Executing: uname -s stdout: Darwin ============================================================================================= Configuring PETSc to compile on your system ============================================================================================= ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Starting configure run at Thu, 05 Jan 2023 23:04:24 -0800 Configure Options: --configModules=PETSc.Configure --optionsModule=config.compilerOptions --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --download-mumps --download-scalapack --download-parmetis --download-metis --download-ptscotch --download-fblaslapack --download-mpich --download-hypre --download-superlu_dist --download-hdf5=yes --with-debugging=0 --download-cmake --with-hdf5-fortran-bindings Working directory: /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3 Machine platform: uname_result(system='Darwin', node='Compstaffs-iMac-Pro.local', release='21.6.0', version='Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Sat Jun 18 17:07:25 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.140.41~1/RELEASE_X86_64', machine='x86_64', processor='i386') Python version: 3.8.5 (default, Sep 4 2020, 02:22:02) [Clang 10.0.0 ] ================================================================================ Environmental variables TERM_PROGRAM=Apple_Terminal SHELL=/bin/zsh TERM=xterm-256color TMPDIR=/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/ TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=445 TERM_SESSION_ID=C5589CD3-BFE8-405F-AE0D-2B8DD8558988 USER=danyangsu SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.JyQG0XP4lE/Listeners PATH=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin:/Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin:/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64:/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac:/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin:/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin:/opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/usr/local/share/dotnet:/opt/X11/bin:~/.dotnet/tools:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands:/Applications/Xamarin Workbooks.app/Contents/SharedSupport/path-bin __CFBundleIdentifier=com.apple.Terminal PWD=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3 XPC_FLAGS=0x0 XPC_SERVICE_NAME=0 SHLVL=1 HOME=/Users/danyangsu LOGNAME=danyangsu DISPLAY=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.jWKxSCejwo/org.xquartz:0 OLDPWD=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc ZSH=/Users/danyangsu/.oh-my-zsh PAGER=less LESS=-R LSCOLORS=Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad LIS_ARCH=lis-gcc8-openmp LIS_DIR=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/LIS/lis-2.0.17 PETSC_ARCH=macos-gnu-opt PETSC_DIR=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3 PGI=/opt/pgi MANPATH=:/opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/man LM_LICENSE_FILE=:/opt/pgi/license.dat MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.0 CONDA_EXE=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/conda _CE_M= _CE_CONDA= CONDA_PYTHON_EXE=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/python CONDA_SHLVL=1 CONDA_PREFIX=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3 CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV=base CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER=(base) LANG=en_US.UTF-8 _=/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/./configure Files in path provided by default path /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin: bzip2recover lzmainfo unzstd bzfgrep anaconda qmake tabs msgconv flask qdoc qmlplugindump bzmore msggrep bzgrep canbusutil makeconv toe autopoint macdeployqt nosetests-3.9 qdarkstyle pyftsubset rcc dask-ssh iusql tificc bzegrep jupyter-run meshio-info qmlprofiler dbus-monitor pyjson5 conda-build h5copy c_rehash k5srvutil xzdec bokeh tiffsplit bzdiff dltest jupyter-labextension h52gif fax2tiff ptrepack pandoc pylint linkicc rst2xetex.py msgcomm ktutil pycodestyle infotocap h5perf_serial cph gencnval sdbadmin conda-debug qmltestrunner xmllint jupyter-nbextension gtester uuclient .anaconda-navigator-pre-unlink.sh lupdate tifffile 2to3 bsdcpio icu-config python3 gencfu wish8.6 spyder png-fix-itxt rst2latex.py pybabel pyrcc5 xsltproc pep8 zstdless iconv captoinfo tiffdump jlpm ttx pytest h5unjam easy_install pydoc python conda flake8 unxz bunzip2 pythonw lrelease tiff2bw krb5-config Assistant.app dynamodb_dump freetype-config pip3 volint asadmin gdbus-codegen cjpeg ipython h5stat pyls jpegtran Designer.app h5ls qt.conf xslt-config libpng16-config nltk imageio_remove_bin xzegrep gsettings bzcmp pngfix isql glib-compile-schemas tiffcmp uic bzless tset macchangeqt tiff2pdf jupyter-notebook wish unlzma fixqt4headers.pl fitsdiff lz4cat xmlpatterns kinit bsdtar cfadmin samp_hub qdbusxml2cpp gif2h5 reset bzcat qmlmin instance_events xzfgrep glacier pasteurize slencheck sphinx-build .python.app-post-link.sh icuinfo h5jam libpng-config pycc qta-browser isympy qmlimportscanner gobject-query fetch_file dbus-launch xmlwf h5cc conda-index lz4 autopep8 binstar fonttools msgen wheel cython tclsh8.6 meshio-ascii qtattributionsscanner python3.8 odbcinst rst2odt_prepstyles.py conda-develop rg conda-inspect xml2-config djpeg meshio-compress xmlpatternsvalidator pydocstyle msgmerge tiffcrop isort h5mkgrp repc qhelpconverter dbus-test-tool list_instances gio-querymodules zstdgrep gendict h5format_convert idle3 envsubst xz skivi python.app h5repack glib-compile-resources chardetect msginit pixeltool.app dbus-send showtable xml2-config.bak cwutil qwebengine_convert_dict wcslint meshio-decompress yapf xlwings tiffdither clear genrb python3-config conda-render f2py curl-config ipython3 dynamodb_load tiffset tclsh pip f2py3.8 ncursesw6-config tic curl h5watch dbus-daemon tiff2ps conda-server kpasswd futurize lss3 .anaconda-navigator-post-link.sh h5c++ kdestroy lzless pyreverse qdbusviewer.app .python.app-pre-unlink.sh rst2html4.py kvno tiffinfo jupyter-nbconvert epylint pyami_sendmail jupyter-lab gresource jsonschema mturk gss-client imageio_download_bin tqdm keyring gettext gtester-report sqlite3 qml.app infocmp gettext.sh jupyter-troubleshoot ksu xzless pal2rgb cygdb zstd qtpaths msgcmp lzcmp sphinx-apidoc rst2html5.py lconvert pygmentize xzcat qmlcachegen bundle_image jupyter-migrate kill_instance transicc conda-skeleton wrjpgcom pkgdata anaconda-project meshio-binary deactivate lz4c qmllint dask-scheduler nosetests conda-convert h5diff bsdcat msgcat zstdcat dbus-update-activation-environment fitsinfo fitsheader h5clear dbus-run-session psicc pcretest recode-sr-latin glib-gettextize xzcmp xc-avoidance lzcat jpgicc pydoc3.8 qcollectiongenerator unlz4 fits2bitmap qlalr sip navigator-updater dbus-cleanup-sockets gdbus zstdmt dbus-uuidgen meshio-convert odbc_config compile_et qscxmlc numba cq lzdiff h5redeploy sclient activate msgexec jupyter-console rst2xml.py pyuic5 glib-genmarshal pcre-config ngettext rst2odt.py h5debug qgltf qdbus Linguist.app qhelpgenerator qmleasing qdbuscpp2xml