<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi</div><div> </div><div>I met a problem when trying to get a inverse matrix.</div><div> </div><div>The problem is like this:</div><div>I have a matrix P (m x k matrix, and k<<m) and a matrix A (m x m matrix, large SPD matrix). Now I want to get the inverse matrix of P(transpose)*A*p. </div>
<div>Since P(transpose)*A*p is only a k x k matrix, and PETSc only supports sequential direct solver, I want to store P(transpose)*A*p in MATSEQDENSE type. </div><div>And the questions are</div><div>1. given P and A are PETSc parallel matrix, for instance MATMPIAIJ, how can I get sequential dense matrix P(transpose)*A*p?</div>
<div>2. If I need to multiply P(transpose)*A*p with other parallel dense matrix, how I can do it?</div><div> </div><div>Thanks a lot.</div><div> </div><div>Cong</div></div>