Solving Fine Scale System Directly... Setting up linear system... Elapsed time is 1.335640 seconds. Solving linear system... sp\: bandwidth = 1000+1+1000. sp\: is A diagonal? no. sp\: is band density (0.00) > bandden (0.50) to try banded solver? no. sp\: is A triangular? no. sp\: is A morally triangular? no. sp\: is A a candidate for Cholesky (symmetric, real positive diagonal)? yes. sp\: is CHOLMOD's symbolic Cholesky factorization (with automatic reordering) successful? yes. sp\: is CHOLMOD's numeric Cholesky factorization successful? yes. sp\: is CHOLMOD's triangular solve successful? yes. CHOLMOD version 1.7.0, Sept 20, 2008: : status: OK Architecture: Linux sizeof(int): 4 sizeof(UF_long): 8 sizeof(void *): 8 sizeof(double): 8 sizeof(Int): 8 (CHOLMOD's basic integer) sizeof(BLAS_INT): 8 (integer used in the BLAS) Results from most recent analysis: Cholesky flop count: 1.8188e+10 Nonzeros in L: 4.4675e+07 memory blocks in use: 13 memory in use (MB): 628.8 peak memory usage (MB): 716.2 maxrank: update/downdate rank: 8 supernodal control: 1 40 (supernodal if flops/lnz >= 40) nmethods=0: default strategy: Try user permutation if given. Try AMD. Select best ordering tried. method 0: user permutation (if given) method 1: AMD (or COLAMD if factorizing AA') prune_dense: for pruning dense nodes: 10 a dense node has degree >= max(16,(10)*sqrt(n)) flop count: 1.8188e+10 nnz(L): 4.4675e+07 final_asis: TRUE, leave as is dbound: LDL' diagonal threshold: 0 Entries with abs. value less than dbound are replaced with +/- dbound. grow0: memory reallocation: 1.2 grow1: memory reallocation: 1.2 grow2: memory reallocation: 5 nrelax, zrelax: supernodal amalgamation rule: s = # columns in two adjacent supernodes z = % of zeros in new supernode if they are merged. Two supernodes are merged if (s <= 4) or (no new zero entries) or (s <= 16 and z < 80%) or (s <= 48 and z < 10%) or (z < 5%) OK Elapsed time is 2.354241 seconds. Total Elapsed time is 3.91647