dask-worker pt2to3 kswitch jupyter-serverextension lzmadec iptest3 fax2ps genbrk idle3.8 h5repart lzgrep msgunfmt h5import tiffcp lzmore cythonize conda-metapackage elbadmin jupyter-trust h5fc tput sqlite3_analyzer qtdiag taskadmin syncqt.pl f2py3 openssl derb vba_extract.py conda-verify runxlrd.py ptdump kadmin xmlcatalog msgfilter lzfgrep conda-env rst2pseudoxml.py python3.8-config glib-mkenums jupyter-qtconsole xzmore tiffmedian watchmedo xzgrep rst2s5.py pydoc3 jupyter-kernelspec spyder3 jupyter-kernel jupyter jupyter-bundlerextension sim_client rst2html.py lzma qtplugininfo iptest rst2man.py qmlscene curve_keygen py.test sphinx-quickstart pylupdate5 pyftmerge klist 2to3-3.8 rdjpgcom launch_instance lzegrep moc pttree s3put bzip2 raw2tiff msgfmt ppm2tiff rstpep2html.py xzdiff msgattrib symilar pcregrep sphinx-autogen tiff2rgba anaconda-navigator pkginfo xgettext gio pyflakes route53 h5dump gettextize lsm2bin msguniq fitscheck /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin: conda /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64: xiar icpc mcpcom fortcom icc fpp icc.cfg tselect xilibtool icpc.cfg ifort profmerge profdcg xild libcilkrts.5.dylib proforder codecov ifort.cfg /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac: pestpp-opt pestpp-sen pestpp-glm pestpp-ies pestpp-swp /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin: addreg1 jcoblank jcb2rrf predvar3 supobspar1 predvar4 jcb2csv predunc5 pestlin jcodiff addcovmat jcomix prederr1 predvar5 mulpartab predunc4 predvar2 randpar inschek pcov2mat pagent pest2vec matxtxi assesspar jcocomb identpar svdaprep pest subreg1 rdmulres parrep punpause parvar1 matprod rrf2tab comfilnme matdiag matquad prederr matjoinr jcotrans vec2pest matdiff pest2lhs jco2mat randpar4 matspec randpar3 calmaintain paramerr obsrep mattrans pestgen rrfcull reswrit matcolex obs2obs postjactest tempchek jcb2par infstat ejrow2vec eigproc jcol2vec randpar2 cov2cor parrep_rrf predvar1b pstclean rrfclean matadd paramid randobs matxtxix jactest obscalc ppause matrow dsi ejcol2vec ppd2par mat2srf genlin matsvd jrow2vec predvar1c covcond matsmul muljcosen csv2par senschek pestchek comfilnme1 cmaes_p lhs2pest scalepar jcowt pwtadj1 jcoorder prederr2 ppest addreg2 pnulpar matorder predunc6 predunc1 jcoaddz prederr3 rrfcalcpsi predvar1 predunc7 obscomp phistats jcochek genlinpred resproc sceua_p parcalc jacwrit ppd2asc paramfix mulparobstab picalc mat2jco matjoinc regerr matjoind ssstat rrf2par cppp regpred pstop veclog rrfcat infstat1 supcalc pstopst rrfappend beopest sensan ejrowcol randpar1 wtfactor supobsprep parreduce parobs2rrf rrf2jco simcase predvar1a jcopcat jcosub par2par dercomb1 pclc2mat pslave pwtadj2 supobspar jrow2mat rrf2parobs jcozero jco2jco matsym wtsenout matinvp jcosum Warning accessing /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin' /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin: ll_pgc_ex pgfortran pgf901 localrc lmswitchr pgf90rc pgf77rc x8664rc lmremove pgexplain.xml ll_pgdebug .pgfortranrc ll_pgprepro pgdbg jide-dock.jar iparc pgsupport .pgf77rc makelocalrc .pgf90rc pgf90_ex ll_pgf902 pgf95 jpgdbg.jar pgnvd64rc pgobjinfo osxrc pgdebug lmstat pgnvd pggpp2ex ganymed-ssh2-build251.jar .pgc++rc CcffReader.jar .pgccrc ll_pgf90_ex pgprof lmreread balloontip.jar pgc++ pgserv pgtosxrc pgipa pggpp2 pgprepro pgdbgosxrc lmdown pgtjavarc pgnvdosxrc acc1rc pgimport pgftn_ex pgextract lmnewlog pgar pgprofrc pgroupd com.pgroup.flexlm.plist PGlaf.jar pgf902 pgsmart ll_pgc lmgrd .pgcc11rc fnativerc pgunzip pgaccelinfo lmgrd.rc pgcpuid lmutil PGcomp.jar ll_pgf901 x86rc lmswitch pgc_ex localrc.bak ccrc cpprc pggdecode pgcollect lmborrow lmdiag pgf90 osx64rc pgzip .pgnvdrc pgf77 pgtoolsrc lmver .pgcc18rc .pgdbgrc lmvminfo c++rc accosx8664rc lmhostid PGutil.jar rsyntaxtextarea.jar pgnvdrc pgacclnk pgcc pggpp1 pgc pgcc11 jide-common.jar nativerc pgcc18 pgcollectrc pgdbgrc cppcurc versionrc ll_pgf901_ex lmpath pgftnc pgappend .pgf95rc pgftnrc /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin: pip3.9 2to3 python3 pip3 idle3 python3.9-config python3.9 python3-config pydoc3.9 idle3.9 2to3-3.9 pydoc3 /opt/local/bin: daemondo portmirror port portindex portf port-tclsh /opt/local/sbin: .turd_MacPorts /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin: pip3.7 estimator_ckpt_converter pyrsa-sign markdown_py toco_from_protos 2to3 python3 pyrsa-priv2pub pip3 imageio_remove_bin python3.7-config easy_install-3.7 pyvenv-3.7 wheel python3.7m python3.7m-config idle3 google-oauthlib-tool python3.7 skivi tf_upgrade_v2 chardetect pyrsa-keygen python3-config f2py pip f2py3.7 pyrsa-decrypt imageio_download_bin tensorboard pydoc3.7 pyrsa-encrypt tflite_convert idle3.7 pyvenv virtualenv saved_model_cli f2py3 2to3-3.7 toco pydoc3 pyrsa-verify Warning accessing /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin' /usr/local/bin: ppmtouil qt-configure-module lzmainfo p7sign xwdtopnm ppmtorgb3 pamtohdiff pbmtoppa unzstd Assistant ccmake ppmtoyuvsplit qmake pip3.9 msgconv pbmtonokia dot2gxl leaftoppm dvipdf event_rpcgen.py qmldom pnminvert sip-sdist pkg-config pbmpage pnmrotate bdftogd hwloc-compress-dir svn gif2rgb gen-enc-table pgmslice ppmshadow anytopnm djxl asciitopgm qmlplugindump ppmtoppm pgmkernel tifftopnm Linguist msggrep pbmtoescp2 ppmcie gdk-pixbuf-pixdata ddbugtopbm pgmhist rawtoppm gmake hzip webpng identify pnmcut pk11importtest pnmhistmap canbusutil palmtopnm pamseq pcre2grep icpc autopoint macdeployqt mpif90 fitstopnm gifclrmp pampick pyftsubset hwloc-bind pngtopam pzstd pambrighten montage ppmmix qmltc ocspresp tificc emacs-28.2 pip3.8 pnmtofits svnserve pamrecolor pgmmake pamaltsat icpc-2022.0 pbmtog3 cluster oidcalc vfychain qmlprofiler vfyserv dbus-monitor hydra_pmi_proxy pbmtomrf animate pamtilt MagickCore-config pdfinfo sexp-conv MagickWand-config ps2ps pbmtodjvurle wheel3.10 gv2gml h5copy pp xzdec dcraw_half tiffsplit pambayer gxl2dot ppmforge sip-module pnmtosgi ppmtojpeg wheel3 gts2oogl simple_dcraw mtvtoppm pamstretch h52gif pigz fax2tiff hunzip tred pamfunc pcdovtoppm linkicc msgcomm gdb pnmnoraw wordlist2hunspell h5perf_serial fc-list pnmpaste pamsharpness unflatten derdump opj_compress ppmtoilbm balsam mpirun qmltestrunner gs-noX11 heif-enc gtscompare rsapoptst pk11gcmtest lispmtopgm gtester ppmrainbow bjoentegaard lupdate pdftohtml dcraw_emu pbmtopgm pnmtops pbmtocis p7verify autoscan ecperf gd2togif qmltime 411toppm gfortran mm2gv asn1Decoding opj_dump 2to3 pbmtoxbm atob ppmfade pamperspective python3 wheel3.8 pnmtoddif pamfind gs png-fix-itxt jxlinfo dot pamslice vtkParseJava-9.2 pwdecrypt pkix-errcodes pamsharpmap ppmtotga pbmtowbmp pgmenhance pyrcc5 meshdebug jbigtopnm qml pgmtosbig cmake gdb-add-index enc265 fortls zstdless etags ppmflash materialeditor opj_decompress tiffdump pamaddnoise p7env ttx h5unjam pbmtogem ppmspread ppmddumpfont fc-pattern mpiexec.hydra ilbmtoppm shadergen sip-install pbmtox10bm pnmfile assimp vtkProbeOpenGLVersion-9.2 gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders wheel3.9 unxz ppmdmkfont lrelease pbmtolps hwloc-distrib tiff2bw pammasksharpen balsamui jiv freetype-config