passwd sg_timestamp yum sg_persist sg_turs scp sg_prevent sftp sg_unmap ssh sg_raw ssh-add sg_rbuf ssh-agent sg_rdac ssh-copy-id sg_read ssh-keyscan sg_read_attr nmtui scsi_mandat vi nmtui-connect sg_read_block_limits nmtui-edit scsi_readcap view nmtui-hostname sg_read_buffer cvtsudoers sg_read_long sudo sg_readcap sudoedit sg_reassign sudoreplay sg_referrals aulast sg_rep_pip aulastlog sg_rep_zones ausyscall sg_requests auvirt sg_reset authselect scsi_ready tabs whatis sg_verify scsi_satl tic centrino-decode sg_reset_wp cpupower scsi_start toe gpio-event-mon sg_rmsn gpio-hammer sg_rtpg gpio-watch scsi_stop tput iio_event_monitor scsi_temperature iio_generic_buffer sg_bg_ctl tset intel-speed-select sg_safte kvm_stat sg_sanitize lsgpio sg_sat_identify lsiio sg_compare_and_write page_owner_sort sg_copy_results powernow-k8-decode sg_sat_phy_event slabinfo sg_sat_read_gplog tmon sg_sat_set_features turbostat rview ex x86_energy_perf_policy sg_dd gtar apropos.man-db sg_scan catman sg_seek lexgrog sg_senddiag man-recode sg_ses man.man-db sg_ses_microcode mandb sg_start manpath sg_decode_sense whatis.man-db rescan-scsi-bus.sh tar bluemoon updmap x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config btmon ibv_asyncwatch updmap-sys ibv_devices updmap-user ibv_devinfo hex2hcd ibv_rc_pingpong l2ping ibv_srq_pingpong l2test ibv_uc_pingpong mpris-proxy ibv_ud_pingpong rctest ibv_xsrq_pingpong distro ib_atomic_bw pinentry ib_atomic_lat kpseaccess ib_read_bw pgmmorphconv ib_read_lat pgmnoise ib_send_bw pgmnorm ib_send_lat pgmoil ib_write_bw pinentry-curses ib_write_lat pinentry-gnome3 raw_ethernet_bw gsf-office-thumbnailer raw_ethernet_lat pgmramp tclsh pgmslice tclsh8.6 pnminterp bc pnminvert dc pgmtexture fi_info pgmtofs fi_pingpong pgmtolispm fi_strerror pgmtopbm autoexpect pgmtopgm dislocate pgmtoppm expect pgmtosbig ftp-rfc pgmtost4 kibitz pi1toppm lpunlock wavpack mkpasswd-expect pi3topbm passmass pjtoppm rftp pktopbm rlogin-cwd pngtopam timed-read pngtopnm timed-run pnmalias unbuffer pnmarith weather pnmcat xkibitz pnmcolormap chfn pnmcomp chsh wvgain gst-inspect-1.0 wvtag gst-launch-1.0 wvunpack gst-stats-1.0 iptc pnmmargin gst-typefind-1.0 bluetoothctl pnmmercator gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64 btattach pnmmontage gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer pnmconvol secret-tool pnmcrop aserver pnmcut dconf pnmdepth notify-send pnmenlarge fribidi pnmfile upower powerprofilesctl orc-bugreport pnmflip bwrap btmgmt pnmnlfilt gtk-update-icon-cache pnmgamma exiv2 desktop-file-edit switcherooctl pnmhisteq xsltproc desktop-file-install xdg-dbus-proxy pnmhistmap boltctl pnmindex avinfo dbus-update-activation-environment pnmnoraw desktop-file-validate colormgr mktexpk update-desktop-database gr2fonttest exempi mktextfm cpp osinfo-db-export libwacom-list-devices osinfo-db-import libwacom-list-local-devices osinfo-db-validate libwacom-update-db osinfo-detect libgtop_daemon2 osinfo-install-script libgtop_server2 osinfo-query monitor-sensor appstream-compose xdg-user-dir osinfo-db-path xdg-user-dirs-update appstream-util soundstretch fc-cache setxkbmap fc-cache-64 glxgears fc-cat glxinfo fc-conflist glxinfo64 fc-list xdriinfo fc-match xkbcomp fc-pattern xgamma fc-query xhost fc-scan xinput fc-validate xisxwayland X xkill Xorg xmodmap cvt xrandr gtf xrdb Xwayland xset gjs xsetroot gjs-console xauth pango-list startx pango-segmentation xinit pango-view libinput fusermount canberra-boot tracker3 gsound-play flatpak pacat flatpak-bisect pacmd flatpak-coredumpctl pactl gtk-launch pamon opj2_compress paplay opj2_decompress parec wish8.6 parecord bsdtar pasuspender ulockmgr_server pax11publish datamash wireplumber decorate wpctl xpath wpexec dvilualatex-dev pipewire dbus-monitor pipewire-aes67 dbus-send pipewire-avb dbus-uuidgen pipewire-pulse dviluatex hunspell luacsplain enchant-2 dbus-cleanup-sockets enchant-lsmod-2 dbus-daemon dbus-binding-tool luatex checkmodule texlua checkpolicy texluac sedismod tlmgr sedispol fmtutil audit2allow fmtutil-sys audit2why fmtutil-user chcat dbus-run-session cd-create-profile dbus-test-tool cd-fix-profile mktexlsr cd-iccdump mktexmf cd-it8 pgmminkowski rungs gtk-query-immodules-3.0-64 xfce4-mime-helper canberra-gtk-play xfce4-mime-settings gnome-session thunar xdpyinfo gnome-session-custom-session xfce4-appfinder wish gnome-session-inhibit xfce4-mouse-settings gnome-session-quit xfrun4 gnome-session-selector xev aec gcr-viewer xfce4-settings-editor bluetooth-sendto xfce4-notifyd-config info gkbd-keyboard-display xfce4-settings-manager gst-transcoder-1.0 xlsatoms gtk4-launch iceauth gtk4-update-icon-cache startxfce4 nm-connection-editor xfwm4 gnome-keyring xfce4-taskmanager gnome-keyring-3 xfce4-session gnome-keyring-daemon xlsclients gcm-import xlsfonts gcm-inspect xprop gcm-picker xvinfo gcm-viewer xfce4-session-logout xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update xwininfo zenity vglclient mutter vglconfig cd-convert vglconnect gnome-tour vglgenkey ibus-setup vgllogin ibus vglrun ibus-daemon xfwm4-settings WebKitWebDriver xfce4-session-settings gnome-control-center xfwm4-workspace-settings gdm-screenshot xfwm4-tweaks-settings gdmflexiserver nsc-boost-reservation gnome-extensions vglserver_config gnome-shell xflock4 rksh gnome-shell-extension-prefs xfce4-accessibility-settings gnome-shell-extension-tool xfce4-appearance-settings gnome-shell-perf-tool firefox pw-jack nsc-boost-admin gthumb xfdesktop xfconf-query xfdesktop-settings xfce4-terminal xfce4-color-settings exo-desktop-item-edit nsc-boost-priority exo-open nsc-boost-timelimit cd-drive numactl cd-info memhog cd-read migratepages cdda-player migspeed iso-info numademo iso-read numastat mmc-tool m4 cd-paranoia xfce4-display-settings wnck-urgency-monitor xfce4-panel thunar-settings opj2_dump xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu xfce4-find-cursor xfce4-popup-directorymenu xfce4-keyboard-settings xfce4-popup-windowmenu netstat Thunar ksh xfsettingsd pyinotify po4a-display-man kpsereadlink quotasync kpsestat ed kpsewhich red mkocp patch mkofm meld mktexfmt ksh93 texhash shcomp epstopdf csh repstopdf po4a-display-pod scmp_sys_resolver tcsh gmake zsh make pfmtopam c89 pgmabel c99 pgmbentley cc rsync-ssl gcc-ar rsync gcc-nm rlwrap gcc-ranlib augmatch gcov augparse gcov-dump augtool gcov-tool fadot lto-dump pgmcrater gcc sponge pgmdeshadow x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc msguntypot pgmedge x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc-11 pgmenhance go screen gofmt pgmhist pip arpaname pip-3 mmdblookup pip-3.9 dnstap-read pip3 nsupdate pip3.9 nslookup 2to3 dbuck msgfmt.py po4a-gettextize msgfmt3.9.py hostgrep msgfmt3.py hostlist pathfix.py po4a-normalize pathfix3.9.py po4a-translate pygettext.py po4a-updatepo pygettext3.9.py shar pgmkernel pygettext3.py unshar python-config uudecode python3-config uuencode python3.9-config po4a pshbak python3.9-x86_64-config coping chardetect checksctp virtualenv sctp_darn multitail pgmmake git event_rpcgen.py git-receive-pack sctp_status git-shell keyctl git-upload-archive rpcbind git-upload-pack sctp_test scalar withsctp git-lfs iperf3 podselect rpcinfo install-catalog mtvtoppm sgmlwhich lftpget nsgmls ncftp onsgmls mrftopbm osgmlnorm neotoppm ospam palmtopnm ospcat pamaddnoise ospent pgmmedian osx pamaltsat sgml2xml pamarith sgmlnorm pcxtoppm spam pdbimgtopam spent quota gtk-query-immodules-2.0-64 emacs chronic update-gtk-immodules printafm vipe check-regexp gs zrun cpp2html gsnd pv java2html eps2eps tmux source-highlight vidir ts source-highlight-esc.sh gedit combine source-highlight-settings pf2afm errno src-hilite-lesspipe.sh pdf2dsc paperconf pdf2ps mkfontdir ps2ascii mkfontscale ps2epsi acyclic ps2pdf bcomps ps2pdf12 ccomps ps2pdf13 circo ps2pdf14 cluster ps2pdfwr diffimg ps2ps dijkstra ifdata dot ps2ps2 dot2gxl gsbj delv dotty gsdj dig edgepaint ifne fdp isutf8 gc gsdj500 gml2gv gslj host graphml2gv gslp ftp gv2gml pphs pftp gv2gxl gv-update-userconfig gvcolor ghostview gvgen gv lftp gvmap jq ncat gvmap.sh nano nc gvpack rnano gvpr mwm gxl2dot xmbind gxl2gv nedit lefty nedit-client lneato recode mm2gv rg neato lckdo nop makeinfo osage pod2texi patchwork texi2any prune xxd sccmap evim sfdp gex tred gview twopi gvim unflatten gvimdiff vimdot mispipe a2x gvimtutor a2x.py vimtutor asciidoc vimx asciidoc.py rvim dos2unix vim mac2unix vimdiff unix2dos xclip unix2mac xclip-copyfile ebrowse xclip-cutfile emacsclient xclip-pastefile etags.emacs flex gctags flex++ m17n-conv lex otfdump xmlif otflist xmlto otftobdf fpart otfview fpsync emacs-27.2 ghostscript emacs-27.2.pdmp etags pfbtopfa pee sqliterepo_c ncftpbookmarks zipnote ncftpget zipsplit ncftpls gdb-add-index ncftpput gdb.minimal ncftpbatch modifyrepo_c ncftpspooler eu-addr2line filan eu-ar procan eu-elfclassify socat eu-elfcmp telnet dwz jpeg2ktopam tcptraceroute eu-elfcompress traceroute eu-elflint traceroute6 eu-findtextrel wget gnuplot-qt openal-info funzip xdg-desktop-icon unzipsfx xdg-desktop-menu compare xdg-email zipgrep xdg-icon-resource animate xdg-mime composite xdg-open unzip xdg-screensaver zipinfo xdg-settings conjure smicache convert smidiff display smidump identify smilint import smiquery mogrify smistrip montage smixlate stream capinfos 411toppm captype anytopnm dumpcap asciitopgm editcap atktopbm mergecap avstopam randpkt bioradtopgm rawshark bmptopnm reordercap bmptoppm sharkd brushtopbm text2pcap cameratopam tshark cistopbm wireshark cmuwmtopbm gitk jpegtopnm svn ddbugtopbm svnadmin hwloc-gather-topology svndumpfilter escp2topbm svnfsfs eyuvtoppm svnlook fiascotopnm svnrdump fitstopnm svnserve fstopgm svnsync g3topbm svnversion gemtopbm shasum leaftoppm hg gemtopnm hg-ssh lispmtopgm ci macptopbm co giftopnm ident gouldtoppm merge manweb rcs hdifftopam rcsclean hipstopgm rcsdiff hpcdtoppm rcsfreeze icontopbm rcsmerge ilbmtoppm rlog mdatopbm tig imgtoppm createrepo zip mgrtopbm createrepo_c infotopam mergerepo jbigtopnm mergerepo_c pcdovtoppm modifyrepo zipcloak pmlc pmsearch eu-make-debug-archive pmseries eu-nm pmsocks eu-objdump pmstat eu-ranlib pmstore eu-readelf pmtrace eu-size pmval eu-stack dstat eu-strings pcp2csv eu-strip pmiostat eu-unstrip pmrep debugedit pmlogconf find-debuginfo pmlogctl find-debuginfo.sh pmlogdump sepdebugcrcfix inotifywait pzstd inotifywatch unzstd ncdu zstd perf zstdcat cifsiostat zstdgrep iostat zstdless mpstat zstdmt pidstat bunzip2 sadf bzcat sar bzcmp tapestat bzdiff tmpwatch bzegrep tree bzfgrep lsusb bzgrep lsusb.py bzip2 pmlogextract bzip2recover usb-devices bzless usbhid-dump bzmore hwloc-annotate gendiff hwloc-bind rpmbuild hwloc-calc rpmspec pmlogger debuginfo-install pmlogcheck koi8rxterm find-repos-of-install pmloglabel needs-restarting pmlogmv package-cleanup hwloc-compress-dir repo-graph hwloc-diff repoclosure hwloc-distrib repodiff hwloc-gather-cpuid repomanage hwloc-info repoquery hwloc-ls reposync hwloc-patch repotrack pmlogpaste yum-builddep pmlogsize yum-config-manager pmlogsummary yum-debug-dump pmprobe yum-debug-restore pmpython yum-groups-manager pmrepconf yumdownloader hwloc-ps dbpmda uxterm pcp lstopo-no-graphics pmafm htop pmdate lsof pmdiff ltrace pmdumplog strace pmevent strace-log-merge pmfind lzip pmgenmap 7za pmie xxh128sum pmie2col xxh32sum pmieconf xxh64sum pmiectl xxhsum pminfo resize pmjson gnuplot xterm pamtopfm pambackground pbmclean pambayer pbmlife pambrighten pbmmake pamchannel pbmmask pamcomp pbmminkowski pamcrater pbmpage pamcut pamtopdbimg pamdeinterlace pbmpscale pamdepth pbmreduce pamdice pbmtext pamditherbw pbmtextps pamedge pbmto10x pamendian pbmto4425 pamenlarge pbmtoascii pamexec pbmtoatk pamfile pbmtobbnbg pamfind pbmtocis pamfix pbmtocmuwm pamfixtrunc pbmtodjvurle pamflip pbmtoepsi pamfunc pbmtoepson pamgauss pbmtoescp2 pamgetcolor pbmtog3 pamgradient pamtopng pamhomography pbmtogem pamhue pbmtogo pamlevels pbmtoibm23xx pamlookup pamtopnm pammasksharpen pamtosrf pammixinterlace pbmtoicon pammixmulti pamtosvg pammosaicknit pbmtolj pamoil pamtotga pampaintspill pamtotiff pamperspective pbmtoln03 pampick pbmtolps pampop9 pbmtomacp pamrecolor pamtouil pamrgbatopng pbmtomatrixorbital pamrubber pbmtomda pamscale pbmtomgr pamseq pamtowinicon pamshadedrelief pbmtomrf pamsharpmap pamtoxvmini pamsharpness pamtris pamsistoaglyph pbmtonokia pamslice pbmtopgm pamsplit pbmtopi3 pamstack pamundice pamstereogram pbmtopk pamstretch pamunlookup pamstretch-gen pbmtoplot pamsumm pbmtoppa pamsummcol pbmtopsg3 pamtable pamvalidate pamthreshold pbmtoptx pamtilt pbmtosunicon pamtoavs autoreconf pamtodjvurle pbmtowbmp pamtofits pbmtox10bm pamtogif pbmtoxbm pamtohdiff pamwipeout pamtohtmltbl pbmtoybm pamtojpeg2k pbmtozinc pamtompfont pamx pcdindex pamtooctaveimg pbmupc pamtopam pc1toppm pnmscalefixed ppmtopjxl pnmshear ppmtopj pnmsmooth ppmtoppm pnmsplit ppmtopuzz pnmstitch ppmtorgb3 pnmtile ppmtosixel pnmtoddif ppmtospu pnmtofiasco ppmtoterm pnmtofits ppmtotga pnmtojbig ppmtouil pnmtojpeg ppmtoyuv pnmtopalm ppmtowinicon pnmtopclxl ppmtompeg pnmtoplainpnm ppmtoxpm pnmtopng ppmwheel pnmtopnm ppmtoyuvsplit pnmtops ppmtv pnmtorast psidtopgm pnmtorle pstopnm pnmtosgi qrttoppm pnmtosir rasttopnm pnmtotiff ppmtoneo pnmtotiffcmyk rawtopgm pnmtoxwd rawtoppm ppm3d rgb3toppm ppmbrighten rlatopam ppmchange rletopnm ppmcie ppmtopcx ppmcolormask sbigtopgm ppmcolors sgitopnm ppmdcfont ppmtopgm ppmddumpfont sirtopnm ppmdim sldtoppm ppmdist spctoppm ppmdither spottopgm ppmdmkfont sputoppm ppmdraw srftopam ppmfade st4topgm ppmflash tgatoppm ppmforge sunicontopnm ppmglobe svgtopam ppmhist wbmptopbm ppmlabel thinkjettopbm ppmmake tifftopnm ppmmix winicontoppm ppmnorm winicontopam ppmntsc ximtoppm ppmpat xbmtopbm ppmquant xpmtoppm ppmquantall xvminitoppm ppmrainbow xwdtopnm ppmrelief ybmtopbm ppmrough yuy2topam ppmshadow yuvsplittoppm ppmshift yuvtoppm ppmspread zeisstopnm ppmtoacad ppmtopi1 ppmtoapplevol fig2dev ppmtoarbtxt fig2ps2tex ppmtoascii pic2tpic ppmtobmp transfig ppmtoeyuv eog ppmtogif epstool ppmtoicr evince-previewer ppmtoilbm evince-thumbnailer ppmtojpeg autoconf ppmtoleaf evince ppmtolj autoheader ppmtomap autom4te ppmtomitsu ppmtopict autoscan svcutil autoupdate wsdl ifnames wsdl2 aclocal sgen-grep-binprot aclocal-1.16 automake sn automake-1.16 bison byacc yacc chrpath ccmake ccmake3 cmake cmake3 cpack cpack3 ctest ctest3 ctags optscript readtags diffstat doxygen c++ g++ mprof-report x86_64-redhat-linux-c++ pdb2mdb x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ f95 gfortran gcore gdb gstack pstack ccmakedep cleanlinks gccmakedep imake lndir makedepend makeg mergelib mkdirhier mkhtmlindex revpath xmkmf indent libtool libtoolize sqlite3 sqlmetal mono-service ccrewrite cert-sync chktrust csharp gacutil gacutil2 ikdasm lc mcs mono mono-boehm sqlsharp mono-hang-watchdog disco mono-heapviz setreg mono-package-runtime httpcfg mono-service2 mono-sgen mconfig mono-sgen-gdb.py soapsuds mono-test-install mozroots xsd sasl2-sample-server callgrind_annotate sasl2-sample-client callgrind_control cxpm cg_annotate sxpm cg_diff pcre-config cg_merge icu-config ms_print icu-config-64 valgrind apu-1-config valgrind-di-server libpng-config valgrind-listener icuinfo vgdb xml2-config combinediff pcre2-config dehtmldiff gdbus-codegen editdiff espdiff filterdiff fixcvsdiff flipdiff gitdiff gitdiffview grepdiff interdiff lsdiff patchview recountdiff rediff splitdiff svndiff svndiffview unwrapdiff shellcheck xsubpp prove json_pp pod2html streamzip zipdetails corelist crc32 dtrace splain h2ph pl2pm perlbug perlthanks ptar ptardiff ptargrep cpansign podchecker h2xs perlivp instmodsh libnetcfg enc2xs config_data cpan libpng16-config cpan-mirrors GET HEAD POST png-fix-itxt lwp-download lwp-dump lwp-mirror lwp-request ptked ptksh tkjpeg udunits2 pngfix gsl-histogram gsl-randist apr-1-config mailq glib-compile-resources uuid glib-genmarshal uuid-config glib-gettextize uuid-config.x86_64 glib-mkenums uil gobject-query gresource gtester fail2ban-client gtester-report brotli fail2ban-python hb-ot-shape-closure hb-shape hb-subset hb-view fail2ban-regex freetype-config asn1Coding fail2ban-server asn1Decoding asn1Parser jade openjade sgmlspl mailq.postfix collateindex.pl pygmentize lynx db2html db2rtf newaliases.postfix docbook2html docbook2man docbook2rtf docbook2tex rmail.postfix docbook2texi docbook2txt jw sgmldiff newaliases gtkdoc-check rmail gtkdoc-depscan gtkdoc-fixxref gtkdoc-mkdb gtkdoc-mkhtml gtkdoc-mkhtml2 gtkdoc-mkman gtkdoc-mkpdf gtkdoc-rebase gtkdoc-scan gtkdoc-scangobj gtkdocize gdk-pixbuf-csource gdk-pixbuf-pixdata trietool trietool-0.2 gtk-builder-convert gtk-demo autopoint gettextize intltool-extract intltool-merge intltool-prepare intltool-update intltoolize curl-config lua luac mysql_config mysql_config-64 ncurses6-config ncursesw6-config nvidia-persistenced google-authenticator nvidia-xconfig chronyc nvidia-cuda-mps-control mailx.s-nail nvidia-modprobe s-nail mailx Mail mail nail pattrs munge pctrl remunge pevent unmunge plookup sacct pmix_info sacctmgr pmixcc salloc pps sattach pquery sbatch mc sbcast mcdiff scancel mcedit scontrol mcview scrontab grub2-fstest sdiag grub2-mkfont sgather grub2-mklayout sinfo grub2-mknetdir sprio grub2-mkrescue squeue grub2-mkstandalone sreport grub2-syslinux2cfg srun grub2-glue-efi sshare grub2-render-label sstat strigger cvs seff cvsbug sjobexitmod sjstat smail interactive jobcp jobsh lastjobs projinfo nvidia-cuda-mps-server show_used_vs_limit sreason ipmitool ipmi_ui ipmicmd ipmish nvidia-smi openipmi_eventd openipmicmd ld openipmish rmcp_ping solterm nsc-sudo-send-files nvidia-powerd nvidia-debugdump slurm-license-info dshbak pdcp pdsh rpdcp nodes clubak cluset clush nodeset dbilogstrip dbiprof snmpkey jo net-server munin-get munindoc grub2-kbdcomp dnf-automatic thinlinc-login nvidia-sleep.sh nsc-sudo nsc-sudo-receive-files nvidia-bug-report.sh nvidia-settings /usr/bin: envsubst catchsegv setfacl gencat gettext getconf gettext.sh getent msginit iconv msgmerge ld.so groff ldd msgunfmt locale msguniq localedef ngettext pldd recode-sr-latin sotruss xgettext sprof file tbl tzselect genl-ctrl-list zdump idiag-socket-details alias nf-ct-add bash nf-ct-events bashbug nf-ct-list bashbug-64 grops bg grotty cd nf-exp-add command gsoelim fc gtbl fg nf-exp-delete getopts nf-exp-list hash nf-log jobs nf-monitor read gtroff sh nf-queue type nl-addr-add ulimit nl-addr-delete umask nl-addr-list unalias nl-class-add wait nl-class-delete xmlcatalog nl-class-list xmllint nl-classid-lookup gpg-error nl-cls-add xmlwf nl-cls-delete p11-kit nl-cls-list find nl-fib-lookup xargs neqn sed nl-link-enslave chage nl-link-ifindex2name gpasswd nl-link-list lastlog nl-link-name2ifindex newgidmap nl-link-release newgrp nl-link-set newuidmap nroff sg nl-link-stats trust nl-list-caches egrep nl-list-sockets fgrep nl-monitor grep nl-neigh-add unxz post-grohtml xz nl-neigh-delete xzcat nl-neigh-list xzcmp nl-neightbl-list xzdec nl-pktloc-lookup xzdiff nl-qdisc-add xzegrep nl-qdisc-delete xzfgrep nl-qdisc-list xzgrep nl-route-add xzless nl-route-delete xzmore nl-route-get chacl nl-route-list getfacl msgattrib nl-rule-list msgcat nl-tctree-list msgcmp nl-util-addr msgcomm teamnl msgconv eqn pigz msgen geqn less msgexec gneqn msgfilter gnroff msgfmt gpic cpio msggrep pre-grohtml pic cmp od gzip preconv nohup zcat soelim.groff paste troff pathchk zsoelim soelim pinky unpigz nl gsettings dnsdomainname pr zcmp domainname printenv hostname glib-compile-schemas nisdomainname nproc znew ypdomainname printf lessecho ptx free lesskey pwd pmap lesspipe.sh readlink killall realpath peekfd rm ps prtstat rmdir pslog runcon pstree seq pwdx pstree.x11 sha1sum diff sha224sum diff3 sha256sum sdiff sha384sum ndptool sha512sum whiptail shred which kmod awk shuf top gawk chrt [ sleep arch sort w b2sum split base32 stat cal base64 stdbuf basename stty col basenc dmesg cat sum i386 chcon sync last chgrp tac look chmod tail lsns chown tee mesg cksum test rev comm findmnt cp timeout csplit flock cut touch date hardlink dd ionice df ipcmk dir tr su dircolors true ul dirname ipcrm du truncate echo ipcs env tsort expand tty wall expr uname factor unexpand false kill fmt uniq ping fold unlink groups users head vdir chvt hostid logger id wc install who join whoami link more ln yes logname mount ls ca-legacy md5sum update-ca-trust mkdir gapplication mkfifo gdbus mknod gio mktemp mountpoint mv gio-querymodules-64 nice numfmt script nsenter scriptlive renice scriptreplay setsid setarch taskset setpriv umount setterm unshare uname26 gunzip utmpdump gzexe uuidgen zdiff uuidparse zegrep wdctl zfgrep whereis zforce write zgrep x86_64 zless busctl zmore systemd-tty-ask-password-agent update-mime-database hostnamectl xb-tool mcookie cyrusbdb2current journalctl chattr localectl fuse2fs loginctl lsattr systemctl pgrep systemd-analyze pidof systemd-ask-password pidwait systemd-cat pkill systemd-cgls skill systemd-cgtop slabtop systemd-creds snice systemd-delta tload systemd-detect-virt uptime systemd-dissect vmstat systemd-escape watch systemd-firstboot python systemd-id128 pydoc systemd-inhibit pydoc3 systemd-mount pydoc3.9 systemd-notify python3 systemd-path python3.9 systemd-run bond2team systemd-stdio-bridge team2bond systemd-sysext teamd systemd-sysusers teamdctl namei make-dummy-cert systemd-tmpfiles openssl prlimit renew-dummy-cert systemd-umount pwmake dbus-broker pwscore timedatectl chmem crontab choom dbus-broker-launch colcrt cronnext colrm run-parts column pkaction eject grub2-editenv fallocate grub2-mount fincore pkcheck getopt pkexec hexdump pkttyagent irqtop ssh-keygen isosize arping lastb clockdiff linux32 sha1hmac linux64 tracepath login sha224hmac lsblk sha256hmac lscpu sha384hmac lsipc sha512hmac lsirq dumpkeys lslocks deallocvt lslogins psfstriptable lsmem rename systemd-machine-id-setup systemd-socket-activate sg_stream_ctl grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 jcat-tool pkg-config pkla-admin-identities linux-boot-prober pkla-check-authorization fgconsole getkeycodes kbd_mode kbdinfo kbdrate loadkeys loadunimap mapscrn openvt psfaddtable psfgettable rpmverify psfxtable modulemd-validator resizecons secon setfont semodule_expand setkeycodes semodule_link setleds semodule_package setmetamode semodule_unpackage setvtrgb os-prober showconsolefont sestatus showkey grub2-file unicode_start grub2-menulst2cfg unicode_stop fips-finish-install vlock fips-mode-setup bootctl sg_test_rwbuf coredumpctl grub2-mkimage kernel-install grub2-mkrelpath systemd-cryptenroll grub2-script-check systemd-hwdb evmctl systemd-repart sg_vpd udevadm sg_wr_mode dracut sg_write_buffer lsinitrd sg_write_long nm-online sg_write_same nmcli sg_write_verify dirmngr curl pnmpad dirmngr-client pnmpaste g13 pnmpsnr gpg sg_write_x gpg-agent sg_xcopy gpg-card rpm pnmquant gpg-connect-agent rpm2archive gpg-wks-client rpm2cpio gpg-wks-server sg_zone gpg2 sginfo gpgconf rpmdb gpgparsemail sgm_dd gpgsplit sgp_dd gpgtar captoinfo gpgv clear gpgv2 infocmp watchgnupg infotocap gpgme-json rpmkeys debuginfod-find reset ld.gold crb addr2line pnmquantall ar pnmremap as lsscsi c++filt pnmrotate dwp pod2man elfedit pod2text gprof perldoc ld.bfd pnmscale nm pod2usage objcopy encguess objdump piconv ranlib perl readelf perl5.32.1 size pkgconf strings pnmnorm strip rpmquery update-crypto-policies scsi-rescan rvi setup-nsssysinit scsi_logging_level setup-nsssysinit.sh sg_emc_trespass udisksctl sg_format dbxtool sg_get_config dfu-tool sg_get_elem_status fwupdagent sg_get_lba_status fwupdate sg_ident fwupdmgr sg_inq fwupdtool sg_logs dnf-3 sg_stpg dnf sg_luns lchfn sg_map lchsh man sg_map26 apropos sg_sync sg_modes mokutil sg_opcodes passwd sg_timestamp yum sg_persist sg_turs scp sg_prevent sftp sg_unmap ssh sg_raw ssh-add sg_rbuf ssh-agent sg_rdac ssh-copy-id sg_read ssh-keyscan sg_read_attr nmtui scsi_mandat vi nmtui-connect sg_read_block_limits nmtui-edit scsi_readcap view nmtui-hostname sg_read_buffer cvtsudoers sg_read_long sudo sg_readcap sudoedit sg_reassign sudoreplay sg_referrals aulast sg_rep_pip aulastlog sg_rep_zones ausyscall sg_requests auvirt sg_reset authselect scsi_ready tabs whatis sg_verify scsi_satl tic centrino-decode sg_reset_wp cpupower scsi_start toe gpio-event-mon sg_rmsn gpio-hammer sg_rtpg gpio-watch scsi_stop tput iio_event_monitor scsi_temperature iio_generic_buffer sg_bg_ctl tset intel-speed-select sg_safte kvm_stat sg_sanitize lsgpio sg_sat_identify lsiio sg_compare_and_write page_owner_sort sg_copy_results powernow-k8-decode sg_sat_phy_event slabinfo sg_sat_read_gplog tmon sg_sat_set_features turbostat rview ex x86_energy_perf_policy sg_dd gtar apropos.man-db sg_scan catman sg_seek lexgrog sg_senddiag man-recode sg_ses man.man-db sg_ses_microcode mandb sg_start manpath sg_decode_sense whatis.man-db rescan-scsi-bus.sh tar bluemoon updmap x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-pkg-config btmon ibv_asyncwatch updmap-sys ibv_devices updmap-user ibv_devinfo hex2hcd ibv_rc_pingpong l2ping ibv_srq_pingpong l2test ibv_uc_pingpong mpris-proxy ibv_ud_pingpong rctest ibv_xsrq_pingpong distro ib_atomic_bw pinentry ib_atomic_lat kpseaccess ib_read_bw pgmmorphconv ib_read_lat pgmnoise ib_send_bw pgmnorm ib_send_lat pgmoil ib_write_bw pinentry-curses ib_write_lat pinentry-gnome3 raw_ethernet_bw gsf-office-thumbnailer raw_ethernet_lat pgmramp tclsh pgmslice tclsh8.6 pnminterp bc pnminvert dc pgmtexture fi_info pgmtofs fi_pingpong pgmtolispm fi_strerror pgmtopbm autoexpect pgmtopgm dislocate pgmtoppm expect pgmtosbig ftp-rfc pgmtost4 kibitz pi1toppm lpunlock wavpack mkpasswd-expect pi3topbm passmass pjtoppm rftp pktopbm rlogin-cwd pngtopam timed-read pngtopnm timed-run pnmalias unbuffer pnmarith weather pnmcat xkibitz pnmcolormap chfn pnmcomp chsh wvgain gst-inspect-1.0 wvtag gst-launch-1.0 wvunpack gst-stats-1.0 iptc pnmmargin gst-typefind-1.0 bluetoothctl pnmmercator gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64 btattach pnmmontage gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer pnmconvol secret-tool pnmcrop aserver pnmcut dconf pnmdepth notify-send pnmenlarge fribidi pnmfile upower powerprofilesctl orc-bugreport pnmflip bwrap btmgmt pnmnlfilt gtk-update-icon-cache pnmgamma exiv2 desktop-file-edit switcherooctl pnmhisteq xsltproc desktop-file-install xdg-dbus-proxy pnmhistmap boltctl pnmindex avinfo dbus-update-activation-environment pnmnoraw desktop-file-validate colormgr mktexpk update-desktop-database gr2fonttest exempi mktextfm cpp osinfo-db-export libwacom-list-devices osinfo-db-import libwacom-list-local-devices osinfo-db-validate libwacom-update-db osinfo-detect libgtop_daemon2 osinfo-install-script libgtop_server2 osinfo-query monitor-sensor appstream-compose xdg-user-dir osinfo-db-path xdg-user-dirs-update appstream-util soundstretch fc-cache setxkbmap fc-cache-64 glxgears fc-cat glxinfo fc-conflist glxinfo64 fc-list xdriinfo fc-match xkbcomp fc-pattern xgamma fc-query xhost fc-scan xinput fc-validate xisxwayland X xkill Xorg xmodmap cvt xrandr gtf xrdb Xwayland xset gjs xsetroot gjs-console xauth pango-list startx pango-segmentation xinit pango-view libinput fusermount canberra-boot tracker3 gsound-play flatpak pacat flatpak-bisect pacmd flatpak-coredumpctl pactl gtk-launch pamon opj2_compress paplay opj2_decompress parec wish8.6 parecord bsdtar pasuspender ulockmgr_server pax11publish datamash wireplumber decorate wpctl xpath wpexec dvilualatex-dev pipewire dbus-monitor pipewire-aes67 dbus-send pipewire-avb dbus-uuidgen pipewire-pulse dviluatex hunspell luacsplain enchant-2 dbus-cleanup-sockets enchant-lsmod-2 dbus-daemon dbus-binding-tool luatex checkmodule texlua checkpolicy texluac sedismod tlmgr sedispol fmtutil audit2allow fmtutil-sys audit2why fmtutil-user chcat dbus-run-session cd-create-profile dbus-test-tool cd-fix-profile mktexlsr cd-iccdump mktexmf cd-it8 pgmminkowski rungs gtk-query-immodules-3.0-64 xfce4-mime-helper canberra-gtk-play xfce4-mime-settings gnome-session thunar xdpyinfo gnome-session-custom-session xfce4-appfinder wish gnome-session-inhibit xfce4-mouse-settings gnome-session-quit xfrun4 gnome-session-selector xev aec gcr-viewer xfce4-settings-editor bluetooth-sendto xfce4-notifyd-config info gkbd-keyboard-display xfce4-settings-manager gst-transcoder-1.0 xlsatoms gtk4-launch iceauth gtk4-update-icon-cache startxfce4 nm-connection-editor xfwm4 gnome-keyring xfce4-taskmanager gnome-keyring-3 xfce4-session gnome-keyring-daemon xlsclients gcm-import xlsfonts gcm-inspect xprop gcm-picker xvinfo gcm-viewer xfce4-session-logout xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update xwininfo zenity vglclient mutter vglconfig cd-convert vglconnect gnome-tour vglgenkey ibus-setup vgllogin ibus vglrun ibus-daemon xfwm4-settings WebKitWebDriver xfce4-session-settings gnome-control-center xfwm4-workspace-settings gdm-screenshot xfwm4-tweaks-settings gdmflexiserver nsc-boost-reservation gnome-extensions vglserver_config gnome-shell xflock4 rksh gnome-shell-extension-prefs xfce4-accessibility-settings gnome-shell-extension-tool xfce4-appearance-settings gnome-shell-perf-tool firefox pw-jack nsc-boost-admin gthumb xfdesktop xfconf-query xfdesktop-settings xfce4-terminal xfce4-color-settings exo-desktop-item-edit nsc-boost-priority exo-open nsc-boost-timelimit cd-drive numactl cd-info memhog cd-read migratepages cdda-player migspeed iso-info numademo iso-read numastat mmc-tool m4 cd-paranoia xfce4-display-settings wnck-urgency-monitor xfce4-panel thunar-settings opj2_dump xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu xfce4-find-cursor xfce4-popup-directorymenu xfce4-keyboard-settings xfce4-popup-windowmenu netstat Thunar ksh xfsettingsd pyinotify po4a-display-man kpsereadlink quotasync kpsestat ed kpsewhich red mkocp patch mkofm meld mktexfmt ksh93 texhash shcomp epstopdf csh repstopdf po4a-display-pod scmp_sys_resolver tcsh gmake zsh make pfmtopam c89 pgmabel c99 pgmbentley cc rsync-ssl gcc-ar rsync gcc-nm rlwrap gcc-ranlib augmatch gcov augparse gcov-dump augtool gcov-tool fadot lto-dump pgmcrater gcc sponge pgmdeshadow x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc msguntypot pgmedge x86_64-redhat-linux-gcc-11 pgmenhance go screen gofmt pgmhist pip arpaname pip-3 mmdblookup pip-3.9 dnstap-read pip3 nsupdate pip3.9 nslookup 2to3 dbuck msgfmt.py po4a-gettextize msgfmt3.9.py hostgrep msgfmt3.py hostlist pathfix.py po4a-normalize pathfix3.9.py po4a-translate pygettext.py po4a-updatepo pygettext3.9.py shar pgmkernel pygettext3.py unshar python-config uudecode python3-config uuencode python3.9-config po4a pshbak python3.9-x86_64-config coping chardetect checksctp virtualenv sctp_darn multitail pgmmake git event_rpcgen.py git-receive-pack sctp_status git-shell keyctl git-upload-archive rpcbind git-upload-pack sctp_test scalar withsctp git-lfs iperf3 podselect rpcinfo install-catalog mtvtoppm sgmlwhich lftpget nsgmls ncftp onsgmls mrftopbm osgmlnorm neotoppm ospam palmtopnm ospcat pamaddnoise ospent pgmmedian osx pamaltsat sgml2xml pamarith sgmlnorm pcxtoppm spam pdbimgtopam spent quota gtk-query-immodules-2.0-64 emacs chronic update-gtk-immodules printafm vipe check-regexp gs zrun cpp2html gsnd pv java2html eps2eps tmux source-highlight vidir ts source-highlight-esc.sh gedit combine source-highlight-settings pf2afm errno src-hilite-lesspipe.sh pdf2dsc paperconf pdf2ps mkfontdir ps2ascii mkfontscale ps2epsi acyclic ps2pdf bcomps ps2pdf12 ccomps ps2pdf13 circo ps2pdf14 cluster ps2pdfwr diffimg ps2ps dijkstra ifdata dot ps2ps2 dot2gxl gsbj delv dotty gsdj dig edgepaint ifne fdp isutf8 gc gsdj500 gml2gv gslj host graphml2gv gslp ftp gv2gml pphs pftp gv2gxl gv-update-userconfig gvcolor ghostview gvgen gv lftp gvmap jq ncat gvmap.sh nano nc gvpack rnano gvpr mwm gxl2dot xmbind gxl2gv nedit lefty nedit-client lneato recode mm2gv rg neato lckdo nop makeinfo osage pod2texi patchwork texi2any prune xxd sccmap evim sfdp gex tred gview twopi gvim unflatten gvimdiff vimdot mispipe a2x gvimtutor a2x.py vimtutor asciidoc vimx asciidoc.py rvim dos2unix vim mac2unix vimdiff unix2dos xclip unix2mac xclip-copyfile ebrowse xclip-cutfile emacsclient xclip-pastefile etags.emacs flex gctags flex++ m17n-conv lex otfdump xmlif otflist xmlto otftobdf fpart otfview fpsync emacs-27.2 ghostscript emacs-27.2.pdmp etags pfbtopfa pee sqliterepo_c ncftpbookmarks zipnote ncftpget zipsplit ncftpls gdb-add-index ncftpput gdb.minimal ncftpbatch modifyrepo_c ncftpspooler eu-addr2line filan eu-ar procan eu-elfclassify socat eu-elfcmp telnet dwz jpeg2ktopam tcptraceroute eu-elfcompress traceroute eu-elflint traceroute6 eu-findtextrel wget gnuplot-qt openal-info funzip xdg-desktop-icon unzipsfx xdg-desktop-menu compare xdg-email zipgrep xdg-icon-resource animate xdg-mime composite xdg-open unzip xdg-screensaver zipinfo xdg-settings conjure smicache convert smidiff display smidump identify smilint import smiquery mogrify smistrip montage smixlate stream capinfos 411toppm captype anytopnm dumpcap asciitopgm editcap atktopbm mergecap avstopam randpkt bioradtopgm rawshark bmptopnm reordercap bmptoppm sharkd brushtopbm text2pcap cameratopam tshark cistopbm wireshark cmuwmtopbm gitk jpegtopnm svn ddbugtopbm svnadmin hwloc-gather-topology svndumpfilter escp2topbm svnfsfs eyuvtoppm svnlook fiascotopnm svnrdump fitstopnm svnserve fstopgm svnsync g3topbm svnversion gemtopbm shasum leaftoppm hg gemtopnm hg-ssh lispmtopgm ci macptopbm co giftopnm ident gouldtoppm merge manweb rcs hdifftopam rcsclean hipstopgm rcsdiff hpcdtoppm rcsfreeze icontopbm rcsmerge ilbmtoppm rlog mdatopbm tig imgtoppm createrepo zip mgrtopbm createrepo_c infotopam mergerepo jbigtopnm mergerepo_c pcdovtoppm modifyrepo zipcloak pmlc pmsearch eu-make-debug-archive pmseries eu-nm pmsocks eu-objdump pmstat eu-ranlib pmstore eu-readelf pmtrace eu-size pmval eu-stack dstat eu-strings pcp2csv eu-strip pmiostat eu-unstrip pmrep debugedit pmlogconf find-debuginfo pmlogctl find-debuginfo.sh pmlogdump sepdebugcrcfix inotifywait pzstd inotifywatch unzstd ncdu zstd perf zstdcat cifsiostat zstdgrep iostat zstdless mpstat zstdmt pidstat bunzip2 sadf bzcat sar bzcmp tapestat bzdiff tmpwatch bzegrep tree bzfgrep lsusb bzgrep lsusb.py bzip2 pmlogextract bzip2recover usb-devices bzless usbhid-dump bzmore hwloc-annotate gendiff hwloc-bind rpmbuild hwloc-calc rpmspec pmlogger debuginfo-install pmlogcheck koi8rxterm find-repos-of-install pmloglabel needs-restarting pmlogmv package-cleanup hwloc-compress-dir repo-graph hwloc-diff repoclosure hwloc-distrib repodiff hwloc-gather-cpuid repomanage hwloc-info repoquery hwloc-ls reposync hwloc-patch repotrack pmlogpaste yum-builddep pmlogsize yum-config-manager pmlogsummary yum-debug-dump pmprobe yum-debug-restore pmpython yum-groups-manager pmrepconf yumdownloader hwloc-ps dbpmda uxterm pcp lstopo-no-graphics pmafm htop pmdate lsof pmdiff ltrace pmdumplog strace pmevent strace-log-merge pmfind lzip pmgenmap 7za pmie xxh128sum pmie2col xxh32sum pmieconf xxh64sum pmiectl xxhsum pminfo resize pmjson gnuplot xterm pamtopfm pambackground pbmclean pambayer pbmlife pambrighten pbmmake pamchannel pbmmask pamcomp pbmminkowski pamcrater pbmpage pamcut pamtopdbimg pamdeinterlace pbmpscale pamdepth pbmreduce pamdice pbmtext pamditherbw pbmtextps pamedge pbmto10x pamendian pbmto4425 pamenlarge pbmtoascii pamexec pbmtoatk pamfile pbmtobbnbg pamfind pbmtocis pamfix pbmtocmuwm pamfixtrunc pbmtodjvurle pamflip pbmtoepsi pamfunc pbmtoepson pamgauss pbmtoescp2 pamgetcolor pbmtog3 pamgradient pamtopng pamhomography pbmtogem pamhue pbmtogo pamlevels pbmtoibm23xx pamlookup pamtopnm pammasksharpen pamtosrf pammixinterlace pbmtoicon pammixmulti pamtosvg pammosaicknit pbmtolj pamoil pamtotga pampaintspill pamtotiff pamperspective pbmtoln03 pampick pbmtolps pampop9 pbmtomacp pamrecolor pamtouil pamrgbatopng pbmtomatrixorbital pamrubber pbmtomda pamscale pbmtomgr pamseq pamtowinicon pamshadedrelief pbmtomrf pamsharpmap pamtoxvmini pamsharpness pamtris pamsistoaglyph pbmtonokia pamslice pbmtopgm pamsplit pbmtopi3 pamstack pamundice pamstereogram pbmtopk pamstretch pamunlookup pamstretch-gen pbmtoplot pamsumm pbmtoppa pamsummcol pbmtopsg3 pamtable pamvalidate pamthreshold pbmtoptx pamtilt pbmtosunicon pamtoavs autoreconf pamtodjvurle pbmtowbmp pamtofits pbmtox10bm pamtogif pbmtoxbm pamtohdiff pamwipeout pamtohtmltbl pbmtoybm pamtojpeg2k pbmtozinc pamtompfont pamx pcdindex pamtooctaveimg pbmupc pamtopam pc1toppm pnmscalefixed ppmtopjxl pnmshear ppmtopj pnmsmooth ppmtoppm pnmsplit ppmtopuzz pnmstitch ppmtorgb3 pnmtile ppmtosixel pnmtoddif ppmtospu pnmtofiasco ppmtoterm pnmtofits ppmtotga pnmtojbig ppmtouil pnmtojpeg ppmtoyuv pnmtopalm ppmtowinicon pnmtopclxl ppmtompeg pnmtoplainpnm ppmtoxpm pnmtopng ppmwheel pnmtopnm ppmtoyuvsplit pnmtops ppmtv pnmtorast psidtopgm pnmtorle pstopnm pnmtosgi qrttoppm pnmtosir rasttopnm pnmtotiff ppmtoneo pnmtotiffcmyk rawtopgm pnmtoxwd rawtoppm ppm3d rgb3toppm ppmbrighten rlatopam ppmchange rletopnm ppmcie ppmtopcx ppmcolormask sbigtopgm ppmcolors sgitopnm ppmdcfont ppmtopgm ppmddumpfont sirtopnm ppmdim sldtoppm ppmdist spctoppm ppmdither spottopgm ppmdmkfont sputoppm ppmdraw srftopam ppmfade st4topgm ppmflash tgatoppm ppmforge sunicontopnm ppmglobe svgtopam ppmhist wbmptopbm ppmlabel thinkjettopbm ppmmake tifftopnm ppmmix winicontoppm ppmnorm winicontopam ppmntsc ximtoppm ppmpat xbmtopbm ppmquant xpmtoppm ppmquantall xvminitoppm ppmrainbow xwdtopnm ppmrelief ybmtopbm ppmrough yuy2topam ppmshadow yuvsplittoppm ppmshift yuvtoppm ppmspread zeisstopnm ppmtoacad ppmtopi1 ppmtoapplevol fig2dev ppmtoarbtxt fig2ps2tex ppmtoascii pic2tpic ppmtobmp transfig ppmtoeyuv eog ppmtogif epstool ppmtoicr evince-previewer ppmtoilbm evince-thumbnailer ppmtojpeg autoconf ppmtoleaf evince ppmtolj autoheader ppmtomap autom4te ppmtomitsu ppmtopict autoscan svcutil autoupdate wsdl ifnames wsdl2 aclocal sgen-grep-binprot aclocal-1.16 automake sn automake-1.16 bison byacc yacc chrpath ccmake ccmake3 cmake cmake3 cpack cpack3 ctest ctest3 ctags optscript readtags diffstat doxygen c++ g++ mprof-report x86_64-redhat-linux-c++ pdb2mdb x86_64-redhat-linux-g++ f95 gfortran gcore gdb gstack pstack ccmakedep cleanlinks gccmakedep imake lndir makedepend makeg mergelib mkdirhier mkhtmlindex revpath xmkmf indent libtool libtoolize sqlite3 sqlmetal mono-service ccrewrite cert-sync chktrust csharp gacutil gacutil2 ikdasm lc mcs mono mono-boehm sqlsharp mono-hang-watchdog disco mono-heapviz setreg mono-package-runtime httpcfg mono-service2 mono-sgen mconfig mono-sgen-gdb.py soapsuds mono-test-install mozroots xsd sasl2-sample-server callgrind_annotate sasl2-sample-client callgrind_control cxpm cg_annotate sxpm cg_diff pcre-config cg_merge icu-config ms_print icu-config-64 valgrind apu-1-config valgrind-di-server libpng-config valgrind-listener icuinfo vgdb xml2-config combinediff pcre2-config dehtmldiff gdbus-codegen editdiff espdiff filterdiff fixcvsdiff flipdiff gitdiff gitdiffview grepdiff interdiff lsdiff patchview recountdiff rediff splitdiff svndiff svndiffview unwrapdiff shellcheck xsubpp prove json_pp pod2html streamzip zipdetails corelist crc32 dtrace splain h2ph pl2pm perlbug perlthanks ptar ptardiff ptargrep cpansign podchecker h2xs perlivp instmodsh libnetcfg enc2xs config_data cpan libpng16-config cpan-mirrors GET HEAD POST png-fix-itxt lwp-download lwp-dump lwp-mirror lwp-request ptked ptksh tkjpeg udunits2 pngfix gsl-histogram gsl-randist apr-1-config mailq glib-compile-resources uuid glib-genmarshal uuid-config glib-gettextize uuid-config.x86_64 glib-mkenums uil gobject-query gresource gtester fail2ban-client gtester-report brotli fail2ban-python hb-ot-shape-closure hb-shape hb-subset hb-view fail2ban-regex freetype-config asn1Coding fail2ban-server asn1Decoding asn1Parser jade openjade sgmlspl mailq.postfix collateindex.pl pygmentize lynx db2html db2rtf newaliases.postfix docbook2html docbook2man docbook2rtf docbook2tex rmail.postfix docbook2texi docbook2txt jw sgmldiff newaliases gtkdoc-check rmail gtkdoc-depscan gtkdoc-fixxref gtkdoc-mkdb gtkdoc-mkhtml gtkdoc-mkhtml2 gtkdoc-mkman gtkdoc-mkpdf gtkdoc-rebase gtkdoc-scan gtkdoc-scangobj gtkdocize gdk-pixbuf-csource gdk-pixbuf-pixdata trietool trietool-0.2 gtk-builder-convert gtk-demo autopoint gettextize intltool-extract intltool-merge intltool-prepare intltool-update intltoolize curl-config lua luac mysql_config mysql_config-64 ncurses6-config ncursesw6-config nvidia-persistenced google-authenticator nvidia-xconfig chronyc nvidia-cuda-mps-control mailx.s-nail nvidia-modprobe s-nail mailx Mail mail nail pattrs munge pctrl remunge pevent unmunge plookup sacct pmix_info sacctmgr pmixcc salloc pps sattach pquery sbatch mc sbcast mcdiff scancel mcedit scontrol mcview scrontab grub2-fstest sdiag grub2-mkfont sgather grub2-mklayout sinfo grub2-mknetdir sprio grub2-mkrescue squeue grub2-mkstandalone sreport grub2-syslinux2cfg srun grub2-glue-efi sshare grub2-render-label sstat strigger cvs seff cvsbug sjobexitmod sjstat smail interactive jobcp jobsh lastjobs projinfo nvidia-cuda-mps-server show_used_vs_limit sreason ipmitool ipmi_ui ipmicmd ipmish nvidia-smi openipmi_eventd openipmicmd ld openipmish rmcp_ping solterm nsc-sudo-send-files nvidia-powerd nvidia-debugdump slurm-license-info dshbak pdcp pdsh rpdcp nodes clubak cluset clush nodeset dbilogstrip dbiprof snmpkey jo net-server munin-get munindoc grub2-kbdcomp dnf-automatic thinlinc-login nvidia-sleep.sh nsc-sudo nsc-sudo-receive-files nvidia-bug-report.sh nvidia-settings /opt/thinlinc/bin: hivetool setxkbmap tl-config tl-desktop-activate.sh tl-desktop-builder tl-desktop-restore tl-disconnect tl-env tl-memberof-group tl-mount-localdrives tl-session-param tl-shadow-notify tl-single-app tl-sso-password tl-sso-token-passphrase tl-sso-update-password tl-umount-localdrives tl-wait-smartcard tl-while-x11 vncconfig xkbcomp /usr/local/bin: Warning accessing /usr/bin/X11 gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/bin/X11' /usr/local/sbin: /usr/sbin: mkdict zic thin_delta ldconfig thin_dump iconvconfig thin_ls capsh thin_metadata_pack getcap thin_metadata_size getpcaps thin_metadata_unpack setcap genl packer alternatives ifstat mkfs update-alternatives thin_repair adduser thin_restore chgpasswd thin_rmap chpasswd thin_trim groupadd biosdecode groupdel dmidecode groupmems ownership groupmod vpddecode grpck dosfsck grpconv dosfslabel grpunconv fatlabel newusers fsck.fat pwck fsck.msdos pwconv fsck.vfat pwunconv mkdosfs useradd mkfs.fat userdel mkfs.msdos usermod mkfs.vfat vigr nft halt vipw chroot cgdisk depmod fixparts insmod gdisk lsmod sgdisk modinfo mksquashfs modprobe unsquashfs rmmod avcstat weak-modules getenforce cache_dump init getpidprevcon agetty getsebool cache_metadata_size matchpathcon cache_repair ping sefcontext_compile cache_restore selabel_digest arpd bridge saslpasswd2 selabel_get_digests_all_partial_matches cache_writeback selabel_lookup ctstat badblocks selabel_lookup_best_match dcb blkid selabel_partial_match cache_check debugfs selinux_check_access era_check lid selinuxconlist era_dump selinuxdefcon era_invalidate selinuxenabled era_restore lvm selinuxexeccon blockdev setenforce pdata_tools lvs validatetrans fsck pvck ethtool losetup ipset thin_check pvs ipset-translate mkswap fuser devlink ip partx lnstat swapoff nstat swapon rdma switch_root rtacct cracklib-check rtmon cracklib-format rtstat e2freefrag ss cracklib-packer tipc cracklib-unpacker vdpa mklost+found e2image create-cracklib-dict sasldblistusers2 e2undo e4crypt e4defrag filefrag logsave runlevel resize2fs shutdown dumpe2fs telinit e2mmpstatus anacron e2fsck crond fsck.ext2 blkdeactivate fsck.ext3 dmfilemapd fsck.ext4 dmsetup e2label dmstats tune2fs grub2-probe mke2fs grub2-set-bootflag mkfs.ext2 grub2-set-default mkfs.ext3 grub2-set-password mkfs.ext4 grub2-setpassword skdump parted sktest partprobe pidof dmeventd sysctl mkfs.cramfs vgck arptables-nft fsck.minix xfs_metadump arptables-nft-restore mkfs.minix sshd arptables-nft-save nologin lshw ebtables-nft fsck.cramfs xfs_mkfile ebtables-nft-restore pivot_root tc ebtables-nft-save readprofile ip6tables-nft fsfreeze xfs_ncheck ip6tables-nft-restore resizepart ip6tables-nft-save fstrim xfs_quota ip6tables-restore-translate rfkill ip6tables-translate rtcwake iptables-nft vgscan vgs iptables-nft-restore runuser iptables-nft-save hwclock xfs_repair iptables-restore-translate sfdisk iptables-translate sulogin xtables-monitor swaplabel xtables-nft-multi iptables ip6tables iptables-restore iptables-save ip6tables-restore ip6tables-save ebtables ebtables-save ebtables-restore arptables arptables-save arptables-restore kpartx faillock wipefs mkhomedir_helper zramctl pam_console_apply ldattach xfs_rtcp pam_namespace_helper poweroff pam_timestamp_check reboot pwhistory_helper fsck.xfs unix_chkpwd mkfs.xfs unix_update xfs_admin addpart xfs_bmap blkdiscard xfs_copy blkzone xfs_db cfdisk xfs_estimate chcpu xfs_freeze clock xfs_fsr ctrlaltdel xfs_growfs delpart xfs_info fdformat xfs_io fdisk xfs_logprint findfs xfs_mdrestore grub2-get-kernel-settings xfs_spaceman service arping ifenslave ping6 rdisc tracepath tracepath6 logrotate md-auto-readd.sh mdadm mdmon raid-check udevadm NetworkManager addgnupghome applygnupgdefaults g13-syshelp flashrom grub2-bios-setup grub2-install grub2-mkconfig grub2-reboot grub2-switch-to-blscfg grubby installkernel fixfiles genhomedircon load_policy restorecon restorecon_xattr semodule sestatus setfiles setsebool umount.udisks2 rsyslogd lchage lgroupadd lgroupdel lgroupmod lnewusers lpasswd luseradd luserdel lusermod visudo auditctl auditd augenrules aureport ausearch autrace fsadm lvchange lvconvert lvcreate lvdisplay lvextend lvm_import_vdo lvmconfig lvmdevices lvmdiskscan lvmdump lvmpolld lvmsadc lvmsar lvreduce lvremove lvrename lvresize lvscan pvchange pvcreate pvdisplay pvmove pvremove pvresize pvscan vgcfgbackup vgcfgrestore vgchange vgconvert vgcreate vgdisplay vgexport vgextend vgimport vgimportclone vgimportdevices vgmerge vgmknodes vgreduce vgremove vgrename ibsysstat vgsplit ibtracert perfquery intel_sdsi saquery accessdb sminfo irqbalance ibqueryerrors irqbalance-ui smpdump efibootdump smpquery efibootmgr ibportstate opainfo check_lft_balance.pl vendstat dump_fts ibstat dump_lfts.sh ibrouters dump_mfts.sh lspci ibaddr setpci ibcacheedit update-pciids ibccconfig rdma-ndd ibccquery opaextractmissinglinks ibfindnodesusing.pl opacapture ibhosts ibstatus ibidsverify.pl opafabricinfo iblinkinfo ibswitches ibnetdiscover opagetvf ibnodes opagetvf_env ibping opahfirev ibroute opapmaquery opaportconfig opaportinfo oparesolvehfiport opasaquery opasmaquery opa2rm opaallanalysis opacabletest opacaptureall opachassisadmin opachassisanalysis opacheckload opacmdall opadisablehosts opadisableports opadownloadall opaenableports opaesmanalysis opaexpandfile opaextractbadlinks opaextracterror opaextractlids opaextractlink antisuid opaextractperf arp rpc.nfsd opaextractperf2 ether-wake opaextractsellinks ifconfig opaextractstat ipmaddr opaextractstat2 iptunnel opafabricanalysis mii-diag opafastfabric umount.nfs opafindgood umount.nfs4 opafirmware mii-tool opafmconfigcheck nameif opafmconfigdiff plipconfig opagenchassis route opagenesmchassis slattach opagenswitches install-info opahostadmin fix-info-dir opahostsmanalysis blkmapd opaledports generate-fmtutilcnf opalinkanalysis key.dns_resolver opamergeperf2 exportfs opapaquery mountstats opapingall nfsconf opareport nfsdcld opareports nfsdclddb opascpall nfsdclnts opasetupssh request-key opashowallports nfsidmap opashowmc gssproxy opasorthosts rpcbind opaswdisableall rpcinfo opaswenableall convertquota opaswitchadmin nfsiostat opatop edquota opauploadall quotacheck opaverifyhosts quotaoff opaxlattopology quotaon opaxmlextract quotastats opaxmlfilter repquota opaxmlgenerate setquota opaxmlindent xqmstats initial-shell nfsref rtkitctl nfsstat semanage rpc.gssd mount.fuse rpcctl mount.nfs rpc.idmapd rpc.mountd mount.nfs4 nfsdcltrack rpcdebug gdm rpc.statd xfce4-kiosk-query showmount sm-notify start-statd paperconfig ddns-confgen named-checkzone named-compilezone named-nzd2nzf nsec3hash tsig-keygen fping iftop mtr mtr-packet tcpdump tcpslice hdparm iotop mcelog msr-cpuid rdmsr wrmsr smartctl smartd grub2-macbless update-smart-drivedb tmpwatch hwloc-dump-hwdata pluginviewer saslauthd testsaslauthd sasl2-shared-mechlist unbound-anchor postalias postcat postconf postdrop postfix postkick postlock postlog postmap postmulti postqueue postsuper posttls-finger sendmail.postfix smtp-sink smtp-source sendmail chronyd munged mungekey jobgrep qr.sh conntrack conntrackd nfct munin-asyncd munin-node munin-node-configure munin-run audisp-remote audisp-statsd audisp-syslog nrpe dkms nsc-thinlinc-terminate-session nsc-sudo-helper sas3ircu nsc-thinlinc-session-checker .: setup.py include .gitlab-ci.yml LICENSE makefile petscdir.mk interfaces CONTRIBUTING buildsystem.log configure.log systems GNUmakefile .gitlab-alcf-ci.yml doc config .nagged .gitlab lib gmakefile.test configure share .dir-locals.el README.md .gitignore .gitmessage RDict.log gmakefile CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md .git .mailmap .clang-format src /home/bramkamp/scripts: del_bout mlvtune~ mlvtune.sh del_meshes Warning accessing /home/bramkamp/lib gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/bramkamp/lib' /home/bramkamp/bin: count_files loadmap clean_bedg clean_bout~ #count_files# ssh clean_bedg~ cascade pyplot.ipynb clean_bout convert_seconds_to_hours.ipynb pyplot.ctrl clean_bres_bout.sh /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin: tapenade windows linux mac tapenade.bat /home/bramkamp/grace/bin: convcal grconvert fdf2fit gracebat xmgrace xmgr Xmgr /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin: code vs /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin: ffauinterpol ffalist restrt.x pdual hadaption partition_mesh.x comp_force_distr agglom_mpi.x ffameshmanipulate.x merge_meshes local_remeshing ffatri.x aedis2tri.x tecdisbound struct2unstruct split_partitions merge_meshes.x ffaxyz.x ffanode.x struct2unstruct.x aexbset.x ffa_export_interfaces.x aetribend xedge-application delaun.x ffa23.x transition.x stout.x scale plotaip ffamirror.x aedbrot.x ffa_export_interfaces plotaip.x ffameshmanipulate ffauline.x ffa32 pres aexbset ffaxyz ffa_sampcoord2intf xmgr_aipplot ffa_sampcoord2intf.x ffauplane.x edgeupdate h_adapt dual_mpi.x xmgr_probeplot aeputpert.x dforce.x FFAjEdit.jar FFAjDiff.jar ffafilemanipulate.x aedis2tri aetribend_tag.x plotprobe.x aedbdis.x VG_identify FFAds.jar ffa_export_single_bdis.x ffaucut.x cuttra.x plotres plotmot edge_run.x cuthol.x aestrpert.x aetrins ffa2tab xedge triffa.x aetribend.x EdgeUpdate.jar ffa2engold xmgr_resplot ffa_bdis2intf tec2ffa split_partitions.x ffajedit ffaview bound_def_interf merge_partitions.x abort force edge_run ae-help ffa_export_mesh VG_identify.x pres.x aedbrot ffameshinterpol.x ffa2zona aeputpert addhol.x force.x ffauplane edge_mpi_run.x comp_force_distr.x ffaucut ffa2SU2 meshdeform_mpi.x edge_doc projec.x merge_boundaries aedbdis ffa_export_single_bdis aemshmot struct2unstruct_bc.x ffa2zona.x ffafilemanipulate preprocessor merge_sampling.x preadaption.x Xedge.jar preprocessor_mpi.x bound aemshmot.x ffauinterpol.x edge_mpi_run reorder_mpi.x bound.x moving.x bound_def_interf.x ffaconvert merge_sampling transition ffa_track_sampled_point pdual.x ffaconvert.x plotprobe tec2ffa.x transform_2_5d.x stout struct2unstruct_bc merge_boundaries.x agglom tecdisbound.x ffafdiff.x aestrpert ffa_export_mesh.x partition_mesh edge_run~ ffa_track_sampled_point.x setbac.x plotres.x advfro.x merge_partitions ffafdiff dual.x meshdeform.x ffa32.x ffaremvol.x ffamirror ffa.py ffa2SU2.x ffanode ffa2engold.x addpri.x ffauline ffa_bdis2intf.x ffaremvol VG_adapt transition_mpi.x esave reorder.x plotmot.x ffagtk.py dual preprocessor.x ffajdiff preadaption agglom.x meshdeform ffa23 transform_2_5d bacgrd.x errpro.x ffameshinterpol scale.x reorder ffalist.x ffa2tab.x dforce /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin: fortran.pyc cfdcalc.py f95dep.py salome.py Makefile f95chk.py fortran.py ffaview.py ffa.py ffagtk.py ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureExternalPackagesDir from config.framework(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py:1084) Set alternative directory external packages are built in serialEvaluation: initial cxxDialectRanges ('c++11', 'c++20') serialEvaluation: new cxxDialectRanges ('c++11', 'c++20') child config.utilities.macosFirewall took 0.000005 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDebuggers from config.utilities.debuggers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/debuggers.py:20) Find a default debugger and determine its arguments Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/gdb...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/gdb...not found Checking for program /bin/gdb...found Defined make macro "GDB" to "/bin/gdb" Defined "USE_DEBUGGER" to ""gdb"" Defined make macro "DSYMUTIL" to "true" child config.utilities.debuggers took 0.030238 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDirectories from PETSc.options.petscdir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/petscdir.py:22) Checks PETSC_DIR and sets if not set PETSC_VERSION_RELEASE of 1 indicates the code is from a release branch or a branch created from a release branch. Version Information: #define PETSC_VERSION_RELEASE 1 #define PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define PETSC_VERSION_MINOR 21 #define PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR 0 #define PETSC_VERSION_DATE "unknown" #define PETSC_VERSION_GIT "unknown" #define PETSC_VERSION_DATE_GIT "unknown" #define PETSC_VERSION_EQ(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_ PETSC_VERSION_EQ #define PETSC_VERSION_LT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_LE(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_GT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_GE(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ child PETSc.options.petscdir took 0.005128 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: getDatafilespath from PETSc.options.dataFilesPath(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/dataFilesPath.py:29) Checks what DATAFILESPATH should be child PETSc.options.dataFilesPath took 0.000614 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureGit from config.sourceControl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/sourceControl.py:24) Find the Git executable Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/git...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/git...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/git...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/git...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/git...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/git...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/git...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/git...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/git...not found Checking for program /bin/git...found Defined make macro "GIT" to "git" Executing: git --version stdout: git version 2.44.0 ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMercurial from config.sourceControl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/sourceControl.py:35) Find the Mercurial executable Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/hg...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/hg...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /bin/hg...found Defined make macro "HG" to "hg" Executing: hg version -q stdout: Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 6.1.4) child config.sourceControl took 0.204554 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureInstallationMethod from PETSc.options.petscclone(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/petscclone.py:20) Determine if PETSc was obtained via git or a tarball lib/petsc/bin/maint exists. This appears to be a repository clone .git directory exists Executing: ['git', 'describe', '--match=v*'] stdout: v3.21.0-15-g0ef02067cd5 Executing: ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=format:%H'] stdout: 0ef02067cd5f3d4e7c6730ba158cbd6a0c2e7dff Executing: ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=format:%ci'] stdout: 2024-04-05 09:55:37 -0400 Executing: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'] stdout: barry/2024-04-04/rm-lnvc-link-line/release Executing: ['git', 'status', '--short', '-uno'] Defined "VERSION_GIT" to ""v3.21.0-15-g0ef02067cd5"" Defined "VERSION_DATE_GIT" to ""2024-04-05 09:55:37 -0400"" Defined "VERSION_BRANCH_GIT" to ""barry/2024-04-04/rm-lnvc-link-line/release"" child PETSc.options.petscclone took 2.864754 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: setNativeArchitecture from PETSc.options.arch(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/arch.py:29) Forms the arch as GNU's configure would form it ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureArchitecture from PETSc.options.arch(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/arch.py:42) Checks if PETSC_ARCH is set and sets it if not set No previous hashfile found Setting hashfile: petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash Deleting configure hash file: petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash Unable to delete configure hash file: petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash child PETSc.options.arch took 1.552304 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: setInstallDir from PETSc.options.installDir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:31) Set installDir to either prefix or if that is not set to PETSC_DIR/PETSC_ARCH Defined make macro "PREFIXDIR" to "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module" ============================================================================================= TESTING: saveReconfigure from PETSc.options.installDir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:76) Save the configure options in a script in PETSC_ARCH/lib/petsc/conf so the same configure may be easily re-run ============================================================================================= TESTING: cleanConfDir from PETSc.options.installDir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:68) Remove all the files from configuration directory for this PETSC_ARCH, from --with-clean option ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureInstallDir from PETSc.options.installDir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:52) Makes installDir subdirectories if it does not exist for both prefix install location and PETSc work install location Changed persistence directory to /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf ============================================================================================= TESTING: restoreReconfigure from PETSc.options.installDir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:90) If --with-clean was requested but restoring the reconfigure file was requested then restore it child PETSc.options.installDir took 0.195710 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: setExternalPackagesDir from PETSc.options.externalpackagesdir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/externalpackagesdir.py:15) Set location where external packages will be downloaded to ============================================================================================= TESTING: cleanExternalpackagesDir from PETSc.options.externalpackagesdir(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/externalpackagesdir.py:23) Remove all downloaded external packages, from --with-clean child PETSc.options.externalpackagesdir took 0.000835 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureCLanguage from PETSc.options.languages(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/languages.py:28) Choose whether to compile the PETSc library using a C or C++ compiler C language is C Defined "CLANGUAGE_C" to "1" Defined make macro "CLANGUAGE" to "C" child PETSc.options.languages took 0.001875 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: resetEnvCompilers from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2739) Remove compilers from the shell environment so they do not interfere with testing ============================================================================================= ***** WARNING ***** Found environment variable: CC=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvc. Ignoring it, since it's also set on command line ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= ***** WARNING ***** Found environment variable: CXX=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvc++. Ignoring it, since it's also set on command line ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= ***** WARNING ***** Found environment variable: FC=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvfortran. Ignoring it, since it's also set on command line ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= ***** WARNING ***** Found environment variable: F77=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvfortran. Ignoring it! Use "./configure F77=$F77" if you really want to use this value ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= ***** WARNING ***** Found environment variable: F90=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvfortran. Ignoring it! Use "./configure F90=$F90" if you really want to use this value ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= ***** WARNING ***** Found environment variable: CPP=cpp. Ignoring it! Use "./configure CPP=$CPP" if you really want to use this value ============================================================================================= ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkEnvCompilers from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2756) Set configure compilers from the environment, from -with-environment-variables ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMPICompilerOverride from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2709) Check if --with-mpi-dir is used along with CC CXX or FC compiler options. This usually prevents mpi compilers from being used - so issue a warning ============================================================================================= TESTING: requireMpiLdPath from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2730) Open MPI wrappers require LD_LIBRARY_PATH set ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkInitialFlags from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:726) Initialize the compiler and linker flags Initialized CFLAGS to Initialized CFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized CUDAFLAGS to Initialized CUDAFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized HIPFLAGS to Initialized HIPFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized SYCLFLAGS to Initialized SYCLFLAGS to Initialized SYCLC_LINKER_FLAGS to Initialized CXXFLAGS to Initialized CXX_CXXFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized FFLAGS to Initialized FFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized CPPFLAGS to Initialized FPPFLAGS to Initialized CUDAPPFLAGS to Initialized CXXPPFLAGS to Initialized HIPPPFLAGS to Initialized SYCLPPFLAGS to Initialized CC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized CXX_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized FC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized CUDAC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized HIPC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized sharedLibraryFlags to [] Initialized dynamicLibraryFlags to [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1435) Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicc...found Defined make macro "CC" to "mpicc" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm stdout: /bin/ld: cannot find -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: cannot find -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Executing: mpicc --version stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpicc -v | head -n 20 stdout: Export NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 Export PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 nvc-Warning-No files to process Since MPI c compiler starts with mpi, force searches for other compilers to only look for MPI compilers ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCPreprocessor from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1482) Locate a functional C preprocessor Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicc...found Defined make macro "CPP" to "mpicc -E" Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1764) Locate a functional Cxx compiler Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpicxx...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpicxx...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpicxx...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicxx...found Defined make macro "CXX" to "mpicxx" Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm stdout: /bin/ld: cannot find -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: cannot find -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Executing: mpicxx --version stdout: nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDeviceHostCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:752) Set the host compiler (HC) of the device compiler (DC) to the HC unless the DC already explicitly sets its HC. This may be needed if the default HC used by the DC is ancient and PETSc uses a different HC (e.g., through --with-cxx=...). Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches Executing: mpicxx --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -fpermissive Disable warnings -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -ftemplate-backtrace-limit= Set maximum number of template instantiate notes for a single warning or error. The default value is 10, the minimum value is 2. -ftemplate-depth= Set maximum template instantiation depth. Set to 0 for infinite depth -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -print-search-dirs Commands -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|cpp|c++|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Xcompiler Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -finline-functions Automatically inline functions -fno-inline-functions Disable automatic function inlining in C/C++ -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -dwarf Generate dwarf debug output --dwarf2 Generate dwarf2 debug output -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -define_macro Define a preprocessor macro --dependencies List makefile dependencies --dependencies_quoted_only List makefile dependencies with quoted include files only --dependencies_to_file Print makefile dependencies to file --dependencies_to_file_quoted_only Print makefile dependencies with quoted include files only to file --dependencies_to_stdout Print makefile dependencies to stdout --dependencies_to_stdout_quoted_only List makefile dependencies w/ quoted include files only to stdout -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory --include_directory Add directory to include file search path -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -N Preprocess only --no_line_commands Preprocess_only, no #line commands -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing --preprocess Preprocess only with #line directives -U Undefine a preprocessor macro -undefine_macro Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -no_prelink Don't run CPP prelink -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. -YP, Add standard library directory Language-specific switches: -$ Allow dollar sign in names -A Accept ANSI standard C++ -a Accept ANSI standard C++ with warnings --[no_]alternative_tokens Allow digraphs --[no_]anachronisms C++ anachronisms --[no_]array_new_and_delete Enable array new and delete --[no_]auto_instantiation Automatic template instantiation mode -B Allow C++ comments in C source --[no_]bool Allow bool as keyword --[no_]brief_diagnostics Suppress diagnostic source printout --[no]builtin --c++03 C++98/C++03 language dialect --c++11 C++11 language dialect --c++14 C++14 language dialect --c++17 C++17 language dialect --c++20 C++20 language dialect --c++23 C++23 language dialect --c++98 Implies --c++03 -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --comments Preserve comments --[no_]compress_names Compress long names --create_pch Create precompiled header file in directory -cusuffix= Define a CUDA suffix --[no_]distinct_template_signatures Enable distinct name mangling for templates and nontemplates --dollar Allow dollar sign in identifiers -e[] Set error limit --early_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --edg Deprecated: Generate EDG compatible C++ code, link with EDG libraries --[no_]enum_overloading Enable operator overloading on enum types --error_limit Set an error limit --[no_]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions --[no_]explicit Recognize explicit keyword -fcheck-new Always check that the pointer allocated by operator new is non-null even when it is not necessary -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit --[no_]for_init_diff_warning Enable warning when new-style for-init scoping differs from old-style --force_vtbl Force virtual function table definition --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --gnu Default: Generate GNU compatible C++ code, link with GNU lbraries --gnu_extensions Allow GNU C++ extensions --gnu_version Set GNU C++ compatibility version --[no_]guiding_decls Enable guiding declarations of template functions --ieee IEEE floating point support --[no_]implicit_include Implicit template inclusion --[no_]implicit_typename Enable implicit determination of whether a template dependent name is a type -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation --instantiation_dir --late_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --list Set an list file name --[no_]llalign Align long long on integer boundary --long_lifetime_temps Long lifetime temps --[no_]long_preserving_rules -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision --microsoft_version Set Microsoft C++ compatibility version -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnodtypeq Commands -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --[no_]namespaces Enable namespaces --new_for_init Disable old-style for-init scoping --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --no_use_before_set_warnings Suppress warning messages --no_warnings Suppress warning messages --[no_]nonconst_ref_anachronism Reference to nonconst is allowed to bind to class rvalue --[no_]nonstd_qualifier_deduction --old_for_init Enable old-style for-init scoping --[no_]old_specializations Enable old-style specialization declarations --one_instantiation_per_object --pch Do automatic precompiled header processing --pch_dir Set precompiled header directory --pch_mem Specify memory to be used for PCH processing --[no_]pch_messages Enable PCH messages --pedantic Print warnings from included --preinclude File to include at start of compilation --remarks Enable remarks --[no_]remove_unneeded_entities Remove unneeded IL entries --[no]restrict Recognize restrict keyword --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --set_compress_names Set length of C++ compressed names --short_lifetime_temps Short lifetime temps --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --suppress_vtbl Suppress virtual function table definition --template_info_file --timing Display C++ front end compilation times --trace_includes List include files --[no_]typename Enable typename --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) --use_pch Use precompiled headers from directory --[no_]using_std Enable implicit use of standard namespace by runtime -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -X Generate cross reference information into file -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options --experimental-stdpar Enable experimental Senders & Receivers implementation. Requires C++20 mode. GPU features require -stdpar=gpu. -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -nostdpar Execute C++ parallel algorithms sequentially -stdpar[=gpu|multicore] Enable (ISO C++17) Parallel Algorithms behavior gpu Execute C++ parallel algorithms on the GPU (default); please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore Execute C++ parallel algorithms in parallel on the CPU -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: --compiler-options Implies -Xcompiler -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -f[no-]diagnostics-color[=always|never|auto] Colorize compiler diagnostics always Force enable color diagnostics never Force disable color diagnostics auto Enable color diagnostics if supported by the terminal -fdiagnostics-color Same as -fdiagnostics-color=always -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE --linker-options Implies -Xlinker -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -rdynamic gnu compatible -rdynamic switch passes -export-dynamic to the linker -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 500 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxDialect from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:774) Determine the CXX dialect supported by the compiler (language) [and corresponding compiler option - if any]. isGNUish indicates if the compiler is gnu compliant (i.e. clang). -with--dialect can take options: auto: use highest supported dialect configure can determine [[c|gnu][xx|++]]23: not yet supported [[c|gnu][xx|++]]20: gnu++20 or c++20 [[c|gnu][xx|++]]17: gnu++17 or c++17 [[c|gnu][xx|++]]14: gnu++14 or c++14 [[c|gnu][xx|++]]11: gnu++11 or c++11 0: disable CxxDialect check and use compiler default On return this function sets the following values: - if needed, appends the relevant CXX dialect flag to compiler flags - self.cxxDialectRange = (minSupportedDialect,maxSupportedDialect) (e.g. ('c++11','c++14')) - self.addDefine('HAVE_{LANG}_DIALECT_CXX{DIALECT_NUM}',1) for every supported dialect - self.lang+'dialect' = 'c++'+maxDialectNumber (e.g. 'c++14') but ONLY if the user specifically requests a dialect version, otherwise this is not set Raises a config.base.ConfigureSetupError if: - The user has set both the --with-dialect=[...] configure options and -std=[...] in their compiler flags - The combination of specifically requested packages cannot all be compiled with the same flag - An unknown C++ dialect is provided The config.base.ConfigureSetupErrors are NOT meant to be caught, as they are fatal errors on part of the user Raises a RuntimeError (which may be caught) if: - The compiler does not support at minimum -std=c++11 Executing: mpicxx --version stdout: nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Did not detect MSVC Detected Non-Microsoft Windows native compiler checkCxxDialect: checking C++ dialect version for language "CXX" using compiler "mpicxx" checkCxxDialect: PETSc believes compiler (mpicxx) is NOT gnu-ish checkCxxDialect: PETSc believes that we have NOT processed mpicxx before checkCxxDialect: configure option after sanitization: --with-cxx-dialect=AUTO checkCxxDialect: dialect AUTO has been NOT explicitly selected for CXX checkCxxDialect: Have potential flag pool: - -std=c++20 - -std=c++17 - -std=c++14 - -std=c++11 checkCxxDialect: checking CXX 20 for cxx with -std=c++20 Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -std=c++20 /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" // c++11 includes #include #include #include #include #include template void ignore(const T&) { } // silence unused variable warnings class valClass { public: int i; valClass() { i = 3; } valClass(int x) : i(x) { } }; class MoveSemantics { std::unique_ptr _member; public: MoveSemantics(int val = 4) : _member(new valClass(val)) { } MoveSemantics& operator=(MoveSemantics &&other) noexcept = default; }; template constexpr T Cubed( T x ) { return x*x*x; } auto trailing(int x) -> int { return x+2; } enum class Shapes : int {SQUARE,CIRCLE}; template struct Tuple { }; using PetscErrorCode = int; // c++14 includes #include template constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926535897932385L); // variable template // c++17 includes #include #include #include #include #include #include std::align_val_t dummy; [[nodiscard]] int nodiscardFunc() { return 0; } struct S2 { // static inline member variables since c++17 static inline int var = 8675309; void f(int i); }; void S2::f(int i) { // until c++17: Error: invalid syntax // since c++17: OK: captures the enclosing S2 by copy auto lmbd = [=, *this] { std::cout << i << " " << this->var << std::endl; }; lmbd(); } std::tuple foobar() { return {3.8, 0, 'x'}; } // c++20 includes #include #include consteval int sqr_cpp20(int n) { return n*n; } constexpr auto r = sqr_cpp20(10); static_assert(r == 100); const char *g_cpp20() { return "dynamic initialization"; } constexpr const char *f_cpp20(bool p) { return p ? "constant initializer" : g_cpp20(); } constinit const char *cinit_c = f_cpp20(true); // OK // Declaration of the concept "Hashable", which is satisfied by any type 'T' // such that for values 'a' of type 'T', the expression std::hash{}(a) // compiles and its result is convertible to std::size_t template concept Hashable = requires(T a) { { std::hash{}(a) } -> std::convertible_to; }; struct meow {}; // Constrained C++20 function template: template void f_concept(T) {} void abbrev_f1(auto); // same as template void abbrev_f1(T) void abbrev_f4(const std::destructible auto*, std::floating_point auto&); // same as template void abbrev_f4(const T*, U&); template<> void abbrev_f4(const int*, const double&); // specialization of abbrev_f4 (since C++20) int main(void) { // c++11 body valClass cls = valClass(); // value initialization int i = cls.i; // i is not declared const const int& rci = i; // but rci is const_cast(rci) = 4; constexpr int big_value = 1234; decltype(big_value) ierr = big_value; auto ret = trailing(ierr); MoveSemantics bob; MoveSemantics alice; alice = std::move(bob);ignore(alice); Tuple<> t0;ignore(t0); Tuple t1;ignore(t1); Tuple t2;ignore(t2); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 mt(rd()); std::normal_distribution dist(0,1); const double x = dist(mt); std::cout << x << ret << std::endl; std::vector> vector; std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end(), [](std::unique_ptr &a, std::unique_ptr &b) { return *a < *b; }); // c++14 body auto ptr = std::make_unique(); *ptr = 1; std::cout << pi << std::endl; constexpr const std::complex const_i(0.0,1.0); auto lambda = [](auto x, auto y) { return x + y; }; std::cout << lambda(3,4) << std::real(const_i) << std::endl; // c++17 body std::variant v,w; v = 42; // v contains int int ivar = std::get(v); w = std::get<0>(v); // same effect as the previous line w = v; // same effect as the previous line S2 foo; foo.f(ivar); if constexpr (std::is_arithmetic_v) std::cout << "c++17" << std::endl; typedef std::integral_constant squareShape; // static_assert with no message since c++17 static_assert(std::is_same_v); auto val = nodiscardFunc();ignore(val); // structured binding const auto [ab, cd, ef] = foobar(); // c++20 body ignore(cinit_c); using std::operator""s; f_concept("abc"s); return 0; } Output from compiling with -std=c++20 Added Cxx compiler flag -std=c++20 checkCxxDialect: success using -std=c++20 for Cxx dialect C++20, set new cxxDialectRange: ('c++11', 'c++20') Defined "HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX11" to "1" Defined "HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX14" to "1" Defined "HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX17" to "1" Defined "HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX20" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxPreprocessor from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1800) Locate a functional Cxx preprocessor Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpicxx...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpicxx...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpicxx...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicxx...found Defined make macro "CXXPP" to "mpicxx -E" Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicxx -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCUDACompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1519) Locate a functional CUDA compiler Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvcc...found Defined make macro "CUDAC" to "nvcc" Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: nvcc --version stdout: nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2023 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Tue_Jun_13_19:16:58_PDT_2023 Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 Build cuda_12.2.r12.2/compiler.32965470_0 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDeviceHostCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:752) Set the host compiler (HC) of the device compiler (DC) to the HC unless the DC already explicitly sets its HC. This may be needed if the default HC used by the DC is ancient and PETSc uses a different HC (e.g., through --with-cxx=...). checkDeviceHostCompiler: checking CUDA accepts host compiler mpicxx Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -ccbin mpicxx Added CUDA compiler flag -ccbin mpicxx Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This Executing: nvcc --help stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --fatbin (-fatbin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx/.cubin input files to device-only .fatbin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --ptx (-ptx) Compile all .cu input files to device-only .ptx files. This step discards the host code for each of these input file. --optix-ir (-optix-ir) Compile CUDA source to OptiX IR (.optixir) output. The OptiX IR is only intended for consumption by OptiX through appropriate APIs. This feature is not supported with link-time-optimization (-dlto), the lto_NN -arch target, or with -gencode. --preprocess (-E) Preprocess all .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input files. --generate-dependencies (-M) Generate a dependency file that can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. If -MF is specified, multiple source files are not supported, and the output is written to the specified file, otherwise it is written to stdout. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies (-MM) Same as --generate-dependencies but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --generate-dependencies-with-compile (-MD) Generate a dependency file and compile the input file. The dependency file can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. This option cannot be specified together with -E. The dependency file name is computed as follows: - If -MF is specified, then the specified file is used as the dependency file name - If -o is specified, the dependency file name is computed from the specified file name by replacing the suffix with '.d'. - Otherwise, the dependency file name is computed by replacing the input file names's suffix with '.d' If the dependency file name is computed based on either -MF or -o, then multiple input files are not supported. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies-with-compile (-MMD) Same as --generate-dependencies-with-compile, but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --dependency-output (-MF) Specify the output file for the dependency file generated with -M/-MM/-MD/-MMD. --generate-dependency-targets (-MP) Add an empty target for each dependency. --compile (-c) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file. --device-c (-dc) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=true --compile'. --device-w (-dw) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains executable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=false --compile'. --device-link (-dlink) Link object files with relocatable device code and .ptx/.cubin/.fatbin files into an object file with executable device code, which can be passed to the host linker. --link (-link) This option specifies the default behavior: compile and link all inputs. --lib (-lib) Compile all inputs into object files (if necessary) and add the results to the specified output library file. --run (-run) This option compiles and links all inputs into an executable, and executes it. Or, when the input is a single executable, it is executed without any compilation or linking. This step is intended for developers who do not want to be bothered with setting the necessary environment variables; these are set temporarily by nvcc). File and path specifications. ============================= --output-file (-o) Specify name and location of the output file. Only a single input file is allowed when this option is present in nvcc non-linking/archiving mode. --pre-include ,... (-include) Specify header files that must be preincluded during preprocessing. --objdir-as-tempdir (-objtemp) Create intermediate files in the same directory as the object file instead of in the temporary directory. This option will take effect only if -c, -dc or -dw is also used. --library ,... (-l) Specify libraries to be used in the linking stage without the library file extension. The libraries are searched for on the library search paths that have been specified using option '--library-path'. --define-macro ,... (-D) Specify macro definitions to define for use during preprocessing or compilation. --undefine-macro ,... (-U) Undefine macro definitions during preprocessing or compilation. --include-path ,... (-I) Specify include search paths. --system-include ,... (-isystem) Specify system include search paths. --library-path ,... (-L) Specify library search paths. --output-directory (-odir) Specify the directory of the output file. This option is intended for letting the dependency generation step (see '--generate-dependencies') generate a rule that defines the target object file in the proper directory. --compiler-bindir (-ccbin) Specify the directory in which the host compiler executable resides. The host compiler executable name can be also specified to ensure that the correct host compiler is selected. In addition, driver prefix options ('--input-drive-prefix', '--dependency-drive-prefix', or '--drive-prefix') may need to be specified, if nvcc is executed in a Cygwin shell or a MinGW shell on Windows. --allow-unsupported-compiler (-allow-unsupported-compiler) Disable nvcc check for supported host compiler versions. Using an unsupported host compiler may cause compilation failure or incorrect run time execution. Use at your own risk. This option has no effect on MacOS. --archiver-binary (-arbin) Specify the path of the executable for the archiving tool used to createstatic libraries with '--lib'. If unspecified, a platform-specific defaultis used. --cudart {none|shared|static} (-cudart) Specify the type of CUDA runtime library to be used: no CUDA runtime library, shared/dynamic CUDA runtime library, or static CUDA runtime library. Allowed values for this option: 'none','shared','static'. Default value: 'static'. --cudadevrt {none|static} (-cudadevrt) Specify the type of CUDA device runtime library to be used: no CUDA device runtime library, or static CUDA device runtime library. Allowed values for this option: 'none','static'. Default value: 'static'. --libdevice-directory (-ldir) Specify the directory that contains the libdevice library files when option '--dont-use-profile' is used. Libdevice library files are located in the 'nvvm/libdevice' directory in the CUDA toolkit. --target-directory (-target-dir) Specify the subfolder name in the targets directory where the default include and library paths are located. --use-local-env (-use-local-env) By default nvcc assumes that the MSVC environment needs to be initialized. This is done by executing the appropriate command file available for the MSVC installation detected or specified. Initializing the environment for each nvcc invocation can add noticeable overheads. If the environment used to invoke nvcc has already been configured, this option can be used to skip this step. Options for specifying behavior of compiler/linker. =================================================== --profile (-pg) Instrument generated code/executable for use by gprof (Linux only). --debug (-g) Generate debug information for host code. --device-debug (-G) Generate debug information for device code. If --dopt is not specified, then turns off all optimizations. Don't use for profiling; use -lineinfo instead. --generate-line-info (-lineinfo) Generate line-number information for device code. --optimization-info ,... (-opt-info) Provide optimization reports for the specified kind of optimization. The following tags are supported: inline: Emit remarks related to function inlining. Inlining passmay be invoked multiple times by the compiler and a function notinlined in an earlier pass may be inlined in a subsequent pass. Allowed values for this option: 'inline'. --optimize (-O) Specify optimization level for host code. --dopt (-dopt) Enable device code optimization. When specified along with '-G', enables limited debug information generation for optimized device code (currently, only line number information). When '-G' is not specified, '-dopt=on' is implicit. Allowed values for this option: 'on'. --dlink-time-opt (-dlto) Perform link-time optimization of device code. Link-time optimization must be specified at both compile and link time; at compile time it stores high-level intermediate code, then at link time it links together and optimizes the intermediate code.If that intermediate is not found at link time then nothing happens. Intermediate code is also stored at compile time with the --gpu-code='lto_NN' target. The options -dlto -arch=sm_NN will add a lto_NN target; if you want to only add a lto_NN target and not the compute_NN that -arch=sm_NN usually generates, use -arch=lto_NN. The options '-dlto -dlink -ptx -o ' will cause nvlink to generate . If -o is not used, the file generated will be a_dlink.dlto.ptx. --lto (-lto) Alias for -dlto. --gen-opt-lto (-gen-opt-lto) Run the optimizer passes before generating the LTO IR. --ftemplate-backtrace-limit (-ftemplate-backtrace-limit) Set the maximum number of template instantiation notes for a single warning or error to . A value of 0 is allowed, and indicates that no limit should be enforced. This value is also passed to the host compiler if it provides an equivalent flag. --ftemplate-depth (-ftemplate-depth) Set the maximum instantiation depth for template classes to . This value is also passed to the host compiler if it provides an equivalent flag. --no-exceptions (-noeh) Disable exception handling for host code. --shared (-shared) Generate a shared library during linking. Use option '--linker-options' when other linker options are required for more control. --x {c|c++|cu} (-x) Explicitly specify the language for the input files, rather than letting the compiler choose a default based on the file name suffix. Allowed values for this option: 'c','c++','cu'. --std {c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20} (-std) Select a particular C++ dialect. Note that this flag also turns on the corresponding dialect flag for the host compiler. Allowed values for this option: 'c++03','c++11','c++14','c++17','c++20'. --no-host-device-initializer-list (-nohdinitlist) Do not implicitly consider member functions of std::initializer_list as __host__ __device__ functions. --no-host-device-move-forward (-nohdmoveforward) Do not implicitly consider std::move and std::forward as __host__ __device__ function templates. --expt-relaxed-constexpr (-expt-relaxed-constexpr) Experimental flag: Allow host code to invoke __device__ constexpr functions, and device code to invoke __host__ constexpr functions.Note that the behavior of this flag may change in future compiler releases. --extended-lambda (-extended-lambda) Allow __host__, __device__ annotations in lambda declaration. --expt-extended-lambda (-expt-extended-lambda) Alias for -extended-lambda. --machine {64} (-m) Specify 64 bit architecture. Allowed values for this option: 64. Default value: 64. --m64 (-m64) Equivalent to --machine=64. Options for passing specific phase options ========================================== These allow for passing options directly to the intended compilation phase. Using these, users have the ability to pass options to the lower level compilation tools, without the need for nvcc to know about each and every such option. --compiler-options ,... (-Xcompiler) Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. --linker-options ,... (-Xlinker) Specify options directly to the host linker. --archive-options ,... (-Xarchive) Specify options directly to library manager. --ptxas-options ,... (-Xptxas) Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. --nvlink-options ,... (-Xnvlink) Specify options directly to nvlink. Miscellaneous options for guiding the compiler driver. ====================================================== --forward-unknown-to-host-compiler (-forward-unknown-to-host-compiler) Forward unknown options to the host compiler. An 'unknown option' is a command line argument that starts with '-' followed by another character, and is not a recognized nvcc flag or an argument for a recognized nvcc flag. Note: If the unknown option is followed by a separate command line argument, the argument will not be forwarded, unless it begins with the '-' character. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to host compiler. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to host compiler. --forward-unknown-to-host-linker (-forward-unknown-to-host-linker) Forward unknown options to the host linker. An 'unknown option' is a command line argument that starts with '-' followed by another character, and is not a recognized nvcc flag or an argument for a recognized nvcc flag. Note: If the unknown option is followed by a separate command line argument, the argument will not be forwarded, unless it begins with the '-' character. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to host linker. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to host linker. --forward-unknown-opts (-forward-unknown-opts) Implies the combination of options: -forward-unknown-to-host-linker and -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to the host linker and compiler. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to the host linker and compiler. --dont-use-profile (-noprof) Nvcc uses the nvcc.profiles file for compilation. When specifying this option, the profile file is not used. --dryrun (-dryrun) Do not execute the compilation commands generated by nvcc. Instead, list them. --verbose (-v) List the compilation commands generated by this compiler driver, but do not suppress their execution. --threads (-t) Specify the maximum number of threads to be created in parallel when compiling for multiple architectures. If is 1 or if compiling for one architecture, this option is ignored. If is 0, the number of threads will be the number of CPUs on the machine. --split-compile (-split-compile) [Experimental] Specify the maximum amount of concurrent threads to to be utilized when running compiler optimizations. If is 1, this option is ignored. If is 0, the number of threads will be the number of CPUs on the machine. This option can work in conjunction with device Link Time Optimization (dLTO) as well as '--threads'. --keep (-keep) Keep all intermediate files that are generated during internal compilation steps. --keep-dir (-keep-dir) Keep all intermediate files that are generated during internal compilation steps in this directory. --save-temps (-save-temps) This option is an alias of '--keep'. --clean-targets (-clean) This option reverses the behavior of nvcc. When specified, none of the compilation phases will be executed. Instead, all of the non-temporary files that nvcc would otherwise create will be deleted. --time (-time) Generate a comma separated value table with the time taken by each compilation phase, and append it at the end of the file given as the option argument. If the file is empty, the column headings are generated in the first row of the table. If the file name is '-', the timing data is generated in stdout. --run-args ,... (-run-args) Used in combination with option --run to specify command line arguments for the executable. --input-drive-prefix (-idp) On Windows, all command line arguments that refer to file names must be converted to the Windows native format before they are passed to pure Windows executables. This option specifies how the current development environment represents absolute paths. Use '/cygwin/' as for Cygwin build environments, and '/' as for MinGW. --dependency-drive-prefix (-ddp) On Windows, when generating dependency files (see --generate-dependencies), all file names must be converted appropriately for the instance of 'make' that is used. Some instances of 'make' have trouble with the colon in absolute paths in the native Windows format, which depends on the environment in which the 'make' instance has been compiled. Use '/cygwin/' as for a Cygwin make, and '/' as for MinGW. Or leave these file names in the native Windows format by specifying nothing. --drive-prefix (-dp) Specifies as both --input-drive-prefix and --dependency-drive-prefix. --dependency-target-name (-MT) Specify the target name of the generated rule when generating a dependency file (see '--generate-dependencies'). --no-align-double --no-align-double Specifies that '-malign-double' should not be passed as a compiler argument on 32-bit platforms. WARNING: this makes the ABI incompatible with the cuda's kernel ABI for certain 64-bit types. --no-device-link (-nodlink) Skip the device link step when linking object files. Options for steering GPU code generation. ========================================= --gpu-architecture (-arch) Specify the name of the class of NVIDIA 'virtual' GPU architecture for which the CUDA input files must be compiled. With the exception as described for the shorthand below, the architecture specified with this option must be a 'virtual' architecture (such as compute_50). Normally, this option alone does not trigger assembly of the generated PTX for a 'real' architecture (that is the role of nvcc option '--gpu-code', see below); rather, its purpose is to control preprocessing and compilation of the input to PTX. For convenience, in case of simple nvcc compilations, the following shorthand is supported. If no value for option '--gpu-code' is specified, then the value of this option defaults to the value of '--gpu-architecture'. In this situation, as only exception to the description above, the value specified for '--gpu-architecture' may be a 'real' architecture (such as a sm_50), in which case nvcc uses the specified 'real' architecture and its closest 'virtual' architecture as effective architecture values. For example, 'nvcc --gpu-architecture=sm_50' is equivalent to 'nvcc --gpu-architecture=compute_50 --gpu-code=sm_50,compute_50'. -arch=all build for all supported architectures (sm_*), and add PTX for the highest major architecture to the generated code. -arch=all-major build for just supported major versions (sm_*0), plus the earliest supported, and add PTX for the highest major architecture to the generated code. -arch=native build for all architectures (sm_*) on the current system Note: -arch=native, -arch=all, -arch=all-major cannot be used with the -code option, but can be used with -gencode options. Allowed values for this option: 'all','all-major','compute_50','compute_52', 'compute_53','compute_60','compute_61','compute_62','compute_70','compute_72', 'compute_75','compute_80','compute_86','compute_87','compute_89','compute_90', 'compute_90a','lto_50','lto_52','lto_53','lto_60','lto_61','lto_62','lto_70', 'lto_72','lto_75','lto_80','lto_86','lto_87','lto_89','lto_90','lto_90a', 'native','sm_50','sm_52','sm_53','sm_60','sm_61','sm_62','sm_70','sm_72', 'sm_75','sm_80','sm_86','sm_87','sm_89','sm_90','sm_90a'. --gpu-code ,... (-code) Specify the name of the NVIDIA GPU to assemble and optimize PTX for. nvcc embeds a compiled code image in the resulting executable for each specified architecture, which is a true binary load image for each 'real' architecture (such as sm_50), and PTX code for the 'virtual' architecture (such as compute_50). During runtime, such embedded PTX code is dynamically compiled by the CUDA runtime system if no binary load image is found for the 'current' GPU. Architectures specified for options '--gpu-architecture' and '--gpu-code' may be 'virtual' as well as 'real', but the architectures must be compatible with the architecture. When the '--gpu-code' option is used, the value for the '--gpu-architecture' option must be a 'virtual' PTX architecture. For instance, '--gpu-architecture=compute_60' is not compatible with '--gpu-code=sm_52', because the earlier compilation stages will assume the availability of 'compute_60' features that are not present on 'sm_52'. Allowed values for this option: 'compute_50','compute_52','compute_53', 'compute_60','compute_61','compute_62','compute_70','compute_72','compute_75', 'compute_80','compute_86','compute_87','compute_89','compute_90','compute_90a', 'lto_50','lto_52','lto_53','lto_60','lto_61','lto_62','lto_70','lto_72', 'lto_75','lto_80','lto_86','lto_87','lto_89','lto_90','lto_90a','sm_50', 'sm_52','sm_53','sm_60','sm_61','sm_62','sm_70','sm_72','sm_75','sm_80', 'sm_86','sm_87','sm_89','sm_90','sm_90a'. --generate-code ,... (-gencode) This option provides a generalization of the '--gpu-architecture= --gpu-code=, ...' option combination for specifying nvcc behavior with respect to code generation. Where use of the previous options generates code for different 'real' architectures with the PTX for the same 'virtual' architecture, option '--generate-code' allows multiple PTX generations for different 'virtual' architectures. In fact, '--gpu-architecture= --gpu-code=, ...' is equivalent to '--generate-code arch=,code=,...'. '--generate-code' options may be repeated for different virtual architectures. Allowed keywords for this option: 'arch','code'. --relocatable-device-code {true|false} (-rdc) Enable (disable) the generation of relocatable device code. If disabled, executable device code is generated. Relocatable device code must be linked before it can be executed. Default value: false. --entries entry,... (-e) Specify the global entry functions for which code must be generated. By default, code will be generated for all entry functions. --maxrregcount (-maxrregcount) Specify the maximum amount of registers that GPU functions can use. Until a function-specific limit, a higher value will generally increase the performance of individual GPU threads that execute this function. However, because thread registers are allocated from a global register pool on each GPU, a higher value of this option will also reduce the maximum thread block size, thereby reducing the amount of thread parallelism. Hence, a good maxrregcount value is the result of a trade-off. If this option is not specified, then no maximum is assumed. Value less than the minimum registers required by ABI will be bumped up by the compiler to ABI minimum limit. User program may not be able to make use of all registers as some registers are reserved by compiler. --use_fast_math (-use_fast_math) Make use of fast math library. '--use_fast_math' implies '--ftz=true --prec-div=false --prec-sqrt=false --fmad=true'. --ftz {true|false} (-ftz) This option controls single-precision denormals support. '--ftz=true' flushes denormal values to zero and '--ftz=false' preserves denormal values. '--use_fast_math' implies '--ftz=true'. Default value: false. --prec-div {true|false} (-prec-div) This option controls single-precision floating-point division and reciprocals. '--prec-div=true' enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode and '--prec-div=false' enables the fast approximation mode. '--use_fast_math' implies '--prec-div=false'. Default value: true. --prec-sqrt {true|false} (-prec-sqrt) This option controls single-precision floating-point squre root. '--prec-sqrt=true' enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode and '--prec-sqrt=false' enables the fast approximation mode. '--use_fast_math' implies '--prec-sqrt=false'. Default value: true. --fmad {true|false} (-fmad) This option enables (disables) the contraction of floating-point multiplies and adds/subtracts into floating-point multiply-add operations (FMAD, FFMA, or DFMA). '--use_fast_math' implies '--fmad=true'. Default value: true. --extra-device-vectorization (-extra-device-vectorization) This option enables more aggressive device code vectorization. Options for steering cuda compilation. ====================================== --default-stream {legacy|null|per-thread} (-default-stream) Specify the stream that CUDA commands from the compiled program will be sent to by default. legacy The CUDA legacy stream (per context, implicitly synchronizes with other streams). per-thread A normal CUDA stream (per thread, does not implicitly synchronize with other streams). 'null' is a deprecated alias for 'legacy'. Allowed values for this option: 'legacy','null','per-thread'. Default value: 'legacy'. Generic tool options. ===================== --disable-warnings (-w) Inhibit all warning messages. --keep-device-functions (-keep-device-functions) In whole program compilation mode, preserve user defined external linkage __device__ function definitions up to PTX. --source-in-ptx (-src-in-ptx) Interleave source in PTX. May only be used in conjunction with --device-debug or --generate-line-info. --restrict (-restrict) Programmer assertion that all kernel pointer parameters are restrict pointers. --Wreorder (-Wreorder) Generate warnings when member initializers are reordered. --Wdefault-stream-launch (-Wdefault-stream-launch) Generate warning when an explicit stream argument is not provided in the <<<...>>> kernel launch syntax. --Wmissing-launch-bounds (-Wmissing-launch-bounds) Generate warning when a __global__ function does not have an explicit __launch_bounds__ annotation. --Wext-lambda-captures-this (-Wext-lambda-captures-this) Generate warning when an extended lambda implicitly captures 'this'. --Wno-deprecated-declarations (-Wno-deprecated-declarations) Suppress warning on use of deprecated entity. --Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets (-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets) Suppress warnings about deprecated GPU target architectures. --Werror ,... (-Werror) Make warnings of the specified kinds into errors. The following is the list of warning kinds accepted by this option: cross-execution-space-call Be more strict about unsupported cross execution space calls. The compiler will generate an error instead of a warning for a call from a __host__ __device__ to a __host__ function. reorder Generate errors when member initializers are reordered. deprecated-declarations Generate error on use of a deprecated entity. default-stream-launch Generate error when an explicit stream argument is not provided in the <<<...>>> kernel launch syntax. missing-launch-bounds Generate error when a __global__ function does not have an explicit __launch_bounds__ annotation. ext-lambda-captures-this Generate error when an extended lambda implicitly captures 'this' Allowed values for this option: 'all-warnings','cross-execution-space-call', 'default-stream-launch','deprecated-declarations','ext-lambda-captures-this', 'missing-launch-bounds','reorder'. --resource-usage (-res-usage) Show resource usage such as registers and memory of the GPU code. This option implies '--nvlink-options --verbose' when '--relocatable-device-code=true' is set. Otherwise, it implies '--ptxas-options --verbose'. --extensible-whole-program (-ewp) Do extensible whole program compilation of device code. --no-compress (-no-compress) Do not compress device code in fatbinary. --qpp-config (-qpp-config) Specify the configuration ([[compiler/]version,][target]) for the q++ host compiler. The argument will be forwarded to the q++ compiler with its -V flag. --compile-as-tools-patch (-astoolspatch) Compile patch code for CUDA tools. Implies --keep-device-functions. --list-gpu-code (-code-ls) List the gpu architectures (sm_XX) supported by the compiler and exit. If both --list-gpu-code and --list-gpu-arch are set, the list is displayed using the same format as the --generate-code value. --list-gpu-arch (-arch-ls) List the virtual device architectures (compute_XX) supported by the compiler and exit. If both --list-gpu-code and --list-gpu-arch are set, the list is displayed using the same format as the --generate-code value. --display-error-number (-err-no) This option displays a diagnostic number for any message generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: not the host compiler). --no-display-error-number (-no-err-no) This option disables the display of a diagnostic number for any message generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: not the host compiler). --diag-error ,... (-diag-error) Emit error for specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --diag-suppress ,... (-diag-suppress) Suppress specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --diag-warn ,... (-diag-warn) Emit warning for specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --host-linker-script {use-lcs|gen-lcs} (-hls) Use the host linker script (GNU/Linux only) to enable support for certain CUDA specific requirements, while building executable files or shared libraries. use-lcs Prepares a host linker script to enable host linker support for relocatable device object files that are larger in size, that would otherwise, in certain cases cause the host linker to fail with relocation truncation error. gen-lcs Generates a host linker script that can be passed to host linker manually, in the case where host linker is invoked separately outside of nvcc. This option can be combined with -shared or -r option to generate linker scripts that can be used while generating host shared libraries or host relocatable links respectively. The file generated using this option must be provided as the last input file to the host linker. Default Output Filename: The output is generated to stdout by default. Use the option -o filename to specify the output filename. A linker script may already be in use and passed to the host linker using the host linker option --script (or -T), then the generated host linker script must augment the existing linker script. In such cases, the option -aug-hls must be used to generate linker script that contains only the augmentation parts. Otherwise, the host linker behaviour is undefined. A host linker option, such as -z with a non-default argument, that can modify the default linker script internally, is incompatible with this option and the behavior of any such usage is undefined. Allowed values for this option: 'gen-lcs','use-lcs'. --augment-host-linker-script (-aug-hls) Enables generation of host linker script that augments an existing host linker script (GNU/Linux only). See option --host-linker-script for more details. --host-relocatable-link (-r) When used in combination with -hls=gen-lcs, controls the behaviour of -hls=gen-lcs and sets it to generate host linker script that can be used in host relocatable link (ld -r linkage). See option -hls=gen-lcs for more information. This option currently is effective only when used with -hls=gen-lcs; in all other cases, this option is ignored currently. --brief-diagnostics {true|false} (-brief-diag) This option disables or enables showing preprocessed source line and column info in a diagnostic. The --brief-diagnostics=true will not show the source line and column info. Default value: false. --help (-h) Print this help information on this tool. --version (-V) Print version information on this tool. --options-file ,... (-optf) Include command line options from specified file. Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 500 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxDialect from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:774) Determine the CXX dialect supported by the compiler (language) [and corresponding compiler option - if any]. isGNUish indicates if the compiler is gnu compliant (i.e. clang). -with--dialect can take options: auto: use highest supported dialect configure can determine [[c|gnu][xx|++]]23: not yet supported [[c|gnu][xx|++]]20: gnu++20 or c++20 [[c|gnu][xx|++]]17: gnu++17 or c++17 [[c|gnu][xx|++]]14: gnu++14 or c++14 [[c|gnu][xx|++]]11: gnu++11 or c++11 0: disable CxxDialect check and use compiler default On return this function sets the following values: - if needed, appends the relevant CXX dialect flag to compiler flags - self.cxxDialectRange = (minSupportedDialect,maxSupportedDialect) (e.g. ('c++11','c++14')) - self.addDefine('HAVE_{LANG}_DIALECT_CXX{DIALECT_NUM}',1) for every supported dialect - self.lang+'dialect' = 'c++'+maxDialectNumber (e.g. 