bourdin@galerkin:Options $ ./testPrintOptions -h -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petsc Development GIT revision: v3.4.3-2316-gaf107cc GIT Date: 2014-01-15 10:14:00 -0600 The PETSc Team : : : Vector (Vec) options ------------------------------------------------- -vec_type : Vector type (one of) seq mpi standard shared (VecSetType) Vector (Vec) options ------------------------------------------------- -vec_type : Vector type (one of) seq mpi standard shared (VecSetType) Options for SEQAIJ matrix ------------------------------------------------- -mat_no_unroll: Do not optimize for inodes (slower) (None) -mat_no_inode: Do not optimize for inodes -slower- (None) -mat_inode_limit <5>: Do not use inodes larger then this value (None) Matrix (Mat) options ------------------------------------------------- -mat_block_size <-1>: Set the blocksize used to store the matrix (MatSetBlockSize) -mat_type : Matrix type (one of) mffd mpimaij seqmaij maij is shell composite mpiaij seqaij mpiaijperm seqaijperm seqaijcrl mpiaijcrl mpibaij seqbaij mpisbaij seqsbaij mpibstrm seqbstrm mpisbstrm seqsbstrm mpidense seqdense mpiadj scatter blockmat nest (MatSetType) -mat_is_symmetric: Checks if mat is symmetric on MatAssemblyEnd() (MatIsSymmetric) -mat_is_symmetric <0>: Checks if mat is symmetric on MatAssemblyEnd() (MatIsSymmetric) -mat_null_space_test: Checks if provided null space is correct in MatAssemblyEnd() (MatSetNullSpaceTest) -mat_new_nonzero_location_err: Generate an error if new nonzeros are created in the matrix structure (useful to test preallocation) (MatSetOption) -mat_new_nonzero_allocation_err: Generate an error if new nonzeros are allocated in the matrix structure (useful to test preallocation) (MatSetOption) Options for SEQAIJ matrix ------------------------------------------------- -mat_no_unroll: Do not optimize for inodes (slower) (None) -mat_no_inode: Do not optimize for inodes -slower- (None) -mat_inode_limit <5>: Do not use inodes larger then this value (None) Matrix (Mat) options ------------------------------------------------- -mat_block_size <-1>: Set the blocksize used to store the matrix (MatSetBlockSize) -mat_type : Matrix type (one of) mffd mpimaij seqmaij maij is shell composite mpiaij seqaij mpiaijperm seqaijperm seqaijcrl mpiaijcrl mpibaij seqbaij mpisbaij seqsbaij mpibstrm seqbstrm mpisbstrm seqsbstrm mpidense seqdense mpiadj scatter blockmat nest (MatSetType) -mat_is_symmetric: Checks if mat is symmetric on MatAssemblyEnd() (MatIsSymmetric) -mat_is_symmetric <0>: Checks if mat is symmetric on MatAssemblyEnd() (MatIsSymmetric) -mat_null_space_test: Checks if provided null space is correct in MatAssemblyEnd() (MatSetNullSpaceTest) -mat_new_nonzero_location_err: Generate an error if new nonzeros are created in the matrix structure (useful to test preallocation) (MatSetOption) -mat_new_nonzero_allocation_err: Generate an error if new nonzeros are allocated in the matrix structure (useful to test preallocation) (MatSetOption) Blaise -- Department of Mathematics and Center for Computation & Technology Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA Tel. +1 (225) 578 1612, Fax +1 (225) 578 4276