fbectest pip3 exrmultipart pgmnorm gr2fonttest crlutil qt-cmake-standalone-test unprocessed_raw gnutls-serv sunicontopnm exrmultiview pcre2test gdbus-codegen fc-validate pamtopdbimg cjpeg autom4te visualinfo g77 ppmchange h5stat escp2topbm jpegtran guile-tools gvpack h5ls exrmaketiled wordforms lstopo pbmminkowski libpng16-config heif-info dertimetest addbuiltin yuvtoppm xzegrep gsettings ps2pdfwr btoa gv2gxl VBoxManage pngfix python3.7-config zeisstopnm ps2pdf12 pdfattach xmlto nccopy glib-compile-schemas webpmux pamscale pgmtopgm bltest fc-query tiffcmp brotli pnmtopng sip-build icpc-2022.0.0 cameratopam pnmtojpeg pyuic6 yuvsplittoppm rasttopnm exr2aces ppmtopjxl pk11mode tiff2pdf pbmtoicon ebrowse pbmreduce ppmdist pamsistoaglyph twopi pbmtozinc unlzma pgmtexture pbmto4425 ppmdim pbmpscale ppmtopuzz ybmtopbm pbmtomgr pbmtopi3 hdifftopam pamexec ppmtowinicon diffimg Magick++-config pktopbm lz4cat pgmtolispm gdk-pixbuf-csource remtest fiascotopnm pamdepth update-mime-database VBoxHeadless qdbusxml2cpp svnrdump digest gsdj pdfsig psktool hwloc-calc gif2h5 stream pnmarith pjtoppm pyvenv-3.7 baddbdir xzfgrep sirtopnm gtstemplate webpinfo shlibsign pk12util gdtopng hwloc-info h5jam libpng-config exrinfo pnmscalefixed gdbm_dump pbmtomda pdf2dsc graphml2gv pamtompfont gobject-query brushtopbm ps2pdf14 dbus-launch pnmsmooth asn1Coding pnmenlarge brew pnmtopclxl fstopgm pgmdeshadow vmaf gsnd ppmtopi1 ps2pdf13 ppmdcfont h5cc bmptopnm pnminterp g3topbm pamgetcolor pbmtoascii hunspell pnmcrop pnmtopalm pamsplit pbmlife pamundice xpmtoppm lz4 rletopnm fonttools pngtogd2 mpivars msgen sgitopnm pbmtoepsi pylupdate6 sldtoppm patchwork pnmflip eyuvtoppm pdftocairo raw-identify autoupdate gs-X11 python3.8 pnmtosir sccmap pambackground manweb symkeyutil aec svnfsfs munch pdbimgtopam jpeg2ktopam pnmtotiff pamshadedrelief python3.7m mdatopbm ppmtoeyuv ppmntsc djpeg rawtextdump picttoppm giftopnm pnmindex pnmshear zopfli conflict pnmtile pdfunite annotate msgmerge pamtopnm happrox pamunlookup pamlevels tiffcrop neotoppm wbmptopbm sdbthreadtst pbmtobbnbg qmlformat h5mkgrp gvmap pamrgbatopng rlatopam dbus-test-tool python3.7m-config pgmramp pnmcomp pamtooctaveimg gio-querymodules mpif77 zstdgrep pamtohtmltbl pcdindex ppmtoneo fribidi icc ppmtosixel pnmtorast h5format_convert gts2dxf pnmhisteq gemtopbm idle3 qtpaths6 python3.9-config gdcmpgif nettle-pbkdf2 python3.7 envsubst xz ppmdither pphs pi1toppm pampaintspill spctoppm cairo-trace gsdj500 VirtualBox pbmtomatrixorbital gdparttopng mgrtopbm h5repack gnutls-cli-debug ximtoppm glib-compile-resources python3.9 pamtogif ppmtoacad vboxwebsrv mogrify msginit strsclnt certutil unmunch emacs ps2ascii emacsclient dbus-send benchmark_xl pdfseparate pamdice svnlook macptopbm composite pamtosvg pbmtogo VBoxDTrace pkcs1-conv neato ppmtolj ppmtoxpm img2webp giftext mpichversion hwloc-ls pamstretch-gen pbmmask qdbusviewer vtkpython pdftotext ppmglobe tiffdither sputoppm mpicc cmuwmtopbm chktest htop pngtopnm pamstereogram python3-config pango-segmentation f2py ps2pdf tiffset pamflip pfmtopam avstopam f2py3.8 vboximg-mount tgatoppm gnutls-certtool giftogd2 pbmtextps pango-view aomdec multinit ispellaff2myspell ppmpat pamtoxvmini hpcdtoppm h5watch dbus-daemon pi3topbm pbmtoepson pnmnorm ppmtobmp tiff2ps pnmtoxwd pf2afm pamcrater half_mt fipstest delaunay osage pango-list sip-distinfo hb-ot-shape-closure qrttoppm heif-thumbnailer gts2stl ppmtoarbtxt ppm3d cudominercli hwloc-patch httpserv giffix pamcomp h5c++ pfbtopfa lzless cistopbm pk1sign pamedge gvgen qsb svnmucc zsh-5.9 pbmtoatk ppmtoterm vbox-img tiffinfo cairo-sphinx ppmdraw pnmconvol pgmoil gresource bioradtopgm psidtopgm avifenc heif-convert pdfimages pamtopfm ocsptool idn pamtojpeg2k pamwipeout pamsummcol jpegtopnm glibtool hipstopgm ppmtopict svnadmin shapegen chmorph gettext pnmcat pgmminkowski cpp icc-2022.0 gvpr gtester-report nop pc1toppm pgmabel atktopbm ppmtogif pbmclean glibtoolize ppmrelief gettext.sh ctest qdistancefieldgenerator avifdec parkill pamfixtrunc svndumpfilter xzless pal2rgb zstd qtpaths VBoxBalloonCtrl exrmakepreview gslp msgcmp lzcmp pnmstitch cjpeg_hdr circo pcre2-config gd2topng ppmtoicr nuget lconvert pydoc3.9 xzcat pamhue mrftopbm gxl2gv svnsync unrar multirender_test pamthreshold autoreconf pamstack jbig2dec signver VBoxAutostart dbtoepub pdffonts pbmtocmuwm ncdump transicc exrstdattr wrjpgcom mpicxx pnmtofiasco pydoc3.7 ppmquant postprocessing_benchmark rsaperf autoconf lz4c pbmtoplot pbmmake pnmtotiffcmyk pamtoavs pbmtosunicon qmllint pip3.10 compare androidtestrunner gifbuild pamsumm pnmpsnr printafm h5diff ppmtopgm msgcat acyclic aomenc pbmtopk gml2gv zstdcat dbus-update-activation-environment pgmbentley autoheader hwloc-gather-cpuid gtscheck pamendian imginfo rawtopgm gif2webp Designer ps2ps2 h5clear dbus-run-session qmlls psicc pcretest gslj p11tool recode-sr-latin ps2epsi VBoxBugReport glib-gettextize xzcmp pdftops pamtofits gouldtoppm unpigz giftool lzcat pnmtorle svnversion androiddeployqt pamoil pbmtoibm23xx jpgicc sfdp gc pydoc3.8 pgmmedian nettle-hash hwloc-diff yuv-distortion gdk-pixbuf-thumbnailer pammixinterlace pbmtopsg3 nonspr10 lstopo-no-graphics fc-cache unlz4 analyze encodeinttest ppmtopj pampop9 selfserv dbus-cleanup-sockets idle3.7 pnmremap hwloc-ps gdbus pcxtoppm gsbj trust unix-lpr.sh zstdmt dbus-uuidgen cmsutil fc-cat display pdftoppm ppmtospu ppmcolors ppmtoleaf VirtualBoxVM conjure lzdiff h5redeploy idle3.9 pgmtost4 dijkstra pnmtopnm pgmedge pamvalidate gdbmtool sbigtopgm vtkWrapHierarchy-9.2 msgexec pyuic5 gvmap.sh pamtotiff cloc glib-genmarshal pcre-config ngettext nspr-config pyvenv ppmhist pdfdetach dot_builtins prune winicontoppm listsuites ssltap nss-policy-check h5debug pgmmorphconv md2html pamlookup dwebp xbmtopbm ppmtoyuv ppmtomap pgmcrater doxygen ifnames pnmalias pnmcolormap pammixmulti pgmtopbm rsvg-convert pixeltool qdbus pbmto10x ocspclnt tjbench ppmtopcx srptool qmleasing qdbuscpp2xml gd2copypal pdf2ps ppmrough qtdiag6 ppmmake x265 lzmadec fax2ps pnmmercator stl2gts rgb3toppm fc-match pnmgamma infotopam svnbench mangle eps2eps idle3.8 h5repart lzgrep gts-config msgunfmt pnmtoplainpnm instancer pamdeinterlace pamgradient h5import pnmsplit tiffcp lprsetup.sh fdp signtool lzmore xvminitoppm hydra_persist pamfile danetool zsh h5fc vtkWrapJava-9.2 mpiexec nettle-lfib-stream pnmnlfilt pamtouil makealias pamtodjvurle vtkWrapPythonInit-9.2 pgmtofs qtdiag pngtogd pnmmargin bcomps pamchannel pnmquantall pbmtomacp f2py3 pbmtext import zopflipng pnmpad ppmwheel exrenvmap ppmlabel thinkjettopbm pnmquant pbmupc msgfilter winicontopam pamtosrf pamditherbw pbmtoptx pgmnoise pbmtolj lzfgrep pamarith exrheader magick python3.8-config ccomps fc-conflist qt-cmake-private 2to3-3.7 glib-mkenums xzmore magick-script asn1Parser hb-view nc-config pnmdepth pammosaicknit idn2 ppmquantall cwebp tiffmedian 2to3-3.9 transform ppmshift yuy2topam mpic++ pamenlarge sip-wheel xzgrep mpifort pamgauss guile pydoc3 pamtotga hb-shape guile-snarf pbmtoln03 pstopnm ppmtompeg ncgen3 edgepaint svgtopam hydra_nameserver lzma qtplugininfo gdbm_load qmlscene pamcut modutil jasper gemtopnm pbmtoybm