'c++14') but ONLY if the user specifically requests a dialect version, otherwise this is not set Raises a config.base.ConfigureSetupError if: - The user has set both the --with-dialect=[...] configure options and -std=[...] in their compiler flags - The combination of specifically requested packages cannot all be compiled with the same flag - An unknown C++ dialect is provided The config.base.ConfigureSetupErrors are NOT meant to be caught, as they are fatal errors on part of the user Raises a RuntimeError (which may be caught) if: - The compiler does not support at minimum -std=c++11 Executing: nvcc --version stdout: nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2023 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Tue_Jun_13_19:16:58_PDT_2023 Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 Build cuda_12.2.r12.2/compiler.32965470_0 Did not detect MSVC Detected Non-Microsoft Windows native compiler checkCxxDialect: checking C++ dialect version for language "CUDA" using compiler "nvcc" checkCxxDialect: PETSc believes compiler (nvcc) is NOT gnu-ish checkCxxDialect: PETSc believes that we have NOT processed nvcc before checkCxxDialect: configure option after sanitization: --with-cuda-dialect=AUTO checkCxxDialect: dialect AUTO has been NOT explicitly selected for CUDA checkCxxDialect: Have potential flag pool: - -std=c++20 - -std=c++17 - -std=c++14 - -std=c++11 checkCxxDialect: checking CXX 20 for cuda with -std=c++20 Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" // c++11 includes #include #include #include #include #include template void ignore(const T&) { } // silence unused variable warnings class valClass { public: int i; valClass() { i = 3; } valClass(int x) : i(x) { } }; class MoveSemantics { std::unique_ptr _member; public: MoveSemantics(int val = 4) : _member(new valClass(val)) { } MoveSemantics& operator=(MoveSemantics &&other) noexcept = default; }; template constexpr T Cubed( T x ) { return x*x*x; } auto trailing(int x) -> int { return x+2; } enum class Shapes : int {SQUARE,CIRCLE}; template struct Tuple { }; using PetscErrorCode = int; // c++14 includes #include template constexpr T pi = T(3.1415926535897932385L); // variable template // c++17 includes #include #include #include #include #include #include std::align_val_t dummy; [[nodiscard]] int nodiscardFunc() { return 0; } struct S2 { // static inline member variables since c++17 static inline int var = 8675309; void f(int i); }; void S2::f(int i) { // until c++17: Error: invalid syntax // since c++17: OK: captures the enclosing S2 by copy auto lmbd = [=, *this] { std::cout << i << " " << this->var << std::endl; }; lmbd(); } std::tuple foobar() { return {3.8, 0, 'x'}; } // c++20 includes #include #include consteval int sqr_cpp20(int n) { return n*n; } constexpr auto r = sqr_cpp20(10); static_assert(r == 100); const char *g_cpp20() { return "dynamic initialization"; } constexpr const char *f_cpp20(bool p) { return p ? "constant initializer" : g_cpp20(); } constinit const char *cinit_c = f_cpp20(true); // OK // Declaration of the concept "Hashable", which is satisfied by any type 'T' // such that for values 'a' of type 'T', the expression std::hash{}(a) // compiles and its result is convertible to std::size_t template concept Hashable = requires(T a) { { std::hash{}(a) } -> std::convertible_to; }; struct meow {}; // Constrained C++20 function template: template void f_concept(T) {} void abbrev_f1(auto); // same as template void abbrev_f1(T) void abbrev_f4(const std::destructible auto*, std::floating_point auto&); // same as template void abbrev_f4(const T*, U&); template<> void abbrev_f4(const int*, const double&); // specialization of abbrev_f4 (since C++20) int main(void) { // c++11 body valClass cls = valClass(); // value initialization int i = cls.i; // i is not declared const const int& rci = i; // but rci is const_cast(rci) = 4; constexpr int big_value = 1234; decltype(big_value) ierr = big_value; auto ret = trailing(ierr); MoveSemantics bob; MoveSemantics alice; alice = std::move(bob);ignore(alice); Tuple<> t0;ignore(t0); Tuple t1;ignore(t1); Tuple t2;ignore(t2); std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 mt(rd()); std::normal_distribution dist(0,1); const double x = dist(mt); std::cout << x << ret << std::endl; std::vector> vector; std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end(), [](std::unique_ptr &a, std::unique_ptr &b) { return *a < *b; }); // c++14 body auto ptr = std::make_unique(); *ptr = 1; std::cout << pi << std::endl; constexpr const std::complex const_i(0.0,1.0); auto lambda = [](auto x, auto y) { return x + y; }; std::cout << lambda(3,4) << std::real(const_i) << std::endl; // c++17 body std::variant v,w; v = 42; // v contains int int ivar = std::get(v); w = std::get<0>(v); // same effect as the previous line w = v; // same effect as the previous line S2 foo; foo.f(ivar); if constexpr (std::is_arithmetic_v) std::cout << "c++17" << std::endl; typedef std::integral_constant squareShape; // static_assert with no message since c++17 static_assert(std::is_same_v); auto val = nodiscardFunc();ignore(val); // structured binding const auto [ab, cd, ef] = foobar(); // c++20 body ignore(cinit_c); using std::operator""s; f_concept("abc"s); return 0; } Output from compiling with -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 Added CUDA compiler flag -std=c++20 checkCxxDialect: success using -std=c++20 for CUDA dialect C++20, set new cxxDialectRange: ('c++11', 'c++20') Defined "HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX11" to "1" Defined "HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX14" to "1" Defined "HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX17" to "1" Defined "HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX20" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCUDAPreprocessor from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1547) Locate a functional CUDA preprocessor Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/nvcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/nvcc...found Defined make macro "CUDAPP" to "nvcc -E" Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include __global__ void testFunction() {return;}; Executing: nvcc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkHIPCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1581) Locate a functional HIP compiler Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/hipcc...not found Checking for program ./hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program ./opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/opt/rocm/bin/hipcc...not found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDeviceHostCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:752) Set the host compiler (HC) of the device compiler (DC) to the HC unless the DC already explicitly sets its HC. This may be needed if the default HC used by the DC is ancient and PETSc uses a different HC (e.g., through --with-cxx=...). ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSYCLCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1640) Locate a functional SYCL compiler ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDeviceHostCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:752) Set the host compiler (HC) of the device compiler (DC) to the HC unless the DC already explicitly sets its HC. This may be needed if the default HC used by the DC is ancient and PETSc uses a different HC (e.g., through --with-cxx=...). ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranCompiler from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1893) Locate a functional Fortran compiler Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpifort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpifort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpifort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpifort...found Defined make macro "FC" to "mpifort" Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm stdout: /bin/ld: cannot find -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: cannot find -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Executing: mpifort --version stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranPreprocessor from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1929) Locate a functional Fortran preprocessor Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpifort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpifort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpifort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpifort...found Defined make macro "FPP" to "mpifort -E" Preprocessing source: #define foo 10 Executing: mpifort -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranComments from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1948) Make sure fortran comment "!" works Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main ! comment end Fortran comments can use ! in column 1 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkLargeFileIO from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2135) check for large file support with 64-bit offset ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkArchiver from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2228) Check that the archiver exists and can make a library usable by the compiler Detected Non-Microsoft Windows native compiler Executing: ar -V stdout: GNU ar version 2.35.2-42.el9_3.1 Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. Executing: ar -V stdout: GNU ar version 2.35.2-42.el9_3.1 Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. Defined make macro "FAST_AR_FLAGS" to "Scq" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int foo(int a) { return a+1; } Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /bin/ar...found Defined make macro "AR" to "/bin/ar" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /bin/ranlib...found Defined make macro "RANLIB" to "/bin/ranlib -c" Executing: /bin/ar cr /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconf1.a /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conf1.o Executing: /bin/ranlib -c /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconf1.a stdout: /bin/ranlib: invalid option -- 'c' Possible ERROR while running ranlib:exit code 0 stderr: /bin/ranlib: invalid option -- 'c' Ranlib is not functional with your archiver. Try --with-ranlib=true if ranlib is unnecessary. Executing: ar -V stdout: GNU ar version 2.35.2-42.el9_3.1 Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. Executing: ar -V stdout: GNU ar version 2.35.2-42.el9_3.1 Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. Defined make macro "FAST_AR_FLAGS" to "Scq" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int foo(int a) { return a+1; } Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/ar...not found Checking for program /bin/ar...found Defined make macro "AR" to "/bin/ar" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/ranlib...not found Checking for program /bin/ranlib...found Defined make macro "RANLIB" to "/bin/ranlib" Executing: /bin/ar cr /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconf1.a /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conf1.o Executing: /bin/ranlib /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconf1.a Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" extern int foo(int); int main(void) { int b = foo(1); (void)b; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -L/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -lconf1 Defined make macro "AR_FLAGS" to "cr" Defined make macro "AR_LIB_SUFFIX" to "a" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkArchiverRecipeArgfile from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2300) Checks if AR handles @ notation Executing: /bin/ar cr checkRecipeArgfile.a @checkRecipeArgfile.args Defined make macro "AR_ARGFILE" to "yes" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLinker from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2382) Check that the linker can produce shared libraries Checking shared linker mpicc using flags ['-qmkshrobj'] Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicc...found Defined make macro "LD_SHARED" to "mpicc" Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Executing: mpicc --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing -U Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. Language-specific switches: -B Allow C++ comments in C source -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --error_limit Set an error limit -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --remarks Enable remarks --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpicc -qversion stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qversion Executing: mpicc -show stdout: nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi Trying C compiler flag -PIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -PIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -PIC nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -PIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected C compiler flag -PIC because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-qmkshrobj'] Trying C compiler flag -qPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -qPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -qPIC nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -qPIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected C compiler flag -qPIC because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-qmkshrobj'] Trying C compiler flag -KPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC Added C compiler flag -KPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -qmkshrobj -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Rejecting linker flag -qmkshrobj due to nonzero status from link Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int (*fprintf_ptr)(FILE*,const char*,...) = fprintf; int foo(void){ fprintf_ptr(stdout,"hello"); return 0; } void bar(void){foo();} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Rejected C compiler flag -KPIC because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-qmkshrobj'] Trying C compiler flag -fPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -fPIC Added C compiler flag -fPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -qmkshrobj -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Rejecting linker flag -qmkshrobj due to nonzero status from link Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int (*fprintf_ptr)(FILE*,const char*,...) = fprintf; int foo(void){ fprintf_ptr(stdout,"hello"); return 0; } void bar(void){foo();} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Rejected C compiler flag -fPIC because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-qmkshrobj'] Trying C compiler flag -fpic Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -fpic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -fpic Added C compiler flag -fpic Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -fpic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -qmkshrobj -fpic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Rejecting linker flag -qmkshrobj due to nonzero status from link Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -fpic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int (*fprintf_ptr)(FILE*,const char*,...) = fprintf; int foo(void){ fprintf_ptr(stdout,"hello"); return 0; } void bar(void){foo();} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -fpic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Rejected C compiler flag -fpic because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-qmkshrobj'] Trying C compiler flag Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -qmkshrobj /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qmkshrobj Rejecting linker flag -qmkshrobj due to nonzero status from link Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int (*fprintf_ptr)(FILE*,const char*,...) = fprintf; int foo(void){ fprintf_ptr(stdout,"hello"); return 0; } void bar(void){foo();} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /usr/lib64/crt1.o: in function `_start': (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `main' Rejected C compiler flag because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-qmkshrobj'] Deleting "LD_SHARED" Checking shared linker mpicc using flags ['-shared'] Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicc...found Defined make macro "LD_SHARED" to "mpicc" Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Executing: mpicc --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing -U Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. Language-specific switches: -B Allow C++ comments in C source -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --error_limit Set an error limit -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --remarks Enable remarks --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpicc -qversion stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qversion Executing: mpicc -show stdout: nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi Trying C compiler flag -PIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -PIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -PIC nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -PIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected C compiler flag -PIC because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-shared'] Trying C compiler flag -qPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -qPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -qPIC nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -qPIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected C compiler flag -qPIC because it was not compatible with shared linker mpicc using flags ['-shared'] Trying C compiler flag -KPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC Added C compiler flag -KPIC Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Valid C linker flag -shared Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int (*fprintf_ptr)(FILE*,const char*,...) = fprintf; int foo(void){ fprintf_ptr(stdout,"hello"); return 0; } void bar(void){foo();} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int foo(void); int main(void) { int ret = foo(); if (ret) {} return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -L/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -lconftest Using shared linker mpicc with flags ['-shared'] and library extension so ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkPIC from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2085) Determine the PIC option for each compiler Executing: mpifort --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display Executing: mpifort --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wh, Pass argument to F90 front end -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|f|f77|F|f77-cpp-input|f90|f95|F90|f95-cpp-input|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnotarget_temps Disable a temporary when passing an array for a callee assumed-shape variable with the target attribute -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]target_temps Enable [disable] a temporary when passing an array for a callee assumed-shape variable with the target attribute -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -C Generate code to check array bounds -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkptr Check for NULL pointers -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-common-blocks-name Enable generation of DWARF name for Fortran COMMON blocks -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -F Stop after preprocessing, save output in .f file -I Add directory to include file search path -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mnostdinc Do not use standard include directories -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -P Stop after preprocessing -U Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mhugetlb Link with the huge TLB page library -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. Language-specific switches: -B Allow C++ comments in C source -byteswapio Swap byte-order for unformatted input/output -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect -FSUFFIX= Define a Fortran suffix requiring preprocessing -fsuffix= Define a Fortran suffix -i2 Treat INTEGER as INTEGER*2 -i4 Treat INTEGER as INTEGER*4 -i8 Treat INTEGER and LOGICAL as INTEGER*8 and LOGICAL*8 -i8storage INTEGER and LOGICAL occupy 8 bytes -Mallocatable=95|03 Select semantics for assignments to allocatables 95 Select Fortran 1995 semantics 03 Select Fortran 2003 semantics -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]backslash Treat backslash like any other character in character strings -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mbyteswapio Swap byte-order for unformatted input/output -Mcontiguous Assume POINTERs are contiguous -Mcray=pointer Set Cray pointer semantics -M[no]dclchk Check that all variables are declared -M[no]defaultunit Treat '*' unit as standard input/output -M[no]dlines Compile lines beginning with the letter D -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mextend Allow source lines up to 132 characters -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision -Mfixed Assume fixed-format source -M[no]free[form] Assume free-format source -M[no]i4 Treat INTEGER as INTEGER*4 -M[no]iomutex Generate critical sections around Fortran input/output -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -Mnomain Don't include Fortran main program object module -module Add search directory for module information files -M[no]onetrip Force DO loops to execute at least once -M[no]r8 Promote REAL variables and constants to DOUBLE PRECISION -M[no]r8intrinsics[=float] Treat REAL,CMPLX intrinsics as DBLE,DCMPLX float Treat FLOAT intrinsic as DBLE as well -M[no]recursive Generate code to allow recursive subprograms -M[no]ref_externals Force references to any EXTERNAL subprograms -M[no]save Assume all variables have SAVE attribute -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Mstandard Check standard conformance -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]unixlogical Treat any nonzero logical value as .TRUE. -M[no]upcase Preserve upper and lower case in identifiers; Fortran keywords must be lower case -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files -r4 Treat REAL as REAL*4 -r8 Treat REAL as REAL*8 -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda[=charstring|madconst] Enable CUDA Fortran. Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options charstring Enable limited support for character strings in GPU kernels madconst Put Module Array Descriptors in CUDA Constant Memory -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -nostdpar Execute C++ parallel algorithms sequentially -stdpar[=gpu|multicore] Enable (ISO Fortran 2018) do-concurrent gpu Enable Fortran do-concurrent acceleration on the GPU (default); please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore Enable Fortran do-concurrent acceleration on multicore; please refer to -gpu for target specific options -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -static == -Bstatic -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpifort -qversion stdout: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qversion Executing: mpifort -show stdout: nvfortran -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi Trying FC compiler flag -PIC for PIC code Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -PIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 stdout: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Source: program main end Output from compiling with -PIC nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -PIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected FC compiler flag -PIC because shared linker cannot handle it Trying FC compiler flag -qPIC for PIC code Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -qPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 stdout: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Source: program main end Output from compiling with -qPIC nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -qPIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected FC compiler flag -qPIC because shared linker cannot handle it Trying FC compiler flag -KPIC for PIC code Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Output from compiling with -KPIC Added FC compiler flag -KPIC Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: function foo(a) real:: a,x,bar common /xx/ x x=a foo = bar(x) end Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Accepted FC compiler flag -KPIC for PIC code Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches Executing: mpicxx --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -fpermissive Disable warnings -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -ftemplate-backtrace-limit= Set maximum number of template instantiate notes for a single warning or error. The default value is 10, the minimum value is 2. -ftemplate-depth= Set maximum template instantiation depth. Set to 0 for infinite depth -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -print-search-dirs Commands -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|cpp|c++|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Xcompiler Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -finline-functions Automatically inline functions -fno-inline-functions Disable automatic function inlining in C/C++ -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -dwarf Generate dwarf debug output --dwarf2 Generate dwarf2 debug output -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -define_macro Define a preprocessor macro --dependencies List makefile dependencies --dependencies_quoted_only List makefile dependencies with quoted include files only --dependencies_to_file Print makefile dependencies to file --dependencies_to_file_quoted_only Print makefile dependencies with quoted include files only to file --dependencies_to_stdout Print makefile dependencies to stdout --dependencies_to_stdout_quoted_only List makefile dependencies w/ quoted include files only to stdout -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory --include_directory Add directory to include file search path -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -N Preprocess only --no_line_commands Preprocess_only, no #line commands -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing --preprocess Preprocess only with #line directives -U Undefine a preprocessor macro -undefine_macro Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -no_prelink Don't run CPP prelink -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. -YP, Add standard library directory Language-specific switches: -$ Allow dollar sign in names -A Accept ANSI standard C++ -a Accept ANSI standard C++ with warnings --[no_]alternative_tokens Allow digraphs --[no_]anachronisms C++ anachronisms --[no_]array_new_and_delete Enable array new and delete --[no_]auto_instantiation Automatic template instantiation mode -B Allow C++ comments in C source --[no_]bool Allow bool as keyword --[no_]brief_diagnostics Suppress diagnostic source printout --[no]builtin --c++03 C++98/C++03 language dialect --c++11 C++11 language dialect --c++14 C++14 language dialect --c++17 C++17 language dialect --c++20 C++20 language dialect --c++23 C++23 language dialect --c++98 Implies --c++03 -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --comments Preserve comments --[no_]compress_names Compress long names --create_pch Create precompiled header file in directory -cusuffix= Define a CUDA suffix --[no_]distinct_template_signatures Enable distinct name mangling for templates and nontemplates --dollar Allow dollar sign in identifiers -e[] Set error limit --early_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --edg Deprecated: Generate EDG compatible C++ code, link with EDG libraries --[no_]enum_overloading Enable operator overloading on enum types --error_limit Set an error limit --[no_]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions --[no_]explicit Recognize explicit keyword -fcheck-new Always check that the pointer allocated by operator new is non-null even when it is not necessary -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit --[no_]for_init_diff_warning Enable warning when new-style for-init scoping differs from old-style --force_vtbl Force virtual function table definition --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --gnu Default: Generate GNU compatible C++ code, link with GNU lbraries --gnu_extensions Allow GNU C++ extensions --gnu_version Set GNU C++ compatibility version --[no_]guiding_decls Enable guiding declarations of template functions --ieee IEEE floating point support --[no_]implicit_include Implicit template inclusion --[no_]implicit_typename Enable implicit determination of whether a template dependent name is a type -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation --instantiation_dir --late_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --list Set an list file name --[no_]llalign Align long long on integer boundary --long_lifetime_temps Long lifetime temps --[no_]long_preserving_rules -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision --microsoft_version Set Microsoft C++ compatibility version -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnodtypeq Commands -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --[no_]namespaces Enable namespaces --new_for_init Disable old-style for-init scoping --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --no_use_before_set_warnings Suppress warning messages --no_warnings Suppress warning messages --[no_]nonconst_ref_anachronism Reference to nonconst is allowed to bind to class rvalue --[no_]nonstd_qualifier_deduction --old_for_init Enable old-style for-init scoping --[no_]old_specializations Enable old-style specialization declarations --one_instantiation_per_object --pch Do automatic precompiled header processing --pch_dir Set precompiled header directory --pch_mem Specify memory to be used for PCH processing --[no_]pch_messages Enable PCH messages --pedantic Print warnings from included --preinclude File to include at start of compilation --remarks Enable remarks --[no_]remove_unneeded_entities Remove unneeded IL entries --[no]restrict Recognize restrict keyword --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --set_compress_names Set length of C++ compressed names --short_lifetime_temps Short lifetime temps --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --suppress_vtbl Suppress virtual function table definition --template_info_file --timing Display C++ front end compilation times --trace_includes List include files --[no_]typename Enable typename --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) --use_pch Use precompiled headers from directory --[no_]using_std Enable implicit use of standard namespace by runtime -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -X Generate cross reference information into file -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options --experimental-stdpar Enable experimental Senders & Receivers implementation. Requires C++20 mode. GPU features require -stdpar=gpu. -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -nostdpar Execute C++ parallel algorithms sequentially -stdpar[=gpu|multicore] Enable (ISO C++17) Parallel Algorithms behavior gpu Execute C++ parallel algorithms on the GPU (default); please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore Execute C++ parallel algorithms in parallel on the CPU -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: --compiler-options Implies -Xcompiler -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -f[no-]diagnostics-color[=always|never|auto] Colorize compiler diagnostics always Force enable color diagnostics never Force disable color diagnostics auto Enable color diagnostics if supported by the terminal -fdiagnostics-color Same as -fdiagnostics-color=always -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE --linker-options Implies -Xlinker -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -rdynamic gnu compatible -rdynamic switch passes -export-dynamic to the linker -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpicxx -qversion stdout: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -qversion Executing: mpicxx -show stdout: nvc++ -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi Trying Cxx compiler flag -PIC for PIC code Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -std=c++20 -PIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc stdout: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -std=c++20 -PIC nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -PIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -PIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected Cxx compiler flag -PIC because shared linker cannot handle it Trying Cxx compiler flag -qPIC for PIC code Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -std=c++20 -qPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc stdout: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -std=c++20 -qPIC nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -qPIC PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -qPIC due to nonzero status from link Rejected Cxx compiler flag -qPIC because shared linker cannot handle it Trying Cxx compiler flag -KPIC for PIC code Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -std=c++20 -KPIC Added Cxx compiler flag -KPIC Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int (*fprintf_ptr)(FILE*,const char*,...) = fprintf; int foo(void){ fprintf_ptr(stdout,"hello"); return 0; } void bar(void){foo();} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Accepted Cxx compiler flag -KPIC for PIC code Trying CUDA compiler flag -Xcompiler -fPIC for PIC code Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC Added CUDA compiler flag -Xcompiler -fPIC Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int (*fprintf_ptr)(FILE*,const char*,...) = fprintf; int foo(void){ fprintf_ptr(stdout,"hello"); return 0; } void bar(void){foo();} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Accepted CUDA compiler flag -Xcompiler -fPIC for PIC code ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLinkerPaths from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2501) Determine the shared linker path options - IRIX: -rpath - Linux, OSF: -Wl,-rpath, - Solaris: -R - FreeBSD: -Wl,-R, Executing: mpicc -V stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Trying C linker flag -Wl,-rpath, Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Valid C linker flag -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Executing: mpicc -V stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Trying Cxx linker flag -Wl,-rpath, Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Valid Cxx linker flag -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Executing: mpicc -V stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Trying FC linker flag -Wl,-rpath, Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Valid FC linker flag -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Executing: mpicc -V stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Trying CUDA linker flag -Wl,-rpath, Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: nvcc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Valid CUDA linker flag -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkLibC from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2543) Test whether we need to explicitly include libc in shared linking - Mac OSX requires an explicit reference to libc for shared linking Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int foo(void) {void *chunk = malloc(31); free(chunk); return 0;} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Shared linking does not require an explicit libc reference ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDynamicLinker from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2589) Check that the linker can dynamically load shared libraries Checking for header: dlfcn.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_DLFCN_H" to "1" Checking for functions [dlopen dlsym dlclose] in library [''] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dlopen(void); static void _check_dlopen(void) { dlopen(); } char dlsym(void); static void _check_dlsym(void) { dlsym(); } char dlclose(void); static void _check_dlclose(void) { dlclose(); } int main(void) { _check_dlopen(); _check_dlsym(); _check_dlclose(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dlopen(void); static void _check_dlopen(void) { dlopen(); } char dlsym(void); static void _check_dlsym(void) { dlsym(); } char dlclose(void); static void _check_dlclose(void) { dlclose(); } void dummy(void) {_check_dlopen(); _check_dlsym(); _check_dlclose();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o Checking dynamic linker mpicc using flags ['-shared'] Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mpicc...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicc...found Defined make macro "DYNAMICLINKER" to "mpicc" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Valid C linker flag -shared Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int foo(void) {printf("test");return 0;} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -shared -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include int main(void) { void *handle = dlopen("/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so", 0); int (*foo)(void) = (int (*)(void)) dlsym(handle, "foo"); if (!foo) { printf("Could not load symbol\n"); return -1; } if ((*foo)()) { printf("Invalid return from foo()\n"); return -1; } if (dlclose(handle)) { printf("Could not close library\n"); return -1; } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Using dynamic linker mpicc with flags ['-shared'] and library extension so ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkPragma from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2043) Check for all available applicable languages whether they complain (including warnings!) about potentially unknown pragmas Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC -Wunknown-pragmas /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -Wunknown-pragmas Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -Wunknown-pragmas Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC -Wunknown-pragmas nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -Wunknown-pragmas PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -Wunknown-pragmas due to nonzero status from link Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -Wunknown-pragmas -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc stdout: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -Wunknown-pragmas Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -Wunknown-pragmas Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -Wunknown-pragmas nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -Wunknown-pragmas PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -Wunknown-pragmas due to nonzero status from link Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Wunknown-pragmas /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu stdout: nvcc fatal : Unknown option '-Wunknown-pragmas' Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvcc fatal : Unknown option '-Wunknown-pragmas' Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Wunknown-pragmas nvcc fatal : Unknown option '-Wunknown-pragmas' PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -Wunknown-pragmas due to nonzero status from link ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkAtFileOption from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2781) Check if linker supports @file option Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest @/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/optfile -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Valid C linker flag @/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/optfile Defined make macro "PCC_AT_FILE" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: output from config.setCompilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2638) Output module data as defines and substitutions Substituting "CC" with "mpicc" Substituting "CFLAGS" with " -KPIC" Defined make macro "CC_LINKER_SLFLAG" to "-Wl,-rpath," Substituting "CPP" with "mpicc -E" Substituting "CPPFLAGS" with "" Substituting "CUDAC" with "nvcc" Substituting "CUDAFLAGS" with " -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC" Substituting "CUDAPP" with "nvcc -E" Substituting "CUDAPPFLAGS" with "" Substituting "CXX" with "mpicxx" Substituting "CXX_CXXFLAGS" with " -std=c++20 -KPIC" Substituting "CXXFLAGS" with "" Substituting "CXX_LINKER_SLFLAG" with "-Wl,-rpath," Substituting "CXXPP" with "mpicxx -E" Substituting "CXXPPFLAGS" with "" Substituting "FC" with "mpifort" Substituting "FFLAGS" with " -KPIC" Defined make macro "FC_LINKER_SLFLAG" to "-Wl,-rpath," Substituting "LDFLAGS" with "" Substituting "FPP" with "mpifort -E" Substituting "FPPFLAGS" with "" Substituting "LIBS" with "" Substituting "SHARED_LIBRARY_FLAG" with "-shared" child config.setCompilers took 48.890317 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureIndexSize from PETSc.options.indexTypes(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/indexTypes.py:38) Determine the size of PETSc indices (32 or 64-bit), from -with-64-bit-indices Defined make macro "PETSC_INDEX_SIZE" to "32" child PETSc.options.indexTypes took 0.003158 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureCompilerFlags from config.compilerFlags(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilerFlags.py:82) Get the default compiler flags Executing: mpicc --version stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. getCompilerVersion: mpicc nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 Defined make macro "C_VERSION" to "nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 " Executing: mpicc -show stdout: nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi Defined make macro "MPICC_SHOW" to "nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi" Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Executing: mpicc --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing -U Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. Language-specific switches: -B Allow C++ comments in C source -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --error_limit Set an error limit -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --remarks Enable remarks --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 500 Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 80 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib Executing: mpicc --version stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpicc --version stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Trying C compiler flag -O2 -g Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g Added C compiler flag -O2 -g Executing: mpicxx --version stdout: nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. getCompilerVersion: mpicxx nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 Defined make macro "Cxx_VERSION" to "nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 " Executing: mpicxx -show stdout: nvc++ -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi Defined make macro "MPICXX_SHOW" to "nvc++ -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi" Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches Executing: mpicxx --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -fpermissive Disable warnings -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -ftemplate-backtrace-limit= Set maximum number of template instantiate notes for a single warning or error. The default value is 10, the minimum value is 2. -ftemplate-depth= Set maximum template instantiation depth. Set to 0 for infinite depth -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -print-search-dirs Commands -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|cpp|c++|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Xcompiler Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -finline-functions Automatically inline functions -fno-inline-functions Disable automatic function inlining in C/C++ -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -dwarf Generate dwarf debug output --dwarf2 Generate dwarf2 debug output -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -define_macro Define a preprocessor macro --dependencies List makefile dependencies --dependencies_quoted_only List makefile dependencies with quoted include files only --dependencies_to_file Print makefile dependencies to file --dependencies_to_file_quoted_only Print makefile dependencies with quoted include files only to file --dependencies_to_stdout Print makefile dependencies to stdout --dependencies_to_stdout_quoted_only List makefile dependencies w/ quoted include files only to stdout -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory --include_directory Add directory to include file search path -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -N Preprocess only --no_line_commands Preprocess_only, no #line commands -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing --preprocess Preprocess only with #line directives -U Undefine a preprocessor macro -undefine_macro Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -no_prelink Don't run CPP prelink -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. -YP, Add standard library directory Language-specific switches: -$ Allow dollar sign in names -A Accept ANSI standard C++ -a Accept ANSI standard C++ with warnings --[no_]alternative_tokens Allow digraphs --[no_]anachronisms C++ anachronisms --[no_]array_new_and_delete Enable array new and delete --[no_]auto_instantiation Automatic template instantiation mode -B Allow C++ comments in C source --[no_]bool Allow bool as keyword --[no_]brief_diagnostics Suppress diagnostic source printout --[no]builtin --c++03 C++98/C++03 language dialect --c++11 C++11 language dialect --c++14 C++14 language dialect --c++17 C++17 language dialect --c++20 C++20 language dialect --c++23 C++23 language dialect --c++98 Implies --c++03 -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --comments Preserve comments --[no_]compress_names Compress long names --create_pch Create precompiled header file in directory -cusuffix= Define a CUDA suffix --[no_]distinct_template_signatures Enable distinct name mangling for templates and nontemplates --dollar Allow dollar sign in identifiers -e[] Set error limit --early_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --edg Deprecated: Generate EDG compatible C++ code, link with EDG libraries --[no_]enum_overloading Enable operator overloading on enum types --error_limit Set an error limit --[no_]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions --[no_]explicit Recognize explicit keyword -fcheck-new Always check that the pointer allocated by operator new is non-null even when it is not necessary -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit --[no_]for_init_diff_warning Enable warning when new-style for-init scoping differs from old-style --force_vtbl Force virtual function table definition --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --gnu Default: Generate GNU compatible C++ code, link with GNU lbraries --gnu_extensions Allow GNU C++ extensions --gnu_version Set GNU C++ compatibility version --[no_]guiding_decls Enable guiding declarations of template functions --ieee IEEE floating point support --[no_]implicit_include Implicit template inclusion --[no_]implicit_typename Enable implicit determination of whether a template dependent name is a type -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation --instantiation_dir --late_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --list Set an list file name --[no_]llalign Align long long on integer boundary --long_lifetime_temps Long lifetime temps --[no_]long_preserving_rules -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision --microsoft_version Set Microsoft C++ compatibility version -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnodtypeq Commands -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --[no_]namespaces Enable namespaces --new_for_init Disable old-style for-init scoping --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --no_use_before_set_warnings Suppress warning messages --no_warnings Suppress warning messages --[no_]nonconst_ref_anachronism Reference to nonconst is allowed to bind to class rvalue --[no_]nonstd_qualifier_deduction --old_for_init Enable old-style for-init scoping --[no_]old_specializations Enable old-style specialization declarations --one_instantiation_per_object --pch Do automatic precompiled header processing --pch_dir Set precompiled header directory --pch_mem Specify memory to be used for PCH processing --[no_]pch_messages Enable PCH messages --pedantic Print warnings from included --preinclude File to include at start of compilation --remarks Enable remarks --[no_]remove_unneeded_entities Remove unneeded IL entries --[no]restrict Recognize restrict keyword --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --set_compress_names Set length of C++ compressed names --short_lifetime_temps Short lifetime temps --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --suppress_vtbl Suppress virtual function table definition --template_info_file --timing Display C++ front end compilation times --trace_includes List include files --[no_]typename Enable typename --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) --use_pch Use precompiled headers from directory --[no_]using_std Enable implicit use of standard namespace by runtime -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -X Generate cross reference information into file -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options --experimental-stdpar Enable experimental Senders & Receivers implementation. Requires C++20 mode. GPU features require -stdpar=gpu. -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -nostdpar Execute C++ parallel algorithms sequentially -stdpar[=gpu|multicore] Enable (ISO C++17) Parallel Algorithms behavior gpu Execute C++ parallel algorithms on the GPU (default); please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore Execute C++ parallel algorithms in parallel on the CPU -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: --compiler-options Implies -Xcompiler -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -f[no-]diagnostics-color[=always|never|auto] Colorize compiler diagnostics always Force enable color diagnostics never Force disable color diagnostics auto Enable color diagnostics if supported by the terminal -fdiagnostics-color Same as -fdiagnostics-color=always -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE --linker-options Implies -Xlinker -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -rdynamic gnu compatible -rdynamic switch passes -export-dynamic to the linker -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 500 Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 80 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -fpermissive Disable warnings -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -ftemplate-backtrace-limit= Set maximum number of template instantiate notes for a single warning or error. The default value is 10, the minimum value is 2. -ftemplate-depth= Set maximum template instantiation depth. Set to 0 for infinite depth -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -print-search-dirs Commands -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|cpp|c++|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Xcompiler Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -finline-functions Automatically inline functions -fno-inline-functions Disable automatic function inlining in C/C++ -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Executing: mpicxx --version stdout: nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Trying Cxx compiler flag -O2 -g Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -O2 -g Added Cxx compiler flag -O2 -g Executing: mpifort --version stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. getCompilerVersion: mpifort nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 Defined make macro "FC_VERSION" to "nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 " Executing: mpifort -show stdout: nvfortran -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi Defined make macro "MPIFC_SHOW" to "nvfortran -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi" Executing: mpifort --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display Executing: mpifort --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wh, Pass argument to F90 front end -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|f|f77|F|f77-cpp-input|f90|f95|F90|f95-cpp-input|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnotarget_temps Disable a temporary when passing an array for a callee assumed-shape variable with the target attribute -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]target_temps Enable [disable] a temporary when passing an array for a callee assumed-shape variable with the target attribute -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -C Generate code to check array bounds -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkptr Check for NULL pointers -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-common-blocks-name Enable generation of DWARF name for Fortran COMMON blocks -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -F Stop after preprocessing, save output in .f file -I Add directory to include file search path -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mnostdinc Do not use standard include directories -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -P Stop after preprocessing -U Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mhugetlb Link with the huge TLB page library -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. Language-specific switches: -B Allow C++ comments in C source -byteswapio Swap byte-order for unformatted input/output -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect -FSUFFIX= Define a Fortran suffix requiring preprocessing -fsuffix= Define a Fortran suffix -i2 Treat INTEGER as INTEGER*2 -i4 Treat INTEGER as INTEGER*4 -i8 Treat INTEGER and LOGICAL as INTEGER*8 and LOGICAL*8 -i8storage INTEGER and LOGICAL occupy 8 bytes -Mallocatable=95|03 Select semantics for assignments to allocatables 95 Select Fortran 1995 semantics 03 Select Fortran 2003 semantics -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]backslash Treat backslash like any other character in character strings -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mbyteswapio Swap byte-order for unformatted input/output -Mcontiguous Assume POINTERs are contiguous -Mcray=pointer Set Cray pointer semantics -M[no]dclchk Check that all variables are declared -M[no]defaultunit Treat '*' unit as standard input/output -M[no]dlines Compile lines beginning with the letter D -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mextend Allow source lines up to 132 characters -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision -Mfixed Assume fixed-format source -M[no]free[form] Assume free-format source -M[no]i4 Treat INTEGER as INTEGER*4 -M[no]iomutex Generate critical sections around Fortran input/output -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -Mnomain Don't include Fortran main program object module -module Add search directory for module information files -M[no]onetrip Force DO loops to execute at least once -M[no]r8 Promote REAL variables and constants to DOUBLE PRECISION -M[no]r8intrinsics[=float] Treat REAL,CMPLX intrinsics as DBLE,DCMPLX float Treat FLOAT intrinsic as DBLE as well -M[no]recursive Generate code to allow recursive subprograms -M[no]ref_externals Force references to any EXTERNAL subprograms -M[no]save Assume all variables have SAVE attribute -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Mstandard Check standard conformance -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]unixlogical Treat any nonzero logical value as .TRUE. -M[no]upcase Preserve upper and lower case in identifiers; Fortran keywords must be lower case -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files -r4 Treat REAL as REAL*4 -r8 Treat REAL as REAL*8 -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda[=charstring|madconst] Enable CUDA Fortran. Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options charstring Enable limited support for character strings in GPU kernels madconst Put Module Array Descriptors in CUDA Constant Memory -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -nostdpar Execute C++ parallel algorithms sequentially -stdpar[=gpu|multicore] Enable (ISO Fortran 2018) do-concurrent gpu Enable Fortran do-concurrent acceleration on the GPU (default); please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore Enable Fortran do-concurrent acceleration on multicore; please refer to -gpu for target specific options -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -static == -Bstatic -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpifort -V stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpifort --help | head -n 80 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wh, Pass argument to F90 front end -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|f|f77|F|f77-cpp-input|f90|f95|F90|f95-cpp-input|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information Executing: mpifort --version stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Trying FC compiler flag -O2 -g Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g Added FC compiler flag -O2 -g Executing: nvcc --version stdout: nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2023 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Tue_Jun_13_19:16:58_PDT_2023 Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 Build cuda_12.2.r12.2/compiler.32965470_0 getCompilerVersion: nvcc Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 Defined make macro "CUDA_VERSION" to "Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91" Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This Executing: nvcc --help stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --fatbin (-fatbin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx/.cubin input files to device-only .fatbin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --ptx (-ptx) Compile all .cu input files to device-only .ptx files. This step discards the host code for each of these input file. --optix-ir (-optix-ir) Compile CUDA source to OptiX IR (.optixir) output. The OptiX IR is only intended for consumption by OptiX through appropriate APIs. This feature is not supported with link-time-optimization (-dlto), the lto_NN -arch target, or with -gencode. --preprocess (-E) Preprocess all .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input files. --generate-dependencies (-M) Generate a dependency file that can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. If -MF is specified, multiple source files are not supported, and the output is written to the specified file, otherwise it is written to stdout. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies (-MM) Same as --generate-dependencies but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --generate-dependencies-with-compile (-MD) Generate a dependency file and compile the input file. The dependency file can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. This option cannot be specified together with -E. The dependency file name is computed as follows: - If -MF is specified, then the specified file is used as the dependency file name - If -o is specified, the dependency file name is computed from the specified file name by replacing the suffix with '.d'. - Otherwise, the dependency file name is computed by replacing the input file names's suffix with '.d' If the dependency file name is computed based on either -MF or -o, then multiple input files are not supported. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies-with-compile (-MMD) Same as --generate-dependencies-with-compile, but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --dependency-output (-MF) Specify the output file for the dependency file generated with -M/-MM/-MD/-MMD. --generate-dependency-targets (-MP) Add an empty target for each dependency. --compile (-c) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file. --device-c (-dc) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=true --compile'. --device-w (-dw) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains executable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=false --compile'. --device-link (-dlink) Link object files with relocatable device code and .ptx/.cubin/.fatbin files into an object file with executable device code, which can be passed to the host linker. --link (-link) This option specifies the default behavior: compile and link all inputs. --lib (-lib) Compile all inputs into object files (if necessary) and add the results to the specified output library file. --run (-run) This option compiles and links all inputs into an executable, and executes it. Or, when the input is a single executable, it is executed without any compilation or linking. This step is intended for developers who do not want to be bothered with setting the necessary environment variables; these are set temporarily by nvcc). File and path specifications. ============================= --output-file (-o) Specify name and location of the output file. Only a single input file is allowed when this option is present in nvcc non-linking/archiving mode. --pre-include ,... (-include) Specify header files that must be preincluded during preprocessing. --objdir-as-tempdir (-objtemp) Create intermediate files in the same directory as the object file instead of in the temporary directory. This option will take effect only if -c, -dc or -dw is also used. --library ,... (-l) Specify libraries to be used in the linking stage without the library file extension. The libraries are searched for on the library search paths that have been specified using option '--library-path'. --define-macro ,... (-D) Specify macro definitions to define for use during preprocessing or compilation. --undefine-macro ,... (-U) Undefine macro definitions during preprocessing or compilation. --include-path ,... (-I) Specify include search paths. --system-include ,... (-isystem) Specify system include search paths. --library-path ,... (-L) Specify library search paths. --output-directory (-odir) Specify the directory of the output file. This option is intended for letting the dependency generation step (see '--generate-dependencies') generate a rule that defines the target object file in the proper directory. --compiler-bindir (-ccbin) Specify the directory in which the host compiler executable resides. The host compiler executable name can be also specified to ensure that the correct host compiler is selected. In addition, driver prefix options ('--input-drive-prefix', '--dependency-drive-prefix', or '--drive-prefix') may need to be specified, if nvcc is executed in a Cygwin shell or a MinGW shell on Windows. --allow-unsupported-compiler (-allow-unsupported-compiler) Disable nvcc check for supported host compiler versions. Using an unsupported host compiler may cause compilation failure or incorrect run time execution. Use at your own risk. This option has no effect on MacOS. --archiver-binary (-arbin) Specify the path of the executable for the archiving tool used to createstatic libraries with '--lib'. If unspecified, a platform-specific defaultis used. --cudart {none|shared|static} (-cudart) Specify the type of CUDA runtime library to be used: no CUDA runtime library, shared/dynamic CUDA runtime library, or static CUDA runtime library. Allowed values for this option: 'none','shared','static'. Default value: 'static'. --cudadevrt {none|static} (-cudadevrt) Specify the type of CUDA device runtime library to be used: no CUDA device runtime library, or static CUDA device runtime library. Allowed values for this option: 'none','static'. Default value: 'static'. --libdevice-directory (-ldir) Specify the directory that contains the libdevice library files when option '--dont-use-profile' is used. Libdevice library files are located in the 'nvvm/libdevice' directory in the CUDA toolkit. --target-directory (-target-dir) Specify the subfolder name in the targets directory where the default include and library paths are located. --use-local-env (-use-local-env) By default nvcc assumes that the MSVC environment needs to be initialized. This is done by executing the appropriate command file available for the MSVC installation detected or specified. Initializing the environment for each nvcc invocation can add noticeable overheads. If the environment used to invoke nvcc has already been configured, this option can be used to skip this step. Options for specifying behavior of compiler/linker. =================================================== --profile (-pg) Instrument generated code/executable for use by gprof (Linux only). --debug (-g) Generate debug information for host code. --device-debug (-G) Generate debug information for device code. If --dopt is not specified, then turns off all optimizations. Don't use for profiling; use -lineinfo instead. --generate-line-info (-lineinfo) Generate line-number information for device code. --optimization-info ,... (-opt-info) Provide optimization reports for the specified kind of optimization. The following tags are supported: inline: Emit remarks related to function inlining. Inlining passmay be invoked multiple times by the compiler and a function notinlined in an earlier pass may be inlined in a subsequent pass. Allowed values for this option: 'inline'. --optimize (-O) Specify optimization level for host code. --dopt (-dopt) Enable device code optimization. When specified along with '-G', enables limited debug information generation for optimized device code (currently, only line number information). When '-G' is not specified, '-dopt=on' is implicit. Allowed values for this option: 'on'. --dlink-time-opt (-dlto) Perform link-time optimization of device code. Link-time optimization must be specified at both compile and link time; at compile time it stores high-level intermediate code, then at link time it links together and optimizes the intermediate code.If that intermediate is not found at link time then nothing happens. Intermediate code is also stored at compile time with the --gpu-code='lto_NN' target. The options -dlto -arch=sm_NN will add a lto_NN target; if you want to only add a lto_NN target and not the compute_NN that -arch=sm_NN usually generates, use -arch=lto_NN. The options '-dlto -dlink -ptx -o ' will cause nvlink to generate . If -o is not used, the file generated will be a_dlink.dlto.ptx. --lto (-lto) Alias for -dlto. --gen-opt-lto (-gen-opt-lto) Run the optimizer passes before generating the LTO IR. --ftemplate-backtrace-limit (-ftemplate-backtrace-limit) Set the maximum number of template instantiation notes for a single warning or error to . A value of 0 is allowed, and indicates that no limit should be enforced. This value is also passed to the host compiler if it provides an equivalent flag. --ftemplate-depth (-ftemplate-depth) Set the maximum instantiation depth for template classes to . This value is also passed to the host compiler if it provides an equivalent flag. --no-exceptions (-noeh) Disable exception handling for host code. --shared (-shared) Generate a shared library during linking. Use option '--linker-options' when other linker options are required for more control. --x {c|c++|cu} (-x) Explicitly specify the language for the input files, rather than letting the compiler choose a default based on the file name suffix. Allowed values for this option: 'c','c++','cu'. --std {c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20} (-std) Select a particular C++ dialect. Note that this flag also turns on the corresponding dialect flag for the host compiler. Allowed values for this option: 'c++03','c++11','c++14','c++17','c++20'. --no-host-device-initializer-list (-nohdinitlist) Do not implicitly consider member functions of std::initializer_list as __host__ __device__ functions. --no-host-device-move-forward (-nohdmoveforward) Do not implicitly consider std::move and std::forward as __host__ __device__ function templates. --expt-relaxed-constexpr (-expt-relaxed-constexpr) Experimental flag: Allow host code to invoke __device__ constexpr functions, and device code to invoke __host__ constexpr functions.Note that the behavior of this flag may change in future compiler releases. --extended-lambda (-extended-lambda) Allow __host__, __device__ annotations in lambda declaration. --expt-extended-lambda (-expt-extended-lambda) Alias for -extended-lambda. --machine {64} (-m) Specify 64 bit architecture. Allowed values for this option: 64. Default value: 64. --m64 (-m64) Equivalent to --machine=64. Options for passing specific phase options ========================================== These allow for passing options directly to the intended compilation phase. Using these, users have the ability to pass options to the lower level compilation tools, without the need for nvcc to know about each and every such option. --compiler-options ,... (-Xcompiler) Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. --linker-options ,... (-Xlinker) Specify options directly to the host linker. --archive-options ,... (-Xarchive) Specify options directly to library manager. --ptxas-options ,... (-Xptxas) Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. --nvlink-options ,... (-Xnvlink) Specify options directly to nvlink. Miscellaneous options for guiding the compiler driver. ====================================================== --forward-unknown-to-host-compiler (-forward-unknown-to-host-compiler) Forward unknown options to the host compiler. An 'unknown option' is a command line argument that starts with '-' followed by another character, and is not a recognized nvcc flag or an argument for a recognized nvcc flag. Note: If the unknown option is followed by a separate command line argument, the argument will not be forwarded, unless it begins with the '-' character. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to host compiler. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to host compiler. --forward-unknown-to-host-linker (-forward-unknown-to-host-linker) Forward unknown options to the host linker. An 'unknown option' is a command line argument that starts with '-' followed by another character, and is not a recognized nvcc flag or an argument for a recognized nvcc flag. Note: If the unknown option is followed by a separate command line argument, the argument will not be forwarded, unless it begins with the '-' character. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to host linker. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to host linker. --forward-unknown-opts (-forward-unknown-opts) Implies the combination of options: -forward-unknown-to-host-linker and -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to the host linker and compiler. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to the host linker and compiler. --dont-use-profile (-noprof) Nvcc uses the nvcc.profiles file for compilation. When specifying this option, the profile file is not used. --dryrun (-dryrun) Do not execute the compilation commands generated by nvcc. Instead, list them. --verbose (-v) List the compilation commands generated by this compiler driver, but do not suppress their execution. --threads (-t) Specify the maximum number of threads to be created in parallel when compiling for multiple architectures. If is 1 or if compiling for one architecture, this option is ignored. If is 0, the number of threads will be the number of CPUs on the machine. --split-compile (-split-compile) [Experimental] Specify the maximum amount of concurrent threads to to be utilized when running compiler optimizations. If is 1, this option is ignored. If is 0, the number of threads will be the number of CPUs on the machine. This option can work in conjunction with device Link Time Optimization (dLTO) as well as '--threads'. --keep (-keep) Keep all intermediate files that are generated during internal compilation steps. --keep-dir (-keep-dir) Keep all intermediate files that are generated during internal compilation steps in this directory. --save-temps (-save-temps) This option is an alias of '--keep'. --clean-targets (-clean) This option reverses the behavior of nvcc. When specified, none of the compilation phases will be executed. Instead, all of the non-temporary files that nvcc would otherwise create will be deleted. --time (-time) Generate a comma separated value table with the time taken by each compilation phase, and append it at the end of the file given as the option argument. If the file is empty, the column headings are generated in the first row of the table. If the file name is '-', the timing data is generated in stdout. --run-args ,... (-run-args) Used in combination with option --run to specify command line arguments for the executable. --input-drive-prefix (-idp) On Windows, all command line arguments that refer to file names must be converted to the Windows native format before they are passed to pure Windows executables. This option specifies how the current development environment represents absolute paths. Use '/cygwin/' as for Cygwin build environments, and '/' as for MinGW. --dependency-drive-prefix (-ddp) On Windows, when generating dependency files (see --generate-dependencies), all file names must be converted appropriately for the instance of 'make' that is used. Some instances of 'make' have trouble with the colon in absolute paths in the native Windows format, which depends on the environment in which the 'make' instance has been compiled. Use '/cygwin/' as for a Cygwin make, and '/' as for MinGW. Or leave these file names in the native Windows format by specifying nothing. --drive-prefix (-dp) Specifies as both --input-drive-prefix and --dependency-drive-prefix. --dependency-target-name (-MT) Specify the target name of the generated rule when generating a dependency file (see '--generate-dependencies'). --no-align-double --no-align-double Specifies that '-malign-double' should not be passed as a compiler argument on 32-bit platforms. WARNING: this makes the ABI incompatible with the cuda's kernel ABI for certain 64-bit types. --no-device-link (-nodlink) Skip the device link step when linking object files. Options for steering GPU code generation. ========================================= --gpu-architecture (-arch) Specify the name of the class of NVIDIA 'virtual' GPU architecture for which the CUDA input files must be compiled. With the exception as described for the shorthand below, the architecture specified with this option must be a 'virtual' architecture (such as compute_50). Normally, this option alone does not trigger assembly of the generated PTX for a 'real' architecture (that is the role of nvcc option '--gpu-code', see below); rather, its purpose is to control preprocessing and compilation of the input to PTX. For convenience, in case of simple nvcc compilations, the following shorthand is supported. If no value for option '--gpu-code' is specified, then the value of this option defaults to the value of '--gpu-architecture'. In this situation, as only exception to the description above, the value specified for '--gpu-architecture' may be a 'real' architecture (such as a sm_50), in which case nvcc uses the specified 'real' architecture and its closest 'virtual' architecture as effective architecture values. For example, 'nvcc --gpu-architecture=sm_50' is equivalent to 'nvcc --gpu-architecture=compute_50 --gpu-code=sm_50,compute_50'. -arch=all build for all supported architectures (sm_*), and add PTX for the highest major architecture to the generated code. -arch=all-major build for just supported major versions (sm_*0), plus the earliest supported, and add PTX for the highest major architecture to the generated code. -arch=native build for all architectures (sm_*) on the current system Note: -arch=native, -arch=all, -arch=all-major cannot be used with the -code option, but can be used with -gencode options. Allowed values for this option: 'all','all-major','compute_50','compute_52', 'compute_53','compute_60','compute_61','compute_62','compute_70','compute_72', 'compute_75','compute_80','compute_86','compute_87','compute_89','compute_90', 'compute_90a','lto_50','lto_52','lto_53','lto_60','lto_61','lto_62','lto_70', 'lto_72','lto_75','lto_80','lto_86','lto_87','lto_89','lto_90','lto_90a', 'native','sm_50','sm_52','sm_53','sm_60','sm_61','sm_62','sm_70','sm_72', 'sm_75','sm_80','sm_86','sm_87','sm_89','sm_90','sm_90a'. --gpu-code ,... (-code) Specify the name of the NVIDIA GPU to assemble and optimize PTX for. nvcc embeds a compiled code image in the resulting executable for each specified architecture, which is a true binary load image for each 'real' architecture (such as sm_50), and PTX code for the 'virtual' architecture (such as compute_50). During runtime, such embedded PTX code is dynamically compiled by the CUDA runtime system if no binary load image is found for the 'current' GPU. Architectures specified for options '--gpu-architecture' and '--gpu-code' may be 'virtual' as well as 'real', but the architectures must be compatible with the architecture. When the '--gpu-code' option is used, the value for the '--gpu-architecture' option must be a 'virtual' PTX architecture. For instance, '--gpu-architecture=compute_60' is not compatible with '--gpu-code=sm_52', because the earlier compilation stages will assume the availability of 'compute_60' features that are not present on 'sm_52'. Allowed values for this option: 'compute_50','compute_52','compute_53', 'compute_60','compute_61','compute_62','compute_70','compute_72','compute_75', 'compute_80','compute_86','compute_87','compute_89','compute_90','compute_90a', 'lto_50','lto_52','lto_53','lto_60','lto_61','lto_62','lto_70','lto_72', 'lto_75','lto_80','lto_86','lto_87','lto_89','lto_90','lto_90a','sm_50', 'sm_52','sm_53','sm_60','sm_61','sm_62','sm_70','sm_72','sm_75','sm_80', 'sm_86','sm_87','sm_89','sm_90','sm_90a'. --generate-code ,... (-gencode) This option provides a generalization of the '--gpu-architecture= --gpu-code=, ...' option combination for specifying nvcc behavior with respect to code generation. Where use of the previous options generates code for different 'real' architectures with the PTX for the same 'virtual' architecture, option '--generate-code' allows multiple PTX generations for different 'virtual' architectures. In fact, '--gpu-architecture= --gpu-code=, ...' is equivalent to '--generate-code arch=,code=,...'. '--generate-code' options may be repeated for different virtual architectures. Allowed keywords for this option: 'arch','code'. --relocatable-device-code {true|false} (-rdc) Enable (disable) the generation of relocatable device code. If disabled, executable device code is generated. Relocatable device code must be linked before it can be executed. Default value: false. --entries entry,... (-e) Specify the global entry functions for which code must be generated. By default, code will be generated for all entry functions. --maxrregcount (-maxrregcount) Specify the maximum amount of registers that GPU functions can use. Until a function-specific limit, a higher value will generally increase the performance of individual GPU threads that execute this function. However, because thread registers are allocated from a global register pool on each GPU, a higher value of this option will also reduce the maximum thread block size, thereby reducing the amount of thread parallelism. Hence, a good maxrregcount value is the result of a trade-off. If this option is not specified, then no maximum is assumed. Value less than the minimum registers required by ABI will be bumped up by the compiler to ABI minimum limit. User program may not be able to make use of all registers as some registers are reserved by compiler. --use_fast_math (-use_fast_math) Make use of fast math library. '--use_fast_math' implies '--ftz=true --prec-div=false --prec-sqrt=false --fmad=true'. --ftz {true|false} (-ftz) This option controls single-precision denormals support. '--ftz=true' flushes denormal values to zero and '--ftz=false' preserves denormal values. '--use_fast_math' implies '--ftz=true'. Default value: false. --prec-div {true|false} (-prec-div) This option controls single-precision floating-point division and reciprocals. '--prec-div=true' enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode and '--prec-div=false' enables the fast approximation mode. '--use_fast_math' implies '--prec-div=false'. Default value: true. --prec-sqrt {true|false} (-prec-sqrt) This option controls single-precision floating-point squre root. '--prec-sqrt=true' enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode and '--prec-sqrt=false' enables the fast approximation mode. '--use_fast_math' implies '--prec-sqrt=false'. Default value: true. --fmad {true|false} (-fmad) This option enables (disables) the contraction of floating-point multiplies and adds/subtracts into floating-point multiply-add operations (FMAD, FFMA, or DFMA). '--use_fast_math' implies '--fmad=true'. Default value: true. --extra-device-vectorization (-extra-device-vectorization) This option enables more aggressive device code vectorization. Options for steering cuda compilation. ====================================== --default-stream {legacy|null|per-thread} (-default-stream) Specify the stream that CUDA commands from the compiled program will be sent to by default. legacy The CUDA legacy stream (per context, implicitly synchronizes with other streams). per-thread A normal CUDA stream (per thread, does not implicitly synchronize with other streams). 'null' is a deprecated alias for 'legacy'. Allowed values for this option: 'legacy','null','per-thread'. Default value: 'legacy'. Generic tool options. ===================== --disable-warnings (-w) Inhibit all warning messages. --keep-device-functions (-keep-device-functions) In whole program compilation mode, preserve user defined external linkage __device__ function definitions up to PTX. --source-in-ptx (-src-in-ptx) Interleave source in PTX. May only be used in conjunction with --device-debug or --generate-line-info. --restrict (-restrict) Programmer assertion that all kernel pointer parameters are restrict pointers. --Wreorder (-Wreorder) Generate warnings when member initializers are reordered. --Wdefault-stream-launch (-Wdefault-stream-launch) Generate warning when an explicit stream argument is not provided in the <<<...>>> kernel launch syntax. --Wmissing-launch-bounds (-Wmissing-launch-bounds) Generate warning when a __global__ function does not have an explicit __launch_bounds__ annotation. --Wext-lambda-captures-this (-Wext-lambda-captures-this) Generate warning when an extended lambda implicitly captures 'this'. --Wno-deprecated-declarations (-Wno-deprecated-declarations) Suppress warning on use of deprecated entity. --Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets (-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets) Suppress warnings about deprecated GPU target architectures. --Werror ,... (-Werror) Make warnings of the specified kinds into errors. The following is the list of warning kinds accepted by this option: cross-execution-space-call Be more strict about unsupported cross execution space calls. The compiler will generate an error instead of a warning for a call from a __host__ __device__ to a __host__ function. reorder Generate errors when member initializers are reordered. deprecated-declarations Generate error on use of a deprecated entity. default-stream-launch Generate error when an explicit stream argument is not provided in the <<<...>>> kernel launch syntax. missing-launch-bounds Generate error when a __global__ function does not have an explicit __launch_bounds__ annotation. ext-lambda-captures-this Generate error when an extended lambda implicitly captures 'this' Allowed values for this option: 'all-warnings','cross-execution-space-call', 'default-stream-launch','deprecated-declarations','ext-lambda-captures-this', 'missing-launch-bounds','reorder'. --resource-usage (-res-usage) Show resource usage such as registers and memory of the GPU code. This option implies '--nvlink-options --verbose' when '--relocatable-device-code=true' is set. Otherwise, it implies '--ptxas-options --verbose'. --extensible-whole-program (-ewp) Do extensible whole program compilation of device code. --no-compress (-no-compress) Do not compress device code in fatbinary. --qpp-config (-qpp-config) Specify the configuration ([[compiler/]version,][target]) for the q++ host compiler. The argument will be forwarded to the q++ compiler with its -V flag. --compile-as-tools-patch (-astoolspatch) Compile patch code for CUDA tools. Implies --keep-device-functions. --list-gpu-code (-code-ls) List the gpu architectures (sm_XX) supported by the compiler and exit. If both --list-gpu-code and --list-gpu-arch are set, the list is displayed using the same format as the --generate-code value. --list-gpu-arch (-arch-ls) List the virtual device architectures (compute_XX) supported by the compiler and exit. If both --list-gpu-code and --list-gpu-arch are set, the list is displayed using the same format as the --generate-code value. --display-error-number (-err-no) This option displays a diagnostic number for any message generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: not the host compiler). --no-display-error-number (-no-err-no) This option disables the display of a diagnostic number for any message generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: not the host compiler). --diag-error ,... (-diag-error) Emit error for specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --diag-suppress ,... (-diag-suppress) Suppress specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --diag-warn ,... (-diag-warn) Emit warning for specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --host-linker-script {use-lcs|gen-lcs} (-hls) Use the host linker script (GNU/Linux only) to enable support for certain CUDA specific requirements, while building executable files or shared libraries. use-lcs Prepares a host linker script to enable host linker support for relocatable device object files that are larger in size, that would otherwise, in certain cases cause the host linker to fail with relocation truncation error. gen-lcs Generates a host linker script that can be passed to host linker manually, in the case where host linker is invoked separately outside of nvcc. This option can be combined with -shared or -r option to generate linker scripts that can be used while generating host shared libraries or host relocatable links respectively. The file generated using this option must be provided as the last input file to the host linker. Default Output Filename: The output is generated to stdout by default. Use the option -o filename to specify the output filename. A linker script may already be in use and passed to the host linker using the host linker option --script (or -T), then the generated host linker script must augment the existing linker script. In such cases, the option -aug-hls must be used to generate linker script that contains only the augmentation parts. Otherwise, the host linker behaviour is undefined. A host linker option, such as -z with a non-default argument, that can modify the default linker script internally, is incompatible with this option and the behavior of any such usage is undefined. Allowed values for this option: 'gen-lcs','use-lcs'. --augment-host-linker-script (-aug-hls) Enables generation of host linker script that augments an existing host linker script (GNU/Linux only). See option --host-linker-script for more details. --host-relocatable-link (-r) When used in combination with -hls=gen-lcs, controls the behaviour of -hls=gen-lcs and sets it to generate host linker script that can be used in host relocatable link (ld -r linkage). See option -hls=gen-lcs for more information. This option currently is effective only when used with -hls=gen-lcs; in all other cases, this option is ignored currently. --brief-diagnostics {true|false} (-brief-diag) This option disables or enables showing preprocessed source line and column info in a diagnostic. The --brief-diagnostics=true will not show the source line and column info. Default value: false. --help (-h) Print this help information on this tool. --version (-V) Print version information on this tool. --options-file ,... (-optf) Include command line options from specified file. Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 500 Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 80 stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --fatbin (-fatbin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx/.cubin input files to device-only .fatbin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --ptx (-ptx) Compile all .cu input files to device-only .ptx files. This step discards the host code for each of these input file. --optix-ir (-optix-ir) Compile CUDA source to OptiX IR (.optixir) output. The OptiX IR is only intended for consumption by OptiX through appropriate APIs. This feature is not supported with link-time-optimization (-dlto), the lto_NN -arch target, or with -gencode. --preprocess (-E) Preprocess all .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input files. --generate-dependencies (-M) Generate a dependency file that can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. If -MF is specified, multiple source files are not supported, and the output is written to the specified file, otherwise it is written to stdout. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies (-MM) Same as --generate-dependencies but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --generate-dependencies-with-compile (-MD) Generate a dependency file and compile the input file. The dependency file can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. This option cannot be specified together with -E. The dependency file name is computed as follows: - If -MF is specified, then the specified file is used as the dependency file name - If -o is specified, the dependency file name is computed from the specified file name by replacing the suffix with '.d'. - Otherwise, the dependency file name is computed by replacing the input file names's suffix with '.d' If the dependency file name is computed based on either -MF or -o, then multiple input files are not supported. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies-with-compile (-MMD) Same as --generate-dependencies-with-compile, but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --dependency-output (-MF) Specify the output file for the dependency file generated with -M/-MM/-MD/-MMD. --generate-dependency-targets (-MP) Add an empty target for each dependency. --compile (-c) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file. --device-c (-dc) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=true --compile'. Executing: nvcc --version stdout: nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2023 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Tue_Jun_13_19:16:58_PDT_2023 Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 Build cuda_12.2.r12.2/compiler.32965470_0 Detected NVCC compiler Trying CUDA compiler flag -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden Added CUDA compiler flag -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This Executing: nvcc --help stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --fatbin (-fatbin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx/.cubin input files to device-only .fatbin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --ptx (-ptx) Compile all .cu input files to device-only .ptx files. This step discards the host code for each of these input file. --optix-ir (-optix-ir) Compile CUDA source to OptiX IR (.optixir) output. The OptiX IR is only intended for consumption by OptiX through appropriate APIs. This feature is not supported with link-time-optimization (-dlto), the lto_NN -arch target, or with -gencode. --preprocess (-E) Preprocess all .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input files. --generate-dependencies (-M) Generate a dependency file that can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. If -MF is specified, multiple source files are not supported, and the output is written to the specified file, otherwise it is written to stdout. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies (-MM) Same as --generate-dependencies but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --generate-dependencies-with-compile (-MD) Generate a dependency file and compile the input file. The dependency file can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. This option cannot be specified together with -E. The dependency file name is computed as follows: - If -MF is specified, then the specified file is used as the dependency file name - If -o is specified, the dependency file name is computed from the specified file name by replacing the suffix with '.d'. - Otherwise, the dependency file name is computed by replacing the input file names's suffix with '.d' If the dependency file name is computed based on either -MF or -o, then multiple input files are not supported. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies-with-compile (-MMD) Same as --generate-dependencies-with-compile, but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --dependency-output (-MF) Specify the output file for the dependency file generated with -M/-MM/-MD/-MMD. --generate-dependency-targets (-MP) Add an empty target for each dependency. --compile (-c) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file. --device-c (-dc) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=true --compile'. --device-w (-dw) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains executable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=false --compile'. --device-link (-dlink) Link object files with relocatable device code and .ptx/.cubin/.fatbin files into an object file with executable device code, which can be passed to the host linker. --link (-link) This option specifies the default behavior: compile and link all inputs. --lib (-lib) Compile all inputs into object files (if necessary) and add the results to the specified output library file. --run (-run) This option compiles and links all inputs into an executable, and executes it. Or, when the input is a single executable, it is executed without any compilation or linking. This step is intended for developers who do not want to be bothered with setting the necessary environment variables; these are set temporarily by nvcc). File and path specifications. ============================= --output-file (-o) Specify name and location of the output file. Only a single input file is allowed when this option is present in nvcc non-linking/archiving mode. --pre-include ,... (-include) Specify header files that must be preincluded during preprocessing. --objdir-as-tempdir (-objtemp) Create intermediate files in the same directory as the object file instead of in the temporary directory. This option will take effect only if -c, -dc or -dw is also used. --library ,... (-l) Specify libraries to be used in the linking stage without the library file extension. The libraries are searched for on the library search paths that have been specified using option '--library-path'. --define-macro ,... (-D) Specify macro definitions to define for use during preprocessing or compilation. --undefine-macro ,... (-U) Undefine macro definitions during preprocessing or compilation. --include-path ,... (-I) Specify include search paths. --system-include ,... (-isystem) Specify system include search paths. --library-path ,... (-L) Specify library search paths. --output-directory (-odir) Specify the directory of the output file. This option is intended for letting the dependency generation step (see '--generate-dependencies') generate a rule that defines the target object file in the proper directory. --compiler-bindir (-ccbin) Specify the directory in which the host compiler executable resides. The host compiler executable name can be also specified to ensure that the correct host compiler is selected. In addition, driver prefix options ('--input-drive-prefix', '--dependency-drive-prefix', or '--drive-prefix') may need to be specified, if nvcc is executed in a Cygwin shell or a MinGW shell on Windows. --allow-unsupported-compiler (-allow-unsupported-compiler) Disable nvcc check for supported host compiler versions. Using an unsupported host compiler may cause compilation failure or incorrect run time execution. Use at your own risk. This option has no effect on MacOS. --archiver-binary (-arbin) Specify the path of the executable for the archiving tool used to createstatic libraries with '--lib'. If unspecified, a platform-specific defaultis used. --cudart {none|shared|static} (-cudart) Specify the type of CUDA runtime library to be used: no CUDA runtime library, shared/dynamic CUDA runtime library, or static CUDA runtime library. Allowed values for this option: 'none','shared','static'. Default value: 'static'. --cudadevrt {none|static} (-cudadevrt) Specify the type of CUDA device runtime library to be used: no CUDA device runtime library, or static CUDA device runtime library. Allowed values for this option: 'none','static'. Default value: 'static'. --libdevice-directory (-ldir) Specify the directory that contains the libdevice library files when option '--dont-use-profile' is used. Libdevice library files are located in the 'nvvm/libdevice' directory in the CUDA toolkit. --target-directory (-target-dir) Specify the subfolder name in the targets directory where the default include and library paths are located. --use-local-env (-use-local-env) By default nvcc assumes that the MSVC environment needs to be initialized. This is done by executing the appropriate command file available for the MSVC installation detected or specified. Initializing the environment for each nvcc invocation can add noticeable overheads. If the environment used to invoke nvcc has already been configured, this option can be used to skip this step. Options for specifying behavior of compiler/linker. =================================================== --profile (-pg) Instrument generated code/executable for use by gprof (Linux only). --debug (-g) Generate debug information for host code. --device-debug (-G) Generate debug information for device code. If --dopt is not specified, then turns off all optimizations. Don't use for profiling; use -lineinfo instead. --generate-line-info (-lineinfo) Generate line-number information for device code. --optimization-info ,... (-opt-info) Provide optimization reports for the specified kind of optimization. The following tags are supported: inline: Emit remarks related to function inlining. Inlining passmay be invoked multiple times by the compiler and a function notinlined in an earlier pass may be inlined in a subsequent pass. Allowed values for this option: 'inline'. --optimize (-O) Specify optimization level for host code. --dopt (-dopt) Enable device code optimization. When specified along with '-G', enables limited debug information generation for optimized device code (currently, only line number information). When '-G' is not specified, '-dopt=on' is implicit. Allowed values for this option: 'on'. --dlink-time-opt (-dlto) Perform link-time optimization of device code. Link-time optimization must be specified at both compile and link time; at compile time it stores high-level intermediate code, then at link time it links together and optimizes the intermediate code.If that intermediate is not found at link time then nothing happens. Intermediate code is also stored at compile time with the --gpu-code='lto_NN' target. The options -dlto -arch=sm_NN will add a lto_NN target; if you want to only add a lto_NN target and not the compute_NN that -arch=sm_NN usually generates, use -arch=lto_NN. The options '-dlto -dlink -ptx -o ' will cause nvlink to generate . If -o is not used, the file generated will be a_dlink.dlto.ptx. --lto (-lto) Alias for -dlto. --gen-opt-lto (-gen-opt-lto) Run the optimizer passes before generating the LTO IR. --ftemplate-backtrace-limit (-ftemplate-backtrace-limit) Set the maximum number of template instantiation notes for a single warning or error to . A value of 0 is allowed, and indicates that no limit should be enforced. This value is also passed to the host compiler if it provides an equivalent flag. --ftemplate-depth (-ftemplate-depth) Set the maximum instantiation depth for template classes to . This value is also passed to the host compiler if it provides an equivalent flag. --no-exceptions (-noeh) Disable exception handling for host code. --shared (-shared) Generate a shared library during linking. Use option '--linker-options' when other linker options are required for more control. --x {c|c++|cu} (-x) Explicitly specify the language for the input files, rather than letting the compiler choose a default based on the file name suffix. Allowed values for this option: 'c','c++','cu'. --std {c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20} (-std) Select a particular C++ dialect. Note that this flag also turns on the corresponding dialect flag for the host compiler. Allowed values for this option: 'c++03','c++11','c++14','c++17','c++20'. --no-host-device-initializer-list (-nohdinitlist) Do not implicitly consider member functions of std::initializer_list as __host__ __device__ functions. --no-host-device-move-forward (-nohdmoveforward) Do not implicitly consider std::move and std::forward as __host__ __device__ function templates. --expt-relaxed-constexpr (-expt-relaxed-constexpr) Experimental flag: Allow host code to invoke __device__ constexpr functions, and device code to invoke __host__ constexpr functions.Note that the behavior of this flag may change in future compiler releases. --extended-lambda (-extended-lambda) Allow __host__, __device__ annotations in lambda declaration. --expt-extended-lambda (-expt-extended-lambda) Alias for -extended-lambda. --machine {64} (-m) Specify 64 bit architecture. Allowed values for this option: 64. Default value: 64. --m64 (-m64) Equivalent to --machine=64. Options for passing specific phase options ========================================== These allow for passing options directly to the intended compilation phase. Using these, users have the ability to pass options to the lower level compilation tools, without the need for nvcc to know about each and every such option. --compiler-options ,... (-Xcompiler) Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. --linker-options ,... (-Xlinker) Specify options directly to the host linker. --archive-options ,... (-Xarchive) Specify options directly to library manager. --ptxas-options ,... (-Xptxas) Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. --nvlink-options ,... (-Xnvlink) Specify options directly to nvlink. Miscellaneous options for guiding the compiler driver. ====================================================== --forward-unknown-to-host-compiler (-forward-unknown-to-host-compiler) Forward unknown options to the host compiler. An 'unknown option' is a command line argument that starts with '-' followed by another character, and is not a recognized nvcc flag or an argument for a recognized nvcc flag. Note: If the unknown option is followed by a separate command line argument, the argument will not be forwarded, unless it begins with the '-' character. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to host compiler. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to host compiler. --forward-unknown-to-host-linker (-forward-unknown-to-host-linker) Forward unknown options to the host linker. An 'unknown option' is a command line argument that starts with '-' followed by another character, and is not a recognized nvcc flag or an argument for a recognized nvcc flag. Note: If the unknown option is followed by a separate command line argument, the argument will not be forwarded, unless it begins with the '-' character. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to host linker. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-to-host-linker -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to host linker. --forward-unknown-opts (-forward-unknown-opts) Implies the combination of options: -forward-unknown-to-host-linker and -forward-unknown-to-host-compiler. E.g. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo=bar a.cu' will forward '-foo=bar' to the host linker and compiler. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo bar a.cu' will report an error for 'bar' argument. 'nvcc -forward-unknown-opts -foo -bar a.cu' will forward '-foo' and '-bar' to the host linker and compiler. --dont-use-profile (-noprof) Nvcc uses the nvcc.profiles file for compilation. When specifying this option, the profile file is not used. --dryrun (-dryrun) Do not execute the compilation commands generated by nvcc. Instead, list them. --verbose (-v) List the compilation commands generated by this compiler driver, but do not suppress their execution. --threads (-t) Specify the maximum number of threads to be created in parallel when compiling for multiple architectures. If is 1 or if compiling for one architecture, this option is ignored. If is 0, the number of threads will be the number of CPUs on the machine. --split-compile (-split-compile) [Experimental] Specify the maximum amount of concurrent threads to to be utilized when running compiler optimizations. If is 1, this option is ignored. If is 0, the number of threads will be the number of CPUs on the machine. This option can work in conjunction with device Link Time Optimization (dLTO) as well as '--threads'. --keep (-keep) Keep all intermediate files that are generated during internal compilation steps. --keep-dir (-keep-dir) Keep all intermediate files that are generated during internal compilation steps in this directory. --save-temps (-save-temps) This option is an alias of '--keep'. --clean-targets (-clean) This option reverses the behavior of nvcc. When specified, none of the compilation phases will be executed. Instead, all of the non-temporary files that nvcc would otherwise create will be deleted. --time (-time) Generate a comma separated value table with the time taken by each compilation phase, and append it at the end of the file given as the option argument. If the file is empty, the column headings are generated in the first row of the table. If the file name is '-', the timing data is generated in stdout. --run-args ,... (-run-args) Used in combination with option --run to specify command line arguments for the executable. --input-drive-prefix (-idp) On Windows, all command line arguments that refer to file names must be converted to the Windows native format before they are passed to pure Windows executables. This option specifies how the current development environment represents absolute paths. Use '/cygwin/' as for Cygwin build environments, and '/' as for MinGW. --dependency-drive-prefix (-ddp) On Windows, when generating dependency files (see --generate-dependencies), all file names must be converted appropriately for the instance of 'make' that is used. Some instances of 'make' have trouble with the colon in absolute paths in the native Windows format, which depends on the environment in which the 'make' instance has been compiled. Use '/cygwin/' as for a Cygwin make, and '/' as for MinGW. Or leave these file names in the native Windows format by specifying nothing. --drive-prefix (-dp) Specifies as both --input-drive-prefix and --dependency-drive-prefix. --dependency-target-name (-MT) Specify the target name of the generated rule when generating a dependency file (see '--generate-dependencies'). --no-align-double --no-align-double Specifies that '-malign-double' should not be passed as a compiler argument on 32-bit platforms. WARNING: this makes the ABI incompatible with the cuda's kernel ABI for certain 64-bit types. --no-device-link (-nodlink) Skip the device link step when linking object files. Options for steering GPU code generation. ========================================= --gpu-architecture (-arch) Specify the name of the class of NVIDIA 'virtual' GPU architecture for which the CUDA input files must be compiled. With the exception as described for the shorthand below, the architecture specified with this option must be a 'virtual' architecture (such as compute_50). Normally, this option alone does not trigger assembly of the generated PTX for a 'real' architecture (that is the role of nvcc option '--gpu-code', see below); rather, its purpose is to control preprocessing and compilation of the input to PTX. For convenience, in case of simple nvcc compilations, the following shorthand is supported. If no value for option '--gpu-code' is specified, then the value of this option defaults to the value of '--gpu-architecture'. In this situation, as only exception to the description above, the value specified for '--gpu-architecture' may be a 'real' architecture (such as a sm_50), in which case nvcc uses the specified 'real' architecture and its closest 'virtual' architecture as effective architecture values. For example, 'nvcc --gpu-architecture=sm_50' is equivalent to 'nvcc --gpu-architecture=compute_50 --gpu-code=sm_50,compute_50'. -arch=all build for all supported architectures (sm_*), and add PTX for the highest major architecture to the generated code. -arch=all-major build for just supported major versions (sm_*0), plus the earliest supported, and add PTX for the highest major architecture to the generated code. -arch=native build for all architectures (sm_*) on the current system Note: -arch=native, -arch=all, -arch=all-major cannot be used with the -code option, but can be used with -gencode options. Allowed values for this option: 'all','all-major','compute_50','compute_52', 'compute_53','compute_60','compute_61','compute_62','compute_70','compute_72', 'compute_75','compute_80','compute_86','compute_87','compute_89','compute_90', 'compute_90a','lto_50','lto_52','lto_53','lto_60','lto_61','lto_62','lto_70', 'lto_72','lto_75','lto_80','lto_86','lto_87','lto_89','lto_90','lto_90a', 'native','sm_50','sm_52','sm_53','sm_60','sm_61','sm_62','sm_70','sm_72', 'sm_75','sm_80','sm_86','sm_87','sm_89','sm_90','sm_90a'. --gpu-code ,... (-code) Specify the name of the NVIDIA GPU to assemble and optimize PTX for. nvcc embeds a compiled code image in the resulting executable for each specified architecture, which is a true binary load image for each 'real' architecture (such as sm_50), and PTX code for the 'virtual' architecture (such as compute_50). During runtime, such embedded PTX code is dynamically compiled by the CUDA runtime system if no binary load image is found for the 'current' GPU. Architectures specified for options '--gpu-architecture' and '--gpu-code' may be 'virtual' as well as 'real', but the architectures must be compatible with the architecture. When the '--gpu-code' option is used, the value for the '--gpu-architecture' option must be a 'virtual' PTX architecture. For instance, '--gpu-architecture=compute_60' is not compatible with '--gpu-code=sm_52', because the earlier compilation stages will assume the availability of 'compute_60' features that are not present on 'sm_52'. Allowed values for this option: 'compute_50','compute_52','compute_53', 'compute_60','compute_61','compute_62','compute_70','compute_72','compute_75', 'compute_80','compute_86','compute_87','compute_89','compute_90','compute_90a', 'lto_50','lto_52','lto_53','lto_60','lto_61','lto_62','lto_70','lto_72', 'lto_75','lto_80','lto_86','lto_87','lto_89','lto_90','lto_90a','sm_50', 'sm_52','sm_53','sm_60','sm_61','sm_62','sm_70','sm_72','sm_75','sm_80', 'sm_86','sm_87','sm_89','sm_90','sm_90a'. --generate-code ,... (-gencode) This option provides a generalization of the '--gpu-architecture= --gpu-code=, ...' option combination for specifying nvcc behavior with respect to code generation. Where use of the previous options generates code for different 'real' architectures with the PTX for the same 'virtual' architecture, option '--generate-code' allows multiple PTX generations for different 'virtual' architectures. In fact, '--gpu-architecture= --gpu-code=, ...' is equivalent to '--generate-code arch=,code=,...'. '--generate-code' options may be repeated for different virtual architectures. Allowed keywords for this option: 'arch','code'. --relocatable-device-code {true|false} (-rdc) Enable (disable) the generation of relocatable device code. If disabled, executable device code is generated. Relocatable device code must be linked before it can be executed. Default value: false. --entries entry,... (-e) Specify the global entry functions for which code must be generated. By default, code will be generated for all entry functions. --maxrregcount (-maxrregcount) Specify the maximum amount of registers that GPU functions can use. Until a function-specific limit, a higher value will generally increase the performance of individual GPU threads that execute this function. However, because thread registers are allocated from a global register pool on each GPU, a higher value of this option will also reduce the maximum thread block size, thereby reducing the amount of thread parallelism. Hence, a good maxrregcount value is the result of a trade-off. If this option is not specified, then no maximum is assumed. Value less than the minimum registers required by ABI will be bumped up by the compiler to ABI minimum limit. User program may not be able to make use of all registers as some registers are reserved by compiler. --use_fast_math (-use_fast_math) Make use of fast math library. '--use_fast_math' implies '--ftz=true --prec-div=false --prec-sqrt=false --fmad=true'. --ftz {true|false} (-ftz) This option controls single-precision denormals support. '--ftz=true' flushes denormal values to zero and '--ftz=false' preserves denormal values. '--use_fast_math' implies '--ftz=true'. Default value: false. --prec-div {true|false} (-prec-div) This option controls single-precision floating-point division and reciprocals. '--prec-div=true' enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode and '--prec-div=false' enables the fast approximation mode. '--use_fast_math' implies '--prec-div=false'. Default value: true. --prec-sqrt {true|false} (-prec-sqrt) This option controls single-precision floating-point squre root. '--prec-sqrt=true' enables the IEEE round-to-nearest mode and '--prec-sqrt=false' enables the fast approximation mode. '--use_fast_math' implies '--prec-sqrt=false'. Default value: true. --fmad {true|false} (-fmad) This option enables (disables) the contraction of floating-point multiplies and adds/subtracts into floating-point multiply-add operations (FMAD, FFMA, or DFMA). '--use_fast_math' implies '--fmad=true'. Default value: true. --extra-device-vectorization (-extra-device-vectorization) This option enables more aggressive device code vectorization. Options for steering cuda compilation. ====================================== --default-stream {legacy|null|per-thread} (-default-stream) Specify the stream that CUDA commands from the compiled program will be sent to by default. legacy The CUDA legacy stream (per context, implicitly synchronizes with other streams). per-thread A normal CUDA stream (per thread, does not implicitly synchronize with other streams). 'null' is a deprecated alias for 'legacy'. Allowed values for this option: 'legacy','null','per-thread'. Default value: 'legacy'. Generic tool options. ===================== --disable-warnings (-w) Inhibit all warning messages. --keep-device-functions (-keep-device-functions) In whole program compilation mode, preserve user defined external linkage __device__ function definitions up to PTX. --source-in-ptx (-src-in-ptx) Interleave source in PTX. May only be used in conjunction with --device-debug or --generate-line-info. --restrict (-restrict) Programmer assertion that all kernel pointer parameters are restrict pointers. --Wreorder (-Wreorder) Generate warnings when member initializers are reordered. --Wdefault-stream-launch (-Wdefault-stream-launch) Generate warning when an explicit stream argument is not provided in the <<<...