# -*- Mode: Makefile -*- ### This makefile produces an executable for each name in the `ebase' ### variable using the libraries named in the `LibNames' variable. # Included makefiles need an absolute path to the Chombo installation # CHOMBO_HOME := Please set the CHOMBO_HOME locally (e.g. export CHOMBO_HOME=... in bash) PETSC_INCLUDE=/cosma/home/dp092/dc-evst1/petsc/include PETSC_LIB=/cosma/home/dp092/dc-evst1/petsc/lib # Figure out whether to build with Two Punctures include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/test LINK += $(PETSC_LIB) ifdef TWOPUNCTURES_SOURCE ifneq (,$(wildcard $(TWOPUNCTURES_SOURCE)/TwoPunctures.hpp)) $(info ================== Using TwoPunctures ==================) USE_TWOPUNCTURES := TRUE # Note this code requires linking with the GNU Scientific Library # In addition to the line below, the include paths to the relevant header # files might also need to be passed to the preprocessor/compiler XTRALIBFLAGS = -lgsl cxxcppflags = -DUSE_TWOPUNCTURES else $(error TWOPUNCTURES_SOURCE not set correctly) endif endif GRCHOMBO_SOURCE = ../../Source ebase := Main_BinaryBH LibNames := AMRTimeDependent AMRTools BoxTools src_dirs := $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/utils \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/simd \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/CCZ4 \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/BoxUtils \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/GRChomboCore \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/AMRInterpolator \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/TaggingCriteria \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/ApparentHorizonFinder \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/InitialConditions/BlackHoles \ $(GRCHOMBO_SOURCE)/BlackHoles ifeq ($(USE_TWOPUNCTURES),TRUE) src_dirs += $(TWOPUNCTURES_SOURCE) endif include $(CHOMBO_HOME)/mk/Make.test # The following variable must either be a path to petsc.pc or just "petsc" if petsc.pc # # has been installed to a system location or can be found in PKG_CONFIG_PATH. petsc.pc := $(PETSC_DIR)/$(PETSC_ARCH)/lib/pkgconfig/petsc.pc