spottopgm pamfix ncgen p11-kit qmlpreview st4topgm icc-2022.0.0 4channels srftopam pnmmontage nss-config pylupdate5 pyftmerge glewinfo tstclnt 2to3-3.8 rdjpgcom vtkWrapPython-9.2 ppmbrighten icontopbm lzegrep mem_image cpack rd-curves qmake6 validation raw2tiff pamtris msgfmt ppmtoapplevol dbtest gnutls-cli pgmtoppm guile-config ppm2tiff affixcompress sdrtest xzdiff msgattrib gvcolor imgcmp pcregrep crmftest pk11ectest tiff2rgba makepqg p7content pamtopam pamrubber convert pamtowinicon secmodtest ppmtoascii xgettext hb-subset cjxl ppmtv ppmtomitsu imgtoppm gio hwloc-annotate qt-cmake xmlif pamtopng ppmnorm ppmcolormask pamtable pnmscale h5dump .keepme fc-scan gettextize guild VBoxVRDP msguniq bmptoppm pnmtojbig /usr/bin: ptargrep5.30 uux cpan loads.d htmltree5.30 write lwp-mirror5.30 indent bzip2recover hdiutil top javah tee tidy_changelog binhex5.18.pl xip yapp wsimport bzfgrep qlmanage snmptranslate split chsh stty.pl xml2man pl2pm5.30 man lpoptions tabs rview lsvfs zgrep dbiprof zmore cpanp-run-perl pod2usage5.30 gcov package-stash-conflicts5.30 dbiprof5.30 vim mandoc_soelim macerror5.18 xjc lwp-request5.18 bzmore dyld_info package-stash-conflicts cancel apply bzgrep umask g++ libtool pre-grohtml colcrt findrule5.30 ptar5.30 unalias h2xs5.30 mp2bug groff mkfifo toe hexdump spfd5.18 crc325.18 Rez cap_mkdb ictool cmp syscallbypid.d snmpset locate trustcachectl afconvert afclip tidy_changelog5.30 bzegrep neqn instmodsh extcheck javapackager pl compress corelist5.18 fddist db_upgrade diagnose-fu yamlpp-load-dump ctags iptab5.18 zdiff yamlpp-parse-emit pathchk mesg setregion perlivp yamlpp-highlight5.30 xpath5.30 c++ pod2readme pp vi iofileb.d errinfo zipgrep pod2usage alias wait safaridriver bzdiff unpack200 corelist expand strings appletviewer idlj wall brctl gm4 db_hotbackup auvaltool applesingle scandeps5.30.pl clang ibtool tty demandoc git-receive-pack infotocap pkill pwhich5.18 cups-config basename nclist objdump install native2ascii c99 desdp binhex lsmp xmllint texi2pdf yamlpp-highlight last vm_stat syslog spfquery5.18 net-snmp-cert treereg5.30 nslookup prove5.18 vimdiff topsyscall libnetcfg cpan5.30 c++filt avbdiagnose nice perlivp5.18 xcscontrol calendar locale strip symbolscache tfmtodit trace tops lprm tiffutil du diff3 cupstestppd json_pp5.30 sw_vers fs_usage host jarsigner app-sso grolbp nscurl logger caffeinate pod2html5.30 say net-snmp-create-v3-user lwp-download5.18 plutil python3 avbutil xcode-select libnetcfg5.30 powermetrics moose-outdated c2ph net-server cvmkdir ldapmodify iofile.d join SafeEjectGPU snmpdelta ssh-keyscan renice xxd clangd scandeps.pl nettop ppdmerge snmpconf xsltproc osascript troff iotop mmroff lex encguess ctf_insert csplit splain5.30 iconv captoinfo snmpinform lsbom pbcopy sort xpath snmpdf whoami sc_usage jot ocspcheck mkbom groffer ldapurl json_xs pkgbuild yamlpp-events cpuwalk.d cvmkfile update_dyld_shared_cache ldapmodrdn systemextensionsctl file db_printlog sourcekit-lsp debinhex5.30.pl hash bc fontrestore mg sfltool less pod2latex bunzip2 touch rmic dispqlen.d db_archive refer getopt instmodsh5.30 krb5-config security hiutil ip2cc5.30 pip3 enc2xs5.18 lastwords rmid podchecker5.18 sed ld dbilogstrip5.30 awk ip2cc syscallbyproc.d umtool snmpstatus uudecode psm fmt perlthanks5.18 zless xslt-config sdef pod2man5.18 ncctl jmc pod2text bashbug mail yamlpp-parse-emit5.30 chpass sips xcrun bzcmp lldb chfn ipcount newaliases nano eyapp5.18 pfbtops lam pod2readme5.30 ipptool irb ptardiff bzless sysdiagnose logname tset chgrp cu grops printenv yamlpp-load-dump5.30 unvis grotty shasum5.30 atq seq fc AssetCacheManagerUtil colldef net-server5.30 jdb perl5.30 wish uname hpmdiagnose timer_analyser.d jstack parl unzip stty5.18.pl db_stat rmiregistry json_pp test-yaml ptardiff5.30 zprint kinit mib2c od bsdtar perl findrule tbtdiagnose mcxquery lwp-download ppdpo crontab reset kextutil par5.30.pl bzcat dbicadmin ex perlbug zipdetails5.18 jvisualvm footprint lsappinfo eqn db_load fwkdp piconv read ipcount5.18 perlbug5.18 snmpusm piconv5.18 execsnoop pagesize lp base64 ptargrep jar h2ph readlink opensnoop rake rvim jcmd dmc vimtutor perldoc5.30 xgettext5.30.pl from prove newproc.d gencat mdutil znew podchecker mcxrefresh colrm dbilogstrip pagestuff crlrefresh headerdoc2html lwp-dump5.18 tbl jrunscript find2perl filtercalltree afhash sandbox-exec snmpvacm stapler codecctl fwkpfv sftp wc jps rsync osacompile yamlpp-load5.30 hdxml2manxml gzcat dbiproxy5.18 delv thermal pico podselect5.18 IOMFB_FDR_Loader shasum comm resolveLinks xcdebug dbicadmin5.30 lpq java bundle gzip yamlpp-events5.30 zipcloak git-upload-archive xml2-config encode_keychange traptoemail gcc smbutil diff ri agvtool cksum indxbib segedit zipnote ptar printf soelim AssetCacheTetheratorUtil column ldapexop ippfind syscallbysysc.d groups dwarfdump ppdc rs spfd config_data slogin latency lsm h2ph5.30 xar db_codegen dns-sd tab2space avconvert xsubpp5.30 jhsdb unzipsfx treereg parl5.30 csreq whatis gperf iconutil zipsplit lwp-dump pathopens.d tail whois nsupdate crc32 ldapdelete grep moose-outdated5.30 pstopdf rwbytype.d script pod2text5.30 vtool more ldapwhoami pl2pm h2ph5.18 ncinit tkmib cal afplay addftinfo time ssh-agent afktool gcore pwhich javap xed uuname javaws texindex env pr head xsubpp5.18 dsymutil clear manpath apropos units info curl-config kgetcred rev SplitForks uniq tclsh binhex5.30.pl productsign mklocale pod2text5.18 defaults tic zip uulog atrm curl wdutil agentxtrap db_verify servertool newgrp timerfires rpcgen swcutil perlthanks post-grohtml moose-outdated5.18 parldyn5.30 snmpnetstat lastcomm getconf kpasswd vis dbiproxy hpftodit ipcrm pic bputil net-snmp-config cpanp otool format-sql lwp-dump5.30 killall patch gdiffmk tailspin su ul compression_tool dbiproxy5.30 tkcon ssh podselect5.30 kdestroy yapp5.30 snmpgetnext type scandeps5.18.pl cpan2dist msgs xsubpp jhat tidy tftp assetutil AssetCacheLocatorUtil orbd usbcfwflasher networkQuality dbicadmin5.18 ktrace DeRez textutil xgettext.pl automator wsgen stat perldoc javac xcsdiagnose mdfind grodvi mdls codesign_allocate lookbib mddiagnose snmpbulkwalk keytool fileproviderctl binhex.pl dtruss dserr tiff2icns mandoc pbpaste policytool actool heap sum lskq macbinary ncdestroy nc snmptrap tsort uuencode cpp swift batch sqlite3 make dig ptardiff5.18 zipdetails5.30 macerror infocmp apt trimforce nm flex++ osadecompile IOAccelMemory config_data5.30 automationmodetool ssh-add machine wish8.5 screen snmpget piconv5.30 pcsctest codesign atos llvm-gcc mailq arch ssh-keygen snmptable kill.d ditto getopts users snmpbulkget ipcount5.30 sdp perlbug5.30 showmount taskinfo ar perldoc5.18 who mktemp unifdef yaa cut imptrace pack200 ippeveprinter hdid dc biff mailx odutil jsadebugd shortcuts xargs tkpp texi2dvi debinhex5.18.pl priclass.d topsysproc nl podchecker5.30 dbilogstrip5.18 view jjs spfquery sample bg lipo seeksize.d eyapp clang++ setuids.d aa shlock symbols perlthanks5.30 xctrace pod2man5.30 afmtodit gzexe json_xs5.30 genstrings at what sdx m4 asa iptab format-sql5.18 swiftc nfsstat eyapp5.30 uupick ipcs pod2readme5.18 pluginkit as net-server5.18 fold gnumake