>>> kernel launch syntax. --Wmissing-launch-bounds (-Wmissing-launch-bounds) Generate warning when a __global__ function does not have an explicit __launch_bounds__ annotation. --Wext-lambda-captures-this (-Wext-lambda-captures-this) Generate warning when an extended lambda implicitly captures 'this'. --Wno-deprecated-declarations (-Wno-deprecated-declarations) Suppress warning on use of deprecated entity. --Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets (-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets) Suppress warnings about deprecated GPU target architectures. --Werror ,... (-Werror) Make warnings of the specified kinds into errors. The following is the list of warning kinds accepted by this option: cross-execution-space-call Be more strict about unsupported cross execution space calls. The compiler will generate an error instead of a warning for a call from a __host__ __device__ to a __host__ function. reorder Generate errors when member initializers are reordered. deprecated-declarations Generate error on use of a deprecated entity. default-stream-launch Generate error when an explicit stream argument is not provided in the <<<...>>> kernel launch syntax. missing-launch-bounds Generate error when a __global__ function does not have an explicit __launch_bounds__ annotation. ext-lambda-captures-this Generate error when an extended lambda implicitly captures 'this' Allowed values for this option: 'all-warnings','cross-execution-space-call', 'default-stream-launch','deprecated-declarations','ext-lambda-captures-this', 'missing-launch-bounds','reorder'. --resource-usage (-res-usage) Show resource usage such as registers and memory of the GPU code. This option implies '--nvlink-options --verbose' when '--relocatable-device-code=true' is set. Otherwise, it implies '--ptxas-options --verbose'. --extensible-whole-program (-ewp) Do extensible whole program compilation of device code. --no-compress (-no-compress) Do not compress device code in fatbinary. --qpp-config (-qpp-config) Specify the configuration ([[compiler/]version,][target]) for the q++ host compiler. The argument will be forwarded to the q++ compiler with its -V flag. --compile-as-tools-patch (-astoolspatch) Compile patch code for CUDA tools. Implies --keep-device-functions. --list-gpu-code (-code-ls) List the gpu architectures (sm_XX) supported by the compiler and exit. If both --list-gpu-code and --list-gpu-arch are set, the list is displayed using the same format as the --generate-code value. --list-gpu-arch (-arch-ls) List the virtual device architectures (compute_XX) supported by the compiler and exit. If both --list-gpu-code and --list-gpu-arch are set, the list is displayed using the same format as the --generate-code value. --display-error-number (-err-no) This option displays a diagnostic number for any message generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: not the host compiler). --no-display-error-number (-no-err-no) This option disables the display of a diagnostic number for any message generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: not the host compiler). --diag-error ,... (-diag-error) Emit error for specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --diag-suppress ,... (-diag-suppress) Suppress specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --diag-warn ,... (-diag-warn) Emit warning for specified diagnostic message(s) generated by the CUDA frontend compiler (note: does not affect diagnostics generated by the host compiler/preprocessor). --host-linker-script {use-lcs|gen-lcs} (-hls) Use the host linker script (GNU/Linux only) to enable support for certain CUDA specific requirements, while building executable files or shared libraries. use-lcs Prepares a host linker script to enable host linker support for relocatable device object files that are larger in size, that would otherwise, in certain cases cause the host linker to fail with relocation truncation error. gen-lcs Generates a host linker script that can be passed to host linker manually, in the case where host linker is invoked separately outside of nvcc. This option can be combined with -shared or -r option to generate linker scripts that can be used while generating host shared libraries or host relocatable links respectively. The file generated using this option must be provided as the last input file to the host linker. Default Output Filename: The output is generated to stdout by default. Use the option -o filename to specify the output filename. A linker script may already be in use and passed to the host linker using the host linker option --script (or -T), then the generated host linker script must augment the existing linker script. In such cases, the option -aug-hls must be used to generate linker script that contains only the augmentation parts. Otherwise, the host linker behaviour is undefined. A host linker option, such as -z with a non-default argument, that can modify the default linker script internally, is incompatible with this option and the behavior of any such usage is undefined. Allowed values for this option: 'gen-lcs','use-lcs'. --augment-host-linker-script (-aug-hls) Enables generation of host linker script that augments an existing host linker script (GNU/Linux only). See option --host-linker-script for more details. --host-relocatable-link (-r) When used in combination with -hls=gen-lcs, controls the behaviour of -hls=gen-lcs and sets it to generate host linker script that can be used in host relocatable link (ld -r linkage). See option -hls=gen-lcs for more information. This option currently is effective only when used with -hls=gen-lcs; in all other cases, this option is ignored currently. --brief-diagnostics {true|false} (-brief-diag) This option disables or enables showing preprocessed source line and column info in a diagnostic. The --brief-diagnostics=true will not show the source line and column info. Default value: false. --help (-h) Print this help information on this tool. --version (-V) Print version information on this tool. --options-file ,... (-optf) Include command line options from specified file. Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 500 Executing: nvcc --help | head -n 80 stdout: Usage : nvcc [options] Options for specifying the compilation phase ============================================ More exactly, this option specifies up to which stage the input files must be compiled, according to the following compilation trajectories for different input file types: .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx : preprocess, compile, link .o : link .i/.ii : compile, link .cu : preprocess, cuda frontend, PTX assemble, merge with host C code, compile, link .gpu : cicc compile into cubin .ptx : PTX assemble into cubin. --cuda (-cuda) Compile all .cu input files to .cu.cpp.ii output. --cubin (-cubin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx input files to device-only .cubin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --fatbin (-fatbin) Compile all .cu/.gpu/.ptx/.cubin input files to device-only .fatbin files. This step discards the host code for each .cu input file. --ptx (-ptx) Compile all .cu input files to device-only .ptx files. This step discards the host code for each of these input file. --optix-ir (-optix-ir) Compile CUDA source to OptiX IR (.optixir) output. The OptiX IR is only intended for consumption by OptiX through appropriate APIs. This feature is not supported with link-time-optimization (-dlto), the lto_NN -arch target, or with -gencode. --preprocess (-E) Preprocess all .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input files. --generate-dependencies (-M) Generate a dependency file that can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. If -MF is specified, multiple source files are not supported, and the output is written to the specified file, otherwise it is written to stdout. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies (-MM) Same as --generate-dependencies but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --generate-dependencies-with-compile (-MD) Generate a dependency file and compile the input file. The dependency file can be included in a make file for the .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file. This option cannot be specified together with -E. The dependency file name is computed as follows: - If -MF is specified, then the specified file is used as the dependency file name - If -o is specified, the dependency file name is computed from the specified file name by replacing the suffix with '.d'. - Otherwise, the dependency file name is computed by replacing the input file names's suffix with '.d' If the dependency file name is computed based on either -MF or -o, then multiple input files are not supported. --generate-nonsystem-dependencies-with-compile (-MMD) Same as --generate-dependencies-with-compile, but skip header files found in system directories (Linux only). --dependency-output (-MF) Specify the output file for the dependency file generated with -M/-MM/-MD/-MMD. --generate-dependency-targets (-MP) Add an empty target for each dependency. --compile (-c) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file. --device-c (-dc) Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code. It is equivalent to '--relocatable-device-code=true --compile'. Executing: nvcc --version stdout: nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2023 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Tue_Jun_13_19:16:58_PDT_2023 Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 Build cuda_12.2.r12.2/compiler.32965470_0 Detected NVCC compiler ============================================================================================= ***** WARNING ***** Using default CUDA optimization flags "-O3". You might consider manually setting optimal optimization flags for your system with CUDAOPTFLAGS="optimization flags" see config/examples/arch-*-opt.py for examples ============================================================================================= Trying CUDA compiler flag -O3 Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -O3 /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -O3 Added CUDA compiler flag -O3 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkIntelHardwareSupport from config.compilerFlags(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilerFlags.py:168) Use Linux/macOS commands to determine what operations the hardware supports Executing: lscpu stdout: Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Address sizes: 46 bits physical, 48 bits virtual Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 32 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-31 Vendor ID: GenuineIntel Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6130 CPU @ 2.10GHz CPU family: 6 Model: 85 Thread(s) per core: 1 Core(s) per socket: 16 Socket(s): 2 Stepping: 4 CPU max MHz: 3700.0000 CPU min MHz: 1000.0000 BogoMIPS: 4200.00 Flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl smx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid dca sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch cpuid_fault epb cat_l3 cdp_l3 invpcid_single pti intel_ppin ssbd mba ibrs ibpb stibp fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm cqm mpx rdt_a avx512f avx512dq rdseed adx smap clflushopt clwb intel_pt avx512cd avx512bw avx512vl xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsaves cqm_llc cqm_occup_llc cqm_mbm_total cqm_mbm_local dtherm ida arat pln pts hwp hwp_act_window hwp_epp hwp_pkg_req pku ospke md_clear flush_l1d arch_capabilities L1d cache: 1 MiB (32 instances) L1i cache: 1 MiB (32 instances) L2 cache: 32 MiB (32 instances) L3 cache: 44 MiB (2 instances) NUMA node(s): 2 NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-15 NUMA node1 CPU(s): 16-31 Vulnerability Gather data sampling: Mitigation; Microcode Vulnerability Itlb multihit: KVM: Mitigation: VMX unsupported Vulnerability L1tf: Mitigation; PTE Inversion Vulnerability Mds: Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled Vulnerability Meltdown: Mitigation; PTI Vulnerability Mmio stale data: Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled Vulnerability Retbleed: Mitigation; IBRS Vulnerability Spec rstack overflow: Not affected Vulnerability Spec store bypass: Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl Vulnerability Spectre v1: Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization Vulnerability Spectre v2: Mitigation; IBRS, IBPB conditional, RSB filling, PBRSB-eIBRS Not affected Vulnerability Srbds: Not affected Vulnerability Tsx async abort: Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCompilerMacros from config.compilerFlags(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilerFlags.py:159) Save the list of CPP macros defined by the C and C++ compiler, does not work for all compilers Executing: mpicc -c -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags/conftest.c -E -dM stdout: #define __SIGNED_CHARS__ 1 #define __PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME 1 #define __STDC__ 1 #define __STDC_VERSION__ 201710L #define __STDC_UTF_16__ 1 #define __STDC_UTF_32__ 1 #define __STDC_HOSTED__ 1 #define __EDG__ 1 #define __EDG_VERSION__ 604 #define __EDG_SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned long #define __EDG_PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long #define __PGIC__ 23 #define __PGIC_MINOR__ 7 #define __PGIC_PATCHLEVEL__ 0 #define __NVCOMPILER_MAJOR__ 23 #define __NVCOMPILER_MINOR__ 7 #define __NVCOMPILER_PATCHLEVEL__ 0 #define __PGI_CLANG_SSE_INTRINSICS_VERSION__ 110000 #define __NVCOMPILER_CLANG_SSE_INTRINSICS_VERSION__ 110000 #define __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ 1 #define __GNUC__ 11 #define __GNUC_MINOR__ 3 #define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ 1 #define __VERSION__ "EDG gcc 11.3.1 mode" #define __CHAR_BIT__ 8 #define __SCHAR_WIDTH__ 8 #define __SCHAR_MAX__ 0x7f #define __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ 4 #define __WCHAR_WIDTH__ 32 #define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int #define __WCHAR_MIN__ (-__WCHAR_MAX__ - 1) #define __WCHAR_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __SIZEOF_WINT_T__ 4 #define __WINT_WIDTH__ 32 #define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __WINT_MIN__ 0U #define __WINT_MAX__ 0xffffffffU #define __CHAR16_TYPE__ short unsigned int #define __CHAR32_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __SIZEOF_SHORT__ 2 #define __SHRT_WIDTH__ 16 #define __SHRT_MAX__ 0x7fff #define __SIZEOF_INT__ 4 #define __INT_WIDTH__ 32 #define __INT_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __SIZEOF_LONG__ 8 #define __LONG_WIDTH__ 64 #define __LONG_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L #define __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ 8 #define __LONG_LONG_WIDTH__ 64 #define __LONG_LONG_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffLL #define __INT128__ 1 #define __SIZEOF_INT128__ 16 #define __INTMAX_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INTMAX_TYPE__ long long int #define __INTMAX_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffLL #define __UINTMAX_TYPE__ long long unsigned int #define __UINTMAX_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffULL #define __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ 8 #define __SIZE_WIDTH__ 64 #define __SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned long int #define __SIZE_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__ 8 #define __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__ 64 #define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int #define __PTRDIFF_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__ 32 #define __SIG_ATOMIC_TYPE__ int #define __SIG_ATOMIC_MIN__ (-__SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ - 1) #define __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __INTPTR_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INTPTR_TYPE__ long int #define __INTPTR_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINTPTR_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINTPTR_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT8_TYPE__ signed char #define __INT8_MAX__ 0x7f #define __UINT8_TYPE__ unsigned char #define __UINT8_MAX__ 0xff #define __INT_LEAST8_WIDTH__ 8 #define __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__ signed char #define __INT_LEAST8_MAX__ 0x7f #define __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char #define __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ 0xff #define __INT16_TYPE__ short int #define __INT16_MAX__ 0x7fff #define __UINT16_TYPE__ short unsigned int #define __UINT16_MAX__ 0xffff #define __INT_LEAST16_WIDTH__ 16 #define __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short int #define __INT_LEAST16_MAX__ 0x7fff #define __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short unsigned int #define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ 0xffff #define __INT32_TYPE__ int #define __INT32_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __UINT32_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __UINT32_MAX__ 0xffffffffU #define __INT_LEAST32_WIDTH__ 32 #define __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__ int #define __INT_LEAST32_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__ 0xffffffffU #define __INT64_TYPE__ long int #define __INT64_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT64_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT64_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_LEAST64_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_LEAST64_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_FAST8_WIDTH__ 8 #define __INT_FAST8_TYPE__ signed char #define __INT_FAST8_MAX__ 0x7f #define __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char #define __UINT_FAST8_MAX__ 0xff #define __INT_FAST16_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_FAST16_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_FAST16_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_FAST16_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_FAST32_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_FAST32_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_FAST32_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_FAST64_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_FAST64_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_FAST64_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_FAST64_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __SIZEOF_POINTER__ 8 #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ 4 #define __FLT_RADIX__ 2 #define __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ 0 #define __FLT_DIG__ 6 #define __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__ 9 #define __FLT_MANT_DIG__ 24 #define __FLT_MIN_EXP__ (-125) #define __FLT_MAX_EXP__ 128 #define __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ (-37) #define __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ 38 #define __FLT_IS_IEC_60559__ 2 #define __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ 1 #define __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1 #define __FLT_HAS_DENORM__ 1 #define __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ 1.40129846432481707092372958328991613e-45F #define __FLT_MIN__ 1.17549435082228750796873653722224568e-38F #define __FLT_EPSILON__ 1.19209289550781250000000000000000000e-7F #define __FLT_NORM_MAX__ 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F #define __FLT_MAX__ 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F #define __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ 8 #define __DBL_DIG__ 15 #define __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 17 #define __DBL_MANT_DIG__ 53 #define __DBL_MIN_EXP__ (-1021) #define __DBL_MAX_EXP__ 1024 #define __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-307) #define __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 308 #define __DBL_IS_IEC_60559__ 2 #define __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1 #define __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1 #define __DBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1 #define __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ ((double)4.94065645841246544176568792868221372e-324L) #define __DBL_MIN__ ((double)2.22507385850720138309023271733240406e-308L) #define __DBL_EPSILON__ ((double)2.22044604925031308084726333618164062e-16L) #define __DBL_NORM_MAX__ ((double)1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308L) #define __DBL_MAX__ ((double)1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308L) #define __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1 #define __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1 #define __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1 #define __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ 16 #define __DECIMAL_DIG__ 21 #define __LDBL_DIG__ 18 #define __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 21 #define __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ 64 #define __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ (-16381) #define __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ 16384 #define __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-4931) #define __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 4932 #define __LDBL_IS_IEC_60559__ 2 #define __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ 3.64519953188247460252840593361941982e-4951L #define __LDBL_MIN__ 3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932L #define __LDBL_EPSILON__ 1.08420217248550443400745280086994171e-19L #define __LDBL_NORM_MAX__ 1.18973149535723176502126385303097021e+4932L #define __LDBL_MAX__ 1.18973149535723176502126385303097021e+4932L #define __FLOAT128__ 1 #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__ 16 #define __GXX_WEAK__ 1 #define _GLIBCXX_GTHREAD_USE_WEAK 0 #define __ATOMIC_RELAXED 0 #define __ATOMIC_CONSUME 1 #define __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE 2 #define __ATOMIC_RELEASE 3 #define __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL 4 #define __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST 5 #define unix 1 #define __unix__ 1 #define __x86_64 1 #define __x86_64__ 1 #define __linux__ 1 #define __unix 1 #define linux 1 #define __linux 1 #define __NO_MATH_INLINES 1 #define __LP64__ 1 #define __amd64 1 #define __amd64__ 1 #define __k8 1 #define __k8__ 1 #define __MMX__ 1 #define __SSE__ 1 #define __SSE2__ 1 #define __SSE3__ 1 #define __SSSE3__ 1 #define __ABM__ 1 #define __SSE4_1__ 1 #define __SSE4_2__ 1 #define __AVX__ 1 #define __AVX2__ 1 #define __AVX512F__ 1 #define __AVX512CD__ 1 #define __AVX512VL__ 1 #define __AVX512BW__ 1 #define __AVX512DQ__ 1 #define __F16C__ 1 #define __FMA__ 1 #define __XSAVE__ 1 #define __XSAVEOPT__ 1 #define __XSAVEC__ 1 #define __XSAVES__ 1 #define __POPCNT__ 1 #define __AES__ 1 #define __PCLMUL__ 1 #define __CLFLUSHOPT__ 1 #define __FSGSBASE__ 1 #define __RDRND__ 1 #define __BMI__ 1 #define __BMI2__ 1 #define __LZCNT__ 1 #define __FXSR__ 1 #define __RTM__ 1 #define __PKU__ 1 #define __PGI 1 #define __NVCOMPILER 1 #define _PGCG_SOURCE 1 #define __PGLLVM__ 1 #define __NVCOMPILER_LLVM__ 1 #define __extension__ #define __PIC__ 1 #define __pgnu_vsn 110301 #define __PREPROCESS_ONLY__ 1 #define __gnu_linux__ 1 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL 1 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR8_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ #define _GLIBCXX_TXN_SAFE #define _GLIBCXX_TXN_SAFE_DYN #define __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2 1 #define __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 1 #define __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8 1 #define __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ 4321 #define __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1234 #define __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__ 3412 #define __BYTE_ORDER__ __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #define __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #define __PGI_CPLUS_PREINCLUDE__ 1 #define __builtin_va_list __pgi_va_list #define __builtin_va_start(ap,param) (__builtin_pgi_va_start(ap, param)) #define __builtin_va_arg(ap,type) (*(type*)__builtin_pgi_va_arg(ap, (type*)0)) #define __builtin_va_copy(dst,src) ((dst)[0] = (src)[0]) #define __builtin_va_end(ap) ((void)0) Executing: mpicxx -c -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags/conftest.cc -E -dM stdout: #define __SIGNED_CHARS__ 1 #define __PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME 1 #define __STDC__ 1 #define __STDC_HOSTED__ 1 #define __cplusplus 202002L #define _WCHAR_T 1 #define __CHAR16_T_AND_CHAR32_T 1 #define _BOOL 1 #define __ARRAY_OPERATORS 1 #define __EXCEPTIONS 1 #define __RTTI 1 #define __PLACEMENT_DELETE 1 #define __EDG_RUNTIME_USES_NAMESPACES 1 #define __EDG_IA64_ABI 1 #define __cpp_aggregate_bases 201603L #define __cpp_aggregate_paren_init 201902L #define __cpp_aligned_new 201606L #define __cpp_capture_star_this 201603L #define __cpp_char8_t 201811L #define __cpp_concepts 202002L #define __cpp_conditional_explicit 201806L #define __cpp_consteval 201811L #define __cpp_constexpr_dynamic_alloc 201907L #define __cpp_constinit 201907L #define __cpp_designated_initializers 201707L #define __cpp_explicit_bool 201806L #define __cpp_fold_expressions 201603L #define __cpp_guaranteed_copy_elision 201606L #define __cpp_hex_float 201603L #define __cpp_if_constexpr 201606L #define __cpp_impl_destroying_delete 201806L #define __cpp_impl_three_way_comparison 201907L #define __cpp_initializer_lists 200806L #define __cpp_inline_variables 201606L #define __cpp_namespace_attributes 201411L #define __cpp_nested_namespace_definitions 201411L #define __cpp_noexcept_function_type 201510L #define __cpp_nontype_template_parameter_auto 201606L #define __cpp_sized_deallocation 201309L #define __cpp_structured_bindings 201606L #define __cpp_template_template_args 201611L #define __cpp_unicode_characters 200704L #define __cpp_using_enum 201907L #define __cpp_variadic_using 201611L #define __cpp_aggregate_nsdmi 201304L #define __cpp_alias_templates 200704L #define __cpp_attributes 200809L #define __cpp_binary_literals 201304 #define __cpp_decltype 200707L #define __cpp_decltype_auto 201304L #define __cpp_delegating_constructors 200604L #define __cpp_exceptions 199711L #define __cpp_inheriting_constructors 201511L #define __cpp_lambdas 200907L #define __cpp_nsdmi 200809L #define __cpp_raw_strings 200710L #define __cpp_ref_qualifiers 200710L #define __cpp_return_type_deduction 201304L #define __cpp_rtti 199711L #define __cpp_rvalue_references 200610L #define __cpp_threadsafe_static_init 200806L #define __cpp_unicode_literals 200710L #define __cpp_user_defined_literals 200809L #define __cpp_variable_templates 201304L #define __cpp_variadic_templates 200704L #define __cpp_enumerator_attributes 201411L #define __cpp_constexpr 201907L #define __cpp_deduction_guides 201907L #define __cpp_range_based_for 201603L #define __cpp_nontype_template_args 201911L #define __cpp_static_assert 201411 #define __cpp_init_captures 201803L #define __cpp_generic_lambdas 201707L #define __EDG_TYPE_TRAITS_ENABLED 1 #define __VARIADIC_TEMPLATES 1 #define __STDCPP_THREADS__ 1 #define __STDCPP_DEFAULT_NEW_ALIGNMENT__ 16ul #define __EDG_CONSTEXPR_ENABLED__ 1 #define __EDG__ 1 #define __EDG_VERSION__ 604 #define __EDG_SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned long #define __EDG_PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long #define __PGIC__ 23 #define __PGIC_MINOR__ 7 #define __PGIC_PATCHLEVEL__ 0 #define __NVCOMPILER_MAJOR__ 23 #define __NVCOMPILER_MINOR__ 7 #define __NVCOMPILER_PATCHLEVEL__ 0 #define __PGI_CLANG_SSE_INTRINSICS_VERSION__ 110000 #define __NVCOMPILER_CLANG_SSE_INTRINSICS_VERSION__ 110000 #define __GNUG__ 11 #define __GXX_RTTI 1 #define __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ 1 #define __GNUC__ 11 #define __GNUC_MINOR__ 3 #define __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ 1 #define __VERSION__ "EDG g++ 11.3.1 mode" #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #define __CHAR_BIT__ 8 #define __SCHAR_WIDTH__ 8 #define __SCHAR_MAX__ 0x7f #define __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ 4 #define __WCHAR_WIDTH__ 32 #define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int #define __WCHAR_MIN__ (-__WCHAR_MAX__ - 1) #define __WCHAR_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __SIZEOF_WINT_T__ 4 #define __WINT_WIDTH__ 32 #define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __WINT_MIN__ 0U #define __WINT_MAX__ 0xffffffffU #define __CHAR8_TYPE__ unsigned char #define __CHAR16_TYPE__ short unsigned int #define __CHAR32_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __SIZEOF_SHORT__ 2 #define __SHRT_WIDTH__ 16 #define __SHRT_MAX__ 0x7fff #define __SIZEOF_INT__ 4 #define __INT_WIDTH__ 32 #define __INT_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __SIZEOF_LONG__ 8 #define __LONG_WIDTH__ 64 #define __LONG_MAX__ 9223372036854775807L #define __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__ 8 #define __LONG_LONG_WIDTH__ 64 #define __LONG_LONG_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffLL #define __INT128__ 1 #define __SIZEOF_INT128__ 16 #define __GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_0 __int128 #define __GLIBCXX_BITSIZE_INT_N_0 128 #define __INTMAX_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INTMAX_TYPE__ long long int #define __INTMAX_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffLL #define __UINTMAX_TYPE__ long long unsigned int #define __UINTMAX_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffULL #define __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ 8 #define __SIZE_WIDTH__ 64 #define __SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned long int #define __SIZE_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__ 8 #define __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__ 64 #define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int #define __PTRDIFF_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__ 32 #define __SIG_ATOMIC_TYPE__ int #define __SIG_ATOMIC_MIN__ (-__SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ - 1) #define __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __INTPTR_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INTPTR_TYPE__ long int #define __INTPTR_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINTPTR_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINTPTR_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT8_TYPE__ signed char #define __INT8_MAX__ 0x7f #define __UINT8_TYPE__ unsigned char #define __UINT8_MAX__ 0xff #define __INT_LEAST8_WIDTH__ 8 #define __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__ signed char #define __INT_LEAST8_MAX__ 0x7f #define __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char #define __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__ 0xff #define __INT16_TYPE__ short int #define __INT16_MAX__ 0x7fff #define __UINT16_TYPE__ short unsigned int #define __UINT16_MAX__ 0xffff #define __INT_LEAST16_WIDTH__ 16 #define __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short int #define __INT_LEAST16_MAX__ 0x7fff #define __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short unsigned int #define __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__ 0xffff #define __INT32_TYPE__ int #define __INT32_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __UINT32_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __UINT32_MAX__ 0xffffffffU #define __INT_LEAST32_WIDTH__ 32 #define __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__ int #define __INT_LEAST32_MAX__ 0x7fffffff #define __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__ unsigned int #define __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__ 0xffffffffU #define __INT64_TYPE__ long int #define __INT64_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT64_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT64_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_LEAST64_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_LEAST64_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_FAST8_WIDTH__ 8 #define __INT_FAST8_TYPE__ signed char #define __INT_FAST8_MAX__ 0x7f #define __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__ unsigned char #define __UINT_FAST8_MAX__ 0xff #define __INT_FAST16_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_FAST16_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_FAST16_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_FAST16_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_FAST32_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_FAST32_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_FAST32_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __INT_FAST64_WIDTH__ 64 #define __INT_FAST64_TYPE__ long int #define __INT_FAST64_MAX__ 0x7fffffffffffffffL #define __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__ long unsigned int #define __UINT_FAST64_MAX__ 0xffffffffffffffffUL #define __SIZEOF_POINTER__ 8 #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT__ 4 #define __FLT_RADIX__ 2 #define __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ 0 #define __FLT_DIG__ 6 #define __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__ 9 #define __FLT_MANT_DIG__ 24 #define __FLT_MIN_EXP__ (-125) #define __FLT_MAX_EXP__ 128 #define __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__ (-37) #define __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__ 38 #define __FLT_IS_IEC_60559__ 2 #define __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__ 1 #define __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1 #define __FLT_HAS_DENORM__ 1 #define __FLT_DENORM_MIN__ 1.40129846432481707092372958328991613e-45F #define __FLT_MIN__ 1.17549435082228750796873653722224568e-38F #define __FLT_EPSILON__ 1.19209289550781250000000000000000000e-7F #define __FLT_NORM_MAX__ 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F #define __FLT_MAX__ 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F #define __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__ 8 #define __DBL_DIG__ 15 #define __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 17 #define __DBL_MANT_DIG__ 53 #define __DBL_MIN_EXP__ (-1021) #define __DBL_MAX_EXP__ 1024 #define __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-307) #define __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 308 #define __DBL_IS_IEC_60559__ 2 #define __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1 #define __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1 #define __DBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1 #define __DBL_DENORM_MIN__ ((double)4.94065645841246544176568792868221372e-324L) #define __DBL_MIN__ ((double)2.22507385850720138309023271733240406e-308L) #define __DBL_EPSILON__ ((double)2.22044604925031308084726333618164062e-16L) #define __DBL_NORM_MAX__ ((double)1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308L) #define __DBL_MAX__ ((double)1.79769313486231570814527423731704357e+308L) #define __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__ 1 #define __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__ 1 #define __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__ 1 #define __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__ 16 #define __DECIMAL_DIG__ 21 #define __LDBL_DIG__ 18 #define __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__ 21 #define __LDBL_MANT_DIG__ 64 #define __LDBL_MIN_EXP__ (-16381) #define __LDBL_MAX_EXP__ 16384 #define __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__ (-4931) #define __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__ 4932 #define __LDBL_IS_IEC_60559__ 2 #define __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__ 3.64519953188247460252840593361941982e-4951L #define __LDBL_MIN__ 3.36210314311209350626267781732175260e-4932L #define __LDBL_EPSILON__ 1.08420217248550443400745280086994171e-19L #define __LDBL_NORM_MAX__ 1.18973149535723176502126385303097021e+4932L #define __LDBL_MAX__ 1.18973149535723176502126385303097021e+4932L #define __FLOAT128__ 1 #define __SIZEOF_FLOAT128__ 16 #define __GXX_WEAK__ 1 #define _GLIBCXX_GTHREAD_USE_WEAK 0 #define __ATOMIC_RELAXED 0 #define __ATOMIC_CONSUME 1 #define __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE 2 #define __ATOMIC_RELEASE 3 #define __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL 4 #define __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST 5 #define unix 1 #define __unix__ 1 #define __x86_64 1 #define __x86_64__ 1 #define __linux__ 1 #define __unix 1 #define linux 1 #define __linux 1 #define __NO_MATH_INLINES 1 #define __LP64__ 1 #define __amd64 1 #define __amd64__ 1 #define __k8 1 #define __k8__ 1 #define __MMX__ 1 #define __SSE__ 1 #define __SSE2__ 1 #define __SSE3__ 1 #define __SSSE3__ 1 #define __ABM__ 1 #define __SSE4_1__ 1 #define __SSE4_2__ 1 #define __AVX__ 1 #define __AVX2__ 1 #define __AVX512F__ 1 #define __AVX512CD__ 1 #define __AVX512VL__ 1 #define __AVX512BW__ 1 #define __AVX512DQ__ 1 #define __F16C__ 1 #define __FMA__ 1 #define __XSAVE__ 1 #define __XSAVEOPT__ 1 #define __XSAVEC__ 1 #define __XSAVES__ 1 #define __POPCNT__ 1 #define __AES__ 1 #define __PCLMUL__ 1 #define __CLFLUSHOPT__ 1 #define __FSGSBASE__ 1 #define __RDRND__ 1 #define __BMI__ 1 #define __BMI2__ 1 #define __LZCNT__ 1 #define __FXSR__ 1 #define __RTM__ 1 #define __PKU__ 1 #define __PGI 1 #define __NVCOMPILER 1 #define _PGCG_SOURCE 1 #define __PGLLVM__ 1 #define __NVCOMPILER_LLVM__ 1 #define __extension__ #define __PIC__ 1 #define __pgnu_vsn 110301 #define __PREPROCESS_ONLY__ 1 #define __gnu_linux__ 1 #define __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ 1 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_TEST_AND_SET_TRUEVAL 1 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_BOOL_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_WCHAR_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR8_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR16_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_CHAR32_T_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_SHORT_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_INT_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __GCC_ATOMIC_POINTER_LOCK_FREE 2 #define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__ #define _GLIBCXX_TXN_SAFE #define _GLIBCXX_TXN_SAFE_DYN #define __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2 1 #define __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4 1 #define __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8 1 #define __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ 4321 #define __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1234 #define __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__ 3412 #define __BYTE_ORDER__ __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #define __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER__ __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #define __PGI_CPLUS_PREINCLUDE__ 1 #define __builtin_va_list __pgi_va_list #define __builtin_va_start(ap,param) (__builtin_pgi_va_start(ap, param)) #define __builtin_va_arg(ap,type) (*(type*)__builtin_pgi_va_arg(ap, (type*)0)) #define __builtin_va_copy(dst,src) ((dst)[0] = (src)[0]) #define __builtin_va_end(ap) ((void)0) child config.compilerFlags took 8.830191 seconds Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Executing: mpicc --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing -U Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. Language-specific switches: -B Allow C++ comments in C source -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --error_limit Set an error limit -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --remarks Enable remarks --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkLinux from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:1385) Check for __linux__ Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if !defined(__linux__) #error "__linux__ not defined" #endif int main(void) { return 0; } Defined "HAVE_LINUX" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkC99Flag from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:1396) Check for -std=c99 or equivalent flag Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { float x[2],y; float *restrict z = &y; y = FLT_ROUNDS; // c++ comment int j = 2; for (int i=0; i<2; i++){ x[i] = i*j*(*z); } (void)x; return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g Accepted C99 compile flag: ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCFormatting from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:367) Activate format string checking if using the GNU compilers ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDynamicLoadFlag from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:378) Checks that dlopen() takes RTLD_XXX, and defines PETSC_HAVE_RTLD_XXX if it does Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include char *libname; int main(void) { dlopen(libname, RTLD_LAZY);dlopen(libname, RTLD_NOW);dlopen(libname, RTLD_LOCAL);dlopen(libname, RTLD_GLOBAL); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_RTLD_LAZY" to "1" Defined "HAVE_RTLD_NOW" to "1" Defined "HAVE_RTLD_LOCAL" to "1" Defined "HAVE_RTLD_GLOBAL" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkStdAtomic from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:1429) Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 16: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] do {} while (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&cat)); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 18: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] atomic_flag_clear(&cat); ^ Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 16: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] do {} while (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&cat)); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 18: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] atomic_flag_clear(&cat); ^ Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) #include using namespace std; #else #include #endif double dcount = 0; atomic_flag cat = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; int main(void) { do {} while (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&cat)); dcount++; atomic_flag_clear(&cat); return 0; } Defined "HAVE_STDATOMIC_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCLibraries from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:170) Determines the libraries needed to link using the C++ or Fortran compiler C source code compiled with C. Result is stored in clibs Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include void asub(void) {char s[16];printf("testing %s",s);} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o C libraries are not needed when using Fortran linker Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include void asub(void) {char s[16];printf("testing %s",s);} Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(int argc,char **args) {return 0;} Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o C libraries are not needed when using C++ linker ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencyGenerationFlag from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:1336) Check if -MMD works for dependency generation, and add it if it does Trying C compiler flag -MMD -MP Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD -MP /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -MP Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -MP Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD -MP nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -MP PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -MMD -MP due to nonzero status from link Rejected C compiler flag -MMD -MP Trying C compiler flag -MMD Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD Defined make macro "C_DEPFLAGS" to "-MMD" Trying Cxx compiler flag -MMD -MP Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC -MMD -MP /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc stdout: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -MP Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -MP Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -std=c++20 -KPIC -MMD -MP nvc++-Error-Unknown switch: -MP PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -MMD -MP due to nonzero status from link Rejected Cxx compiler flag -MMD -MP Trying Cxx compiler flag -MMD Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC -MMD /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -std=c++20 -KPIC -MMD Defined make macro "CXX_DEPFLAGS" to "-MMD" Trying CUDA compiler flag -MMD -MP Executing: nvcc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -O3 -MMD -MP /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cu Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -O3 -MMD -MP Defined make macro "CUDA_DEPFLAGS" to "-MMD -MP" Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches Executing: mpicxx --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -fpermissive Disable warnings -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -ftemplate-backtrace-limit= Set maximum number of template instantiate notes for a single warning or error. The default value is 10, the minimum value is 2. -ftemplate-depth= Set maximum template instantiation depth. Set to 0 for infinite depth -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -print-search-dirs Commands -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|cpp|c++|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Xcompiler Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -finline-functions Automatically inline functions -fno-inline-functions Disable automatic function inlining in C/C++ -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -dwarf Generate dwarf debug output --dwarf2 Generate dwarf2 debug output -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -define_macro Define a preprocessor macro --dependencies List makefile dependencies --dependencies_quoted_only List makefile dependencies with quoted include files only --dependencies_to_file Print makefile dependencies to file --dependencies_to_file_quoted_only Print makefile dependencies with quoted include files only to file --dependencies_to_stdout Print makefile dependencies to stdout --dependencies_to_stdout_quoted_only List makefile dependencies w/ quoted include files only to stdout -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory --include_directory Add directory to include file search path -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -N Preprocess only --no_line_commands Preprocess_only, no #line commands -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing --preprocess Preprocess only with #line directives -U Undefine a preprocessor macro -undefine_macro Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -no_prelink Don't run CPP prelink -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. -YP, Add standard library directory Language-specific switches: -$ Allow dollar sign in names -A Accept ANSI standard C++ -a Accept ANSI standard C++ with warnings --[no_]alternative_tokens Allow digraphs --[no_]anachronisms C++ anachronisms --[no_]array_new_and_delete Enable array new and delete --[no_]auto_instantiation Automatic template instantiation mode -B Allow C++ comments in C source --[no_]bool Allow bool as keyword --[no_]brief_diagnostics Suppress diagnostic source printout --[no]builtin --c++03 C++98/C++03 language dialect --c++11 C++11 language dialect --c++14 C++14 language dialect --c++17 C++17 language dialect --c++20 C++20 language dialect --c++23 C++23 language dialect --c++98 Implies --c++03 -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --comments Preserve comments --[no_]compress_names Compress long names --create_pch Create precompiled header file in directory -cusuffix= Define a CUDA suffix --[no_]distinct_template_signatures Enable distinct name mangling for templates and nontemplates --dollar Allow dollar sign in identifiers -e[] Set error limit --early_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --edg Deprecated: Generate EDG compatible C++ code, link with EDG libraries --[no_]enum_overloading Enable operator overloading on enum types --error_limit Set an error limit --[no_]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions --[no_]explicit Recognize explicit keyword -fcheck-new Always check that the pointer allocated by operator new is non-null even when it is not necessary -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit --[no_]for_init_diff_warning Enable warning when new-style for-init scoping differs from old-style --force_vtbl Force virtual function table definition --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --gnu Default: Generate GNU compatible C++ code, link with GNU lbraries --gnu_extensions Allow GNU C++ extensions --gnu_version Set GNU C++ compatibility version --[no_]guiding_decls Enable guiding declarations of template functions --ieee IEEE floating point support --[no_]implicit_include Implicit template inclusion --[no_]implicit_typename Enable implicit determination of whether a template dependent name is a type -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation --instantiation_dir --late_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --list Set an list file name --[no_]llalign Align long long on integer boundary --long_lifetime_temps Long lifetime temps --[no_]long_preserving_rules -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision --microsoft_version Set Microsoft C++ compatibility version -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnodtypeq Commands -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --[no_]namespaces Enable namespaces --new_for_init Disable old-style for-init scoping --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --no_use_before_set_warnings Suppress warning messages --no_warnings Suppress warning messages --[no_]nonconst_ref_anachronism Reference to nonconst is allowed to bind to class rvalue --[no_]nonstd_qualifier_deduction --old_for_init Enable old-style for-init scoping --[no_]old_specializations Enable old-style specialization declarations --one_instantiation_per_object --pch Do automatic precompiled header processing --pch_dir Set precompiled header directory --pch_mem Specify memory to be used for PCH processing --[no_]pch_messages Enable PCH messages --pedantic Print warnings from included --preinclude File to include at start of compilation --remarks Enable remarks --[no_]remove_unneeded_entities Remove unneeded IL entries --[no]restrict Recognize restrict keyword --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --set_compress_names Set length of C++ compressed names --short_lifetime_temps Short lifetime temps --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --suppress_vtbl Suppress virtual function table definition --template_info_file --timing Display C++ front end compilation times --trace_includes List include files --[no_]typename Enable typename --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) --use_pch Use precompiled headers from directory --[no_]using_std Enable implicit use of standard namespace by runtime -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -X Generate cross reference information into file -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options --experimental-stdpar Enable experimental Senders & Receivers implementation. Requires C++20 mode. GPU features require -stdpar=gpu. -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -nostdpar Execute C++ parallel algorithms sequentially -stdpar[=gpu|multicore] Enable (ISO C++17) Parallel Algorithms behavior gpu Execute C++ parallel algorithms on the GPU (default); please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore Execute C++ parallel algorithms in parallel on the CPU -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: --compiler-options Implies -Xcompiler -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -f[no-]diagnostics-color[=always|never|auto] Colorize compiler diagnostics always Force enable color diagnostics never Force disable color diagnostics auto Enable color diagnostics if supported by the terminal -fdiagnostics-color Same as -fdiagnostics-color=always -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE --linker-options Implies -Xlinker -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -rdynamic gnu compatible -rdynamic switch passes -export-dynamic to the linker -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxRestrict from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:125) Check for the CXX restrict keyword equivalent to C99 restrict Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { float * __restrict x; (void)x; return 0; } compilers: Set Cxx restrict keyword to : __restrict Defined "CXX_RESTRICT" to "__restrict" Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 500 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxOptionalExtensions from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:397) Check whether the C++ compiler (IBM xlC, OSF5) need special flag for .c files which contain C++ Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c", line 6: warning: variable "b" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] somename b; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c", line 6: warning: variable "b" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] somename b; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { class somename { public: int i; }; somename b; b.i = 0; (void)b.i; return 0; } Output from compiling with -O2 -g "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c", line 6: warning: variable "b" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] somename b; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxComplexFix from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:424) Determine if the CXX compiler supports utilities provided by petsccxxcomplexfix.h Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #define Type int #define PetscReal double #define PetscComplex std::complex /* The two lines, from petsccxxcomplexfix.h, can cause the combination "C++14 + GCC-4.x libstdc++ library" to fail, complaining imag() is not marked const. If the compiler can compile these two lines, it should be able to compile other lines. */ static inline PetscComplex operator-(const Type& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return PetscReal(lhs) - const_cast(rhs); } static inline PetscComplex operator/(const Type& lhs, const PetscComplex& rhs) { return PetscReal(lhs) / const_cast(rhs); } int main(void) { Type x = 2; PetscComplex y(1.0,1.0),z,w; z = x - y; w = x / y; std::cout << z << w; return 0; } the CXX compiler supports petsccxxcomplexfix.h Defined "HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_FIX" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkStdAtomic from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:1429) Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 16: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] do {} while (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&cat)); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 18: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] atomic_flag_clear(&cat); ^ Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 16: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] do {} while (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&cat)); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c", line 18: warning: argument of type "atomic_flag *" is incompatible with parameter of type "volatile void *" [incompatible_param] atomic_flag_clear(&cat); ^ Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) #include using namespace std; #else #include #endif double dcount = 0; atomic_flag cat = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT; int main(void) { do {} while (atomic_flag_test_and_set(&cat)); dcount++; atomic_flag_clear(&cat); return 0; } Defined "HAVE_CXX_ATOMIC" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxLibraries from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:453) Determines the libraries needed to link using the C or Fortran compiler C++ source code compiled with C++. Result is stored in cxxlibs Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include void asub(void) {std::vector v; try { throw 20; } catch (int e) { std::cout << "An exception occurred"; }} Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(int argc,char **args) {return 0;} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `asub()': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_allocate_exception' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `typeinfo for int' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_throw' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_get_exception_ptr' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_begin_catch' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:616: undefined reference to `std::cout' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:616: undefined reference to `std::basic_ostream >& std::__ostream_insert >(std::basic_ostream >&, char const*, long)' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_end_catch' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_end_catch' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `__sti___48__tmp_petsc_l3463o36_config_compilers_conftest_cc__Z4asubv': nvc++dcVBnjok7IYJr.ll:(.text+0xa8): undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()' /bin/ld: nvc++dcVBnjok7IYJr.ll:(.text+0xaf): undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::~Init()' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o:(.data+0x308): undefined reference to `typeinfo for int' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o:(.data.DW.ref.__gxx_personality_v0[DW.ref.__gxx_personality_v0]+0x0): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `asub()': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_allocate_exception' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `typeinfo for int' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_throw' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_get_exception_ptr' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_begin_catch' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:616: undefined reference to `std::cout' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:616: undefined reference to `std::basic_ostream >& std::__ostream_insert >(std::basic_ostream >&, char const*, long)' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_end_catch' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc:7: undefined reference to `__cxa_end_catch' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `__sti___48__tmp_petsc_l3463o36_config_compilers_conftest_cc__Z4asubv': nvc++dcVBnjok7IYJr.ll:(.text+0xa8): undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::Init()' /bin/ld: nvc++dcVBnjok7IYJr.ll:(.text+0xaf): undefined reference to `std::ios_base::Init::~Init()' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o:(.data+0x308): undefined reference to `typeinfo for int' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o:(.data.DW.ref.__gxx_personality_v0[DW.ref.__gxx_personality_v0]+0x0): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0' Executing: mpicc --version stdout: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include void asub(void) {std::vector v; try { throw 20; } catch (int e) { std::cout << "An exception occurred"; }} Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(int argc,char **args) {return 0;} Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lstdc++ compilers: C++ requires -lstdc++ to link with C compiler Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include void asub(void) {std::vector v; try { throw 20; } catch (int e) { std::cout << "An exception occurred"; }} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lstdc++ Additional C++ libraries are not needed when using FC linker Executing: mpicxx -V stdout: nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranNameMangling from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:773) Checks Fortran name mangling, and defines HAVE_FORTRAN_UNDERSCORE, HAVE_FORTRAN_NOUNDERSCORE, HAVE_FORTRAN_CAPS Testing Fortran mangling type underscore with code void d1chk_(void){return;} Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" void d1chk_(void){return;} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main call d1chk() end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o compilers: Fortran name mangling is underscore Defined "HAVE_FORTRAN_UNDERSCORE" to "1" Executing: mpifort --version stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Defined "FORTRAN_CHARLEN_T" to "int" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranNameManglingDouble from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:811) Checks if symbols containing an underscore append an extra underscore, and defines HAVE_FORTRAN_UNDERSCORE_UNDERSCORE if necessary Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" void d1_chk__(void){return;} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main call d1_chk() end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o: in function `MAIN_': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `d1_chk_' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o: in function `MAIN_': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `d1_chk_' ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranLibraries from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:821) Substitutes for FLIBS the libraries needed to link using the C or C++ compiler Fortran source code compiled with Fortran. Result is stored in flibs. This macro is intended to be used in those situations when it is necessary to mix, e.g. C++ and Fortran 77, source code into a single program or shared library. For example, if object files from a C++ and Fortran 77 compiler must be linked together, then the C++ compiler/linker must be used for linking (since special C++-ish things need to happen at link time like calling global constructors, instantiating templates, enabling exception support, etc.). However, the Fortran 77 intrinsic and run-time libraries must be linked in as well, but the C++ compiler/linker does not know how to add these Fortran 77 libraries. This code was translated from the autoconf macro which was packaged in its current form by Matthew D. Langston . However, nearly all of this macro came from the OCTAVE_FLIBS macro in octave-2.0.13/aclocal.m4, and full credit should go to John W. Eaton for writing this extremely useful macro. Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 stdout: NVFORTRAN-S-0155-Could not resolve generic procedure mpi_allreduce (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90: 3) 0 inform, 0 warnings, 1 severes, 0 fatal for main Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: NVFORTRAN-S-0155-Could not resolve generic procedure mpi_allreduce (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90: 3) 0 inform, 0 warnings, 1 severes, 0 fatal for main Source: program main use mpi call MPI_Allreduce() end Compile failed inside link Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main #include call MPI_Allreduce() end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o Executing: mpifort -V stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 80 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: subroutine asub() print*,'testing' call MPI_Allreduce() return end Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" extern void asub_(void); int main(int argc,char **args) { asub_(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `asub_': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_src_info03a' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_print_init' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_sc_ch_ldw' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_ldw_end' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:3: undefined reference to `mpi_allreduce_' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `asub_': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_src_info03a' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_print_init' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_sc_ch_ldw' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_ldw_end' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:3: undefined reference to `mpi_allreduce_' Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: subroutine asub() print*,'testing' call MPI_Allreduce() return end Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" extern void asub_(void); int main(int argc,char **args) { asub_(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lgfortran stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `asub_': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_src_info03a' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_print_init' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_sc_ch_ldw' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_ldw_end' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:3: undefined reference to `mpi_allreduce_' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o: in function `asub_': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_src_info03a' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_print_init' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_sc_ch_ldw' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:2: undefined reference to `pgf90io_ldw_end' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90:3: undefined reference to `mpi_allreduce_' Fortran code cannot directly be linked with C linker, therefore will determine needed Fortran libraries Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -v -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o stdout: Export NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 Export PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ld /usr/lib64/crt1.o /usr/lib64/crti.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/trace_init.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtbegin.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/f90main.o --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -T /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/nvhpc.ld -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11/ /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//../../../../lib64 -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl --as-needed -lnvhpcatm -latomic --no-as-needed -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lnvc -lrt -lpthread -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lm /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtend.o /usr/lib64/crtn.o Possible ERROR while running linker:exit code 0 stderr: Export NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 Export PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ld /usr/lib64/crt1.o /usr/lib64/crti.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/trace_init.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtbegin.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/f90main.o --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -T /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/nvhpc.ld -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11/ /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//../../../../lib64 -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl --as-needed -lnvhpcatm -latomic --no-as-needed -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lnvc -lrt -lpthread -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lm /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtend.o /usr/lib64/crtn.o Linker output before filtering: Export NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 Export PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ld /usr/lib64/crt1.o /usr/lib64/crti.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/trace_init.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtbegin.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/f90main.o --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -T /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/nvhpc.ld -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11/ /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//../../../../lib64 -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl --as-needed -lnvhpcatm -latomic --no-as-needed -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lnvc -lrt -lpthread -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lm /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtend.o /usr/lib64/crtn.o Linker output after filtering: Export NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 Export PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ld /usr/lib64/crt1.o /usr/lib64/crti.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/trace_init.o /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtbegin.o /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/f90main.o --eh-frame-hdr -m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -T /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/nvhpc.ld -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11/ /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//../../../../lib64 -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl --as-needed -lnvhpcatm -latomic --no-as-needed -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lnvc -lrt -lpthread -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lm /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtend.o /usr/lib64/crtn.o compilers: Checking arg Export compilers: Unknown arg Export compilers: Checking arg NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 compilers: Unknown arg NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 compilers: Checking arg Export compilers: Unknown arg Export compilers: Checking arg PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 compilers: Unknown arg PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 compilers: Checking arg /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ld compilers: Unknown arg /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ld compilers: Checking arg /usr/lib64/crt1.o compilers: Unknown arg /usr/lib64/crt1.o compilers: Checking arg /usr/lib64/crti.o compilers: Unknown arg /usr/lib64/crti.o compilers: Checking arg /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/trace_init.o compilers: Unknown arg /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/trace_init.o compilers: Checking arg /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtbegin.o compilers: Unknown arg /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtbegin.o compilers: Checking arg /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/f90main.o compilers: Unknown arg /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/f90main.o compilers: Checking arg --eh-frame-hdr compilers: Unknown arg --eh-frame-hdr compilers: Checking arg -m compilers: Unknown arg -m compilers: Checking arg elf_x86_64 compilers: Unknown arg elf_x86_64 compilers: Checking arg -dynamic-linker compilers: Unknown arg -dynamic-linker compilers: Checking arg /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 compilers: Unknown arg /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 compilers: Checking arg -T compilers: Unknown arg -T compilers: Checking arg /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/nvhpc.ld compilers: Unknown arg /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib/nvhpc.ld compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib compilers: Already in lflags so skipping: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 compilers: Found library directory: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 compilers: Checking arg -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib compilers: Already in lflags so skipping: -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib compilers: Checking arg -L/usr/lib64 compilers: Checking arg -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11/ compilers: Found library directory: -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 compilers: Checking arg /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o compilers: Unknown arg /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o compilers: Checking arg -rpath compilers: Found -rpath library: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib compilers: Checking arg -lmpi_usempif08 compilers: Found library: -lmpi_usempif08 compilers: Checking arg -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr compilers: Found library: -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr compilers: Checking arg -lmpi_mpifh compilers: Found library: -lmpi_mpifh compilers: Checking arg -lmpi compilers: Found library: -lmpi compilers: Checking arg -rpath compilers: Found -rpath library: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib compilers: Checking arg -o compilers: Unknown arg -o compilers: Checking arg /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest compilers: Unknown arg /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest compilers: Checking arg -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//../../../../lib64 compilers: Checking arg -lnvf compilers: Found library: -lnvf compilers: Checking arg -lnvomp compilers: Found library: -lnvomp compilers: Checking arg -ldl compilers: Found library: -ldl compilers: Checking arg --as-needed compilers: Unknown arg --as-needed compilers: Checking arg -lnvhpcatm compilers: Found library: -lnvhpcatm compilers: Checking arg -latomic compilers: Found library: -latomic compilers: Checking arg --no-as-needed compilers: Unknown arg --no-as-needed compilers: Checking arg -lpthread compilers: Found library: -lpthread compilers: Checking arg -lnvcpumath compilers: Found library: -lnvcpumath compilers: Checking arg -lnsnvc compilers: Found library: -lnsnvc compilers: Checking arg -lnvc Skipping -lnvc: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/failed-cuda-device-detection-when-explicitly-linking-libnvc/203225 compilers: Checking arg -lrt compilers: Found library: -lrt compilers: Checking arg -lpthread compilers: Already in lflags: -lpthread compilers: Checking arg -lgcc compilers: Found system library therefore skipping: -lgcc compilers: Checking arg -lc compilers: Found system library therefore skipping: -lc compilers: Checking arg -lgcc_s compilers: Found library: -lgcc_s compilers: Checking arg -lm compilers: Found library: -lm compilers: Checking arg /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtend.o compilers: Unknown arg /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11//crtend.o compilers: Checking arg /usr/lib64/crtn.o compilers: Unknown arg /usr/lib64/crtn.o compilers: Libraries needed to link Fortran code with the C linker: ['-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] compilers: Libraries needed to link Fortran main with the C linker: [] compilers: Check that Fortran libraries can be used with Fortran as the linker Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest compilers: Check that Fortran libraries can be used with C as the linker Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest compilers: Check that Fortran libraries can be used with C++ as linker Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest compilers: Fortran libraries can be used from C++ ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranLinkingCxx from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:1301) Check that Fortran can link C++ libraries Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" extern "C" void d1chk_(void); void foo(void){d1chk_();} Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" extern "C" void d1chk_(void); void d1chk_(void){return;} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main call d1chk() end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/cxxobj.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o compilers: Fortran can link C++ functions ============================================================================================= TESTING: setupFrameworkCompilers from config.compilers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilers.py:1492) Sets the selected compilers into the framework child config.compilers took 26.580391 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranTypeSizes from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:56) Check whether real*8 is supported and suggest flags which will allow support Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main real*8 variable end ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranPreprocessor from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:73) Determine if Fortran handles preprocessing properly Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main #define dummy dummy #ifndef dummy fooey #endif end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g compilers: Fortran uses preprocessor ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranDefineCompilerOption from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:96) Check if -WF,-Dfoobar or -Dfoobar is the compiler option to define a macro Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -KPIC -O2 -g -DTesting /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main #define dummy dummy #ifndef Testing fooey #endif end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -DTesting Defined make macro "FC_DEFINE_FLAG" to "-D" compilers: Fortran uses -D for defining macro ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortran90 from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:147) Determine whether the Fortran compiler handles F90 Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main REAL(KIND=SELECTED_REAL_KIND(10)) d INTEGER, PARAMETER :: int = SELECTED_INT_KIND(8) INTEGER (KIND=int) :: ierr ierr = 1 end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o Fortran compiler supports F90 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortran90FreeForm from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:174) Determine whether the Fortran compiler handles F90FreeForm We also require that the compiler handles lines longer than 132 characters Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main INTEGER, PARAMETER :: int = SELECTED_INT_KIND(8); INTEGER (KIND=int) :: ierr; ierr = 1 end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o Defined "USING_F90FREEFORM" to "1" Fortran compiler supports F90FreeForm ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortran2003 from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:188) Determine whether the Fortran compiler handles F2003 Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: module Base_module type, public :: base_type integer :: A contains procedure, public :: Print => BasePrint end type base_type contains subroutine BasePrint(this) class(base_type) :: this end subroutine BasePrint end module Base_module program main use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding Type(C_Ptr),Dimension(:),Pointer :: CArray character(kind=c_char),pointer :: nullc => null() character(kind=c_char,len=5),dimension(:),pointer::list1 allocate(list1(5)) CArray(1:Len) = c_loc(list1) CArray(Len+1) = c_loc(nullc) end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o Defined "USING_F2003" to "1" Fortran compiler supports F2003 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortran90Array from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:224) Check for F90 array interfaces Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include void f90arraytest_(void* a1, void* a2,void* a3, void* i) { printf("arrays [%p %p %p]\n",a1,a2,a3); fflush(stdout); return; } void f90ptrtest_(void* a1, void* a2,void* a3, void* i, void* p1 ,void* p2, void* p3) { printf("arrays [%p %p %p]\n",a1,a2,a3); if ((p1 == p3) && (p1 != p2)) { printf("pointers match! [%p %p] [%p]\n",p1,p3,p2); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("pointers do not match! [%p %p] [%p]\n",p1,p3,p2); fflush(stdout); exit(111); } return; } ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main Interface Subroutine f90ptrtest(p1,p2,p3,i) integer, pointer :: p1(:,:) integer, pointer :: p2(:,:) integer, pointer :: p3(:,:) integer i End Subroutine End Interface integer, pointer :: ptr1(:,:),ptr2(:,:) integer, target :: array(6:8,9:21) integer in in = 25 ptr1 => array ptr2 => array call f90arraytest(ptr1,ptr2,ptr1,in) call f90ptrtest(ptr1,ptr2,ptr1,in) end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/fooobj.o Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest stdout: arrays [0x4040a0 0x4040a0 0x4040a0] arrays [0x7ffd515063e8 0x7ffd515063e0 0x7ffd515063e8] pointers match! [0x7ffd51506328 0x7ffd51506328] [0x7ffd515061c8] Defined "HAVE_F90_2PTR_ARG" to "1" compilers: F90 compiler uses two arguments for array pointers ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortran90AssumedType from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:311) Check if Fortran compiler array pointer is a raw pointer in C Executing: mpifort -qversion stdout: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qversion ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranModuleInclude from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:317) Figures out what flag is used to specify the include path for Fortran modules Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: module configtest integer testint parameter (testint = 42) end module configtest Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/confdir -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main use configtest write(*,*) testint end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/confdir -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/configtest.o compilers: Fortran module include flag -I found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranModuleOutput from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:383) Figures out what flag is used to specify the output path for Fortran modules Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -module /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/confdir -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: module configtest integer testint parameter (testint = 42) end module configtest compilers: Fortran module output flag -module found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranTypeStar from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:136) Determine whether the Fortran compiler handles type(*) Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main interface subroutine a(b) type(*) :: b(:) end subroutine end interface end Defined "HAVE_FORTRAN_TYPE_STAR" to "1" Fortran compiler supports type(*) ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortranTypeInitialize from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:126) Determines if PETSc objects in Fortran are initialized by default (doesn't work with common blocks) Defined "FORTRAN_TYPE_INITIALIZE" to " = -2" Initializing Fortran objects ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureFortranFlush from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:116) Determine if Fortran has a flush() command Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main call flush(6) end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_FORTRAN_FLUSH" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencyGenerationFlag from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:428) Check if -MMD works for dependency generation, and add it if it does Trying FC compiler flag -MMD -MP Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD -MP /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 stdout: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -MP Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -MP Source: program main end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD -MP nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -MP PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -MMD -MP due to nonzero status from link Rejected FC compiler flag -MMD -MP Trying FC compiler flag -MMD Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -MMD Rejected FC compiler flag -MMD because no dependency file (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.d) was generated Trying FC compiler flag -xMMD Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g -xMMD /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 stdout: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -xMMD Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -xMMD Source: program main end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -xMMD nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -xMMD PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -xMMD due to nonzero status from link Rejected FC compiler flag -xMMD Trying FC compiler flag -qmakedep=gcc Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g -qmakedep=gcc /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 stdout: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qmakedep=gcc Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qmakedep=gcc Source: program main end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -qmakedep=gcc nvfortran-Error-Unknown switch: -qmakedep=gcc PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -qmakedep=gcc due to nonzero status from link Rejected FC compiler flag -qmakedep=gcc Trying FC compiler flag -MD Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g -MD /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main end Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -MD Rejected FC compiler flag -MD because no dependency file (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.d) was generated ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFortran90LineLength from config.compilersFortran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/compilersFortran.py:163) Determine whether the Fortran compiler has infinite line length Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90 stdout: NVFORTRAN-S-0285-Source line too long (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90: 2) NVFORTRAN-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90: 2) 0 inform, 0 warnings, 2 severes, 0 fatal for main Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: NVFORTRAN-S-0285-Source line too long (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90: 2) NVFORTRAN-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran/conftest.F90: 2) 0 inform, 0 warnings, 2 severes, 0 fatal for main Source: program main INTEGER, PARAMETER :: int = SELECTED_INT_KIND(8); INTEGER (KIND=int) :: ierr,ierr2; ierr = 1; ierr2 = 2 end Compile failed inside link Fortran compiler does not have unlimited line length child config.compilersFortran took 6.604727 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkStdC from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:121) Determine if C standard headers support everything PETSc needs Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include int main(void) { return 0; } Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #define ISLOWER(c) ('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z') #define TOUPPER(c) (ISLOWER(c) ? 'A' + ((c) - 'a') : (c)) #define XOR(e, f) (((e) && !(f)) || (!(e) && (f))) int main(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) if (XOR(islower(i), ISLOWER(i)) || toupper(i) != TOUPPER(i)) exit(2); exit(0); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.o Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSysWait from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:155) Check for POSIX.1 compatible sys/wait.h, and defines HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H if found Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #ifndef WEXITSTATUS #define WEXITSTATUS(stat_val) ((unsigned)(stat_val) >> 8) #endif #ifndef WIFEXITED #define WIFEXITED(stat_val) (((stat_val) & 255) == 0) #endif int main(void) { int s; wait (&s); s = WIFEXITED (s) ? WEXITSTATUS (s) : 1; return 0; } Defined "HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkTime from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:177) Checks if you can safely include both and , and if so defines TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME Checking for header: time.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_TIME_H" to "1" Checking for header: sys/time.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_TIME_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMath from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:183) Checks for the math headers and defines Checking for header: math.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { double pi = M_PI; (void)pi; return 0; } Found math #defines, like M_PI ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: setjmp.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SETJMP_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: dos.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "dos.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "dos.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "dos.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: fcntl.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_FCNTL_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: float.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_FLOAT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: io.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "io.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "io.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "io.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: malloc.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_MALLOC_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: pwd.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_PWD_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: strings.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_STRINGS_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: unistd.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_UNISTD_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: machine/endian.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "machine/endian.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "machine/endian.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "machine/endian.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/param.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/procfs.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/resource.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/systeminfo.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sys/systeminfo.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sys/systeminfo.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sys/systeminfo.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/times.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/utsname.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/socket.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/wait.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: netinet/in.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_NETINET_IN_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: netdb.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_NETDB_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: direct.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "direct.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "direct.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "direct.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: time.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_TIME_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: Ws2tcpip.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "Ws2tcpip.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "Ws2tcpip.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "Ws2tcpip.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/types.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: WindowsX.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "WindowsX.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "WindowsX.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "WindowsX.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: float.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_FLOAT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: ieeefp.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "ieeefp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "ieeefp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "ieeefp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: stdint.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_STDINT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: inttypes.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_INTTYPES_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: immintrin.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: setjmp.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SETJMP_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: dos.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "dos.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "dos.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "dos.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: fcntl.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_FCNTL_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: float.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_FLOAT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: io.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "io.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "io.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "io.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: malloc.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_MALLOC_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: pwd.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_PWD_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: strings.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_STRINGS_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: unistd.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_UNISTD_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: machine/endian.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "machine/endian.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "machine/endian.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "machine/endian.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/param.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/procfs.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/resource.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/systeminfo.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sys/systeminfo.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sys/systeminfo.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sys/systeminfo.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/times.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/utsname.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/socket.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/wait.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: netinet/in.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_NETINET_IN_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: netdb.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_NETDB_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: direct.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "direct.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "direct.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "direct.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: time.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_TIME_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: Ws2tcpip.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "Ws2tcpip.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "Ws2tcpip.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "Ws2tcpip.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: sys/types.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: WindowsX.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "WindowsX.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "WindowsX.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "WindowsX.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: float.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_FLOAT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: ieeefp.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "ieeefp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "ieeefp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "ieeefp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: stdint.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_STDINT_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: inttypes.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_INTTYPES_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:80) Checks for "header", and defines HAVE_"header" if found Checking for header: immintrin.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkRecursiveMacros from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:198) Checks that the preprocessor allows recursive macros, and if not defines HAVE_BROKEN_RECURSIVE_MACRO Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" void a(int i, int j) {} #define a(b) a(b,__LINE__) int main(void) { a(0); return 0; } child config.headers took 10.389908 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureL1CacheLineSize from config.utilities.cacheDetails(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/cacheDetails.py:127) Try to determine the size (in bytes) of an L1 cacheline. On success defines the variable PETSC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE to the determined value. Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include long getconf_level1_dcache_linesize() { long val = sysconf(_SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE); return val >= 0 ? val : 32; } int main(void) { getconf_level1_dcache_linesize(); return 0; } ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include long getconf_level1_dcache_linesize() { long val = sysconf(_SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE); return val >= 0 ? val : 32; } int main(void) { FILE *output = fopen("conftestval", "w"); if (!output) return 1; fprintf(output, "%ld", (long)getconf_level1_dcache_linesize()); fclose(output); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest.o Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails/conftest Defined "LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE" to "64" child config.utilities.cacheDetails took 0.832875 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: check_struct_sigaction from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:42) Checks if "struct sigaction" exists in signal.h. This check is for C89 check. Checking for type: struct sigaction Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include int main(void) { struct sigaction a; (void)a; return 0; } struct sigaction found Defined "HAVE_STRUCT_SIGACTION" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: check__int64 from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:48) Checks if __int64 exists. This is primarily for windows. Checking for type: __int64 Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 11: error: identifier "__int64" is undefined __int64 a; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 11: error: identifier "__int64" is undefined __int64 a; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include int main(void) { __int64 a; (void)a; return 0; } __int64 found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSizeTypes from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:54) Checks for types associated with sizes, such as size_t. Checking for type: size_t Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include int main(void) { size_t a; (void)a; return 0; } size_t found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFileTypes from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:64) Checks for types associated with files, such as mode_t, off_t, etc. Checking for type: mode_t Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include int main(void) { mode_t a; (void)a; return 0; } mode_t found Checking for type: off_t Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include int main(void) { off_t a; (void)a; return 0; } off_t found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkIntegerTypes from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:59) Checks for types associated with integers, such as int32_t. Checking for type: int32_t Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include int main(void) { int32_t a; (void)a; return 0; } int32_t found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkPID from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:70) Checks for pid_t, and defines it if necessary Checking for type: pid_t Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c", line 12: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include int main(void) { pid_t a; (void)a; return 0; } pid_t found ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkC99Complex from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:74) Check for complex numbers in C99 std Note that since PETSc source code uses _Complex we test specifically for that, not complex Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { double _Complex x; x = I; (void)x; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { double _Complex x; x = I; (void)x; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include int main(void) { double _Complex x; x = I; (void)x; return 0; } Defined "HAVE_C99_COMPLEX" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxComplex from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:88) Check for complex numbers in namespace std Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.cc stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.cc", line 6: warning: variable "x" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] std::complex x; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.cc", line 6: warning: variable "x" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] std::complex x; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { std::complex x; (void)x; return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSizeof from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:99) Determines the size of type "typeName", and defines SIZEOF_"typeName" to be the size Checking for size of type: void * Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include char assert_sizeof[(sizeof(void *)==8)*2-1]; Defined "SIZEOF_VOID_P" to "8" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSizeof from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:99) Determines the size of type "typeName", and defines SIZEOF_"typeName" to be the size Checking for size of type: int Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include char assert_sizeof[(sizeof(int)==4)*2-1]; Defined "SIZEOF_INT" to "4" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSizeof from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:99) Determines the size of type "typeName", and defines SIZEOF_"typeName" to be the size Checking for size of type: long Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include char assert_sizeof[(sizeof(long)==8)*2-1]; Defined "SIZEOF_LONG" to "8" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSizeof from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:99) Determines the size of type "typeName", and defines SIZEOF_"typeName" to be the size Checking for size of type: long long Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include char assert_sizeof[(sizeof(long long)==8)*2-1]; Defined "SIZEOF_LONG_LONG" to "8" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSizeof from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:99) Determines the size of type "typeName", and defines SIZEOF_"typeName" to be the size Checking for size of type: size_t Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include char assert_sizeof[(sizeof(size_t)==8)*2-1]; Defined "SIZEOF_SIZE_T" to "8" Defined "USING_64BIT_PTR" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVisibility from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:133) Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) int foo(void); return 0; } Defined "USE_VISIBILITY_C" to "1" Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) int foo(void); return 0; } Defined "USE_VISIBILITY_CXX" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMaxPathLen from config.types(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/types.py:155) Sets PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN depending on values available on the system Determining PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #if defined(MAXPATHLEN) # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN MAXPATHLEN #elif defined(MAX_PATH) # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN MAX_PATH #elif defined(_MAX_PATH) # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN _MAX_PATH #else # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN 4096 #endif #define xstr(s) str(s) #define str(s) #s char petsc_max_path_len[] = xstr(PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN); int main(void) { return 0; } Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #if defined(MAXPATHLEN) # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN MAXPATHLEN #elif defined(MAX_PATH) # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN MAX_PATH #elif defined(_MAX_PATH) # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN _MAX_PATH #else # define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN 4096 #endif #define xstr(s) str(s) #define str(s) #s char petsc_max_path_len[] = xstr(PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN); Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types/conftest.c Defined "MAX_PATH_LEN" to "4096" child config.types took 7.339942 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMemAlign from PETSc.options.memAlign(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/memAlign.py:28) Choose memory alignment Defined "MEMALIGN" to "16" Memory alignment is 16 child PETSc.options.memAlign took 0.002894 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [handle_sigfpes] in library ['fpe'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char handle_sigfpes(void); static void _check_handle_sigfpes(void) { handle_sigfpes(); } int main(void) { _check_handle_sigfpes(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lfpe stdout: /bin/ld: cannot find -lfpe Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: cannot find -lfpe ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [socket] in library ['socket', 'nsl'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char socket(void); static void _check_socket(void) { socket(); } int main(void) { _check_socket(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lsocket -lnsl stdout: /bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket /bin/ld: cannot find -lnsl Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket /bin/ld: cannot find -lnsl ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [handle_sigfpes] in library ['fpe'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char handle_sigfpes(void); static void _check_handle_sigfpes(void) { handle_sigfpes(); } int main(void) { _check_handle_sigfpes(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lfpe stdout: /bin/ld: cannot find -lfpe Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: cannot find -lfpe ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [socket] in library ['socket', 'nsl'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char socket(void); static void _check_socket(void) { socket(); } int main(void) { _check_socket(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lsocket -lnsl stdout: /bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket /bin/ld: cannot find -lnsl Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket /bin/ld: cannot find -lnsl ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMath from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:315) Check for sin() in libm, the math library Checking for functions [sin floor log10 pow] in library [''] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include double sin(double); static void _check_sin(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = sin(x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } #include double floor(double); static void _check_floor(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = floor(x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } #include double log10(double); static void _check_log10(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = log10(x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } #include double pow(double, double); static void _check_pow(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = pow(x,x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } int main(void) { _check_sin(); _check_floor(); _check_log10(); _check_pow(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include double sin(double); static void _check_sin(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = sin(x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } #include double floor(double); static void _check_floor(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = floor(x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } #include double log10(double); static void _check_log10(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = log10(x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } #include double pow(double, double); static void _check_pow(void) { double x,y; int s = scanf("%lf",&x); y = pow(x,x); printf("%f %d",y,s); } void dummy(void) {_check_sin(); _check_floor(); _check_log10(); _check_pow();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o CheckMath: using math library [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMathErf from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:336) Check for erf() in libm, the math library Checking for functions [erf] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_erf(void) { double (*checkErf)(double) = erf;double x = 0,y; y = (*checkErf)(x); (void)y; } int main(void) { _check_erf(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_erf(void) { double (*checkErf)(double) = erf;double x = 0,y; y = (*checkErf)(x); (void)y; } void dummy(void) {_check_erf();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o erf() found Defined "HAVE_ERF" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMathTgamma from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:345) Check for tgamma() in libm, the math library Checking for functions [tgamma] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_tgamma(void) { double (*checkTgamma)(double) = tgamma;double x = 0,y; y = (*checkTgamma)(x); (void)y; } int main(void) { _check_tgamma(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_tgamma(void) { double (*checkTgamma)(double) = tgamma;double x = 0,y; y = (*checkTgamma)(x); (void)y; } void dummy(void) {_check_tgamma();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o tgamma() found Defined "HAVE_TGAMMA" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMathLgamma from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:354) Check for lgamma() in libm, the math library Checking for functions [lgamma] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include #include static void _check_lgamma(void) { double (*checkLgamma)(double) = lgamma;double x = 1,y; y = (*checkLgamma)(x);if (y != 0.) abort(); } int main(void) { _check_lgamma(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include #include static void _check_lgamma(void) { double (*checkLgamma)(double) = lgamma;double x = 1,y; y = (*checkLgamma)(x);if (y != 0.) abort(); } void dummy(void) {_check_lgamma();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o lgamma() found Defined "HAVE_LGAMMA" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMathFenv from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:367) Checks if can be used with FE_DFL_ENV Checking for functions [fesetenv] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_fesetenv(void) { fesetenv(FE_DFL_ENV); } int main(void) { _check_fesetenv(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_fesetenv(void) { fesetenv(FE_DFL_ENV); } void dummy(void) {_check_fesetenv();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o Defined "HAVE_FENV_H" to "1" Checking for functions [feclearexcept] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_feclearexcept(void) { feclearexcept(FE_INEXACT); } int main(void) { _check_feclearexcept(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_feclearexcept(void) { feclearexcept(FE_INEXACT); } void dummy(void) {_check_feclearexcept();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o Defined "HAVE_FE_VALUES" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMathLog2 from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:379) Check for log2() in libm, the math library Checking for functions [log2] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_log2(void) { double (*checkLog2)(double) = log2; double x = 2.5, y = (*checkLog2)(x); (void)y; } int main(void) { _check_log2(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_log2(void) { double (*checkLog2)(double) = log2; double x = 2.5, y = (*checkLog2)(x); (void)y; } void dummy(void) {_check_log2();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o log2() found Defined "HAVE_LOG2" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkRealtime from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:388) Check for presence of clock_gettime() in realtime library (POSIX Realtime extensions) Checking for functions [clock_gettime] in library [''] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_clock_gettime(void) { struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&tp); } int main(void) { _check_clock_gettime(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_clock_gettime(void) { struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&tp); } void dummy(void) {_check_clock_gettime();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o realtime functions are linked in by default ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDynamic from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:404) Check for the header and libraries necessary for dynamic library manipulation Checking for functions [dlopen] in library ['dl'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dlopen(void); static void _check_dlopen(void) { dlopen(); } int main(void) { _check_dlopen(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -ldl Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dlopen(void); static void _check_dlopen(void) { dlopen(); } void dummy(void) {_check_dlopen();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -ldl Defined "HAVE_LIBDL" to "1" Checking for header: dlfcn.