[1639158859.377837] [sqg2e4:12525:0] mxm.c:196 MXM WARN The 'ulimit -s' on the system is set to 'unlimited'. This may have negative performance implications. Please set the stack size to the default value (10240) 0 SNES Function norm 0.000000000000e+00 DM Object: Mesh (ex56_) 1 MPI processes type: plex Mesh in 3 dimensions: 0-cells: 18 1-cells: 33 2-cells: 20 3-cells: 4 Labels: marker: 1 strata with value/size (1 (48)) Face Sets: 6 strata with value/size (6 (2), 5 (2), 3 (2), 4 (2), 1 (4), 2 (4)) depth: 4 strata with value/size (0 (18), 1 (33), 2 (20), 3 (4)) boundary: 1 strata with value/size (1 (66)) celltype: 4 strata with value/size (7 (4), 0 (18), 4 (20), 1 (33)) Field deformation: adjacency FEM 0 SNES Function norm 7.529825940191e+01 0 KSP Residual norm 1.915775836226e+02 1 KSP Residual norm 6.448962324996e-01 2 KSP Residual norm 4.909869169552e-03 3 KSP Residual norm 2.694691794905e-05 4 KSP Residual norm 7.126389575643e-08 1 SNES Function norm 4.734810707002e-08 0 KSP Residual norm 7.126389221026e-08 1 KSP Residual norm 2.819807823556e-10 2 KSP Residual norm 1.629078821952e-12 3 KSP Residual norm 1.160476448735e-14 4 KSP Residual norm 8.384860966944e-17 2 SNES Function norm 1.382827243108e-14 DM Object: Mesh (ex56_) 1 MPI processes type: plex Mesh in 3 dimensions: 0-cells: 75 1-cells: 170 2-cells: 128 3-cells: 32 Labels: celltype: 4 strata with value/size (0 (75), 1 (170), 4 (128), 7 (32)) depth: 4 strata with value/size (0 (75), 1 (170), 2 (128), 3 (32)) marker: 1 strata with value/size (1 (240)) Face Sets: 6 strata with value/size (6 (18), 5 (18), 3 (18), 4 (18), 1 (36), 2 (36)) boundary: 1 strata with value/size (1 (258)) Field deformation: adjacency FEM [0] 1) N= 27, max displ=5.5978550e+01, disp diff= 5.60e+01, error=3.997e+00, rate=3.9