perl5.18 log tmutil checknr certtool vmmap shasum5.18 h2xs csrutil shar ldappasswd lkbib ResMerger bitesize.d db_checkpoint funzip power_report.sh iosnoop atsutil osalang dirname pod2man enc2xs moo-outdated iopending infokey ncal chflags derq fg rwbypid.d jmap dscl leaks splain5.18 nbdst mnthome jshell dsexport mdimport parldyn id procsystime cd quota uuto fuser dsimport git-shell ldapsearch command snmp-bridge-mib egrep notifyutil cc dsmemberutil podselect grn psed whereis tccutil a2p find jstat zcat ip2cc5.18 unifdefall jlink enc2xs5.30 nroff pridist.d size timesyncanalyse uttype uustat snmpwalk llvm-g++ scp instmodsh5.18 tnameserv true afinfo hidutil ldapadd pwpolicy profiles yacc kswitch xcodebuild tkpp5.30 test-yaml5.30 jobs c89 sudo update_mcdp29xx bioutil tmdiagnose plockstat xgettext5.18.pl serialver afida pgrep yes lessecho sdiff afscexpand treereg5.18 spfquery5.30 cpan5.18 db_deadlock ldapcompare unexpand prove5.30 perlivp5.30 git-upload-pack ssh-copy-id grolj4 fixproc debinhex.pl lorder pod2html5.18 ranlib javadoc tput fgrep par.pl json_pp5.18 sigdist.d ppdhtml libnetcfg5.18 auval erb dappprof openssl yamlpp-load drutil jinfo lwp-download5.30 splain pmset xmlcatalog zcmp rwsnoop jstatd lpr layerutil snmptest mib2c-update grog creatbyproc.d pstruct fdesetup flex hostinfo jcontrol lpstat SetFile pod2html tar rdoc uptime s2p pidpersec.d xpath5.18 schemagen avmediainfo corelist5.30 iptab5.30 cvcp false zegrep memory_pressure pp5.30 uncompress lwp-request ncurses5.4-config sampleproc db_recover nmedit filebyproc.d bison tclsh8.5 jdeps productbuild zipinfo diffstat login db_dump cpuctl cpu_profiler.d which bundler iopattern finger mig sntp klist open GetFileInfo kmutil localedef ruby stringdups htmltree ptargrep5.18 git tr lwp-mirror5.18 htmltree5.18 banner leave jconsole paste moo-outdated5.18 bzip2 pod2usage5.18 uucp passwd dbiprof5.18 package-stash-conflicts5.18 macerror5.30 uuidgen pl2pm5.18 install_name_tool cmpdylib makeinfo zfgrep aea snfsdefrag zipdetails look findrule5.18 col dscacheutil syscapturediags ptar5.18 lwp-request5.30 zforce lwp-mirror malloc_history cpio nohup 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texexec listbib lualatex pmxab jfmutil pdfmex tftopl mltex amstex pbibtex pstops mex bibdoiadd pdfflip updmap dvipos luaotfload-tool epspdftk updmap-sys mktextfm texfot checklistings rpdfcrop a5toa4 installfont-tl pdfcrop pdfannotextractor /usr/local/share/dotnet: sdk-manifests host ThirdPartyNotices.txt shared additionalDeps dotnet packs sdk templates LICENSE.txt metadata store /opt/X11/bin: xfs xfsinfo atobm xdpyinfo showrgb xlsfonts editres fonttosfnt xfontsel xclock xmore xman xmag xrefresh fc-list xauth twm cxpm mkfontdir xclipboard png-fix-itxt beforelight ucs2any xterm bdftruncate xsetroot xmessage xcursorgen fc-pattern xkbvleds xkbbell freetype-config Xephyr fc-validate bitmap libpng16-config pngfix fc-query xkbprint luit xhost gtf listres Xorg libpng-config koi8rxterm xpr xstdcmap xgc mkfontscale setxkbmap xinit Xquartz xbacklight xdm xcmsdb xdpr xrdb xlsclients xprop xkeystone xeyes Xvfb Xnest xev startx xkbwatch xscope xfd sessreg xwud lndir xinput xconsole glxinfo sxpm xsetmode fslsfonts xcompmgr xrandr bmtoa xwd xmodmap glxgears fc-cache iceauth cvt xcutsel bdftopcf fc-cat xsetpointer xkbevd quartz-wm xsm appres xset xlsatoms fc-match oclock resize showfont xditview xwininfo xvinfo xcalc fc-conflist xgamma viewres ico X xedit smproxy xkill xkbcomp xload font_cache xmh xlogo fstobdf uxterm fc-scan Warning accessing ~/.dotnet/tools gives errors: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '~/.dotnet/tools' /Library/Apple/usr/bin: rvictl /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands: mono-api-info resgen ikdasm xsp4 genxs cert-sync msbuild mdoc sgen aprofutil xsp2 csi dbsessmgr2 mdoc-update xbuild al dbsessmgr4 ir disco lc signcode sqlmetal irw mono-shlib-cop ipy64 mono-configuration-crypto macpack soapsuds dtd2rng asp-state mdoc-export-msxdoc mono-service2 mono-find-provides gapi2-codegen wsdl2 monodocs2slashdoc ccrewrite mdoc-export-html ipyw64 fastcgi-mono-server4 al2 cert2spc dtd2xsd fsharpi cccheck mod-mono-server monodocer vbnc2 certmgr 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============================================================================================= TESTING: configureExternalPackagesDir from config.framework(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/framework.py:1045) Set alternative directory external packages are built in serialEvaluation: initial cxxDialectRanges ('c++11', 'c++17') serialEvaluation: new cxxDialectRanges ('c++11', 'c++17') child config.utilities.macosFirewall took 0.000084 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDebuggers from config.utilities.debuggers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/utilities/debuggers.py:20) Find a default debugger and determine its arguments Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin/lldb...not found Checking for program /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64/lldb...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac/lldb...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /opt/local/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /opt/local/sbin/lldb...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/lldb...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/lldb...found Defined make macro "LLDB" to "/usr/bin/lldb" Defined "USE_DEBUGGER" to ""lldb"" Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /opt/local/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /opt/local/sbin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/dsymutil...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/dsymutil...found Defined make macro "DSYMUTIL" to "/usr/bin/dsymutil" Defined make macro "DSYMUTIL" to "/usr/bin/dsymutil" Defined "DO_NOT_SWAP_CHILD_FOR_DEBUGGER" to "1" child config.utilities.debuggers took 0.002059 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureDirectories from PETSc.options.petscdir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/petscdir.py:22) Checks PETSC_DIR and sets if not set PETSC_VERSION_RELEASE of 1 indicates the code is from a release branch or a branch created from a release branch. Version Information: #define PETSC_VERSION_RELEASE 1 #define PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define PETSC_VERSION_MINOR 18 #define PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR 3 #define PETSC_VERSION_DATE "Dec 28, 2022" #define PETSC_VERSION_GIT "v3.18.3" #define PETSC_VERSION_DATE_GIT "2022-12-28 12:58:50 -0600" #define PETSC_VERSION_EQ(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_ PETSC_VERSION_EQ #define PETSC_VERSION_LT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_LE(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_GT(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ #define PETSC_VERSION_GE(MAJOR,MINOR,SUBMINOR) \ child PETSc.options.petscdir took 0.001387 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: getDatafilespath from PETSc.options.dataFilesPath(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/dataFilesPath.py:29) Checks what DATAFILESPATH should be child PETSc.options.dataFilesPath took 0.000243 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureGit from config.sourceControl(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/sourceControl.py:24) Find the Git executable Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/git...