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Defined "HAVE_DLFCN_H" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkExecutableExportFlag from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:630) Checks for the flag that allows executables to export symbols to dlsym() ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_DLFCN_H #include #endif #define PETSC_DLLEXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) extern PETSC_DLLEXPORT int foo() { return 42; } int main(void) { void *lib; int (*foo)(); lib = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open executable: %s\n", dlerror()); exit(1); } foo = (int (*)(void)) dlsym(lib, "foo"); if (!foo) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find function in executable\n"); exit(1); } if ((*foo)() != 42) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not run function\n"); exit(1); } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -ldl Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest stdout: Could not find function in executable ERROR while running executable: Could not execute "['/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest']": Could not find function in executable Executable does not export symbols for dlopen() ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g -Wl,-export_dynamic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_DLFCN_H #include #endif #define PETSC_DLLEXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) extern PETSC_DLLEXPORT int foo() { return 42; } int main(void) { void *lib; int (*foo)(); lib = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open executable: %s\n", dlerror()); exit(1); } foo = (int (*)(void)) dlsym(lib, "foo"); if (!foo) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find function in executable\n"); exit(1); } if ((*foo)() != 42) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not run function\n"); exit(1); } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g -Wl,-export_dynamic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -ldl stdout: /bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol xport_dynamic; defaulting to 00000000004010c0 Possible ERROR while running linker:exit code 0 stderr: /bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol xport_dynamic; defaulting to 00000000004010c0 Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest stdout: Could not find function in executable ERROR while running executable: Could not execute "['/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest']": Could not find function in executable Executable does not export symbols for dlopen() ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g -Wl,-export-dynamic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_DLFCN_H #include #endif #define PETSC_DLLEXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) extern PETSC_DLLEXPORT int foo() { return 42; } int main(void) { void *lib; int (*foo)(); lib = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); if (!lib) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open executable: %s\n", dlerror()); exit(1); } foo = (int (*)(void)) dlsym(lib, "foo"); if (!foo) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find function in executable\n"); exit(1); } if ((*foo)() != 42) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not run function\n"); exit(1); } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g -Wl,-export-dynamic /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -ldl Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest Executable exports symbols for dlopen() Defined "HAVE_EXECUTABLE_EXPORT" to "1" Defined make macro "EXEFLAGS" to "-Wl,-export-dynamic" child config.libraries took 15.936865 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibraryOptions from PETSc.options.libraryOptions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/libraryOptions.py:38) Sets PETSC_USE_DEBUG, PETSC_USE_INFO, PETSC_USE_LOG, PETSC_USE_CTABLE, PETSC_USE_DMLANDAU_2D, PETSC_USE_FORTRAN_KERNELS, and PETSC_USE_AVX512_KERNELS Defined "USE_LOG" to "1" Executing: mpicc -qversion stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -qversion Defined "USE_MALLOC_COALESCED" to "1" Defined "USE_INFO" to "1" Defined "USE_CTABLE" to "1" Defined "USE_DMLANDAU_2D" to "1" **********Checking if running on BGL/IBM detected Checking for functions [bgl_perfctr_void] in library [''] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char bgl_perfctr_void(void); static void _check_bgl_perfctr_void(void) { bgl_perfctr_void(); } int main(void) { _check_bgl_perfctr_void(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `bgl_perfctr_void' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `bgl_perfctr_void' Checking for functions [ADIOI_BGL_Open] in library [''] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char ADIOI_BGL_Open(void); static void _check_ADIOI_BGL_Open(void) { ADIOI_BGL_Open(); } int main(void) { _check_ADIOI_BGL_Open(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `ADIOI_BGL_Open' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `ADIOI_BGL_Open' *********BGL/IBM test failure Defined "USE_BACKWARD_LOOP" to "1" Defined "USE_AVX512_KERNELS" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureISColorValueType from PETSc.options.libraryOptions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/libraryOptions.py:93) Sets PETSC_IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE, PETSC_MPIU_IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE, and PETSC_IS_COLORING_MAX as required by ISColoring Defined "MPIU_IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE" to "MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT" Defined "IS_COLORING_MAX" to "USHRT_MAX" Defined "IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE" to "short" Defined "IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE_F" to "integer2" child PETSc.options.libraryOptions took 1.052698 seconds child config.atomics took 0.000036 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVSNPrintf from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:106) Checks whether vsnprintf requires a char * last argument, and if it does defines HAVE_VSNPRINTF_CHAR Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include int main(void) { va_list Argp = { 0 };char str[6]; vsnprintf(str,5, "%d", Argp ); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_VSNPRINTF" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkNanosleep from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:136) Check for functional nanosleep() - as time.h behaves differently for different compiler flags - like -std=c89 Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { struct timespec tp; tp.tv_sec = 0; tp.tv_nsec = (long)(1e9); nanosleep(&tp,0); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_NANOSLEEP" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMemmove from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:142) Check for functional memmove() - as MS VC requires correct includes to for this test Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { char c1[1], c2[1] = "c"; size_t n=1; memmove(c1,c2,n); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_MEMMOVE" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSignalHandlerType from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:112) Checks the type of C++ signals handlers, and defines SIGNAL_CAST to the correct value Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include static void myhandler(int sig) {} int main(void) { signal(SIGFPE,myhandler); return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "SIGNAL_CAST" to " " ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkFreeReturnType from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:122) Checks whether free returns void or int, and defines HAVE_FREE_RETURN_INT Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 6: warning: variable "p" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] int ierr; void *p; ierr = free(p); return ierr; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 6: error: a value of type "void" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "int" int ierr; void *p; ierr = free(p); return ierr; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 7: warning: statement is unreachable [code_is_unreachable] return 0; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 6: warning: variable "p" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] int ierr; void *p; ierr = free(p); return ierr; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 6: error: a value of type "void" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "int" int ierr; void *p; ierr = free(p); return ierr; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 7: warning: statement is unreachable [code_is_unreachable] return 0; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int ierr; void *p; ierr = free(p); return ierr; return 0; } Compile failed inside link ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVariableArgumentLists from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:128) Checks whether the variable argument list functionality is working Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "l2" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] va_copy(l1, l2); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 6: warning: variable "l1" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] va_list l1, l2; ^ Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "l2" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] va_copy(l1, l2); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 6: warning: variable "l1" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] va_list l1, l2; ^ Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { va_list l1, l2; va_copy(l1, l2); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_VA_COPY" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkClassify from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:85) Recursive decompose to rapidly classify functions as found or missing To confirm that a function is missing, we require a compile/link failure with only that function in a compilation unit. In contrast, we can confirm that many functions are present by compiling them all together in a large compilation unit. We optimistically compile everything together, then trim all functions that were named in the error message and bisect the result. The trimming is only an optimization to increase the likelihood of a big-batch compile succeeding; we do not rely on the compiler naming missing functions. Checking for functions [gethostname _lseek dlopen snprintf PXFGETARG sbreak fpresetsticky time getdomainname usleep stricmp access fork _getcwd rand _access getrusage popen sleep drand48 __gcov_dump getcwd _set_output_format _mkdir socket dlsym readlink fpsetsticky bzero getpagesize clock realpath strcasecmp uname dlclose dlerror gethostbyname lseek _sleep _snprintf posix_memalign] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char gethostname(); char _lseek(); char dlopen(); char snprintf(); char PXFGETARG(); char sbreak(); char fpresetsticky(); char time(); char getdomainname(); char usleep(); char stricmp(); char access(); char fork(); char _getcwd(); char rand(); char _access(); char getrusage(); char popen(); char sleep(); char drand48(); char __gcov_dump(); char getcwd(); char _set_output_format(); char _mkdir(); char socket(); char dlsym(); char readlink(); char fpsetsticky(); char bzero(); char getpagesize(); char clock(); char realpath(); char strcasecmp(); char uname(); char dlclose(); char dlerror(); char gethostbyname(); char lseek(); char _sleep(); char _snprintf(); char posix_memalign(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_gethostname) || defined (__stub___gethostname) gethostname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else gethostname(); #endif #if defined (__stub__lseek) || defined (__stub____lseek) _lseek_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _lseek(); #endif #if defined (__stub_dlopen) || defined (__stub___dlopen) dlopen_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlopen(); #endif #if defined (__stub_snprintf) || defined (__stub___snprintf) snprintf_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else snprintf(); #endif #if defined (__stub_PXFGETARG) || defined (__stub___PXFGETARG) PXFGETARG_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else PXFGETARG(); #endif #if defined (__stub_sbreak) || defined (__stub___sbreak) sbreak_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else sbreak(); #endif #if defined (__stub_fpresetsticky) || defined (__stub___fpresetsticky) fpresetsticky_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else fpresetsticky(); #endif #if defined (__stub_time) || defined (__stub___time) time_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else time(); #endif #if defined (__stub_getdomainname) || defined (__stub___getdomainname) getdomainname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getdomainname(); #endif #if defined (__stub_usleep) || defined (__stub___usleep) usleep_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else usleep(); #endif #if defined (__stub_stricmp) || defined (__stub___stricmp) stricmp_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else stricmp(); #endif #if defined (__stub_access) || defined (__stub___access) access_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else access(); #endif #if defined (__stub_fork) || defined (__stub___fork) fork_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else fork(); #endif #if defined (__stub__getcwd) || defined (__stub____getcwd) _getcwd_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _getcwd(); #endif #if defined (__stub_rand) || defined (__stub___rand) rand_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else rand(); #endif #if defined (__stub__access) || defined (__stub____access) _access_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _access(); #endif #if defined (__stub_getrusage) || defined (__stub___getrusage) getrusage_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getrusage(); #endif #if defined (__stub_popen) || defined (__stub___popen) popen_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else popen(); #endif #if defined (__stub_sleep) || defined (__stub___sleep) sleep_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else sleep(); #endif #if defined (__stub_drand48) || defined (__stub___drand48) drand48_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else drand48(); #endif #if defined (__stub___gcov_dump) || defined (__stub_____gcov_dump) __gcov_dump_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else __gcov_dump(); #endif #if defined (__stub_getcwd) || defined (__stub___getcwd) getcwd_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getcwd(); #endif #if defined (__stub__set_output_format) || defined (__stub____set_output_format) _set_output_format_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _set_output_format(); #endif #if defined (__stub__mkdir) || defined (__stub____mkdir) _mkdir_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _mkdir(); #endif #if defined (__stub_socket) || defined (__stub___socket) socket_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else socket(); #endif #if defined (__stub_dlsym) || defined (__stub___dlsym) dlsym_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlsym(); #endif #if defined (__stub_readlink) || defined (__stub___readlink) readlink_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else readlink(); #endif #if defined (__stub_fpsetsticky) || defined (__stub___fpsetsticky) fpsetsticky_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else fpsetsticky(); #endif #if defined (__stub_bzero) || defined (__stub___bzero) bzero_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else bzero(); #endif #if defined (__stub_getpagesize) || defined (__stub___getpagesize) getpagesize_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getpagesize(); #endif #if defined (__stub_clock) || defined (__stub___clock) clock_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else clock(); #endif #if defined (__stub_realpath) || defined (__stub___realpath) realpath_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else realpath(); #endif #if defined (__stub_strcasecmp) || defined (__stub___strcasecmp) strcasecmp_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else strcasecmp(); #endif #if defined (__stub_uname) || defined (__stub___uname) uname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else uname(); #endif #if defined (__stub_dlclose) || defined (__stub___dlclose) dlclose_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlclose(); #endif #if defined (__stub_dlerror) || defined (__stub___dlerror) dlerror_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlerror(); #endif #if defined (__stub_gethostbyname) || defined (__stub___gethostbyname) gethostbyname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else gethostbyname(); #endif #if defined (__stub_lseek) || defined (__stub___lseek) lseek_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else lseek(); #endif #if defined (__stub__sleep) || defined (__stub____sleep) _sleep_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _sleep(); #endif #if defined (__stub__snprintf) || defined (__stub____snprintf) _snprintf_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _snprintf(); #endif #if defined (__stub_posix_memalign) || defined (__stub___posix_memalign) posix_memalign_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else posix_memalign(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:70: undefined reference to `_lseek' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:88: undefined reference to `PXFGETARG' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:94: undefined reference to `sbreak' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:100: undefined reference to `fpresetsticky' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:124: undefined reference to `stricmp' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:142: undefined reference to `_getcwd' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:154: undefined reference to `_access' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:184: undefined reference to `__gcov_dump' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:196: undefined reference to `_set_output_format' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:202: undefined reference to `_mkdir' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:226: undefined reference to `fpsetsticky' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:292: undefined reference to `_sleep' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:298: undefined reference to `_snprintf' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:70: undefined reference to `_lseek' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:88: undefined reference to `PXFGETARG' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:94: undefined reference to `sbreak' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:100: undefined reference to `fpresetsticky' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:124: undefined reference to `stricmp' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:142: undefined reference to `_getcwd' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:154: undefined reference to `_access' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:184: undefined reference to `__gcov_dump' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:196: undefined reference to `_set_output_format' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:202: undefined reference to `_mkdir' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:226: undefined reference to `fpsetsticky' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:292: undefined reference to `_sleep' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:298: undefined reference to `_snprintf' Checking for functions [gethostname dlopen time getdomainname usleep fork rand getrusage popen drand48 socket] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char gethostname(); char dlopen(); char time(); char getdomainname(); char usleep(); char fork(); char rand(); char getrusage(); char popen(); char drand48(); char socket(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_gethostname) || defined (__stub___gethostname) gethostname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else gethostname(); #endif #if defined (__stub_dlopen) || defined (__stub___dlopen) dlopen_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlopen(); #endif #if defined (__stub_time) || defined (__stub___time) time_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else time(); #endif #if defined (__stub_getdomainname) || defined (__stub___getdomainname) getdomainname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getdomainname(); #endif #if defined (__stub_usleep) || defined (__stub___usleep) usleep_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else usleep(); #endif #if defined (__stub_fork) || defined (__stub___fork) fork_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else fork(); #endif #if defined (__stub_rand) || defined (__stub___rand) rand_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else rand(); #endif #if defined (__stub_getrusage) || defined (__stub___getrusage) getrusage_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getrusage(); #endif #if defined (__stub_popen) || defined (__stub___popen) popen_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else popen(); #endif #if defined (__stub_drand48) || defined (__stub___drand48) drand48_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else drand48(); #endif #if defined (__stub_socket) || defined (__stub___socket) socket_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else socket(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_GETHOSTNAME" to "1" Defined "HAVE_DLOPEN" to "1" Defined "HAVE_TIME" to "1" Defined "HAVE_GETDOMAINNAME" to "1" Defined "HAVE_USLEEP" to "1" Defined "HAVE_FORK" to "1" Defined "HAVE_RAND" to "1" Defined "HAVE_GETRUSAGE" to "1" Defined "HAVE_POPEN" to "1" Defined "HAVE_DRAND48" to "1" Defined "HAVE_SOCKET" to "1" Checking for functions [dlsym readlink bzero getpagesize clock realpath strcasecmp uname dlclose dlerror gethostbyname posix_memalign] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char dlsym(); char readlink(); char bzero(); char getpagesize(); char clock(); char realpath(); char strcasecmp(); char uname(); char dlclose(); char dlerror(); char gethostbyname(); char posix_memalign(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_dlsym) || defined (__stub___dlsym) dlsym_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlsym(); #endif #if defined (__stub_readlink) || defined (__stub___readlink) readlink_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else readlink(); #endif #if defined (__stub_bzero) || defined (__stub___bzero) bzero_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else bzero(); #endif #if defined (__stub_getpagesize) || defined (__stub___getpagesize) getpagesize_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getpagesize(); #endif #if defined (__stub_clock) || defined (__stub___clock) clock_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else clock(); #endif #if defined (__stub_realpath) || defined (__stub___realpath) realpath_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else realpath(); #endif #if defined (__stub_strcasecmp) || defined (__stub___strcasecmp) strcasecmp_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else strcasecmp(); #endif #if defined (__stub_uname) || defined (__stub___uname) uname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else uname(); #endif #if defined (__stub_dlclose) || defined (__stub___dlclose) dlclose_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlclose(); #endif #if defined (__stub_dlerror) || defined (__stub___dlerror) dlerror_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else dlerror(); #endif #if defined (__stub_gethostbyname) || defined (__stub___gethostbyname) gethostbyname_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else gethostbyname(); #endif #if defined (__stub_posix_memalign) || defined (__stub___posix_memalign) posix_memalign_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else posix_memalign(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_DLSYM" to "1" Defined "HAVE_READLINK" to "1" Defined "HAVE_BZERO" to "1" Defined "HAVE_GETPAGESIZE" to "1" Defined "HAVE_CLOCK" to "1" Defined "HAVE_REALPATH" to "1" Defined "HAVE_STRCASECMP" to "1" Defined "HAVE_UNAME" to "1" Defined "HAVE_DLCLOSE" to "1" Defined "HAVE_DLERROR" to "1" Defined "HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME" to "1" Defined "HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN" to "1" Checking for functions [_lseek] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char _lseek(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub__lseek) || defined (__stub____lseek) _lseek_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _lseek(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_lseek' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_lseek' Checking for functions [snprintf] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char snprintf(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_snprintf) || defined (__stub___snprintf) snprintf_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else snprintf(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_SNPRINTF" to "1" Checking for functions [PXFGETARG] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char PXFGETARG(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_PXFGETARG) || defined (__stub___PXFGETARG) PXFGETARG_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else PXFGETARG(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `PXFGETARG' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `PXFGETARG' Checking for functions [sbreak] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char sbreak(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_sbreak) || defined (__stub___sbreak) sbreak_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else sbreak(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `sbreak' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `sbreak' Checking for functions [fpresetsticky] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char fpresetsticky(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_fpresetsticky) || defined (__stub___fpresetsticky) fpresetsticky_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else fpresetsticky(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `fpresetsticky' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `fpresetsticky' Checking for functions [stricmp] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char stricmp(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_stricmp) || defined (__stub___stricmp) stricmp_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else stricmp(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `stricmp' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `stricmp' Checking for functions [access] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char access(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_access) || defined (__stub___access) access_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else access(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_ACCESS" to "1" Checking for functions [_getcwd] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char _getcwd(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub__getcwd) || defined (__stub____getcwd) _getcwd_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _getcwd(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_getcwd' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_getcwd' Checking for functions [_access] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char _access(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub__access) || defined (__stub____access) _access_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _access(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_access' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_access' Checking for functions [sleep] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char sleep(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_sleep) || defined (__stub___sleep) sleep_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else sleep(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_SLEEP" to "1" Checking for functions [__gcov_dump] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char __gcov_dump(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub___gcov_dump) || defined (__stub_____gcov_dump) __gcov_dump_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else __gcov_dump(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `__gcov_dump' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `__gcov_dump' Checking for functions [getcwd] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char getcwd(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_getcwd) || defined (__stub___getcwd) getcwd_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else getcwd(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_GETCWD" to "1" Checking for functions [_set_output_format] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char _set_output_format(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub__set_output_format) || defined (__stub____set_output_format) _set_output_format_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _set_output_format(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_set_output_format' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_set_output_format' Checking for functions [_mkdir] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char _mkdir(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub__mkdir) || defined (__stub____mkdir) _mkdir_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _mkdir(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_mkdir' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_mkdir' Checking for functions [fpsetsticky] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char fpsetsticky(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_fpsetsticky) || defined (__stub___fpsetsticky) fpsetsticky_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else fpsetsticky(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `fpsetsticky' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `fpsetsticky' Checking for functions [lseek] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char lseek(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub_lseek) || defined (__stub___lseek) lseek_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else lseek(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_LSEEK" to "1" Checking for functions [_sleep] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char _sleep(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub__sleep) || defined (__stub____sleep) _sleep_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _sleep(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_sleep' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_sleep' Checking for functions [_snprintf] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully no other prototypes since they would conflict with our 'char funcname()' declaration below. */ #include /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ char _snprintf(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { #if defined (__stub__snprintf) || defined (__stub____snprintf) _snprintf_will_always_fail_with_ENOSYS(); #else _snprintf(); #endif return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_snprintf' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:24: undefined reference to `_snprintf' Executing: mpicc -v stdout: Export NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 Export PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 nvc-Warning-No files to process ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMmap from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:148) Check for functional mmap() to allocate shared memory and define HAVE_MMAP Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include int main(void) { int fd; fd=open("/tmp/file",O_RDWR); mmap((void*)0,100,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,fd,0); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_MMAP" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMkstemp from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:154) Check for mkstemp() to avoid using tmpnam as it is often deprecated Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #include #include int main(void) { char filename[100]; strcpy(filename, "/tmp/fileXXXXXX"); mkstemp(filename); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_MKSTEMP" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkTmpnam_s from config.functions(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/functions.py:159) Check for tmpnam_s() to avoid using tmpnam as it is often deprecated Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 7: warning: function "tmpnam_s" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] tmpnam_s(filename, sizeof(filename)); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c", line 7: warning: function "tmpnam_s" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] tmpnam_s(filename, sizeof(filename)); ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { char filename[L_tmpnam]; tmpnam_s(filename, sizeof(filename)); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:7: undefined reference to `tmpnam_s' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions/conftest.c:7: undefined reference to `tmpnam_s' child config.functions took 14.803875 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMemorySize from config.utilities.getResidentSetSize(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/getResidentSetSize.py:31) Try to determine how to measure the memory usage Defined "USE_PROC_FOR_SIZE" to "1" Using /proc for PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage() child config.utilities.getResidentSetSize took 0.002601 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureFPTrap from config.utilities.FPTrap(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/FPTrap.py:26) Checking the handling of floating point traps Checking for header: sigfpe.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sigfpe.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sigfpe.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "sigfpe.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Checking for header: fpxcp.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "fpxcp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "fpxcp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "fpxcp.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Checking for header: floatingpoint.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "floatingpoint.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "floatingpoint.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "floatingpoint.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". child config.utilities.FPTrap took 0.357658 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureFortranCommandLine from config.utilities.fortranCommandLine(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/fortranCommandLine.py:27) Check for the mechanism to retrieve command line arguments in Fortran Checking for functions [] in library [''] [] Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main integer i character(len=80) arg i = command_argument_count() call get_command_argument(i,arg) end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o child config.utilities.fortranCommandLine took 0.530948 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureFeatureTestMacros from config.utilities.featureTestMacros(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/featureTestMacros.py:13) Checks if certain feature test macros are support Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "sysctl.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "sysctl.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #include int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c stdout: "/usr/include/features.h", line 194: warning: #warning directive: "_BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated, use _DEFAULT_SOURCE" [warning_directive] # warning "_BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated, use _DEFAULT_SOURCE" ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/usr/include/features.h", line 194: warning: #warning directive: "_BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated, use _DEFAULT_SOURCE" [warning_directive] # warning "_BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated, use _DEFAULT_SOURCE" ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _BSD_SOURCE #include int main(void) { return 0; } Defined "_BSD_SOURCE" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include int main(void) { return 0; } Defined "_DEFAULT_SOURCE" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include int main(void) { cpu_set_t mset; CPU_ZERO(&mset); return 0; } Defined "_GNU_SOURCE" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include int main(void) { Dl_info info; if (dladdr(*(void **)&exit, &info) == 0) return 1; return 0; } Defined "_GNU_SOURCE" to "1" child config.utilities.featureTestMacros took 1.625781 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMissingUtypeTypedefs from config.utilities.missing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/missing.py:54) Checks if u_short is undefined Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "foo" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)foo; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "foo" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)foo; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { u_short foo; (void)foo; return 0; } ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMissingFunctions from config.utilities.missing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/missing.py:60) Checks for SOCKETS and getline Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include char *lineptr; size_t n; FILE *stream; int main(void) { getline(&lineptr, &n, stream); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMissingSignals from config.utilities.missing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/missing.py:80) Check for missing signals, and define MISSING_ if necessary Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGABRT; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGALRM; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGBUS; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGCHLD; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGCONT; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGFPE; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGHUP; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGILL; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGINT; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGKILL; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGPIPE; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGQUIT; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGSEGV; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGSTOP; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGSYS; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGTERM; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGTRAP; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGTSTP; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGURG; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGUSR1; (void)i; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int i=SIGUSR2; (void)i; return 0; } ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMissingGetdomainnamePrototype from config.utilities.missing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/missing.py:88) Check for missing function prototype for getdomainname() Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) #define _BSD_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_DEFAULT_SOURCE) #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_NETDB_H #include #endif int main(void) { int (*getdomainname_ptr)(char*,size_t) = getdomainname; char test[10]; if (getdomainname_ptr(test,10)) return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) #define _BSD_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_DEFAULT_SOURCE) #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef PETSC_HAVE_NETDB_H #include #endif int main(void) { int (*getdomainname_ptr)(char*,size_t) = getdomainname; char test[10]; if (getdomainname_ptr(test,10)) return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMissingSrandPrototype from config.utilities.missing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/missing.py:114) Checks for missing random number generator prototypes Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) #define _BSD_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_DEFAULT_SOURCE) #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include int main(void) { double (*drand48_ptr)(void) = drand48; void (*srand48_ptr)(long int) = srand48; long int seed=10; srand48_ptr(seed); if (drand48_ptr() > 0.5) return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) #define _BSD_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_DEFAULT_SOURCE) #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #endif #if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include int main(void) { double (*drand48_ptr)(void) = drand48; void (*srand48_ptr)(long int) = srand48; long int seed=10; srand48_ptr(seed); if (drand48_ptr() > 0.5) return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing/conftest.o child config.utilities.missing took 8.775016 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedDynamicPicOptions from PETSc.options.sharedLibraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/sharedLibraries.py:33) if user specified out-dated 'with-shared' or 'with-dynamic' - flag an error ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureSharedLibraries from PETSc.options.sharedLibraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/sharedLibraries.py:48) Checks whether shared libraries should be used, for which you must - Specify --with-shared-libraries - Have found a working shared linker Defines PETSC_USE_SHARED_LIBRARIES if they are used Defined make rule "shared_arch" with dependencies "shared_linux" and code [] Defined make macro "SONAME_FUNCTION" to "$(1).$(SL_LINKER_SUFFIX).$(2)" Defined make macro "SL_LINKER_FUNCTION" to " -shared -KPIC -O2 -g -Wl,-soname,$(call SONAME_FUNCTION,$(notdir $(1)),$(2))" Executing: mpicc -v stdout: Export NVCOMPILER=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7 Export PGI=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7 nvc-Warning-No files to process Defined make macro "BUILDSHAREDLIB" to "yes" Defined "USE_SHARED_LIBRARIES" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDynamicLibraries from PETSc.options.sharedLibraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/sharedLibraries.py:92) Checks whether dynamic loading is available (with dlfcn.h and libdl) Defined "HAVE_DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureSerializedFunctions from PETSc.options.sharedLibraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/sharedLibraries.py:98) Defines PETSC_SERIALIZE_FUNCTIONS if they are used Requires shared libraries ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSymbolResolution from PETSc.options.sharedLibraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/sharedLibraries.py:107) Checks that dladdr() works Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include int main(void) { Dl_info info; if (dladdr(*(void **)&exit, &info) == 0) return 1; return 0; } Defined "HAVE_DLADDR" to "1" Checking for header: cxxabi.h Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c" 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "cxxabi.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Preprocess output before filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "cxxabi.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". Preprocess output after filtering: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c", line 3: error: cannot open source file "cxxabi.h" #include ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c". child PETSc.options.sharedLibraries took 0.712746 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureScalarType from PETSc.options.scalarTypes(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/scalarTypes.py:42) Choose between real and complex numbers Scalar type is real Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { double b = 2.0; int a = isnormal(b);(void)a; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_ISNORMAL" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { double b = 2.0; int a = isnan(b);(void)a; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_ISNAN" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { double b = 2.0; int a = isinf(b);(void)a; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes/conftest.o Defined "HAVE_ISINF" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configurePrecision from PETSc.options.scalarTypes(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/options/scalarTypes.py:83) Set the default real number precision for PETSc objects Checking C compiler works with __float128 Checking for functions [logq] in library ['quadmath'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_logq(void) { __float128 f = 0.0; logq(f); } int main(void) { _check_logq(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_logq(void) { __float128 f = 0.0; logq(f); } void dummy(void) {_check_logq();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_LIBQUADMATH" to "1" C compiler works with quadmath library Checking Fortran compiler works with quadmath library Checking for functions [ ] in library ['quadmath'] [] Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90 stdout: NVFORTRAN-W-0031-Illegal data type length specifier for real (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90: 2) NVFORTRAN-W-0031-Illegal data type length specifier for s (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90: 2) NVFORTRAN-W-0031-Illegal data type length specifier for w (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90: 2) 0 inform, 3 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for main Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: NVFORTRAN-W-0031-Illegal data type length specifier for real (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90: 2) NVFORTRAN-W-0031-Illegal data type length specifier for s (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90: 2) NVFORTRAN-W-0031-Illegal data type length specifier for w (/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90: 2) 0 inform, 3 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for main Source: program main real*16 s,w; w = 2.0; s = cos(w) end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Fortran compiler works with quadmath library Executing: mpicxx --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches Executing: mpicxx --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed --actual_o_file Name actual object file -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -fpermissive Disable warnings -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -ftemplate-backtrace-limit= Set maximum number of template instantiate notes for a single warning or error. The default value is 10, the minimum value is 2. -ftemplate-depth= Set maximum template instantiation depth. Set to 0 for infinite depth -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -print-search-dirs Commands -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|cpp|c++|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Xcompiler Specify options directly to the compiler/preprocessor. -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -finline-functions Automatically inline functions -fno-inline-functions Disable automatic function inlining in C/C++ -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -dwarf Generate dwarf debug output --dwarf2 Generate dwarf2 debug output -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -define_macro Define a preprocessor macro --dependencies List makefile dependencies --dependencies_quoted_only List makefile dependencies with quoted include files only --dependencies_to_file Print makefile dependencies to file --dependencies_to_file_quoted_only Print makefile dependencies with quoted include files only to file --dependencies_to_stdout Print makefile dependencies to stdout --dependencies_to_stdout_quoted_only List makefile dependencies w/ quoted include files only to stdout -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory --include_directory Add directory to include file search path -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -N Preprocess only --no_line_commands Preprocess_only, no #line commands -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing --preprocess Preprocess only with #line directives -U Undefine a preprocessor macro -undefine_macro Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -no_prelink Don't run CPP prelink -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. -YP, Add standard library directory Language-specific switches: -$ Allow dollar sign in names -A Accept ANSI standard C++ -a Accept ANSI standard C++ with warnings --[no_]alternative_tokens Allow digraphs --[no_]anachronisms C++ anachronisms --[no_]array_new_and_delete Enable array new and delete --[no_]auto_instantiation Automatic template instantiation mode -B Allow C++ comments in C source --[no_]bool Allow bool as keyword --[no_]brief_diagnostics Suppress diagnostic source printout --[no]builtin --c++03 C++98/C++03 language dialect --c++11 C++11 language dialect --c++14 C++14 language dialect --c++17 C++17 language dialect --c++20 C++20 language dialect --c++23 C++23 language dialect --c++98 Implies --c++03 -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --comments Preserve comments --[no_]compress_names Compress long names --create_pch Create precompiled header file in directory -cusuffix= Define a CUDA suffix --[no_]distinct_template_signatures Enable distinct name mangling for templates and nontemplates --dollar Allow dollar sign in identifiers -e[] Set error limit --early_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --edg Deprecated: Generate EDG compatible C++ code, link with EDG libraries --[no_]enum_overloading Enable operator overloading on enum types --error_limit Set an error limit --[no_]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions --[no_]explicit Recognize explicit keyword -fcheck-new Always check that the pointer allocated by operator new is non-null even when it is not necessary -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit --[no_]for_init_diff_warning Enable warning when new-style for-init scoping differs from old-style --force_vtbl Force virtual function table definition --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --gnu Default: Generate GNU compatible C++ code, link with GNU lbraries --gnu_extensions Allow GNU C++ extensions --gnu_version Set GNU C++ compatibility version --[no_]guiding_decls Enable guiding declarations of template functions --ieee IEEE floating point support --[no_]implicit_include Implicit template inclusion --[no_]implicit_typename Enable implicit determination of whether a template dependent name is a type -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation --instantiation_dir --late_tiebreaker Early vs. Late overload resolution tiebreaker --list Set an list file name --[no_]llalign Align long long on integer boundary --long_lifetime_temps Long lifetime temps --[no_]long_preserving_rules -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision --microsoft_version Set Microsoft C++ compatibility version -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnodtypeq Commands -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --[no_]namespaces Enable namespaces --new_for_init Disable old-style for-init scoping --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --no_use_before_set_warnings Suppress warning messages --no_warnings Suppress warning messages --[no_]nonconst_ref_anachronism Reference to nonconst is allowed to bind to class rvalue --[no_]nonstd_qualifier_deduction --old_for_init Enable old-style for-init scoping --[no_]old_specializations Enable old-style specialization declarations --one_instantiation_per_object --pch Do automatic precompiled header processing --pch_dir Set precompiled header directory --pch_mem Specify memory to be used for PCH processing --[no_]pch_messages Enable PCH messages --pedantic Print warnings from included --preinclude File to include at start of compilation --remarks Enable remarks --[no_]remove_unneeded_entities Remove unneeded IL entries --[no]restrict Recognize restrict keyword --[no_]rtti Enable (disable) runtime type information --set_compress_names Set length of C++ compressed names --short_lifetime_temps Short lifetime temps --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --suppress_vtbl Suppress virtual function table definition --template_info_file --timing Display C++ front end compilation times --trace_includes List include files --[no_]typename Enable typename --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) --use_pch Use precompiled headers from directory --[no_]using_std Enable implicit use of standard namespace by runtime -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -X Generate cross reference information into file -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options --experimental-stdpar Enable experimental Senders & Receivers implementation. Requires C++20 mode. GPU features require -stdpar=gpu. -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -nostdpar Execute C++ parallel algorithms sequentially -stdpar[=gpu|multicore] Enable (ISO C++17) Parallel Algorithms behavior gpu Execute C++ parallel algorithms on the GPU (default); please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore Execute C++ parallel algorithms in parallel on the CPU -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: --compiler-options Implies -Xcompiler -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -f[no-]diagnostics-color[=always|never|auto] Colorize compiler diagnostics always Force enable color diagnostics never Force disable color diagnostics auto Enable color diagnostics if supported by the terminal -fdiagnostics-color Same as -fdiagnostics-color=always -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE --linker-options Implies -Xlinker -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -rdynamic gnu compatible -rdynamic switch passes -export-dynamic to the linker -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Checking C++ compiler works with quadmath library Checking for functions [logq] in library ['quadmath'] [] Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include static void _check_logq(void) { __float128 f = FLT128_EPSILON; logq(f); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main(void) { _check_logq(); return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath C++ compiler works with quadmath library Checking for functions [logq] in library ['quadmath'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_logq(void) { __float128 f = 0.0; logq(f); } int main(void) { _check_logq(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_logq(void) { __float128 f = 0.0; logq(f); } void dummy(void) {_check_logq();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_LIBQUADMATH" to "1" Adding ['quadmath'] to LIBS Defined "HAVE_REAL___FLOAT128" to "1" Checking C compiler works with __fp16 Checking for functions [] in library [''] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "__fp16" is undefined static __fp16 ret___fp16(__fp16 f) { return f; } ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "__fp16" is undefined static __fp16 ret___fp16(__fp16 f) { return f; } ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 5: error: identifier "__fp16" is undefined static void _check_(void) { __fp16 f = 1.0, g; g = ret___fp16(f); (void)g; } ^ 3 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "__fp16" is undefined static __fp16 ret___fp16(__fp16 f) { return f; } ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "__fp16" is undefined static __fp16 ret___fp16(__fp16 f) { return f; } ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 5: error: identifier "__fp16" is undefined static void _check_(void) { __fp16 f = 1.0, g; g = ret___fp16(f); (void)g; } ^ 3 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ static __fp16 ret___fp16(__fp16 f) { return f; } static void _check_(void) { __fp16 f = 1.0, g; g = ret___fp16(f); (void)g; } int main(void) { _check_(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Defined "USE_REAL_DOUBLE" to "1" Defined make macro "PETSC_SCALAR_SIZE" to "64" Precision is double child PETSc.options.scalarTypes took 6.202798 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMkdir from config.programs(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/programs.py:23) Make sure we can have mkdir automatically make intermediate directories Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/mkdir...not found Checking for program /bin/mkdir...found Executing: /bin/mkdir -p .conftest/tmp Adding -p flag to /bin/mkdir -p to automatically create directories Defined make macro "MKDIR" to "/bin/mkdir -p" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureAutoreconf from config.programs(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/programs.py:45) Check for autoreconf Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/autoreconf...not found Checking for program /bin/autoreconf...found Executing: ['/bin/autoreconf'] autoreconf test successful! Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/libtoolize...not found Checking for program /bin/libtoolize...found ============================================================================================= TESTING: configurePrograms from config.programs(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/programs.py:74) Check for the programs needed to build and run PETSc Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/bash...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/bash...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/bash...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/bash...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/bash...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/bash...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/bash...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/bash...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/bash...not found Checking for program /bin/bash...found Defined make macro "SHELL" to "/bin/bash" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/sed...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/sed...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/sed...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/sed...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/sed...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/sed...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/sed...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/sed...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/sed...not found Checking for program /bin/sed...found Defined make macro "SED" to "/bin/sed" Executing: /bin/sed -i s/sed/sd/g "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.programs/sed1" Adding SEDINPLACE cmd: /bin/sed -i Defined make macro "SEDINPLACE" to "/bin/sed -i" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mv...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mv...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mv...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mv...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/mv...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/mv...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/mv...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/mv...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/mv...not found Checking for program /bin/mv...found Defined make macro "MV" to "/bin/mv" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/cp...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/cp...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/cp...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/cp...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/cp...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/cp...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/cp...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/cp...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/cp...not found Checking for program /bin/cp...found Defined make macro "CP" to "/bin/cp" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/grep...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/grep...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/grep...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/grep...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/grep...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/grep...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/grep...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/grep...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/grep...not found Checking for program /bin/grep...found Defined make macro "GREP" to "/bin/grep" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/rm...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/rm...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/rm...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/rm...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/rm...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/rm...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/rm...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/rm...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/rm...not found Checking for program /bin/rm...found Defined make macro "RM" to "/bin/rm -f" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/diff...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/diff...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/diff...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/diff...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/diff...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/diff...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/diff...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/diff...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/diff...not found Checking for program /bin/diff...found Executing: "/bin/diff" -w "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.programs/diff1" "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.programs/diff2" Defined make macro "DIFF" to "/bin/diff -w" Checking for program /usr/ucb/ps...not found Checking for program /usr/usb/ps...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/ps...not found Unable to find programs: ['ps'] in listing of the specific search path: ['/usr/ucb', '/usr/usb'] Warning accessing /usr/ucb gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/ucb' Warning accessing /usr/usb gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/usb' Defined make macro "PYTHON" to "/bin/python3" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/m4...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/m4...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/m4...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/m4...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/m4...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/m4...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/m4...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/m4...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/m4...not found Checking for program /bin/m4...found Defined make macro "M4" to "/bin/m4" child config.programs took 2.398458 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.make(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.make(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMake from config.packages.make(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/make.py:98) Check Guesses for GNU make Executing: gmake --version stdout: GNU Make 4.3 Built for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu Copyright (C) 1988-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/gmake...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/gmake...not found Checking for program /bin/gmake...found Defined make macro "MAKE" to "/bin/gmake" Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/make...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/make...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/make...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/make...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/make...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/make...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/make...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/make...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/make...not found Checking for program /bin/make...found Defined make macro "MAKE_USER" to "make" ============================================================================================= TESTING: setupGNUMake from config.packages.make(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/make.py:152) Setup other GNU make stuff Defined make rule "libc" with dependencies "${LIBNAME}(${OBJSC})" and code [] Defined make rule "libcxx" with dependencies "${LIBNAME}(${OBJSCXX})" and code [] Defined make rule "libcu" with dependencies "${LIBNAME}(${OBJSCU})" and code [] Defined make rule "libf" with dependencies "${OBJSF}" and code -${AR} ${AR_FLAGS} ${LIBNAME} ${OBJSF} Defined make macro "OMAKE_PRINTDIR" to "/bin/gmake --print-directory" Defined make macro "OMAKE" to "/bin/gmake --no-print-directory" Defined "OMAKE" to ""/bin/gmake --no-print-directory"" Defined make macro "MAKE_PAR_OUT_FLG" to "--output-sync=recurse" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMakeNP from config.packages.make(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/make.py:200) check no of cores on the build machine [perhaps to do make '-j ncores'] module multiprocessing found 32 cores: using make_np = 24 Defined make macro "MAKE_NP" to "24" Defined make macro "MAKE_TEST_NP" to "16" Defined make macro "MAKE_LOAD" to "48.0" Defined make macro "NPMAX" to "32" child config.packages.make took 0.037826 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: locateBison from config.packages.bison(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/bison.py:31) Looking for default Bison executable Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/bison...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/bison...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/bison...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/bison...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/bison...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/bison...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/bison...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/bison...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/bison...not found Checking for program /bin/bison...found Defined make macro "BISON" to "/bin/bison" Executing: /bin/bison --version stdout: bison (GNU Bison) 3.7.4 Written by Robert Corbett and Richard Stallman. Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. child config.packages.bison took 0.030636 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.sycl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.sycl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.sycl took 0.004126 seconds Defined "PYTHON_EXE" to ""/bin/python3"" Defined make macro "PYTHON_EXE" to ""/bin/python3"" Executing: ['/bin/python3', '-c', 'import sysconfig;print(sysconfig.get_python_version())'] stdout: 3.9 Executing: ['/bin/python3', '-c', 'import cython;print(cython.__version__)'] stdout: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cython' Python being used /bin/python3 does not have the Cython package Executing: /bin/python3 -c "import numpy" stdout: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy' Python being used /bin/python3 does not have the numpy package child config.packages.python took 0.102447 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.X(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.X(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.X(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1016) Find an installation and check if it can work with PETSc ================================================================================== Checking for a functional X Checking for library in Compiler specific search X: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [XSetWMName] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char XSetWMName(void); static void _check_XSetWMName(void) { XSetWMName(); } int main(void) { _check_XSetWMName(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `XSetWMName' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `XSetWMName' Checking for library in Compiler specific search X: ['libX11.a'] ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [XSetWMName] in library ['libX11.a'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char XSetWMName(void); static void _check_XSetWMName(void) { XSetWMName(); } int main(void) { _check_XSetWMName(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lX11 -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char XSetWMName(void); static void _check_XSetWMName(void) { XSetWMName(); } void dummy(void) {_check_XSetWMName();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lX11 -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_LIBX11" to "1" Checking for headers ['X11/Xlib.h'] in Compiler specific search X: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkInclude from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:89) Checks if a particular include file can be found along particular include paths Checking for header files ['X11/Xlib.h'] in [] Checking include with compiler flags var CPPFLAGS [] Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Found header files ['X11/Xlib.h'] in [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.X(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include "xorg/xorg-server.h" #include "xorg/xorgVersion.h" #define PetscXstr_(s) PetscStr_(s) #define PetscStr_(s) #s const char *ver = "petscpkgver(" PetscXstr_(XORG_VERSION_MAJOR.XORG_VERSION_MINOR.XORG_VERSION_PATCH.XORG_VERSION_SNAP) ")"; Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: exit code 2 stdout: # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c" # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_macros.h" 1 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 1 3 struct __va_list_tag { unsigned int gp_offset; unsigned int fp_offset; char *overflow_arg_area; char *reg_save_area; }; # 27 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 typedef struct __va_list_tag __pgi_va_list[1]; # 41 "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/include/_cplus_preinclude.h" 3 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/confdefs.h" 1 # 2 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c" 2 # 1 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conffix.h" 1 # 3 "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c" 2 const char *ver = "petscpkgver(" "XORG_VERSION_MAJOR.XORG_VERSION_MINOR.XORG_VERSION_PATCH.XORG_VERSION_SNAP" ")"; stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c", line 4: error: cannot open source file "xorg/xorg-server.h" #include "xorg/xorg-server.h" ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c", line 5: error: cannot open source file "xorg/xorgVersion.h" #include "xorg/xorgVersion.h" ^ 2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include "xorg/xorg-server.h" #include "xorg/xorgVersion.h" #define PetscXstr_(s) PetscStr_(s) #define PetscStr_(s) #s const char *ver = "petscpkgver(" PetscXstr_(XORG_VERSION_MAJOR.XORG_VERSION_MINOR.XORG_VERSION_PATCH.XORG_VERSION_SNAP) ")"; Found the raw version string: (" "XORG_VERSION_MAJOR.XORG_VERSION_MINOR.XORG_VERSION_PATCH.XORG_VERSION_SNAP" ")" This is the processed version string: XORG_VERSION_MAJOR.XORG_VERSION_MINOR.XORG_VERSION_PATCH.XORG_VERSION_SNAP For x unable to convert version information (XORG_VERSION_MAJOR.XORG_VERSION_MINOR.XORG_VERSION_PATCH.XORG_VERSION_SNAP) to standard form, skipping version check ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.X(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.X took 2.012486 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.hwloc(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.hwloc(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.hwloc took 0.004141 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.hip(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.hip(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.hip took 0.002013 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.thrust(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.thrust(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.thrust took 0.002255 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.cuda(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.cuda(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkKnownBadCUDAHostCompilerCombo from config.packages.cuda(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/cuda.py:465) Check for nvcc + host compiler combinations that are unable to compile or have some other known defect and prints a warning to the user. Has no other effect. For example: 1. CUDA 11.5 + gcc 11.3.0 produces /usr/include/c++/11/bits/std_function.h:435:145: error: parameter packs not expanded with '...': 435 | function(_Functor&& __f) | ^ child config.packages.cuda took 0.002544 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.OpenMPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.OpenMPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.OpenMPI took 0.001861 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.MPICH(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.MPICH(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.MPICH took 0.001467 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:920) Calls the regular package configureLibrary and then does an additional test needed by MPI ================================================================================== Checking for a functional MPI Checking for library in Compiler specific search MPI: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [MPI_Init MPI_Comm_create] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char MPI_Init(void); static void _check_MPI_Init(void) { MPI_Init(); } char MPI_Comm_create(void); static void _check_MPI_Comm_create(void) { MPI_Comm_create(); } int main(void) { _check_MPI_Init(); _check_MPI_Comm_create(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char MPI_Init(void); static void _check_MPI_Init(void) { MPI_Init(); } char MPI_Comm_create(void); static void _check_MPI_Comm_create(void) { MPI_Comm_create(); } void dummy(void) {_check_MPI_Init(); _check_MPI_Comm_create();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lquadmath Checking for headers ['mpi.h'] in Compiler specific search MPI: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkInclude from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:89) Checks if a particular include file can be found along particular include paths Checking for header files ['mpi.h'] in [] Checking include with compiler flags var CPPFLAGS [] Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Found header files ['mpi.h'] in [] Defined "HAVE_MPI_F90MODULE_VISIBILITY" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMPIDistro from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:721) Determine if MPICH_NUMVERSION, OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION or MSMPI_VER exist in mpi.h Used for consistency checking of MPI installation at compile time Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "I_MPI_VERSION" is undefined const char *mpich_ver = I_MPI_VERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "I_MPI_VERSION" is undefined const char *mpich_ver = I_MPI_VERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include const char *mpich_ver = I_MPI_VERSION; int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "I_MPI_NUMVERSION" is undefined int mpich_ver = I_MPI_NUMVERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "I_MPI_NUMVERSION" is undefined int mpich_ver = I_MPI_NUMVERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int mpich_ver = I_MPI_NUMVERSION; int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MVAPICH2_NUMVERSION" is undefined int mpich_ver = MVAPICH2_NUMVERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MVAPICH2_NUMVERSION" is undefined int mpich_ver = MVAPICH2_NUMVERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int mpich_ver = MVAPICH2_NUMVERSION; int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MPICH_NUMVERSION" is undefined int mpich_ver = MPICH_NUMVERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MPICH_NUMVERSION" is undefined int mpich_ver = MPICH_NUMVERSION; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int mpich_ver = MPICH_NUMVERSION; int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MPI_NEC_Function" is undefined MPI_NEC_Function f = MPI_NEC_FUNCTION_NULL; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MPI_NEC_FUNCTION_NULL" is undefined MPI_NEC_Function f = MPI_NEC_FUNCTION_NULL; ^ 2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MPI_NEC_Function" is undefined MPI_NEC_Function f = MPI_NEC_FUNCTION_NULL; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "MPI_NEC_FUNCTION_NULL" is undefined MPI_NEC_Function f = MPI_NEC_FUNCTION_NULL; ^ 2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include MPI_NEC_Function f = MPI_NEC_FUNCTION_NULL; int main(void) { return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int ompi_major = OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION; int ompi_minor = OMPI_MINOR_VERSION; int ompi_release = OMPI_RELEASE_VERSION; int main(void) { return 0; } Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int ompi_major = OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION; int ompi_minor = OMPI_MINOR_VERSION; int ompi_release = OMPI_RELEASE_VERSION; Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Defined "HAVE_OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION" to "4" Defined "HAVE_OMPI_MINOR_VERSION" to "1" Defined "HAVE_OMPI_RELEASE_VERSION" to "6" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMPI2 from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:395) Check for functions added to the interface in MPI-2 Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int a,b,c,d,flag,sendbuf[1]={1},recvbuf[1]={2}; MPI_Datatype newtype; if (MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,0,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_SELF)) return 0; if (MPI_Finalized(&flag)) return 0; if (MPI_Type_dup(MPI_INT,&newtype)) return 0; if (MPI_Exscan(sendbuf,recvbuf,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 0; if (MPI_Reduce_scatter(sendbuf,recvbuf,sendbuf,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 0; if (MPI_Type_get_envelope(MPI_INT,&a,&b,&c,&d)) return 0; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int count=2; int blocklens[2]={0,1}; MPI_Aint indices[2]={0,1}; MPI_Datatype old_types[2]={MPI_INT,MPI_DOUBLE}; MPI_Datatype *newtype = 0; if (MPI_Type_create_struct(count, blocklens, indices, old_types, newtype)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { MPI_Comm_errhandler_fn * p_err_fun = 0; MPI_Errhandler * p_errhandler = 0; if (MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(p_err_fun,p_errhandler)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { if (MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_ERRORS_RETURN)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { if (MPI_Reduce_local(0, 0, 0, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_REDUCE_LOCAL" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { char version[MPI_MAX_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING];int verlen;if (MPI_Get_library_version(version,&verlen)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_GET_LIBRARY_VERSION" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int base[100]; MPI_Win win = 0; if (MPI_Win_create(base,100,4,MPI_INFO_NULL,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&win)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_WIN_CREATE" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int ptr[1] = {0}; MPI_Win win = 0; if (MPI_Accumulate(ptr,1,MPI_INT,0,0,1,MPI_INT,MPI_REPLACE,win)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_ONE_SIDED" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int provided; if (MPI_Init_thread(0,0,MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED,&provided)) return 0; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int sendbuf[2] = {1,2}; int recvbuf[1]; if (MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(sendbuf,recvbuf,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 0; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER_BLOCK" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMPI3 from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:454) Check for functions added to the interface in MPI-3 Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { MPI_Comm scomm; MPI_Aint size=128; int disp_unit=8,*baseptr; MPI_Win win; if (MPI_Comm_split_type(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, 0, MPI_INFO_NULL, &scomm)) { } if (MPI_Win_allocate_shared(size,disp_unit,MPI_INFO_NULL,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&baseptr,&win)) { } if (MPI_Win_shared_query(win,0,&size,&disp_unit,&baseptr)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_PROCESS_SHARED_MEMORY" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int send=0,recv,counts[2]={1,1},displs[2]={1,2}; MPI_Request req; if (MPI_Iscatter(&send,1,MPI_INT,&recv,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Iscatterv(&send,counts,displs,MPI_INT,&recv,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Igather(&send,1,MPI_INT,&recv,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Igatherv(&send,1,MPI_INT,&recv,counts,displs,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Iallgather(&send,1,MPI_INT,&recv,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Iallgatherv(&send,1,MPI_INT,&recv,counts,displs,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Ialltoall(&send,1,MPI_INT,&recv,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Iallreduce(&send,&recv,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; if (MPI_Ibarrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 0; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_NONBLOCKING_COLLECTIVES" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { MPI_Comm distcomm; MPI_Request req; if (MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(MPI_COMM_WORLD,0,0,MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY,0,0,MPI_WEIGHTS_EMPTY,MPI_INFO_NULL,0,&distcomm)) { } if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,distcomm)) { } if (MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,distcomm,&req)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_NEIGHBORHOOD_COLLECTIVES" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #if defined(MPIX_CUDA_AWARE_SUPPORT) && MPIX_CUDA_AWARE_SUPPORT #else #error This Open MPI is not CUDA-aware #endif int main(void) { return 0; } Defined "HAVE_MPI_GPU_AWARE" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int ptr[1] = {0}; MPI_Win win = 0; if (MPI_Get_accumulate(ptr,1,MPI_INT,ptr,1,MPI_INT,0,0,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,win)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_GET_ACCUMULATE" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int ptr[1]; MPI_Win win = 0; MPI_Request req; if (MPI_Rget(ptr,1,MPI_INT,0,1,1,MPI_INT,win,&req)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_RGET" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMPI4 from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:522) Check for functions added to the interface in MPI-4 Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 11: warning: function "MPI_Send_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Send_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 1; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 12: warning: function "MPI_Send_init_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Send_init_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 13: warning: function "MPI_Isend_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Isend_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 14: warning: function "MPI_Recv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Recv_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 15: warning: function "MPI_Recv_init_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Recv_init_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 16: warning: function "MPI_Irecv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Irecv_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 17: warning: function "MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 18: warning: function "MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 19: warning: function "MPI_Reduce_local_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Reduce_local_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM)) return 1; ^ Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 11: warning: function "MPI_Send_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Send_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 1; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 12: warning: function "MPI_Send_init_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Send_init_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 13: warning: function "MPI_Isend_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Isend_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 14: warning: function "MPI_Recv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Recv_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 15: warning: function "MPI_Recv_init_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Recv_init_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 16: warning: function "MPI_Irecv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Irecv_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 17: warning: function "MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 18: warning: function "MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; ^ "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 19: warning: function "MPI_Reduce_local_c" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Reduce_local_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM)) return 1; ^ Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int buf[1]={0},dest=1,source=1,tag=0; MPI_Count count=1; MPI_Request req; MPI_Status stat; if (MPI_Send_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 1; if (MPI_Send_init_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; if (MPI_Isend_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,dest,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; if (MPI_Recv_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat)) return 1; if (MPI_Recv_init_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; if (MPI_Irecv_c(buf,count,MPI_INT,source,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD)) return 1; if (MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req)) return 1; if (MPI_Reduce_local_c(0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM)) return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:11: undefined reference to `MPI_Send_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:12: undefined reference to `MPI_Send_init_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:13: undefined reference to `MPI_Isend_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:14: undefined reference to `MPI_Recv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:15: undefined reference to `MPI_Recv_init_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:16: undefined reference to `MPI_Irecv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:17: undefined reference to `MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:18: undefined reference to `MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:19: undefined reference to `MPI_Reduce_local_c' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:11: undefined reference to `MPI_Send_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:12: undefined reference to `MPI_Send_init_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:13: undefined reference to `MPI_Isend_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:14: undefined reference to `MPI_Recv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:15: undefined reference to `MPI_Recv_init_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:16: undefined reference to `MPI_Irecv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:17: undefined reference to `MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:18: undefined reference to `MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv_c' /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:19: undefined reference to `MPI_Reduce_local_c' Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 9: warning: function "MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,info,&req)) return 1; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 9: warning: variable "info" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,info,&req)) return 1; ^ Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 9: warning: function "MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init" declared implicitly [implicit_func_decl] if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,info,&req)) return 1; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c", line 9: warning: variable "info" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,info,&req)) return 1; ^ Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { MPI_Request req; MPI_Info info; if (MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init(0,0,0,MPI_INT,0,0,0,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD,info,&req)) return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:9: undefined reference to `MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c:9: undefined reference to `MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv_init' ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMPIX from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:560) Check for experimental functions added by MPICH or Open MPI as MPIX ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMPIEXEC from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:201) Checking for location of mpiexec Executing: which mpicc stdout: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpicc Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec...found Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec -help all stdout: mpiexec (OpenRTE) 4.1.6 Usage: mpiexec [OPTION]... [PROGRAM]... Start the given program using Open RTE -allow-run-as-root|--allow-run-as-root Allow execution as root (STRONGLY DISCOURAGED) -am Aggregate MCA parameter set file list --app Provide an appfile; ignore all other command line options --bind-to Policy for binding processes. Allowed values: none, hwthread, core, l1cache, l2cache, l3cache, socket, numa, board, cpu-list ("none" is the default when oversubscribed, "core" is the default when np<=2, and "socket" is the default when np>2). Allowed qualifiers: overload-allowed, if-supported, ordered -bind-to-core|--bind-to-core Bind processes to cores -bind-to-socket|--bind-to-socket Bind processes to sockets -bycore|--bycore Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by core -bynode|--bynode Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by node -byslot|--byslot Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by slot -c|-np|--np Number of processes to run -cf|--cartofile Provide a cartography file -continuous|--continuous Job is to run until explicitly terminated -cpu-list|--cpu-list List of processor IDs to bind processes to [default=NULL] -cpu-set|--cpu-set Comma-separated list of ranges specifying logical cpus allocated to this job [default: none] -cpus-per-proc|--cpus-per-proc Number of cpus to use for each process [default=1] -cpus-per-rank|--cpus-per-rank Synonym for cpus-per-proc -d|-debug-devel|--debug-devel Enable debugging of OpenRTE -debug|--debug Invoke the user-level debugger indicated by the orte_base_user_debugger MCA parameter -debug-daemons|--debug-daemons Enable debugging of any OpenRTE daemons used by this application -debug-daemons-file|--debug-daemons-file Enable debugging of any OpenRTE daemons used by this application, storing output in files -debugger|--debugger Sequence of debuggers to search for when "--debug" is used -default-hostfile|--default-hostfile Provide a default hostfile -disable-recovery|--disable-recovery Disable recovery (resets all recovery options to off) -display-allocation|--display-allocation Display the allocation being used by this job -display-devel-allocation|--display-devel-allocation Display a detailed list (mostly intended for developers) of the allocation being used by this job -display-devel-map|--display-devel-map Display a detailed process map (mostly intended for developers) just before launch -display-diffable-map|--display-diffable-map Display a diffable process map (mostly intended for developers) just before launch -display-map|--display-map Display the process map just before launch -display-topo|--display-topo Display the topology as part of the process map (mostly intended for developers) just before launch -do-not-launch|--do-not-launch Perform all necessary operations to prepare to launch the application, but do not actually launch it -do-not-resolve|--do-not-resolve Do not attempt to resolve interfaces -dvm|--dvm Create a persistent distributed virtual machine (DVM) -enable-instant-on-support|--enable-instant-on-support Enable PMIx-based instant on launch support (experimental) -enable-recovery|--enable-recovery Enable recovery from process failure [Default = disabled] -fwd-mpirun-port|--fwd-mpirun-port Forward mpirun port to compute node daemons so all will use it -get-stack-traces|--get-stack-traces Get stack traces of all application procs on timeout -gmca|--gmca Pass global MCA parameters that are applicable to all contexts (arg0 is the parameter name; arg1 is the parameter value) -h|--help This help message -H|-host|--host List of hosts to invoke processes on -hnp|--hnp Specify the URI of the HNP, or the name of the file (specified as file:filename) that contains that info -hostfile|--hostfile Provide a hostfile -index-argv-by-rank|--index-argv-by-rank Uniquely index argv[0] for each process using its rank -launch-agent|--launch-agent Command used to start processes on remote nodes (default: orted) -leave-session-attached|--leave-session-attached Enable debugging of OpenRTE -machinefile|--machinefile Provide a hostfile --map-by Mapping Policy [slot | hwthread | core | socket (default) | numa | board | node] -max-restarts|--max-restarts Max number of times to restart a failed process -max-vm-size|--max-vm-size Number of processes to run -mca|--mca Pass context-specific MCA parameters; they are considered global if --gmca is not used and only one context is specified (arg0 is the parameter name; arg1 is the parameter value) -merge-stderr-to-stdout|--merge-stderr-to-stdout Merge stderr to stdout for each process -N Launch n processes per node on all allocated nodes (synonym for 'map-by node') -n|--n Number of processes to run -nolocal|--nolocal Do not run any MPI applications on the local node -nooversubscribe|--nooversubscribe Nodes are not to be oversubscribed, even if the system supports such operation --noprefix Disable automatic --prefix behavior -novm|--novm Execute without creating an allocation-spanning virtual machine (only start daemons on nodes hosting application procs) -npernode|--npernode Launch n processes per node on all allocated nodes -npersocket|--npersocket Launch n processes per socket on all allocated nodes -ompi-server|--ompi-server Specify the URI of the publish/lookup server, or the name of the file (specified as file:filename) that contains that info -output-filename|--output-filename Redirect output from application processes into filename/job/rank/std[out,err,diag]. A relative path value will be converted to an absolute path -output-proctable|--output-proctable Output the debugger proctable after launch -oversubscribe|--oversubscribe Nodes are allowed to be oversubscribed, even on a managed system, and overloading of processing elements -path|--path PATH to be used to look for executables to start processes -pernode|--pernode Launch one process per available node -personality|--personality Comma-separated list of programming model, languages, and containers being used (default="ompi") --ppr Comma-separated list of number of processes on a given resource type [default: none] --prefix Prefix where Open MPI is installed on remote nodes --preload-files Preload the comma separated list of files to the remote machines current working directory before starting the remote process. -q|--quiet Suppress helpful messages --rank-by Ranking Policy [slot (default) | hwthread | core | socket | numa | board | node] -report-bindings|--report-bindings Whether to report process bindings to stderr -report-child-jobs-separately|--report-child-jobs-separately Return the exit status of the primary job only -report-events|--report-events Report events to a tool listening at the specified URI -report-pid|--report-pid Printout pid on stdout [-], stderr [+], or a file [anything else] -report-state-on-timeout|--report-state-on-timeout Report all job and process states upon timeout -report-uri|--report-uri Printout URI on stdout [-], stderr [+], or a file [anything else] -rf|--rankfile Provide a rankfile file -s|--preload-binary Preload the binary on the remote machine before starting the remote process. -set-cwd-to-session-dir|--set-cwd-to-session-dir Set the working directory of the started processes to their session directory -show-progress|--show-progress Output a brief periodic report on launch progress -stdin|--stdin Specify procs to receive stdin [rank, all, none] (default: 0, indicating rank 0) -tag-output|--tag-output Tag all output with [job,rank] -timeout|--timeout Timeout the job after the specified number of seconds -timestamp-output|--timestamp-output Timestamp all application process output -tune Application profile options file list -tv|--tv Deprecated backwards compatibility flag; synonym for "--debug" -use-hwthread-cpus|--use-hwthread-cpus Use hardware threads as independent cpus -use-regexp|--use-regexp Use regular expressions for launch -v|--verbose Be verbose -V|--version Print version and exit -wd|--wd Synonym for --wdir -wdir|--wdir Set the working directory of the started processes -x Export an environment variable, optionally specifying a value (e.g., "-x foo" exports the environment variable foo and takes its value from the current environment; "-x foo=bar" exports the environment variable name foo and sets its value to "bar" in the started processes) -xml|--xml Provide all output in XML format -xml-file|--xml-file Provide all output in XML format to the specified file -xterm|--xterm Create a new xterm window and display output from the specified ranks there For additional mpirun arguments, run 'mpirun --help ' The following categories exist: general (Defaults to this option), debug, output, input, mapping, ranking, binding, devel (arguments useful to OMPI Developers), compatibility (arguments supported for backwards compatibility), launch (arguments to modify launch options), and dvm (Distributed Virtual Machine arguments). Report bugs to http://www.open-mpi.org/community/help/ Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec...found Running Executable with threads to time it out at 120 Executing: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec -n 1 printenv stdout: OMPI_MPIXX=nvc++ OMPI_MPIF77=nvfortran OMPI_MPIF90=nvfortran OMPI_F90=nvfortran OMPI_F77=nvfortran OMPI_MPICC=nvc OMPI_FC=nvfortran OMPI_CC=nvc OMPI_MPICXX=nvc++ OMPI_CXX=nvc++ OMPI_MCA_pmix=^s1,s2,cray,isolated PMIX_MCA_mca_base_component_show_load_errors=1 OMPI_COMMAND=printenv OMPI_MCA_orte_precondition_transports=d44ee5429551231e-a4d1af15d9681aff SHELL=/bin/bash SESSION_MANAGER=local/unix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1356822,unix/unix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1356822 WINDOWID=39319276 SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/scratch/local COLORTERM=truecolor XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg HISTCONTROL=ignoredups XDG_MENU_PREFIX=xfce- PCSCTUN_SERVER= PULSE_RUNTIME_PATH=/var/opt/thinlinc/sessions/bramkamp/15/pulse PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib/pkgconfig HOSTNAME=sigma.nsc.liu.se HISTSIZE=1000 PCSCTUN_COOKIE=/var/opt/thinlinc/sessions/bramkamp/15/pcsctun-cookie _ModuleTable002_=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 NSC_LMOD_INIT_SH=/software/sse2/init/sse_init_files/nsc_lmod_init_sse2_v2.sh SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-XXXXXXbc4quD/agent.1356848 __LMOD_REF_COUNT_MODULEPATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/supplemental-modules/buildenv-nvhpc/cu12.2-23.7:1;/software/sse2/sigma_el9/modules:1 HPC_CONTAINERS_TETRALITH_EL7=/software/admin/containers/images/centos7-compute_node-11.sif DESKTOP_SESSION=xfce SSH_AGENT_PID=1356849 __LMOD_REF_COUNT_CMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib/cmake/fftw3:1 LMOD_DIR=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/lmod/lmod/lmod/libexec EDITOR=emacs TLPROFILE=xfce PWD=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=xfce LOGNAME=bramkamp XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 MODULESHOME=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/lmod/lmod/lmod HPC_SSE_VER=v1.9.5 MANPATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/share/man:/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/man:/usr/share/man:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/share/man LMOD_CASE_INDEPENDENT_SORTING=yes _=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec XAUTHORITY=/home/bramkamp/.Xauthority LINES=36 __LMOD_REF_COUNT_PATH=/software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin:1;/software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin:1;/software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin:1;/software/tools/bin:2;/bin:1;/usr/bin:1;/opt/thinlinc/bin:1;/usr/local/bin:1;/usr/bin/X11:1;/usr/local/sbin:1;/usr/sbin:1;.:2;/home/bramkamp/scripts:4;/home/bramkamp/lib:4;/home/bramkamp/bin:5;/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin:2;/home/bramkamp/grace/bin:2;/home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin:2;/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin:2;/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin:2 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XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=XFCE __LMOD_REF_COUNT_PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib/pkgconfig:1 PULSE_COOKIE=/var/opt/thinlinc/sessions/bramkamp/15/pulse-cookie __LMOD_REF_COUNT_INFOPATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/share/info:1 COLUMNS=176 MPICH_CXX=nvc++ VTE_VERSION=6402 __LMOD_REF_COUNT_CPATH=/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/include:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/include/qd:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/include:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/include:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/include:1;/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/include:1 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BASH_FUNC_module%%=() { if [ -z "${LMOD_SH_DBG_ON+x}" ]; then case "$-" in *v*x*) __lmod_sh_dbg='vx' ;; *v*) __lmod_sh_dbg='v' ;; *x*) __lmod_sh_dbg='x' ;; esac; fi; if [ -n "${__lmod_sh_dbg:-}" ]; then set +$__lmod_sh_dbg; echo "Shell debugging temporarily silenced: export LMOD_SH_DBG_ON=1 for Lmod's output" 1>&2; fi; eval "$($LMOD_CMD shell "$@")" && eval "$(${LMOD_SETTARG_CMD:-:} -s sh)"; __lmod_my_status=$?; if [ -n "${__lmod_sh_dbg:-}" ]; then echo "Shell debugging restarted" 1>&2; set -$__lmod_sh_dbg; fi; unset __lmod_sh_dbg; return $__lmod_my_status } IPATH_NO_BACKTRACE=1 HFI_NO_BACKTRACE=1 OMPI_MCA_orte_local_daemon_uri=2342125568.0;tcp://,,, OMPI_MCA_orte_hnp_uri=2342125568.0;tcp://,,, OMPI_MCA_mpi_oversubscribe=0 OMPI_MCA_orte_app_num=0 OMPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE=32 OMPI_MCA_orte_num_nodes=1 OMPI_MCA_shmem_RUNTIME_QUERY_hint=mmap OMPI_MCA_orte_bound_at_launch=1 OMPI_MCA_ess=^singleton OMPI_MCA_orte_ess_num_procs=1 OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE=1 OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_SIZE=1 OMPI_MCA_orte_tmpdir_base=/tmp OMPI_MCA_orte_top_session_dir=/tmp/ompi.sigma.1046 OMPI_MCA_orte_jobfam_session_dir=/tmp/ompi.sigma.1046/pid.3527193 OMPI_NUM_APP_CTX=1 OMPI_FIRST_RANKS=0 OMPI_APP_CTX_NUM_PROCS=1 OMPI_MCA_initial_wdir=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module OMPI_MCA_orte_launch=1 PMIX_NAMESPACE=2342125569 PMIX_RANK=0 PMIX_SERVER_URI41=2342125568.0;tcp4:// PMIX_SERVER_URI4=2342125568.0;tcp4:// PMIX_SERVER_URI3=2342125568.0;tcp4:// PMIX_SERVER_URI2=2342125568.0;tcp4:// PMIX_SERVER_URI21=2342125568.0;tcp4:// PMIX_SECURITY_MODE=native PMIX_BFROP_BUFFER_TYPE=PMIX_BFROP_BUFFER_NON_DESC PMIX_GDS_MODULE=ds21,ds12,hash PMIX_SERVER_TMPDIR=/tmp/ompi.sigma.1046/pid.3527193 PMIX_SYSTEM_TMPDIR=/tmp PMIX_DSTORE_21_BASE_PATH=/tmp/ompi.sigma.1046/pid.3527193/pmix_dstor_ds21_3527193 PMIX_DSTORE_ESH_BASE_PATH=/tmp/ompi.sigma.1046/pid.3527193/pmix_dstor_ds12_3527193 PMIX_HOSTNAME=sigma PMIX_VERSION=4.2.6 OMPI_MCA_ess_base_jobid=2342125569 OMPI_MCA_ess_base_vpid=0 OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK=0 OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_RANK=0 OMPI_COMM_WORLD_NODE_RANK=0 OMPI_MCA_orte_ess_node_rank=0 PMIX_ID=2342125569.0 OMPI_FILE_LOCATION=/tmp/ompi.sigma.1046/pid.3527193/0/0 stdout: Ignoring PCI device with non-16bit domain. Pass --enable-32bits-pci-domain to configure to support such devices (warning: it would break the library ABI, don't enable unless really needed). Defined "HAVE_MPIEXEC_ENVIRONMENTAL_VARIABLE" to "OMP" Defined make macro "MPIEXEC" to "/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec --oversubscribe" Checking for program /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/socketfilterfw...not found Unable to find programs: ['socketfilterfw'] in listing of the specific search path: ['/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall'] Warning accessing /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall' Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/hostname...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/hostname...not found Checking for program /bin/hostname...found Defined make macro "HOSTNAME" to "hostname" Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: hostname stdout: sigma.nsc.liu.se Return code from hostname: 0 Hostname works, running network checks Checking for program /sbin/ping...found Defined make macro "PING" to "/sbin/ping" Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /sbin/ping -c 2 sigma.nsc.liu.se stdout: PING sigma.nsc.liu.se(sigma1.nsc.liu.se (2001:6b0:17:140::2:21)) 56 data bytes 64 bytes from sigma1.nsc.liu.se (2001:6b0:17:140::2:21): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms 64 bytes from sigma1.nsc.liu.se (2001:6b0:17:140::2:21): icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.054 ms --- sigma.nsc.liu.se ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1061ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.039/0.046/0.054/0.007 ms Return code from ping: 0 ============================================================================================= ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { MPI_Init(0,0); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec --oversubscribe -n 1 /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 120 Executing: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec --oversubscribe -n 1 /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest stdout: Ignoring PCI device with non-16bit domain. Pass --enable-32bits-pci-domain to configure to support such devices (warning: it would break the library ABI, don't enable unless really needed). Ignoring PCI device with non-16bit domain. Pass --enable-32bits-pci-domain to configure to support such devices (warning: it would break the library ABI, don't enable unless really needed). ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMPIEXEC_TAIL from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:190) Checking for location of mpiexec_tail Defined make macro "MPIEXEC_TAIL" to "" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMPITypes from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:606) Checking for MPI Datatype handles Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include int main(void) { int size; int ierr; MPI_Init(0,0); ierr = MPI_Type_size(MPI_LONG_DOUBLE, &size); if(ierr || (size == 0)) exit(1); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } Defined "HAVE_MPI_LONG_DOUBLE" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include int main(void) { int size; int ierr; MPI_Init(0,0); ierr = MPI_Type_size(MPI_INT64_T, &size); if(ierr || (size == 0)) exit(1); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } Defined "HAVE_MPI_INT64_T" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: SGIMPICheck from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:650) Returns true if SGI MPI is used Checking for functions [MPI_SGI_barrier] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char MPI_SGI_barrier(void); static void _check_MPI_SGI_barrier(void) { MPI_SGI_barrier(); } int main(void) { _check_MPI_SGI_barrier(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `MPI_SGI_barrier' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `MPI_SGI_barrier' SGI MPI test failure ============================================================================================= TESTING: CxxMPICheck from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:660) Make sure C++ can compile and link Checking for header mpi.h Checking for C++ MPI_Finalize() Checking for functions [MPI_Finalize] in library [] [] Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.cc stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.cc", line 5: warning: variable "ierr" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] static void _check_MPI_Finalize(void) { int ierr; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.cc", line 5: warning: variable "ierr" was set but never used [set_but_not_used] static void _check_MPI_Finalize(void) { int ierr; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_MPI_Finalize(void) { int ierr; ierr = MPI_Finalize(); (void)ierr; } int main(void) { _check_MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath ============================================================================================= TESTING: FortranMPICheck from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:676) Make sure fortran include [mpif.h] and library symbols are found Checking for fortran mpi_init() Checking for functions [] in library [] [] Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main #include "mpif.h" integer ierr call mpi_init(ierr) end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Checking for mpi.mod Checking for functions [] in library [] [] Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main use mpi integer(kind=selected_int_kind(5)) ierr,rank call mpi_init(ierr) call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,rank,ierr) end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPI_F90MODULE" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureIO from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:697) Check for the functions in MPI/IO - Define HAVE_MPIIO if they are present - Some older MPI 1 implementations are missing these Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { MPI_Aint lb, extent; if (MPI_Type_get_extent(MPI_INT, &lb, &extent)) { } MPI_File fh = 0; void *buf = 0; MPI_Status status; if (MPI_File_write_all(fh, buf, 1, MPI_INT, &status)) { } if (MPI_File_read_all(fh, buf, 1, MPI_INT, &status)) { } MPI_Offset disp = 0; MPI_Info info = 0; if (MPI_File_set_view(fh, disp, MPI_INT, MPI_INT, "", info)) { } if (MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_SELF, "", 0, info, &fh)) { } if (MPI_File_close(&fh)) { } return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_MPIIO" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: findMPIIncludeAndLib from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:810) Find MPI include paths and libraries from "mpicc -show" or Cray "cc --cray-print-opts=cflags/libs" and save. ============================================================================================= TESTING: PetscArchMPICheck from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MPI.py:894) Check that previously configured for MPI include files are not in the PETSC_ARCH directory Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int combiner = MPI_COMBINER_DUP;(void)combiner; return 0; } Defined "HAVE_MPI_COMBINER_DUP" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int combiner = MPI_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS;(void)combiner; return 0; } Defined "HAVE_MPI_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int combiner = MPI_COMBINER_NAMED;(void)combiner; return 0; } Defined "HAVE_MPI_COMBINER_NAMED" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include "mpi.h" #define PetscXstr_(s) PetscStr_(s) #define PetscStr_(s) #s const char *ver = "petscpkgver(" PetscXstr_(MPI_VERSION) ")"; Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI/conftest.c Found the raw version string: (" "3" ")" This is the processed version string: 3 For mpi need 2 <= 3 <= ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.MPI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.MPI took 21.103464 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.zstd(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.zstd(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.zstd took 0.004085 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.yaml(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.yaml(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.yaml took 0.002240 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.sprng(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.sprng(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.sprng took 0.002218 seconds PETSc clone, checking for Sowing Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program ./pdflatex...