import petsc4py, sys petsc4py.init(sys.argv) from petsc4py import PETSc # grid size and spacing m, n = 32, 32 hx = 1.0/(m-1) hy = 1.0/(n-1) # create sparse matrix A = PETSc.Mat() A.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) A.setSizes([m*n, m*n]) A.setType('aij') # sparse # precompute values for setting diagonal and non-diagonal entries diagv = 2.0/hx**2 + 2.0/hy**2 offdx = -1.0/hx**2 offdy = -1.0/hy**2 #print 'initialization completed' #print str(diagv) # loop over owned block of rows on this processor and insert entry values Istart, Iend = A.getOwnershipRange() #print 'Istart = ', Istart #print 'Iend = ', Iend for I in xrange(Istart, Iend) : A[I,I] = diagv #print 'set A[I,I]' i = I//n # map row number to j = I - i*n # grid coordinates if i > 0 : J = I-n; A[I,J] = offdx if i < m-1: J = I+n; A[I,J] = offdx if j > 0 : J = I-1; A[I,J] = offdy if j < n-1: J = I+1; A[I,J] = offdy # communicate off-processor values and setup internal data structures for performing parallel operations A.assemblyBegin() A.assemblyEnd() print 'assembly completed' # create linear solver ksp = PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) # use conjugate gradients ksp.setType('cg') # and incomplete Cholesky ksp.getPC().setType('icc') # obtain sol & rhs vectors x, b = A.getVecs() x.set(0) b.set(1) # and next solve ksp.setOperators(A) ksp.setFromOptions() ksp.solve(b, x) try: from matplotlib import pylab except ImportError: raise SystemExit("matplotlib not available") from numpy import mgrid X, Y = mgrid[0:1:1j*m,0:1:1j*n] Z = x[...].reshape(m,n) pylab.figure() pylab.contourf(X,Y,Z) pylab.plot(X.ravel(),Y.ravel(),'.k') pylab.axis('equal') pylab.colorbar()