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin/git...not found Checking for program /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64/git...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac/git...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin/git...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin/git...not found Checking for program /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin/git...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/git...not found Checking for program /opt/local/bin/git...not found Checking for program /opt/local/sbin/git...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/git...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/git...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/git...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/git...found Defined make macro "GIT" to "git" Executing: git --version stdout: git version 2.32.1 (Apple Git-133) ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureMercurial from config.sourceControl(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/sourceControl.py:35) Find the Mercurial executable Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin/hg...not found Checking for program /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64/hg...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac/hg...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /opt/local/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /opt/local/sbin/hg...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /bin/hg...not found Checking for program /usr/sbin/hg...not found Checking for program /sbin/hg...not found Checking for program /Library/TeX/texbin/hg...not found Checking for program /usr/local/share/dotnet/hg...not found Checking for program /opt/X11/bin/hg...not found Checking for program ~/.dotnet/tools/hg...not found Checking for program /Library/Apple/usr/bin/hg...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/hg...not found Checking for program /Applications/Xamarin Workbooks.app/Contents/SharedSupport/path-bin/hg...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/lib/petsc/bin/win32fe/hg...not found child config.sourceControl took 0.017488 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureInstallationMethod from PETSc.options.petscclone(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/petscclone.py:20) Determine if PETSc was obtained via git or a tarball This is a tarball installation child PETSc.options.petscclone took 0.000417 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: setNativeArchitecture from PETSc.options.arch(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/arch.py:29) Forms the arch as GNU's configure would form it ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureArchitecture from PETSc.options.arch(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/arch.py:42) Checks if PETSC_ARCH is set and sets it if not set No previous hashfile found Setting hashfile: macos-gnu-opt/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash Deleting configure hash file: macos-gnu-opt/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash Unable to delete configure hash file: macos-gnu-opt/lib/petsc/conf/configure-hash child PETSc.options.arch took 0.022260 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: setInstallDir from PETSc.options.installDir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:31) Set installDir to either prefix or if that is not set to PETSC_DIR/PETSC_ARCH Defined make macro "PREFIXDIR" to "/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt" ============================================================================================= TESTING: saveReconfigure from PETSc.options.installDir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:76) Save the configure options in a script in PETSC_ARCH/lib/petsc/conf so the same configure may be easily re-run ============================================================================================= TESTING: cleanConfDir from PETSc.options.installDir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:68) Remove all the files from configuration directory for this PETSC_ARCH, from --with-clean option ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureInstallDir from PETSc.options.installDir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:52) Makes installDir subdirectories if it does not exist for both prefix install location and PETSc work install location Changed persistence directory to /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/lib/petsc/conf ============================================================================================= TESTING: restoreReconfigure from PETSc.options.installDir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/installDir.py:90) If --with-clean was requested but restoring the reconfigure file was requested then restore it child PETSc.options.installDir took 0.001197 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: setExternalPackagesDir from PETSc.options.externalpackagesdir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/externalpackagesdir.py:15) Set location where external packages will be downloaded to ============================================================================================= TESTING: cleanExternalpackagesDir from PETSc.options.externalpackagesdir(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/externalpackagesdir.py:23) Remove all downloaded external packages, from --with-clean child PETSc.options.externalpackagesdir took 0.000263 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: configureCLanguage from PETSc.options.languages(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/PETSc/options/languages.py:28) Choose whether to compile the PETSc library using a C or C++ compiler C language is C Defined "CLANGUAGE_C" to "1" Defined make macro "CLANGUAGE" to "C" child PETSc.options.languages took 0.000430 seconds ============================================================================================= TESTING: resetEnvCompilers from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2653) Remove compilers from the shell environment so they do not interfere with testing ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkEnvCompilers from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2670) Set configure compilers from the environment, from -with-environment-variables ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkMPICompilerOverride from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2623) Check if --with-mpi-dir is used along with CC CXX or FC compiler options. This usually prevents mpi compilers from being used - so issue a warning ============================================================================================= TESTING: requireMpiLdPath from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:2644) OpenMPI wrappers require LD_LIBRARY_PATH set ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkInitialFlags from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:723) Initialize the compiler and linker flags Initialized CFLAGS to Initialized CFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized CUDAFLAGS to Initialized CUDAFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized HIPFLAGS to Initialized HIPFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized SYCLFLAGS to Initialized SYCLFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized CXXFLAGS to Initialized CXX_CXXFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized FFLAGS to Initialized FFLAGS to Initialized LDFLAGS to Initialized CPPFLAGS to Initialized FPPFLAGS to Initialized CUDAPPFLAGS to -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets Initialized CXXPPFLAGS to Initialized HIPPPFLAGS to Initialized SYCLPPFLAGS to Initialized CC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized CXX_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized FC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized CUDAC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized HIPC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized SYCLC_LINKER_FLAGS to [] Initialized sharedLibraryFlags to [] Initialized dynamicLibraryFlags to [] ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCCompiler from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1341) Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/local/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/local/sbin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/gcc...found Defined make macro "CC" to "gcc" Executing: gcc -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: gcc -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: gcc -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Executing: gcc -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: gcc -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 1 stderr: ld: library not found for -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Linker output before filtering: ld: library not found for -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) : Linker output after filtering: ld: library not found for -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation): ======== Checking running linked program Executing: gcc -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: gcc -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Testing executable /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest Executing: gcc --version stdout: Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316. Target: x86_64-apple-darwin21.6.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin Executing: gcc -v | head -n 20 ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCPreprocessor from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1384) Locate a functional C preprocessor Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/local/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /opt/local/sbin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/gcc...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/gcc...found Defined make macro "CPP" to "gcc -E" Preprocessing source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" #include Executing: gcc -E -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.c Preprocess output before filtering: : Preprocess output after filtering: : ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkCxxCompiler from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:1690) Locate a functional Cxx compiler Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/Anaconda3/condabin/g++...not found Checking for program /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2022.0.0/mac/bin/intel64/g++...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PESTPP/src/pestpp-5.0.10/bin/mac/g++...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PEST/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/macos-gnu-opt/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /opt/pgi/osx86-64/19.4/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /opt/local/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /opt/local/sbin/g++...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /usr/local/bin/g++...not found Checking for program /usr/bin/g++...found Defined make macro "CXX" to "g++" Executing: g++ -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: g++ -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: g++ -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Executing: g++ -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: g++ -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm Possible ERROR while running linker: exit code 1 stderr: ld: library not found for -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Linker output before filtering: ld: library not found for -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) : Linker output after filtering: ld: library not found for -lpetsc-ufod4vtr9mqHvKIQiVAm clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation): ======== Checking running linked program Executing: g++ -c -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o -I/var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.cc Successful compile: Source: #include "confdefs.h" #include "conffix.h" int main() { ; return 0; } Executing: g++ -o /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest.o Testing executable /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest to see if it can be run Executing: /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest Running Executable with threads to time it out at 60 Executing: /var/folders/jm/wcm4mv8s3v1gqz383tcf_4c00000gp/T/petsc-m2h1k0dg/config.setCompilers/conftest Executing: g++ --version stdout: Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316. Target: x86_64-apple-darwin21.6.