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/pdflatex...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/bfort...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/bfort...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/bfort...not found Checking for program ./bfort...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/bfort...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/bfort...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/bfort...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/bfort...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/doctext...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/doctext...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/doctext...not found Checking for program ./doctext...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/doctext...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/doctext...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/doctext...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/doctext...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/mapnames...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/mapnames...not found Checking for program ./mapnames...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/mapnames...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/mapnames...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/mapnames...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/mapnames...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/bib2html...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/bib2html...not found Checking for program ./bib2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/bib2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/bib2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/bib2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/bib2html...not found Bfort not found. Installing sowing for FortranStubs ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.sowing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.sowing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.sowing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1016) Find an installation and check if it can work with PETSc ================================================================================== Checking for a functional sowing Looking for SOWING at git.sowing, hg.sowing or a directory starting with ['petsc-pkg-sowing'] Could not locate an existing copy of SOWING: [] Downloading sowing ============================================================================================= Trying to download https://bitbucket.org/petsc/pkg-sowing.git for SOWING ============================================================================================= install: Retrieving https://bitbucket.org/petsc/pkg-sowing.git as git repo Executing: git clone https://bitbucket.org/petsc/pkg-sowing.git /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing stdout: Cloning into '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing'... Updating files: 61% (319/519) Updating files: 62% (322/519) Updating files: 63% (327/519) Updating files: 64% (333/519) Updating files: 65% (338/519) Updating files: 66% (343/519) Updating files: 67% (348/519) Updating files: 68% (353/519) Updating files: 69% (359/519) Updating files: 70% (364/519) Updating files: 71% (369/519) Updating files: 72% (374/519) Updating files: 73% (379/519) Updating files: 74% (385/519) Updating files: 75% (390/519) Updating files: 76% (395/519) Updating files: 77% (400/519) Updating files: 78% (405/519) Updating files: 79% (411/519) Updating files: 80% (416/519) Updating files: 81% (421/519) Updating files: 82% (426/519) Updating files: 83% (431/519) Updating files: 84% (436/519) Updating files: 85% (442/519) Updating files: 86% (447/519) Updating files: 87% (452/519) Updating files: 88% (457/519) Updating files: 89% (462/519) Updating files: 90% (468/519) Updating files: 91% (473/519) Updating files: 92% (478/519) Updating files: 93% (483/519) Updating files: 94% (488/519) Updating files: 95% (494/519) Updating files: 96% (499/519) Updating files: 97% (504/519) Updating files: 98% (509/519) Updating files: 99% (514/519) Updating files: 100% (519/519) Updating files: 100% (519/519), done. Looking for SOWING at git.sowing, hg.sowing or a directory starting with ['petsc-pkg-sowing'] Found a copy of SOWING in git.sowing Executing: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir'] stdout: .git Executing: ['git', 'cat-file', '-e', 'v1.1.26-p8^{commit}'] Executing: ['git', 'rev-parse', 'v1.1.26-p8'] stdout: 221cd70e0f28475c158995e0dc402f0f6168b882 Executing: ['git', 'cat-file', '-e', 'origin/v1.1.26-p8^{commit}'] stdout: fatal: Not a valid object name origin/v1.1.26-p8^{commit} Executing: ['git', '-c', 'user.name=petsc-configure', '-c', 'user.email=petsc@configure', 'stash'] stdout: No local changes to save Executing: ['git', 'clean', '-f', '-d', '-x'] Executing: ['git', 'checkout', '-f', '221cd70e0f28475c158995e0dc402f0f6168b882'] stdout: Note: switching to '221cd70e0f28475c158995e0dc402f0f6168b882'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false HEAD is now at 221cd70 Include patch level in version string SOWING was just downloaded, forcing a rebuild because cannot determine if package has changed ============================================================================================= Running configure on SOWING; this may take several minutes ============================================================================================= Executing: ./configure --prefix=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module CPPFLAGS=-O2 stdout: checking for ranlib... ranlib checking for a BSD-compatible install... /bin/install -c checking whether install works... yes checking for ar... ar checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking for c++... c++ checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes checking whether c++ accepts -g... yes checking for virtual path format... VPATH checking for latex... no checking for gs... /bin/gs checking for pnmcrop... /bin/pnmcrop checking for pbmtoxbm... /bin/pbmtoxbm checking for ppmtogif... /bin/ppmtogif checking for pnmquant... /bin/pnmquant checking for perl... /bin/perl checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E checking for egrep... /bin/egrep checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for memory.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking fcntl.h usability... yes checking fcntl.h presence... yes checking for fcntl.h... yes checking sys/time.h usability... yes checking sys/time.h presence... yes checking for sys/time.h... yes checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes checking pwd.h usability... yes checking pwd.h presence... yes checking for pwd.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes checking netdb.h usability... yes checking netdb.h presence... yes checking for netdb.h... yes checking for string.h... (cached) yes checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes checking for C/C++ restrict keyword... __restrict checking for uid_t in sys/types.h... yes checking for size_t... yes checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h checking size of void *... 8 checking size of int... 4 checking size of long... 8 checking size of long long... 8 checking for vprintf... yes checking for _doprnt... no checking for getcwd... yes checking for gethostname... yes checking for getwd... yes checking for mkdir... yes checking that mkdir accepts -p... yes checking for uname... yes checking for gethostbyname... yes checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... c++ -E checking time.h usability... yes checking time.h presence... yes checking for time.h... yes checking sys/param.h usability... yes checking sys/param.h presence... yes checking for sys/param.h... yes checking for realpath... yes checking for readlink... yes configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating Makerules config.status: creating src/Makefile config.status: creating src/sys/Makefile config.status: creating src/sys/testing/Makefile config.status: creating src/tohtml/Makefile config.status: creating src/tohtml/tohtmlpath.h config.status: creating src/tohtml/testing/Makefile config.status: creating bin/pstoxbm config.status: creating bin/pstogif config.status: creating bin/bib2html config.status: creating src/bfort/Makefile config.status: creating src/bfort/testing/Makefile config.status: creating src/textfilt/Makefile config.status: creating src/doctext/Makefile config.status: creating src/doctext/docpath.h config.status: creating src/doctext/test/Makefile config.status: creating src/mapnames/Makefile config.status: creating src/bib2html/Makefile config.status: creating docs/Makefile config.status: creating docs/bfort/Makefile config.status: creating docs/doctext/Makefile config.status: creating docs/install/Makefile config.status: creating docs/tohtml/Makefile config.status: creating include/patchlevel.h config.status: creating include/textfilt/textpath.h config.status: creating src/bfort/testing2/Makefile config.status: creating include/sowingconfig.h config.status: executing bib2html commands ============================================================================================= Running make on SOWING; this may take several minutes ============================================================================================= Executing: /bin/gmake clean stdout: for dir in src docs ; do ( cd $dir && /bin/gmake clean ) ; done gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src' for dir in sys bfort tohtml doctext textfilt mapnames bib2html ; do ( cd $dir ; /bin/gmake clean ) ; done gmake[2]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/sys' rm -f *.o *~ gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/sys' gmake[2]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort' rm -f *.o *~ bfort-old bfort rm -f bfort\ win32/debug/* rm -f *.gcda *.gcno *.gcov (cd testing && /bin/gmake clean ) gmake[3]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort/testing' rm -f n1f.c n2f.c tstpgmaf.c tstpgma2f.c tstpgmbf.c tstcf.c tst2cf.c tst3cf.c tstpgmaf90.f90 tstpgmbf90.f90 config.log gmake[3]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort/testing' (cd testing2 && /bin/gmake clean ) gmake[3]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort/testing2' rm -f tbasef.c tbasef2.c tbasef3.c tbasef4.c tcharf.c tcharf2.c tmpif.c tretf.c tpetscf.c thandlef.c theadhf.c tmp/tbasef.c tmp/tbasef2.c tpetsc.f90 thandle.f90 malformf.c tbaserm.c rm -rf tmp gmake[3]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort/testing2' gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort' gmake[2]: 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file.c:(.text+0x904): warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' or `mkdtemp' /bin/ld: ../../lib/libsowing.a(file.o): in function `SYOpenWritableFile': file.c:(.text+0x904): warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' or `mkdtemp' ============================================================================================= Running make install on SOWING; this may take several minutes ============================================================================================= Executing: /bin/gmake install stdout: /bin/install -c bin/bib2html /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bib2html /bin/install -c src/doctext/doctext /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/doctext /bin/install -c src/doctext/doc2lt 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gcc -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c math.c gcc -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c rddefs.c gcc -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c latexinfo.c gcc -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c accent.c gcc -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c simpleif.c gcc -o tohtml tohtml.o tex2html.o search.o texactio.o rdaux.o rdindx.o label.o scan.o refmap.o style.o dimen.o userdef.o tabular.o biblio.o environ.o math.o rddefs.o latexinfo.o accent.o simpleif.o ../../lib/libsowing.a gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/tohtml' (cd src/bfort && /bin/gmake ) gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort' gcc -DBASEDEF='"/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/share/bfort-base.txt"' -DBASEPATH='"/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/share"' -I../../include -I../../include -O2 -c bfort.c gcc -DBASEDEF='"/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/share/bfort-base.txt"' -DBASEPATH='"/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/share"' -I../../include -I../../include -O2 -c doc.c gcc -o bfort bfort.o doc.o ../../lib/libsowing.a gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/bfort' (cd src/textfilt && /bin/gmake ) gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/textfilt' c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c cmdline.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c file.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c instream.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c outstream.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c search.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c maptok.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c textout.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I../../include -I../../include/textfilt -O2 -c texthtml.cc c++ 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'/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/doctext' c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c doctext.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c docutil.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c keyword.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c dotfmat.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c incfiles.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c quotefmt.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c textb.cc c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. -I../../include -O2 -c docfields.cc c++ -o doctext doctext.o docutil.o keyword.o dotfmat.o \ incfiles.o quotefmt.o textb.o docfields.o ../../lib/libtfilter.a c++ -I../../include/textfilt -I../../include -I. 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-I../../include -O2 -c mapnames.cc c++ -o mapnames mapnames.o ../../lib/libtfilter.a gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing/src/mapnames'userdef.c: In function ‘TXAddUserDef’: userdef.c:166:13: warning: ‘strncat’ specified bound 100 equals destination size [-Wstringop-overflow=] 166 | strncat( template_buf, " ", 100 ); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ userdef.c:167:9: warning: ‘strncat’ specified bound 100 equals destination size [-Wstringop-overflow=] 167 | strncat( template_buf, mytoken, 100 ); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /bin/ld: ../../lib/libsowing.a(file.o): in function `SYOpenWritableFile': file.c:(.text+0x904): warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp' or `mkdtemp' /bin/ld: ../../lib/libsowing.a(file.o): in function `SYOpenWritableFile': file.c:(.text+0x904): warning: the use of `mktemp' is dangerous, better 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config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names No functions to check for in library [] [] Checking for headers [] in Download SOWING: ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include'] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.sowing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version For sowing unable to find version information since includes and version includes are missing skipping version check ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.sowing(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bfort...found Defined make macro "BFORT" to "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bfort" Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/doctext...found Defined make macro "DOCTEXT" to "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/doctext" Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/mapnames...found Defined make macro "MAPNAMES" to "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/mapnames" Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bib2html...found Defined make macro "BIB2HTML" to "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bib2html" Executing: /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bfort -version stdout: bfort (sowing) release 1.26.8 of Date unknown ============================================================================================= Running /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bfort to generate Fortran stubs ============================================================================================= child config.packages.sowing took 71.298938 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.revolve(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.revolve(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.revolve took 0.002923 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.radau5(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.radau5(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.radau5 took 0.001608 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.petsc4py(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.petsc4py(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/petsc4py.py:136) Adds rules for building petsc4py to PETSc makefiles Defined make rule "petsc4py-build" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "petsc4py-install" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "petsc4pytest" with dependencies "" and code [] child config.packages.petsc4py took 0.048273 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.pami(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.pami(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.pami took 0.002119 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.opengles(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.opengles(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.opengles took 0.001916 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.opencl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.opencl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.opencl took 0.001900 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mpi4py(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.mpi4py(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.mpi4py took 0.002150 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mpe(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.mpe(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.mpe took 0.002168 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.memkind(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.memkind(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.memkind took 0.001882 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.libmesh(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.libmesh(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/libmesh.py:69) Defined make rule "libmesh-build" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "libmesh-install" with dependencies "" and code [] child config.packages.libmesh took 0.017197 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.moose(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.moose(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.moose took 0.001998 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.libjpeg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.libjpeg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.libjpeg took 0.002135 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.gsl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.gsl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.gsl took 0.002140 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.ssl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/ssl.py:58) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.ssl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.ssl took 0.002258 seconds child config.packages.gmsh took 0.000370 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.gmp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.gmp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.gmp took 0.002084 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mpfr(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.mpfr(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.mpfr took 0.001411 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.giflib(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.giflib(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.giflib took 0.001416 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.cub(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.cub(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.cub took 0.001395 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.ctetgen(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.ctetgen(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.ctetgen took 0.001359 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.concurrencykit(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.concurrencykit(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.concurrencykit took 0.001397 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.cams(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.cams(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.cams took 0.001415 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: locateC2html from config.packages.c2html(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/c2html.py:33) Determine location of c2html executable Looking for default C2html executable Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /opt/thinlinc/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/X11/c2html...not found Checking for program /usr/local/sbin/c2html...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/c2html...not found Checking for program ./c2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/scripts/c2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/lib/c2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/TAPENADE/tapenade_3.15/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/grace/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /home/bramkamp/VSCode-linux-x64/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_EXE/x86_64/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/EDGE/M_EDGE/M_EDGE_SRC/base/bin/c2html...not found Checking for program /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/c2html...not found child config.packages.c2html took 0.002186 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.boost(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.boost(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.boost took 0.000950 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.silo(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.silo(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.silo took 0.000927 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Random123(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Random123(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Random123 took 0.000921 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.PARTY(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.PARTY(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.PARTY took 0.000914 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.NVSHMEM(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.NVSHMEM(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.NVSHMEM took 0.000813 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.MatlabEngine(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.MatlabEngine(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.MatlabEngine took 0.000810 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Matlab(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Matlab(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Matlab took 0.000768 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Mathematica(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Mathematica(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Mathematica took 0.000823 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.regex(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.regex(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.regex(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1016) Find an installation and check if it can work with PETSc ================================================================================== Checking for a functional regex Checking for library in Compiler specific search REGEX: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [regexec regcomp regfree] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char regexec(void); static void _check_regexec(void) { regexec(); } char regcomp(void); static void _check_regcomp(void) { regcomp(); } char regfree(void); static void _check_regfree(void) { regfree(); } int main(void) { _check_regexec(); _check_regcomp(); _check_regfree(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char regexec(void); static void _check_regexec(void) { regexec(); } char regcomp(void); static void _check_regcomp(void) { regcomp(); } char regfree(void); static void _check_regfree(void) { regfree(); } void dummy(void) {_check_regexec(); _check_regcomp(); _check_regfree();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lquadmath Checking for headers ['regex.h'] in Compiler specific search REGEX: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkInclude from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:89) Checks if a particular include file can be found along particular include paths Checking for header files ['regex.h'] in [] Checking include with compiler flags var CPPFLAGS [] Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Found header files ['regex.h'] in [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.regex(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.regex(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.regex took 1.429432 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.libceed(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.libceed(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.libceed took 0.004023 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.opengl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.opengl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.opengl took 0.001937 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.glut(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.glut(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.glut took 0.001900 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.GLVis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.GLVis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.GLVis took 0.002329 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.CoDiPack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.CoDiPack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.CoDiPack took 0.002108 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.adblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.adblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.adblaslapack took 0.001400 seconds child config.packages.cxxlibs took 0.000034 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.szlib(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.szlib(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.szlib took 0.001431 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.zlib(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.zlib(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.zlib took 0.001414 seconds child config.packages.mathlib took 0.000041 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.tetgen(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.tetgen(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.tetgen took 0.001407 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.tchem(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.tchem(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.tchem took 0.001384 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.saws(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.saws(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.saws took 0.001403 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.libpng(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.libpng(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.libpng took 0.001222 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Triangle(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Triangle(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Triangle took 0.000930 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.KS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.KS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.KS took 0.000933 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Chaco(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Chaco(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Chaco took 0.000914 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.hdf5(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.hdf5(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.hdf5 took 0.000945 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.ascem-io(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.ascem-io(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.ascem-io took 0.000925 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.pflotran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.pflotran(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.pflotran took 0.000888 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.SAMRAI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.SAMRAI(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.SAMRAI took 0.000927 seconds child config.packages.flibs took 0.000015 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.pnetcdf(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.pnetcdf(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.pnetcdf took 0.000935 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.netcdf(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.netcdf(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.netcdf took 0.000918 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.fblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.fblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.fblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/fblaslapack.py:18) ================================================================================== Checking for a functional fblaslapack Looking for FBLASLAPACK at git.fblaslapack, hg.fblaslapack or a directory starting with ['petsc-pkg-fblaslapack'] Could not locate an existing copy of FBLASLAPACK: ['git.sowing'] Downloading fblaslapack ============================================================================================= Trying to download https://bitbucket.org/petsc/pkg-fblaslapack for FBLASLAPACK ============================================================================================= install: Retrieving https://bitbucket.org/petsc/pkg-fblaslapack as git repo Executing: git clone https://bitbucket.org/petsc/pkg-fblaslapack /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack stdout: Cloning into '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack'... Updating files: 45% (862/1904) Updating files: 46% (876/1904) Updating files: 47% (895/1904) Updating files: 48% (914/1904) Updating files: 49% (933/1904) Updating files: 50% (952/1904) Updating files: 51% (972/1904) Updating files: 52% (991/1904) Updating files: 53% (1010/1904) Updating files: 54% (1029/1904) Updating files: 55% (1048/1904) Updating files: 56% (1067/1904) Updating files: 57% (1086/1904) Updating files: 58% (1105/1904) Updating files: 59% (1124/1904) Updating files: 60% (1143/1904) Updating files: 61% (1162/1904) Updating files: 62% (1181/1904) Updating files: 63% (1200/1904) Updating files: 64% (1219/1904) Updating files: 65% (1238/1904) Updating files: 66% (1257/1904) Updating files: 67% (1276/1904) Updating files: 68% (1295/1904) Updating files: 69% (1314/1904) Updating files: 70% (1333/1904) Updating files: 71% (1352/1904) Updating files: 72% (1371/1904) Updating files: 73% (1390/1904) Updating files: 74% (1409/1904) Updating files: 75% (1428/1904) Updating files: 75% (1446/1904) Updating files: 76% (1448/1904) Updating files: 77% (1467/1904) Updating files: 78% (1486/1904) Updating files: 79% (1505/1904) Updating files: 80% (1524/1904) Updating files: 81% (1543/1904) Updating files: 82% (1562/1904) Updating files: 83% (1581/1904) Updating files: 84% (1600/1904) Updating files: 85% (1619/1904) Updating files: 86% (1638/1904) Updating files: 87% (1657/1904) Updating files: 88% (1676/1904) Updating files: 89% (1695/1904) Updating files: 90% (1714/1904) Updating files: 91% (1733/1904) Updating files: 92% (1752/1904) Updating files: 93% (1771/1904) Updating files: 94% (1790/1904) Updating files: 95% (1809/1904) Updating files: 96% (1828/1904) Updating files: 97% (1847/1904) Updating files: 98% (1866/1904) Updating files: 99% (1885/1904) Updating files: 100% (1904/1904) Updating files: 100% (1904/1904), done. Looking for FBLASLAPACK at git.fblaslapack, hg.fblaslapack or a directory starting with ['petsc-pkg-fblaslapack'] Found a copy of FBLASLAPACK in git.fblaslapack Executing: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir'] stdout: .git Executing: ['git', 'cat-file', '-e', 'v3.4.2-p3^{commit}'] Executing: ['git', 'rev-parse', 'v3.4.2-p3'] stdout: e8a03f57d64cf01d987d4b4ce9b961c24765747d Executing: ['git', 'cat-file', '-e', 'origin/v3.4.2-p3^{commit}'] stdout: fatal: Not a valid object name origin/v3.4.2-p3^{commit} Executing: ['git', '-c', 'user.name=petsc-configure', '-c', 'user.email=petsc@configure', 'stash'] stdout: No local changes to save Executing: ['git', 'clean', '-f', '-d', '-x'] Executing: ['git', 'checkout', '-f', 'e8a03f57d64cf01d987d4b4ce9b961c24765747d'] stdout: Note: switching to 'e8a03f57d64cf01d987d4b4ce9b961c24765747d'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false HEAD is now at e8a03f5 Merged in tisaac/fix-stemr-valgrind-uninitialized (pull request #1) Removing configure arguments {'-fvisibility=hidden'} Removing configure arguments {'-Werror', '--coverage', '-pedantic', '-Wno-unknown-pragmas', '-Wno-unused-dummy-argument', '-std=c89', '-Wno-strict-aliasing', '-Wall', '-fdefault-integer-8', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-fstack-protector', '-Mfree', '-fsanitize=address', '-Wwrite-strings'} Removing configure arguments {'--coverage'} Executing: mpifort -V stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpifort --version stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g -O0 /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Info-Switch -Mvect forces -O2 Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: nvc-Info-Switch -Mvect forces -O2 Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -O0 nvc-Info-Switch -Mvect forces -O2 Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g -mfp16-format=ieee /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c stdout: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -mfp16-format=ieee Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 1 stderr: nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -mfp16-format=ieee Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { return 0; } Output from compiling with -KPIC -O2 -g -mfp16-format=ieee nvc-Error-Unknown switch: -mfp16-format=ieee PETSc Error: No output file produced Rejecting compiler flag -mfp16-format=ieee due to nonzero status from link Removing configure arguments {'-fvisibility=hidden'} Removing configure arguments {'-Werror', '--coverage', '-pedantic', '-Wno-unknown-pragmas', '-Wno-unused-dummy-argument', '-std=c89', '-Wno-strict-aliasing', '-Wall', '-fdefault-integer-8', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-fstack-protector', '-Mfree', '-fsanitize=address', '-Wwrite-strings'} Removing configure arguments {'--coverage'} Executing: mpifort -V stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. Executing: mpifort --version stdout: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 NVIDIA Compilers and Tools Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. FBLASLAPACK was just downloaded, forcing a rebuild because cannot determine if package has changed ============================================================================================= Compiling FBLASLAPACK; this may take several minutes ============================================================================================= Executing: cd /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack && rm -rf */*.c && make -f tmpmakefile cleanblaslapck cleanlib && /bin/gmake -j24 -l48.0 -f tmpmakefile stdout: /bin/rm -f */*.o /bin/rm -f ./*.a ./*.lib cd blas; /bin/gmake lib FC="mpifort" FOPTFLAGS="-KPIC -O2 -g" FNOOPT="-O0 -KPIC " AR="/bin/ar" AR_FLAGS="cr" RM="/bin/rm -f" LIBNAME="libfblas.a" cd lapack; /bin/gmake lib FC="mpifort" FOPTFLAGS="-KPIC -O2 -g" FNOOPT="-O0 -KPIC " AR="/bin/ar" AR_FLAGS="cr" RM="/bin/rm -f" LIBNAME="libflapack.a" gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/blas' mpifort -o caxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g caxpy.f mpifort -o ccopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ccopy.f mpifort -o cdotc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cdotc.f mpifort -o cdotu.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cdotu.f mpifort -o cgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbmv.f mpifort -o cgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgemm.f gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack' mpifort -o slaruv.o -c -O0 -KPIC slaruv.f mpifort -o cgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgemv.f mpifort -o dlaruv.o -c -O0 -KPIC dlaruv.f mpifort -o cgerc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerc.f mpifort -o cbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cbbcsd.f mpifort -o cgeru.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeru.f mpifort -o cbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cbdsqr.f mpifort -o chbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbmv.f mpifort -o cgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbbrd.f mpifort -o chemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chemm.f mpifort -o cgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbcon.f mpifort -o chemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chemv.f mpifort -o cgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbequb.f mpifort -o cher2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cher2.f mpifort -o cgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbequ.f mpifort -o cher2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cher2k.f mpifort -o cgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbrfs.f mpifort -o cher.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cher.f mpifort -o cgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbrfsx.f mpifort -o cgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbsv.f mpifort -o cgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbsvx.f mpifort -o cgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbsvxx.f mpifort -o cherk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cherk.f mpifort -o chpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpmv.f mpifort -o chpr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpr2.f mpifort -o chpr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpr.f mpifort -o crotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g crotg.f mpifort -o cgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbtf2.f mpifort -o cscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cscal.f mpifort -o cgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbtrf.f mpifort -o cgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbtrs.f mpifort -o cgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebak.f mpifort -o cgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebal.f mpifort -o csrot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csrot.f mpifort -o csscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csscal.f mpifort -o cgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebd2.f mpifort -o cgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebrd.f mpifort -o cswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cswap.f mpifort -o cgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgecon.f mpifort -o csymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csymm.f mpifort -o cgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeequb.f mpifort -o csyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyr2k.f mpifort -o cgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeequ.f mpifort -o csyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyrk.f mpifort -o ctbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbmv.f mpifort -o ctbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbsv.f mpifort -o cgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgees.f mpifort -o cgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeesx.f mpifort -o cgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeev.f mpifort -o ctpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpmv.f mpifort -o cgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeevx.f mpifort -o cgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgegs.f mpifort -o cgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgegv.f mpifort -o ctpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpsv.f mpifort -o cgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgehd2.f mpifort -o cgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgehrd.f mpifort -o ctrmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrmm.f mpifort -o ctrmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrmv.f mpifort -o ctrsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsm.f mpifort -o cgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelq2.f mpifort -o ctrsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsv.f mpifort -o dasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dasum.f mpifort -o daxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g daxpy.f mpifort -o dcabs1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dcabs1.f mpifort -o cgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelqf.f mpifort -o dcopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dcopy.f mpifort -o cgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelsd.f mpifort -o ddot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ddot.f mpifort -o dgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbmv.f mpifort -o dgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgemm.f mpifort -o dgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgemv.f mpifort -o cgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgels.f mpifort -o cgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelss.f mpifort -o dger.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dger.f mpifort -o cgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelsx.f mpifort -o dnrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dnrm2.f mpifort -o drot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drot.f mpifort -o cgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelsy.f mpifort -o cgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgemqrt.f mpifort -o drotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drotg.f mpifort -o drotm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drotm.f mpifort -o cgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeql2.f mpifort -o drotmg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drotmg.f mpifort -o cgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqlf.f mpifort -o dsbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbmv.f mpifort -o cgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqp3.f mpifort -o cgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqpf.f mpifort -o cgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqr2.f mpifort -o dscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dscal.f mpifort -o cgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqr2p.f mpifort -o cgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrf.f mpifort -o cgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrfp.f mpifort -o cgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrt2.f mpifort -o cgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrt3.f mpifort -o dsdot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsdot.f mpifort -o dspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspmv.f mpifort -o dspr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspr2.f mpifort -o dspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspr.f mpifort -o dswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dswap.f mpifort -o cgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrt.f mpifort -o cgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerfs.f mpifort -o cgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerfsx.f mpifort -o dsymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsymm.f mpifort -o dsymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsymv.f mpifort -o dsyr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyr2.f mpifort -o cgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerq2.f mpifort -o cgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerqf.f mpifort -o dsyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyr2k.f mpifort -o dsyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyr.f mpifort -o dsyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyrk.f mpifort -o cgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesc2.f mpifort -o dtbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbmv.f mpifort -o dtbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbsv.f mpifort -o dtpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpmv.f mpifort -o dtpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpsv.f mpifort -o dtrmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrmm.f mpifort -o cgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesdd.f mpifort -o cgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesvd.f mpifort -o dtrmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrmv.f mpifort -o cgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesv.f mpifort -o cgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesvx.f mpifort -o cgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesvxx.f mpifort -o dtrsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsm.f mpifort -o cgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetc2.f mpifort -o dtrsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsv.f mpifort -o dzasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dzasum.f mpifort -o cgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetf2.f mpifort -o dznrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dznrm2.f mpifort -o icamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g icamax.f mpifort -o cgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetrf.f mpifort -o idamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g idamax.f mpifort -o isamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g isamax.f mpifort -o cgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetri.f mpifort -o izamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g izamax.f mpifort -o cgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetrs.f mpifort -o cggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggbak.f mpifort -o cggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggbal.f mpifort -o lsame.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g lsame.f mpifort -o cgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgges.f mpifort -o sasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sasum.f mpifort -o saxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g saxpy.f mpifort -o cggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggesx.f mpifort -o scabs1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scabs1.f mpifort -o scasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scasum.f mpifort -o cggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggev.f mpifort -o cggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggevx.f mpifort -o cggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggglm.f mpifort -o cgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgghrd.f mpifort -o cgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgglse.f mpifort -o cggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggqrf.f mpifort -o cggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggrqf.f mpifort -o scnrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scnrm2.f mpifort -o cggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggsvd.f mpifort -o scopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scopy.f mpifort -o sdot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sdot.f mpifort -o cggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggsvp.f mpifort -o cgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtcon.f mpifort -o sdsdot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sdsdot.f mpifort -o cgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtrfs.f mpifort -o cgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtsv.f mpifort -o sgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbmv.f mpifort -o sgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgemm.f mpifort -o cgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtsvx.f mpifort -o cgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgttrf.f mpifort -o sgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgemv.f mpifort -o sger.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sger.f mpifort -o cgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgttrs.f mpifort -o cgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtts2.f mpifort -o snrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g snrm2.f mpifort -o chbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbevd.f mpifort -o chbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbev.f mpifort -o chbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbevx.f mpifort -o srot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srot.f mpifort -o chbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgst.f mpifort -o srotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srotg.f mpifort -o chbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgvd.f mpifort -o srotm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srotm.f mpifort -o srotmg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srotmg.f mpifort -o chbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgv.f mpifort -o ssbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbmv.f mpifort -o sscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sscal.f mpifort -o sspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspmv.f mpifort -o sspr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspr2.f mpifort -o sspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspr.f mpifort -o chbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgvx.f mpifort -o sswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sswap.f mpifort -o chbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbtrd.f mpifort -o checon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g checon.f mpifort -o ssymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssymm.f mpifort -o checon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g checon_rook.f mpifort -o cheequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheequb.f mpifort -o ssymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssymv.f mpifort -o cheevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheevd.f mpifort -o ssyr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyr2.f mpifort -o cheev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheev.f mpifort -o ssyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyr2k.f mpifort -o ssyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyr.f mpifort -o ssyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyrk.f mpifort -o cheevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheevr.f mpifort -o stbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbmv.f mpifort -o cheevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheevx.f mpifort -o stbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbsv.f mpifort -o chegs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegs2.f mpifort -o chegst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegst.f mpifort -o stpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpmv.f mpifort -o chegvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegvd.f mpifort -o stpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpsv.f mpifort -o chegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegv.f mpifort -o strmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strmm.f mpifort -o chegvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegvx.f mpifort -o cherfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cherfs.f mpifort -o strmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strmv.f mpifort -o strsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsm.f mpifort -o cherfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cherfsx.f mpifort -o chesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesv.f mpifort -o strsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsv.f mpifort -o xerbla_array.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g xerbla_array.f mpifort -o xerbla.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g xerbla.f mpifort -o chesv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesv_rook.f mpifort -o zaxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zaxpy.f mpifort -o zcopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zcopy.f mpifort -o zdotc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdotc.f mpifort -o zdotu.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdotu.f mpifort -o zdrot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdrot.f mpifort -o zdscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdscal.f mpifort -o zgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbmv.f mpifort -o zgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgemm.f mpifort -o chesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesvx.f mpifort -o chesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesvxx.f mpifort -o cheswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheswapr.f mpifort -o chetd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetd2.f mpifort -o zgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgemv.f mpifort -o chetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetf2.f mpifort -o chetf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetf2_rook.f mpifort -o chetrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrd.f mpifort -o zgerc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerc.f mpifort -o chetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrf.f mpifort -o zgeru.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeru.f mpifort -o chetrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrf_rook.f mpifort -o zhbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbmv.f mpifort -o zhemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhemm.f mpifort -o chetri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri2.f mpifort -o chetri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri2x.f mpifort -o chetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri.f mpifort -o chetri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri_rook.f mpifort -o zhemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhemv.f mpifort -o chetrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrs2.f mpifort -o chetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrs.f mpifort -o zher2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zher2.f mpifort -o chetrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrs_rook.f mpifort -o chfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chfrk.f mpifort -o chgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chgeqz.f mpifort -o chla_transtype.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chla_transtype.f mpifort -o zher2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zher2k.f mpifort -o zher.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zher.f mpifort -o zherk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zherk.f mpifort -o chpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpcon.f mpifort -o chpevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpevd.f mpifort -o chpev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpev.f mpifort -o chpevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpevx.f mpifort -o zhpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpmv.f mpifort -o chpgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgst.f mpifort -o zhpr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpr2.f mpifort -o chpgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgvd.f mpifort -o zhpr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpr.f mpifort -o zrotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zrotg.f mpifort -o chpgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgv.f mpifort -o zscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zscal.f mpifort -o chpgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgvx.f mpifort -o chprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chprfs.f mpifort -o zswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zswap.f mpifort -o zsymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsymm.f mpifort -o zsyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyr2k.f mpifort -o chpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpsv.f mpifort -o chpsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpsvx.f mpifort -o chptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptrd.f mpifort -o zsyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyrk.f mpifort -o ztbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztbmv.f mpifort -o chptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptrf.f mpifort -o chptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptri.f mpifort -o ztbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztbsv.f mpifort -o chptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptrs.f mpifort -o chsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chsein.f mpifort -o chseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chseqr.f mpifort -o ztpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpmv.f mpifort -o clabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clabrd.f mpifort -o clacgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacgv.f mpifort -o clacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacn2.f mpifort -o clacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacon.f mpifort -o clacp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacp2.f mpifort -o ztpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpsv.f mpifort -o ztrmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrmm.f mpifort -o ztrmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrmv.f mpifort -o ztrsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsm.f mpifort -o ztrsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsv.f mpifort -o clacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacpy.f mpifort -o clacrm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacrm.f mpifort -o clacrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacrt.f mpifort -o cladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cladiv.f mpifort -o claed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claed0.f mpifort -o claed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claed7.f mpifort -o claed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claed8.f mpifort -o claein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claein.f mpifort -o claesy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claesy.f mpifort -o claev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claev2.f mpifort -o clag2z.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clag2z.f mpifort -o cla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbamv.f mpifort -o cla_gbrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrcond_c.f mpifort -o cla_gbrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrcond_x.f mpifort -o cla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o cla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_geamv.f mpifort -o cla_gercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gercond_c.f mpifort -o cla_gercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gercond_x.f mpifort -o cla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o clags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clags2.f mpifort -o clagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clagtm.f mpifort -o cla_heamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_heamv.f mpifort -o clahef.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahef.f mpifort -o clahef_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahef_rook.f mpifort -o cla_hercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_hercond_c.f mpifort -o cla_hercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_hercond_x.f mpifort -o cla_herfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_herfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_herpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_herpvgrw.f mpifort -o clahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahqr.f mpifort -o clahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahr2.f mpifort -o clahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahrd.f mpifort -o claic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claic1.f mpifort -o cla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o clals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clals0.f mpifort -o clalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clalsa.f /bin/ar cr ../libfblas.a caxpy.o ccopy.o cdotc.o cdotu.o cgbmv.o cgemm.o cgemv.o cgerc.o cgeru.o chbmv.o chemm.o chemv.o cher2.o cher2k.o cher.o cherk.o chpmv.o chpr2.o chpr.o crotg.o cscal.o csrot.o csscal.o cswap.o csymm.o csyr2k.o csyrk.o ctbmv.o ctbsv.o ctpmv.o ctpsv.o ctrmm.o ctrmv.o ctrsm.o ctrsv.o dasum.o daxpy.o dcabs1.o dcopy.o ddot.o dgbmv.o dgemm.o dgemv.o dger.o dnrm2.o drot.o drotg.o drotm.o drotmg.o dsbmv.o dscal.o dsdot.o dspmv.o dspr2.o dspr.o dswap.o dsymm.o dsymv.o dsyr2.o dsyr2k.o dsyr.o dsyrk.o dtbmv.o dtbsv.o dtpmv.o dtpsv.o dtrmm.o dtrmv.o dtrsm.o dtrsv.o dzasum.o dznrm2.o icamax.o idamax.o isamax.o izamax.o lsame.o sasum.o saxpy.o scabs1.o scasum.o scnrm2.o scopy.o sdot.o sdsdot.o sgbmv.o sgemm.o sgemv.o sger.o snrm2.o srot.o srotg.o srotm.o srotmg.o ssbmv.o sscal.o sspmv.o sspr2.o sspr.o sswap.o ssymm.o ssymv.o ssyr2.o ssyr2k.o ssyr.o ssyrk.o stbmv.o stbsv.o stpmv.o stpsv.o strmm.o strmv.o strsm.o strsv.o xerbla_array.o xerbla.o zaxpy.o zcopy.o zdotc.o zdotu.o zdrot.o zdscal.o zgbmv.o zgemm.o zgemv.o zgerc.o zgeru.o zhbmv.o zhemm.o zhemv.o zher2.o zher2k.o zher.o zherk.o zhpmv.o zhpr2.o zhpr.o zrotg.o zscal.o zswap.o zsymm.o zsyr2k.o zsyrk.o ztbmv.o ztbsv.o ztpmv.o ztpsv.o ztrmm.o ztrmv.o ztrsm.o ztrsv.o mpifort -o clalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clalsd.f mpifort -o clangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clangb.f mpifort -o clange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clange.f mpifort -o clangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clangt.f gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/blas' /bin/ranlib libfblas.a mpifort -o clanhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhb.f mpifort -o clanhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhe.f mpifort -o clanhf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhf.f mpifort -o clanhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhp.f mpifort -o clanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhs.f mpifort -o clanht.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanht.f mpifort -o clansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clansb.f mpifort -o clansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clansp.f mpifort -o clansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clansy.f mpifort -o clantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clantb.f mpifort -o clantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clantp.f mpifort -o clantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clantr.f mpifort -o clapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clapll.f mpifort -o clapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clapmr.f mpifort -o clapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clapmt.f mpifort -o cla_porcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porcond_c.f mpifort -o cla_porcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porcond_x.f mpifort -o cla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o claqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqgb.f mpifort -o claqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqge.f mpifort -o claqhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqhb.f mpifort -o claqhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqhe.f mpifort -o claqhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqhp.f mpifort -o claqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqp2.f mpifort -o claqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqps.f mpifort -o claqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr0.f mpifort -o claqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr1.f mpifort -o claqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr2.f mpifort -o claqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr3.f mpifort -o claqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr4.f mpifort -o claqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr5.f mpifort -o claqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqsb.f mpifort -o claqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqsp.f mpifort -o claqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqsy.f mpifort -o clar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clar1v.f mpifort -o clar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clar2v.f mpifort -o clarcm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarcm.f mpifort -o clarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfb.f mpifort -o clarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarf.f mpifort -o clarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfg.f mpifort -o clarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfgp.f mpifort -o clarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarft.f mpifort -o clarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfx.f mpifort -o clargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clargv.f mpifort -o clarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarnv.f mpifort -o clarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarrv.f mpifort -o clarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarscl2.f mpifort -o clartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clartg.f mpifort -o clartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clartv.f mpifort -o clarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarzb.f mpifort -o clarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarz.f mpifort -o clarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarzt.f mpifort -o clascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clascl2.f mpifort -o clascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clascl.f mpifort -o claset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claset.f mpifort -o clasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clasr.f mpifort -o classq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g classq.f mpifort -o claswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claswp.f mpifort -o cla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syamv.f mpifort -o clasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clasyf.f mpifort -o clasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clasyf_rook.f mpifort -o cla_syrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrcond_c.f mpifort -o cla_syrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrcond_x.f mpifort -o cla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o clatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatbs.f mpifort -o clatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatdf.f mpifort -o clatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatps.f mpifort -o clatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatrd.f mpifort -o clatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatrs.f mpifort -o clatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatrz.f mpifort -o clatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatzm.f mpifort -o clauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clauu2.f mpifort -o clauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clauum.f mpifort -o cla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o cpbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbcon.f mpifort -o cpbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbequ.f mpifort -o cpbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbrfs.f mpifort -o cpbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbstf.f mpifort -o cpbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbsv.f mpifort -o cpbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbsvx.f mpifort -o cpbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbtf2.f mpifort -o cpbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbtrf.f mpifort -o cpbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbtrs.f mpifort -o cpftrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpftrf.f mpifort -o cpftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpftri.f mpifort -o cpftrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpftrs.f mpifort -o cpocon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpocon.f mpifort -o cpoequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpoequb.f mpifort -o cpoequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpoequ.f mpifort -o cporfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cporfs.f mpifort -o cporfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cporfsx.f mpifort -o cposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cposv.f mpifort -o cposvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cposvx.f mpifort -o cposvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cposvxx.f mpifort -o cpotf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotf2.f mpifort -o cpotrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotrf.f mpifort -o cpotri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotri.f mpifort -o cpotrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotrs.f mpifort -o cppcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppcon.f mpifort -o cppequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppequ.f mpifort -o cpprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpprfs.f mpifort -o cppsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppsv.f mpifort -o cppsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppsvx.f mpifort -o cpptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpptrf.f mpifort -o cpptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpptri.f mpifort -o cpptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpptrs.f mpifort -o cpstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpstf2.f mpifort -o cpstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpstrf.f mpifort -o cptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptcon.f mpifort -o cpteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpteqr.f mpifort -o cptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptrfs.f mpifort -o cptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptsv.f mpifort -o cptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptsvx.f mpifort -o cpttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpttrf.f mpifort -o cpttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpttrs.f mpifort -o cptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptts2.f mpifort -o crot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g crot.f mpifort -o cspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspcon.f mpifort -o cspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspmv.f mpifort -o cspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspr.f mpifort -o csprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csprfs.f mpifort -o cspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspsv.f mpifort -o cspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspsvx.f mpifort -o csptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csptrf.f mpifort -o csptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csptri.f mpifort -o csptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csptrs.f mpifort -o csrscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csrscl.f mpifort -o cstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstedc.f mpifort -o cstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstegr.f mpifort -o cstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstein.f mpifort -o cstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstemr.f mpifort -o csteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csteqr.f mpifort -o csycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csycon.f mpifort -o csycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csycon_rook.f mpifort -o csyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyconv.f mpifort -o csyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyequb.f mpifort -o csymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csymv.f mpifort -o csyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyr.f mpifort -o csyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyrfs.f mpifort -o csyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyrfsx.f mpifort -o csysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysv.f mpifort -o csysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysv_rook.f mpifort -o csysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysvx.f mpifort -o csysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysvxx.f mpifort -o csyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyswapr.f mpifort -o csytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytf2.f mpifort -o csytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytf2_rook.f mpifort -o csytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrf.f mpifort -o csytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrf_rook.f mpifort -o csytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri2.f mpifort -o csytri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri2x.f mpifort -o csytri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri.f mpifort -o csytri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri_rook.f mpifort -o csytrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrs2.f mpifort -o csytrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrs.f mpifort -o csytrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrs_rook.f mpifort -o ctbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbcon.f mpifort -o ctbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbrfs.f mpifort -o ctbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbtrs.f mpifort -o ctfsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctfsm.f mpifort -o ctftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctftri.f mpifort -o ctfttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctfttp.f mpifort -o ctfttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctfttr.f mpifort -o ctgevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgevc.f mpifort -o ctgex2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgex2.f mpifort -o ctgexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgexc.f mpifort -o ctgsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsen.f mpifort -o ctgsja.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsja.f mpifort -o ctgsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsna.f mpifort -o ctgsy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsy2.f mpifort -o ctgsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsyl.f mpifort -o ctpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpcon.f mpifort -o ctpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpmqrt.f mpifort -o ctpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpqrt2.f mpifort -o ctpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpqrt.f mpifort -o ctprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctprfb.f mpifort -o ctprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctprfs.f mpifort -o ctptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctptri.f mpifort -o ctptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctptrs.f mpifort -o ctpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpttf.f mpifort -o ctpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpttr.f mpifort -o ctrcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrcon.f mpifort -o ctrevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrevc.f mpifort -o ctrexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrexc.f mpifort -o ctrrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrrfs.f mpifort -o ctrsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsen.f mpifort -o ctrsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsna.f mpifort -o ctrsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsyl.f mpifort -o ctrti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrti2.f mpifort -o ctrtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrtri.f mpifort -o ctrtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrtrs.f mpifort -o ctrttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrttf.f mpifort -o ctrttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrttp.f mpifort -o ctzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctzrqf.f mpifort -o ctzrzf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctzrzf.f mpifort -o cunbdb1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb1.f mpifort -o cunbdb2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb2.f mpifort -o cunbdb3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb3.f mpifort -o cunbdb4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb4.f mpifort -o cunbdb5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb5.f mpifort -o cunbdb6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb6.f mpifort -o cunbdb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb.f mpifort -o cuncsd2by1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cuncsd2by1.f mpifort -o cuncsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cuncsd.f mpifort -o cung2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cung2l.f mpifort -o cung2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cung2r.f mpifort -o cungbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungbr.f mpifort -o cunghr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunghr.f mpifort -o cungl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungl2.f mpifort -o cunglq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunglq.f mpifort -o cungql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungql.f mpifort -o cungqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungqr.f mpifort -o cungr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungr2.f mpifort -o cungrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungrq.f mpifort -o cungtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungtr.f mpifort -o cunm2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunm2l.f mpifort -o cunm2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunm2r.f mpifort -o cunmbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmbr.f mpifort -o cunmhr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmhr.f mpifort -o cunml2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunml2.f mpifort -o cunmlq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmlq.f mpifort -o cunmql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmql.f mpifort -o cunmqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmqr.f mpifort -o cunmr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmr2.f mpifort -o cunmr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmr3.f mpifort -o cunmrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmrq.f mpifort -o cunmrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmrz.f mpifort -o cunmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmtr.f mpifort -o cupgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cupgtr.f mpifort -o cupmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cupmtr.f mpifort -o dbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dbbcsd.f mpifort -o dbdsdc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dbdsdc.f mpifort -o dbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dbdsqr.f mpifort -o ddisna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ddisna.f mpifort -o dgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbbrd.f mpifort -o dgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbcon.f mpifort -o dgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbequb.f mpifort -o dgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbequ.f mpifort -o dgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbrfs.f mpifort -o dgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbrfsx.f mpifort -o dgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbsv.f mpifort -o dgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbsvx.f mpifort -o dgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbsvxx.f mpifort -o dgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbtf2.f mpifort -o dgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbtrf.f mpifort -o dgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbtrs.f mpifort -o dgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebak.f mpifort -o dgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebal.f mpifort -o dgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebd2.f mpifort -o dgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebrd.f mpifort -o dgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgecon.f mpifort -o dgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeequb.f mpifort -o dgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeequ.f mpifort -o dgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgees.f mpifort -o dgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeesx.f mpifort -o dgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeev.f mpifort -o dgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeevx.f mpifort -o dgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgegs.f mpifort -o dgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgegv.f mpifort -o dgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgehd2.f mpifort -o dgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgehrd.f mpifort -o dgejsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgejsv.f mpifort -o dgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelq2.f mpifort -o dgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelqf.f mpifort -o dgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelsd.f mpifort -o dgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgels.f mpifort -o dgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelss.f mpifort -o dgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelsx.f mpifort -o dgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelsy.f mpifort -o dgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgemqrt.f mpifort -o dgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeql2.f mpifort -o dgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqlf.f mpifort -o dgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqp3.f mpifort -o dgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqpf.f mpifort -o dgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqr2.f mpifort -o dgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqr2p.f mpifort -o dgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrf.f mpifort -o dgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrfp.f mpifort -o dgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrt2.f mpifort -o dgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrt3.f mpifort -o dgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrt.f mpifort -o dgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerfs.f mpifort -o dgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerfsx.f mpifort -o dgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerq2.f mpifort -o dgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerqf.f mpifort -o dgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesc2.f mpifort -o dgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesdd.f mpifort -o dgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvd.f mpifort -o dgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesv.f mpifort -o dgesvj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvj.f mpifort -o dgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvx.f mpifort -o dgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvxx.f mpifort -o dgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetc2.f mpifort -o dgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetf2.f mpifort -o dgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetrf.f mpifort -o dgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetri.f mpifort -o dgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetrs.f mpifort -o dggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggbak.f mpifort -o dggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggbal.f mpifort -o dgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgges.f mpifort -o dggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggesx.f mpifort -o dggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggev.f mpifort -o dggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggevx.f mpifort -o dggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggglm.f mpifort -o dgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgghrd.f mpifort -o dgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgglse.f mpifort -o dggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggqrf.f mpifort -o dggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggrqf.f mpifort -o dggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggsvd.f mpifort -o dggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggsvp.f mpifort -o dgsvj0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgsvj0.f mpifort -o dgsvj1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgsvj1.f mpifort -o dgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtcon.f mpifort -o dgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtrfs.f mpifort -o dgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtsv.f mpifort -o dgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtsvx.f mpifort -o dgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgttrf.f mpifort -o dgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgttrs.f mpifort -o dgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtts2.f mpifort -o dhgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dhgeqz.f mpifort -o dhsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dhsein.f mpifort -o dhseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dhseqr.f mpifort -o disnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g disnan.f mpifort -o dlabad.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlabad.f mpifort -o dlabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlabrd.f mpifort -o dlacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlacn2.f mpifort -o dlacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlacon.f mpifort -o dlacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlacpy.f mpifort -o dladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dladiv.f mpifort -o dlae2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlae2.f mpifort -o dlaebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaebz.f mpifort -o dlaed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed0.f mpifort -o dlaed1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed1.f mpifort -o dlaed2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed2.f mpifort -o dlaed3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed3.f mpifort -o dlaed4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed4.f mpifort -o dlaed5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed5.f mpifort -o dlaed6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed6.f mpifort -o dlaed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed7.f mpifort -o dlaed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed8.f mpifort -o dlaed9.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed9.f mpifort -o dlaeda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaeda.f mpifort -o dlaein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaein.f mpifort -o dlaev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaev2.f mpifort -o dlaexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaexc.f mpifort -o dlag2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlag2.f mpifort -o dlag2s.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlag2s.f mpifort -o dla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbamv.f mpifort -o dla_gbrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbrcond.f mpifort -o dla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o dla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_geamv.f mpifort -o dla_gercond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gercond.f mpifort -o dla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o dlags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlags2.f mpifort -o dlagtf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagtf.f mpifort -o dlagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagtm.f mpifort -o dlagts.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagts.f mpifort -o dlagv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagv2.f mpifort -o dlahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlahqr.f mpifort -o dlahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlahr2.f mpifort -o dlahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlahrd.f mpifort -o dlaic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaic1.f mpifort -o dlaisnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaisnan.f mpifort -o dla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o dlaln2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaln2.f mpifort -o dlals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlals0.f mpifort -o dlalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlalsa.f mpifort -o dlalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlalsd.f mpifort -o dlamrg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlamrg.f mpifort -o dlaneg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaneg.f mpifort -o dlangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlangb.f mpifort -o dlange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlange.f mpifort -o dlangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlangt.f mpifort -o dlanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlanhs.f mpifort -o dlansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansb.f mpifort -o dlansf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansf.f mpifort -o dlansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansp.f mpifort -o dlanst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlanst.f mpifort -o dlansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansy.f mpifort -o dlantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlantb.f mpifort -o dlantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlantp.f mpifort -o dlantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlantr.f mpifort -o dlanv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlanv2.f mpifort -o dlapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapll.f mpifort -o dlapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapmr.f mpifort -o dlapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapmt.f mpifort -o dla_porcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_porcond.f mpifort -o dla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o dlapy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapy2.f mpifort -o dlapy3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapy3.f mpifort -o dlaqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqgb.f mpifort -o dlaqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqge.f mpifort -o dlaqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqp2.f mpifort -o dlaqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqps.f mpifort -o dlaqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr0.f mpifort -o dlaqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr1.f mpifort -o dlaqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr2.f mpifort -o dlaqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr3.f mpifort -o dlaqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr4.f mpifort -o dlaqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr5.f mpifort -o dlaqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqsb.f mpifort -o dlaqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqsp.f mpifort -o dlaqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqsy.f mpifort -o dlaqtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqtr.f mpifort -o dlar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlar1v.f mpifort -o dlar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlar2v.f mpifort -o dlarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfb.f mpifort -o dlarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarf.f mpifort -o dlarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfg.f mpifort -o dlarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfgp.f mpifort -o dlarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarft.f mpifort -o dlarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfx.f mpifort -o dlargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlargv.f mpifort -o dlarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarnv.f mpifort -o dlarra.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarra.f mpifort -o dlarrb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrb.f mpifort -o dlarrc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrc.f mpifort -o dlarrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrd.f mpifort -o dlarre.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarre.f mpifort -o dlarrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrf.f mpifort -o dlarrj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrj.f mpifort -o dlarrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrk.f mpifort -o dlarrr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrr.f mpifort -o dlarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrv.f mpifort -o dlarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarscl2.f mpifort -o dlartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartg.f mpifort -o dlartgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartgp.f mpifort -o dlartgs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartgs.f mpifort -o dlartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartv.f mpifort -o dlarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarzb.f mpifort -o dlarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarz.f mpifort -o dlarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarzt.f mpifort -o dlas2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlas2.f mpifort -o dlascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlascl2.f mpifort -o dlascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlascl.f mpifort -o dlasd0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd0.f mpifort -o dlasd1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd1.f mpifort -o dlasd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd2.f mpifort -o dlasd3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd3.f mpifort -o dlasd4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd4.f mpifort -o dlasd5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd5.f mpifort -o dlasd6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd6.f mpifort -o dlasd7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd7.f mpifort -o dlasd8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd8.f mpifort -o dlasda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasda.f mpifort -o dlasdq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasdq.f mpifort -o dlasdt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasdt.f mpifort -o dlaset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaset.f mpifort -o dlasq1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq1.f mpifort -o dlasq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq2.f mpifort -o dlasq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq3.f mpifort -o dlasq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq4.f mpifort -o dlasq5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq5.f mpifort -o dlasq6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq6.f mpifort -o dlasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasr.f mpifort -o dlasrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasrt.f mpifort -o dlassq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlassq.f mpifort -o dlasv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasv2.f mpifort -o dlaswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaswp.f mpifort -o dlasy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasy2.f mpifort -o dla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syamv.f mpifort -o dlasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasyf.f mpifort -o dlasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasyf_rook.f mpifort -o dla_syrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syrcond.f mpifort -o dla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o dlat2s.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlat2s.f mpifort -o dlatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatbs.f mpifort -o dlatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatdf.f mpifort -o dlatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatps.f mpifort -o dlatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatrd.f mpifort -o dlatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatrs.f mpifort -o dlatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatrz.f mpifort -o dlatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatzm.f mpifort -o dlauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlauu2.f mpifort -o dlauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlauum.f mpifort -o dla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o dlazq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlazq3.f mpifort -o dlazq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlazq4.f mpifort -o dopgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dopgtr.f mpifort -o dopmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dopmtr.f mpifort -o dorbdb1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb1.f mpifort -o dorbdb2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb2.f mpifort -o dorbdb3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb3.f mpifort -o dorbdb4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb4.f mpifort -o dorbdb5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb5.f mpifort -o dorbdb6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb6.f mpifort -o dorbdb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb.f mpifort -o dorcsd2by1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorcsd2by1.f mpifort -o dorcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorcsd.f mpifort -o dorg2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorg2l.f mpifort -o dorg2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorg2r.f mpifort -o dorgbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgbr.f mpifort -o dorghr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorghr.f mpifort -o dorgl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgl2.f mpifort -o dorglq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorglq.f mpifort -o dorgql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgql.f mpifort -o dorgqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgqr.f mpifort -o dorgr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgr2.f mpifort -o dorgrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgrq.f mpifort -o dorgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgtr.f mpifort -o dorm2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorm2l.f mpifort -o dorm2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorm2r.f mpifort -o dormbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormbr.f mpifort -o dormhr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormhr.f mpifort -o dorml2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorml2.f mpifort -o dormlq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormlq.f mpifort -o dormql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormql.f mpifort -o dormqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormqr.f mpifort -o dormr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormr2.f mpifort -o dormr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormr3.f mpifort -o dormrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormrq.f mpifort -o dormrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormrz.f mpifort -o dormtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormtr.f mpifort -o dpbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbcon.f mpifort -o dpbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbequ.f mpifort -o dpbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbrfs.f mpifort -o dpbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbstf.f mpifort -o dpbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbsv.f mpifort -o dpbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbsvx.f mpifort -o dpbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbtf2.f mpifort -o dpbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbtrf.f mpifort -o dpbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbtrs.f mpifort -o dpftrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpftrf.f mpifort -o dpftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpftri.f mpifort -o dpftrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpftrs.f mpifort -o dpocon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpocon.f mpifort -o dpoequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpoequb.f mpifort -o dpoequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpoequ.f mpifort -o dporfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dporfs.f mpifort -o dporfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dporfsx.f mpifort -o dposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dposv.f mpifort -o dposvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dposvx.f mpifort -o dposvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dposvxx.f mpifort -o dpotf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotf2.f mpifort -o dpotrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotrf.f mpifort -o dpotri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotri.f mpifort -o dpotrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotrs.f mpifort -o dppcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppcon.f mpifort -o dppequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppequ.f mpifort -o dpprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpprfs.f mpifort -o dppsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppsv.f mpifort -o dppsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppsvx.f mpifort -o dpptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpptrf.f mpifort -o dpptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpptri.f mpifort -o dpptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpptrs.f mpifort -o dpstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpstf2.f mpifort -o dpstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpstrf.f mpifort -o dptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptcon.f mpifort -o dpteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpteqr.f mpifort -o dptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptrfs.f mpifort -o dptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptsv.f mpifort -o dptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptsvx.f mpifort -o dpttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpttrf.f mpifort -o dpttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpttrs.f mpifort -o dptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptts2.f mpifort -o drscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drscl.f mpifort -o dsbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbevd.f mpifort -o dsbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbev.f mpifort -o dsbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbevx.f mpifort -o dsbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgst.f mpifort -o dsbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgvd.f mpifort -o dsbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgv.f mpifort -o dsbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgvx.f mpifort -o dsbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbtrd.f mpifort -o dsfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsfrk.f mpifort -o dsgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsgesv.f mpifort -o dspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspcon.f mpifort -o dspevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspevd.f mpifort -o dspev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspev.f mpifort -o dspevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspevx.f mpifort -o dspgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgst.f mpifort -o dspgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgvd.f mpifort -o dspgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgv.f mpifort -o dspgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgvx.f mpifort -o dsposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsposv.f mpifort -o dsprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsprfs.f mpifort -o dspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspsv.f mpifort -o dspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspsvx.f mpifort -o dsptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptrd.f mpifort -o dsptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptrf.f mpifort -o dsptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptri.f mpifort -o dsptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptrs.f mpifort -o dstebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstebz.f mpifort -o dstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstedc.f mpifort -o dstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstegr.f mpifort -o dstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstein.f mpifort -o dstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstemr.f mpifort -o dsteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsteqr.f mpifort -o dsterf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsterf.f mpifort -o dstevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstevd.f mpifort -o dstev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstev.f mpifort -o dstevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstevr.f mpifort -o dstevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstevx.f mpifort -o dsycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsycon.f mpifort -o dsycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsycon_rook.f mpifort -o dsyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyconv.f mpifort -o dsyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyequb.f mpifort -o dsyevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyevd.f mpifort -o dsyev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyev.f mpifort -o dsyevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyevr.f mpifort -o dsyevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyevx.f mpifort -o dsygs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygs2.f mpifort -o dsygst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygst.f mpifort -o dsygvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygvd.f mpifort -o dsygv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygv.f mpifort -o dsygvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygvx.f mpifort -o dsyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyrfs.f mpifort -o dsyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyrfsx.f mpifort -o dsysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysv.f mpifort -o dsysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysv_rook.f mpifort -o dsysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysvx.f mpifort -o dsysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysvxx.f mpifort -o dsyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyswapr.f mpifort -o dsytd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytd2.f mpifort -o dsytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytf2.f mpifort -o dsytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytf2_rook.f mpifort -o dsytrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrd.f mpifort -o dsytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrf.f mpifort -o dsytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrf_rook.f mpifort -o dsytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri2.f mpifort -o dsytri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri2x.f mpifort -o dsytri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri.f mpifort -o dsytri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri_rook.f mpifort -o dsytrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrs2.f mpifort -o dsytrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrs.f mpifort -o dsytrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrs_rook.f mpifort -o dtbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbcon.f mpifort -o dtbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbrfs.f mpifort -o dtbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbtrs.f mpifort -o dtfsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtfsm.f mpifort -o dtftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtftri.f mpifort -o dtfttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtfttp.f mpifort -o dtfttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtfttr.f mpifort -o dtgevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgevc.f mpifort -o dtgex2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgex2.f mpifort -o dtgexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgexc.f mpifort -o dtgsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsen.f mpifort -o dtgsja.