*********************************************************************** Oracle VB 6.0.22 with Ubuntu 20.04 FAILED mat_tests-ex78_1 diff-tao_bound_tutorials-plate2f_1 diff-tao_bound_tutorials-plate2f_2 diff-tao_leastsquares_tutorials-chwirut1f_1 diff-vec_is_is_tutorials-ex2f_1 success 6492/8169 tests (79.5%) failed 5/8169 tests (0.1%) todo 212/8169 tests (2.6%) skip 1460/8169 tests (17.9%) Wall clock time for tests: 1096 sec Approximate CPU time (not incl. build time): CPU 2022 sec Timing summary (actual test time / total CPU time): mat_tests-ex44_mpiio_15: 56.29 sec / 57.79 sec ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex59_bddc_fetidp_ml_eqlimit_1: 51.87 sec / 53.27 sec dm_impls_stag_tests-ex6_1: 51.00 sec / 52.31 sec ksp_ksp_tutorials_-ex42-bddc_stokes_subdomainjump_deluxe: 50.56 sec / 51.73 sec ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex71_dmda_matis_elast_3d_glob: 50.48 sec / 51.64 sec *********************************************************************** Oracle VB 6.0.22 with Centos 8 FAILED mat_tests-ex78_1 diff-tao_bound_tutorials-plate2f_1 diff-tao_bound_tutorials-plate2f_2 diff-tao_leastsquares_tutorials-chwirut1f_1 diff-vec_is_is_tutorials-ex2f_1 success 6490/8168 tests (79.5%) failed 5/8168 tests (0.1%) todo 212/8168 tests (2.6%) skip 1461/8168 tests (17.9%) Wall clock time for tests: 1215 sec Approximate CPU time (not incl. build time): 2069.479999999986 sec Timing summary (actual test time / total CPU time): dm_tests-ex36_3dp1: 340.70 sec / 351.23 sec ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex73_mg_3lv_2mg_customcommsize: 89.19 sec / 91.99 sec ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex59_bddc_fetidp_ml_eqlimit_1: 54.15 sec / 55.92 sec mat_tests-ex44_mpiio_15: 51.29 sec / 52.89 sec ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex71_dmda_matis_elast_3d_loc: 47.31 sec / 48.93 sec *********************************************************************** WSL 1 with Ubuntu 20.04 FAILED mat_tests-ex78_1 diff-tao_bound_tutorials-plate2f_1 diff-tao_bound_tutorials-plate2f_2 diff-tao_leastsquares_tutorials-chwirut1f_1 diff-vec_is_is_tutorials-ex2f_1 success 6492/8169 tests (79.5%) failed 5/8169 tests (0.1%) todo 212/8169 tests (2.6%) skip 1460/8169 tests (17.9%) Wall clock time for tests: 1944 sec Approximate CPU time (not incl. build time): 688.5999999999992 sec Timing summary (actual test time / total CPU time): dm_tests-ex36_3dp1: 71.25 sec / 113.00 sec ksp_ksp_tutorials-ex56_2: 15.57 sec / 17.18 sec dm_impls_stag_tests-ex1_multidof_3: 11.31 sec / 13.03 sec dm_impls_stag_tests-ex1_zerodof_3: 11.12 sec / 12.82 sec dm_impls_stag_tests-ex1_basic_3: 11.01 sec / 12.53 sec ************************************************************************ MSYS2+MINGW64 FAILED mat_tests-ex215_herm mat_tests-ex215_hpd mat_tests-ex215_ns mat_tests-ex215_sym mat_tests-ex33_1 mat_tests-ex33_2 mat_tests-ex67f_1 mat_tests-ex78_1 * diff-snes_tutorials-ex19_ibcgs snes_tutorials-ex19_logviewmemory diff-sys_tests-ex31_1 sys_tests-ex51_1 diff-vec_is_is_tutorials-ex2f_1 * success 5847/7705 tests (75.9%) failed 13/7705 tests (0.2%) todo 212/7705 tests (2.8%) skip 1633/7705 tests (21.2%) Wall clock time for tests: 5233 sec Approximate CPU time (not incl. build time): 317.6100000000001 sec Timing summary (actual test time / total CPU time): mat_tests-ex51_1: 0.22 sec / 2.46 sec mat_tests-ex236_1: 0.21 sec / 0.22 sec ts_tutorials-ex41_e: 0.21 sec / 0.25 sec mat_tests-ex221_square: 0.20 sec / 4.35 sec dm_impls_stag_tests-ex5_1: 0.19 sec / 0.19 sec mat_tests-ex70_2: 0.19 sec / 1.96 sec dm_impls_plex_tutorials-ex6_7: 0.18 sec / 0.21 sec dm_impls_stag_tests-ex4_2d_1: 0.18 sec / 0.24 sec mat_tests-ex24_sl: 0.18 sec / 0.22 sec