0: [0] petscinitialize_(): (Fortran):PETSc successfully started: procs 2 1: [1] petscinitialize_(): (Fortran):PETSc successfully started: procs 2 1: [1] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS cn015.(none) 1: [1] petscinitialize_(): Running on machine: cn015 0: [0] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS cn015.(none) 0: [0] petscinitialize_(): Running on machine: cn015 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 max tags = 2147483647 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 max tags = 2147483647 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 max tags = 2147483647 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 max tags = 2147483647 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 0: [0] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0 0: [0] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs. 1: [1] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 645696 entries, uses 6 mallocs. 1: [1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 334296 X 334296; storage space: 0 unneeded,25888950 used 1: [1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0 1: [1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 81 1: [1] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 111432 nodes of 334296. Limit used: 5. Using Inode routines 0: [0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 346647 X 346647; storage space: 9900 unneeded,26861247 used 0: [0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 1608 0: [0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 81 0: [0] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 115549 nodes of 346647. Limit used: 5. Using Inode routines 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 0: [0] MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ(): Using block index set to define scatter 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 0: [0] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 3 scatter 0: [0] VecScatterCreate(): Special case: blocked indices to stride 0: [0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 346647 X 12234; storage space: 0 unneeded,308736 used 0: [0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0 0: [0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 51 1: [1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 334296 X 12210; storage space: 0 unneeded,308736 used 1: [1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0 1: [1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 45 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 0: [0] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC 1: [1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 0: [0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 0: [0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs. 0: [0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs. 0: [0] PCSetUp(): Setting PC with identical preconditioner 0: [0] PCSetUp(): Setting PC with identical preconditioner 0: [0] KSPDefaultConverged(): Linear solver has converged. Residual norm 7.553945158136e-05 is less than relative tolerance 1.000000000000e-06 times initial right hand side norm 7.578229492549e+01 at iteration 397 1: [1] Petsc_DelComm(): Removing reference to PETSc communicator imbedded in a user MPI_Comm m -2080374783 1: [1] Petsc_DelComm(): User MPI_Comm m 1140850689 is being freed, removing reference from inner PETSc comm to this outer comm 1: [1] PetscCommDestroy(): Deleting PETSc MPI_Comm -2080374783 1: [1] Petsc_DelCounter(): Deleting counter data in an MPI_Comm -2080374783 0: [0] Petsc_DelComm(): Removing reference to PETSc communicator imbedded in a user MPI_Comm m -2080374783 0: [0] Petsc_DelComm(): User MPI_Comm m 1140850689 is being freed, removing reference from inner PETSc comm to this outer comm 0: [0] PetscCommDestroy(): Deleting PETSc MPI_Comm -2080374783 0: [0] Petsc_DelCounter(): Deleting counter data in an MPI_Comm -2080374783