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsja.f mpifort -o dtgsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsna.f mpifort -o dtgsy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsy2.f mpifort -o dtgsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsyl.f mpifort -o dtpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpcon.f mpifort -o dtpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpmqrt.f mpifort -o dtpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpqrt2.f mpifort -o dtpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpqrt.f mpifort -o dtprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtprfb.f mpifort -o dtprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtprfs.f mpifort -o dtptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtptri.f mpifort -o dtptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtptrs.f mpifort -o dtpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpttf.f mpifort -o dtpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpttr.f mpifort -o dtrcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrcon.f mpifort -o dtrevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrevc.f mpifort -o dtrexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrexc.f mpifort -o dtrrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrrfs.f mpifort -o dtrsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsen.f mpifort -o dtrsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsna.f mpifort -o dtrsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsyl.f mpifort -o dtrti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrti2.f mpifort -o dtrtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrtri.f mpifort -o dtrtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrtrs.f mpifort -o dtrttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrttf.f mpifort -o dtrttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrttp.f mpifort -o dtzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtzrqf.f mpifort -o dtzrzf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtzrzf.f mpifort -o dzsum1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dzsum1.f mpifort -o icmax1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g icmax1.f mpifort -o ieeeck.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ieeeck.f mpifort -o ilaclc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaclc.f mpifort -o ilaclr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaclr.f mpifort -o iladiag.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iladiag.f mpifort -o iladlc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iladlc.f mpifort -o iladlr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iladlr.f mpifort -o ilaenv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaenv.f mpifort -o ilaprec.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaprec.f mpifort -o ilaslc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaslc.f mpifort -o ilaslr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaslr.f mpifort -o ilatrans.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilatrans.f mpifort -o ilauplo.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilauplo.f mpifort -o ilaver.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaver.f mpifort -o ilazlc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilazlc.f mpifort -o ilazlr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilazlr.f mpifort -o iparmq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iparmq.f mpifort -o izmax1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g izmax1.f mpifort -o lsamen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g lsamen.f mpifort -o sbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sbbcsd.f mpifort -o sbdsdc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sbdsdc.f mpifort -o sbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sbdsqr.f mpifort -o scsum1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scsum1.f mpifort -o sdisna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sdisna.f mpifort -o sgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbbrd.f mpifort -o sgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbcon.f mpifort -o sgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbequb.f mpifort -o sgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbequ.f mpifort -o sgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbrfs.f mpifort -o sgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbrfsx.f mpifort -o sgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbsv.f mpifort -o sgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbsvx.f mpifort -o sgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbsvxx.f mpifort -o sgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbtf2.f mpifort -o sgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbtrf.f mpifort -o sgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbtrs.f mpifort -o sgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebak.f mpifort -o sgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebal.f mpifort -o sgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebd2.f mpifort -o sgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebrd.f mpifort -o sgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgecon.f mpifort -o sgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeequb.f mpifort -o sgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeequ.f mpifort -o sgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgees.f mpifort -o sgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeesx.f mpifort -o sgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeev.f mpifort -o sgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeevx.f mpifort -o sgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgegs.f mpifort -o sgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgegv.f mpifort -o sgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgehd2.f mpifort -o sgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgehrd.f mpifort -o sgejsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgejsv.f mpifort -o sgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelq2.f mpifort -o sgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelqf.f mpifort -o sgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelsd.f mpifort -o sgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgels.f mpifort -o sgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelss.f mpifort -o sgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelsx.f mpifort -o sgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelsy.f mpifort -o sgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgemqrt.f mpifort -o sgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeql2.f mpifort -o sgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqlf.f mpifort -o sgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqp3.f mpifort -o sgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqpf.f mpifort -o sgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqr2.f mpifort -o sgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqr2p.f mpifort -o sgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrf.f mpifort -o sgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrfp.f mpifort -o sgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrt2.f mpifort -o sgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrt3.f mpifort -o sgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrt.f mpifort -o sgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerfs.f mpifort -o sgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerfsx.f mpifort -o sgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerq2.f mpifort -o sgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerqf.f mpifort -o sgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesc2.f mpifort -o sgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesdd.f mpifort -o sgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvd.f mpifort -o sgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesv.f mpifort -o sgesvj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvj.f mpifort -o sgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvx.f mpifort -o sgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvxx.f mpifort -o sgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetc2.f mpifort -o sgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetf2.f mpifort -o sgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetrf.f mpifort -o sgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetri.f mpifort -o sgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetrs.f mpifort -o sggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggbak.f mpifort -o sggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggbal.f mpifort -o sgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgges.f mpifort -o sggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggesx.f mpifort -o sggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggev.f mpifort -o sggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggevx.f mpifort -o sggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggglm.f mpifort -o sgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgghrd.f mpifort -o sgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgglse.f mpifort -o sggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggqrf.f mpifort -o sggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggrqf.f mpifort -o sggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggsvd.f mpifort -o sggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggsvp.f mpifort -o sgsvj0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgsvj0.f mpifort -o sgsvj1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgsvj1.f mpifort -o sgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtcon.f mpifort -o sgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtrfs.f mpifort -o sgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtsv.f mpifort -o sgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtsvx.f mpifort -o sgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgttrf.f mpifort -o sgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgttrs.f mpifort -o sgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtts2.f mpifort -o shgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g shgeqz.f mpifort -o shsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g shsein.f mpifort -o shseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g shseqr.f mpifort -o sisnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sisnan.f mpifort -o slabad.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slabad.f mpifort -o slabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slabrd.f mpifort -o slacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slacn2.f mpifort -o slacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slacon.f mpifort -o slacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slacpy.f mpifort -o sladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sladiv.f mpifort -o slae2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slae2.f mpifort -o slaebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaebz.f mpifort -o slaed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed0.f mpifort -o slaed1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed1.f mpifort -o slaed2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed2.f mpifort -o slaed3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed3.f mpifort -o slaed4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed4.f mpifort -o slaed5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed5.f mpifort -o slaed6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed6.f mpifort -o slaed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed7.f mpifort -o slaed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed8.f mpifort -o slaed9.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed9.f mpifort -o slaeda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaeda.f mpifort -o slaein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaein.f mpifort -o slaev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaev2.f mpifort -o slaexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaexc.f mpifort -o slag2d.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slag2d.f mpifort -o slag2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slag2.f mpifort -o sla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbamv.f mpifort -o sla_gbrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbrcond.f mpifort -o sla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o sla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_geamv.f mpifort -o sla_gercond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gercond.f mpifort -o sla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o slags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slags2.f mpifort -o slagtf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagtf.f mpifort -o slagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagtm.f mpifort -o slagts.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagts.f mpifort -o slagv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagv2.f mpifort -o slahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slahqr.f mpifort -o slahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slahr2.f mpifort -o slahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slahrd.f mpifort -o slaic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaic1.f mpifort -o slaisnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaisnan.f mpifort -o sla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o slaln2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaln2.f mpifort -o slals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slals0.f mpifort -o slalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slalsa.f mpifort -o slalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slalsd.f mpifort -o slamrg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slamrg.f mpifort -o slaneg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaneg.f mpifort -o slangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slangb.f mpifort -o slange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slange.f mpifort -o slangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slangt.f mpifort -o slanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slanhs.f mpifort -o slansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansb.f mpifort -o slansf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansf.f mpifort -o slansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansp.f mpifort -o slanst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slanst.f mpifort -o slansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansy.f mpifort -o slantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slantb.f mpifort -o slantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slantp.f mpifort -o slantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slantr.f mpifort -o slanv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slanv2.f mpifort -o slapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapll.f mpifort -o slapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapmr.f mpifort -o slapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapmt.f mpifort -o sla_porcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_porcond.f mpifort -o sla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o slapy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapy2.f mpifort -o slapy3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapy3.f mpifort -o slaqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqgb.f mpifort -o slaqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqge.f mpifort -o slaqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqp2.f mpifort -o slaqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqps.f mpifort -o slaqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr0.f mpifort -o slaqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr1.f mpifort -o slaqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr2.f mpifort -o slaqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr3.f mpifort -o slaqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr4.f mpifort -o slaqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr5.f mpifort -o slaqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqsb.f mpifort -o slaqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqsp.f mpifort -o slaqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqsy.f mpifort -o slaqtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqtr.f mpifort -o slar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slar1v.f mpifort -o slar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slar2v.f mpifort -o slarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfb.f mpifort -o slarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarf.f mpifort -o slarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfg.f mpifort -o slarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfgp.f mpifort -o slarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarft.f mpifort -o slarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfx.f mpifort -o slargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slargv.f mpifort -o slarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarnv.f mpifort -o slarra.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarra.f mpifort -o slarrb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrb.f mpifort -o slarrc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrc.f mpifort -o slarrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrd.f mpifort -o slarre.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarre.f mpifort -o slarrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrf.f mpifort -o slarrj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrj.f mpifort -o slarrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrk.f mpifort -o slarrr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrr.f mpifort -o slarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrv.f mpifort -o slarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarscl2.f mpifort -o slartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartg.f mpifort -o slartgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartgp.f mpifort -o slartgs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartgs.f mpifort -o slartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartv.f mpifort -o slarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarzb.f mpifort -o slarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarz.f mpifort -o slarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarzt.f mpifort -o slas2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slas2.f mpifort -o slascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slascl2.f mpifort -o slascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slascl.f mpifort -o slasd0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd0.f mpifort -o slasd1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd1.f mpifort -o slasd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd2.f mpifort -o slasd3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd3.f mpifort -o slasd4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd4.f mpifort -o slasd5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd5.f mpifort -o slasd6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd6.f mpifort -o slasd7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd7.f mpifort -o slasd8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd8.f mpifort -o slasda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasda.f mpifort -o slasdq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasdq.f mpifort -o slasdt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasdt.f mpifort -o slaset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaset.f mpifort -o slasq1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq1.f mpifort -o slasq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq2.f mpifort -o slasq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq3.f mpifort -o slasq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq4.f mpifort -o slasq5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq5.f mpifort -o slasq6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq6.f mpifort -o slasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasr.f mpifort -o slasrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasrt.f mpifort -o slassq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slassq.f mpifort -o slasv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasv2.f mpifort -o slaswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaswp.f mpifort -o slasy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasy2.f mpifort -o sla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syamv.f mpifort -o slasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasyf.f mpifort -o slasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasyf_rook.f mpifort -o sla_syrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syrcond.f mpifort -o sla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o slatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatbs.f mpifort -o slatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatdf.f mpifort -o slatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatps.f mpifort -o slatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatrd.f mpifort -o slatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatrs.f mpifort -o slatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatrz.f mpifort -o slatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatzm.f mpifort -o slauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slauu2.f mpifort -o slauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slauum.f mpifort -o sla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o slazq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slazq3.f mpifort -o slazq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slazq4.f mpifort -o sopgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sopgtr.f mpifort -o sopmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sopmtr.f mpifort -o sorbdb1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb1.f mpifort -o sorbdb2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb2.f mpifort -o sorbdb3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb3.f mpifort -o sorbdb4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb4.f mpifort -o sorbdb5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb5.f mpifort -o sorbdb6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb6.f mpifort -o sorbdb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb.f mpifort -o sorcsd2by1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorcsd2by1.f mpifort -o sorcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorcsd.f mpifort -o sorg2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorg2l.f mpifort -o sorg2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorg2r.f mpifort -o sorgbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgbr.f mpifort -o sorghr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorghr.f mpifort -o sorgl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgl2.f mpifort -o sorglq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorglq.f mpifort -o sorgql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgql.f mpifort -o sorgqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgqr.f mpifort -o sorgr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgr2.f mpifort -o sorgrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgrq.f mpifort -o sorgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgtr.f mpifort -o sorm2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorm2l.f mpifort -o sorm2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorm2r.f mpifort -o sormbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormbr.f mpifort -o sormhr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormhr.f mpifort -o sorml2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorml2.f mpifort -o sormlq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormlq.f mpifort -o sormql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormql.f mpifort -o sormqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormqr.f mpifort -o sormr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormr2.f mpifort -o sormr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormr3.f mpifort -o sormrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormrq.f mpifort -o sormrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormrz.f mpifort -o sormtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormtr.f mpifort -o spbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbcon.f mpifort -o spbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbequ.f mpifort -o spbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbrfs.f mpifort -o spbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbstf.f mpifort -o spbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbsv.f mpifort -o spbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbsvx.f mpifort -o spbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbtf2.f mpifort -o spbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbtrf.f mpifort -o spbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbtrs.f mpifort -o spftrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spftrf.f mpifort -o spftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spftri.f mpifort -o spftrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spftrs.f mpifort -o spocon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spocon.f mpifort -o spoequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spoequb.f mpifort -o spoequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spoequ.f mpifort -o sporfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sporfs.f mpifort -o sporfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sporfsx.f mpifort -o sposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sposv.f mpifort -o sposvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sposvx.f mpifort -o sposvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sposvxx.f mpifort -o spotf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotf2.f mpifort -o spotrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotrf.f mpifort -o spotri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotri.f mpifort -o spotrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotrs.f mpifort -o sppcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppcon.f mpifort -o sppequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppequ.f mpifort -o spprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spprfs.f mpifort -o sppsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppsv.f mpifort -o sppsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppsvx.f mpifort -o spptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spptrf.f mpifort -o spptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spptri.f mpifort -o spptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spptrs.f mpifort -o spstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spstf2.f mpifort -o spstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spstrf.f mpifort -o sptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptcon.f mpifort -o spteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spteqr.f mpifort -o sptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptrfs.f mpifort -o sptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptsv.f mpifort -o sptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptsvx.f mpifort -o spttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spttrf.f mpifort -o spttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spttrs.f mpifort -o sptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptts2.f mpifort -o srscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srscl.f mpifort -o ssbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbevd.f mpifort -o ssbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbev.f mpifort -o ssbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbevx.f mpifort -o ssbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgst.f mpifort -o ssbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgvd.f mpifort -o ssbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgv.f mpifort -o ssbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgvx.f mpifort -o ssbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbtrd.f mpifort -o ssfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssfrk.f mpifort -o sspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspcon.f mpifort -o sspevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspevd.f mpifort -o sspev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspev.f mpifort -o sspevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspevx.f mpifort -o sspgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgst.f mpifort -o sspgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgvd.f mpifort -o sspgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgv.f mpifort -o sspgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgvx.f mpifort -o ssprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssprfs.f mpifort -o sspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspsv.f mpifort -o sspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspsvx.f mpifort -o ssptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptrd.f mpifort -o ssptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptrf.f mpifort -o ssptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptri.f mpifort -o ssptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptrs.f mpifort -o sstebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstebz.f mpifort -o sstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstedc.f mpifort -o sstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstegr.f mpifort -o sstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstein.f mpifort -o sstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstemr.f mpifort -o ssteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssteqr.f mpifort -o ssterf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssterf.f mpifort -o sstevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstevd.f mpifort -o sstev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstev.f mpifort -o sstevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstevr.f mpifort -o sstevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstevx.f mpifort -o ssycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssycon.f mpifort -o ssycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssycon_rook.f mpifort -o ssyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyconv.f mpifort -o ssyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyequb.f mpifort -o ssyevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyevd.f mpifort -o ssyev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyev.f mpifort -o ssyevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyevr.f mpifort -o ssyevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyevx.f mpifort -o ssygs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygs2.f mpifort -o ssygst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygst.f mpifort -o ssygvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygvd.f mpifort -o ssygv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygv.f mpifort -o ssygvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygvx.f mpifort -o ssyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyrfs.f mpifort -o ssyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyrfsx.f mpifort -o ssysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysv.f mpifort -o ssysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysv_rook.f mpifort -o ssysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysvx.f mpifort -o ssysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysvxx.f mpifort -o ssyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyswapr.f mpifort -o ssytd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytd2.f mpifort -o ssytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytf2.f mpifort -o ssytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytf2_rook.f mpifort -o ssytrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrd.f mpifort -o ssytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrf.f mpifort -o ssytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrf_rook.f mpifort -o ssytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri2.f mpifort -o ssytri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri2x.f mpifort -o ssytri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri.f mpifort -o ssytri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri_rook.f mpifort -o ssytrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrs2.f mpifort -o ssytrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrs.f mpifort -o ssytrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrs_rook.f mpifort -o stbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbcon.f mpifort -o stbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbrfs.f mpifort -o stbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbtrs.f mpifort -o stfsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stfsm.f mpifort -o stftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stftri.f mpifort -o stfttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stfttp.f mpifort -o stfttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stfttr.f mpifort -o stgevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgevc.f mpifort -o stgex2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgex2.f mpifort -o stgexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgexc.f mpifort -o stgsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsen.f mpifort -o stgsja.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsja.f mpifort -o stgsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsna.f mpifort -o stgsy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsy2.f mpifort -o stgsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsyl.f mpifort -o stpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpcon.f mpifort -o stpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpmqrt.f mpifort -o stpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpqrt2.f mpifort -o stpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpqrt.f mpifort -o stprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stprfb.f mpifort -o stprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stprfs.f mpifort -o stptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stptri.f mpifort -o stptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stptrs.f mpifort -o stpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpttf.f mpifort -o stpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpttr.f mpifort -o strcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strcon.f mpifort -o strevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strevc.f mpifort -o strexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strexc.f mpifort -o strrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strrfs.f mpifort -o strsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsen.f mpifort -o strsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsna.f mpifort -o strsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsyl.f mpifort -o strti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strti2.f mpifort -o strtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strtri.f mpifort -o strtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strtrs.f mpifort -o strttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strttf.f mpifort -o strttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strttp.f mpifort -o stzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stzrqf.f mpifort -o stzrzf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stzrzf.f mpifort -o zbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zbbcsd.f mpifort -o zbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zbdsqr.f mpifort -o zcgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zcgesv.f mpifort -o zcposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zcposv.f mpifort -o zdrscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdrscl.f mpifort -o zgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbbrd.f mpifort -o zgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbcon.f mpifort -o zgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbequb.f mpifort -o zgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbequ.f mpifort -o zgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbrfs.f mpifort -o zgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbrfsx.f mpifort -o zgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbsv.f mpifort -o zgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbsvx.f mpifort -o zgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbsvxx.f mpifort -o zgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbtf2.f mpifort -o zgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbtrf.f mpifort -o zgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbtrs.f mpifort -o zgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebak.f mpifort -o zgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebal.f mpifort -o zgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebd2.f mpifort -o zgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebrd.f mpifort -o zgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgecon.f mpifort -o zgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeequb.f mpifort -o zgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeequ.f mpifort -o zgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgees.f mpifort -o zgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeesx.f mpifort -o zgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeev.f mpifort -o zgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeevx.f mpifort -o zgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgegs.f mpifort -o zgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgegv.f mpifort -o zgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgehd2.f mpifort -o zgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgehrd.f mpifort -o zgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelq2.f mpifort -o zgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelqf.f mpifort -o zgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelsd.f mpifort -o zgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgels.f mpifort -o zgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelss.f mpifort -o zgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelsx.f mpifort -o zgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelsy.f mpifort -o zgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgemqrt.f mpifort -o zgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeql2.f mpifort -o zgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqlf.f mpifort -o zgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqp3.f mpifort -o zgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqpf.f mpifort -o zgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqr2.f mpifort -o zgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqr2p.f mpifort -o zgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrf.f mpifort -o zgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrfp.f mpifort -o zgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrt2.f mpifort -o zgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrt3.f mpifort -o zgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrt.f mpifort -o zgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerfs.f mpifort -o zgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerfsx.f mpifort -o zgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerq2.f mpifort -o zgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerqf.f mpifort -o zgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesc2.f mpifort -o zgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesdd.f mpifort -o zgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesvd.f mpifort -o zgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesv.f mpifort -o zgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesvx.f mpifort -o zgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesvxx.f mpifort -o zgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetc2.f mpifort -o zgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetf2.f mpifort -o zgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetrf.f mpifort -o zgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetri.f mpifort -o zgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetrs.f mpifort -o zggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggbak.f mpifort -o zggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggbal.f mpifort -o zgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgges.f mpifort -o zggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggesx.f mpifort -o zggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggev.f mpifort -o zggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggevx.f mpifort -o zggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggglm.f mpifort -o zgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgghrd.f mpifort -o zgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgglse.f mpifort -o zggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggqrf.f mpifort -o zggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggrqf.f mpifort -o zggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggsvd.f mpifort -o zggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggsvp.f mpifort -o zgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtcon.f mpifort -o zgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtrfs.f mpifort -o zgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtsv.f mpifort -o zgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtsvx.f mpifort -o zgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgttrf.f mpifort -o zgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgttrs.f mpifort -o zgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtts2.f mpifort -o zhbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbevd.f mpifort -o zhbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbev.f mpifort -o zhbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbevx.f mpifort -o zhbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgst.f mpifort -o zhbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgvd.f mpifort -o zhbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgv.f mpifort -o zhbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgvx.f mpifort -o zhbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbtrd.f mpifort -o zhecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhecon.f mpifort -o zhecon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhecon_rook.f mpifort -o zheequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheequb.f mpifort -o zheevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheevd.f mpifort -o zheev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheev.f mpifort -o zheevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheevr.f mpifort -o zheevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheevx.f mpifort -o zhegs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegs2.f mpifort -o zhegst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegst.f mpifort -o zhegvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegvd.f mpifort -o zhegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegv.f mpifort -o zhegvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegvx.f mpifort -o zherfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zherfs.f mpifort -o zherfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zherfsx.f mpifort -o zhesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesv.f mpifort -o zhesv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesv_rook.f mpifort -o zhesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesvx.f mpifort -o zhesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesvxx.f mpifort -o zheswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheswapr.f mpifort -o zhetd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetd2.f mpifort -o zhetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetf2.f mpifort -o zhetf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetf2_rook.f mpifort -o zhetrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrd.f mpifort -o zhetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrf.f mpifort -o zhetrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrf_rook.f mpifort -o zhetri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri2.f mpifort -o zhetri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri2x.f mpifort -o zhetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri.f mpifort -o zhetri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri_rook.f mpifort -o zhetrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrs2.f mpifort -o zhetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrs.f mpifort -o zhetrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrs_rook.f mpifort -o zhfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhfrk.f mpifort -o zhgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhgeqz.f mpifort -o zhpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpcon.f mpifort -o zhpevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpevd.f mpifort -o zhpev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpev.f mpifort -o zhpevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpevx.f mpifort -o zhpgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgst.f mpifort -o zhpgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgvd.f mpifort -o zhpgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgv.f mpifort -o zhpgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgvx.f mpifort -o zhprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhprfs.f mpifort -o zhpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpsv.f mpifort -o zhpsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpsvx.f mpifort -o zhptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptrd.f mpifort -o zhptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptrf.f mpifort -o zhptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptri.f mpifort -o zhptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptrs.f mpifort -o zhsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhsein.f mpifort -o zhseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhseqr.f mpifort -o zlabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlabrd.f mpifort -o zlacgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacgv.f mpifort -o zlacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacn2.f mpifort -o zlacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacon.f mpifort -o zlacp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacp2.f mpifort -o zlacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacpy.f mpifort -o zlacrm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacrm.f mpifort -o zlacrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacrt.f mpifort -o zladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zladiv.f mpifort -o zlaed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaed0.f mpifort -o zlaed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaed7.f mpifort -o zlaed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaed8.f mpifort -o zlaein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaein.f mpifort -o zlaesy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaesy.f mpifort -o zlaev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaev2.f mpifort -o zlag2c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlag2c.f mpifort -o zla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbamv.f mpifort -o zla_gbrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrcond_c.f mpifort -o zla_gbrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrcond_x.f mpifort -o zla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o zla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_geamv.f mpifort -o zla_gercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gercond_c.f mpifort -o zla_gercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gercond_x.f mpifort -o zla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlags2.f mpifort -o zlagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlagtm.f mpifort -o zla_heamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_heamv.f mpifort -o zlahef.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahef.f mpifort -o zlahef_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahef_rook.f mpifort -o zla_hercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_hercond_c.f mpifort -o zla_hercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_hercond_x.f mpifort -o zla_herfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_herfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_herpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_herpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahqr.f mpifort -o zlahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahr2.f mpifort -o zlahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahrd.f mpifort -o zlaic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaic1.f mpifort -o zla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o zlals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlals0.f mpifort -o zlalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlalsa.f mpifort -o zlalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlalsd.f mpifort -o zlangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlangb.f mpifort -o zlange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlange.f mpifort -o zlangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlangt.f mpifort -o zlanhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhb.f mpifort -o zlanhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhe.f mpifort -o zlanhf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhf.f mpifort -o zlanhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhp.f mpifort -o zlanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhs.f mpifort -o zlanht.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanht.f mpifort -o zlansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlansb.f mpifort -o zlansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlansp.f mpifort -o zlansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlansy.f mpifort -o zlantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlantb.f mpifort -o zlantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlantp.f mpifort -o zlantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlantr.f mpifort -o zlapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlapll.f mpifort -o zlapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlapmr.f mpifort -o zlapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlapmt.f mpifort -o zla_porcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porcond_c.f mpifort -o zla_porcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porcond_x.f mpifort -o zla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlaqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqgb.f mpifort -o zlaqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqge.f mpifort -o zlaqhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqhb.f mpifort -o zlaqhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqhe.f mpifort -o zlaqhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqhp.f mpifort -o zlaqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqp2.f mpifort -o zlaqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqps.f mpifort -o zlaqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr0.f mpifort -o zlaqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr1.f mpifort -o zlaqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr2.f mpifort -o zlaqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr3.f mpifort -o zlaqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr4.f mpifort -o zlaqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr5.f mpifort -o zlaqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqsb.f mpifort -o zlaqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqsp.f mpifort -o zlaqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqsy.f mpifort -o zlar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlar1v.f mpifort -o zlar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlar2v.f mpifort -o zlarcm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarcm.f mpifort -o zlarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfb.f mpifort -o zlarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarf.f mpifort -o zlarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfg.f mpifort -o zlarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfgp.f mpifort -o zlarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarft.f mpifort -o zlarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfx.f mpifort -o zlargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlargv.f mpifort -o zlarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarnv.f mpifort -o zlarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarrv.f mpifort -o zlarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarscl2.f mpifort -o zlartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlartg.f mpifort -o zlartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlartv.f mpifort -o zlarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarzb.f mpifort -o zlarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarz.f mpifort -o zlarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarzt.f mpifort -o zlascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlascl2.f mpifort -o zlascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlascl.f mpifort -o zlaset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaset.f mpifort -o zlasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlasr.f mpifort -o zlassq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlassq.f mpifort -o zlaswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaswp.f mpifort -o zla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syamv.f mpifort -o zlasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlasyf.f mpifort -o zlasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlasyf_rook.f mpifort -o zla_syrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrcond_c.f mpifort -o zla_syrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrcond_x.f mpifort -o zla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlat2c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlat2c.f mpifort -o zlatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatbs.f mpifort -o zlatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatdf.f mpifort -o zlatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatps.f mpifort -o zlatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatrd.f mpifort -o zlatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatrs.f mpifort -o zlatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatrz.f mpifort -o zlatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatzm.f mpifort -o zlauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlauu2.f mpifort -o zlauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlauum.f mpifort -o zla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o zpbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbcon.f mpifort -o zpbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbequ.f mpifort -o zpbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbrfs.f mpifort -o zpbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbstf.f mpifort -o zpbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbsv.f mpifort -o zpbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbsvx.f mpifort -o zpbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbtf2.f mpifort -o zpbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbtrf.f mpifort -o zpbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbtrs.f mpifort -o zpftrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpftrf.f mpifort -o zpftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpftri.f mpifort -o zpftrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpftrs.f mpifort -o zpocon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpocon.f mpifort -o zpoequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpoequb.f mpifort -o zpoequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpoequ.f mpifort -o zporfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zporfs.f mpifort -o zporfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zporfsx.f mpifort -o zposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zposv.f mpifort -o zposvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zposvx.f mpifort -o zposvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zposvxx.f mpifort -o zpotf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpotf2.f mpifort -o zpotrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpotrf.f mpifort -o zpotri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpotri.f mpifort -o zpotrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpotrs.f mpifort -o zppcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zppcon.f mpifort -o zppequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zppequ.f mpifort -o zpprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpprfs.f mpifort -o zppsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zppsv.f mpifort -o zppsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zppsvx.f mpifort -o zpptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpptrf.f mpifort -o zpptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpptri.f mpifort -o zpptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpptrs.f mpifort -o zpstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpstf2.f mpifort -o zpstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpstrf.f mpifort -o zptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptcon.f mpifort -o zpteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpteqr.f mpifort -o zptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptrfs.f mpifort -o zptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptsv.f mpifort -o zptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptsvx.f mpifort -o zpttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpttrf.f mpifort -o zpttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpttrs.f mpifort -o zptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptts2.f mpifort -o zrot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zrot.f mpifort -o zspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspcon.f mpifort -o zspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspmv.f mpifort -o zspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspr.f mpifort -o zsprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsprfs.f mpifort -o zspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspsv.f mpifort -o zspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspsvx.f mpifort -o zsptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsptrf.f mpifort -o zsptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsptri.f mpifort -o zsptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsptrs.f mpifort -o zstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstedc.f mpifort -o zstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstegr.f mpifort -o zstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstein.f mpifort -o zstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstemr.f mpifort -o zsteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsteqr.f mpifort -o zsycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsycon.f mpifort -o zsycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsycon_rook.f mpifort -o zsyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyconv.f mpifort -o zsyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyequb.f mpifort -o zsymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsymv.f mpifort -o zsyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyr.f mpifort -o zsyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyrfs.f mpifort -o zsyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyrfsx.f mpifort -o zsysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysv.f mpifort -o zsysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysv_rook.f mpifort -o zsysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysvx.f mpifort -o zsysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysvxx.f mpifort -o zsyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyswapr.f mpifort -o zsytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytf2.f mpifort -o zsytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytf2_rook.f mpifort -o zsytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytrf.f mpifort -o zsytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytrf_rook.f mpifort -o zsytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytri2.f mpifort -o zsytri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytri2x.f mpifort -o zsytri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytri.f mpifort -o zsytri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytri_rook.f mpifort -o zsytrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytrs2.f mpifort -o zsytrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytrs.f mpifort -o zsytrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytrs_rook.f mpifort -o ztbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztbcon.f mpifort -o ztbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztbrfs.f mpifort -o ztbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztbtrs.f mpifort -o ztfsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztfsm.f mpifort -o ztftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztftri.f mpifort -o ztfttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztfttp.f mpifort -o ztfttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztfttr.f mpifort -o ztgevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgevc.f mpifort -o ztgex2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgex2.f mpifort -o ztgexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgexc.f mpifort -o ztgsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgsen.f mpifort -o ztgsja.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgsja.f mpifort -o ztgsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgsna.f mpifort -o ztgsy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgsy2.f mpifort -o ztgsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztgsyl.f mpifort -o ztpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpcon.f mpifort -o ztpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpmqrt.f mpifort -o ztpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpqrt2.f mpifort -o ztpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpqrt.f mpifort -o ztprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztprfb.f mpifort -o ztprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztprfs.f mpifort -o ztptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztptri.f mpifort -o ztptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztptrs.f mpifort -o ztpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpttf.f mpifort -o ztpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpttr.f mpifort -o ztrcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrcon.f mpifort -o ztrevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrevc.f mpifort -o ztrexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrexc.f mpifort -o ztrrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrrfs.f mpifort -o ztrsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsen.f mpifort -o ztrsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsna.f mpifort -o ztrsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsyl.f mpifort -o ztrti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrti2.f mpifort -o ztrtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrtri.f mpifort -o ztrtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrtrs.f mpifort -o ztrttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrttf.f mpifort -o ztrttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrttp.f mpifort -o ztzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g 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cgelsx.o cgelsy.o cgemqrt.o cgeql2.o cgeqlf.o cgeqp3.o cgeqpf.o cgeqr2.o cgeqr2p.o cgeqrf.o cgeqrfp.o cgeqrt2.o cgeqrt3.o cgeqrt.o cgerfs.o cgerfsx.o cgerq2.o cgerqf.o cgesc2.o cgesdd.o cgesvd.o cgesv.o cgesvx.o cgesvxx.o cgetc2.o cgetf2.o cgetrf.o cgetri.o cgetrs.o cggbak.o cggbal.o cgges.o cggesx.o cggev.o cggevx.o cggglm.o cgghrd.o cgglse.o cggqrf.o cggrqf.o cggsvd.o cggsvp.o cgtcon.o cgtrfs.o cgtsv.o cgtsvx.o cgttrf.o cgttrs.o cgtts2.o chbevd.o chbev.o chbevx.o chbgst.o chbgvd.o chbgv.o chbgvx.o chbtrd.o checon.o checon_rook.o cheequb.o cheevd.o cheev.o cheevr.o cheevx.o chegs2.o chegst.o chegvd.o chegv.o chegvx.o cherfs.o cherfsx.o chesv.o chesv_rook.o chesvx.o chesvxx.o cheswapr.o chetd2.o chetf2.o chetf2_rook.o chetrd.o chetrf.o chetrf_rook.o chetri2.o chetri2x.o chetri.o chetri_rook.o chetrs2.o chetrs.o chetrs_rook.o chfrk.o chgeqz.o chla_transtype.o chpcon.o chpevd.o chpev.o chpevx.o chpgst.o chpgvd.o chpgv.o chpgvx.o chprfs.o chpsv.o chpsvx.o chptrd.o chptrf.o chptri.o 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csytrf_rook.o csytri2.o csytri2x.o csytri.o csytri_rook.o csytrs2.o csytrs.o csytrs_rook.o ctbcon.o ctbrfs.o ctbtrs.o ctfsm.o ctftri.o ctfttp.o ctfttr.o ctgevc.o ctgex2.o ctgexc.o ctgsen.o ctgsja.o ctgsna.o ctgsy2.o ctgsyl.o ctpcon.o ctpmqrt.o ctpqrt2.o ctpqrt.o ctprfb.o ctprfs.o ctptri.o ctptrs.o ctpttf.o ctpttr.o ctrcon.o ctrevc.o ctrexc.o ctrrfs.o ctrsen.o ctrsna.o ctrsyl.o ctrti2.o ctrtri.o ctrtrs.o ctrttf.o ctrttp.o ctzrqf.o ctzrzf.o cunbdb1.o cunbdb2.o cunbdb3.o cunbdb4.o cunbdb5.o cunbdb6.o cunbdb.o cuncsd2by1.o cuncsd.o cung2l.o cung2r.o cungbr.o cunghr.o cungl2.o cunglq.o cungql.o cungqr.o cungr2.o cungrq.o cungtr.o cunm2l.o cunm2r.o cunmbr.o cunmhr.o cunml2.o cunmlq.o cunmql.o cunmqr.o cunmr2.o cunmr3.o cunmrq.o cunmrz.o cunmtr.o cupgtr.o cupmtr.o dbbcsd.o dbdsdc.o dbdsqr.o ddisna.o dgbbrd.o dgbcon.o dgbequb.o dgbequ.o dgbrfs.o dgbrfsx.o dgbsv.o dgbsvx.o dgbsvxx.o dgbtf2.o dgbtrf.o dgbtrs.o dgebak.o dgebal.o dgebd2.o dgebrd.o dgecon.o dgeequb.o dgeequ.o dgees.o dgeesx.o dgeev.o dgeevx.o dgegs.o dgegv.o dgehd2.o dgehrd.o dgejsv.o dgelq2.o dgelqf.o dgelsd.o dgels.o dgelss.o dgelsx.o dgelsy.o dgemqrt.o dgeql2.o dgeqlf.o dgeqp3.o dgeqpf.o dgeqr2.o dgeqr2p.o dgeqrf.o dgeqrfp.o dgeqrt2.o dgeqrt3.o dgeqrt.o dgerfs.o dgerfsx.o dgerq2.o dgerqf.o dgesc2.o dgesdd.o dgesvd.o dgesv.o dgesvj.o dgesvx.o dgesvxx.o dgetc2.o dgetf2.o dgetrf.o dgetri.o dgetrs.o dggbak.o dggbal.o dgges.o dggesx.o dggev.o dggevx.o dggglm.o dgghrd.o dgglse.o dggqrf.o dggrqf.o dggsvd.o dggsvp.o dgsvj0.o dgsvj1.o dgtcon.o dgtrfs.o dgtsv.o dgtsvx.o dgttrf.o dgttrs.o dgtts2.o dhgeqz.o dhsein.o dhseqr.o disnan.o dlabad.o dlabrd.o dlacn2.o dlacon.o dlacpy.o dladiv.o dlae2.o dlaebz.o dlaed0.o dlaed1.o dlaed2.o dlaed3.o dlaed4.o dlaed5.o dlaed6.o dlaed7.o dlaed8.o dlaed9.o dlaeda.o dlaein.o dlaev2.o dlaexc.o dlag2.o dlag2s.o dla_gbamv.o dla_gbrcond.o dla_gbrfsx_extended.o dla_gbrpvgrw.o dla_geamv.o dla_gercond.o dla_gerfsx_extended.o dla_gerpvgrw.o dlags2.o dlagtf.o dlagtm.o dlagts.o dlagv2.o dlahqr.o dlahr2.o dlahrd.o dlaic1.o dlaisnan.o dla_lin_berr.o dlaln2.o dlals0.o dlalsa.o dlalsd.o dlamrg.o dlaneg.o dlangb.o dlange.o dlangt.o dlanhs.o dlansb.o dlansf.o dlansp.o dlanst.o dlansy.o dlantb.o dlantp.o dlantr.o dlanv2.o dlapll.o dlapmr.o dlapmt.o dla_porcond.o dla_porfsx_extended.o dla_porpvgrw.o dlapy2.o dlapy3.o dlaqgb.o dlaqge.o dlaqp2.o dlaqps.o dlaqr0.o dlaqr1.o dlaqr2.o dlaqr3.o dlaqr4.o dlaqr5.o dlaqsb.o dlaqsp.o dlaqsy.o dlaqtr.o dlar1v.o dlar2v.o dlarfb.o dlarf.o dlarfg.o dlarfgp.o dlarft.o dlarfx.o dlargv.o dlarnv.o dlarra.o dlarrb.o dlarrc.o dlarrd.o dlarre.o dlarrf.o dlarrj.o dlarrk.o dlarrr.o dlarrv.o dlarscl2.o dlartg.o dlartgp.o dlartgs.o dlartv.o dlaruv.o dlarzb.o dlarz.o dlarzt.o dlas2.o dlascl2.o dlascl.o dlasd0.o dlasd1.o dlasd2.o dlasd3.o dlasd4.o dlasd5.o dlasd6.o dlasd7.o dlasd8.o dlasda.o dlasdq.o dlasdt.o dlaset.o dlasq1.o dlasq2.o dlasq3.o dlasq4.o dlasq5.o dlasq6.o dlasr.o dlasrt.o dlassq.o dlasv2.o dlaswp.o dlasy2.o dla_syamv.o dlasyf.o dlasyf_rook.o dla_syrcond.o dla_syrfsx_extended.o dla_syrpvgrw.o dlat2s.o dlatbs.o dlatdf.o dlatps.o dlatrd.o dlatrs.o dlatrz.o dlatzm.o dlauu2.o dlauum.o dla_wwaddw.o dlazq3.o dlazq4.o dopgtr.o dopmtr.o dorbdb1.o dorbdb2.o dorbdb3.o dorbdb4.o dorbdb5.o dorbdb6.o dorbdb.o dorcsd2by1.o dorcsd.o dorg2l.o dorg2r.o dorgbr.o dorghr.o dorgl2.o dorglq.o dorgql.o dorgqr.o dorgr2.o dorgrq.o dorgtr.o dorm2l.o dorm2r.o dormbr.o dormhr.o dorml2.o dormlq.o dormql.o dormqr.o dormr2.o dormr3.o dormrq.o dormrz.o dormtr.o dpbcon.o dpbequ.o dpbrfs.o dpbstf.o dpbsv.o dpbsvx.o dpbtf2.o dpbtrf.o dpbtrs.o dpftrf.o dpftri.o dpftrs.o dpocon.o dpoequb.o dpoequ.o dporfs.o dporfsx.o dposv.o dposvx.o dposvxx.o dpotf2.o dpotrf.o dpotri.o dpotrs.o dppcon.o dppequ.o dpprfs.o dppsv.o dppsvx.o dpptrf.o dpptri.o dpptrs.o dpstf2.o dpstrf.o dptcon.o dpteqr.o dptrfs.o dptsv.o dptsvx.o dpttrf.o dpttrs.o dptts2.o drscl.o dsbevd.o dsbev.o dsbevx.o dsbgst.o dsbgvd.o dsbgv.o dsbgvx.o dsbtrd.o dsfrk.o dsgesv.o dspcon.o dspevd.o dspev.o dspevx.o dspgst.o dspgvd.o dspgv.o dspgvx.o dsposv.o dsprfs.o dspsv.o dspsvx.o dsptrd.o dsptrf.o dsptri.o dsptrs.o dstebz.o dstedc.o dstegr.o dstein.o dstemr.o dsteqr.o dsterf.o dstevd.o dstev.o dstevr.o dstevx.o dsycon.o dsycon_rook.o dsyconv.o dsyequb.o dsyevd.o dsyev.o dsyevr.o dsyevx.o dsygs2.o dsygst.o dsygvd.o dsygv.o dsygvx.o dsyrfs.o dsyrfsx.o dsysv.o dsysv_rook.o dsysvx.o dsysvxx.o dsyswapr.o dsytd2.o dsytf2.o dsytf2_rook.o dsytrd.o dsytrf.o dsytrf_rook.o dsytri2.o dsytri2x.o dsytri.o dsytri_rook.o dsytrs2.o dsytrs.o dsytrs_rook.o dtbcon.o dtbrfs.o dtbtrs.o dtfsm.o dtftri.o dtfttp.o dtfttr.o dtgevc.o dtgex2.o dtgexc.o dtgsen.o dtgsja.o dtgsna.o dtgsy2.o dtgsyl.o dtpcon.o dtpmqrt.o dtpqrt2.o dtpqrt.o dtprfb.o dtprfs.o dtptri.o dtptrs.o dtpttf.o dtpttr.o dtrcon.o dtrevc.o dtrexc.o dtrrfs.o dtrsen.o dtrsna.o dtrsyl.o dtrti2.o dtrtri.o dtrtrs.o dtrttf.o dtrttp.o dtzrqf.o dtzrzf.o dzsum1.o icmax1.o ieeeck.o ilaclc.o ilaclr.o iladiag.o iladlc.o iladlr.o ilaenv.o ilaprec.o ilaslc.o ilaslr.o ilatrans.o ilauplo.o ilaver.o ilazlc.o ilazlr.o iparmq.o izmax1.o lsamen.o sbbcsd.o sbdsdc.o sbdsqr.o scsum1.o sdisna.o sgbbrd.o sgbcon.o sgbequb.o sgbequ.o sgbrfs.o sgbrfsx.o sgbsv.o sgbsvx.o sgbsvxx.o sgbtf2.o sgbtrf.o sgbtrs.o sgebak.o sgebal.o sgebd2.o sgebrd.o sgecon.o sgeequb.o sgeequ.o sgees.o sgeesx.o sgeev.o sgeevx.o sgegs.o sgegv.o sgehd2.o sgehrd.o sgejsv.o sgelq2.o sgelqf.o sgelsd.o sgels.o sgelss.o sgelsx.o sgelsy.o sgemqrt.o sgeql2.o sgeqlf.o sgeqp3.o sgeqpf.o sgeqr2.o sgeqr2p.o sgeqrf.o sgeqrfp.o sgeqrt2.o sgeqrt3.o sgeqrt.o sgerfs.o sgerfsx.o sgerq2.o sgerqf.o sgesc2.o sgesdd.o sgesvd.o sgesv.o sgesvj.o sgesvx.o sgesvxx.o sgetc2.o sgetf2.o sgetrf.o sgetri.o sgetrs.o sggbak.o sggbal.o sgges.o sggesx.o sggev.o sggevx.o sggglm.o sgghrd.o sgglse.o sggqrf.o sggrqf.o sggsvd.o sggsvp.o sgsvj0.o sgsvj1.o sgtcon.o sgtrfs.o sgtsv.o sgtsvx.o sgttrf.o sgttrs.o sgtts2.o shgeqz.o shsein.o shseqr.o sisnan.o slabad.o slabrd.o slacn2.o slacon.o slacpy.o sladiv.o slae2.o slaebz.o slaed0.o slaed1.o slaed2.o slaed3.o slaed4.o slaed5.o slaed6.o slaed7.o slaed8.o slaed9.o slaeda.o slaein.o slaev2.o slaexc.o slag2d.o slag2.o sla_gbamv.o sla_gbrcond.o sla_gbrfsx_extended.o sla_gbrpvgrw.o sla_geamv.o sla_gercond.o sla_gerfsx_extended.o sla_gerpvgrw.o slags2.o slagtf.o slagtm.o slagts.o slagv2.o slahqr.o slahr2.o slahrd.o slaic1.o slaisnan.o sla_lin_berr.o slaln2.o slals0.o slalsa.o slalsd.o slamrg.o slaneg.o slangb.o slange.o slangt.o slanhs.o slansb.o slansf.o slansp.o slanst.o slansy.o slantb.o slantp.o slantr.o slanv2.o slapll.o slapmr.o slapmt.o sla_porcond.o sla_porfsx_extended.o sla_porpvgrw.o slapy2.o slapy3.o slaqgb.o slaqge.o slaqp2.o slaqps.o slaqr0.o slaqr1.o slaqr2.o slaqr3.o slaqr4.o slaqr5.o slaqsb.o slaqsp.o slaqsy.o slaqtr.o slar1v.o slar2v.o slarfb.o slarf.o slarfg.o slarfgp.o slarft.o slarfx.o slargv.o slarnv.o slarra.o slarrb.o slarrc.o slarrd.o slarre.o slarrf.o slarrj.o slarrk.o slarrr.o slarrv.o slarscl2.o slartg.o slartgp.o slartgs.o slartv.o slaruv.o slarzb.o slarz.o slarzt.o slas2.o slascl2.o slascl.o slasd0.o slasd1.o slasd2.o slasd3.o slasd4.o slasd5.o slasd6.o slasd7.o slasd8.o slasda.o slasdq.o slasdt.o slaset.o slasq1.o slasq2.o slasq3.o slasq4.o slasq5.o slasq6.o slasr.o slasrt.o slassq.o slasv2.o slaswp.o slasy2.o sla_syamv.o slasyf.o slasyf_rook.o sla_syrcond.o sla_syrfsx_extended.o sla_syrpvgrw.o slatbs.o slatdf.o slatps.o slatrd.o slatrs.o slatrz.o slatzm.o slauu2.o slauum.o sla_wwaddw.o slazq3.o slazq4.o sopgtr.o sopmtr.o sorbdb1.o sorbdb2.o sorbdb3.o sorbdb4.o sorbdb5.o sorbdb6.o sorbdb.o sorcsd2by1.o sorcsd.o sorg2l.o sorg2r.o sorgbr.o sorghr.o sorgl2.o sorglq.o sorgql.o sorgqr.o sorgr2.o sorgrq.o sorgtr.o sorm2l.o sorm2r.o sormbr.o sormhr.o sorml2.o sormlq.o sormql.o sormqr.o sormr2.o sormr3.o sormrq.o sormrz.o sormtr.o spbcon.o spbequ.o spbrfs.o spbstf.o spbsv.o spbsvx.o spbtf2.o spbtrf.o spbtrs.o spftrf.o spftri.o spftrs.o spocon.o spoequb.o spoequ.o sporfs.o sporfsx.o sposv.o sposvx.o sposvxx.o spotf2.o spotrf.o spotri.o spotrs.o sppcon.o sppequ.o spprfs.o sppsv.o sppsvx.o spptrf.o spptri.o spptrs.o spstf2.o spstrf.o sptcon.o spteqr.o sptrfs.o sptsv.o sptsvx.o spttrf.o spttrs.o sptts2.o srscl.o ssbevd.o ssbev.o ssbevx.o ssbgst.o ssbgvd.o ssbgv.o ssbgvx.o ssbtrd.o ssfrk.o sspcon.o sspevd.o sspev.o sspevx.o sspgst.o sspgvd.o sspgv.o sspgvx.o ssprfs.o sspsv.o sspsvx.o ssptrd.o ssptrf.o ssptri.o ssptrs.o sstebz.o sstedc.o sstegr.o sstein.o sstemr.o ssteqr.o ssterf.o sstevd.o sstev.o sstevr.o sstevx.o ssycon.o ssycon_rook.o ssyconv.o ssyequb.o ssyevd.o ssyev.o ssyevr.o ssyevx.o ssygs2.o ssygst.o ssygvd.o ssygv.o ssygvx.o ssyrfs.o ssyrfsx.o ssysv.o ssysv_rook.o ssysvx.o ssysvxx.o ssyswapr.o ssytd2.o ssytf2.o ssytf2_rook.o ssytrd.o ssytrf.o ssytrf_rook.o ssytri2.o ssytri2x.o ssytri.o ssytri_rook.o ssytrs2.o ssytrs.o ssytrs_rook.o stbcon.o stbrfs.o stbtrs.o stfsm.o stftri.o stfttp.o stfttr.o stgevc.o stgex2.o stgexc.o stgsen.o stgsja.o stgsna.o stgsy2.o stgsyl.o stpcon.o stpmqrt.o stpqrt2.o stpqrt.o stprfb.o stprfs.o stptri.o stptrs.o stpttf.o stpttr.o strcon.o strevc.o strexc.o strrfs.o strsen.o strsna.o strsyl.o strti2.o strtri.o strtrs.o strttf.o strttp.o stzrqf.o stzrzf.o zbbcsd.o zbdsqr.o zcgesv.o zcposv.o zdrscl.o zgbbrd.o zgbcon.o zgbequb.o zgbequ.o zgbrfs.o zgbrfsx.o zgbsv.o zgbsvx.o zgbsvxx.o zgbtf2.o zgbtrf.o zgbtrs.o zgebak.o zgebal.o zgebd2.o zgebrd.o zgecon.o zgeequb.o zgeequ.o zgees.o zgeesx.o zgeev.o zgeevx.o zgegs.o zgegv.o zgehd2.o zgehrd.o zgelq2.o zgelqf.o zgelsd.o zgels.o zgelss.o zgelsx.o zgelsy.o zgemqrt.o zgeql2.o zgeqlf.o zgeqp3.o zgeqpf.o zgeqr2.o zgeqr2p.o zgeqrf.o zgeqrfp.o zgeqrt2.o zgeqrt3.o zgeqrt.o zgerfs.o zgerfsx.o zgerq2.o zgerqf.o zgesc2.o zgesdd.o zgesvd.o zgesv.o zgesvx.o zgesvxx.o zgetc2.o zgetf2.o zgetrf.o zgetri.o zgetrs.o zggbak.o zggbal.o zgges.o zggesx.o zggev.o zggevx.o zggglm.o zgghrd.o zgglse.o zggqrf.o zggrqf.o zggsvd.o zggsvp.o zgtcon.o zgtrfs.o zgtsv.o zgtsvx.o zgttrf.o zgttrs.o zgtts2.o zhbevd.o zhbev.o zhbevx.o zhbgst.o zhbgvd.o zhbgv.o zhbgvx.o zhbtrd.o zhecon.o zhecon_rook.o zheequb.o zheevd.o zheev.o zheevr.o zheevx.o zhegs2.o zhegst.o zhegvd.o zhegv.o zhegvx.o zherfs.o zherfsx.o zhesv.o zhesv_rook.o zhesvx.o zhesvxx.o zheswapr.o zhetd2.o zhetf2.o zhetf2_rook.o zhetrd.o zhetrf.o zhetrf_rook.o zhetri2.o zhetri2x.o zhetri.o zhetri_rook.o zhetrs2.o zhetrs.o zhetrs_rook.o zhfrk.o zhgeqz.o zhpcon.o zhpevd.o zhpev.o zhpevx.o zhpgst.o zhpgvd.o zhpgv.o zhpgvx.o zhprfs.o zhpsv.o zhpsvx.o zhptrd.o zhptrf.o zhptri.o zhptrs.o zhsein.o zhseqr.o zlabrd.o zlacgv.o zlacn2.o zlacon.o zlacp2.o zlacpy.o zlacrm.o zlacrt.o zladiv.o zlaed0.o zlaed7.o zlaed8.o zlaein.o zlaesy.o zlaev2.o zlag2c.o zla_gbamv.o zla_gbrcond_c.o zla_gbrcond_x.o zla_gbrfsx_extended.o zla_gbrpvgrw.o zla_geamv.o zla_gercond_c.o zla_gercond_x.o zla_gerfsx_extended.o zla_gerpvgrw.o zlags2.o zlagtm.o zla_heamv.o zlahef.o zlahef_rook.o zla_hercond_c.o zla_hercond_x.o zla_herfsx_extended.o zla_herpvgrw.o zlahqr.o zlahr2.o zlahrd.o zlaic1.o zla_lin_berr.o zlals0.o zlalsa.o zlalsd.o zlangb.o zlange.o zlangt.o zlanhb.o zlanhe.o zlanhf.o zlanhp.o zlanhs.o zlanht.o zlansb.o zlansp.o zlansy.o zlantb.o zlantp.o zlantr.o zlapll.o zlapmr.o zlapmt.o zla_porcond_c.o zla_porcond_x.o zla_porfsx_extended.o zla_porpvgrw.o zlaqgb.o zlaqge.o zlaqhb.o zlaqhe.o zlaqhp.o zlaqp2.o zlaqps.o zlaqr0.o zlaqr1.o zlaqr2.o zlaqr3.o zlaqr4.o zlaqr5.o zlaqsb.o zlaqsp.o zlaqsy.o zlar1v.o zlar2v.o zlarcm.o zlarfb.o zlarf.o zlarfg.o zlarfgp.o zlarft.o zlarfx.o zlargv.o zlarnv.o zlarrv.o zlarscl2.o zlartg.o zlartv.o zlarzb.o zlarz.o zlarzt.o zlascl2.o zlascl.o zlaset.o zlasr.o zlassq.o zlaswp.o zla_syamv.o zlasyf.o zlasyf_rook.o zla_syrcond_c.o zla_syrcond_x.o zla_syrfsx_extended.o zla_syrpvgrw.o zlat2c.o zlatbs.o zlatdf.o zlatps.o zlatrd.o zlatrs.o zlatrz.o zlatzm.o zlauu2.o zlauum.o zla_wwaddw.o zpbcon.o zpbequ.o zpbrfs.o zpbstf.o zpbsv.o zpbsvx.o zpbtf2.o zpbtrf.o zpbtrs.o zpftrf.o zpftri.o zpftrs.o zpocon.o zpoequb.o zpoequ.o zporfs.o zporfsx.o zposv.o zposvx.o zposvxx.o zpotf2.o zpotrf.o zpotri.o zpotrs.o zppcon.o zppequ.o zpprfs.o zppsv.o zppsvx.o zpptrf.o zpptri.o zpptrs.o zpstf2.o zpstrf.o zptcon.o zpteqr.o zptrfs.o zptsv.o zptsvx.o zpttrf.o zpttrs.o zptts2.o zrot.o zspcon.o zspmv.o zspr.o zsprfs.o zspsv.o zspsvx.o zsptrf.o zsptri.o zsptrs.o zstedc.o zstegr.o zstein.o zstemr.o zsteqr.o zsycon.o zsycon_rook.o zsyconv.o zsyequb.o zsymv.o zsyr.o zsyrfs.o zsyrfsx.o zsysv.o zsysv_rook.o zsysvx.o zsysvxx.o zsyswapr.o zsytf2.o zsytf2_rook.o zsytrf.o zsytrf_rook.o zsytri2.o zsytri2x.o zsytri.o zsytri_rook.o zsytrs2.o zsytrs.o zsytrs_rook.o ztbcon.o ztbrfs.o ztbtrs.o ztfsm.o ztftri.o ztfttp.o ztfttr.o ztgevc.o ztgex2.o ztgexc.o ztgsen.o ztgsja.o ztgsna.o ztgsy2.o ztgsyl.o ztpcon.o ztpmqrt.o ztpqrt2.o ztpqrt.o ztprfb.o ztprfs.o ztptri.o ztptrs.o ztpttf.o ztpttr.o ztrcon.o ztrevc.o ztrexc.o ztrrfs.o ztrsen.o ztrsna.o ztrsyl.o ztrti2.o ztrtri.o ztrtrs.o ztrttf.o ztrttp.o ztzrqf.o ztzrzf.o zunbdb1.o zunbdb2.o zunbdb3.o zunbdb4.o zunbdb5.o zunbdb6.o zunbdb.o zuncsd2by1.o zuncsd.o zung2l.o zung2r.o zungbr.o zunghr.o zungl2.o zunglq.o zungql.o zungqr.o zungr2.o zungrq.o zungtr.o zunm2l.o zunm2r.o zunmbr.o zunmhr.o zunml2.o zunmlq.o zunmql.o zunmqr.o zunmr2.o zunmr3.o zunmrq.o zunmrz.o zunmtr.o zupgtr.o zupmtr.o gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack' cd lapack-extra; /bin/gmake lib FC="mpifort" FOPTFLAGS="-KPIC -O2 -g" FNOOPT="-O0 -KPIC " AR="/bin/ar" AR_FLAGS="cr" RM="/bin/rm -f" LIBNAME="libflapack.a" gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack-extra' mpifort -c -O0 -KPIC slamch.f dlamch.f mpifort -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaver.f /bin/ar cr ../libflapack.a slamch.o dlamch.o ilaver.o /bin/rm -f slamch.o dlamch.o ilaver.o gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack-extra' /bin/ranlib libflapack.a stdout: gmake[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add '+' to parent make rule. slamch.f: NVFORTRAN-W-0130-Floating point underflow. Check constants and constant expressions (slamch.f: 113) 0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for slamch dlamch.f: NVFORTRAN-W-0130-Floating point underflow. Check constants and constant expressions (dlamch.f: 109) 0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for dlamch Executing: cd /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack && mkdir -p /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib && cp -f libfblas.a libflapack.a /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib ********Output of running make on FBLASLAPACK follows ******* /bin/rm -f */*.o /bin/rm -f ./*.a ./*.lib cd blas; /bin/gmake lib FC="mpifort" FOPTFLAGS="-KPIC -O2 -g" FNOOPT="-O0 -KPIC " AR="/bin/ar" AR_FLAGS="cr" RM="/bin/rm -f" LIBNAME="libfblas.a" cd lapack; /bin/gmake lib FC="mpifort" FOPTFLAGS="-KPIC -O2 -g" FNOOPT="-O0 -KPIC " AR="/bin/ar" AR_FLAGS="cr" RM="/bin/rm -f" LIBNAME="libflapack.a" gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/blas' mpifort -o caxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g caxpy.f mpifort -o ccopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ccopy.f mpifort -o cdotc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cdotc.f mpifort -o cdotu.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cdotu.f mpifort -o cgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbmv.f mpifort -o cgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgemm.f gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack' mpifort -o slaruv.o -c -O0 -KPIC slaruv.f mpifort -o cgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgemv.f mpifort -o dlaruv.o -c -O0 -KPIC dlaruv.f mpifort -o cgerc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerc.f mpifort -o cbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cbbcsd.f mpifort -o cgeru.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeru.f mpifort -o cbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cbdsqr.f mpifort -o chbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbmv.f mpifort -o cgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbbrd.f mpifort -o chemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chemm.f mpifort -o cgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbcon.f mpifort -o chemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chemv.f mpifort -o cgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbequb.f mpifort -o cher2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cher2.f mpifort -o cgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbequ.f mpifort -o cher2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cher2k.f mpifort -o cgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbrfs.f mpifort -o cher.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cher.f mpifort -o cgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbrfsx.f mpifort -o cgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbsv.f mpifort -o cgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbsvx.f mpifort -o cgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbsvxx.f mpifort -o cherk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cherk.f mpifort -o chpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpmv.f mpifort -o chpr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpr2.f mpifort -o chpr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpr.f mpifort -o crotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g crotg.f mpifort -o cgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbtf2.f mpifort -o cscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cscal.f mpifort -o cgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbtrf.f mpifort -o cgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgbtrs.f mpifort -o cgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebak.f mpifort -o cgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebal.f mpifort -o csrot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csrot.f mpifort -o csscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csscal.f mpifort -o cgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebd2.f mpifort -o cgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgebrd.f mpifort -o cswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cswap.f mpifort -o cgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgecon.f mpifort -o csymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csymm.f mpifort -o cgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeequb.f mpifort -o csyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyr2k.f mpifort -o cgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeequ.f mpifort -o csyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyrk.f mpifort -o ctbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbmv.f mpifort -o ctbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbsv.f mpifort -o cgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgees.f mpifort -o cgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeesx.f mpifort -o cgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeev.f mpifort -o ctpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpmv.f mpifort -o cgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeevx.f mpifort -o cgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgegs.f mpifort -o cgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgegv.f mpifort -o ctpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpsv.f mpifort -o cgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgehd2.f mpifort -o cgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgehrd.f mpifort -o ctrmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrmm.f mpifort -o ctrmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrmv.f mpifort -o ctrsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsm.f mpifort -o cgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelq2.f mpifort -o ctrsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsv.f mpifort -o dasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dasum.f mpifort -o daxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g daxpy.f mpifort -o dcabs1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dcabs1.f mpifort -o cgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelqf.f mpifort -o dcopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dcopy.f mpifort -o cgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelsd.f mpifort -o ddot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ddot.f mpifort -o dgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbmv.f mpifort -o dgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgemm.f mpifort -o dgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgemv.f mpifort -o cgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgels.f mpifort -o cgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelss.f mpifort -o dger.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dger.f mpifort -o cgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelsx.f mpifort -o dnrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dnrm2.f mpifort -o drot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drot.f mpifort -o cgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgelsy.f mpifort -o cgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgemqrt.f mpifort -o drotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drotg.f mpifort -o drotm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drotm.f mpifort -o cgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeql2.f mpifort -o drotmg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drotmg.f mpifort -o cgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqlf.f mpifort -o dsbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbmv.f mpifort -o cgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqp3.f mpifort -o cgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqpf.f mpifort -o cgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqr2.f mpifort -o dscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dscal.f mpifort -o cgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqr2p.f mpifort -o cgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrf.f mpifort -o cgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrfp.f mpifort -o cgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrt2.f mpifort -o cgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrt3.f mpifort -o dsdot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsdot.f mpifort -o dspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspmv.f mpifort -o dspr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspr2.f mpifort -o dspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspr.f mpifort -o dswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dswap.f mpifort -o cgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgeqrt.f mpifort -o cgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerfs.f mpifort -o cgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerfsx.f mpifort -o dsymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsymm.f mpifort -o dsymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsymv.f mpifort -o dsyr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyr2.f mpifort -o cgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerq2.f mpifort -o cgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgerqf.f mpifort -o dsyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyr2k.f mpifort -o dsyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyr.f mpifort -o dsyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyrk.f mpifort -o cgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesc2.f mpifort -o dtbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbmv.f mpifort -o dtbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbsv.f mpifort -o dtpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpmv.f mpifort -o dtpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpsv.f mpifort -o dtrmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrmm.f mpifort -o cgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesdd.f mpifort -o cgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesvd.f mpifort -o dtrmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrmv.f mpifort -o cgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesv.f mpifort -o cgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesvx.f mpifort -o cgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgesvxx.f mpifort -o dtrsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsm.f mpifort -o cgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetc2.f mpifort -o dtrsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsv.f mpifort -o dzasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dzasum.f mpifort -o cgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetf2.f mpifort -o dznrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dznrm2.f mpifort -o icamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g icamax.f mpifort -o cgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetrf.f mpifort -o idamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g idamax.f mpifort -o isamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g isamax.f mpifort -o cgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetri.f mpifort -o izamax.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g izamax.f mpifort -o cgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgetrs.f mpifort -o cggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggbak.f mpifort -o cggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggbal.f mpifort -o lsame.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g lsame.f mpifort -o cgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgges.f mpifort -o sasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sasum.f mpifort -o saxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g saxpy.f mpifort -o cggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggesx.f mpifort -o scabs1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scabs1.f mpifort -o scasum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scasum.f mpifort -o cggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggev.f mpifort -o cggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggevx.f mpifort -o cggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggglm.f mpifort -o cgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgghrd.f mpifort -o cgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgglse.f mpifort -o cggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggqrf.f mpifort -o cggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggrqf.f mpifort -o scnrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scnrm2.f mpifort -o cggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggsvd.f mpifort -o scopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scopy.f mpifort -o sdot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sdot.f mpifort -o cggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cggsvp.f mpifort -o cgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtcon.f mpifort -o sdsdot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sdsdot.f mpifort -o cgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtrfs.f mpifort -o cgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtsv.f mpifort -o sgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbmv.f mpifort -o sgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgemm.f mpifort -o cgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtsvx.f mpifort -o cgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgttrf.f mpifort -o sgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgemv.f mpifort -o sger.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sger.f mpifort -o cgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgttrs.f mpifort -o cgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cgtts2.f mpifort -o snrm2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g snrm2.f mpifort -o chbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbevd.f mpifort -o chbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbev.f mpifort -o chbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbevx.f mpifort -o srot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srot.f mpifort -o chbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgst.f mpifort -o srotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srotg.f mpifort -o chbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgvd.f mpifort -o srotm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srotm.f mpifort -o srotmg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srotmg.f mpifort -o chbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgv.f mpifort -o ssbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbmv.f mpifort -o sscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sscal.f mpifort -o sspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspmv.f mpifort -o sspr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspr2.f mpifort -o sspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspr.f mpifort -o chbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbgvx.f mpifort -o sswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sswap.f mpifort -o chbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chbtrd.f mpifort -o checon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g checon.f mpifort -o ssymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssymm.f mpifort -o checon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g checon_rook.f mpifort -o cheequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheequb.f mpifort -o ssymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssymv.f mpifort -o cheevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheevd.f mpifort -o ssyr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyr2.f mpifort -o cheev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheev.f mpifort -o ssyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyr2k.f mpifort -o ssyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyr.f mpifort -o ssyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyrk.f mpifort -o cheevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheevr.f mpifort -o stbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbmv.f mpifort -o cheevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheevx.f mpifort -o stbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbsv.f mpifort -o chegs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegs2.f mpifort -o chegst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegst.f mpifort -o stpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpmv.f mpifort -o chegvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegvd.f mpifort -o stpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpsv.f mpifort -o chegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegv.f mpifort -o strmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strmm.f mpifort -o chegvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chegvx.f mpifort -o cherfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cherfs.f mpifort -o strmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strmv.f mpifort -o strsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsm.f mpifort -o cherfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cherfsx.f mpifort -o chesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesv.f mpifort -o strsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsv.f mpifort -o xerbla_array.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g xerbla_array.f mpifort -o xerbla.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g xerbla.f mpifort -o chesv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesv_rook.f mpifort -o zaxpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zaxpy.f mpifort -o zcopy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zcopy.f mpifort -o zdotc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdotc.f mpifort -o zdotu.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdotu.f mpifort -o zdrot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdrot.f mpifort -o zdscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdscal.f mpifort -o zgbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbmv.f mpifort -o zgemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgemm.f mpifort -o chesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesvx.f mpifort -o chesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chesvxx.f mpifort -o cheswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cheswapr.f mpifort -o chetd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetd2.f mpifort -o zgemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgemv.f mpifort -o chetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetf2.f mpifort -o chetf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetf2_rook.f mpifort -o chetrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrd.f mpifort -o zgerc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerc.f mpifort -o chetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrf.f mpifort -o zgeru.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeru.f mpifort -o chetrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrf_rook.f mpifort -o zhbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbmv.f mpifort -o zhemm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhemm.f mpifort -o chetri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri2.f mpifort -o chetri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri2x.f mpifort -o chetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri.f mpifort -o chetri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetri_rook.f mpifort -o zhemv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhemv.f mpifort -o chetrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrs2.f mpifort -o chetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrs.f mpifort -o zher2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zher2.f mpifort -o chetrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chetrs_rook.f mpifort -o chfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chfrk.f mpifort -o chgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chgeqz.f mpifort -o chla_transtype.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chla_transtype.f mpifort -o zher2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zher2k.f mpifort -o zher.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zher.f mpifort -o zherk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zherk.f mpifort -o chpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpcon.f mpifort -o chpevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpevd.f mpifort -o chpev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpev.f mpifort -o chpevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpevx.f mpifort -o zhpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpmv.f mpifort -o chpgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgst.f mpifort -o zhpr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpr2.f mpifort -o chpgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgvd.f mpifort -o zhpr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpr.f mpifort -o zrotg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zrotg.f mpifort -o chpgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgv.f mpifort -o zscal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zscal.f mpifort -o chpgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpgvx.f mpifort -o chprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chprfs.f mpifort -o zswap.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zswap.f mpifort -o zsymm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsymm.f mpifort -o zsyr2k.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyr2k.f mpifort -o chpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpsv.f mpifort -o chpsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chpsvx.f mpifort -o chptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptrd.f mpifort -o zsyrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyrk.f mpifort -o ztbmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztbmv.f mpifort -o chptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptrf.f mpifort -o chptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptri.f mpifort -o ztbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztbsv.f mpifort -o chptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chptrs.f mpifort -o chsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chsein.f mpifort -o chseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g chseqr.f mpifort -o ztpmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpmv.f mpifort -o clabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clabrd.f mpifort -o clacgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacgv.f mpifort -o clacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacn2.f mpifort -o clacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacon.f mpifort -o clacp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacp2.f mpifort -o ztpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpsv.f mpifort -o ztrmm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrmm.f mpifort -o ztrmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrmv.f mpifort -o ztrsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsm.f mpifort -o ztrsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsv.f mpifort -o clacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacpy.f mpifort -o clacrm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacrm.f mpifort -o clacrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clacrt.f mpifort -o cladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cladiv.f mpifort -o claed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claed0.f mpifort -o claed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claed7.f mpifort -o claed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claed8.f mpifort -o claein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claein.f mpifort -o claesy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claesy.f mpifort -o claev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claev2.f mpifort -o clag2z.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clag2z.f mpifort -o cla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbamv.f mpifort -o cla_gbrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrcond_c.f mpifort -o cla_gbrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrcond_x.f mpifort -o cla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o cla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_geamv.f mpifort -o cla_gercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gercond_c.f mpifort -o cla_gercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gercond_x.f mpifort -o cla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o clags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clags2.f mpifort -o clagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clagtm.f mpifort -o cla_heamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_heamv.f mpifort -o clahef.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahef.f mpifort -o clahef_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahef_rook.f mpifort -o cla_hercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_hercond_c.f mpifort -o cla_hercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_hercond_x.f mpifort -o cla_herfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_herfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_herpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_herpvgrw.f mpifort -o clahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahqr.f mpifort -o clahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahr2.f mpifort -o clahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clahrd.f mpifort -o claic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claic1.f mpifort -o cla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o clals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clals0.f mpifort -o clalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clalsa.f /bin/ar cr ../libfblas.a caxpy.o ccopy.o cdotc.o cdotu.o cgbmv.o cgemm.o cgemv.o cgerc.o cgeru.o chbmv.o chemm.o chemv.o cher2.o cher2k.o cher.o cherk.o chpmv.o chpr2.o chpr.o crotg.o cscal.o csrot.o csscal.o cswap.o csymm.o csyr2k.o csyrk.o ctbmv.o ctbsv.o ctpmv.o ctpsv.o ctrmm.o ctrmv.o ctrsm.o ctrsv.o dasum.o daxpy.o dcabs1.o dcopy.o ddot.o dgbmv.o dgemm.o dgemv.o dger.o dnrm2.o drot.o drotg.o drotm.o drotmg.o dsbmv.o dscal.o dsdot.o dspmv.o dspr2.o dspr.o dswap.o dsymm.o dsymv.o dsyr2.o dsyr2k.o dsyr.o dsyrk.o dtbmv.o dtbsv.o dtpmv.o dtpsv.o dtrmm.o dtrmv.o dtrsm.o dtrsv.o dzasum.o dznrm2.o icamax.o idamax.o isamax.o izamax.o lsame.o sasum.o saxpy.o scabs1.o scasum.o scnrm2.o scopy.o sdot.o sdsdot.o sgbmv.o sgemm.o sgemv.o sger.o snrm2.o srot.o srotg.o srotm.o srotmg.o ssbmv.o sscal.o sspmv.o sspr2.o sspr.o sswap.o ssymm.o ssymv.o ssyr2.o ssyr2k.o ssyr.o ssyrk.o stbmv.o stbsv.o stpmv.o stpsv.o strmm.o strmv.o strsm.o strsv.o xerbla_array.o xerbla.o zaxpy.o zcopy.o zdotc.o zdotu.o zdrot.o zdscal.o zgbmv.o zgemm.o zgemv.o zgerc.o zgeru.o zhbmv.o zhemm.o zhemv.o zher2.o zher2k.o zher.o zherk.o zhpmv.o zhpr2.o zhpr.o zrotg.o zscal.o zswap.o zsymm.o zsyr2k.o zsyrk.o ztbmv.o ztbsv.o ztpmv.o ztpsv.o ztrmm.o ztrmv.o ztrsm.o ztrsv.o mpifort -o clalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clalsd.f mpifort -o clangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clangb.f mpifort -o clange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clange.f mpifort -o clangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clangt.f gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/blas' /bin/ranlib libfblas.a mpifort -o clanhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhb.f mpifort -o clanhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhe.f mpifort -o clanhf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhf.f mpifort -o clanhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhp.f mpifort -o clanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanhs.f mpifort -o clanht.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clanht.f mpifort -o clansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clansb.f mpifort -o clansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clansp.f mpifort -o clansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clansy.f mpifort -o clantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clantb.f mpifort -o clantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clantp.f mpifort -o clantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clantr.f mpifort -o clapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clapll.f mpifort -o clapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clapmr.f mpifort -o clapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clapmt.f mpifort -o cla_porcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porcond_c.f mpifort -o cla_porcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porcond_x.f mpifort -o cla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o claqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqgb.f mpifort -o claqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqge.f mpifort -o claqhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqhb.f mpifort -o claqhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqhe.f mpifort -o claqhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqhp.f mpifort -o claqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqp2.f mpifort -o claqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqps.f mpifort -o claqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr0.f mpifort -o claqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr1.f mpifort -o claqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr2.f mpifort -o claqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr3.f mpifort -o claqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr4.f mpifort -o claqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqr5.f mpifort -o claqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqsb.f mpifort -o claqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqsp.f mpifort -o claqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claqsy.f mpifort -o clar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clar1v.f mpifort -o clar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clar2v.f mpifort -o clarcm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarcm.f mpifort -o clarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfb.f mpifort -o clarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarf.f mpifort -o clarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfg.f mpifort -o clarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfgp.f mpifort -o clarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarft.f mpifort -o clarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarfx.f mpifort -o clargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clargv.f mpifort -o clarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarnv.f mpifort -o clarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarrv.f mpifort -o clarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarscl2.f mpifort -o clartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clartg.f mpifort -o clartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clartv.f mpifort -o clarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarzb.f mpifort -o clarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarz.f mpifort -o clarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clarzt.f mpifort -o clascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clascl2.f mpifort -o clascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clascl.f mpifort -o claset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claset.f mpifort -o clasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clasr.f mpifort -o classq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g classq.f mpifort -o claswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g claswp.f mpifort -o cla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syamv.f mpifort -o clasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clasyf.f mpifort -o clasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clasyf_rook.f mpifort -o cla_syrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrcond_c.f mpifort -o cla_syrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrcond_x.f mpifort -o cla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o cla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o clatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatbs.f mpifort -o clatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatdf.f mpifort -o clatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatps.f mpifort -o clatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatrd.f mpifort -o clatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatrs.f mpifort -o clatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatrz.f mpifort -o clatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clatzm.f mpifort -o clauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clauu2.f mpifort -o clauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g clauum.f mpifort -o cla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o cpbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbcon.f mpifort -o cpbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbequ.f mpifort -o cpbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbrfs.f mpifort -o cpbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbstf.f mpifort -o cpbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbsv.f mpifort -o cpbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbsvx.f mpifort -o cpbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbtf2.f mpifort -o cpbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbtrf.f mpifort -o cpbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpbtrs.f mpifort -o cpftrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpftrf.f mpifort -o cpftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpftri.f mpifort -o cpftrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpftrs.f mpifort -o cpocon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpocon.f mpifort -o cpoequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpoequb.f mpifort -o cpoequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpoequ.f mpifort -o cporfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cporfs.f mpifort -o cporfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cporfsx.f mpifort -o cposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cposv.f mpifort -o cposvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cposvx.f mpifort -o cposvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cposvxx.f mpifort -o cpotf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotf2.f mpifort -o cpotrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotrf.f mpifort -o cpotri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotri.f mpifort -o cpotrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpotrs.f mpifort -o cppcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppcon.f mpifort -o cppequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppequ.f mpifort -o cpprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpprfs.f mpifort -o cppsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppsv.f mpifort -o cppsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cppsvx.f mpifort -o cpptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpptrf.f mpifort -o cpptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpptri.f mpifort -o cpptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpptrs.f mpifort -o cpstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpstf2.f mpifort -o cpstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpstrf.f mpifort -o cptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptcon.f mpifort -o cpteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpteqr.f mpifort -o cptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptrfs.f mpifort -o cptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptsv.f mpifort -o cptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptsvx.f mpifort -o cpttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpttrf.f mpifort -o cpttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cpttrs.f mpifort -o cptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cptts2.f mpifort -o crot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g crot.f mpifort -o cspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspcon.f mpifort -o cspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspmv.f mpifort -o cspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspr.f mpifort -o csprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csprfs.f mpifort -o cspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspsv.f mpifort -o cspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cspsvx.f mpifort -o csptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csptrf.f mpifort -o csptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csptri.f mpifort -o csptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csptrs.f mpifort -o csrscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csrscl.f mpifort -o cstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstedc.f mpifort -o cstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstegr.f mpifort -o cstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstein.f mpifort -o cstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cstemr.f mpifort -o csteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csteqr.f mpifort -o csycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csycon.f mpifort -o csycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csycon_rook.f mpifort -o csyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyconv.f mpifort -o csyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyequb.f mpifort -o csymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csymv.f mpifort -o csyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyr.f mpifort -o csyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyrfs.f mpifort -o csyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyrfsx.f mpifort -o csysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysv.f mpifort -o csysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysv_rook.f mpifort -o csysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysvx.f mpifort -o csysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csysvxx.f mpifort -o csyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csyswapr.f mpifort -o csytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytf2.f mpifort -o csytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytf2_rook.f mpifort -o csytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrf.f mpifort -o csytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrf_rook.f mpifort -o csytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri2.f mpifort -o csytri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri2x.f mpifort -o csytri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri.f mpifort -o csytri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytri_rook.f mpifort -o csytrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrs2.f mpifort -o csytrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrs.f mpifort -o csytrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g csytrs_rook.f mpifort -o ctbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbcon.f mpifort -o ctbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbrfs.f mpifort -o ctbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctbtrs.f mpifort -o ctfsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctfsm.f mpifort -o ctftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctftri.f mpifort -o ctfttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctfttp.f mpifort -o ctfttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctfttr.f mpifort -o ctgevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgevc.f mpifort -o ctgex2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgex2.f mpifort -o ctgexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgexc.f mpifort -o ctgsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsen.f mpifort -o ctgsja.