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin ============================================================================================= TESTING: checkDeviceHostCompiler from config.setCompilers(/Users/danyangsu/Soft/PETSc/petsc-3.18.3/config/BuildSystem/config/setCompilers.py:747) Set the host compiler (HC) of the device compiler (DC) to the HC unless the DC already explicitly sets its HC. This may be needed if the default HC used by the DC is ancient and PETSc uses a different HC (e.g., through --with-cxx=...). Executing: g++ --help | head -n 20 stdout: OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler USAGE: clang [options] file... OPTIONS: -### Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation --amdgpu-arch-tool= Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system. --analyzer-output Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text). --analyze Run the static analyzer -arcmt-migrate-emit-errors Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them -arcmt-migrate-report-output Output path for the plist report -B Search $prefix/$triple-$file and $prefix$file for executables, libraries, includes, and data files used by the compiler. $prefix may or may not be a directory -CC Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output -cl-denorms-are-zero OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero. -cl-fast-relaxed-math OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__. -cl-finite-math-only OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf. Executing: g++ --help stdout: OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler USAGE: clang [options] file... OPTIONS: -### Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation --amdgpu-arch-tool= Tool used for detecting AMD GPU arch in the system. --analyzer-output Static analyzer report output format (html|plist|plist-multi-file|plist-html|sarif|sarif-html|text). --analyze Run the static analyzer -arcmt-migrate-emit-errors Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them -arcmt-migrate-report-output Output path for the plist report -B Search $prefix/$triple-$file and $prefix$file for executables, libraries, includes, and data files used by the compiler. $prefix may or may not be a directory -CC Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output -cl-denorms-are-zero OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero. -cl-fast-relaxed-math OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__. -cl-finite-math-only OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf. -cl-fp32-correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt OpenCL only. Specify that single precision floating-point divide and sqrt used in the program source are correctly rounded. -cl-kernel-arg-info OpenCL only. Generate kernel argument metadata. -cl-mad-enable OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise MAD computations in the generated binary. -cl-no-signed-zeros OpenCL only. Allow use of less precise no signed zeros computations in the generated binary. -cl-no-stdinc OpenCL only. Disables all standard includes containing non-native compiler types and functions. -cl-opt-disable OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. By default optimizations are enabled. -cl-single-precision-constant OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant. -cl-std= OpenCL language standard to compile for. -cl-strict-aliasing OpenCL only. This option is added for compatibility with OpenCL 1.0. -cl-uniform-work-group-size OpenCL only. Defines that the global work-size be a multiple of the work-group size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations. Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable. --config Specifies configuration file --cuda-compile-host-device Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations. --cuda-device-only Compile CUDA code for device only --cuda-host-only Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations. --cuda-include-ptx= Include PTX for the following GPU architecture (e.g. sm_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once. --cuda-noopt-device-debug Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations. --cuda-path-ignore-env Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation --cuda-path= CUDA installation path -cuid= An ID for compilation unit, which should be the same for the same compilation unit but different for different compilation units. It is used to externalize device-side static variables for single source offloading languages CUDA and HIP so that they can be accessed by the host code of the same compilation unit. -cxx-isystem Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path -C Include comments in preprocessed output -c Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps -dD Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output -dependency-dot Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to -dependency-file Filename (or -) to write dependency output to -dI Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal output -dM Print macro definitions in -E mode instead of normal output -dsym-dir Directory to output dSYM's (if any) to -D = Define to (or 1 if omitted) -emit-ast Emit Clang AST files for source inputs -emit-interface-stubs Generate Interface Stub Files. -emit-llvm Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files -emit-merged-ifs Generate Interface Stub Files, emit merged text not binary. --emit-static-lib Enable linker job to emit a static library. -enable-trivial-auto-var-init-zero-knowing-it-will-be-removed-from-clang Trivial automatic variable initialization to zero is only here for benchmarks, it'll eventually be removed, and I'm OK with that because I'm only using it to benchmark -E Only run the preprocessor -faapcs-bitfield-load Follows the AAPCS standard that all volatile bit-field write generates at least one load. (ARM only). -faapcs-bitfield-width Follow the AAPCS standard requirement stating that volatile bit-field width is dictated by the field container type. (ARM only). -faccess-control -faddrsig Emit an address-significance table -faligned-allocation Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions -fallow-editor-placeholders Treat editor placeholders as valid source code -faltivec-src-compat= Source-level compatibility for Altivec vectors (for PowerPC targets). This includes results of vector comparison (scalar for 'xl', vector for 'gcc') as well as behavior when initializing with a scalar (splatting for 'xl', element zero only for 'gcc'). For 'mixed', the compatibility is as 'gcc' for 'vector bool/vector pixel' and as 'xl' for other types. Current default is 'mixed'. -fansi-escape-codes Use ANSI escape codes for diagnostics -fapinotes-cache-path= Does nothing; API notes are no longer cached separately from modules -fapinotes-modules Enable module-based external API notes support -fapinotes-swift-version= Specify the Swift version to use when filtering API notes -fapinotes Enable external API notes support -fapple-kext Use Apple's kernel extensions ABI -fapple-link-rtlib Force linking the clang builtins runtime library -fapple-pragma-pack Enable Apple gcc-compatible #pragma pack handling -fapplication-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions -fasm-blocks -fasync-exceptions Enable EH Asynchronous exceptions -fautolink -fbasic-block-sections= Place each function's basic blocks in unique sections (ELF Only) : all | labels | none | list= -fbinutils-version= Produced object files can use all ELF features supported by this binutils version and newer. If -fno-integrated-as is specified, the generated assembly will consider GNU as support. 'none' means that all ELF features can be used, regardless of binutils support. Defaults to 2.26. -fblocks Enable the 'blocks' language feature -fborland-extensions Accept non-standard constructs supported by the Borland compiler -fbranch-target-identification Emit branch target identification instructions for indirect branch destinations -fbuild-session-file= Use the last modification time of as the build session timestamp -fbuild-session-timestamp=