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsja.f mpifort -o ctgsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsna.f mpifort -o ctgsy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsy2.f mpifort -o ctgsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctgsyl.f mpifort -o ctpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpcon.f mpifort -o ctpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpmqrt.f mpifort -o ctpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpqrt2.f mpifort -o ctpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpqrt.f mpifort -o ctprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctprfb.f mpifort -o ctprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctprfs.f mpifort -o ctptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctptri.f mpifort -o ctptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctptrs.f mpifort -o ctpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpttf.f mpifort -o ctpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctpttr.f mpifort -o ctrcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrcon.f mpifort -o ctrevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrevc.f mpifort -o ctrexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrexc.f mpifort -o ctrrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrrfs.f mpifort -o ctrsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsen.f mpifort -o ctrsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsna.f mpifort -o ctrsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrsyl.f mpifort -o ctrti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrti2.f mpifort -o ctrtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrtri.f mpifort -o ctrtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrtrs.f mpifort -o ctrttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrttf.f mpifort -o ctrttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctrttp.f mpifort -o ctzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctzrqf.f mpifort -o ctzrzf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ctzrzf.f mpifort -o cunbdb1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb1.f mpifort -o cunbdb2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb2.f mpifort -o cunbdb3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb3.f mpifort -o cunbdb4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb4.f mpifort -o cunbdb5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb5.f mpifort -o cunbdb6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb6.f mpifort -o cunbdb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunbdb.f mpifort -o cuncsd2by1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cuncsd2by1.f mpifort -o cuncsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cuncsd.f mpifort -o cung2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cung2l.f mpifort -o cung2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cung2r.f mpifort -o cungbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungbr.f mpifort -o cunghr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunghr.f mpifort -o cungl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungl2.f mpifort -o cunglq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunglq.f mpifort -o cungql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungql.f mpifort -o cungqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungqr.f mpifort -o cungr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungr2.f mpifort -o cungrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungrq.f mpifort -o cungtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cungtr.f mpifort -o cunm2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunm2l.f mpifort -o cunm2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunm2r.f mpifort -o cunmbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmbr.f mpifort -o cunmhr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmhr.f mpifort -o cunml2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunml2.f mpifort -o cunmlq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmlq.f mpifort -o cunmql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmql.f mpifort -o cunmqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmqr.f mpifort -o cunmr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmr2.f mpifort -o cunmr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmr3.f mpifort -o cunmrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmrq.f mpifort -o cunmrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmrz.f mpifort -o cunmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cunmtr.f mpifort -o cupgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cupgtr.f mpifort -o cupmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g cupmtr.f mpifort -o dbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dbbcsd.f mpifort -o dbdsdc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dbdsdc.f mpifort -o dbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dbdsqr.f mpifort -o ddisna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ddisna.f mpifort -o dgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbbrd.f mpifort -o dgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbcon.f mpifort -o dgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbequb.f mpifort -o dgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbequ.f mpifort -o dgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbrfs.f mpifort -o dgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbrfsx.f mpifort -o dgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbsv.f mpifort -o dgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbsvx.f mpifort -o dgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbsvxx.f mpifort -o dgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbtf2.f mpifort -o dgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbtrf.f mpifort -o dgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgbtrs.f mpifort -o dgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebak.f mpifort -o dgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebal.f mpifort -o dgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebd2.f mpifort -o dgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgebrd.f mpifort -o dgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgecon.f mpifort -o dgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeequb.f mpifort -o dgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeequ.f mpifort -o dgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgees.f mpifort -o dgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeesx.f mpifort -o dgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeev.f mpifort -o dgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeevx.f mpifort -o dgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgegs.f mpifort -o dgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgegv.f mpifort -o dgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgehd2.f mpifort -o dgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgehrd.f mpifort -o dgejsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgejsv.f mpifort -o dgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelq2.f mpifort -o dgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelqf.f mpifort -o dgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelsd.f mpifort -o dgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgels.f mpifort -o dgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelss.f mpifort -o dgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelsx.f mpifort -o dgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgelsy.f mpifort -o dgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgemqrt.f mpifort -o dgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeql2.f mpifort -o dgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqlf.f mpifort -o dgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqp3.f mpifort -o dgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqpf.f mpifort -o dgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqr2.f mpifort -o dgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqr2p.f mpifort -o dgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrf.f mpifort -o dgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrfp.f mpifort -o dgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrt2.f mpifort -o dgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrt3.f mpifort -o dgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgeqrt.f mpifort -o dgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerfs.f mpifort -o dgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerfsx.f mpifort -o dgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerq2.f mpifort -o dgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgerqf.f mpifort -o dgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesc2.f mpifort -o dgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesdd.f mpifort -o dgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvd.f mpifort -o dgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesv.f mpifort -o dgesvj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvj.f mpifort -o dgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvx.f mpifort -o dgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgesvxx.f mpifort -o dgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetc2.f mpifort -o dgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetf2.f mpifort -o dgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetrf.f mpifort -o dgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetri.f mpifort -o dgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgetrs.f mpifort -o dggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggbak.f mpifort -o dggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggbal.f mpifort -o dgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgges.f mpifort -o dggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggesx.f mpifort -o dggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggev.f mpifort -o dggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggevx.f mpifort -o dggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggglm.f mpifort -o dgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgghrd.f mpifort -o dgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgglse.f mpifort -o dggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggqrf.f mpifort -o dggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggrqf.f mpifort -o dggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggsvd.f mpifort -o dggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dggsvp.f mpifort -o dgsvj0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgsvj0.f mpifort -o dgsvj1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgsvj1.f mpifort -o dgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtcon.f mpifort -o dgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtrfs.f mpifort -o dgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtsv.f mpifort -o dgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtsvx.f mpifort -o dgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgttrf.f mpifort -o dgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgttrs.f mpifort -o dgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dgtts2.f mpifort -o dhgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dhgeqz.f mpifort -o dhsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dhsein.f mpifort -o dhseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dhseqr.f mpifort -o disnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g disnan.f mpifort -o dlabad.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlabad.f mpifort -o dlabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlabrd.f mpifort -o dlacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlacn2.f mpifort -o dlacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlacon.f mpifort -o dlacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlacpy.f mpifort -o dladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dladiv.f mpifort -o dlae2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlae2.f mpifort -o dlaebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaebz.f mpifort -o dlaed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed0.f mpifort -o dlaed1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed1.f mpifort -o dlaed2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed2.f mpifort -o dlaed3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed3.f mpifort -o dlaed4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed4.f mpifort -o dlaed5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed5.f mpifort -o dlaed6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed6.f mpifort -o dlaed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed7.f mpifort -o dlaed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed8.f mpifort -o dlaed9.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaed9.f mpifort -o dlaeda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaeda.f mpifort -o dlaein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaein.f mpifort -o dlaev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaev2.f mpifort -o dlaexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaexc.f mpifort -o dlag2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlag2.f mpifort -o dlag2s.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlag2s.f mpifort -o dla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbamv.f mpifort -o dla_gbrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbrcond.f mpifort -o dla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o dla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_geamv.f mpifort -o dla_gercond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gercond.f mpifort -o dla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o dlags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlags2.f mpifort -o dlagtf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagtf.f mpifort -o dlagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagtm.f mpifort -o dlagts.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagts.f mpifort -o dlagv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlagv2.f mpifort -o dlahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlahqr.f mpifort -o dlahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlahr2.f mpifort -o dlahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlahrd.f mpifort -o dlaic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaic1.f mpifort -o dlaisnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaisnan.f mpifort -o dla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o dlaln2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaln2.f mpifort -o dlals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlals0.f mpifort -o dlalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlalsa.f mpifort -o dlalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlalsd.f mpifort -o dlamrg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlamrg.f mpifort -o dlaneg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaneg.f mpifort -o dlangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlangb.f mpifort -o dlange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlange.f mpifort -o dlangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlangt.f mpifort -o dlanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlanhs.f mpifort -o dlansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansb.f mpifort -o dlansf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansf.f mpifort -o dlansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansp.f mpifort -o dlanst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlanst.f mpifort -o dlansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlansy.f mpifort -o dlantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlantb.f mpifort -o dlantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlantp.f mpifort -o dlantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlantr.f mpifort -o dlanv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlanv2.f mpifort -o dlapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapll.f mpifort -o dlapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapmr.f mpifort -o dlapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapmt.f mpifort -o dla_porcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_porcond.f mpifort -o dla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o dlapy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapy2.f mpifort -o dlapy3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlapy3.f mpifort -o dlaqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqgb.f mpifort -o dlaqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqge.f mpifort -o dlaqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqp2.f mpifort -o dlaqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqps.f mpifort -o dlaqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr0.f mpifort -o dlaqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr1.f mpifort -o dlaqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr2.f mpifort -o dlaqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr3.f mpifort -o dlaqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr4.f mpifort -o dlaqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqr5.f mpifort -o dlaqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqsb.f mpifort -o dlaqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqsp.f mpifort -o dlaqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqsy.f mpifort -o dlaqtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaqtr.f mpifort -o dlar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlar1v.f mpifort -o dlar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlar2v.f mpifort -o dlarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfb.f mpifort -o dlarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarf.f mpifort -o dlarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfg.f mpifort -o dlarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfgp.f mpifort -o dlarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarft.f mpifort -o dlarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarfx.f mpifort -o dlargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlargv.f mpifort -o dlarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarnv.f mpifort -o dlarra.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarra.f mpifort -o dlarrb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrb.f mpifort -o dlarrc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrc.f mpifort -o dlarrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrd.f mpifort -o dlarre.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarre.f mpifort -o dlarrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrf.f mpifort -o dlarrj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrj.f mpifort -o dlarrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrk.f mpifort -o dlarrr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrr.f mpifort -o dlarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarrv.f mpifort -o dlarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarscl2.f mpifort -o dlartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartg.f mpifort -o dlartgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartgp.f mpifort -o dlartgs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartgs.f mpifort -o dlartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlartv.f mpifort -o dlarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarzb.f mpifort -o dlarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarz.f mpifort -o dlarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlarzt.f mpifort -o dlas2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlas2.f mpifort -o dlascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlascl2.f mpifort -o dlascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlascl.f mpifort -o dlasd0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd0.f mpifort -o dlasd1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd1.f mpifort -o dlasd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd2.f mpifort -o dlasd3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd3.f mpifort -o dlasd4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd4.f mpifort -o dlasd5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd5.f mpifort -o dlasd6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd6.f mpifort -o dlasd7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd7.f mpifort -o dlasd8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasd8.f mpifort -o dlasda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasda.f mpifort -o dlasdq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasdq.f mpifort -o dlasdt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasdt.f mpifort -o dlaset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaset.f mpifort -o dlasq1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq1.f mpifort -o dlasq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq2.f mpifort -o dlasq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq3.f mpifort -o dlasq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq4.f mpifort -o dlasq5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq5.f mpifort -o dlasq6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasq6.f mpifort -o dlasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasr.f mpifort -o dlasrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasrt.f mpifort -o dlassq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlassq.f mpifort -o dlasv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasv2.f mpifort -o dlaswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlaswp.f mpifort -o dlasy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasy2.f mpifort -o dla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syamv.f mpifort -o dlasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasyf.f mpifort -o dlasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlasyf_rook.f mpifort -o dla_syrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syrcond.f mpifort -o dla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o dla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o dlat2s.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlat2s.f mpifort -o dlatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatbs.f mpifort -o dlatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatdf.f mpifort -o dlatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatps.f mpifort -o dlatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatrd.f mpifort -o dlatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatrs.f mpifort -o dlatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatrz.f mpifort -o dlatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlatzm.f mpifort -o dlauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlauu2.f mpifort -o dlauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlauum.f mpifort -o dla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o dlazq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlazq3.f mpifort -o dlazq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dlazq4.f mpifort -o dopgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dopgtr.f mpifort -o dopmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dopmtr.f mpifort -o dorbdb1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb1.f mpifort -o dorbdb2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb2.f mpifort -o dorbdb3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb3.f mpifort -o dorbdb4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb4.f mpifort -o dorbdb5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb5.f mpifort -o dorbdb6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb6.f mpifort -o dorbdb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorbdb.f mpifort -o dorcsd2by1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorcsd2by1.f mpifort -o dorcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorcsd.f mpifort -o dorg2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorg2l.f mpifort -o dorg2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorg2r.f mpifort -o dorgbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgbr.f mpifort -o dorghr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorghr.f mpifort -o dorgl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgl2.f mpifort -o dorglq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorglq.f mpifort -o dorgql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgql.f mpifort -o dorgqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgqr.f mpifort -o dorgr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgr2.f mpifort -o dorgrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgrq.f mpifort -o dorgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorgtr.f mpifort -o dorm2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorm2l.f mpifort -o dorm2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorm2r.f mpifort -o dormbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormbr.f mpifort -o dormhr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormhr.f mpifort -o dorml2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dorml2.f mpifort -o dormlq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormlq.f mpifort -o dormql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormql.f mpifort -o dormqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormqr.f mpifort -o dormr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormr2.f mpifort -o dormr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormr3.f mpifort -o dormrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormrq.f mpifort -o dormrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormrz.f mpifort -o dormtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dormtr.f mpifort -o dpbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbcon.f mpifort -o dpbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbequ.f mpifort -o dpbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbrfs.f mpifort -o dpbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbstf.f mpifort -o dpbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbsv.f mpifort -o dpbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbsvx.f mpifort -o dpbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbtf2.f mpifort -o dpbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbtrf.f mpifort -o dpbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpbtrs.f mpifort -o dpftrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpftrf.f mpifort -o dpftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpftri.f mpifort -o dpftrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpftrs.f mpifort -o dpocon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpocon.f mpifort -o dpoequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpoequb.f mpifort -o dpoequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpoequ.f mpifort -o dporfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dporfs.f mpifort -o dporfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dporfsx.f mpifort -o dposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dposv.f mpifort -o dposvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dposvx.f mpifort -o dposvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dposvxx.f mpifort -o dpotf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotf2.f mpifort -o dpotrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotrf.f mpifort -o dpotri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotri.f mpifort -o dpotrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpotrs.f mpifort -o dppcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppcon.f mpifort -o dppequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppequ.f mpifort -o dpprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpprfs.f mpifort -o dppsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppsv.f mpifort -o dppsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dppsvx.f mpifort -o dpptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpptrf.f mpifort -o dpptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpptri.f mpifort -o dpptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpptrs.f mpifort -o dpstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpstf2.f mpifort -o dpstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpstrf.f mpifort -o dptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptcon.f mpifort -o dpteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpteqr.f mpifort -o dptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptrfs.f mpifort -o dptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptsv.f mpifort -o dptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptsvx.f mpifort -o dpttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpttrf.f mpifort -o dpttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dpttrs.f mpifort -o dptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dptts2.f mpifort -o drscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g drscl.f mpifort -o dsbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbevd.f mpifort -o dsbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbev.f mpifort -o dsbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbevx.f mpifort -o dsbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgst.f mpifort -o dsbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgvd.f mpifort -o dsbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgv.f mpifort -o dsbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbgvx.f mpifort -o dsbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsbtrd.f mpifort -o dsfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsfrk.f mpifort -o dsgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsgesv.f mpifort -o dspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspcon.f mpifort -o dspevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspevd.f mpifort -o dspev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspev.f mpifort -o dspevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspevx.f mpifort -o dspgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgst.f mpifort -o dspgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgvd.f mpifort -o dspgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgv.f mpifort -o dspgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspgvx.f mpifort -o dsposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsposv.f mpifort -o dsprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsprfs.f mpifort -o dspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspsv.f mpifort -o dspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dspsvx.f mpifort -o dsptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptrd.f mpifort -o dsptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptrf.f mpifort -o dsptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptri.f mpifort -o dsptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsptrs.f mpifort -o dstebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstebz.f mpifort -o dstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstedc.f mpifort -o dstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstegr.f mpifort -o dstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstein.f mpifort -o dstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstemr.f mpifort -o dsteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsteqr.f mpifort -o dsterf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsterf.f mpifort -o dstevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstevd.f mpifort -o dstev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstev.f mpifort -o dstevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstevr.f mpifort -o dstevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dstevx.f mpifort -o dsycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsycon.f mpifort -o dsycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsycon_rook.f mpifort -o dsyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyconv.f mpifort -o dsyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyequb.f mpifort -o dsyevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyevd.f mpifort -o dsyev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyev.f mpifort -o dsyevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyevr.f mpifort -o dsyevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyevx.f mpifort -o dsygs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygs2.f mpifort -o dsygst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygst.f mpifort -o dsygvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygvd.f mpifort -o dsygv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygv.f mpifort -o dsygvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsygvx.f mpifort -o dsyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyrfs.f mpifort -o dsyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyrfsx.f mpifort -o dsysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysv.f mpifort -o dsysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysv_rook.f mpifort -o dsysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysvx.f mpifort -o dsysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsysvxx.f mpifort -o dsyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsyswapr.f mpifort -o dsytd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytd2.f mpifort -o dsytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytf2.f mpifort -o dsytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytf2_rook.f mpifort -o dsytrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrd.f mpifort -o dsytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrf.f mpifort -o dsytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrf_rook.f mpifort -o dsytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri2.f mpifort -o dsytri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri2x.f mpifort -o dsytri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri.f mpifort -o dsytri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytri_rook.f mpifort -o dsytrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrs2.f mpifort -o dsytrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrs.f mpifort -o dsytrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dsytrs_rook.f mpifort -o dtbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbcon.f mpifort -o dtbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbrfs.f mpifort -o dtbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtbtrs.f mpifort -o dtfsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtfsm.f mpifort -o dtftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtftri.f mpifort -o dtfttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtfttp.f mpifort -o dtfttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtfttr.f mpifort -o dtgevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgevc.f mpifort -o dtgex2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgex2.f mpifort -o dtgexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgexc.f mpifort -o dtgsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsen.f mpifort -o dtgsja.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsja.f mpifort -o dtgsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsna.f mpifort -o dtgsy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsy2.f mpifort -o dtgsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtgsyl.f mpifort -o dtpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpcon.f mpifort -o dtpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpmqrt.f mpifort -o dtpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpqrt2.f mpifort -o dtpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpqrt.f mpifort -o dtprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtprfb.f mpifort -o dtprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtprfs.f mpifort -o dtptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtptri.f mpifort -o dtptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtptrs.f mpifort -o dtpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpttf.f mpifort -o dtpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtpttr.f mpifort -o dtrcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrcon.f mpifort -o dtrevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrevc.f mpifort -o dtrexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrexc.f mpifort -o dtrrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrrfs.f mpifort -o dtrsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsen.f mpifort -o dtrsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsna.f mpifort -o dtrsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrsyl.f mpifort -o dtrti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrti2.f mpifort -o dtrtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrtri.f mpifort -o dtrtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrtrs.f mpifort -o dtrttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrttf.f mpifort -o dtrttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtrttp.f mpifort -o dtzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtzrqf.f mpifort -o dtzrzf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dtzrzf.f mpifort -o dzsum1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g dzsum1.f mpifort -o icmax1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g icmax1.f mpifort -o ieeeck.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ieeeck.f mpifort -o ilaclc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaclc.f mpifort -o ilaclr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaclr.f mpifort -o iladiag.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iladiag.f mpifort -o iladlc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iladlc.f mpifort -o iladlr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iladlr.f mpifort -o ilaenv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaenv.f mpifort -o ilaprec.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaprec.f mpifort -o ilaslc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaslc.f mpifort -o ilaslr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaslr.f mpifort -o ilatrans.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilatrans.f mpifort -o ilauplo.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilauplo.f mpifort -o ilaver.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaver.f mpifort -o ilazlc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilazlc.f mpifort -o ilazlr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilazlr.f mpifort -o iparmq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g iparmq.f mpifort -o izmax1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g izmax1.f mpifort -o lsamen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g lsamen.f mpifort -o sbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sbbcsd.f mpifort -o sbdsdc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sbdsdc.f mpifort -o sbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sbdsqr.f mpifort -o scsum1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g scsum1.f mpifort -o sdisna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sdisna.f mpifort -o sgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbbrd.f mpifort -o sgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbcon.f mpifort -o sgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbequb.f mpifort -o sgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbequ.f mpifort -o sgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbrfs.f mpifort -o sgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbrfsx.f mpifort -o sgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbsv.f mpifort -o sgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbsvx.f mpifort -o sgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbsvxx.f mpifort -o sgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbtf2.f mpifort -o sgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbtrf.f mpifort -o sgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgbtrs.f mpifort -o sgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebak.f mpifort -o sgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebal.f mpifort -o sgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebd2.f mpifort -o sgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgebrd.f mpifort -o sgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgecon.f mpifort -o sgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeequb.f mpifort -o sgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeequ.f mpifort -o sgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgees.f mpifort -o sgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeesx.f mpifort -o sgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeev.f mpifort -o sgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeevx.f mpifort -o sgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgegs.f mpifort -o sgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgegv.f mpifort -o sgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgehd2.f mpifort -o sgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgehrd.f mpifort -o sgejsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgejsv.f mpifort -o sgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelq2.f mpifort -o sgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelqf.f mpifort -o sgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelsd.f mpifort -o sgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgels.f mpifort -o sgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelss.f mpifort -o sgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelsx.f mpifort -o sgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgelsy.f mpifort -o sgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgemqrt.f mpifort -o sgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeql2.f mpifort -o sgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqlf.f mpifort -o sgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqp3.f mpifort -o sgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqpf.f mpifort -o sgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqr2.f mpifort -o sgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqr2p.f mpifort -o sgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrf.f mpifort -o sgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrfp.f mpifort -o sgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrt2.f mpifort -o sgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrt3.f mpifort -o sgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgeqrt.f mpifort -o sgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerfs.f mpifort -o sgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerfsx.f mpifort -o sgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerq2.f mpifort -o sgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgerqf.f mpifort -o sgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesc2.f mpifort -o sgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesdd.f mpifort -o sgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvd.f mpifort -o sgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesv.f mpifort -o sgesvj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvj.f mpifort -o sgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvx.f mpifort -o sgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgesvxx.f mpifort -o sgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetc2.f mpifort -o sgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetf2.f mpifort -o sgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetrf.f mpifort -o sgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetri.f mpifort -o sgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgetrs.f mpifort -o sggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggbak.f mpifort -o sggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggbal.f mpifort -o sgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgges.f mpifort -o sggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggesx.f mpifort -o sggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggev.f mpifort -o sggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggevx.f mpifort -o sggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggglm.f mpifort -o sgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgghrd.f mpifort -o sgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgglse.f mpifort -o sggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggqrf.f mpifort -o sggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggrqf.f mpifort -o sggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggsvd.f mpifort -o sggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sggsvp.f mpifort -o sgsvj0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgsvj0.f mpifort -o sgsvj1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgsvj1.f mpifort -o sgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtcon.f mpifort -o sgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtrfs.f mpifort -o sgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtsv.f mpifort -o sgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtsvx.f mpifort -o sgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgttrf.f mpifort -o sgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgttrs.f mpifort -o sgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sgtts2.f mpifort -o shgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g shgeqz.f mpifort -o shsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g shsein.f mpifort -o shseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g shseqr.f mpifort -o sisnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sisnan.f mpifort -o slabad.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slabad.f mpifort -o slabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slabrd.f mpifort -o slacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slacn2.f mpifort -o slacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slacon.f mpifort -o slacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slacpy.f mpifort -o sladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sladiv.f mpifort -o slae2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slae2.f mpifort -o slaebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaebz.f mpifort -o slaed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed0.f mpifort -o slaed1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed1.f mpifort -o slaed2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed2.f mpifort -o slaed3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed3.f mpifort -o slaed4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed4.f mpifort -o slaed5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed5.f mpifort -o slaed6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed6.f mpifort -o slaed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed7.f mpifort -o slaed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed8.f mpifort -o slaed9.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaed9.f mpifort -o slaeda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaeda.f mpifort -o slaein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaein.f mpifort -o slaev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaev2.f mpifort -o slaexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaexc.f mpifort -o slag2d.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slag2d.f mpifort -o slag2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slag2.f mpifort -o sla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbamv.f mpifort -o sla_gbrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbrcond.f mpifort -o sla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o sla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_geamv.f mpifort -o sla_gercond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gercond.f mpifort -o sla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o slags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slags2.f mpifort -o slagtf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagtf.f mpifort -o slagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagtm.f mpifort -o slagts.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagts.f mpifort -o slagv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slagv2.f mpifort -o slahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slahqr.f mpifort -o slahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slahr2.f mpifort -o slahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slahrd.f mpifort -o slaic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaic1.f mpifort -o slaisnan.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaisnan.f mpifort -o sla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o slaln2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaln2.f mpifort -o slals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slals0.f mpifort -o slalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slalsa.f mpifort -o slalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slalsd.f mpifort -o slamrg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slamrg.f mpifort -o slaneg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaneg.f mpifort -o slangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slangb.f mpifort -o slange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slange.f mpifort -o slangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slangt.f mpifort -o slanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slanhs.f mpifort -o slansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansb.f mpifort -o slansf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansf.f mpifort -o slansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansp.f mpifort -o slanst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slanst.f mpifort -o slansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slansy.f mpifort -o slantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slantb.f mpifort -o slantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slantp.f mpifort -o slantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slantr.f mpifort -o slanv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slanv2.f mpifort -o slapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapll.f mpifort -o slapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapmr.f mpifort -o slapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapmt.f mpifort -o sla_porcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_porcond.f mpifort -o sla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o slapy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapy2.f mpifort -o slapy3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slapy3.f mpifort -o slaqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqgb.f mpifort -o slaqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqge.f mpifort -o slaqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqp2.f mpifort -o slaqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqps.f mpifort -o slaqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr0.f mpifort -o slaqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr1.f mpifort -o slaqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr2.f mpifort -o slaqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr3.f mpifort -o slaqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr4.f mpifort -o slaqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqr5.f mpifort -o slaqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqsb.f mpifort -o slaqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqsp.f mpifort -o slaqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqsy.f mpifort -o slaqtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaqtr.f mpifort -o slar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slar1v.f mpifort -o slar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slar2v.f mpifort -o slarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfb.f mpifort -o slarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarf.f mpifort -o slarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfg.f mpifort -o slarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfgp.f mpifort -o slarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarft.f mpifort -o slarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarfx.f mpifort -o slargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slargv.f mpifort -o slarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarnv.f mpifort -o slarra.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarra.f mpifort -o slarrb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrb.f mpifort -o slarrc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrc.f mpifort -o slarrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrd.f mpifort -o slarre.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarre.f mpifort -o slarrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrf.f mpifort -o slarrj.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrj.f mpifort -o slarrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrk.f mpifort -o slarrr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrr.f mpifort -o slarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarrv.f mpifort -o slarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarscl2.f mpifort -o slartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartg.f mpifort -o slartgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartgp.f mpifort -o slartgs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartgs.f mpifort -o slartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slartv.f mpifort -o slarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarzb.f mpifort -o slarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarz.f mpifort -o slarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slarzt.f mpifort -o slas2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slas2.f mpifort -o slascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slascl2.f mpifort -o slascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slascl.f mpifort -o slasd0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd0.f mpifort -o slasd1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd1.f mpifort -o slasd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd2.f mpifort -o slasd3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd3.f mpifort -o slasd4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd4.f mpifort -o slasd5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd5.f mpifort -o slasd6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd6.f mpifort -o slasd7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd7.f mpifort -o slasd8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasd8.f mpifort -o slasda.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasda.f mpifort -o slasdq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasdq.f mpifort -o slasdt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasdt.f mpifort -o slaset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaset.f mpifort -o slasq1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq1.f mpifort -o slasq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq2.f mpifort -o slasq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq3.f mpifort -o slasq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq4.f mpifort -o slasq5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq5.f mpifort -o slasq6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasq6.f mpifort -o slasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasr.f mpifort -o slasrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasrt.f mpifort -o slassq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slassq.f mpifort -o slasv2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasv2.f mpifort -o slaswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slaswp.f mpifort -o slasy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasy2.f mpifort -o sla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syamv.f mpifort -o slasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasyf.f mpifort -o slasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slasyf_rook.f mpifort -o sla_syrcond.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syrcond.f mpifort -o sla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o sla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o slatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatbs.f mpifort -o slatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatdf.f mpifort -o slatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatps.f mpifort -o slatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatrd.f mpifort -o slatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatrs.f mpifort -o slatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatrz.f mpifort -o slatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slatzm.f mpifort -o slauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slauu2.f mpifort -o slauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slauum.f mpifort -o sla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o slazq3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slazq3.f mpifort -o slazq4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g slazq4.f mpifort -o sopgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sopgtr.f mpifort -o sopmtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sopmtr.f mpifort -o sorbdb1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb1.f mpifort -o sorbdb2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb2.f mpifort -o sorbdb3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb3.f mpifort -o sorbdb4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb4.f mpifort -o sorbdb5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb5.f mpifort -o sorbdb6.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb6.f mpifort -o sorbdb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorbdb.f mpifort -o sorcsd2by1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorcsd2by1.f mpifort -o sorcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorcsd.f mpifort -o sorg2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorg2l.f mpifort -o sorg2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorg2r.f mpifort -o sorgbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgbr.f mpifort -o sorghr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorghr.f mpifort -o sorgl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgl2.f mpifort -o sorglq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorglq.f mpifort -o sorgql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgql.f mpifort -o sorgqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgqr.f mpifort -o sorgr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgr2.f mpifort -o sorgrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgrq.f mpifort -o sorgtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorgtr.f mpifort -o sorm2l.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorm2l.f mpifort -o sorm2r.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorm2r.f mpifort -o sormbr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormbr.f mpifort -o sormhr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormhr.f mpifort -o sorml2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sorml2.f mpifort -o sormlq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormlq.f mpifort -o sormql.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormql.f mpifort -o sormqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormqr.f mpifort -o sormr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormr2.f mpifort -o sormr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormr3.f mpifort -o sormrq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormrq.f mpifort -o sormrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormrz.f mpifort -o sormtr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sormtr.f mpifort -o spbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbcon.f mpifort -o spbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbequ.f mpifort -o spbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbrfs.f mpifort -o spbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbstf.f mpifort -o spbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbsv.f mpifort -o spbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbsvx.f mpifort -o spbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbtf2.f mpifort -o spbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbtrf.f mpifort -o spbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spbtrs.f mpifort -o spftrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spftrf.f mpifort -o spftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spftri.f mpifort -o spftrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spftrs.f mpifort -o spocon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spocon.f mpifort -o spoequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spoequb.f mpifort -o spoequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spoequ.f mpifort -o sporfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sporfs.f mpifort -o sporfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sporfsx.f mpifort -o sposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sposv.f mpifort -o sposvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sposvx.f mpifort -o sposvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sposvxx.f mpifort -o spotf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotf2.f mpifort -o spotrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotrf.f mpifort -o spotri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotri.f mpifort -o spotrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spotrs.f mpifort -o sppcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppcon.f mpifort -o sppequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppequ.f mpifort -o spprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spprfs.f mpifort -o sppsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppsv.f mpifort -o sppsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sppsvx.f mpifort -o spptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spptrf.f mpifort -o spptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spptri.f mpifort -o spptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spptrs.f mpifort -o spstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spstf2.f mpifort -o spstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spstrf.f mpifort -o sptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptcon.f mpifort -o spteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spteqr.f mpifort -o sptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptrfs.f mpifort -o sptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptsv.f mpifort -o sptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptsvx.f mpifort -o spttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spttrf.f mpifort -o spttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g spttrs.f mpifort -o sptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sptts2.f mpifort -o srscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g srscl.f mpifort -o ssbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbevd.f mpifort -o ssbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbev.f mpifort -o ssbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbevx.f mpifort -o ssbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgst.f mpifort -o ssbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgvd.f mpifort -o ssbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgv.f mpifort -o ssbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbgvx.f mpifort -o ssbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssbtrd.f mpifort -o ssfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssfrk.f mpifort -o sspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspcon.f mpifort -o sspevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspevd.f mpifort -o sspev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspev.f mpifort -o sspevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspevx.f mpifort -o sspgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgst.f mpifort -o sspgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgvd.f mpifort -o sspgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgv.f mpifort -o sspgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspgvx.f mpifort -o ssprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssprfs.f mpifort -o sspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspsv.f mpifort -o sspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sspsvx.f mpifort -o ssptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptrd.f mpifort -o ssptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptrf.f mpifort -o ssptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptri.f mpifort -o ssptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssptrs.f mpifort -o sstebz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstebz.f mpifort -o sstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstedc.f mpifort -o sstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstegr.f mpifort -o sstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstein.f mpifort -o sstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstemr.f mpifort -o ssteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssteqr.f mpifort -o ssterf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssterf.f mpifort -o sstevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstevd.f mpifort -o sstev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstev.f mpifort -o sstevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstevr.f mpifort -o sstevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g sstevx.f mpifort -o ssycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssycon.f mpifort -o ssycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssycon_rook.f mpifort -o ssyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyconv.f mpifort -o ssyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyequb.f mpifort -o ssyevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyevd.f mpifort -o ssyev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyev.f mpifort -o ssyevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyevr.f mpifort -o ssyevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyevx.f mpifort -o ssygs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygs2.f mpifort -o ssygst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygst.f mpifort -o ssygvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygvd.f mpifort -o ssygv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygv.f mpifort -o ssygvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssygvx.f mpifort -o ssyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyrfs.f mpifort -o ssyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyrfsx.f mpifort -o ssysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysv.f mpifort -o ssysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysv_rook.f mpifort -o ssysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysvx.f mpifort -o ssysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssysvxx.f mpifort -o ssyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssyswapr.f mpifort -o ssytd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytd2.f mpifort -o ssytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytf2.f mpifort -o ssytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytf2_rook.f mpifort -o ssytrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrd.f mpifort -o ssytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrf.f mpifort -o ssytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrf_rook.f mpifort -o ssytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri2.f mpifort -o ssytri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri2x.f mpifort -o ssytri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri.f mpifort -o ssytri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytri_rook.f mpifort -o ssytrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrs2.f mpifort -o ssytrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrs.f mpifort -o ssytrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ssytrs_rook.f mpifort -o stbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbcon.f mpifort -o stbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbrfs.f mpifort -o stbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stbtrs.f mpifort -o stfsm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stfsm.f mpifort -o stftri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stftri.f mpifort -o stfttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stfttp.f mpifort -o stfttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stfttr.f mpifort -o stgevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgevc.f mpifort -o stgex2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgex2.f mpifort -o stgexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgexc.f mpifort -o stgsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsen.f mpifort -o stgsja.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsja.f mpifort -o stgsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsna.f mpifort -o stgsy2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsy2.f mpifort -o stgsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stgsyl.f mpifort -o stpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpcon.f mpifort -o stpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpmqrt.f mpifort -o stpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpqrt2.f mpifort -o stpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpqrt.f mpifort -o stprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stprfb.f mpifort -o stprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stprfs.f mpifort -o stptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stptri.f mpifort -o stptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stptrs.f mpifort -o stpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpttf.f mpifort -o stpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stpttr.f mpifort -o strcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strcon.f mpifort -o strevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strevc.f mpifort -o strexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strexc.f mpifort -o strrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strrfs.f mpifort -o strsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsen.f mpifort -o strsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsna.f mpifort -o strsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strsyl.f mpifort -o strti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strti2.f mpifort -o strtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strtri.f mpifort -o strtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strtrs.f mpifort -o strttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strttf.f mpifort -o strttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g strttp.f mpifort -o stzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stzrqf.f mpifort -o stzrzf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g stzrzf.f mpifort -o zbbcsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zbbcsd.f mpifort -o zbdsqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zbdsqr.f mpifort -o zcgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zcgesv.f mpifort -o zcposv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zcposv.f mpifort -o zdrscl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zdrscl.f mpifort -o zgbbrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbbrd.f mpifort -o zgbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbcon.f mpifort -o zgbequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbequb.f mpifort -o zgbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbequ.f mpifort -o zgbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbrfs.f mpifort -o zgbrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbrfsx.f mpifort -o zgbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbsv.f mpifort -o zgbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbsvx.f mpifort -o zgbsvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbsvxx.f mpifort -o zgbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbtf2.f mpifort -o zgbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbtrf.f mpifort -o zgbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgbtrs.f mpifort -o zgebak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebak.f mpifort -o zgebal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebal.f mpifort -o zgebd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebd2.f mpifort -o zgebrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgebrd.f mpifort -o zgecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgecon.f mpifort -o zgeequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeequb.f mpifort -o zgeequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeequ.f mpifort -o zgees.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgees.f mpifort -o zgeesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeesx.f mpifort -o zgeev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeev.f mpifort -o zgeevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeevx.f mpifort -o zgegs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgegs.f mpifort -o zgegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgegv.f mpifort -o zgehd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgehd2.f mpifort -o zgehrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgehrd.f mpifort -o zgelq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelq2.f mpifort -o zgelqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelqf.f mpifort -o zgelsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelsd.f mpifort -o zgels.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgels.f mpifort -o zgelss.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelss.f mpifort -o zgelsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelsx.f mpifort -o zgelsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgelsy.f mpifort -o zgemqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgemqrt.f mpifort -o zgeql2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeql2.f mpifort -o zgeqlf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqlf.f mpifort -o zgeqp3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqp3.f mpifort -o zgeqpf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqpf.f mpifort -o zgeqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqr2.f mpifort -o zgeqr2p.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqr2p.f mpifort -o zgeqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrf.f mpifort -o zgeqrfp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrfp.f mpifort -o zgeqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrt2.f mpifort -o zgeqrt3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrt3.f mpifort -o zgeqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgeqrt.f mpifort -o zgerfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerfs.f mpifort -o zgerfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerfsx.f mpifort -o zgerq2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerq2.f mpifort -o zgerqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgerqf.f mpifort -o zgesc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesc2.f mpifort -o zgesdd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesdd.f mpifort -o zgesvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesvd.f mpifort -o zgesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesv.f mpifort -o zgesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesvx.f mpifort -o zgesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgesvxx.f mpifort -o zgetc2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetc2.f mpifort -o zgetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetf2.f mpifort -o zgetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetrf.f mpifort -o zgetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetri.f mpifort -o zgetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgetrs.f mpifort -o zggbak.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggbak.f mpifort -o zggbal.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggbal.f mpifort -o zgges.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgges.f mpifort -o zggesx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggesx.f mpifort -o zggev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggev.f mpifort -o zggevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggevx.f mpifort -o zggglm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggglm.f mpifort -o zgghrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgghrd.f mpifort -o zgglse.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgglse.f mpifort -o zggqrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggqrf.f mpifort -o zggrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggrqf.f mpifort -o zggsvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggsvd.f mpifort -o zggsvp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zggsvp.f mpifort -o zgtcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtcon.f mpifort -o zgtrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtrfs.f mpifort -o zgtsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtsv.f mpifort -o zgtsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtsvx.f mpifort -o zgttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgttrf.f mpifort -o zgttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgttrs.f mpifort -o zgtts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zgtts2.f mpifort -o zhbevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbevd.f mpifort -o zhbev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbev.f mpifort -o zhbevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbevx.f mpifort -o zhbgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgst.f mpifort -o zhbgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgvd.f mpifort -o zhbgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgv.f mpifort -o zhbgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbgvx.f mpifort -o zhbtrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhbtrd.f mpifort -o zhecon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhecon.f mpifort -o zhecon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhecon_rook.f mpifort -o zheequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheequb.f mpifort -o zheevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheevd.f mpifort -o zheev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheev.f mpifort -o zheevr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheevr.f mpifort -o zheevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheevx.f mpifort -o zhegs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegs2.f mpifort -o zhegst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegst.f mpifort -o zhegvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegvd.f mpifort -o zhegv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegv.f mpifort -o zhegvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhegvx.f mpifort -o zherfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zherfs.f mpifort -o zherfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zherfsx.f mpifort -o zhesv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesv.f mpifort -o zhesv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesv_rook.f mpifort -o zhesvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesvx.f mpifort -o zhesvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhesvxx.f mpifort -o zheswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zheswapr.f mpifort -o zhetd2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetd2.f mpifort -o zhetf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetf2.f mpifort -o zhetf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetf2_rook.f mpifort -o zhetrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrd.f mpifort -o zhetrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrf.f mpifort -o zhetrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrf_rook.f mpifort -o zhetri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri2.f mpifort -o zhetri2x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri2x.f mpifort -o zhetri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri.f mpifort -o zhetri_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetri_rook.f mpifort -o zhetrs2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrs2.f mpifort -o zhetrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrs.f mpifort -o zhetrs_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhetrs_rook.f mpifort -o zhfrk.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhfrk.f mpifort -o zhgeqz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhgeqz.f mpifort -o zhpcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpcon.f mpifort -o zhpevd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpevd.f mpifort -o zhpev.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpev.f mpifort -o zhpevx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpevx.f mpifort -o zhpgst.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgst.f mpifort -o zhpgvd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgvd.f mpifort -o zhpgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgv.f mpifort -o zhpgvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpgvx.f mpifort -o zhprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhprfs.f mpifort -o zhpsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpsv.f mpifort -o zhpsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhpsvx.f mpifort -o zhptrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptrd.f mpifort -o zhptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptrf.f mpifort -o zhptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptri.f mpifort -o zhptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhptrs.f mpifort -o zhsein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhsein.f mpifort -o zhseqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zhseqr.f mpifort -o zlabrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlabrd.f mpifort -o zlacgv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacgv.f mpifort -o zlacn2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacn2.f mpifort -o zlacon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacon.f mpifort -o zlacp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacp2.f mpifort -o zlacpy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacpy.f mpifort -o zlacrm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacrm.f mpifort -o zlacrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlacrt.f mpifort -o zladiv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zladiv.f mpifort -o zlaed0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaed0.f mpifort -o zlaed7.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaed7.f mpifort -o zlaed8.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaed8.f mpifort -o zlaein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaein.f mpifort -o zlaesy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaesy.f mpifort -o zlaev2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaev2.f mpifort -o zlag2c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlag2c.f mpifort -o zla_gbamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbamv.f mpifort -o zla_gbrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrcond_c.f mpifort -o zla_gbrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrcond_x.f mpifort -o zla_gbrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_gbrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gbrpvgrw.f mpifort -o zla_geamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_geamv.f mpifort -o zla_gercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gercond_c.f mpifort -o zla_gercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gercond_x.f mpifort -o zla_gerfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gerfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_gerpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_gerpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlags2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlags2.f mpifort -o zlagtm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlagtm.f mpifort -o zla_heamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_heamv.f mpifort -o zlahef.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahef.f mpifort -o zlahef_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahef_rook.f mpifort -o zla_hercond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_hercond_c.f mpifort -o zla_hercond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_hercond_x.f mpifort -o zla_herfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_herfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_herpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_herpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlahqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahqr.f mpifort -o zlahr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahr2.f mpifort -o zlahrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlahrd.f mpifort -o zlaic1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaic1.f mpifort -o zla_lin_berr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_lin_berr.f mpifort -o zlals0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlals0.f mpifort -o zlalsa.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlalsa.f mpifort -o zlalsd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlalsd.f mpifort -o zlangb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlangb.f mpifort -o zlange.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlange.f mpifort -o zlangt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlangt.f mpifort -o zlanhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhb.f mpifort -o zlanhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhe.f mpifort -o zlanhf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhf.f mpifort -o zlanhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhp.f mpifort -o zlanhs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanhs.f mpifort -o zlanht.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlanht.f mpifort -o zlansb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlansb.f mpifort -o zlansp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlansp.f mpifort -o zlansy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlansy.f mpifort -o zlantb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlantb.f mpifort -o zlantp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlantp.f mpifort -o zlantr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlantr.f mpifort -o zlapll.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlapll.f mpifort -o zlapmr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlapmr.f mpifort -o zlapmt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlapmt.f mpifort -o zla_porcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porcond_c.f mpifort -o zla_porcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porcond_x.f mpifort -o zla_porfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_porpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_porpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlaqgb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqgb.f mpifort -o zlaqge.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqge.f mpifort -o zlaqhb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqhb.f mpifort -o zlaqhe.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqhe.f mpifort -o zlaqhp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqhp.f mpifort -o zlaqp2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqp2.f mpifort -o zlaqps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqps.f mpifort -o zlaqr0.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr0.f mpifort -o zlaqr1.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr1.f mpifort -o zlaqr2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr2.f mpifort -o zlaqr3.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr3.f mpifort -o zlaqr4.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr4.f mpifort -o zlaqr5.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqr5.f mpifort -o zlaqsb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqsb.f mpifort -o zlaqsp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqsp.f mpifort -o zlaqsy.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaqsy.f mpifort -o zlar1v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlar1v.f mpifort -o zlar2v.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlar2v.f mpifort -o zlarcm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarcm.f mpifort -o zlarfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfb.f mpifort -o zlarf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarf.f mpifort -o zlarfg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfg.f mpifort -o zlarfgp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfgp.f mpifort -o zlarft.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarft.f mpifort -o zlarfx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarfx.f mpifort -o zlargv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlargv.f mpifort -o zlarnv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarnv.f mpifort -o zlarrv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarrv.f mpifort -o zlarscl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarscl2.f mpifort -o zlartg.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlartg.f mpifort -o zlartv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlartv.f mpifort -o zlarzb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarzb.f mpifort -o zlarz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarz.f mpifort -o zlarzt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlarzt.f mpifort -o zlascl2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlascl2.f mpifort -o zlascl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlascl.f mpifort -o zlaset.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaset.f mpifort -o zlasr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlasr.f mpifort -o zlassq.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlassq.f mpifort -o zlaswp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlaswp.f mpifort -o zla_syamv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syamv.f mpifort -o zlasyf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlasyf.f mpifort -o zlasyf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlasyf_rook.f mpifort -o zla_syrcond_c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrcond_c.f mpifort -o zla_syrcond_x.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrcond_x.f mpifort -o zla_syrfsx_extended.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrfsx_extended.f mpifort -o zla_syrpvgrw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_syrpvgrw.f mpifort -o zlat2c.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlat2c.f mpifort -o zlatbs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatbs.f mpifort -o zlatdf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatdf.f mpifort -o zlatps.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatps.f mpifort -o zlatrd.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatrd.f mpifort -o zlatrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatrs.f mpifort -o zlatrz.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatrz.f mpifort -o zlatzm.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlatzm.f mpifort -o zlauu2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlauu2.f mpifort -o zlauum.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zlauum.f mpifort -o zla_wwaddw.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zla_wwaddw.f mpifort -o zpbcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbcon.f mpifort -o zpbequ.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbequ.f mpifort -o zpbrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbrfs.f mpifort -o zpbstf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbstf.f mpifort -o zpbsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbsv.f mpifort -o zpbsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbsvx.f mpifort -o zpbtf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbtf2.f mpifort -o zpbtrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbtrf.f mpifort -o zpbtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpbtrs.f mpifort -o 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-c -KPIC -O2 -g zpptrs.f mpifort -o zpstf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpstf2.f mpifort -o zpstrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpstrf.f mpifort -o zptcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptcon.f mpifort -o zpteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpteqr.f mpifort -o zptrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptrfs.f mpifort -o zptsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptsv.f mpifort -o zptsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptsvx.f mpifort -o zpttrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpttrf.f mpifort -o zpttrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zpttrs.f mpifort -o zptts2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zptts2.f mpifort -o zrot.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zrot.f mpifort -o zspcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspcon.f mpifort -o zspmv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspmv.f mpifort -o zspr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspr.f mpifort -o zsprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsprfs.f mpifort -o zspsv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspsv.f mpifort -o zspsvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zspsvx.f mpifort -o zsptrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsptrf.f mpifort -o zsptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsptri.f mpifort -o zsptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsptrs.f mpifort -o zstedc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstedc.f mpifort -o zstegr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstegr.f mpifort -o zstein.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstein.f mpifort -o zstemr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zstemr.f mpifort -o zsteqr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsteqr.f mpifort -o zsycon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsycon.f mpifort -o zsycon_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsycon_rook.f mpifort -o zsyconv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyconv.f mpifort -o zsyequb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyequb.f mpifort -o zsymv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsymv.f mpifort -o zsyr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyr.f mpifort -o zsyrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyrfs.f mpifort -o zsyrfsx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyrfsx.f mpifort -o zsysv.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysv.f mpifort -o zsysv_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysv_rook.f mpifort -o zsysvx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysvx.f mpifort -o zsysvxx.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsysvxx.f mpifort -o zsyswapr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsyswapr.f mpifort -o zsytf2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytf2.f mpifort -o zsytf2_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytf2_rook.f mpifort -o zsytrf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytrf.f mpifort -o zsytrf_rook.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytrf_rook.f mpifort -o zsytri2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g zsytri2.f mpifort -o 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ztpcon.f mpifort -o ztpmqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpmqrt.f mpifort -o ztpqrt2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpqrt2.f mpifort -o ztpqrt.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpqrt.f mpifort -o ztprfb.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztprfb.f mpifort -o ztprfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztprfs.f mpifort -o ztptri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztptri.f mpifort -o ztptrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztptrs.f mpifort -o ztpttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpttf.f mpifort -o ztpttr.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztpttr.f mpifort -o ztrcon.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrcon.f mpifort -o ztrevc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrevc.f mpifort -o ztrexc.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrexc.f mpifort -o ztrrfs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrrfs.f mpifort -o ztrsen.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsen.f mpifort -o ztrsna.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsna.f mpifort -o ztrsyl.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrsyl.f mpifort -o ztrti2.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrti2.f mpifort -o ztrtri.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrtri.f mpifort -o ztrtrs.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrtrs.f mpifort -o ztrttf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrttf.f mpifort -o ztrttp.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g ztrttp.f mpifort -o ztzrqf.o -c -KPIC -O2 -g 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cgelsx.o cgelsy.o cgemqrt.o cgeql2.o cgeqlf.o cgeqp3.o cgeqpf.o cgeqr2.o cgeqr2p.o cgeqrf.o cgeqrfp.o cgeqrt2.o cgeqrt3.o cgeqrt.o cgerfs.o cgerfsx.o cgerq2.o cgerqf.o cgesc2.o cgesdd.o cgesvd.o cgesv.o cgesvx.o cgesvxx.o cgetc2.o cgetf2.o cgetrf.o cgetri.o cgetrs.o cggbak.o cggbal.o cgges.o cggesx.o cggev.o cggevx.o cggglm.o cgghrd.o cgglse.o cggqrf.o cggrqf.o cggsvd.o cggsvp.o cgtcon.o cgtrfs.o cgtsv.o cgtsvx.o cgttrf.o cgttrs.o cgtts2.o chbevd.o chbev.o chbevx.o chbgst.o chbgvd.o chbgv.o chbgvx.o chbtrd.o checon.o checon_rook.o cheequb.o cheevd.o cheev.o cheevr.o cheevx.o chegs2.o chegst.o chegvd.o chegv.o chegvx.o cherfs.o cherfsx.o chesv.o chesv_rook.o chesvx.o chesvxx.o cheswapr.o chetd2.o chetf2.o chetf2_rook.o chetrd.o chetrf.o chetrf_rook.o chetri2.o chetri2x.o chetri.o chetri_rook.o chetrs2.o chetrs.o chetrs_rook.o chfrk.o chgeqz.o chla_transtype.o chpcon.o chpevd.o chpev.o chpevx.o chpgst.o chpgvd.o chpgv.o chpgvx.o chprfs.o chpsv.o chpsvx.o chptrd.o chptrf.o chptri.o 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clarnv.o clarrv.o clarscl2.o clartg.o clartv.o clarzb.o clarz.o clarzt.o clascl2.o clascl.o claset.o clasr.o classq.o claswp.o cla_syamv.o clasyf.o clasyf_rook.o cla_syrcond_c.o cla_syrcond_x.o cla_syrfsx_extended.o cla_syrpvgrw.o clatbs.o clatdf.o clatps.o clatrd.o clatrs.o clatrz.o clatzm.o clauu2.o clauum.o cla_wwaddw.o cpbcon.o cpbequ.o cpbrfs.o cpbstf.o cpbsv.o cpbsvx.o cpbtf2.o cpbtrf.o cpbtrs.o cpftrf.o cpftri.o cpftrs.o cpocon.o cpoequb.o cpoequ.o cporfs.o cporfsx.o cposv.o cposvx.o cposvxx.o cpotf2.o cpotrf.o cpotri.o cpotrs.o cppcon.o cppequ.o cpprfs.o cppsv.o cppsvx.o cpptrf.o cpptri.o cpptrs.o cpstf2.o cpstrf.o cptcon.o cpteqr.o cptrfs.o cptsv.o cptsvx.o cpttrf.o cpttrs.o cptts2.o crot.o cspcon.o cspmv.o cspr.o csprfs.o cspsv.o cspsvx.o csptrf.o csptri.o csptrs.o csrscl.o cstedc.o cstegr.o cstein.o cstemr.o csteqr.o csycon.o csycon_rook.o csyconv.o csyequb.o csymv.o csyr.o csyrfs.o csyrfsx.o csysv.o csysv_rook.o csysvx.o csysvxx.o csyswapr.o csytf2.o csytf2_rook.o csytrf.o csytrf_rook.o csytri2.o csytri2x.o csytri.o csytri_rook.o csytrs2.o csytrs.o csytrs_rook.o ctbcon.o ctbrfs.o ctbtrs.o ctfsm.o ctftri.o ctfttp.o ctfttr.o ctgevc.o ctgex2.o ctgexc.o ctgsen.o ctgsja.o ctgsna.o ctgsy2.o ctgsyl.o ctpcon.o ctpmqrt.o ctpqrt2.o ctpqrt.o ctprfb.o ctprfs.o ctptri.o ctptrs.o ctpttf.o ctpttr.o ctrcon.o ctrevc.o ctrexc.o ctrrfs.o ctrsen.o ctrsna.o ctrsyl.o ctrti2.o ctrtri.o ctrtrs.o ctrttf.o ctrttp.o ctzrqf.o ctzrzf.o cunbdb1.o cunbdb2.o cunbdb3.o cunbdb4.o cunbdb5.o cunbdb6.o cunbdb.o cuncsd2by1.o cuncsd.o cung2l.o cung2r.o cungbr.o cunghr.o cungl2.o cunglq.o cungql.o cungqr.o cungr2.o cungrq.o cungtr.o cunm2l.o cunm2r.o cunmbr.o cunmhr.o cunml2.o cunmlq.o cunmql.o cunmqr.o cunmr2.o cunmr3.o cunmrq.o cunmrz.o cunmtr.o cupgtr.o cupmtr.o dbbcsd.o dbdsdc.o dbdsqr.o ddisna.o dgbbrd.o dgbcon.o dgbequb.o dgbequ.o dgbrfs.o dgbrfsx.o dgbsv.o dgbsvx.o dgbsvxx.o dgbtf2.o dgbtrf.o dgbtrs.o dgebak.o dgebal.o dgebd2.o dgebrd.o dgecon.o dgeequb.o dgeequ.o dgees.o dgeesx.o dgeev.o dgeevx.o dgegs.o dgegv.o dgehd2.o dgehrd.o dgejsv.o dgelq2.o dgelqf.o dgelsd.o dgels.o dgelss.o dgelsx.o dgelsy.o dgemqrt.o dgeql2.o dgeqlf.o dgeqp3.o dgeqpf.o dgeqr2.o dgeqr2p.o dgeqrf.o dgeqrfp.o dgeqrt2.o dgeqrt3.o dgeqrt.o dgerfs.o dgerfsx.o dgerq2.o dgerqf.o dgesc2.o dgesdd.o dgesvd.o dgesv.o dgesvj.o dgesvx.o dgesvxx.o dgetc2.o dgetf2.o dgetrf.o dgetri.o dgetrs.o dggbak.o dggbal.o dgges.o dggesx.o dggev.o dggevx.o dggglm.o dgghrd.o dgglse.o dggqrf.o dggrqf.o dggsvd.o dggsvp.o dgsvj0.o dgsvj1.o dgtcon.o dgtrfs.o dgtsv.o dgtsvx.o dgttrf.o dgttrs.o dgtts2.o dhgeqz.o dhsein.o dhseqr.o disnan.o dlabad.o dlabrd.o dlacn2.o dlacon.o dlacpy.o dladiv.o dlae2.o dlaebz.o dlaed0.o dlaed1.o dlaed2.o dlaed3.o dlaed4.o dlaed5.o dlaed6.o dlaed7.o dlaed8.o dlaed9.o dlaeda.o dlaein.o dlaev2.o dlaexc.o dlag2.o dlag2s.o dla_gbamv.o dla_gbrcond.o dla_gbrfsx_extended.o dla_gbrpvgrw.o dla_geamv.o dla_gercond.o dla_gerfsx_extended.o dla_gerpvgrw.o dlags2.o dlagtf.o dlagtm.o dlagts.o dlagv2.o dlahqr.o dlahr2.o dlahrd.o dlaic1.o dlaisnan.o dla_lin_berr.o dlaln2.o dlals0.o dlalsa.o dlalsd.o dlamrg.o dlaneg.o dlangb.o dlange.o dlangt.o dlanhs.o dlansb.o dlansf.o dlansp.o dlanst.o dlansy.o dlantb.o dlantp.o dlantr.o dlanv2.o dlapll.o dlapmr.o dlapmt.o dla_porcond.o dla_porfsx_extended.o dla_porpvgrw.o dlapy2.o dlapy3.o dlaqgb.o dlaqge.o dlaqp2.o dlaqps.o dlaqr0.o dlaqr1.o dlaqr2.o dlaqr3.o dlaqr4.o dlaqr5.o dlaqsb.o dlaqsp.o dlaqsy.o dlaqtr.o dlar1v.o dlar2v.o dlarfb.o dlarf.o dlarfg.o dlarfgp.o dlarft.o dlarfx.o dlargv.o dlarnv.o dlarra.o dlarrb.o dlarrc.o dlarrd.o dlarre.o dlarrf.o dlarrj.o dlarrk.o dlarrr.o dlarrv.o dlarscl2.o dlartg.o dlartgp.o dlartgs.o dlartv.o dlaruv.o dlarzb.o dlarz.o dlarzt.o dlas2.o dlascl2.o dlascl.o dlasd0.o dlasd1.o dlasd2.o dlasd3.o dlasd4.o dlasd5.o dlasd6.o dlasd7.o dlasd8.o dlasda.o dlasdq.o dlasdt.o dlaset.o dlasq1.o dlasq2.o dlasq3.o dlasq4.o dlasq5.o dlasq6.o dlasr.o dlasrt.o dlassq.o dlasv2.o dlaswp.o dlasy2.o dla_syamv.o dlasyf.o dlasyf_rook.o dla_syrcond.o dla_syrfsx_extended.o dla_syrpvgrw.o dlat2s.o dlatbs.o dlatdf.o dlatps.o dlatrd.o dlatrs.o dlatrz.o dlatzm.o dlauu2.o dlauum.o dla_wwaddw.o dlazq3.o dlazq4.o dopgtr.o dopmtr.o dorbdb1.o dorbdb2.o dorbdb3.o dorbdb4.o dorbdb5.o dorbdb6.o dorbdb.o dorcsd2by1.o dorcsd.o dorg2l.o dorg2r.o dorgbr.o dorghr.o dorgl2.o dorglq.o dorgql.o dorgqr.o dorgr2.o dorgrq.o dorgtr.o dorm2l.o dorm2r.o dormbr.o dormhr.o dorml2.o dormlq.o dormql.o dormqr.o dormr2.o dormr3.o dormrq.o dormrz.o dormtr.o dpbcon.o dpbequ.o dpbrfs.o dpbstf.o dpbsv.o dpbsvx.o dpbtf2.o dpbtrf.o dpbtrs.o dpftrf.o dpftri.o dpftrs.o dpocon.o dpoequb.o dpoequ.o dporfs.o dporfsx.o dposv.o dposvx.o dposvxx.o dpotf2.o dpotrf.o dpotri.o dpotrs.o dppcon.o dppequ.o dpprfs.o dppsv.o dppsvx.o dpptrf.o dpptri.o dpptrs.o dpstf2.o dpstrf.o dptcon.o dpteqr.o dptrfs.o dptsv.o dptsvx.o dpttrf.o dpttrs.o dptts2.o drscl.o dsbevd.o dsbev.o dsbevx.o dsbgst.o dsbgvd.o dsbgv.o dsbgvx.o dsbtrd.o dsfrk.o dsgesv.o dspcon.o dspevd.o dspev.o dspevx.o dspgst.o dspgvd.o dspgv.o dspgvx.o dsposv.o dsprfs.o dspsv.o dspsvx.o dsptrd.o dsptrf.o dsptri.o dsptrs.o dstebz.o dstedc.o dstegr.o dstein.o dstemr.o dsteqr.o dsterf.o dstevd.o dstev.o dstevr.o dstevx.o dsycon.o dsycon_rook.o dsyconv.o dsyequb.o dsyevd.o dsyev.o dsyevr.o dsyevx.o dsygs2.o dsygst.o dsygvd.o dsygv.o dsygvx.o dsyrfs.o dsyrfsx.o dsysv.o dsysv_rook.o dsysvx.o dsysvxx.o dsyswapr.o dsytd2.o dsytf2.o dsytf2_rook.o dsytrd.o dsytrf.o dsytrf_rook.o dsytri2.o dsytri2x.o dsytri.o dsytri_rook.o dsytrs2.o dsytrs.o dsytrs_rook.o dtbcon.o dtbrfs.o dtbtrs.o dtfsm.o dtftri.o dtfttp.o dtfttr.o dtgevc.o dtgex2.o dtgexc.o dtgsen.o dtgsja.o dtgsna.o dtgsy2.o dtgsyl.o dtpcon.o dtpmqrt.o dtpqrt2.o dtpqrt.o dtprfb.o dtprfs.o dtptri.o dtptrs.o dtpttf.o dtpttr.o dtrcon.o dtrevc.o dtrexc.o dtrrfs.o dtrsen.o dtrsna.o dtrsyl.o dtrti2.o dtrtri.o dtrtrs.o dtrttf.o dtrttp.o dtzrqf.o dtzrzf.o dzsum1.o icmax1.o ieeeck.o ilaclc.o ilaclr.o iladiag.o iladlc.o iladlr.o ilaenv.o ilaprec.o ilaslc.o ilaslr.o ilatrans.o ilauplo.o ilaver.o ilazlc.o ilazlr.o iparmq.o izmax1.o lsamen.o sbbcsd.o sbdsdc.o sbdsqr.o scsum1.o sdisna.o sgbbrd.o sgbcon.o sgbequb.o sgbequ.o sgbrfs.o sgbrfsx.o sgbsv.o sgbsvx.o sgbsvxx.o sgbtf2.o sgbtrf.o sgbtrs.o sgebak.o sgebal.o sgebd2.o sgebrd.o sgecon.o sgeequb.o sgeequ.o sgees.o sgeesx.o sgeev.o sgeevx.o sgegs.o sgegv.o sgehd2.o sgehrd.o sgejsv.o sgelq2.o sgelqf.o sgelsd.o sgels.o sgelss.o sgelsx.o sgelsy.o sgemqrt.o sgeql2.o sgeqlf.o sgeqp3.o sgeqpf.o sgeqr2.o sgeqr2p.o sgeqrf.o sgeqrfp.o sgeqrt2.o sgeqrt3.o sgeqrt.o sgerfs.o sgerfsx.o sgerq2.o sgerqf.o sgesc2.o sgesdd.o sgesvd.o sgesv.o sgesvj.o sgesvx.o sgesvxx.o sgetc2.o sgetf2.o sgetrf.o sgetri.o sgetrs.o sggbak.o sggbal.o sgges.o sggesx.o sggev.o sggevx.o sggglm.o sgghrd.o sgglse.o sggqrf.o sggrqf.o sggsvd.o sggsvp.o sgsvj0.o sgsvj1.o sgtcon.o sgtrfs.o sgtsv.o sgtsvx.o sgttrf.o sgttrs.o sgtts2.o shgeqz.o shsein.o shseqr.o sisnan.o slabad.o slabrd.o slacn2.o slacon.o slacpy.o sladiv.o slae2.o slaebz.o slaed0.o slaed1.o slaed2.o slaed3.o slaed4.o slaed5.o slaed6.o slaed7.o slaed8.o slaed9.o slaeda.o slaein.o slaev2.o slaexc.o slag2d.o slag2.o sla_gbamv.o sla_gbrcond.o sla_gbrfsx_extended.o sla_gbrpvgrw.o sla_geamv.o sla_gercond.o sla_gerfsx_extended.o sla_gerpvgrw.o slags2.o slagtf.o slagtm.o slagts.o slagv2.o slahqr.o slahr2.o slahrd.o slaic1.o slaisnan.o sla_lin_berr.o slaln2.o slals0.o slalsa.o slalsd.o slamrg.o slaneg.o slangb.o slange.o slangt.o slanhs.o slansb.o slansf.o slansp.o slanst.o slansy.o slantb.o slantp.o slantr.o slanv2.o slapll.o slapmr.o slapmt.o sla_porcond.o sla_porfsx_extended.o sla_porpvgrw.o slapy2.o slapy3.o slaqgb.o slaqge.o slaqp2.o slaqps.o slaqr0.o slaqr1.o slaqr2.o slaqr3.o slaqr4.o slaqr5.o slaqsb.o slaqsp.o slaqsy.o slaqtr.o slar1v.o slar2v.o slarfb.o slarf.o slarfg.o slarfgp.o slarft.o slarfx.o slargv.o slarnv.o slarra.o slarrb.o slarrc.o slarrd.o slarre.o slarrf.o slarrj.o slarrk.o slarrr.o slarrv.o slarscl2.o slartg.o slartgp.o slartgs.o slartv.o slaruv.o slarzb.o slarz.o slarzt.o slas2.o slascl2.o slascl.o slasd0.o slasd1.o slasd2.o slasd3.o slasd4.o slasd5.o slasd6.o slasd7.o slasd8.o slasda.o slasdq.o slasdt.o slaset.o slasq1.o slasq2.o slasq3.o slasq4.o slasq5.o slasq6.o slasr.o slasrt.o slassq.o slasv2.o slaswp.o slasy2.o sla_syamv.o slasyf.o slasyf_rook.o sla_syrcond.o sla_syrfsx_extended.o sla_syrpvgrw.o slatbs.o slatdf.o slatps.o slatrd.o slatrs.o slatrz.o slatzm.o slauu2.o slauum.o sla_wwaddw.o slazq3.o slazq4.o sopgtr.o sopmtr.o sorbdb1.o sorbdb2.o sorbdb3.o sorbdb4.o sorbdb5.o sorbdb6.o sorbdb.o sorcsd2by1.o sorcsd.o sorg2l.o sorg2r.o sorgbr.o sorghr.o sorgl2.o sorglq.o sorgql.o sorgqr.o sorgr2.o sorgrq.o sorgtr.o sorm2l.o sorm2r.o sormbr.o sormhr.o sorml2.o sormlq.o sormql.o sormqr.o sormr2.o sormr3.o sormrq.o sormrz.o sormtr.o spbcon.o spbequ.o spbrfs.o spbstf.o spbsv.o spbsvx.o spbtf2.o spbtrf.o spbtrs.o spftrf.o spftri.o spftrs.o spocon.o spoequb.o spoequ.o sporfs.o sporfsx.o sposv.o sposvx.o sposvxx.o spotf2.o spotrf.o spotri.o spotrs.o sppcon.o sppequ.o spprfs.o sppsv.o sppsvx.o spptrf.o spptri.o spptrs.o spstf2.o spstrf.o sptcon.o spteqr.o sptrfs.o sptsv.o sptsvx.o spttrf.o spttrs.o sptts2.o srscl.o ssbevd.o ssbev.o ssbevx.o ssbgst.o ssbgvd.o ssbgv.o ssbgvx.o ssbtrd.o ssfrk.o sspcon.o sspevd.o sspev.o sspevx.o sspgst.o sspgvd.o sspgv.o sspgvx.o ssprfs.o sspsv.o sspsvx.o ssptrd.o ssptrf.o ssptri.o ssptrs.o sstebz.o sstedc.o sstegr.o sstein.o sstemr.o ssteqr.o ssterf.o sstevd.o sstev.o sstevr.o sstevx.o ssycon.o ssycon_rook.o ssyconv.o ssyequb.o ssyevd.o ssyev.o ssyevr.o ssyevx.o ssygs2.o ssygst.o ssygvd.o ssygv.o ssygvx.o ssyrfs.o ssyrfsx.o ssysv.o ssysv_rook.o ssysvx.o ssysvxx.o ssyswapr.o ssytd2.o ssytf2.o ssytf2_rook.o ssytrd.o ssytrf.o ssytrf_rook.o ssytri2.o ssytri2x.o ssytri.o ssytri_rook.o ssytrs2.o ssytrs.o ssytrs_rook.o stbcon.o stbrfs.o stbtrs.o stfsm.o stftri.o stfttp.o stfttr.o stgevc.o stgex2.o stgexc.o stgsen.o stgsja.o stgsna.o stgsy2.o stgsyl.o stpcon.o stpmqrt.o stpqrt2.o stpqrt.o stprfb.o stprfs.o stptri.o stptrs.o stpttf.o stpttr.o strcon.o strevc.o strexc.o strrfs.o strsen.o strsna.o strsyl.o strti2.o strtri.o strtrs.o strttf.o strttp.o stzrqf.o stzrzf.o zbbcsd.o zbdsqr.o zcgesv.o zcposv.o zdrscl.o zgbbrd.o zgbcon.o zgbequb.o zgbequ.o zgbrfs.o zgbrfsx.o zgbsv.o zgbsvx.o zgbsvxx.o zgbtf2.o zgbtrf.o zgbtrs.o zgebak.o zgebal.o zgebd2.o zgebrd.o zgecon.o zgeequb.o zgeequ.o zgees.o zgeesx.o zgeev.o zgeevx.o zgegs.o zgegv.o zgehd2.o zgehrd.o zgelq2.o zgelqf.o zgelsd.o zgels.o zgelss.o zgelsx.o zgelsy.o zgemqrt.o zgeql2.o zgeqlf.o zgeqp3.o zgeqpf.o zgeqr2.o zgeqr2p.o zgeqrf.o zgeqrfp.o zgeqrt2.o zgeqrt3.o zgeqrt.o zgerfs.o zgerfsx.o zgerq2.o zgerqf.o zgesc2.o zgesdd.o zgesvd.o zgesv.o zgesvx.o zgesvxx.o zgetc2.o zgetf2.o zgetrf.o zgetri.o zgetrs.o zggbak.o zggbal.o zgges.o zggesx.o zggev.o zggevx.o zggglm.o zgghrd.o zgglse.o zggqrf.o zggrqf.o zggsvd.o zggsvp.o zgtcon.o zgtrfs.o zgtsv.o zgtsvx.o zgttrf.o zgttrs.o zgtts2.o zhbevd.o zhbev.o zhbevx.o zhbgst.o zhbgvd.o zhbgv.o zhbgvx.o zhbtrd.o zhecon.o zhecon_rook.o zheequb.o zheevd.o zheev.o zheevr.o zheevx.o zhegs2.o zhegst.o zhegvd.o zhegv.o zhegvx.o zherfs.o zherfsx.o zhesv.o zhesv_rook.o zhesvx.o zhesvxx.o zheswapr.o zhetd2.o zhetf2.o zhetf2_rook.o zhetrd.o zhetrf.o zhetrf_rook.o zhetri2.o zhetri2x.o zhetri.o zhetri_rook.o zhetrs2.o zhetrs.o zhetrs_rook.o zhfrk.o zhgeqz.o zhpcon.o zhpevd.o zhpev.o zhpevx.o zhpgst.o zhpgvd.o zhpgv.o zhpgvx.o zhprfs.o zhpsv.o zhpsvx.o zhptrd.o zhptrf.o zhptri.o zhptrs.o zhsein.o zhseqr.o zlabrd.o zlacgv.o zlacn2.o zlacon.o zlacp2.o zlacpy.o zlacrm.o zlacrt.o zladiv.o zlaed0.o zlaed7.o zlaed8.o zlaein.o zlaesy.o zlaev2.o zlag2c.o zla_gbamv.o zla_gbrcond_c.o zla_gbrcond_x.o zla_gbrfsx_extended.o zla_gbrpvgrw.o zla_geamv.o zla_gercond_c.o zla_gercond_x.o zla_gerfsx_extended.o zla_gerpvgrw.o zlags2.o zlagtm.o zla_heamv.o zlahef.o zlahef_rook.o zla_hercond_c.o zla_hercond_x.o zla_herfsx_extended.o zla_herpvgrw.o zlahqr.o zlahr2.o zlahrd.o zlaic1.o zla_lin_berr.o zlals0.o zlalsa.o zlalsd.o zlangb.o zlange.o zlangt.o zlanhb.o zlanhe.o zlanhf.o zlanhp.o zlanhs.o zlanht.o zlansb.o zlansp.o zlansy.o zlantb.o zlantp.o zlantr.o zlapll.o zlapmr.o zlapmt.o zla_porcond_c.o zla_porcond_x.o zla_porfsx_extended.o zla_porpvgrw.o zlaqgb.o zlaqge.o zlaqhb.o zlaqhe.o zlaqhp.o zlaqp2.o zlaqps.o zlaqr0.o zlaqr1.o zlaqr2.o zlaqr3.o zlaqr4.o zlaqr5.o zlaqsb.o zlaqsp.o zlaqsy.o zlar1v.o zlar2v.o zlarcm.o zlarfb.o zlarf.o zlarfg.o zlarfgp.o zlarft.o zlarfx.o zlargv.o zlarnv.o zlarrv.o zlarscl2.o zlartg.o zlartv.o zlarzb.o zlarz.o zlarzt.o zlascl2.o zlascl.o zlaset.o zlasr.o zlassq.o zlaswp.o zla_syamv.o zlasyf.o zlasyf_rook.o zla_syrcond_c.o zla_syrcond_x.o zla_syrfsx_extended.o zla_syrpvgrw.o zlat2c.o zlatbs.o zlatdf.o zlatps.o zlatrd.o zlatrs.o zlatrz.o zlatzm.o zlauu2.o zlauum.o zla_wwaddw.o zpbcon.o zpbequ.o zpbrfs.o zpbstf.o zpbsv.o zpbsvx.o zpbtf2.o zpbtrf.o zpbtrs.o zpftrf.o zpftri.o zpftrs.o zpocon.o zpoequb.o zpoequ.o zporfs.o zporfsx.o zposv.o zposvx.o zposvxx.o zpotf2.o zpotrf.o zpotri.o zpotrs.o zppcon.o zppequ.o zpprfs.o zppsv.o zppsvx.o zpptrf.o zpptri.o zpptrs.o zpstf2.o zpstrf.o zptcon.o zpteqr.o zptrfs.o zptsv.o zptsvx.o zpttrf.o zpttrs.o zptts2.o zrot.o zspcon.o zspmv.o zspr.o zsprfs.o zspsv.o zspsvx.o zsptrf.o zsptri.o zsptrs.o zstedc.o zstegr.o zstein.o zstemr.o zsteqr.o zsycon.o zsycon_rook.o zsyconv.o zsyequb.o zsymv.o zsyr.o zsyrfs.o zsyrfsx.o zsysv.o zsysv_rook.o zsysvx.o zsysvxx.o zsyswapr.o zsytf2.o zsytf2_rook.o zsytrf.o zsytrf_rook.o zsytri2.o zsytri2x.o zsytri.o zsytri_rook.o zsytrs2.o zsytrs.o zsytrs_rook.o ztbcon.o ztbrfs.o ztbtrs.o ztfsm.o ztftri.o ztfttp.o ztfttr.o ztgevc.o ztgex2.o ztgexc.o ztgsen.o ztgsja.o ztgsna.o ztgsy2.o ztgsyl.o ztpcon.o ztpmqrt.o ztpqrt2.o ztpqrt.o ztprfb.o ztprfs.o ztptri.o ztptrs.o ztpttf.o ztpttr.o ztrcon.o ztrevc.o ztrexc.o ztrrfs.o ztrsen.o ztrsna.o ztrsyl.o ztrti2.o ztrtri.o ztrtrs.o ztrttf.o ztrttp.o ztzrqf.o ztzrzf.o zunbdb1.o zunbdb2.o zunbdb3.o zunbdb4.o zunbdb5.o zunbdb6.o zunbdb.o zuncsd2by1.o zuncsd.o zung2l.o zung2r.o zungbr.o zunghr.o zungl2.o zunglq.o zungql.o zungqr.o zungr2.o zungrq.o zungtr.o zunm2l.o zunm2r.o zunmbr.o zunmhr.o zunml2.o zunmlq.o zunmql.o zunmqr.o zunmr2.o zunmr3.o zunmrq.o zunmrz.o zunmtr.o zupgtr.o zupmtr.o gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack' cd lapack-extra; /bin/gmake lib FC="mpifort" FOPTFLAGS="-KPIC -O2 -g" FNOOPT="-O0 -KPIC " AR="/bin/ar" AR_FLAGS="cr" RM="/bin/rm -f" LIBNAME="libflapack.a" gmake[1]: Entering directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack-extra' mpifort -c -O0 -KPIC slamch.f dlamch.f mpifort -c -KPIC -O2 -g ilaver.f /bin/ar cr ../libflapack.a slamch.o dlamch.o ilaver.o /bin/rm -f slamch.o dlamch.o ilaver.o gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack/lapack-extra' /bin/ranlib libflapack.agmake[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add '+' to parent make rule. slamch.f: NVFORTRAN-W-0130-Floating point underflow. Check constants and constant expressions (slamch.f: 113) 0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for slamch dlamch.f: NVFORTRAN-W-0130-Floating point underflow. Check constants and constant expressions (dlamch.f: 109) 0 inform, 1 warnings, 0 severes, 0 fatal for dlamch ********End of Output of running make on FBLASLAPACK ******* Not checking for library in Download FBLASLAPACK: [] because no functions given to check for ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names No functions to check for in library [] ['-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] Checking for headers [] in Download FBLASLAPACK: ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include'] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.fblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.fblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.fblaslapack took 53.685827 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: locateCMake from config.packages.cmake(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/cmake.py:54) Looking for default CMake executable Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/cmake...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/cmake...not found Checking for program /bin/cmake...found Defined make macro "CMAKE" to "/bin/cmake" Looking for default CTest executable Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/wrappers/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/bin/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/bin/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/bin/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/bin/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/sbin/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/sse2/generic/manual/ssetools/v1.9.5/bin/ctest...not found Checking for program /software/tools/bin/ctest...not found Checking for program /bin/ctest...found Defined make macro "CTEST" to "/bin/ctest" Executing: /bin/cmake --version stdout: cmake version 3.20.2 CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (kitware.com/cmake). CMake version found 3.20.2 child config.packages.cmake took 0.061574 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.unittestcpp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.unittestcpp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.unittestcpp took 0.004580 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.muparser(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.muparser(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.muparser took 0.002568 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.hcephes(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.hcephes(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.hcephes took 0.002267 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.googletest(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.googletest(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.googletest took 0.001475 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.opencascade(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.opencascade(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.opencascade took 0.001532 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.combblas(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.combblas(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.combblas took 0.001488 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.cgns(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.cgns(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.cgns took 0.001580 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.amgx(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.amgx(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.amgx took 0.001540 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.alquimia(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.alquimia(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.alquimia took 0.001379 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.exodusii(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.exodusii(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.exodusii took 0.000952 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.eigen(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.eigen(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.eigen took 0.000998 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.grid(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.grid(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.grid took 0.000950 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.metis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.metis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.metis took 0.000988 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.pragmatic(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.pragmatic(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.pragmatic took 0.000942 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.parmetis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.parmetis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.parmetis took 0.000915 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.netlib-lapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.netlib-lapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.netlib-lapack took 0.000956 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.pthread(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.pthread(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.pthread(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/pthread.py:19) Checks for pthread_barrier_t ================================================================================== Checking for a functional pthread Checking for library in Compiler specific search PTHREAD: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: check from config.libraries(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/libraries.py:186) Checks that the library "libName" contains "funcs", and if it does defines HAVE_LIB"libName" - libDir may be a list of directories - libName may be a list of library names Checking for functions [pthread_create] in library [] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char pthread_create(void); static void _check_pthread_create(void) { pthread_create(); } int main(void) { _check_pthread_create(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char pthread_create(void); static void _check_pthread_create(void) { pthread_create(); } void dummy(void) {_check_pthread_create();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -lquadmath Checking for headers ['pthread.h'] in Compiler specific search PTHREAD: [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkInclude from config.headers(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:89) Checks if a particular include file can be found along particular include paths Checking for header files ['pthread.h'] in [] Checking include with compiler flags var CPPFLAGS [] Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: mpicc -E -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.X -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: Preprocess output after filtering: Found header files ['pthread.h'] in [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "a" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)a; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { pthread_barrier_t *a; (void)a; return 0; } ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.pthread(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.pthread(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.pthread took 1.774415 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.egads(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.egads(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.egads took 0.001554 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.PTScotch(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.PTScotch(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.PTScotch took 0.001370 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mmg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.mmg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.mmg took 0.001295 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.parmmg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.parmmg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.parmmg took 0.001225 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Zoltan(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Zoltan(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Zoltan took 0.001189 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.ADIOS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.ADIOS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.ADIOS took 0.001273 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.openmp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.openmp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.openmp took 0.001052 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.viennacl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.viennacl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.viennacl took 0.001173 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.zfp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.zfp(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.zfp took 0.001183 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.ColPack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.ColPack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.ColPack took 0.001225 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.ADOLC(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.ADOLC(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.ADOLC took 0.000883 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.openblas(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.openblas(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.openblas took 0.000804 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.blis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.blis(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.blis took 0.000782 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.f2cblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.f2cblaslapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.f2cblaslapack took 0.000787 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/BlasLapack.py:506) ================================================================================ Checking for BLAS and LAPACK in fblaslapack ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkLib from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/BlasLapack.py:114) Checking for BLAS and LAPACK symbols Checking for Fortran name mangling underscore on BLAS/LAPACK Checking for functions [ddot_] in library ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libfblas.a'] ['-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] Checking directory of requested libraries:/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib for first library:libfblas. Files in directory:['libfblas.a', 'libflapack.a'] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char ddot_(void); static void _check_ddot_(void) { ddot_(); } int main(void) { _check_ddot_(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char ddot_(void); static void _check_ddot_(void) { ddot_(); } void dummy(void) {_check_ddot_();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_LIBFBLAS" to "1" Checking for functions [dgetrs_] in library ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libflapack.a'] ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libfblas.a', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] Checking directory of requested libraries:/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib for first library:libflapack. Files in directory:['libfblas.a', 'libflapack.a'] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dgetrs_(void); static void _check_dgetrs_(void) { dgetrs_(); } int main(void) { _check_dgetrs_(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dgetrs_(void); static void _check_dgetrs_(void) { dgetrs_(); } void dummy(void) {_check_dgetrs_();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_LIBFLAPACK" to "1" Checking for functions [dgeev_] in library ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libflapack.a'] ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libfblas.a', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] Checking directory of requested libraries:/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib for first library:libflapack. Files in directory:['libfblas.a', 'libflapack.a'] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dgeev_(void); static void _check_dgeev_(void) { dgeev_(); } int main(void) { _check_dgeev_(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char dgeev_(void); static void _check_dgeev_(void) { dgeev_(); } void dummy(void) {_check_dgeev_();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_LIBFLAPACK" to "1" Found Fortran mangling on BLAS/LAPACK which is underscore Defined "BLASLAPACK_UNDERSCORE" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: checklsame from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/BlasLapack.py:712) Do the BLAS/LAPACK libraries have a valid lsame() function with correct binding. Checking for functions [lsame_] in library ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libflapack.a', '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libfblas.a', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] [] Checking directory of requested libraries:/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib for first library:libflapack. Files in directory:['libfblas.a', 'libflapack.a'] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char lsame_(void); static void _check_lsame_(void) { lsame_(); } int main(void) { _check_lsame_(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char lsame_(void); static void _check_lsame_(void) { lsame_(); } void dummy(void) {_check_lsame_();} Executing: mpifort -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.F90 Successful compile: Source: program main print*,'testing' stop end Executing: mpifort -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/conftest.o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers/confc.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_LIBFLAPACK" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBFBLAS" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBMPI_USEMPIF08" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBMPI_USEMPI_IGNORE_TKR" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBMPI_MPIFH" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBMPI" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBNVF" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBNVOMP" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBDL" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBNVHPCATM" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBATOMIC" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBPTHREAD" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBNVCPUMATH" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBNSNVC" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBRT" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBGCC_S" to "1" Defined "HAVE_LIBM" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" char *dgeev_(void); char* testroutine(void){return dgeev_(); } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" char *dgeev_(void); char* testroutine(void){return dgeev_(); } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/libconftest.so -shared -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -lflapack -lfblas -lflapack -lfblas -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkRuntimeIssues from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/BlasLapack.py:771) Determines if BLAS/LAPACK routines use 32 or 64-bit integers 32-bit BLAS indices based on the BLAS/LAPACK library being used Checking if sdot() returns a float or a double ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include int main(void) { FILE *output = fopen("runtimetestoutput","w"); extern float sdot_(const int*,const float*,const int *,const float*,const int*); float x1[1] = {3.0}; int one1 = 1; long long int ione1 = 1; float sdotresult = 0; int blasint64 = 0; if (!blasint64) { sdotresult = sdot_(&one1,x1,&one1,x1,&one1); } else { sdotresult = sdot_((const int*)&ione1,x1,(const int*)&ione1,x1,(const int*)&ione1); } fprintf(output, "--known-sdot-returns-double=%d",sdotresult != 9); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest Checking for sdot() return double: result 0 Checking if snrm() returns a float or a double ======== Checking running linked program Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include #include #include int main(void) { FILE *output = fopen("runtimetestoutput","w"); extern float snrm2_(const int*,const float*,const int*); float x2[1] = {3.0}; int one2 = 1; long long int ione2 = 1; float normresult = 0; int blasint64 = 0; if (!blasint64) { normresult = snrm2_(&one2,x2,&one2); } else { normresult = snrm2_((const int*)&ione2,x2,(const int*)&ione2); } fprintf(output, "--known-snrm2-returns-double=%d",normresult != 3); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath Testing executable /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack/conftest Checking for snrm2() return double: result 0 Checking for functions [bli_thread_set_num_threads] in library ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libflapack.a', '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libfblas.a', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] [] Checking directory of requested libraries:/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib for first library:libflapack. Files in directory:['libfblas.a', 'libflapack.a'] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char bli_thread_set_num_threads(void); static void _check_bli_thread_set_num_threads(void) { bli_thread_set_num_threads(); } int main(void) { _check_bli_thread_set_num_threads(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `bli_thread_set_num_threads' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `bli_thread_set_num_threads' Checking for functions [openblas_set_num_threads] in library ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libflapack.a', '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libfblas.a', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] [] Checking directory of requested libraries:/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib for first library:libflapack. Files in directory:['libfblas.a', 'libflapack.a'] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char openblas_set_num_threads(void); static void _check_openblas_set_num_threads(void) { openblas_set_num_threads(); } int main(void) { _check_openblas_set_num_threads(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `openblas_set_num_threads' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `openblas_set_num_threads' Checking for functions [APL_dgemm] in library ['/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libflapack.a', '/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/libfblas.a', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64', '-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib', '-lmpi_usempif08', '-lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr', '-lmpi_mpifh', '-lmpi', '-Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib', '-lnvf', '-lnvomp', '-ldl', '-lnvhpcatm', '-latomic', '-lpthread', '-lnvcpumath', '-lnsnvc', '-lrt', '-lgcc_s', '-lm'] [] Checking directory of requested libraries:/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib for first library:libflapack. Files in directory:['libfblas.a', 'libflapack.a'] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ char APL_dgemm(void); static void _check_APL_dgemm(void) { APL_dgemm(); } int main(void) { _check_APL_dgemm(); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lfblas -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lquadmath stdout: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `APL_dgemm' Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 2 stderr: /bin/ld: /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o: in function `main': /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c:5: undefined reference to `APL_dgemm' ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.BlasLapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.BlasLapack took 9.685173 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.sundials2(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.sundials2(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.sundials2 took 0.001371 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.spai(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/spai.py:53) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.spai(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.spai took 0.001314 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.raja(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.raja(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.raja took 0.001097 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.pARMS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.pARMS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.pARMS took 0.001055 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.p4est(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.p4est(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.p4est took 0.001026 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mkl_sparse_optimize(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.mkl_sparse_optimize(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.mkl_sparse_optimize(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/mkl_sparse_optimize.py:52) ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.mkl_sparse_optimize(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.mkl_sparse_optimize(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.mkl_sparse_optimize took 0.001178 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mkl_sparse(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDependencies from config.packages.mkl_sparse(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:990) Loop over declared dependencies of package and error if any are missing ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLibrary from config.packages.mkl_sparse(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/mkl_sparse.py:25) ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkVersion from config.packages.mkl_sparse(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1173) Uses self.version, self.minversion, self.maxversion, self.versionname, and self.versioninclude to determine if package has required version ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkSharedLibrary from config.packages.mkl_sparse(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1086) By default we don't care about checking if the library is shared child config.packages.mkl_sparse took 0.001054 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mkl_cpardiso(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/mkl_cpardiso.py:20) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.mkl_cpardiso(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.mkl_cpardiso took 0.000882 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.kokkos(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.kokkos(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.kokkos took 0.000987 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.kokkos-kernels(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.kokkos-kernels(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.kokkos-kernels took 0.000968 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.htool(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.htool(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.htool took 0.000973 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.hpl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.hpl(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.hpl took 0.000914 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.magma(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.magma(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.magma took 0.000909 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.kblas(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.kblas(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.kblas took 0.000941 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.h2opus(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.h2opus(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.h2opus took 0.000848 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.fftw(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.fftw(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.fftw took 0.000892 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.elemental(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.elemental(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.elemental took 0.000823 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.ml(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.ml(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.ml took 0.000856 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mkl_pardiso(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/mkl_pardiso.py:21) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.mkl_pardiso(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.mkl_pardiso took 0.000803 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.SuperLU_DIST(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.SuperLU_DIST(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.SuperLU_DIST took 0.000810 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.SuperLU(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.SuperLU(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.SuperLU took 0.000814 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.PaStiX(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.PaStiX(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.PaStiX took 0.000831 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.scalapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.scalapack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.scalapack took 0.000806 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.slate(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.slate(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.slate took 0.000808 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.butterflypack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.butterflypack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.butterflypack took 0.000875 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.strumpack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/strumpack.py:108) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.strumpack(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.strumpack took 0.000875 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.MUMPS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MUMPS.py:70) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.MUMPS(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.MUMPS took 0.001009 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.MOAB(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.MOAB(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.MOAB took 0.000829 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.SuiteSparse(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.SuiteSparse(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.SuiteSparse took 0.000825 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Chombo(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/Chombo.py:126) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Chombo(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Chombo took 0.000929 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.hypre(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/hypre.py:185) ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.hypre(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.hypre took 0.000891 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.Trilinos(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.Trilinos(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.Trilinos took 0.000850 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.xSDKTrilinos(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.xSDKTrilinos(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.xSDKTrilinos took 0.000807 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.mstk(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.mstk(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1090) Called if --with-packagename=0; does nothing by default child config.packages.mstk took 0.000842 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.slepc(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.slepc(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/slepc.py:110) Defined make rule "slepc-build" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "slepc-install" with dependencies "" and code [] child config.packages.slepc took 0.029609 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.hpddm(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.hpddm(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/hpddm.py:108) Defined make rule "hpddm-build" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "hpddm-install" with dependencies "" and code [] child config.packages.hpddm took 0.027978 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.bamg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.bamg(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/bamg.py:94) Defined make rule "bamg-build" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "bamg-install" with dependencies "" and code [] child config.packages.bamg took 0.026839 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.MFEM(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.MFEM(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/MFEM.py:243) Defined make rule "mfem-build" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "mfem-install" with dependencies "" and code [] child config.packages.MFEM took 0.030488 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: consistencyChecks from config.packages.AMReX(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/package.py:1094) Checks run on the system and currently installed packages that need to be correct for the package now being configured ============================================================================================= TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from config.packages.AMReX(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/BuildSystem/config/packages/AMReX.py:166) Adds rules for building AMReX to PETSc makefiles Defined make rule "amrex-build" with dependencies "" and code [] Defined make rule "amrex-install" with dependencies "" and code [] child config.packages.AMReX took 0.025544 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureRTLDDefault from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:770) Check for dynamic library feature Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "RTLD_DEFAULT" is undefined void *ptr = RTLD_DEFAULT; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c". Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 4: error: identifier "RTLD_DEFAULT" is undefined void *ptr = RTLD_DEFAULT; ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c". Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include void *ptr = RTLD_DEFAULT; int main(void) { return 0; } ============================================================================================= TESTING: configurePrefetch from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:546) Sees if there are any prefetch functions supported Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { void *v = 0;_mm_prefetch((const char*)v,_MM_HINT_NTA); return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H" to "1" Defined "Prefetch(a,b,c)" to "_mm_prefetch((const char*)(a),(c))" Defined "PREFETCH_HINT_NTA" to "_MM_HINT_NTA" Defined "PREFETCH_HINT_T0" to "_MM_HINT_T0" Defined "PREFETCH_HINT_T1" to "_MM_HINT_T1" Defined "PREFETCH_HINT_T2" to "_MM_HINT_T2" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureUnused from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:614) Sees if __attribute((unused)) is supported Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" __attribute((unused)) static int myfunc(__attribute((unused)) void *name){ return 1;} int main(void) { int i = 0; int j = myfunc(&i); (void)j; typedef void* atype; __attribute((unused)) atype a; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "UNUSED" to "__attribute((unused))" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDeprecated from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:632) Check if __attribute((deprecated)) is supported Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 80 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_BASE("asdasdadsasd") int myfunc(void) { return 1; } int main(void) { return 0; } configureDeprecated: '__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))' appears to work Defined "DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_BASE(string_literal_why)" to "__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define DEPRECATED_TYPEDEF_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) typedef int my_int DEPRECATED_TYPEDEF_BASE("asdasdadsasd"); int main(void) { return 0; } configureDeprecated: '__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))' appears to work Defined "DEPRECATED_TYPEDEF_BASE(string_literal_why)" to "__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define DEPRECATED_ENUM_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) enum E { oldval DEPRECATED_ENUM_BASE("asdasdadsasd"), newval }; int main(void) { return 0; } configureDeprecated: '__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))' appears to work Defined "DEPRECATED_ENUM_BASE(string_literal_why)" to "__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define DEPRECATED_OBJECT_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) DEPRECATED_OBJECT_BASE("asdasdadsasd") int x; int main(void) { return 0; } configureDeprecated: '__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))' appears to work Defined "DEPRECATED_OBJECT_BASE(string_literal_why)" to "__attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why)))" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define TEST _Pragma("GCC warning "Testing _Pragma"") value int main(void) { return 0; } Defined "DEPRECATED_MACRO_BASE_(why)" to "_Pragma(#why)" Defined "DEPRECATED_MACRO_BASE(string_literal_why)" to "PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO_BASE_(GCC warning string_literal_why)" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureIsatty from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:626) Check if the Unix C function isatty() works correctly Actually just assumes it does not work correctly on batch systems Defined "USE_ISATTY" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureExpect from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:699) Sees if the __builtin_expect directive is supported Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { if (__builtin_expect(0,1)) return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureAlign from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:683) Check if __attribute(aligned) is supported Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" struct mystruct {int myint;} __attribute((aligned(16))); char assert_aligned[(sizeof(struct mystruct)==16)*2-1]; int main(void) { return 0; } Defined "ATTRIBUTEALIGNED(size)" to "__attribute((aligned(size)))" Defined "HAVE_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureFunctionName from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:706) Sees if the compiler supports __func__ or a variant. Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { if (__func__[0] != 'm') return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { if (__func__[0] != 'm') return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "FUNCTION_NAME_C" to "__func__" Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { if (__func__[0] != 'm') return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main(void) { if (__func__[0] != 'm') return 1; return 0; } Executing: mpicxx -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "FUNCTION_NAME_CXX" to "__func__" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureIntptrt from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:724) Determine what to use for uintptr_t and intptr_t Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int x; uintptr_t i = (uintptr_t)&x; (void)i; return 0; } Defined "UINTPTR_T" to "uintptr_t" Defined "UINTPTR_T_FMT" to ""#" PRIxPTR" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int x; intptr_t i = (intptr_t)&x; (void)i; return 0; } Defined "INTPTR_T" to "intptr_t" Defined "INTPTR_T_FMT" to ""#" PRIxPTR" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureSolaris from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:776) Solaris specific stuff ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureLinux from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:798) Linux specific stuff Defined "HAVE_DOUBLE_ALIGN_MALLOC" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDarwin from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:789) Log brew configuration for Apple systems Executing: ['brew', 'config'] stdout: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'brew' ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureWin32 from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:804) Win32 non-cygwin specific stuff Checking for functions [GetComputerName] in library ['Kernel32.lib'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_GetComputerName(void) { GetComputerName(NULL,NULL);; } int main(void) { _check_GetComputerName(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Checking for functions [GetComputerName] in library ['kernel32'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_GetComputerName(void) { GetComputerName(NULL,NULL);; } int main(void) { _check_GetComputerName(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Checking for functions [GetUserName] in library ['Advapi32.lib'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_GetUserName(void) { GetUserName(NULL,NULL);; } int main(void) { _check_GetUserName(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Checking for functions [GetUserName] in library ['advapi32'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_GetUserName(void) { GetUserName(NULL,NULL);; } int main(void) { _check_GetUserName(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Checking for functions [GetDC] in library ['User32.lib'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_GetDC(void) { GetDC(0);; } int main(void) { _check_GetDC(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Checking for functions [GetDC] in library ['user32'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_GetDC(void) { GetDC(0);; } int main(void) { _check_GetDC(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Checking for functions [CreateCompatibleDC] in library ['Gdi32.lib'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_CreateCompatibleDC(void) { CreateCompatibleDC(0);; } int main(void) { _check_CreateCompatibleDC(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Checking for functions [CreateCompatibleDC] in library ['gdi32'] [] Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c", line 4: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ #include static void _check_CreateCompatibleDC(void) { CreateCompatibleDC(0);; } int main(void) { _check_CreateCompatibleDC(); return 0; } Compile failed inside link Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "u" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)u; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Possible ERROR while running compiler:exit code 0 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 7: warning: variable "u" is used before its value is set [used_before_set] (void)u; ^ Remark: individual warnings can be suppressed with "--diag_suppress " Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { uid_t u; (void)u; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_UNISTD_H) #include #endif int main(void) { int a=R_OK; (void)a; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { int a=0; if (S_ISDIR(a)){} return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 3: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 3: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { LARGE_INTEGER a; DWORD b=a.u.HighPart; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c stdout: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 3: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Possible ERROR while running compiler: exit code 2 stderr: "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c", line 3: catastrophic error: cannot open source file "windows.h" #include ^ 1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c". Compilation terminated. Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include #include int main(void) { int flags = O_BINARY; return 0; } Defined "REPLACE_DIR_SEPARATOR" to "'\\'" Defined "DIR_SEPARATOR" to "'/'" Defined "DIR" to ""/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module"" Defined make macro "wPETSC_DIR" to "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module" Defined "ARCH" to """" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureCygwinBrokenPipe from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:1243) Cygwin version <= 1.7.18 had issues with pipes and long commands invoked from gnu-make http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-05/msg00340.html ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDefaultArch from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:1259) ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureScript from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:1276) Output a script in the conf directory which will reproduce the configuration ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureInstall from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:1315) Setup the directories for installation Defined make rule "print_mesg_after_build" with dependencies "" and code ['-@echo "========================================="', '-@echo "Now to install the libraries do:"', '-@echo "${MAKE_USER} PETSC_DIR=${PETSC_DIR} PETSC_ARCH=${PETSC_ARCH} install"', '-@echo "========================================="'] ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureAtoll from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:609) Checks if atoll exists Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #include int main(void) { long v = atoll("25"); (void)v; return 0; } Executing: mpicc -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -lquadmath Defined "HAVE_ATOLL" to "1" ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureCoverage from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:991) Configure coverage for all available languages. If user did not request coverage, this function does nothing and returns immediatel. Therefore the following only apply to the case where the user requested coverage. On success: - defines PETSC_USE_COVERAGE to 1 On failure: - If no compilers supported the coverage flag, throws RuntimeError - configureCoverage(): coverage was disabled from command line or default ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureCoverageExecutable from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:1129) Check that a code-coverage collecting tool exists and is on PATH. On success: - Adds PETSC_COVERAGE_EXEC make macro containing the full path to the coverage tool executable. Raises RuntimeError if: - User explicitly requests auto-detection of the coverage tool from command line, and this routine fails to guess the suitable tool name. - The routine fails to find the tool, and --with-coverage is true checkCoverage: NOT required to find an executable checkCoverage: User did not explicitly set coverage exec (got 'default-auto'), trying to auto-detect based on compiler 'mpicc' Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 20 stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Executing: mpicc --help stdout: Overall switches: -# Display each command as it is run -### Display commands that would be executed -c Stop after assemble; output in object file -[no]defaultoptions Use default options from configuration file --diag_error Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_remark Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_suppress Override the severity of a diagnostic --diag_warning Override the severity of a diagnostic --display_error_number Display error message numbers -dryrun Display commands that would be executed -drystdinc Display standard include directories and exit -dumpversion Display compiler short version -echo[=go|stop] Echo the command line flags and stop (default) or continue (=go). This is useful when the compiler is invoked by a script. --flagcheck Don't compile anything, just emit error messages for command-line switches -flags Show all compiler switches -f[no-]strict-aliasing Enable optimizations based on a strict interpretation of the aliasing rules that apply to the language being compiled, such as type-based alias analysis. -fvisibility=default|hidden|protected|internal Set visibility of ELF symbols -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Set visibility of inline functions to hidden --gcc-toolchain= Specify gcc toolchain location using path to gcc directory or gcc executable -help[=groups|asm|debug|language|linker|opt|other|overall|phase|prepro|suffix|switch|target|variable] Show compiler switches -Minform=inform|warn|severe|fatal|[no]file Set error level of messages to display [no]file Print source file names as they are compiled -Mkeepasm Preserve intermediate assembly language file --no_display_error_number Do not display error message numbers -noswitcherror Ignore unknown command line switches -o Name the output file -pedantic Issue ANSI warnings -S Stop before assembling; output in .s file -show Show compiler configuration -silent Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -time Print execution time for each compiler step -V[] Display or change compiler version -v Display each command as it is run -w Inhibit warning messages; same as -Minform=severe -Wfatal-errors Stop compilation on the first error -Wi, Pass argument to IPA Linker -x=c|i|cpp-output|asm|assembler|ASM|assembler-with-cpp|none Specify the language for any following input files, instead of letting the compiler choose based on suffix. Turn off with -x none -Yi, Change IPA tools directory Optimization switches: -alias=ansi|traditional Select optimizations based on type-based pointer alias rules (deprecated, use -f[no-]strict-aliasing instead) ansi Enable optimizations using ANSI C/C++ type-based pointer disambiguation traditional Disable C/C++ optimizations based on type-based pointer disambiguation -fast Common optimizations; includes -O2 -Munroll=c:1 -Mlre -Mautoinline Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -f[no-]omit-frame-pointer Do not generate code to set up a stack frame Implies -Mnoframe -fPIC Generate position independent code -fpic Generate position independent code -fPIE Generates position independent executable. Implies -pie -KPIC Generate position independent code -Kpic Generate position independent code -M[no]autoinline[=maxsize:|totalsize:|nostatic] Enable automatic function inlining in C/C++ maxsize: Automatically inline functions size n and less totalsize: Limit automatic inlining to total size of n nostatic Do not inline static functions without inline keyword -Mcache_align Align large objects on cache-line boundaries -M[no]depchk Check dependence relations for vector or parallel code -M[no]dse Dead store elimination -Mextract=||lib:|name:|size: Extract subprograms for inlining Set maximum function size to extract Extract function func lib: Store information in directory extlib name: Extract function func size: Limit size of extracted functions to n -Mfactorize Enable factorization -M[no]fma Enable (disable) generation of FMA instructions Implies -Mnv-fma -M[no]idiom Loop idiom recognition -M[no]info[=all|accel|ftn|inline|intensity|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pcast|pfo|stat|time|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Minfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information intensity Enable compute intensity information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pcast Enable PCAST information pfo Enable profile feedback information stat Same as -Minfo=time time Display time spent in compiler phases vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Minit-integer= Initialize local integer*4 and integer*8 variables and arrays to -Minit-local-zero Initialize local {integer, real, logical} variables and arrays to 0 -Minit-logical=true|false Initilize local logical*4 and logical*8 variables and arrays to true or false true initialize to .true. false initialize to .false. -Minit-msg Issue a compiler message via -Minfo for initialized variables and arrays -Minit-real=zero|snan Initialize local real variables and arrays to a specific value below: zero 0.0 snan signaling NaNs -Minline[=lib:|||except:|name:|maxsize:|totalsize:|smallsize:|reshape] Enable function inlining lib: Use extracted functions from inlib Set maximum function size to inline Inline function func except: Do not inline function func name: Inline function func maxsize: Inline only functions smaller than n totalsize: Limit inlining to total size of n smallsize: Always inline functions smaller than n reshape Allow inlining in Fortran even when array shapes do not match -Minline Inline all functions that were extracted -Minstrument[=functions] Generate additional code for instrumentation; implies -Mframe functions Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument Enable instrumentation of functions -Minstrument-exclude-file-list= Do not instrument funcs in file -Minstrument-exclude-func-list= Do not instrument function func -M[no]ipa[=[no]align|[no]arg|[no]const|except:|fast|[no]force|[no]globals|inline:{|except:|nopfo|[no]reshape}|ipofile|jobs:|[no]keepobj|[no]libc|[no]libinline|[no]libopt|[no]localarg|main:|[no]ptr|[no]alias|[no]reaggregation|[no]f90ptr|[no]pure|quiet|required|safe:|[no]safeall|[no]shape|summary|[no]vestigial|acc] Enable Interprocedural Analysis [no]align Recognize when targets of pointer dummy are aligned [no]arg Remove arguments replaced by -Mipa=ptr,const [no]const Interprocedural constant propagation except: Used with -Mipa=inline, don't inline func fast Equivalant to -Mipa=align,arg,const,f90ptr,shape,libc,globals,localarg,alias,ptr,pure [no]force Force all objects to recompile regardless of whether IPA information has changed [no]globals Optimize references to globals inline Automatically determine which functions to inline Limit to n levels of inlining except: Don't inline func nopfo Ignore PFO frequency information [no]reshape Inline with mismatched array shapes ipofile Save IPO information in .ipo files jobs: Recompile n jobs in parallel [no]keepobj Keep IPA-optimized object files [no]libc Optimize calls to certain libc functions [no]libinline Inline (don't inline) routines even from libraries; implies -Mipa=inline [no]libopt Optimize (don't optimize) routines in libraries [no]localarg -Mipa=arg plus externalizes local pointer targets main: Specify a function to serve as a global entry point; may appear multiple times; disables linking [no]ptr Pointer disambiguation [no]alias Pointer alias analysis; implies -Mipa=ptr [no]reaggregation IPA guided structure reaggregation [no]f90ptr Fortran Pointer disambiguation [no]pure Pure function detection required Return error condition if IPA is inhibited safe: Declare a function or all functions in a library to be side-effect free [no]safeall Allow unsafe optimization by assuming unknown function references are unimportant [no]shape Fortran shape propagation summary Only collect IPA summary information; prevents IPA optimization for these files [no]vestigial Remove functions that are never called acc Automatically mark OpenACC Routine Seq and generate device code -Mipa Default enables constant propagation -M[no]lre[=[no]assoc] Loop-carried redundancy elimination [no]assoc Allow expression reassociation -M[no]minus0 Use Fortran 95 SIGN semantics -M[no]movnt Force generation of nontemporal moves -Mnan Assume arguments and results can be NaN for optimizations -Mneginfo[=all|accel|ftn|inline|ipa|loop|lre|mp|opt|par|pfo|vect|stdpar] Generate informational messages about optimizations all -Mneginfo=accel,inline,ipa,loop,lre,mp,opt,par,vect,stdpar accel Enable Accelerator information ftn Enable Fortran-specific information inline Enable inliner information ipa Enable IPA information loop Enable loop optimization information lre Enable LRE information mp Enable OpenMP information opt Enable optimizer information par Enable parallelizer information pfo Enable profile feedback information vect Enable vectorizer information stdpar Enable stdpar information -Mno-factorize Disable factorization -Mno-nan Assume arguments and results are never NaN for optimizations -Mno-recip-div Disable x/y => x*1/y rewrite -Mno-signed-zeros Ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -Mnoopenmp Ignore OpenMP directives; use with -mp -Mnovect Disable loop restructuring relating to SIMD code generation Implies -Mllvm-novect -Mnovintr Do not generate vector intrinsic calls -Mpfi[=[no]indirect] Enable profile-feedback instrumentation [no]indirect Save [don't save] indirect function call targets -Mpfo[=[no]indirect|[no]layout|dir:] Enable profile-feedback optimizations [no]indirect Enable [disable] indirect function call inlining [no]layout Enable [disable] dynamic code layout dir: Specify directory containing pgfi.out file -M[no]pre Enable partial redundancy elimination -M[no]prefetch[=distance:|n:|nta|plain|t0|w] Enable prefetch instructions distance: Set prefetch-ahead distance in cache lines n: Set maximum number of prefetches to generate nta Use prefetchnta plain Use prefetch t0 Use prefetcht0 w Allow prefetchw -Mprof[=dwarf] Generate additional code for profiling dwarf Add limited DWARF info sufficient for performance profilers -M[no]propcond Enable constant propagation from assertions derived from equality conditionals -Mrecip-div Rewrite x/y => x*1/y if profitable -Msafe_lastval Allow parallelization of loops with conditional scalar assignments -M[no]safeptr[=all|arg|auto|dummy|global|local|static] Specify pointers as safe all All pointers are safe arg Argument pointers are safe auto Same as -Msafeptr=local dummy Same as -Msafeptr=arg global Global pointers are safe local Local pointers are safe static Static local pointers are safe -Msafeptr -Msafeptr=all -Msigned-zeros Do not ignore signed zeros for optimization purposes -M[no]smartalloc[=[no]huge|huge:|hugebss] Add call in main routine to enable optimized malloc routines [no]huge Link in the huge page runtime library huge: Link the huge page runtime library and allocate n huge pages hugebss Put the BSS section in huge pages -M[no]stack_arrays Place automatic arrays on the stack -M[no]unroll[=c:|n:|m:] Enable loop unrolling c: Completely unroll loops with loop count n or less n: Unroll single-block loops n times m: Unroll multi-block loops n times -Munroll Unroll loops with a loop count of 1 -M[no]unsafe_par_align Generate aligned moves in parallelized loops if first element is aligned -M[no]vect[=[no]altcode|[no]assoc|cachesize:|[no]fuse|[no]gather|[no]idiom|levels:|nocond|[no]partial|prefetch|[no]short|[no]simd[:{128|256|512}]|[no]simdresidual|[no]sizelimit[:n]|[no]sse|[no]tile] Control automatic vector pipelining [no]altcode Generate appropriate alternative code for vectorized loops [no]assoc Allow [disallow] reassociation cachesize: Optimize for cache size c [no]fuse Enable [disable] loop fusion [no]gather Enable [disable] vectorization of indirect array references [no]idiom Enable [disable] idiom recognition levels: Maximum nest level of loops to optimize nocond Disable vectorization of loops with conditionals [no]partial Enable [disable] partial loop vectorization via inner loop distribution prefetch Generate prefetch instructions [no]short Enable [disable] short vector operations [no]simd[:{128|256|512}] Generate [don't generate] SIMD instructions 128 Use 128-bit SIMD instructions 256 Use 256-bit SIMD instructions 512 Use 512-bit SIMD instructions [no]simdresidual Enable [disable] vectorization of the residual loop of a vectorized loop [no]sizelimit[:n] Limit size of vectorized loops [no]sse The [no]sse option is deprecated, use [no]simd instead. [no]tile Enable [disable] loop tiling -O Set opt level. All -O1 optimizations plus traditional global scalar optimizations performed -O0 Set opt level. Creates a basic block for each statement. No scheduling or global optimizations performed -O1 Set opt level. Some scheduling and register allocation is enabled. No global optimizations performed -O2 Set opt level. All -O optimizations plus SIMD code generation Implies -Mvect=simd -O3 Set opt level. All -O2 optimizations plus more aggressive code hoisting and scalar replacement, that may or may not be profitable, performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Mflushz -Mcache_align -O4 Set opt level. All -O3 optimizations plus more aggressive hoisting of guarded expressions performed Implies -Mvect=simd -Ofast Enable -O3 -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays Implies -O3 -pg Enable gprof profiling; implies -Mframe -pie Passes -pie to linker. -fPIE also implies -pie. Debugging switches: -g Generate information for debugger -gopt Generate information for debugger without disabling optimizations -M[no]bounds Generate code to check array bounds -Mchkstk Check for sufficient stack space upon subprogram entry -Mcoff Generate COFF format object -Mdwarf3 Generate DWARF3 debug information with -g -Melf Generate ELF format object -Memit-dwarf-inlined Enable generation of DWARF for inlined functions -Mnodwarf Do not add DWARF debug information -[no]traceback Add debug information for runtime traceback Preprocessor switches: -C Preserve comments in preprocessor output -cpp Implies -Mpreprocess -D Define a preprocessor macro -dD (C only) Print macros and values -dI Print include file names -E Preprocess only with #line directives, output to standard output -I Add directory to include file search path -idirafter Add a directory to the end of the include file search path, after the standard include directories, and mark it as a system include directory -iquote Add a directory to the beginning of the include file search path, and use it only when processing includes with quotes -isystem Add a directory to the include file search path before the standard include directories, and mark it as system include directory -M Print dependencies to stdout in C++ -MD[] Print dependencies to file -MF When used with -M, -MM, -MD or -MMD, specify output file -MM Print dependencies with quoted include files only -MMD[] Print dependencies to file with quoted include files only -Mnostddef Do not use standard macro definitions -Mpreprocess Run preprocessor for assembly and Fortran files -MT Print makefile dependencies with a custom target -nostdinc Do not search system directories for header files -P Stop after preprocessing -U Undefine a preprocessor macro Assembler switches: -Wa, Pass argument to assembler Linker switches: -acclibs Append Accelerator libraries to the link line --[no-]as-needed Passed to linker; only set DT_NEEDED for the following shared libraries if they are used -Bdynamic Passed to linker; specify dynamic binding -Bstatic Passed to linker; specify static binding -Bsymbolic Passed to linker; specify symbolic binding -c++libs Append gnu compatible C++ libraries to the link line -cudalib[=cublas|cufft:{callback}|cufftw|cufftmp|curand|cusolver|cusolvermp|cusparse|cutensor|nvblas|nccl|nvshmem|nvlamath|nvlamath_ilp64|nvtx3] Add appropriate versions of the CUDA-optimized libraries -fortranlibs Append Fortran libraries to the link line -g77libs Include g77 or gfortran library when linking -L Passed to linker; Add directory to library search path -l Passed to linker; Add library name to library search list -m Passed to linker; display link map -M[no]eh_frame Add link flags to preserve exception-handling frame information -Mlfs Link with library directory for large file support -Mmkl Add Intel's Math Kernel libraries to the link line. Requires that the environment variable MKLROOT be set to the path to the local MKL installation--the part of the path that precedes 'lib/'. -Mmpi=mpich|sgimpi|mpich1|mpich2|mvapich1 Use default or specified MPI communication libraries mpich Use default or MPIDIR-specified MPICH v3.0 libraries sgimpi Use default or MPI_ROOT-specified SGI MPI libraries mpich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH1 libraries mpich2 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MPICH2 libraries mvapich1 DEPRECATED: Use MPIDIR to specify MVAPICH1 libraries -Mnorpath Don't add -rpath paths to link line -Mnostartup Do not use standard linker startup file -Mnostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries -Mscalapack Add Scalapack libraries -nostartfiles Do not use startup files -nostdlib Do not use standard linker libraries and startup files -R Passed to linker; just link symbols from object, or add directory to run time search path -r Generate relocatable object; passed to linker -rpath Passed to linker; add directory to runtime shared library search path -s Passed to linker; strip symbol table from exectable -shared Used to produce shared libraries; implies -fpic -soname Passed to linker; sets DT_SONAME field to the specified name -static-nvidia Use to link static NVIDIA runtime libraries with dynamic system libraries; implies -Mnorpath -u Passed to linker; generate undefined reference --[no-]whole-archive Passed to linker; includes all objects in subsequent archives -Wl, Pass argument to linker -Wnvlink, Specify options directly to nvlink, the device linker. -Xlinker Specify options directly to the linker. Language-specific switches: -B Allow C++ comments in C source -c11 C11 language dialect -c17 C17 language dialect -c18 Implies -c17 -c89 C89/C90 language dialect -c90 Implies -c89 -c99 C99 language dialect --error_limit Set an error limit -ferror-limit Set an error limit -f[no-]exceptions Enable (disable) C++ exceptions -fmax-errors Set an error limit -include compatibility: File to include at start of compilation -M[no]asmkeyword Allow asm keyword in C source -M[no]builtin Use built-in functions -Mdollar= Map dollar sign in identifiers to this character -Mfcon Compile floating point constants as single precision -Mint128 Enable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]llalign Require 8 byte alignment for long long -M[no]m128 Allow __m128, __m128d, __m128i data type extensions -Mnoint128 Disable 128-bit integer support, __int128 type -M[no]signextend Extend the sign bit when converting shorter to longer integer -M[no]single Don't convert float arguments to double without prototypes -Msyntax-only Perform only syntax checking, semantic checking, and Fortran module (.mod) file generation. -M[no]variadic_macros Allow variadic macros --no_preincludes Ignore all preincluded files: used for compiling preprocessed files --remarks Enable remarks --signed_chars or -fsigned-char Plain char is a signed type (default on x86) -std=c89|c90|c99|c11|c17|c18|gnu90|gnu89|gnu99|gnu11|gnu17|gnu18|c++98|c++03|c++11|c++14|c++17|c++20|c++23|gnu++98|gnu++03|gnu++11|gnu++14|gnu++17|gnu++20 C or C++ language dialect --unsigned_chars or -funsigned-char Plain char is an unsigned type (default on Arm and Power) -Wc, Pass argument to C++ compiler -Wdeprecated-declarations Warn about the use of deprecated declarations -Werror[=] Turn all warnings into errors; optional arg is ignored -Wno-deprecated-declarations Suppress warnings about the use of deprecated declarations -Wno-long-long Suppress warnings about long long being nonstandard -Wno-shadow Suppress warnings when a variable hides another variable -Wno-sign-compare Suppress warnings when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wno-strict-prototypes C only. Suppress warning when a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wno-undef Suppress warnings when an undefined definition is used in #if -Wno-uninitialized Suppress warnings about using uninitialized variables -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable Suppress warnings when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-parameter Suppress warnings when a parameter is unused -Wno-unused-variable Suppress warnings about unused variables --[no_]wrap_diagnostics Enable diagnostic wrapping -Wshadow Issue a warning whenever a variable hides another variable -Wsign-compare Warn when comparisons are made between signed and unsigned operands -Wstrict-prototypes C only. Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the argument types -Wundef Warn if an undefined definition is used in #if -Wuninitialized Warn about using uninitialized variables -Wunused-but-set-parameter Warn when a parameter is set but unused. Implies -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wunused-but-set-variable Warn when a variable is set but unused. Implies -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-parameter Warn when a parameter is unused -Wunused-variable Warn about unused variables -Xa Use ANSI mode (deprecated) -Xc Use ANSI conformance mode; generate warnings for some extensions (deprecated) -Xs Use legacy standard mode; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) -Xt Use legacy transitional mode; generate warnings for conflicts with ANSI semantics; implies -fno-strict-aliasing (deprecated) Target-specific switches: -acc[=gpu|host|multicore|[no]autopar|[no]routineseq|legacy|strict|verystrict|sync|[no]wait] Enable OpenACC directives gpu OpenACC directives are compiled for GPU execution only; please refer to -gpu for target specific options host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within acc parallel [no]routineseq Compile every routine for the device legacy Suppress warnings about deprecated PGI accelerator directives strict Issue warnings for non-OpenACC accelerator directives verystrict Fail with an error for any non-OpenACC accelerator directive sync Ignore async clauses [no]wait Wait for each device kernel to finish -cuda Add CUDA include paths. Link with the CUDA runtime libraries. Please refer to -gpu for target specific options -ffpe-trap=invalid|zero|overflow|underflow|inexact Control IEEE floating point exception trapping invalid Invalid zero Divide by zero overflow Overflow underflow Underflow inexact Inexact -gpu=ccnative|ccXY|sm_XY|ccall|ccall-major|cudaX.Y|[no]debug|fastmath|[no]flushz|nvlamath|[no]fma|keep|[no]lineinfo|[ no]lto|nolto|zeroinit|[no]autocollapse|deepcopy|loadcache:{L1|L2}|maxregcount:|pinned|[no]rdc|safecache|stacklimit:|nostacklimit|ptxinfo|[no]unroll|[no]managed|beta|autocompare|redundant|[no]implicitsections Select specific options for GPU code generation ccnative Detects the visible GPUs on the system and generates codes for them. If no device is available, the compute capability matching NVCC default will be used. ccXY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 sm_XY Compile for compute capability X.Y; supported values: 35,50,60,61,62,70,72,75,80,86,87,90 ccall Compile for all supported compute capabilities ccall-major Compile for all major supported compute capabilities. cudaX.Y Use CUDA X.Y Toolkit compatibility, where installed [no]debug Generate GPU debug information fastmath Use fast math library [no]flushz Enable flush-to-zero mode on the GPU nvlamath Use nvlamath module in program units [no]fma Generate fused mul-add instructions (default at -O3) keep Keep kernel files [no]lineinfo Generate GPU line information [ no]lto Perform link-time optimization of device code. Must be specified at both compile and link time zeroinit Initialize allocated device memory with zero [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested OpenACC parallel loops deepcopy Enable Full Deepcopy support in OpenACC Fortran loadcache Choose what hardware level cache to use for global memory loads L1 Use L1 cache L2 Use L2 cache maxregcount: Set maximum number of registers to use on the GPU pinned Use CUDA Pinned Memory [no]rdc Generate relocatable device code safecache Allows variable-sized array sections in OpenACC cache directives and assumes they fit into CUDA shared memory stacklimit:|nostacklimit Sets the limit of stack variables in a procedure or kernel, in KB ptxinfo Print ptxas information [no]unroll Enable automatic inner loop unrolling (default at -O3) [no]managed Use CUDA Managed Memory beta Enable beta code generation features autocompare Automatically compare OpenACC CPU/GPU results: implies redundant redundant Redundant OpenACC CPU/GPU execution [no]implicitsections Implicitly convert array element to array section in OpenMP or OpenACC data clauses -K[no]ieee Use IEEE division, optionally enable traps -Ktrap=divz|denorm|fp|inexact|inv|none|ovf|unf Control IEEE floating point exception trapping divz Divide by zero denorm Denormalized (x86_64 only) fp Shorthand for -Ktrap=inv,divz,ovf inexact Inexact inv Invalid none Clear exceptions E.g. -Ktrap=inv,none,ovf implies -Ktrap=ovf ovf Overflow unf Underflow -m[no-]3dnow Enable [disable] 3DNow! instructions Implies -mmmx -m[no-]3dnowa Enable [disable] 3DNow! Athlon instructions Implies -m3dnow -m[no-]abm Enable [disable] ABM instructions Implies -mpopcnt -m[no-]aes Enable [disable] AES instructions Implies -msse2 -march= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -m[no-]avx Enable [disable] AVX instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]avx2 Enable [disable] AVX2 instructions Implies -mavx -m[no-]avx512bitalg Enable [disable] AVX-512 bit algorithms Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512bw Enable [disable] AVX-512 byte and word instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512cd Enable [disable] AVX-512 conflict detection instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512dq Enable [disable] AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512er Enable [disable] AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512f Enable [disable] AVX-512 instructions Implies -mavx2 -m[no-]avx512ifma Enable [disable] AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512pf Enable [disable] AVX-512 prefetch instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vbmi Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512bw -m[no-]avx512vbmi2 Enable [disable] AVX-512 further vector byte manipulation instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vl Enable [disable] AVX-512 vector length extensions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vnni Enable [disable] AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]avx512vpopcntdq Enable [disable] AVX-512 population count instructions Implies -mavx512f -m[no-]bmi Enable [disable] BMI instructions -m[no-]bmi2 Enable [disable] BMI2 instructions -m[no-]clflushopt Enable [disable] optimized cache line flush instructions -m[no-]clzero Enable [disable] cache line zero instructions -mcmodel=small|medium Set the memory model small Small model, total memory size < 2GB medium Medium model, total memory size > 2GB, object size < 2GB; implies -Mlarge_arrays -Mconcur[=[no]altcode:|altreduction:|[no]assoc|[no]cncall|[no]innermost|levels:] Generate parallel loops [no]altcode: Execute alternate serial code if loop count is n or less altreduction: Execute alternate serial code if loop has a reduction and count is n or less [no]assoc Enable parallelization of loops with associative reductions [no]cncall Assume loops containing calls are safe to parallelize [no]innermost Enable parallelization of innermost loops levels: Parallelize loops nested at most n levels deep -mcpu= Select target processor. Alias for -tp Implies -tp -M[no]daz Treat denormalized numbers as zero -m[no-]f16c Enable [disable] 16-bit floating-point conversion instructions Implies -mavx -M[no]flushz Set SSE to flush-to-zero mode -m[no-]fma Enable [disable] three-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -m[no-]fma4 Enable [disable] four-operand fused multiply-add Implies -mavx -M[no]fpapprox[=div|sqrt|rsqrt] Perform certain fp operations using low-precision approximation div Approximate floating point division sqrt Approximate floating point square root rsqrt Approximate floating point reciprocal square root -Mfpapprox Approximate div,sqrt,rsqrt -M[no]fpmisalign Allow use of vector arithmetic instructions for unaligned operands -M[no]fprelaxed[=[no]div|[no]intrinsic|[no]recip|[no]sqrt|[no]rsqrt|[no]order] Perform certain fp operations using relaxed precision Implies -Mrecip-div -m[no-]fsgsbase Enable [disable] FS/GS base instructions -M[no]func32 Align functions on 32 byte boundaries -m[no-]fxsr Enable [disable] fxsave/fxrestore instructions -Mgccbug[s] Match behavior of certain gcc bugs -m[no-]gfni Enable [disable] Galois field arithmetic instructions -M[no]large_arrays Support for large arrays -M[no]longbranch Enable long branches -m[no-]lwp Enable [disable] LWP instructions -m[no-]lzcnt Enable [disable] LZCNT instructions -m[no-]mmx Enable [disable] MMX instructions -m[no-]movdir64b Enable [disable] MOVDIR64B instructions -m[no-]movdiri Enable [disable] MOVDIRI instructions -m[no-]mpx Enable [disable] MPX instructions -m[no-]mwaitx Enable [disable] MONITOR/MWAITX timer functionality -mno-avx512vnni Disable AVX-512 Vector Neural Network Instructions -mp[=gpu|multicore|ompt|[no]align|[no]autopar] Enable OpenMP (implies -Mrecursive in Fortran) gpu OpenMP directives are compiled for GPU execution; please refer to -gpu for target specific options multicore OpenMP directives are compiled for multicore CPU execution only (default) ompt Link against OMPT-enabled OpenMP library [no]align Modify default loop scheduling to prefer aligned array references [no]autopar Enable (default) or disable loop autoparallelization within omp loop -m[no-]pclmul Enable [disable] packed carry-less multiplication instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]pku Enable [disable] protection keys -m[no-]popcnt Enable [disable] population count instructions -m[no-]prefetchwt1 Enable [disable] prefetch with intent to write and T1 hint instructions -m[no-]rdrnd Enable [disable] RDRND instructions -m[no-]rtm Enable [disable] RTM instructions -M[no]second_underscore Add second underscore to global symbols that already contain an underscore -m[no-]sha Enable [disable] SHA instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse Enable [disable] SSE instructions -m[no-]sse2 Enable [disable] SSE2 instructions Implies -msse -m[no-]sse3 Enable [disable] SSE3 instructions Implies -msse2 -m[no-]sse4 Enable [disable] SSE 4 instructions Implies -msse4.2 -m[no-]sse4.1 Enable [disable] SSE 4.1 instructions Implies -mssse3 -m[no-]sse4.2 Enable [disable] SSE 4.2 instructions Implies -msse4.1 -m[no-]sse4a Enable [disable] SSE 4a instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]ssse3 Enable [disable] SSSE3 instructions Implies -msse3 -m[no-]tbm Enable [disable] TBM instructions -m[no-]vaes Enable [disable] promotion of selected AES instructions to AVX512/AVX registers -M[no]varargs Calls from Fortran to C will use varargs calling sequence -m[no-]vpclmulqdq Enable [disable] VPCLMULQDQ instructions -Mwritable-constants Store constants in the writable data segment -Mwritable-strings Store string constants in the writable data segment -m[no-]xop Enable [disable] XOP instructions Implies -mfma4 -m[no-]xsave Enable [disable] XSAVE instructions -m[no-]xsavec Enable [disable] XSAVEC instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaveopt Enable [disable] XSAVEOPT instructions Implies -mxsave -m[no-]xsaves Enable [disable] XSAVES instructions Implies -mxsave -noacc Disable OpenACC directives and do not link with OpenACC libraries. -nomp Disable OpenMP directives and do not link with OpenMP libraries -ta=host|multicore|tesla:{[no]autocollapse|ptxinfo} Choose target accelerator (supported only for OpenACC, DEPRECATED please refer to -acc and -gpu) host Compile for serial execution on the host CPU multicore Compile for parallel execution on the host CPU tesla Compile for parallel execution on a Tesla GPU [no]autocollapse Automatically collapse tightly nested parallel loops ptxinfo Print ptxas information -target=gpu|multicore Select the target device for all parallel programming paradigms used (OpenACC, OpenMP, Standard Languages) gpu Globally set the target device to an NVIDIA GPU multicore Globally set the target device to the host CPU -tp=px|bulldozer|piledriver|zen|zen2|zen3|sandybridge|haswell|skylake|icelake|host|native Select target processor px Generic Linux/Windows x86_64 Processor. bulldozer AMD Bulldozer processor piledriver AMD Piledriver processor zen AMD Zen architecture (Epyc, Ryzen) zen2 AMD Zen 2 architecture (Ryzen 2) zen3 AMD Zen 3 architecture (Ryzen 3) sandybridge Intel SandyBridge processor haswell Intel Haswell processor skylake Intel Skylake Xeon processor icelake Intel Ice Lake Xeon processor host Link native version of HPC SDK cpu math library native Alias for -tp host -Wfatbinary, Pass argument to fatbinary -Wnvvm, Pass argument to nvvm -Wptxas, Specify options directly to ptxas, the PTX optimizing assembler. Other switches: -cudaforlibs Link in CUDA Fortran libraries, implies '-fortranlibs'. Implies -fortranlibs -dM == -dD -dN == -dD -dumpfullversion == -dumpversion --fatbinary-options Implies -Wfatbinary, -fno-builtin == -Mnobuiltin -fpie == -fPIE -Mpcast Enable PCAST directives -MQ= Implies -MT=mttarget --nvlink-options Implies -Wnvlink, -p == -pg -pgc++libs Deprecated; see -c++libs Implies -c++libs -pgf77libs Deprecated; see -fortranlib Implies -fortranlibs -pgf90libs Deprecated; see -fortranlibs Implies -fortranlibs -pthread --ptxas-options Implies -Wptxas, -qp == -pg -static == -Bstatic -Winit-self == -Wuninitialized -Wno-init-self == -Wno-uninitialized -Wno-unused == -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-parameter -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wpedantic == -pedantic -Wunused == -Wunused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-function -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wunused-but-set-variable -Xfatbinary Implies -Wfatbinary, -Xnvlink Implies -Wnvlink, -Xptxas Implies -Wptxas, Executing: mpicc --help | head -n 500 checkCoverage: Could not auto-detect coverage tool for 'mpicc', not a gnuish compiler. Bailing since user did not explicitly set exec on the commandline ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureStrictPetscErrorCode from PETSc.Configure(/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/config/PETSc/Configure.py:1224) Enables or disables strict PetscErrorCode checking. If --with-strict-petscerrorcode = 1: - defines PETSC_USE_STRICT_PETSCERRORCODE to 1 Else: - deletes any prior PETSC_USE_STRICT_PETSCERRORCODE definitions (if they exist) ============================================================================================= Executing: CC -VV stdout: /bin/sh: line 1: CC: command not found Defined "USE_SOCKET_VIEWER" to "1" Executing: mpicc -c -o /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.o -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilerFlags -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilersFortran -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.headers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.cacheDetails -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.types -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.functions -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.featureTestMacros -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.utilities.missing -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.sharedLibraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.options.scalarTypes -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.MPI -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.pthread -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.setCompilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.compilers -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.packages.BlasLapack -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/config.libraries -I/tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure -KPIC -O2 -g /tmp/petsc-l3463o36/PETSc.Configure/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include int main(void) { setsockopt(0,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,0,0); return 0; } Defined "HAVE_SO_REUSEADDR" to "1" ============================================================================================= Executing: mpicc -show stdout: nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi Defined "MPICC_SHOW" to ""nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi"" Defined make macro "CC_FLAGS" to " -KPIC -O2 -g" Defined "HAVE_CXX" to "1" Defined make macro "CXXPP_FLAGS" to "" Defined make macro "CXX_FLAGS" to " -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC" Defined make macro "CXX_LINKER" to "mpicxx" Defined make macro "CXX_LINKER_FLAGS" to " -O2 -g" Defined make macro "CPP_FLAGS" to "" Defined make macro "PCC" to "mpicc" Defined make macro "PCC_FLAGS" to "$(CC_FLAGS)" Defined make macro "CC_SUFFIX" to "o" Defined make macro "PCC_LINKER" to "mpicc" Defined make macro "PCC_LINKER_FLAGS" to " -KPIC -O2 -g" Defined make macro "CC_LINKER_SUFFIX" to "" Defined "USE_FORTRAN_BINDINGS" to "1" Defined make macro "FPP_FLAGS" to "" Defined make macro "FC_FLAGS" to " -KPIC -O2 -g " Defined make macro "FC_SUFFIX" to "o" Defined make macro "FC_LINKER" to "mpifort" Defined make macro "FC_LINKER_FLAGS" to " -KPIC -O2 -g " Defined make macro "FC_MODULE_FLAG" to "-I" Defined make macro "FC_MODULE_OUTPUT_FLAG" to "-module " Defined make macro "CUDAC_FLAGS" to " -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -O3 " Defined make macro "CUDAPP_FLAGS" to "" Defined make macro "SL_LINKER" to "mpicc" Defined make macro "SL_LINKER_FLAGS" to "${PCC_LINKER_FLAGS}" Defined make macro "SL_LINKER_SUFFIX" to "so" Defined "SLSUFFIX" to ""so"" Defined make macro "SL_LINKER_LIBS" to "${PETSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_BASIC}" Defined make macro "PETSC_LANGUAGE" to "CONLY" Defined make macro "PETSC_SCALAR" to "real" Defined make macro "PETSC_PRECISION" to "double" ============================================================================================= Defined make macro "BLASLAPACK_LIB" to "-Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -lfblas" Defined make macro "BLASLAPACK_INCLUDE" to "" Defined "HAVE_PTHREAD" to "1" Defined make macro "PTHREAD_LIB" to "" Defined make macro "PTHREAD_INCLUDE" to "" Defined "HAVE_FBLASLAPACK" to "1" Defined make macro "FBLASLAPACK_LIB" to "" Defined make macro "FBLASLAPACK_INCLUDE" to "" Defined "HAVE_MATHLIB" to "1" Defined make macro "MATHLIB_LIB" to "" Defined make macro "MATHLIB_INCLUDE" to "" Defined "HAVE_REGEX" to "1" Defined make macro "REGEX_LIB" to "" Defined make macro "REGEX_INCLUDE" to "" Defined "HAVE_SOWING" to "1" Defined make macro "SOWING_LIB" to "" Defined make macro "SOWING_INCLUDE" to "" Defined make macro "MPI_LIB" to "" Defined make macro "MPI_INCLUDE" to "" Defined "HAVE_X" to "1" Defined make macro "X_LIB" to "-lX11" Defined make macro "X_INCLUDE" to "" Defined make macro "PETSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_BASIC" to "-Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -lflapack -lfblas -lX11 -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lstdc++ -lquadmath" Defined make macro "PETSC_CC_INCLUDES" to "-I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include" Defined make macro "PETSC_CC_INCLUDES_INSTALL" to "-I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include" Defined make macro "PETSC_FC_INCLUDES" to "-I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include" Defined make macro "PETSC_FC_INCLUDES_INSTALL" to "-I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include" Defined "LIB_DIR" to ""/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib"" Defined "USE_SINGLE_LIBRARY" to "1" Defined make macro "LIBNAME" to "${INSTALL_LIB_DIR}/libpetsc.${AR_LIB_SUFFIX}" Defined make macro "SHLIBS" to "libpetsc" Defined make macro "PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB" to "-Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -lpetsc -lflapack -lfblas -lX11 -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lstdc++ -lquadmath" Defined make macro "PETSC_SYS_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_VEC_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_MAT_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_DM_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_KSP_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_SNES_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_TS_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_TAO_LIB" to "${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_LIB" to "${PETSC_TAO_LIB}" Defined make macro "PETSC_LIB_BASIC" to "-lpetsc" Defined make macro "CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" to "PETSC_ARCH=petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpifort COPTFLAGS=\"-O2 -g\" CXXOPTFLAGS=\"-O2 -g\" FOPTFLAGS=\"-O2 -g\" --with-debugging=0 --with-log=1 --download-fblaslapack --with-cuda=0 prefix=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module" Defined "HAVE_TAU_PERFSTUBS" to "1" ================================================================================ child PETSc.Configure took 12.502413 seconds child sum 340.835527 child total 340.880075 **** petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables **** FAST_AR_FLAGS = Scq AR_FLAGS = cr AR_ARGFILE = yes PCC_AT_FILE = 1 C_VERSION = nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 MPICC_SHOW = nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi Cxx_VERSION = nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 MPICXX_SHOW = nvc++ -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi FC_VERSION = nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 MPIFC_SHOW = nvfortran -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -rpath /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi CUDA_VERSION = Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 C_DEPFLAGS = -MMD CXX_DEPFLAGS = -MMD CUDA_DEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP FC_DEFINE_FLAG = -D wPETSC_DIR = /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module CC_FLAGS = -KPIC -O2 -g CXXPP_FLAGS = CXX_FLAGS = -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC CXX_LINKER = mpicxx CXX_LINKER_FLAGS = -O2 -g CPP_FLAGS = PCC = mpicc PCC_FLAGS = $(CC_FLAGS) CC_SUFFIX = o PCC_LINKER = mpicc PCC_LINKER_FLAGS = -KPIC -O2 -g CC_LINKER_SUFFIX = FPP_FLAGS = FC_FLAGS = -KPIC -O2 -g FC_SUFFIX = o FC_LINKER = mpifort FC_LINKER_FLAGS = -KPIC -O2 -g FC_MODULE_FLAG = -I FC_MODULE_OUTPUT_FLAG = -module CUDAC_FLAGS = -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -O3 CUDAPP_FLAGS = SL_LINKER = mpicc SL_LINKER_FLAGS = ${PCC_LINKER_FLAGS} SL_LINKER_SUFFIX = so SL_LINKER_LIBS = ${PETSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_BASIC} PETSC_LANGUAGE = CONLY PETSC_SCALAR = real PETSC_PRECISION = double BLASLAPACK_LIB = -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -lfblas BLASLAPACK_INCLUDE = PTHREAD_LIB = PTHREAD_INCLUDE = FBLASLAPACK_LIB = FBLASLAPACK_INCLUDE = MATHLIB_LIB = MATHLIB_INCLUDE = REGEX_LIB = REGEX_INCLUDE = SOWING_LIB = SOWING_INCLUDE = MPI_LIB = MPI_INCLUDE = X_LIB = -lX11 X_INCLUDE = PETSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_BASIC = -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -lflapack -lfblas -lX11 -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lstdc++ -lquadmath PETSC_CC_INCLUDES = -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include PETSC_CC_INCLUDES_INSTALL = -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include PETSC_FC_INCLUDES = -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include PETSC_FC_INCLUDES_INSTALL = -I/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include LIBNAME = ${INSTALL_LIB_DIR}/libpetsc.${AR_LIB_SUFFIX} SHLIBS = libpetsc PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB = -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/FFTW/3.3.10/nv23.7/hpc1/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nvshmem/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/nccl/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/math_libs/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/compilers/extras/qd/lib -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/cuda/12.2/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/11 -lpetsc -lflapack -lfblas -lX11 -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi -lnvf -lnvomp -ldl -lnvhpcatm -latomic -lpthread -lnvcpumath -lnsnvc -lrt -lgcc_s -lm -lstdc++ -lquadmath PETSC_SYS_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_VEC_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_MAT_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_DM_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_KSP_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_SNES_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_TS_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_TAO_LIB = ${PETSC_WITH_EXTERNAL_LIB} PETSC_LIB = ${PETSC_TAO_LIB} PETSC_LIB_BASIC = -lpetsc CONFIGURE_OPTIONS = PETSC_ARCH=petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpifort COPTFLAGS=\"-O2 -g\" CXXOPTFLAGS=\"-O2 -g\" FOPTFLAGS=\"-O2 -g\" --with-debugging=0 --with-log=1 --download-fblaslapack --with-cuda=0 prefix=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module MKDIR = /bin/mkdir -p SHELL = /bin/bash SED = /bin/sed SEDINPLACE = /bin/sed -i MV = /bin/mv CP = /bin/cp GREP = /bin/grep RM = /bin/rm -f DIFF = /bin/diff -w PYTHON = /bin/python3 M4 = /bin/m4 CC = mpicc CPP = mpicc -E CXX = mpicxx CXXPP = mpicxx -E CUDAC = nvcc CUDAPP = nvcc -E FC = mpifort FPP = mpifort -E AR = /bin/ar RANLIB = /bin/ranlib AR_LIB_SUFFIX = a LD_SHARED = mpicc DYNAMICLINKER = mpicc CC_LINKER_SLFLAG = -Wl,-rpath, FC_LINKER_SLFLAG = -Wl,-rpath, CLANGUAGE = C EXEFLAGS = -Wl,-export-dynamic GIT = git HG = hg PREFIXDIR = /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module PETSC_SCALAR_SIZE = 64 PETSC_INDEX_SIZE = 32 MAKE = /bin/gmake MAKE_USER = make OMAKE_PRINTDIR = /bin/gmake --print-directory OMAKE = /bin/gmake --no-print-directory MAKE_PAR_OUT_FLG = --output-sync=recurse MAKE_NP = 24 MAKE_TEST_NP = 16 MAKE_LOAD = 48.0 NPMAX = 32 SONAME_FUNCTION = $(1).$(SL_LINKER_SUFFIX).$(2) SL_LINKER_FUNCTION = -shared -KPIC -O2 -g -Wl,-soname,$(call SONAME_FUNCTION,$(notdir $(1)),$(2)) BUILDSHAREDLIB = yes GDB = /bin/gdb DSYMUTIL = true MPIEXEC = /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec --oversubscribe HOSTNAME = hostname PING = /sbin/ping MPIEXEC_TAIL = PYTHON_EXE = "/bin/python3" CMAKE = /bin/cmake CTEST = /bin/ctest BISON = /bin/bison BFORT = /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bfort DOCTEXT = /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/doctext MAPNAMES = /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/mapnames BIB2HTML = /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bib2html PETSC_TEST_OPTIONS = -checkfunctionlist **** petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/petscrules **** print_mesg_after_build: -@echo "=========================================" -@echo "Now to install the libraries do:" -@echo "${MAKE_USER} PETSC_DIR=${PETSC_DIR} PETSC_ARCH=${PETSC_ARCH} install" -@echo "=========================================" libc: ${LIBNAME}(${OBJSC}) libcxx: ${LIBNAME}(${OBJSCXX}) libcu: ${LIBNAME}(${OBJSCU}) libf: ${OBJSF} -${AR} ${AR_FLAGS} ${LIBNAME} ${OBJSF} shared_arch: shared_linux amrex-build: amrex-install: mfem-build: mfem-install: slepc-build: slepc-install: bamg-build: bamg-install: hpddm-build: hpddm-install: libmesh-build: libmesh-install: petsc4py-build: petsc4py-install: petsc4pytest: **** petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include/petscconf.h **** #if !defined(INCLUDED_UNKNOWN) #define INCLUDED_UNKNOWN #define PETSC_ARCH "" #define PETSC_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED(size) __attribute((aligned(size))) #define PETSC_BLASLAPACK_UNDERSCORE 1 #define PETSC_CLANGUAGE_C 1 #define PETSC_CXX_RESTRICT __restrict #define PETSC_DEPRECATED_ENUM_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) #define PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) #define PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO_BASE(string_literal_why) PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO_BASE_(GCC warning string_literal_why) #define PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO_BASE_(why) _Pragma(#why) #define PETSC_DEPRECATED_OBJECT_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) #define PETSC_DEPRECATED_TYPEDEF_BASE(string_literal_why) __attribute__((deprecated(string_literal_why))) #define PETSC_DIR "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module" #define PETSC_DIR_SEPARATOR '/' #define PETSC_FORTRAN_CHARLEN_T int #define PETSC_FORTRAN_TYPE_INITIALIZE = -2 #define PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME_C __func__ #define PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME_CXX __func__ #define PETSC_HAVE_ACCESS 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_ATOLL 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_BUILTIN_EXPECT 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_BZERO 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_C99_COMPLEX 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CLOCK 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX11 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX14 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX17 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CUDA_DIALECT_CXX20 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX_ATOMIC 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX_COMPLEX_FIX 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX11 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX14 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX17 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_CXX_DIALECT_CXX20 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DLADDR 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DLCLOSE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DLERROR 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DLFCN_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DLOPEN 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DLSYM 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DOUBLE_ALIGN_MALLOC 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DRAND48 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_DYNAMIC_LIBRARIES 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_ERF 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_EXECUTABLE_EXPORT 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_F90_2PTR_ARG 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FBLASLAPACK 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FCNTL_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FENV_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FE_VALUES 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FLOAT_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FORK 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_FLUSH 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_TYPE_STAR 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_UNDERSCORE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_GETCWD 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_GETDOMAINNAME 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_GETHOSTNAME 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_GETPAGESIZE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_GETRUSAGE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_ISINF 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_ISNAN 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_ISNORMAL 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_LGAMMA 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_LINUX 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_LOG2 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_LSEEK 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MALLOC_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MKSTEMP 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MMAP 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPIEXEC_ENVIRONMENTAL_VARIABLE OMP #define PETSC_HAVE_MPIIO 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_COMBINER_DUP 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_COMBINER_NAMED 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_F90MODULE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_F90MODULE_VISIBILITY 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_GET_ACCUMULATE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_GET_LIBRARY_VERSION 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_GPU_AWARE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_INIT_THREAD 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_INT64_T 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_LONG_DOUBLE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_NEIGHBORHOOD_COLLECTIVES 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_NONBLOCKING_COLLECTIVES 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_ONE_SIDED 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_PROCESS_SHARED_MEMORY 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_REDUCE_LOCAL 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER_BLOCK 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_RGET 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_MPI_WIN_CREATE 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_NANOSLEEP 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_NETDB_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_NETINET_IN_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION 4 #define PETSC_HAVE_OMPI_MINOR_VERSION 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_OMPI_RELEASE_VERSION 6 #define PETSC_HAVE_POPEN 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_PTHREAD 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_PWD_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_RAND 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_READLINK 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_REALPATH 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_REAL___FLOAT128 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_REGEX 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_RTLD_GLOBAL 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_RTLD_LAZY 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_RTLD_LOCAL 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_RTLD_NOW 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SETJMP_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SLEEP 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SNPRINTF 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SOCKET 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SOWING 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SO_REUSEADDR 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_STDATOMIC_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_STDINT_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_STRCASECMP 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_STRINGS_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_STRUCT_SIGACTION 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_PROCFS_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_TAU_PERFSTUBS 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_TGAMMA 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_TIME 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_TIME_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_UNAME 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_USLEEP 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_VA_COPY 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_VSNPRINTF 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_X 1 #define PETSC_HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H 1 #define PETSC_INTPTR_T intptr_t #define PETSC_INTPTR_T_FMT "#" PRIxPTR #define PETSC_IS_COLORING_MAX USHRT_MAX #define PETSC_IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE short #define PETSC_IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE_F integer2 #define PETSC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE 64 #define PETSC_LIB_DIR "/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib" #define PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN 4096 #define PETSC_MEMALIGN 16 #define PETSC_MPICC_SHOW "nvc -I/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/include -L/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/lib -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -lmpi" #define PETSC_MPIU_IS_COLORING_VALUE_TYPE MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT #define PETSC_OMAKE "/bin/gmake --no-print-directory" #define PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_NTA _MM_HINT_NTA #define PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_T0 _MM_HINT_T0 #define PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_T1 _MM_HINT_T1 #define PETSC_PREFETCH_HINT_T2 _MM_HINT_T2 #define PETSC_PYTHON_EXE "/bin/python3" #define PETSC_Prefetch(a,b,c) _mm_prefetch((const char*)(a),(c)) #define PETSC_REPLACE_DIR_SEPARATOR '\\' #define PETSC_SIGNAL_CAST #define PETSC_SIZEOF_INT 4 #define PETSC_SIZEOF_LONG 8 #define PETSC_SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8 #define PETSC_SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8 #define PETSC_SIZEOF_VOID_P 8 #define PETSC_SLSUFFIX "so" #define PETSC_UINTPTR_T uintptr_t #define PETSC_UINTPTR_T_FMT "#" PRIxPTR #define PETSC_UNUSED __attribute((unused)) #define PETSC_USE_AVX512_KERNELS 1 #define PETSC_USE_BACKWARD_LOOP 1 #define PETSC_USE_CTABLE 1 #define PETSC_USE_DEBUGGER "gdb" #define PETSC_USE_DMLANDAU_2D 1 #define PETSC_USE_FORTRAN_BINDINGS 1 #define PETSC_USE_INFO 1 #define PETSC_USE_ISATTY 1 #define PETSC_USE_LOG 1 #define PETSC_USE_MALLOC_COALESCED 1 #define PETSC_USE_PROC_FOR_SIZE 1 #define PETSC_USE_REAL_DOUBLE 1 #define PETSC_USE_SHARED_LIBRARIES 1 #define PETSC_USE_SINGLE_LIBRARY 1 #define PETSC_USE_SOCKET_VIEWER 1 #define PETSC_USE_VISIBILITY_C 1 #define PETSC_USE_VISIBILITY_CXX 1 #define PETSC_USING_64BIT_PTR 1 #define PETSC_USING_F2003 1 #define PETSC_USING_F90FREEFORM 1 #define PETSC_VERSION_BRANCH_GIT "barry/2024-04-04/rm-lnvc-link-line/release" #define PETSC_VERSION_DATE_GIT "2024-04-05 09:55:37 -0400" #define PETSC_VERSION_GIT "v3.21.0-15-g0ef02067cd5" #define PETSC__BSD_SOURCE 1 #define PETSC__DEFAULT_SOURCE 1 #define PETSC__GNU_SOURCE 1 #endif **** petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include/petscfix.h **** #if !defined(INCLUDED_UNKNOWN) #define INCLUDED_UNKNOWN #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { } #else #endif #endif **** petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include/petscpkg_version.h **** #if !defined(INCLUDED_UNKNOWN) #define INCLUDED_UNKNOWN #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MINOR 0 #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_SUBMINOR 0 #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_ PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_EQ #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_EQ(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ ((PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MAJOR == (MAJOR)) && \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MINOR == (MINOR)) && \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_SUBMINOR == (SUBMINOR))) #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_LT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MAJOR < (MAJOR) || \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MAJOR == (MAJOR) && \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MINOR < (MINOR) || \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_MINOR == (MINOR) && \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_SUBMINOR < (SUBMINOR)))))) #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_LE(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ (PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_LT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) || \ PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_EQ(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR)) #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_GT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ ( 0 == PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_LE(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR)) #define PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_GE(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ ( 0 == PETSC_PKG_MPI_VERSION_LT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR)) #endif Attempting to save configure hash file: petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash Saved configure hash file: petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash Configure Actions These are the actions performed by configure on the filesystem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Framework: Directory creation : Created the external packages directory: /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages RDict update : Substitutions were stored in RDict with parent None File creation : Created makefile configure header petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables File creation : Created makefile configure header petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/petscrules File creation : Created configure header petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include/petscconf.h File creation : Created C specific configure header petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include/petscfix.h File creation : Created configure pkg header petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/include/petscpkg_version.h SOWING: Download : Downloaded SOWING into /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.sowing Install : Installed SOWING into /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module PETSc: File creation : Generated Fortran stubs Build : Set default architecture to petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module in lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables File creation : Created petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib/petsc/conf/reconfigure-petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module.py for automatic reconfiguration FBLASLAPACK: Download : Downloaded FBLASLAPACK into /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/externalpackages/git.fblaslapack Install : Installed FBLASLAPACK into /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Compilers: C Compiler: mpicc -KPIC -O2 -g Version: nvc 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 CUDA Compiler: nvcc -ccbin mpicxx -std=c++20 -Xcompiler -fPIC -Xcompiler -fvisibility=hidden -O3 Version: Cuda compilation tools, release 12.2, V12.2.91 C++ Compiler: mpicxx -O2 -g -std=c++20 -KPIC Version: nvc++ 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 Fortran Compiler: mpifort -KPIC -O2 -g Version: nvfortran 23.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp skylake-avx512 Linkers: Shared linker: mpicc -shared -KPIC -O2 -g Dynamic linker: mpicc -shared -KPIC -O2 -g Libraries linked against: -lquadmath Intel instruction sets utilizable by compiler: AVX2 Intel instruction sets utilizable by compiler: AVX2 BlasLapack: Libraries: -Wl,-rpath,/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -L/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/lib -lflapack -lfblas uses 4 byte integers MPI: Version: 3 mpiexec: /software/sse2/tetralith_el9/manual/nvhpc/23.7/Linux_x86_64/23.7/comm_libs/mpi/bin/mpiexec Implementation: openmpi OMPI_VERSION: 4.1.6 X: Libraries: -lX11 python: Executable: /bin/python3 pthread: cmake: Version: 3.20.2 Executable: /bin/cmake fblaslapack: regex: bison: Version: 3.7 Executable: /bin/bison sowing: Version: 1.26.8 Executable: /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module/bin/bfort PETSc: Language used to compile PETSc: C PETSC_ARCH: petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module PETSC_DIR: /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Prefix: /proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc_install/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module Scalar type: real Precision: double Support for __float128 Integer size: 4 bytes Single library: yes Shared libraries: yes Memory alignment from malloc(): 16 bytes Using GNU make: /bin/gmake xxx=======================================================================================xxx Configure stage complete. Now build PETSc libraries with: make PETSC_DIR=/proj/nsc/users/bramkamp/petsc/petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module PETSC_ARCH=petsc_barry_fix_nvclib_no_cuda_fixed_module all xxx=======================================================================================xxx ================================================================================ Finishing configure run at Fri, 05 Apr 2024 16:08:23 +0200 ================================================================================